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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, FEB. 14, 2012) — THE PLANET wishes to relay a word on this Valentine’s Day from impresario extraordinaire Andy Poncherello regarding The REAL Pittsfield Benefit for Peter Moore and Family.

Singers/Songwriters Wanted to Play for Packed House

Poncherello asked us to put out the call for all singer/songwriters who can donate their considerable talents to please contact him at 413-418-5783. Beside helping out with a great cause, performers will get to play a friendly, receptive, and packed room to showcase what they can do. THE PLANET also has a musical management arm via Europolis Management, and we will have talent scouts there. Who knows? Maybe this is your big break. Bottom line, though, is that we hope you will contribute your talents as a show of support to a man who was nearly run over and killed by a reckless (and callous) hit-and-run driver.

Also, any businesses who can donate products or services, please get into touch with Poncherello. THE PLANET has pledged a package of signed books of our authorship AND treating one lucky winner to lunch with us at the Red Lion Inn. Please help out if you can.



Speaking of the Nilan-Moore Case, this website broke most all the important movements in this story yesterday and prior, including first in with Judge Hadley‘s ruling, first in with photos of the vehicle, and first in with the Pittsfield Police Department‘s Report. That report has some hidden gems in it, and we intend to share some observations with you, likely tomorrow.

THE PLANET’s relentless pursuit of the truth here prevented this story from vanishing in thin air after a little smoke and sizzle, as leaks on so many past scandals have done. THE PLANET’s tireless work on behalf of Truth, Justice, and the American Way forced others in the media to take notice, including pushing the Boring Broadsheet to grudgingly publish its “pulling of teeth” versions of the events of Nilan-Moore. There’s no question that this site generated tremendous pressure on many fronts, official and otherwise, to see that this case didn’t disappear.

We say this simply  to remind everyone the importance of a free press. We, virtually alone among media locally, choose to act fearlessly upon this freedom in pursuit of causes that help advance the Truth and give the Little Guy somewhat of a fair shake. Cyberspace has given We The People a tool by which to take back their government. The larger this website grows in numbers and in influence, the more we can act for good on behalf of righteous causes.

Our readership continues to swell, far beyond our projections for this point in our business plan. We have been approached several times by brokers who want to sell ads on this site for us, offering us a lot of dough simply for allowing our space to be used.

We have said, and continue to say no. We shall remain UNBOUGHT and UNBOSSED.



You can’t spell Valentine without Valenti, which is why THE PLANET has always been so popular on this day, dating back to grammar school, when we were asked a million times how to spell our last name. Appropriate, that, for a lover like us.

How do we love? Not like the jackal. More like the dove.

Let’s see … Yes, we love, like the sweetest apple that reddens upon the topmost bough’s topmost twig, which the pluckers forgot, somehow. Forgot, we say? No. They forgot it not but GOT it not, for no one could get … until now. We are speaking in code. Let those with eyes, see. Let those with ears, hear.

Yes, we love, like the sweetest apple

that reddens upon the bough,

which the pluckers forgot, somehow.

“Forgot,” we say? No. They forgot it not.

They got it not, for no one could get until now.

6-55-32-1 for the cryptographers: 3486y50i 26d65h 6m 10793kfm7 43ms cl6tg905.



1Berkshires, the umbrella group designed (so they say) to be one-stop shopping for economic development, has apparently named Pam Malumphy as its marketing director, THE PLANET has learned. The announcement is all hush-hush, so don’t tell them you heard it here.

The information, obtained by a reliable source and all-but confirmed later by a 1Berkshire source (though not officially and on condition of anonymity), has raised a lot of eyebrows in local political circles.

If this information bear out, we find it odd in the extreme. That being said, in the wacky world of local politics, nothing surprises us.

Malumphy, whose long enemy list includes THE PLANET for reasons which puzzle us to this day, is seen as anathema by much if not most of the 1Berkshire set, according to our source there. She has burned more bridges than Napoleon on his retreat from Russia.

Malumphy  has lost four consecutive political campaigns after whiffing in her attempt for a second term as an a-large city councilor in Pittsfield (the four: at large, state rep, mayor, and state rep again). Her abrasive style has earned her the nickname of “Pummelin’ Pam.”

On its website, 1Berkshire has this job advertised:


1Berkshire is an independent not-for-profit corporation charged with strengthening and growing the Berkshire economy using an innovative collaborative approach among the region’s business, tourism, economic, and creative development efforts.1Berkshire partners include, The Berkshire Chamber of Commerce, The Berkshire Visitors Bureau, Berkshire Creative, and Berkshire Economic Development Corporation.


