NUCIFORO’S RESPONSE TO DEM POO BAHS, plus, Farve, Probation, and Ambulances.
Some things are strong enough or conclusive enough to speak on their own. Such is the reply letter Berkshire County Registrar of Deeds Andy Nuciforo sent to the 23 local Democrat Poo Bahs who, led by Sherwood Guernsey and L. Lee Harris, told Andy he better not run for Congress if he knows what’s good for him.
In another Planet exclusive, we present Nuciforo’s letter in its entirety. The “cc” list reveals the signatories to the Nov. 29 missive sent by Guernsey and Harris under the “Concerned Democrats of Berkshire County” title. Click on this link to read it:
Essentially, Nuciforo ld them they should perform an anatomical impossibility on themselves and the horses they rode in on. Sure, he did it in measured tone and calm voice, but he nonetheless did it. The Planet has been following Nuciforo since he first made his way to Beacon Hill, following a path blazed by his dad. We, in fact, conducted the first interview with him after his initial election to the state house. We can say that his reply letter to Guernsey et. al. is one of his finest moments. To stand up to such a threat reveals character, strength, and determination. Those qualities aren’t bad for openers for any candidate.
There are many local Dems who are scared of Nuciforo’s bid, for one of two reasons: (1) They don’t think he can win, which places their own local political self-importance in jeopardy, or (2) They think he CAN win, which would end a regime and the people in it, since the new guy ALWAYS brings his own people with him to office.
Don’t kid yourself: Nuciforo can not only hold his own toe-to-toe with John Olver. Nuciforo can beat him. He can do that by neutralizing Olver’s traditional huge advantages in organization and money over any potential challenger. Guess what: Nuciforo knows how to put together an organization, and he can raise moolah. Andy has about $100 grand in the kitty to Olver’s 70. Thus, the edge may go to the more energetic of the two. Who do you think that will be.
Not long ago, The Planet spelled “Olver” with a typo. We caught if prior to publication: “Older.” Take out the “v” and add a “d” and you will get it. In 2012, the guy will be almost two years older than he is now. As campaigns become increasingly electronic, this tends to work against septuagenarians.
Brett Favre Rubs Us the Wrong Way
This is what happens when muscle heads hang on too long. Brett Favre not only embarrassed himself on the field but off this year. Now, as if he hasn’t had enough trouble, two former massage therapists of the New York Jets have filed suit against Favre. Essentially, the two young women are complaining that Favre sent them sexually suggestive messages when Favre was QB for the J-E-T-S.
The Planet hates to defend a dunce like Favre, but we will. The two women worked for years for the Jets in training camp and took freelance individual assignments from players. Now these two virgins are “shocked, shocked” after receiving messages such as: “”Kinda lonely tonight. Guess I have bad intentions” and “You and crissy want to get together I’m alone Brett.”

Two ex-Jets employees: The one one the right was hired for his big arm. The one on the left was hired for her big brains.
Keep the following in mind about these two gals, who are seeking “unspecified damages” (translation: millions):
* The lawsuit has curious timing. It comes days after the NFL fined Favre $50,000 for lying in connection with allegations he send lewd messages and photos to a Jets TV game hostess.
* The women admit they never received messages from Favre directly.
* At the time of the alleged incidents (2008), the NFL investigated media reports that Favre went after two Jets’ female massage therapists. The NFL dropped the investigation because the women wouldn’t cooperate with investigators. The women’s attorney denies this.
* These are young, attractive women who make a living, as one poster put it, “rubbing their hands all over naked men covered only in a towel.” Such women, the post says, “SHOULD NOT be offended by ANYTHING a man says, or they are in the wrong line of work.” The Planet adds that these aren’t just any men, but rich, overpaid, athletes, who are usually as sensitive as sandpaper and smart as silly putty. You don’t sue a dog for snapping a pork chop out of your mitts.
Memo to all NFL teams: Want to avoid this issue? Don’t hire female masseuses.
Dog Bites Man; Planet Beats Eagle … Again
See where the Boring Broadsheet had a headline today: “O’Brien resigns amid probe.” The story tells of the resignation of John O’Brien as head of the state probation department. Accurate job, but, The Planet’ readers weren’t impressed, since we covered this story and broke it locally days ago.
