PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, JAN. 24, 2012) — Yesterday, THE PLANET sent the following e-mail to Alfred “Alf” Barbalunga, probation officer for the Southern Berkshire District Court, Pittsfield School Committee chairman, and member of the Berkshire Young Professionals:
As a court officer and also as a BYP who was at the party in GB on Dec. 8, can you shed some light on Meredith Nilan?
You were pictured with her.
* Was she drinking that night?
* If so, can you give me your estimate of the amount of alcohol she consumed?
* This is subjective question, admittedly, but did she appear to be drinking heavily or excessively?
* Can you say anything about that night? Was there the usual amount of drinking going on?
* Do you know if she drove herself to the party?
* Do you know if she drove herself back after the party or if she was driven home?
* If driven home, who gave her the ride?
* Please feel free to add any comments you wish.
I am on deadline, and need to hear from you no later than 11 a.m. tomorrow morning (1/24).
This morning at 7:11 a.m., THE PLANET heard from Barbalunga. Before we print his reply, let us acknowledge his speedy and thorough cooperation. As far as this address is concerned and his relationship with us, Barbalunga has been a stand-up guy. He has answered every inquiry we’ve made of him in the past, and he has done so in a straightforward manner. THE PLANET wishes more of the Berkshire power structure would learn from his example in press relations.
Word Comes from Alf: Resignation in BYP Conincidental with Dec. 8 Networking Social
Barbalunga writes:
— o —
Barbalunga was one of 60 members of BYP who attended a “networking” gathering at Allium Restaurant on Railroad Street in Great Barrington in the early evening of Dec. 8. We don’t know the names of all 60l but we can confirm the names of 17, according to photographs posted at BYP’s Facebook page. They were:
1. Alfred E.’Alf’ Barbalunga
2. Ryan Belanger
3. Morgan Blastoff
4. Jillian Brothers
5. Jackie Dolan
6. Brad Felix
7. Brianne Forrest
8. Melissa Guyer
9. Jessica Havens
10. Christine Hoyt
11. Ron Kelly
12. Kathleen McCormick
13. Jenine Moro
14. Meredith Nilan
15. Rick Rotti
16. Jason Shepard
17. Brent White
We include this to note an interesting, somewhat odd situation. It may be irrelevant, it may hold the key to the entire Nilan-Moore case, or it may be somewhere between these extremes.
As of last evening, among the 17 confirmed attendees, there were active Facebook pages for everyone on the list except for Barbalunga, Meredith Nilan (driver of the car that hit and almost killed Peter Moore; also daughter of GOB Clifford “Cliffy” Nilan, head of Berkshire County Probation), Morgan Blastoff, and Kathleen McCormick. Barbalunga and Nilan HAD active pages, but apparently do no longer. THE PLANET doesn’t know if Blastoff or McCormick had FB pages (though it’s hard to imagine two BYP females NOT having a FB presence) and quickly took them down.
As one source put it to THE PLANET: “I’m pretty sure I have seen Barbalunga’s [Facebook page]. I have seen Meredith’s. Are the others just private people or do they feel involved in the situation?”
THE PLANET takes Barbalunga at his word, and much of what he says triangulates accurately with other information we’ve obtained regarding the Dec. 8 get together at Allium’s It seems that those who were planning more heavy-duty partying had the rest of the evening. It was 8 p.m. when the gathering ended, and 8 p.m. to partygoers is early morning, if you get our drift. “The night is young,” as they say in such situations.
Berkshire Young Professionals: Why All of a Sudden the Silence?
Our source asks a telling question: Other than Barbalunga, who was working the table and would have less opportunity to mix, why have no members of BYP come forward to tell us what they know about Meredith Nilan’s behavior at the party on the night in question? It’s a well-known fact that little if any “networking” sometimes gets done at the monthly BYP booze fests.
Actually, there’s a strata among BYP: Those 30 and over, and those under 30. As Barbalunga says, the crazy drinking (our words, not his) takes place among the younger members. Meredith Nilan is 24. Evidently, none of the younger set wants to come forward with information about Ms. Nilan on the night in question or the day after.
From a veteran Chamber source who insisted on anonymity: “Just about everyone who’s a member [of BYP] is scared of saying anything, especially those in Meredith’s circle. Guilty by association, I guess. They’re afraid that one wrong word will get them blackballed. That’s how it [the GOB Network] works, or so they believe. Fear. The whole f*****g thing is held together by fear. Someone saw something that night or she told someone something, I have to think. They got to come forward.” [EDITOR’S NOTE: Berkshire Young Professionals is a subgroup within and under the auspices of the local Chamber of Commerce].