This newly created opportunity is a senior position with the largest collaborative business organization in Berkshire County. The Economic Development specialist at 1Berkshire will be responsible for workforce development and business attraction, retention, and expansion in Berkshire County, MA. S/he will manage the economic development efforts of 1Berkshire and ensure that the region is positioned and perceived as a wonderful place to live, work, and play.


Research & Strategic Planning: Conduct research and provide thorough analysis to Economic Development task forces. Work with task force in building a measurable economic development strategy for the region that will lead to the development of promotional and industrial expansion programs for industries and commodities, identification of opportunities for the expansion of existing businesses, and the establishment of healthy working relationships with economic development stations across the state.

Metrics & Reporting: Prepare quarterly progress reports on strategic plan and marketing efforts, create and implement a business visitation and reporting program, and maintain metrics to monitor measures of success.

Advocating and Event Planning: Organize annual Economic Summits that will allow the region to determine top economic development priorities in an effort to enhance and develop local businesses and cultural attractions in our community.

External Relationships: Establish strategic partnerships with economic development specialists across the state, representing the 1Berkshire mission and speaking at events when called upon.

Knowledge & Skill Requirements

Strong candidates for this position should have:

  • Excellent writing and public speaking skills
  • Excellent technical and analytical skills
  • A proven ability to work collaboratively with many diverse stakeholders including the ability to convene and facilitate meetings, set agendas, and bring collaborative efforts to a desired outcome
  • A sound understanding of regional economic development, workforce development, business retention and expansion, investment attraction, and marketing principles and best practices
  • A proven track record of being able to develop and manage long-term professional relationships with business and public agencies
  • A sound understanding of the role public policy plays in economic development and redevelopment and an ability to shape positions and advocate on behalf of those positions on policy issues
  • Bachelor’s Degree, minimum – Master’s degree or equivalent desired, but not required

This experience is typically acquired through a combination of a Bachelors Degree and five years of professional experience directly related to economics, business, marketing, urban planning, public policy, or related disciplines.

All applications should send a resume and cover letter to no later than Friday, February 17, 2012.

We agree with our original source, that Malumphy has been an advocate for business and economic development over the years (though what practical good that did is open for debate). She is witty, bright, fairly articulate, and has passion. Good package, we agree, but one ultimately that unravels over her penchant for emotionalism.

Judging by past performance, which, as our stockbroker says is no indication of future results, she lets her emotions take over when the head should be calling the shots. When Pummelin’ Pam puts you on her List, there’s no getting off. She turns shrill, which, to most ears, male and female, has about as much appeal as the howl of a coyote with a foot caught in a trap.

1B's STUART CHASE: The paper chase for a marketing person leads to Pummelin' Pam. (All Photos Courtesy of 1Berkshire)

One source openly wondered if Malumphy had anything on Stuart Chase, 1B executive director. That’s how politicians think, and it certainly would provide an explanation to a surprising selection.

Food for thought, as we might say … frozen food for thought.

We also cannot leave this story without reminding you remember that 1B took a whole lotta GE money, said to be $300,000, to push a Rest-of-the-River solution for the Housatonic River that would be decidedly easy on GE’s phat wallet. Wonder if Pummelin’ Pam now thinks the GE approach is a wonderful idea.



Speaking of personnel changes, we will add that 1B’s Helena Fruscio, ex-director of the Berkshire Creative Economy Council (Berkshire Creative), got kicked upstairs, so to speak, to serve as “Creative Economy Industry Director” for the state.

We bet you didn’t even know — you who are struggling to keep your head above water these days — that your tax dollars are used to maintain a “Creative Economy Industry Director.” How could we all manage with a Creative Economy Industry Director?

We don’t know who, how, or what was responsible for the Fruscio promotion, and we don’t know of a Casting Couch in Boston (wanna buy a bridge that Pam Malumphy torched, in Brooklyn?), but we’re reasonably certain that after the usual nationwide search and much due diligence, the new Creative Economy Industry Director got the job after passing the audition, showing great, um, creativity.

Fruscio’s job from here to Boston is like going from counting paper clips for $70K a year to drinking latte mochas for $90K. You don’t break a sweat; you don’t mess up the sacred, sweep the forehead bangs; and you get invited to many more free eats, and we’re not talking Sloppy Joes.

Gosh: Did Dan Valenti Invent the Creative Economy in Pittsfield?

