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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

ADD #1 FEB. 24, 2012THE PLANET just received word from Ken Ramsdell — the person who has stepped up to the plate to formally organize the Toby Moore Dog Walk in light of the city’s 11th hour requirement that the heretofore unorganized event obtain “proper” permits — that the Toby walk will now take place on Sunday, April 15.

Read below how the Pittsfield Parks Commission, chaired by John Herman with a membership that includes Clifford Nilan (small world, ain’t it?), stepped in at the last minute and declared the dog walk illegal, subject to a lengthy permitting and application process. As we say below, every good deed in the city of Pittsfield runs the risk of becoming a political crime.

The action may turn out to be a blessing in many ways, including ways that the draconian authorities did not anticipate.



(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, FRIDAY, FEB. 24, 2012) — Before we get to anything else, and before we share the shocking news on the last-minute GOB move to kill the Toby Dog Walk, this will be our last promo for The REAL Pittsfield Benefit for Peter Moore and Family.

The event will take place this weekend, from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday from Chameleon’s at 1350 East St., Pittsfield. There’s a huge grab bag of great items to be up for grabs, including three contributions from THE PLANET:

(1) A collection of eight of our titles (baseball, travel, and poetry) in signed (and mostly first) editions. Some of these books are out of print and to purchase from a book service, sports action, or collector would cost a pretty penny.

(2) Lunch for one, with THE PLANET, at the fabulous Red Lion Inn in Stockbridge, Mass.

(3) Dinner for two with PLANET, this also at the Red Lion Inn.

Promoter superlative Andy Poncherello has booked a great lineup of acts: bands, singers, etc. Please join the Benefit for a lot of family fun. Help send Peter Moore and his family a message about the REAL Pittsfield. Thanks.

Now for the heartburn.



Despite the well-publicized plans to hold a morning dog walk at Kirvin Park in honor of heroic little Toby Moore, Peter Moore’s canine buddy who stayed with his master after a callous hit-and-run driver left him for dead, a rancid odor drifted in from officialdom. The city, all of a sudden, is calling the Toby Dog Walk illegal.

A ringer clerk magistrate issues a three-dollar-bill ruling, saying there wasn’t enough evidence on Meredith Nilan‘s alleged mowing down of Peter Moore.  She nearly walks. However, a group of large-hearted ordinary citizens — not an organized group — wants to come together in a show of support for the victim who was almost killed and the heroic dog who stood by his master, and all of a sudden it’s a federal case.

Welcome to Pittsfield, where every good deed stands in danger of  becoming a political crime.

A String of Serial Phone Calls, the Demand of an Impossibility, and the Dog Walk is Dead

Within the space of a few minutes, Andy Poncherello received three calls, back-to-back-to-back, from the Pittsfield Parks Commission, the Pittsfield Police Department, and OCD czarina Deanna Ruffer. The irony is that Poncherello has nothing to do with the dog walk. He’s promoting the Peter Moore benefit later that day at Chameleon’s. The dog walk is the brainchild of Ken Ramsdell of Pittsfield aided by a bunch of ordinary citizens who have never met in person, can’t be considered organized in any sense of the word, and are in no way a group.

They’re a bunch of people who want to walk their dogs in a city park. Does that mean a handful of kids who want to play a game of unorganized baseball at a city park must file for permits? Or did the dog walkers commit a political crime in wanting to show support for Peter Moore and Toby? Did some GOBsters take that as a slap in the face to their boy Clifford?

Ramsdell, alerted by Poncherello that the authorities were making noise, contacted city clerk Linda Tyer. She sent him the following e-mail, yesterday:

Dear Mr. Ramsdell: [2/23/12, 4:47 p.m.]
Thank you for getting back to me regarding the dog walk that is planned for this Sunday, February 26 from 9:30 to 11:00 at Kirvin Park.  As I explained, organized events at city parks require a special event application and approval by the Parks Commission.  Thank you for your willingness to delay the event so that proper procedures can be followed.  The city wants to assist you in navigating the process and hopes this event will be a success.  The purpose of the process is to ensure that organized events held in city parks take into consideration the impacts that events might have on surrounding neighborhoods and park facilities.
Here is a link to the special event information webpage that includes a check list and the application:
Because your schedule includes a lot of travel the city is willing to accept your completed application via email.  Once we have received the completed application it will be forwarded to the appropriate city departments for their review and it will be placed on the Parks Commission agenda.  In the meantime, please share with your supporters that the event scheduled for this Sunday has been postponed.
Please let me know if you have any questions.  The city looks forward to this opportunity to work with you on this very special event.
Linda M. Tyer, City Clerk
We understand the need for protocol, but the timing of the city’s involvement rouses suspicion. The city has long known about the dog walk. How come it waited until it’s impossible to get the “proper” permits prior to Sunday? Why didn’t the city express its concerns before? Or is it the city that’s concerned? Are certain GOBs worried that the dog walk would embarrass one of their own?

Isn’t it more than odd that these official requests should come all at once and so late in the game, when Ramsdell and the other citizens involved don’t have time to comply? Does that explain the timing?