THE PLANET sends out a blanket appeal to anyone who can provide information on Meredith Nilan’s behavior on the day or night of the accident or anytime thereafter. They can e-mail information in complete confidence to danvalenti@verizon.net. Please leave an operable return address for us. Thanks.
Here’s a photo (below) taken from the website of the Massachusetts Court System. The staff of the of the Westfield District Court poses around the Christmas tree. The man standing at far left is Nathan Byrnes, first assistant clerk magistrate who gave Meredith Nilan her belated Christmas present.
Who is Nathan Byrnes? Why was he chosen as the ringer to decide the show-cause hearing involving Meredith Nilan? Why did he close the hearing to the public and press? Why was the victim, Peter Moore, not present? Why was Mr. Moore’s lawyer not allowed to attend? Who in the Pittsfield courts selected Byrnes to hear the case? Why Byrnes?
You can’t tell much from this picture, but with your indulgence, allow us a purely subjective, non-factual observation: Byrnes certainly doesn’t look like a crusader. He has that fresh, squeaky-clean “politician” look — the look of a young make on the move, Going Places. He doesn’t appear to be the kind that would rock the boat. He doesn’t appear to be the type who’s going to be satisfied with an “assistant” job for long. Just an observation: How does an ambitious young person get ahead in the Massachusetts Court System? There’s two ways. First, you apply yourself, pay your dues, work hard, and do a great job. That is the long way. Second, you start doing favors for those in power. That’s the short way. Interesting, isn’t it?
THE PLANET asks: Who, if anybody, is Nathan Byrnes?

Nathan Byrnes, left, is seen in this photo of the Westfield District Court. Byrnes, first assistant clerk magistrate in Westfield, was "brought in" by unknown persons to decide the show-cause hearing in the Meredith Nilan-Peter Moore hit-and-run case. Who is Nathan Byrnes? Why him? What's the Connection? Despite a plethora of evidence suggesting otherwise, Byrnes issued an incredulous finding of insufficient evidence. What is this well-scrubbed go-getting assistant all about? (PHOTO: Massachusetts Court System)
These, we feel, are fair and urgent questions. We shall be making inquiries to the Westfield courts and will try to find answers.
So far, local court sources we’ve asked aren’t saying much. The atmosphere at the Pittsfield courthouse, one person who works there said, is “poisonous” with “a lot of people walking on egg shells.” We can advance this much: The good, hard-working court employees, and there are many, are disgusted to be put under the dark cloud resulting from the Meredith Nilan-Cliffy Nilan-Nathan Byrnes troika.
Not good, is it, for the all-important confidence that We The People must have in the courts if our so-called democracy is to have any chance of being considered fair?
THE PLANET now shares several letters than have come in one the wire regarding the Nilan-moore case:
‘She left a human being in the road, for dead’
I know at least twenty people that are pissed of about this incident [the Nilan-Moore hit and run], Dan … and I only talk[ed] to that many. This is clearly the opportunity for you to be our Beacon and exemplify yourself as our shining advocate, for justice. This incident just isn’t right. We all know the scenario. I think she was distracted, probably drunk, and likely couldn’t wait to party. Her problem was, she hit a human being and likely knew drink-drive would be devastating to all. The problem I have with the young woman is it looks like she knew she had hit and left a human being in the road, for dead. Inexcusable. — UNCHY
‘An example of the power of the pen’
Comments: Dan
We’ve been following your blog recently with great interest, and it is being used as an example of ‘the power of the pen’ in my classroom.
Keep flipping those rocks, despite their enormity…many craven crabs are sheltering beneath.
We appreciate your tenacity…the truth must prevail! — THE COLONEL
‘The best investigative journalism I have ever read’
I believe this is possibly the best investigative journalism I have ever read, bar none. This certainly could be the defining moment in Berserkshire County corruption, and justice for the little guy, but your talents not only as an Author and investigative journalist far exceeds anything I have ever read, in years. — TITO
An Ironic Motto
benigno numine. By the favour of the heavens…..