Let’s see: THE PLANET moved back to The Berkshires in 1980 after a five-year stint in daily newspapering. With one book just out at the time racking up floundering sales and another in our mind, we decided to stake a claim on North Street, downtown Pittsfield, establishing our beach head there. We stayed for 28 years.

We took a one-room office in the Elglo Mall (what is now Crawford Square). We furnished it, and began writing. We had no offers and no guarantees, yet within a couple years, we had a couple of literary hits, and then the offers began searching for us.

Meanwhile, we had taken on a huge amount of free-lance work. We did what all good entrepreneurs did. We hired. We did it without one borrowed cent, furnishing 100% of our own venture capital. We rolled the bones, betting the house, and we made our point — eight the hard way.

By the time we closed our Pittsfield offices on Sept. 1, 2008 for southern climes, we had employed 74 people full time, plus a countless number of free lancers. We had pumped millions and millions of dollars into the local economy through the salaries we paid, the benefits we provided, the many lunches eaten in downtown Pittsfield, and all the shopping that our employees did there. Our employees became alums who went on to even greater success on their own.

We did all of this using our wits. We lived the life of the mind. We did not attend one state-sponsored class for entrepreneurs. We didn’t join a “writers’ group.” We didn’t sit around in Schwab’s Drugstore waiting to get discovered. We didn’t take one dime of public money. We didn’t apply for grants.

We also didn’t have the benefit of the Berkshire Creative Economy Council or the state Creative Economy Industry Director. We took a chance and we acted, determined to hold nothing back and to let no one out-work us.

All along, we were helping create the Creative Economy without even knowing it.

Groups Like This Create Two Jobs: A Con Job and a Snow Job

Groups such as 1Berkshire have been the boon and the bane of Berkshire County every since our TRUE economy — the manufacturing economy — left town by 1990. The boon part comes in the way these “economic development groups” create jobs: They create big-paying jobs with fancy titles to reward “Players” (jobs like Chief Executive Officer, President, and CEO, plus two other jobs: A con job and a snow job. The bane is that, nearly a generation later, there are still no high-pay, high-benefits manufacturing jobs in Pittsfield.

THE PLANET does not question the well-meaning intentions of many of the people who populate these multitudinous “economic and marketing” groups. We do question their effectiveness. We do ask: Does not the presence of such a group signal a sign of failure, raising the white flag of surrender, in securing manufacturing jobs?

Mayor Jimmy Ruberto was smart enough to pick the low-hanging fruit represented by a recreation-and-resort economy. We would have done so, too. That’s all gone now. The orchard has done been picked dry, and that’s what Mayor Dan Bianchi is really saying when he couches his support for the foo-foo brie-and-asiago set, who suffer from a terminal case of Taking Themselves Too Seriously.

Truly, Do You Expect These People to Create Manufacturing Jobs?

Take the three “leaders” of 1Berkshire: Stuart Chase has a background in the arts. From his 1B bio:

Prior to his tenure at Berkshire Museum, he held leadership posts at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts; Rockwell Museum of Western Art in Corning, New York; Raynham Hall Museum in Oyster Bay, New York; Museum of the Southwest in Midland, Texas; and served as president at the Oyster Bay Chamber of Commerce.

Chase didn’t make his bones on a factory floor. He’s probably never gotten dirt under his fingernails.

Or take Lauri Klefos. Please.

LAURI KLEFOS: Another brie-andasiago type?Lauri Klefos, prez and CEO of Berkshire Visitors Bureau, a job that is 99% politics and 1% "other."

Prior to coming to the Berkshires, she was president of the Arizona Tourism Alliance and director of Tourism Marketing for Moses Anshell Advertising in Phoenix, Arizona. In 1994 she was appointed as director of Travel and Tourism for the State of New Hampshire. In this role she was chair of Discover New England and the National Association of State Development Agencies’ Tourism Development Committee.
Prior to her career in destination marketing, Klefos worked for the State of New Hampshire’s Division of Economic Development for eight years beginning as a research analyst where she instituted the first statewide online site selection database which won national awards for innovation in state government.

Again, this

MIKE SUPRANOWICZ: No flounder from the factory floor, that's for sure.

is a tea-and-crumpets-at-the-Ritz person who’s plenty beholden that the GOBs for her good fortune, as is Berkshire Chamber of Commerce prez and CEO Mike Supranowicz. There’s not much private sector experience here. Perhaps that’s why Pittsfield has given up on finding good-pay good-benefits manufacturing jobs — not because they don’t exist (they do) but because the city doesn’t have the talent to get them here.