Conor Berry’s story went on to include new information on probation’s wrist slap to Cliffy Nilan for his fixing the case of his best bud, Angelo Stracuzzi. Of course, the Eagle ignored the biggest question: What will the consequences be for Stracuzzi for ignoring what looks like two court orders: That he report regularly to probation and be supervised, and that he receive psychological counseling. No evidence has been produced that Stracuzzi fulfilled the court’s orders. What, can a person just walk away like that, and there’s no legal consequence?
Ambulance Alley
The Eagle also has the “news” that Pittsfield will add a second ambulance company to provide coverage for the city. Again, readers of The Planet found out about this in the fall. We predicted correctly the city would go with a second company (Action Ambulance) to complement Berkshire County Ambulance Service.
Here’s a questions raised by one of our correspondents: Why two ambulance companies? Would it make better sense to let the Pittsfield Fire Department provide service, thus putting fees into the city coffers? Who wants to answer?
And as if you didn’t know, The Planet still has not heard from the Boring Broadsheet’s Fearless Leader, Tim Farkas, on our challenge, made in good faith, to debate to role of journalism in the age of cyberspace. We would center on the question: “What is the media’s responsibility to a community?” Timmy, The Planet promises to go easy on you, tie one half of our brains behind our back, and buy you a beer afterward.
I hope Andrea Nuciforo runs on his lousy public record as Berkshire State Senator & Middle Registrar of Deeds. He really serves Boston area big banks and insurance companies. That is where his interest lies — not in Western Massachusetts’ manufacturing! When Nuciforo left the state Senate, Berkshire County was the #1 region in Massachusetts for job loss. Pittsfield lost thousands of local residents to population loss over the past decade. Massachusetts is losing a seat in U.S. Congress due to diminishing population demographics.
– Jonathan Melle
Please go to my Blog against Andrea Nuciforo:
Vote for John Olver for U.S. Congress in 2012!
Mr. Valenti,
Liberal Democrat Andrea Nuciforo’s decision to seek the Congressional seat now occupied by Liberal Democrat John Olver (D-MA-1) may not be the suicidal career move as would first appear on the surface.
With the results of the 2010 Census requiring redistricting throughout Massachusetts and with the real possibility that Districts 1 and 2 will be combined into one Congressional district, it means that Mr. Olver may quite possibly end up having to face in a 2012 primary his crony Liberal Democrat Congressman Richard Neal (D-MA-2).
It would be a real shoot-out seeing as how both Mr. Olver and Mr. Neal live in the Springfield/Amherst area and Mr. Neal has served in Congress just one term longer than Mr. Olver.
If Mr. Nuciforo becomes part of the 2012 primary equation, it changes that race to a three-man shoot-out with last man standing.
Mr. Nuciforo’s odds of winning that primary race become even better if a fourth and/or fifth Springfield/Amherst area Democrat enters the running.
If Mr. Nuciforo is able to maintain strong support in the Berkshires, and if no other Democrat from Berkshire County enters the primary, Mr. Nuciforo might just find himself the last man standing in that 3/4/5 candidate race.
That primary could turn into quite a stunning upset both to Mr. Olver and to Mr. Neal if a dark horse like Mr. Nuciforo came out ahead.
I don’t see district 1 and 2 combined as this would make this district too big for 1 person to serve, but if it was split I could see Mr Neal winning because Olver and Nuciforo would split the district 1 vote and then Neal would get in.
Beating Neal would offer a new level of challenges for N than beating Olver.
Mr. Valenti, if Districts 1 & 2 get combined and if, because of age, Mr. Olver decides to retire thereby leaving the 2012 primary battle to a match-up between Andrea Nuciforo and Richard Neal for the combined 1st & 2nd District (and if no other Springfield/Amherst or Berkshire Democrat entered the race), then that would not bode well for Mr. Nuciforo’s chances of winning the primary because then Mr. Neal would likely get the Springfield/Amherst Democrat vote and all Mr. Nuciforo would then be left with is the Berkshire Democrat vote.
For Mr. Nuciforo to win in the primary, it is imperative that Mr. Olver stays in the 2012 race so that the Springfield/Amherst Democrat vote gets split.
Yes, and stunning upsets seems to be more and more the way of things these days.