In light of all that’s going on it’s a little ironic —DB
‘It Makes Me Want to Scream’
Hi DanThe more I see what’s going on Pittsfield in general makes me ill, but when I see the crap going on in the judicial system and the good old boy network, it makes me want to scream. If this stuff going on with Nilan and his daughter and Stracuzzi and the rest of the clowns that travel in that group — Were it any of us, we would be in jail. I’m fed up, I sent an email airing my frustration to a major media outlet, Dateline NBC. I am going to forward their response to me about some of the stuff going on. I admire that you seem to be the only journalist with the balls to say what half the city wish they could say. If you have any thoughts or input I would love to hear it. This crap has got to stop. It is ruining Pittsfield.SincerelyRM——————————————————————TH..TH..THE…THAT’S ALL FOLKS. THERE IS PLENTY PERCOLATING ABOUT THIS STORY AND OTHERS, AND WE SAY THAT THE PLANET WILL CONTINUE TO DO WITH NO OTHER MEDIA OUTLET WISHES, APPARENTLY, AND THAT IS TO FIGHT FOR TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND THE AMERICAN WAY …“OPEN THE WINDOW, AUNT MILLIE.”LOVE TO ALL.
Keep digging Dan. We are routing for you to get the true story. Many are following your blogs with anticipation.
Morgan Baistoff (a guy) is Brianne Forrest’s (a girl) fiance. Just thought I’d clear that up. They live in Great Barrington, other than being a BYP member, i don’t know if they have any connection to Nilan.
thank you for this clarification of record.
Will they come forward and speak honestly about what they observed that evening at Allium in re Meredith Nilan?
Too bad you couldn’t get any of the employees at the resturant to talk.Wonder if they could get her credit card records to see if she charged her tab.Thanks for trying to get to the bottom of this.
Your continued efforts on behalf of the average little guy are noticed and greatly appreciated.
Keep the pressure on Dan!
Thank you, and all of those, who have expressed such sentiments. We’re doing our best, pure of heart, with one intention: Truth. We don’t think the truth has come out. It’s there. It begins with accountability for nearly and negligently taking a man’s life.
Interesting that any BYP would shy away from facebook isn’t it. I mean isn’t that the king of networking tool that any young person would use ?
This site is fantastic! Why can’t we have reporting like this from our “newspaper”? Great writing, and great comments from the readers.
…just be careful with AB, you do know how he got where is?
Isn’t it interesting how the GOBs in training stick together?
Ok I give up Whats your point?
Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you’re told
Get out of the road if you want to grow old.
What, exactly, is this suppose to mean?
What was the problem with my first post?
Don’t know to what you’re referring. What first post? Please explain. Doesn’t look like we received it, whatever it is/was.
THE WEBMASTER just found it! It’s up. Sorry for the inconvenience.
I’ll bet Barrett could get to the bottom of this just like he got to the bottom of the water dept scandal. And by the way, when/if this Cliffy issue is resolved let’s take up that water dept scandal. That one might have been covered up by the same folk involved in this one.
Dan I love the term Non- Factual Observation….. Too bad you can’t just stick to the facts.. What are you trying to do get Heller all torqued up?
I for one really don’t care what happened at that party, its to late to ever bring a DWI charge if she was. I’m interested in getting answers to Dan second part, this little weasel who wouldn’t like Peter Mooe testify, nor find cause to let this go to court. Also remember his comment when asked why he didn’t find cause. He didn’t thing it could be won in a court of law.That my friends would have been up to a Judge or jury not pretty boy Byrnes.
Second is this being appealed and the out come of that.
How is the investigation going on little Cliffy if he obstructed justice.
And most important how is the VICTIM Mr. Peter Moore doing.
Thanks Concerned, for bringing this back into some perspective. At the end of the day, what’s important is for this to go to trial in a real court. We’ll never know whether she was drinking or not, because, as you said, there is no way to conclusively prove it in a court at this stage. We do know that her car was involved in this, and her overall story about how it happened doesn’t wash. As for Mr. Moore, he’s slowly getting better, but has a long way to go. Fortunately, he’s one of those people who is almost always a glass half full guy.
Another important goal tokeepinperspective is:
Did Cliff obstruct justice? If so, heshould forfeit his job. There is no place in the judicial system for someone that plays by these rules.
Dave, if Nilan the father did in fact obstruct justice in this matter, or destroy evidence, shouldn’t he be in jail or at least be reporting to his own probation officer?
PErhaps Mr. Nilan in that case would be better off reporting to himself.
THANK YOU Bill Dunham and tell Mr. Moore we all wish him a speedy recovery, and we hope JUSTICE
Many people, including myself, keep their facebook profiles private.
DId Facebook mow down Mr. Moore?