That’s why those good jobs go elsewhere.

Or haven’t you noticed how PEDA want to put a Big Box retail shopping complex in at Polluted Acres?








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13 years ago

Yet another typical Valenti shred job. OK, that is not “advancing the discussion.” Let me do that. Mr. Chase, Ms. Klefos and Fruscio, and Mr. Supranowicz have worked hard and tirelessly to promote economic development in the Berkshire, not just Pittsfield. These are good people. They do not deserve this type of treatment. Let us say, though, that we question the choice of Ms. Malumphy for 1Berkshire but are willing to see what happens.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
13 years ago

Ms. Kleflos at least has the experience and the credentials.

13 years ago

What is your problem?

13 years ago

You need thicker skin.

13 years ago

How about Whitney Houston for as a singer at the Moore benefit? She’d be perfect.

Deb S
Deb S
13 years ago

you are offensive OP…

The Kraken
The Kraken
13 years ago

OP: that is just a totally classless joke. And unintelligent too.

13 years ago

Well we are the crack capital but she bit it the other day haven’t you heard the eagle did a piece on it of course.

13 years ago

How about Merdith Nilian,love to hear her sing.Maybe we will at the Pittsfield District Court,but I some how doubt it.

13 years ago

@One Pittsfield Mabe you could get Tim Shugrue to perform some magic for the benefit.I here he is a hell of a illusionist.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
13 years ago

Cliff & Meridith can sing this to each other

Still wondering
Still wondering
13 years ago

Dan, you’ve scored a grand slam on the Nilan case and then you turn around and do a hatchet job on several non-deserving recipients. What gives?
You champion those that go against the GOBs but save a special batch of venom for Pam. Why Dan?
Helena’s choice for a statewide office was wonderful for her, Pittsfield, the Berkshires and Massachusetts. Why don’t you see that?

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

I have heard you rough up Ms Malumphy before…right around election time. I did not think it was warranted then or now. You and Ruberto beat her up pretty good. She seems like the friend of the little guy…much like you claim to be…so why the disconnect I do not know.

Nancy P. aka Molly
Nancy P. aka Molly
Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

Don’t know Pam Malumphy, and don’t even know that much about her. But I would venture to guess that if you’ve written articles in the past similar to the one today about her, my guess is that would be it!! No?

Reply to  Still wondering
13 years ago

Many state jobs are a waste of $. Dan’s problem is that Ms. Malumphy ignores him. So he calls her names and talks degradingly about her and does all he can to get her to take the bait. She has been below the radar since election day but dv drags her up because she got a job that he doesn’t want her to have.

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

so you call her pummelin pam, a name you made up for her – relavant towhat? – neither defending her nor embracing her, don’t know her from shit – but you follow her around – former mayor d. gets 30,000 large ones from billy galvins office – tom wojtkowski collected for years just reading bills going to the house – and on and on – you pick out her because she if she’ll react you can shit on her – your like the schoolyard bully with a pulpit that you can blast people every day and they have no way to react – if you really didn’t care about her you would ignore her

13 years ago

for years i have wondered about these “economic development” positions… where do they get their salaries from?…….who funds them??.. and from the sound of some of their high falutin titles they must get paid very well. im serious, any one know how these entities are funded???????????????????

Reply to  rick
13 years ago

by the tax payers and GE blood money.

13 years ago

Still Wondering, it’s just Valenti being Valenti.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
13 years ago

I’ll bet 0pie posts from an office in the court building….they have very little to do there.

13 years ago

it almost looks like the money we are paying out to get jobs in pittsfield is going to get more jobs for people to get more jobs for themselves and “sister” businesses, all funded by taxpayers. wow,,,,,,…. one spawns the other and gets funded… kind of like a ponzi scheme.

13 years ago

It’s interesting to see that Meredith’s Linkedin profile is active again –

I wonder if she analyzed the risk of her actions on Dec 8 vs the consequences?

And also interesting is this old Myspace account of hers – ( ) and how it appears to have a survey filled out from BEFORE she went to college, and presumably under the legal drinking age,in which she professes to “obviously” drinking, and “haha” having been drunk.

Not much seems to have changed for her since then, except maybe now her irresponsible, spoiled brat behavior might be catching up with her. About time!

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  berktransplant
13 years ago

she will be able to put “shared a cell with Large Marge” on her profile soon.

