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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 1, 2017) — Everyone knows THE PLANET‘s position about the egregious pay raises our “profiles in courage” on Beacon Hill gave themselves. We loathe the measure, for a number of reasons:

  • It was the first matter taken up by the House and Senate in the new session.
  • It passed with record speed.
  • It passed on the sly, with no public discussion or input.
  • They made it effective immediately, not waiting until next term.
  • By including judicial pay raises, our heroes made it immune to citizen recall via initiative petition.

That being said, we do respect new Sen. Adam Hinds decision to share his rationale in voting for the measure. As a newbie, even your Aunt Edna’s pet poodle knows that Hinds had no other choice but to vote with the leaders. We also know that in all likelihood, Hinds would have grabbed for the money in any case. Who wouldn’t? Are you going to refuse a pay raise if it comes your way? At least he share his thinking — unlike Gail Cariddi, Paul Mark, Tricia Farley-Bouvier, or Smitty Pignatelli. Those four reps were content to hide in the fog of arrogance.

Here’s Hinds’ remarks. THE PLANET presents them, unedited, for your edification and with the question: Are you buying it? Does this convince you? Please address in your comments, knowing that it will be read by the “right people.”


[Recently] the legislature voted to update compensation for legislators, elected constitutional officers, and the judiciary. It was not an easy vote or one I anticipated this early in my first session. So I thought I would take you through some of the details and my thinking.

— It was based on a 2014 report created by a bipartisan commission that included public and private sector representatives.

— This does not impact base pay for legislators. That pay is governed by a constitutional amendment tying salaries to the median household income of the state. The base salary for legislators remains the same ($62,500).

—The increases mostly impact the stipends given to leadership of the legislature. The House Speaker and Senate President stipends have not been adjusted since 1982. They are the ones receiving the big increase everyone is hearing about, bringing their pay well above the rest of the legislature. (Interestingly their stipends still increased at a rate below that of inflation since 1982).

—This package removes the per diem that legislators currently get for traveling to Boston (274 miles round trip in my case) and replaces it with a stipend for travel, running district offices, etc. Believe me, it does not cover the cost of having a district office (and a second part time office in the district to cover the 52 towns) so I will also be covering that through campaign funds.

—There is an increased stipend for Committee Chairs from the current $7,200 to $15,000. -It was important to me that there were no new appropriations for these changes. They will come from within the existing Senate budget. All other changes will come from within the existing budgets of those agencies (Judiciary, Treasury, etc).

—There are important additional elements, including the fact that the leadership and constitutional officers (eg. Attorney General and Treasurer) cannot receive outside income any more.

—The vast majority of the raises go to the Judiciary. Of the $18 million package, $12.4 million for the judiciary, $2.8 million is for the legislature, the rest is for the constitutional offices.

It is clearly a flawed process when there is not a mechanism for incremental change and instead decades without movement are made up in one swoop. I also genuinely felt this vote was not about me: since I only started one month ago this was about colleagues who have seen no increases for years while the salaries of other public servants have increased.

It has raised an interesting question: how much do you think those in public service should make? Many reports show that increased pay to public servants results in attracting more qualified candidates, making them less susceptible to outside money, and increasing performance. Many people have told me they do not run for the legislature because they worried about the impact on their family’s overall income. I hope this opens up democracy and increases the number of people who choose to run for office.

The Governor said he will not take the salary increase, but Governor Baker is also a millionaire. Right now a majority of the members of the US Congress are millionaires (for the first time ever). I believe people who represent us should be like us. They should not just represent independently wealthy people who can enter public service because they have the means. For this reason the League of Women Voters supported the results of the commission.

The bottom line is there is never a good time to vote on adjusting stipends. But on balance I felt it was the right vote.

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THE PLANET thanks Sen. Hinds for his remarks. To his question: “How much do you think those in public service should make?” we wait for our readers to answer.


“What this country needs if a good ten-cent nickel.”Groucho Marx



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7 years ago

The House Speaker and Senate President wanted their raises now because they are getting ready to retire soon. To try to make up for not getting a raise since 1982 all at one time is ridiculous and now makes these 2 positions the highest paid in all of the country. Hinds didn’t mention that. I don’t believe the part about the raises not even meeting inflation since 1982 especially since they are now the highest paid for these 2 jobs in the country.

He also said the Judiciary will be getting the vast majority of the raises. The Judiciary is overpaid now. They didn’t NEED the raises and ONLY received them because by giving the raises to the Judiciary ALL of the raises were immune from citizen recall. This was some tricky maneuvering on the part of the politicians in Boston.

Finally, he takes a swipe at Charlie Baker for turning down the pay increase because Baker is a millionaire and can afford to do it. Hinds also takes a swipe at Baker for even being Governor in the first place since he doesn’t need the money. The leadership in Boston wants Baker out of that position badly so they are doing everything they can to get rid of him. They want another Democratic Governor.