Dan, Did I read the same letter that you read? I didn’t get the feeling that Andy told them to stuff it. It seemed rather calm to me. Acually I thought the original letter was rather tame also.
Well, both the letter, and the reply, are measured, but that’s the political way. If you read between the lines, and at the end of Nuciforo’s letter, he’s telling them he’s in, no matter what. You have to understand the scene. When Da Boyz sent you a letter like this, and you send back a letter like THAT, it’s gasoline and matches. As one media maven put it to me, he’s surprised the Dems ever put that letter to Andy in writing. Normally, they would pay him a visit and maintain deniability.
Dan don’t you just love politicians. They eat their own!!
Weve been waiting to see this letter since the gazette ran the letter to nuciforo. Thanks for posting. Cant believe they would be so stupid to want to do this much less put it in writing. nuciforo’s reply was ok but should have been much briefer. include only the paragraph that says hes in the race to stay. don’t mince words. this has the entire local political establishment buzzing.
Christine Yon and Paul Capitanio are supposed to be prominent Democrats? Boy, am I glad I’m an Independent.
I subscribe to the Eagle. I like the Eagle.
I advertise in the Eagle. They are legitimate.
And even if Tim Farkas doesn’t stand up for and defend himself and his medium, none of that will change. will be, at best, a nuisance to the Eagle.
But Farkas is not the Eagle. Farkas is being held out in public as a coward. It’s not as if Farkas is being called out in some sort of childish playground fight. He is bring called out on an intellectual level.
And Farkas is cowering.
Be a man, Farkas! You are aware of this challenge. Don’t be scared. Be a man. Right now you are coming across as a giant vag.
Dan, I sure hope you have the opportunity to ask Tim Farkas why he, as The Berkshire Eagle’s ace executive editor, did not allow The Eagle to publish the nature of the original charges filed against Angelo Stracuzzi in 2004 by Maine prosecutors, specifically the fact that two of the original counts alleged ‘Patronizing Prostitution of a Minor’ plus the fact that each of the alleged incidents — there were two — involved an underaged boy, aged 15 and 13, respectively.
Also why The Eagle failed to publish details contained in the Biddeford police report regarding the events that transpired over two nights that brought Mr. Stracuzzi to the attention of Biddeford police in the first place.
On another important subject: Mr. Farkas needs to answer why he failed to report in the pages of The Eagle anything about the indictment and subsequent guilty plea of Michael Armitage, of EVWorldwide fame, about whom you have already written so much.
Given how much The Eagle did to tout Mr. Armitage’s company, the failure to follow-up with reportage on Mr. Armitage’s fraud convictions requires an explanation from those in charge at The Eagle.
Excellent queries that I will be sure to put to Mr. Farkas, should he be go gracious and courageous to accept The Planet’s kind and collegial invitation to debate. If he fails to accept, we have alternative strategies in mind in terms of confronting the local daily. This newspaper has failed miserably in its obligations to the city and community. If it disagree with this contention, then it will answer my challenge. If not, we will declare victory by default that they could not defend the indefensible.
1. His letter is on His letterhead with the proper id’s for his committee etc.
2. I loved the Hand delivered part
3. He throws it right in the lap of the Concerned Democrats.
How do we know what type of organization the Concerned Democrats are for sure? A 527? What is their purpose in life? Whom if anyone did they collect monies from? Besides good government of course what is the vested interest they have collectively?
I liked the drop it off and be MAN enough to discuss it part or at least being available to
Ok Concerned Democrats what about the loss of jobs and the loss of consumer buying power? I think they are in fact either removed from it or simply don’t care. Andrea has now exposed what he believes to be Olvers weak spot. If Olver is all they claim and is as solid as they claim he will have all the opportunities plus those enjoyed by an incumbent to make his case. I for one feel the primary will make for the stronger rep and the stronger party. The concerned democrats seem to focus on the length of time in office and the power that allows Olver to weld. Sounds like a case for term limits.He has some clout based just on time served. well so do prisoners
And I agree with Heller a 3 way race makes Andrea a formidable opponent.