Bull Durham
Bull Durham
Reply to  berktransplant
13 years ago

As much as I would like to see justice done in this case, I don’t think pointing out that Ms. Nilan said she drank before the age of 21 is some kind of revelation. Almost everyone has had liquor before 21 these days, and even when the drinking age was 18, underage drinking was pretty common.

I’m just glad to see this will go an actual courtroom with a real judge, and hopefully Peter will see some justice out of this after all.

holy cow
holy cow
Reply to  berktransplant
13 years ago

saw meredith driving a few days ago. one hand on wheel,
one hand holding cellphone to ear. I know 75% of drivers
doing this but cmon

kevin jennings
kevin jennings
13 years ago

I kike the “Do you along with your parents?….HELL NO!”

Granted she filled this out some years ago. But her father put his professional reputation on the line for her. As far as most are concerned Cliff Nilan should change his name to MUD. And she doesn’t get along with him?

If I called my dad and said “Hey dad i think i may have hit someone or something and by the way your car is trashed” he would of hung the phone up and called the cops on me. Her dad calls the family lawyer, sugrue and cliffy concot a lie, and THEN call cops to protect her…and she doesnt get along with him? HELL NO? what a spoiled brat.

13 years ago

It’s a shame to see how this muckracking website has coopted common sense and sober reporting that we used to rely upon from the local press.

By the way, what was Valenti doing in Bianchi’s office today. He shows up without an appt. and Susan Santolin ushers him right in past an elderly gentleman who had been waiting there forever to see the mayor. Valenti then went to city clerk’s office to speak with them about the council agenda.

Bianchi eeked out a 90-vote win over a much more qualified opponent and he owes this win to Valenti, who looks like he’s getting his payment.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
13 years ago

So, there we have you are a hack who works (I use that word loosely) at the Silly Hall. PB=007.

13 years ago

That elderly guy didn’t happen to be Joe Kapinski, did it? I guess it’s not just a coincidence that DV has started to set low expections of Bianchi here (i.e. no more low hanging fruit). Just a new cast of GOBs but this time with an indecisive leader.

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

omg…is it someone in the mayors office I wonder…one of Rubertos stooges?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

PB works in the Treasurer/collections office and was extremely involved in Marchetti’s campaign. I’ll say it even if DV won’t.

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

Well Dan maybe you should do an expose’ on PB and their job at city hall.

Still wondering
Still wondering
13 years ago

Sour grapes, eh PB? Your guy lost the election all on his own. Remember the quote about the convenience store holdups being done by guys just wanting to feed their families? I’ve never heard dumber words from a local politician.

Reply to  Still wondering
13 years ago

That was pretty dumb but don’t give politicians too much credit.

Jim Gleason
Jim Gleason
13 years ago

Congratulations and good Luck in your new position, Pam. DAN, you call her shrill and emotional but I think it’s because she has never taken any crap from you or anyone else. I think she is one of the nicest, most honest and hard working people around and don;t know why you don’t see this. I usually like your work but when you are wrong, as I have always done, I will tell you that too, and you’re dead wrong on Pam.

The Kraken
The Kraken
13 years ago

So Pittsfield Believer is someone who surfs the internet on the taxpayer’s dollar. PB gets very defensive when anyone attacks the city that pays him/her to do nothing all day and we taxpayers foot the bill.
PB, I call for you to resign your job at City Hall as obviously you do nothing all day and I do not want to pay for it.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  The Kraken
13 years ago

The only thing Pittsfield Believer actually beluieves is that the hackarama in Pittsfield should be perpetuated so he/she can continue to slack off on the PC.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
13 years ago

DA considering outside prosecutor for Nilan case

13 years ago

Ok I agree with DA Capeless to bring in a outside DA, however think the public should know, who makes that decision and what process is used to bring one in.

I think we should all insist on finding out who called and brought Nat Byrnes here to hear the case. DV I think either Judge Rutberg or Mr. Speranzo would be a start. What process was used if any, or did someone just call him because they knew him These questions have to be answered. I still believe there was funny busy pulled here.

Nancy P. aka Molly
Nancy P. aka Molly
13 years ago

I think it VERY appropriate for the DA to request an outside prosecutor for the Nilan case, especially considering the shenanigans that have been going on thus far!! I was surprised by just how much the DA is suppose to be involved in a show-cause hearing and with the Clerk Magistrate who is hearing it — i.e., telling him if he plans to prosecute the case or not and if he said “not”, then perhaps that’s what Concerned heard from Nathan Byrnes — it wasn’t going anywhere anyway! But why tell the local newspaper that you are “considering” this? Why not make the decision and then tell the newspaper? This DA is whacked, I swear!