7 years ago

I also disagree with the idea that paying more money to people in government attracts more qualified candidates. I think it only attracts people who want to become career politicians and who are only interested in the high pay and all of the perks.

Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

I agree.

7 years ago

No I’m not buying it. Wish there was someway to shrink the size of State Reps. They never have a close vote on any legislation. Democrates run the show, most stick to party lines on votes. Like to lay/ off around 30% of the hacks.

7 years ago

He tried hard but it’s a feeble explanation. The pay raise was wrong. Voting for it even worse.

Reply to  Linda
7 years ago

I agree, Linda. Saying the raise will attract more candidates is bull. Its not like a private sector job where companies use wages and benefits to recruit workers. You have to wage a campaign and that cost lots of money and time. If you don’t have the money behind you to start with, your done.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
7 years ago

Smitty Pignatelli recently wrote depressing Op-Ed’s in the Berkshire Eagle about how many jobs, companies, and population have been lost in Western Massachusetts over the past couple of decades. Smitty Pignatelli wrote that municipalities must make financial sacrifices by consolidating their public services into regional compacts to spare the hard hit local taxpayers. Yet, Smitty Pignatelli did not offer any personal sacrifices from his own pay and benefits paid for by the same hard hit taxpayers. Then, Smitty Pignatelli voted for his second pay raise this year of 2017! That is the very example of hypocrisy and poor leadership!

– Jonathan Melle


* First pay raise of 2017! The legislators’ base salary was increased from $60,032 to $62,547 beginning in January, 2017.

* Second pay raise of 2017! Stipends for most committee chairs are doubling from $15,000 to $30,000. Even the largely honorary positions of Senate president pro tempore and House speaker pro tempore are getting a hefty raise with their bonuses increasing from $15,000 to $50,000.

* Hypocritical financial management! The same Democratic legislative leaders now getting big bonuses decided last summer to skip the traditional sales tax “holiday” because the state could not afford to forgo the estimated $26 million in revenue that would have been lost. It was only the second year since 2004 that consumers did not benefit from the tax holiday.

* Retirement security for Stan Rosenberg and Bob DeLeo! Stan Rosenberg and Bob DeLeo are among the chief beneficiaries of the pay hikes, with their annual salaries increasing by $45,000, to $142,547 — a 46 percent boost. The pay hikes for legislative leaders take effect immediately. State pensions are based on the three highest-salaried years.

* No public hearings! The hefty raises were passed by the Legislature without a full public airing of the details or justification of increases.

Source: Editorial: “Pay raise windfall for Legislature”, The Daily Hampshire Gazette, February 2, 2017.

7 years ago

Council Grades:
Mel Maz A
Amuso D
White D
Caccamo A
Krol A
Simonelli A
Rivers C
Tully A
Morandi C
Connell B
Marchetti C

7 years ago

Humpty Trumpty didn’t talk Wall
Humpty Trumpty’s Speech wasn’t bad at all
But one problem Paul Ryan open your big ears
How’s Trumpty going to pay for it all

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
7 years ago

Fourteen percent tax on 10 mil or more inherentence tax. Trumps no fool. I believe he is baiting everyone with Russia also. Trump is not a friend of Russia. You have to believe that.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
7 years ago

Fourteen percent tax on 10 mil or more inheritance tax. Trumps no fool. I believe he is baiting everyone with Russia also. Trump is not a friend of Russia. You have to believe that.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
7 years ago

To all you idiots who keep voting for democrats……..WTF do you expect?

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
7 years ago

I would have voted no raise. You don’t give yourself a raise anyway. And you shouldn’t give one if..YOU HAVEN’T BEEN IN OFFICE A COUPLE MONTHS?

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

High school history teachers make 75,000 .Our city council is a complete failure as we drive down the same old road of taxes and Great Fees….Taxes were raised last year 6% which equaled 3 years of Bianchi.
Amuso is responsible for many many millions of school expenses from her Eberwien years.

Rocky Creed
Rocky Creed
7 years ago

Wait until you see how much our water-sewer rates go up to pay for the new upgrades

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Trump is doing away with ACA .Planet does not want people to have medical coverage.ACA was the Republican plan.They did not want single payer and negotiate this plan……they will come up with the usual medical account.Does anyone on this board have medical care from a source that is not goverment sourced…Meaning private payed.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Does anyone have a TSC to English translator?

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  12 Gauge
7 years ago

Let me finish my box of Lucky Charms cereal. It contains a spy decoder (aka-TSC babble decoder).