@ Jim G–My guess is that Dem ‘little shots”: like Capi and Yon are on there because the boys knew they wouldn’t dare not sign on, probably they wanted strength in numbers. Who knows. Of course they are prominent by being on the council. I know there are some on that list who would be afraid of not signing. that’s probably how Valenti got the letter. A leak from one of the signers that’s the story that’s going around, anyhow. This is getting lots of gums flapping.
i read two paragraphs and threw up on my keyboard, this is the biggest piece of bias garbage youve written so far Valenti. Go put a bar of soap in your mouth and think about what youve done to the good name of journalism
if anybody can read the letter from Guernsey et al. and extract any sense of bullying or corruption then they would be a fool not to see that Valenti is using this as political tool for himself. I have always given you the benefit of the doubt Dan, but this is no different than Fox manipulation. Youre a bias joke and I for one am done with reading this as you have lost your credibility with me.
Fox manipulation?
Don’t forget the NY Times & MSNBC – you may have missed them WAY out there on the left.
The point is, there’s hardly any existing true journalism out there. It’s either some form of poli-entertainment, non-fact-checked blogs, and/or pure opinion about newsworthy topics.
Valenti will likely disagree but this website isn’t journalism (at least it’s not what journalism should be). But it’s fun. It’s not unlike people who read the NY Times’ opinion-based “news” to feel satisfied that someone thinks like they do.
Maybe what Valenti is doing is the next iteration of journalism. It doesn’t look like your dad’s journalism, but his didn’t look like HIS dad’s, get it? Valenti is a journalist working with new form. And Dean try staying away!
doing something wrong doesn’t necessarily make it evolution
Or maybe hes (valenti) onto more of the truth than anybody else in the media right now. Hmmm? One of the posts above refers to valentis ‘political agenda’ but what? he’s not a politicians. no i don’t beleive he has a political agenda only an enertainment one.
hes giving u facts and links to go to,check them and u will find his investgation is spot on. some of it is so old and hidden that the powers to be didnt want it exposed. i appreciate someone,no matter what their agenda is bringing it to the public attention.back room politics, i hope will be a thing of the past. as for olver i do not have a dog in this fight,but the signers of that letter do…and that is what scares me….. politics are changing the professioal politicians are getting booted out. new thinking and bi partisan votes are going to bring us out of this mess were in. the olvers are the problem…to old way of thinking. theres nothing wrong with compitition,and to surpress it is that old way of thinking. take a look back at the last election with speranzo, he ignored the debates…stayed out of site,yet because hes a dem.was reelected. bosley,a more articulat,and qualified candidate for office was a gonner when bowler called him a politician. so u go dan,investgate.seens like ur the last of that breed.
hes giving u facts and links to go to,check them and u will find his investgation is spot on. some of it is so old and hidden that the powers to be didnt want it exposed. i appreciate someone,no matter what their agenda is bringing it to the public attention.back room politics, i hope will be a thing of the past. as for olver i do not have a dog in this fight,but the signers of that letter do…and that is what scares me….. politics are changing the professioal politicians are getting booted out. new thinking and bi partisan votes are going to bring us out of this mess were in. the olvers are the problem…to old way of thinking. theres nothing wrong with compitition,and to surpress it is that old way of thinking. take a look back at the last election with speranzo, he ignored the debates…stayed out of site,yet because hes a dem.was reelected. bosley,a more articulat,and qualified candidate for office was a gonner when bowler called him a politician. so u go dan,investgate.seens like ur the last of that breed.
You can see how the Planet is doing its homework. This makes some of the people who post on his site very angry and indignant. I suspect that these people are angry because they condone the covering up of information to the general public. I guess that makes them as guilty as those who actually carry out the deed.
I thank you Dan for all that you do. It takes alot of time and determination to research and post truthful facts everyday. If you have an agenda or not and I expect you do, That agenda is spot on if it involves the peoples right to know what is actually going on.
Keep up the good work!
Pleasing the “wrong” people with lies. Bad.
Pleasing The Little Guy and We The People with Truth? Good.
Pissing off the “wrong” people with Veracity? Good.
Pissing off the The Little Guy and WTP with dishonesty? Bad.
Decide for yourself: Line up all the usual media suspects against The Planet.
Who’s for good and who’s for bad?
This came to me as an e-mail from someone who wanted it sent that way for inclusion at the end of this post. I am complying. The person wrote:
“You may already of heard this, but I was at Friends Bar recently and overheard Gerry Doyle bragging about getting the new Ambulance Company in here and how he got a consultation fee for the deal.”