If he tries this case out of his office and loses it, he also loses his job. But trying this case and winning it won’t necessarily keep his job. So why wouldn’t he do this? What’s the huge decision to consider?

Reply to  Nancy P. aka Molly
13 years ago

DA Capeless is likely not banking on running for re-election next go-round; it’s a good bet he’s depending upon the state Democrat Party machine to appoint him to a judgeship.
That judgeship appointment could be stopped at the Governor’s desk or at the Governor’s Council if there were enough outcry from an angry Berkshire public.

Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

i remember a big out cry for speranzo, and that turned out to be a waste of breath…. remember something people , boston has a better gob network than pittsfield could ever dream of…. deval, although a gov. still is a member of that secret society that runs beacon hill. patrick appointed speranzo after he stopped going to work and taking a pay check from the tax payers. so if you think patrick is for we the peeps ,keep dreaming. so when capeless stops showing up for work you know he got the appointment. heller you of all people should know how the games played.

Reply to  rick
13 years ago

Rick, it’s nice to pretend once in a while to be an optimist and think that public outcry might actually have effect on the Democrat Party machine that gives lifetime appointment to judges.
Now, in the age of the Internet, that kind of outcry is actually possible.

Dead to Rights
Dead to Rights
Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

I think that’s the point, GMh and Rick, something Valenti mentioned yesterday or day before with the internet now people can be organized and can have a say in things this website certainly proves that the way planet alone kept the story alive. Speranzo = bum

Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

its good to hope gm. with patrick leaving office we can only imagin what he is going to do on his farewell tour… lets see if he can out do halley barbour.

Reply to  rick
13 years ago

You can tell DP is NOT for the people every time he does a budget cut the poor and needy suffer first.

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

From your lips to gods ears.Good bye Mr.Patrick thanks for the memories.

Life is But a ...What?
Life is But a ...What?
13 years ago

Agree with Converned and Nancy. DA made the right call to ask for outside prosecutor. That person will represent us , The People vs. the defendent, and I want someone who is agreessive and will prosecute this to the fullest. Also think the question needs to be answered: Who got Nathan Byrnes in for that sham of a hearingm, made all secret, keeping out the victim and his lawyer? Please find out the answers.

Let me add to Mr. Valenti. We appreciate the job you are doing. You are the best most reliable pubilc figure in the county right now representing the little guy. Thanks.

13 years ago

Notice how long it has taken in this whole Nilan hit-run matter for supposedly responsible public officials to start acting like responsible public officials.
The Berkshire Eagle reports: “Asked for his reaction to the fact that charges will go forward, Capeless responded,’It’s appropriate that this matter will now be heard in open court and will ultimately be decided by a jury.'”
So where was this righteous talk from DA David Capeless when Asst. Clerk-Magistrate Nathan A. Byrnes made his decision to close the Nilan show-cause hearing to Peter Moore and his attorney?
Is it reasonable to believe that a Magistrate who was brought in special to Pittsfield to hear the Nilan matter did not get or seek advice from the District Attorney?
So just what was Capeless’ advice to Byrnes?
Did Capeless recommend to Byrnes that the hearing be closed to the public; did Capeless recommend to Byrnes to close the hearing to Peter Moore and his attorney?
The public is entitled to answers from its elected DA.

13 years ago

‘DA considering outside prosecutor for Nilan case’ by Berkshire Eagle Staff.

13 years ago

gm, kind of funny that if we hold people hands and walk them through the process of their job of course with a spot light on them that they will do the right thing and all the shenanigans end.if ever there was to be an argument of whether or not there is a good old boy network in the pitts, i would llike to argue the point for the pro side. with all the ammo that they put forth i could not lose….. you see a good old boy network should be seen and not heard, these fools break the most sacred holy rule.thou must not bring thyself into the public eye.

13 years ago

Has Barry Clairmount stop talking yet.Wow who says there know such thing as a dumb question.

13 years ago

You gotta love late night Barry.

13 years ago

Thirty has no clue.

Dead to Rights
Dead to Rights
Reply to  tito
13 years ago

Barry “I don’t have a Clue(airmont)”

13 years ago

Just thought he asked way to many questions that he knew that Corey Thurston could not answer,but asked him anyway.Also some of the questions were more about Mr.Thustons opinion’s not facts.Thought he was grandstanding,would have been nice to let each councilor ask 5 questions at a time.Since when is Tyler ext. downtown and with todays technology you cannot make a building compatible with rail service.