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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2015) — Today THE PLANET applauds a small victory for We The People in our never-ending battle against Big Brother and the excesses of government. It gives one faint hope that in our continuing fight to uphold privacy and our Constitutional protections, some inroads have been made.

We refer to the ruling of a federal appeals court ruling about the National Security Agency’s habit of bulk harvesting through Big Data the phone calls, text messages, and e-mails of private citizens. This is a practice that was long denied by the NSA until Edward Snowden, one of its employees, exposed the practice along with a shocking boatload of other agency abuses. Instead of winning a Nobel peace prize and hailed as a hero, Snowden is presently an outcast, having found asylum in Russia. It is a side issue but an important one: We would hope the first action of the new President in January 2016 is to pardon Snowden and bring him back to this country with all honors.

A Qualified Win, but a Win Nevertheless

The ruling came in a 3-0 vote by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan. In fact, THE PLANET wanted to be there in person, but business and deadlines precluded our attendance. That’s how important this issue is to us — and should be to any forward-thinking American who wonders what ever happened to The American Dream.

The ruling wan’t a slam dunk win. While the judges rules that the bulk harvesting of Americans’ phone calls exceeded the limits of constitutional allowability, it (a) allowed the program to continue until (b) Congress can better define what limits to place of the domestic spying. The matter will come down to the integrity of Congress to do the right thing. Don’t hold your breath.

“In light of the asserted national security interests at stake, we deem it prudent to pause to allow an opportunity for debate in Congress that may (or may not) profoundly alter the legal landscape,” the opinion written by Circuit Judge Gerald Lynch said.

“If Congress decides to authorize the collection of the data desired by the government under conditions identical to those now in place, the program will continue in the future under that authorization,” the ruling said. “If Congress decides to institute a substantially modified program, the constitutional issues will certainly differ considerably from those currently raised.”

How Far Should We Go in the Name of ‘National Security’?

This is far from the ban of such a practice that a so-called free society should demand, but it’s something. Now the fight moves to Congress, where THE PLANET will lobby and encourage members to note how the privacy interests of citizens have been sacrificed in the name of “national security.” If you trust Big Government enough to naively believe it will not abuse the powers given to it in a knee-jerk reaction to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, that is your problem — but it becomes ours as well. It’s like sitting next to someone who decides to smoke a cigarette. He has made the choice to harm his body, but, because of second-hand smoke, he has decided for you as well. THE PLANET doesn’t find that an equitable situation.

We thank the America Civil Liberties Union for their hard work here. In December, a lower court justice refused to even hear the case, saying that such draconian and dictatorial practices were “necessary” for the country’s security following Nine-Eleven. The appeal court in Manhattan, though, ruled that the lower court was in error.

As you will recall, two years ago, Snowden made public to the press documents proving that the NSA was harvesting, storing, and eavesdropping on private phone calls. The abuse involved countless millions of citizens and small businesses. It also included digital records such as text message and e-mails.

It made be too late for this reminder, but THIS IS AMERICA. This country likes to tell us there is a “social contract” whereby citizens must accept certain obligations in exchange for benefits they received from government. THE PLANET does not accept this. Instead, we propose a better way of looking at the freedom-vs.-security issue, by asking two questions: “What are the legitimate powers We The People, owners of government, should bestow on our representatives?” Also, “By what standards should we judge whether those in government are using that power responsibly?”


“I ain’t no fool and I don’t take what I don’t want for I have got another girl.”The Beatles, “Another Girl,” from the HELP! album, (1965).




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Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Can’t wait for Craig Gaetani question and answer forum.

8 years ago

Sprint Fever a jimmy.

8 years ago

CAught your show tonight. Hilarious and informative as usual. Agree completely about privacy issues that you expres shere. Keep up the good work DV…

8 years ago


Your coverage of this disturbing issue has left your readers speechless.

I’m thinking people want to shy away from this issue so they don’t end up on a government enemy list or no fly list.

Edward Snowden is a true American hero and should be rewarded instead of being in exile. He gave up everything for the American people.

“If you see something, say something”
– George W. Bush

8 years ago

It’s because we as Americans value freedom and privacy that it’s so important to keep terrorists out of our country. If terrorists really got a foothold in our country, people would be begging for police protection and in that case we would lose our freedoms very easily and quickly. This is why if we value freedom, we should close our borders. It sounds illogical to some people that a country that values its freedom, should close its borders, but in order to protect our freedom, we have to protect ourselves from those would want to kill us and take away our freedoms. It’s not that difficult to understand which is why I have no idea why this president and congress will not take this issue seriously. If it’s because they want immigrants to continue flooding into our country to insure Democratic votes, then this political strategy will insure the demise of this country.

8 years ago

I don’t agree that Snowden is a hero. By his own admission he did not even read most of the documents he released. I don’t think he even cared about the consequences of his actions.

Walking Small
Walking Small
8 years ago

Thanks Dan for all you do.

8 years ago

test post p,v.

8 years ago

hello pv posters I laid off for a few days to set a trap for all those naysayers and individuals who have questioned my veracity in my posted resume yes nut jobs you know who you are. I repeat again my posted resume is 1oo% accurate I will place 50ooodollars in a account that we will open each of you cowards will put up the same amount I will go one better. you cowards put up 50000 collectively. here is the deal once you cowards post the money we will have a bet I say I can produce a letter from general colin powell where by we disgussed our 13 months in chu lai Vietnam together your 50000 dollars will be mine when I read the letter to you cowards now lets see what you cowards will try to do now to all yousane pv posters you will see for yourself what these cowards are made of and if they do not post the money I would hope that you give no further credence to their future posts the are turning this site into a circus now lets get back to this election I have quite a bit of new info to clue you into grt ready bianchi and the gang of idiots are going to raise your taxes nect tear to fund guess what yup more money for the children and city employes we all know that the taxpayer is already stretched to the max if I am not elected mayor this type of nonsence will continued until the city becomes a ghost town and the rich will come in and buy your home for pennies on the dollar but it could be worse if you have a mortage because no will give you what you owe on it and you may just have to lick your wounds and walk away and move somerwhere else and start all over again with no money in your pocket just ask someone from Detroit they thought it couldn’t happen either and now many of those middle class people are on the bread lines remember opeb its about to come to roost for Pittsfield soon my 3.5hour mayoral press will be shown soon I will let you know when it will show on pctv you wil see I have many ideas to save our belovedcity but it will take extrodinary sacrifacefr everyone it will be difficult but once I take this govt down to the ground floor and rebuild it as a city we can ajj afford to live in you will know that you madethe right choice in electing me mayor now I am waiting for the cowards to come on line I want to see them put their money where3 their mouth is this should be interesting peace folks craiig

8 years ago

jonathan melle many good questions for me watch my press conf many of your questions will be answerer other questions you ma have call me I am in the phone book on west st