Only if Meridith was on facebook while driving and using her iPhone
One can drink and drive as long as one’s blood alcohol level is below 0.08. It’s my guess that Meredith Nilan was drinking, but I don’t know if she was over the limit. If she ate something, it would have helped her with her alcohol consumption. I don’t think Cliff Nilan should have been a cover-up person for his adult daughter, but he definitely shouldn’t have covered for Angelo Stracuzzi because he is an alleged repeat sexual predator against children. Angelo Stracuzzi may be sick in the head! Angelo Stracuzzi and Carmen Massimiano have faced similar allegations that they are alleged child molestors. Cliff Nilan is friends with both Angelo Stracuzzi and Cliff Nilan.
Mr. Valenti,
‘Troika’? Better make that “The Gang-of-Four”:
Meredith Nilan, Clifford Nilan, Nathan Byrnes, and, of course, Chris ‘No-Show’ Speranzo, without whose sayso Mr. Byrnes would never have been called in from Westfield.
Yes. The Fab Five.
Yes, but according to “Concerned”, Mr. No Show Speranzo has been “no show” since this happened… Concerned — how long has his no show been going on for (this time)?
Our court sources, in whispers, mind you, also confirm what CONCERNED tell us. The Larded Lout, No Show, has been in hiding again since this case got white hot. Not bad for $110,000, lifetime appointment, with Bennies, to keep his mouth shut when an injustice is done. We are going to track him down.
Great – THANK YOU!!!! And thanks for sticking with this topic as all of the citizens of Berk. County really needed you to do this — and it’s appreciated, very much!
I also wonder when the judge will make a decision on the appeal. The appeal was filed on the 12th – almost 2 weeks ago. It sure seems that a decision should’ve been made by now, no?
I’ve found that Concerned can be relied upon to tell us facts – I, for one, appreciate her posts.
Mr. Valenti,
It’s high time a grand jury was empaneled and BYP party-goers put under oath including Mr. Barbalunga.
Being under oath before a grand jury has a tendency to jar loose even the most stubborn recollections, especially when the alternative is to commit perjury.
Should BYP’ers testify, and should even one spill the beans, then the whole house of cards collapses.
Those who are caught lying to a grand jury can kiss their local careers goodbye.
Great idea. Hope it catches on.
Dan I told you your Non factual observation. Would torque up Heller. PS. I still think Cliffs a big A hole.
I agree. But with misdemeanors, there isn’t ever going to be a grand jury…
One could make a credible case that, working quickly, the GOB system of corruption knew this, realized they had to do SOMETHING, and some genius came up with the misdemeanor charges. That sent it to a clerk mag for a hearing. The “impartial” hearing decided no need to proceed. Slam dunk! We’re Not Gonna Take It.
and would it be so hard to stack a grand jury if you worked in the system?
Yes Steve, given what has transpired I feel that there are no bounds to the lengths they may go
Wow Now we have jury rigging! LOL
Molly is correct – without charges filed in a district court first, there can be no grand jury. A grand jury only decides if charges filed against an individual in district court rise to the level of a felony and move to superior court for trial. Without someone first being charged and arraigned in district court, no grand jury.
Goes back to what I said when this story first broke — the misdemeanor charges are KEY to everything that has and will (or will not) transpire. With “other evidence” – other than breathalyzer tests – DUI charges could’ve still been brought, thereby bumping the charges up to felony. Granted, much more difficult to get a conviction with “other evidence”, but hence the phone call to the police hours later stating that she “hit a dog or a deer” knowing that the police likely wouldn’t respond to that.
Someone must step in and put this terrible wrong to right. The people have been screwed, lied to, cheated, and skunked by this Stracuzzi-Nilan-Speranzo Etc. crowd for way too long, it’s time for justice. Please attneorney general, please DA Capeless, please, someone come in and help us.
Capeless is one of the ‘crowd’ as well…
Thank you for your reply about my post, and again, great job on this story (and others)…All we want is the truth.
My pleasure. I try to provide an open voice, and when there’s a glitch, I want to know and make it right. We appreciate your contributions to our site.
DV, been going over Barbalunga’s nonsensical non-responses to your respectful but pointed questions. In Barbalunga’s carefully-worded reply, his answers defy credulity. It would be informative to know whether under oath, Barbalunga the court officer would answer any of these questions in the same way?
Here are your questions followed beneath each by Barbalunga’s non-answer.
DV: “ALF, As a court officer and also as a BYP who was at the party in GB on Dec. 8, can you shed some light on Meredith Nilan?”
AEB: “i did see meredith nilan at the byp function at allium restaurant in great barrington on thur 12/8.”
(RO: Yeah, so did everybody in BYP’s Facebook photos.)