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

How many people on this board don’t think Trump will help Western Ma with getting employment here.How many people think Walmart is more in line with Pittsfield future economy.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Doesn’t matter what Trump does. Mayor Tyer said in her State of Pittsfield address she wants to make a place for Millennials to “feel comfortable” and live here, not work.
“When I imagine our future I see Millennials and young progressives choosing Pittsfield as their place to LIVE. That’s right I said LIVE rather than WORK.”- Mayor Tyer Jan. 9, 2017

Don T
Don T
Reply to  acheshirecat
7 years ago

I can’t believe she said that, unbelievable?

Reply to  Don T
7 years ago

Yup she did! Here is the transcript of the speech. Its towards the end of the speech.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

The Debbie Downers, Pessimistic Pattys, and Negative Nancys of the Liberal Left Democrats seem to be in an echo chamber with Hollywoods Limousine Liberals- The majority of the American electorate do not identify with the Liberal Left, and even worse, do not like them.

Don T
Don T
7 years ago

Nice catch a c c. That’s as bad as some of her hires, start with Guyer and go from there.

Reply to  Don T
7 years ago

please don’t pick on the snowflake known as D. Guyer…he is a great guy, until you get to know him.

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

Caccamo gets an F…Amuso F..White F…Marchetti F..Tyer F…….everyone else Gets a C….. Mazzeo gets an A by sending her child to a private school Miss Halls paid by the Mazzeo s

The School Committee
The School Committee
7 years ago

The Secret imagination department police

7 years ago

Dan, don’t feel special. Senator Hinds’s response to you was a cut and paste job from a February 4th post on his Facebook page. I would have preferred a back and forth with you pressing him on some his points.

Richard Backer
Richard Backer
7 years ago

You didn’t do your homework it is the biggest do as I say not as I do of the year poor way to start. Education better get a significant raise

7 years ago

Pay raise explanation by Hinds is a load of BS….I hope every single Dem that disrespected the process last might by sitting gets voted out in the mid-term – it’s gonna be a blood bath and the Dems may not survive – Trump’s speeches resonate – his policies may not be consistent with his speeches, but what politician is consistent with their promises – look at Mayor Tyer – Time for Change ? NOTHING has changed except we are spending more $$$$$$$$$$ –

Reply to  Tricksie
7 years ago

Trump has tapped into the concerns of the people of this country. He cares about what the average person cares about. He gets it. His speech showed that. He was amazing.

heh heh
heh heh
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

Why does the Trump that reads from a teleprompter seem so different than the Donald that speaks on his own? Is it because someone else writes his teleprompter speeches?

Well yes that is exactly why.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

It is just a matter of time until he does something really stupid, or says something that he can’t wriggle out of. Hopefully he can provide the GNP he’s talking about, give him a few more months.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Democrats looked very bad last night. Very childish for those women to thumbs down on anything, are they 5 years old?

Reply to  Joe Blow
7 years ago

Yup. And there where those who wouldn’t even clap even when he stated policies Dems like, such as the infrastructure spending.

Reply to  Joe Blow
7 years ago

Couldn’t agree more, Joe. I found it especially disturbing that the Dems booed when Trump announced the formation of a new agency, VOICE, which will track and report crimes committed against Americans by illegals. Are these Dem office-holders anti-American or what?

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Ever notice when Obama spoke ad lib he would stutter constantly, or pause for so long everyone stopped paying attention? He was a great orator when speaking from a prepared speech but sounded like an idiot when he had to form his own words and replies.

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

And he sounded like a president last night I’m not a fan of his but as long as he listens to people that teach him how to talk, dress (nice suit last night), i might be able to listen

Reply to  Magic
7 years ago

sorry the above was not in response to you. How do I delete?

Reply to  heh heh
7 years ago

Magic March 1, 2017 at 5:47 pm #
And he sounded like a president last night I’m not a fan of his but as long as he listens to people that teach him how to talk, dress (nice suit last night), i might be able to listen

The School Committee
The School Committee
Reply to  Pat
7 years ago

When the president starts cutting then your local taxes will rise .We deserve the school system we have but can not afford the one we have.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

Only in the “Democratic Plantation” states…I lived in Az. for many years and we had no state income or excise taxes on cars. There were many well paying jobs and the cost of living was much cheaper. Roads, schools, etc. in much better shape than here. I had to move back for family reasons but in the near future I hope to move to Tx.. Things will never change here as long as people keep voting D.

Reply to  The School Committee
7 years ago

SC our local taxes will rise every year. Trump or no Trump. Still have our 28 year payout for New Taconic that’s not even factored in yet. I blame Bush for that.

7 years ago

Trump ain’t no Stephen Douglas that’s for sure.

7 years ago

Every Man must be for the United States or Against it………Stephen A. Douglas

Reply to  mi
7 years ago

A B C it’s Douglas. An orator like no other.

McCain wants to give Ukraine weapons to fight Russia. Has he lost it?

7 years ago

How many bulletin Board pages Do PCTV have on these guys..NO Woman?