DV: “You were pictured with her. Was she drinking that night? If so, can you give me your estimate of the amount of alcohol she consumed? This is subjective question, admittedly, but did she appear to be drinking heavily or excessively?”
AEB: “during my interaction with meredith when that photo was taken, i do not recall her possessing any type of drink”
(RO: DV, Note the extreme care with which this answer is crafted and framed.)
DV: “Can you say anything about that night?”
AEB: “i was there approximately from 5:15p-7:45p.
i worked the check-in table the first half of the evening.
i would say at the height of the event, there were approximately 60 byp guests attending.
i would say the average age of the guests is 30-ish. appetizers, chatting/networking, and a raffle give-away are the usual highlights during these two plus hour events, and the same was true that evening”
DV: “Was there the usual amount of drinking going on?”
AEB: “the byp event seemed pretty on par with my past experiences regarding alcohol use.
i have personally never witnessed any real heavy alcohol consumption at these events, unlike some social events with a younger age range.”
DV: “Do you know if she drove herself to the party? Do you know if she drove herself back after the party or if she was driven home? If driven home, who gave her the ride?”
AEB: “i’m not aware of what time meredith arrived or departed, or if she carpooled, commuted solo, etc.”
(RO: DV, Meredith Nilan’s father shares the same position in the court system in Pittsfield as does Alf Barbalunga in Southern Berkshire; the two men come out of the same GOB political machine; it’s simply not believable to think that Barbalunga does not keep a watchful eye on his mentor’s daughter when she’s partying in South County to make sure she gets home okay.)
DV, Considering that Alf Barbalunga is the probation chief for Southern Berkshire District Court’s Probation Department and therefore charged with being on the lookout for impaired behavior amongst those whose probations he oversees, for him to answer your questions with answers so absurd calls into question whether Barbalunga should even be allowed to continue in his current position of responsibility keeping track and watch over lawbreakers on probation.
I totally agree with Ray on this one…
We appreciate your analysis of the exchange.
what analysis? all i can see is that Barbulnga answered the questions clearly.
Ray has a known personal vendetta against Barbulnga for some strange reason, always attacking him on various blogs, and now he makes up accusations and calls for his resignation?
what does Ray expect, that Barbulnga is supposed to knows what Nilan and everyone else is doing or drinking 24-7?
doesn’t anyone deal in truth on these blogs?
why not ask the bartenders, they were the ones serving that night.
As THE PLANET wrote, we have always found Alf Barbalunga to be responsive and unevasive.
We hate to burst your fantasy bubble of your Mighty Crusader, Your Messiah, Your Saviour, Dan Valenti, but he’s on the payroll of ($21.7 million salary a year) Mitt Romney, people say how is that possible. Valenti did a number of shows with Romney when he had his vitrioloic talk show. The two Silver Spoon Christ Childs hit it off, and now Mitt needs helps for his faltering campaign. Valenti is on the payroll on retainer, gets Big Bucks for doing nothing or typing out a few syllables. Valenti’s treatment of the case has been unfair to a wonderful young woman Meredith Nilan. The jogger was at fault, dark clothes, at night, no reflective strips on his back. He deserved what he got in a way. The Nilan family is a pillar of this community.
PB, so if Meredith Nilan is such “a wonderful young woman,” why didn’t she simply stop and call the cops when she saw Peter Moore’s cranium sticking through her dad’s SUV’s windshield? It’s hard to mistake a human face for a deer’s snout or hooves. Only a fool would continue to defend the illogical and indefensible so why won’t you admit she hit, ran, and doesn’t have the personal integrity to own up to what she did?
Ah PB trying to distract the flow of the conversation. You are an idiot. Dan Valenti is the only journalist with balls. He’s the only hope of any kind of fair coverage. Go back to The Legion bar and have a couple doubles.
With your post, you have proven without a doubt your observations and judgements are far outside mainstream and perhaps to the point of idiocy.
You cannot be Serious about describing someone who is so callous they would leave the scene of a nearly fatal accident as a wonderful young woman.
You cannot be Serious to even think it is defensible to consider this incident can be blamed on the victim.
Do yourself and your family a favor and seek help.
You’re scum and so isn’t Nilan.
So, did meridith tell you he was wearing dark clothes? What was she doing that brought her to the wrong side of the road? Why was she driving 50 mph in a thickly setteled neighborhood?
What a horrible and insensitive comment from PB. No one “deserves” to be hit by an automobile, driving on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD or even the right side of the road for that matter. Leave it to you to blame the victim. I bet you also think Whitey Bulger was a wonderful, civic-minded human being, and his victims “deserved it.” Shameful.
PB Are you kidding? Cliffy Nilan? A pillar of the community. More like a pillager of the community. As Ray-o says, she hit a human almost killed him and booked. Despicable. So are you.
You coward! State your real name and then type the same thing in a comment! Typical GOB! And yes – you’re just trying to divert attention away from the other scum bags whom we’re talking about! You still just don’t get it — we’re not going to stop until justice has been seen.
And again – stalking Dan Valenti. You are truly obsessed with him! What – no video’s this time? Did you interview the Pittsfield Airport employee this past weekend to see where Dan was?
@PB As usual you don’t bring much to the table.Who cares about Mitt Romney.You seem like the type of person that would blame a rape victim for dressing too sexy.People say Ted Kennedy was a nice guy too,except for that little thing at Chappaquidick.I know PB its Mary Jo’s fault for getting in the car with him.
She died because he didn’t want to face the music on driving drunk as well very sad.
If people who are politically connected tell their kids to leave the scene of accidents what should I tell mine? Maybe don’t drink and drive?
I imagine making the largest possible donation to a targeted campaign would not hurt. The kids should probably save their french fry money for this no namie insurance policy.
The only point we are trying to make is that Valenti spins fantasy to drive business, ratings, etc. The little guy (5’3″) comes off as the “voice of the little guy” but in fact is one of the elite. Who else has Mitt Romney’s private cell phone # on spped dial? I think everyone who has sought a kangaroo verdict for Meredith Nilan and involved her father should be ashamed of themselves. She’s a terrific young woman whose been through a lot with this incident. Her father has give n his all to this community for 30 years. Shame on you and this website.
now I get it….PB has taken sarcasm to new heights…I hope the perp gets it that you were really cutting her up
So sorry to hear that she’s “gone through a lot with this incident.” Let’s count the things Mr. Moore has “gone through.” Broken bones, lacerations, head trauma, three surgeries, having to wear a neck brace for several months to prevent further spinal damage, having his doctor warn him that if he falls on the ice during his months-long recovery, he will suffer even greater injuries, massive headaches, mobility issues, physical therapy for the next several months at least, out of work from December through January, and oh… let’s not forget, he’s also saddled with people like you, who think HE’S somehow to blame for Ms. Nilan’s woes. She is to blame, plain and simple.
No one is seeking a kangaroo verdict for Meredith Nilan – we’ve already seen that!!! We want TRUE JUSTICE!! Are you saying that there’s something wrong with that?
We don’t care what she’s been through with this incident – whatever it is, it isn’t nearly enough for what she did. We ARE concerned about what the VICTIM has gone through, IS going through, and will CONTINUE to go through for the rest of his life.
Her father gave all his sleaze to this community for 30 years. And now it’s time to put him in jail as well.
No one, other than you, cares in the least what Dan does to earn his money as it’s none of our business. I suggest to you that you move past being so jealous of him and stop obsessing with him as it’s very pathetic. You obviously need some sort of counselling or therapy as you just can’t seem to let this go…
Shame on YOU and your other GOB’s! You are all going down.
Her father lied for a skinner and she left a guy for dead most likely because she was drinking and driving although that can’t be proven because she left the scene that says a lot about bot of their characters they should be ashamed of themselves.
PB, really. It’s clear you know her on a personal level because you are very insistent on how “wonderful” she is. I’m so sorry to here she has been through so much with all of this…like what not being able to continue her drinking that evening? Or not having daddy’s car to drive for a few days? Or having her name in the paper? Poor girl, tough life huh? She practically got away with murder. Meredith Nilan is the furthest thing from a wonderful person I have ever seen. She’s disgusting a disgrace to this city just like her father and yourself! Mr Moore on the other hand, wonderful man who is going through an extremely tough time healing after being mowed down by Meredith on the wrong side of the road! His life will never be the same, wonderful meredith well she’s just living like nothing ever happen
@PB Once again you don’t get it.We don’t care about Mitt Romney or Dan’s height.All I would like to see is this tradgedy go to trail and be heard in front of a judge.All I know is,there are not to many “terrific young woman” who would leave a man on the side of the road with a broken neck.She was hiding something or she would have gotten out of the car and called the police at the site of the accident.If this web site bothers you so much why not stay off it.
Oh and by the way, you did succeed in changing the tone of this discussion, but you also helped “Planet Valenti” get MANY more posts… Hmmmmmm