We spoke with Ramsdell late last night. He says he is complying with the city’s request. He also presented us with this statement:


I regret to inform both you and THE PLANET readers that I have discovered the community-wide dog walk will need to be postponed until late March or early April. I have stepped into a leadership role to preserve this significant event. I first want to thank all of those who helped spread the word and showed the world that we the citizens of Pittsfield care about our citizens and count our pets among them.

The reason for the postponement is the City of Pittsfield has expressed a desire to ensure that the proper permits and procedures are followed. I am not certain what the procedure is for people to just get together with their dogs for the purpose of showcasing the commitment or bond between themselves and their furry family members, but I will attempt to follow it.

This event was never intended to be political nor was it meant to divide or cause consternation. I do feel it is time that the people of Pittsfield to support and rally behind our fellow citizens (be them two- or four-legged) when they demonstrate a level of commitment that we all should strive to emulate such as Toby staying by Mr. Moore’s side in his time of need.

I will need to file permits, garner approvals from various city departments, and then have the request placed upon the Parks Commission agenda. I myself am an animal owner and I am certain my Dog Pi would do the same as Toby and be by my side should something horrible happen to me.

 The intent of this walk or gathering was, is, and shall remain to ensure those adopting a pet are aware of the commitment they are about to enter into and the impact it will have both on their life and their animals. This was supposed to be an informal gathering. If it now needs to be formal , it shall be. The good thing is that it will push the event closer to Easter, giving us the opportunity to honor Toby and raise awareness of pet ownership right before Easter, when some will be giving cute little bunnies to kids to only dispose of them later. 

As information becomes available on the date, this will be on the Parks Commission Agenda, and as it progress through city hall, I shall keep you and your readers informed. I am hopeful we can get supporters to attend the Parks Commission meeting if needed. And if anyone is interested in helping put this together please let me know

Ken Ramsdell

THE PLANET is still trying to piece this one together. We’ll share more … as more is surely on its way.



We take up national news and commentary today. Not long ago on this website, we got into a lively exchange on the value of the Patriot Act, rushed into place by President Bush II in 2001, renewed in 2005, and re-upped by President Obama. In that ping-pong rally, one of our correspondents made the claim that the U.S. won the war in Iraq. We disagreed.

On Tuesday, THE PLANET appeared as a guest on Out Front TV, and there, also we discussed national economic and security issues. After taping the and both before and following a brief speech we made before members of the Berkshire County Republican Association, we engaged in several discussions of some of the same issues.

Let’s continue that here, in a more deliberative way. Today, Iraq. Coming soon, the Patriot Act.

No One Wins Any War, Ever

We won that war, a handful of Bush apologists apparently still believe. If course, no one “wins” a war, except arms makers and suppliers to departments of defense. Still, even if we hold to the archaic notion that ANY war is just and that ANY war can be “won,” how does one define victory”?

In human terms, the war has to date cost 258,000 lives, including more than 6,000 U.S. troops and 2,300 contractors. The wounded cannot be so easily numbered, but generally in war, for each killed there are two wounded. These deaths can be directly attributable to combat. This figure includes approximately 125,000 Iraqi civilians. The indirect deaths due to lack of food and water, unsanitary local conditions, lack of hospitals, lack of enough medicine, poor nutrition, and other causes cannot be counted. In addition, according to the huffingtonpost, almost 8 million people — more than the combined population of Connecticut and Kentucky — have become refugees.

In economic terms and measured in “constant dollars” (adjusted for inflation and other factors), war bills owed to date equal about $3.2 trillion. Final costs in Iraq will likely far exceed $4 trillion. The precise figures can be bandied but practically all of the estimators of the war’s costs concede these are conservative figures.

Keep in mind, too, that the cost of the war does not include CIA-run Predator and Reaper drone programs in Pakistan or the portion of the national intelligence budget that is devoted to this war. When you come right down to it, the true costs of this war remain anybody’s guests, but the bidding starts at $4 trillion, hundreds of thousands killed, millions wounded, and millions displaced.

What did we achieve for that horrendous price? We destabilized a totalitarian country that does not embrace democracy, not even when rammed down its throat.

Consider this report by Ariel Zirulnick in today’s Christian Science Monitor:

A wave of bombings across Iraq today killed more than 50 people and wounded more than 200. Although not the deadliest day in the country since US troops completed their withdrawal, this morning’s attacks are the most far-reaching so far, according to the Washington Post.

The attacks, carried out with car bombs and small arms, targeted Iraqi security forces in Baghdad and elsewhere in the country – a hallmark of Al Qaeda in Iraq, the Associated Press reports.

Al Qaeda in Iraq, as well as other Sunni insurgent groups, are “bent on destabilizing” the country and have launched attacks, mostly in Baghdad, every couple weeks since the US withdrawal. A senior Iraqi intelligence official told the AP that he predicted today’s attacks were meant to scare diplomats who plan on attending the Arab League summit scheduled to be held in Baghdad in late March. Last year’s summit, also planned for Baghdad, was canceled for that reason.

There were at least 14 separate attacks today, according to AP. Several of them targeted police checkpoints and patrols, and one of them targeted a police station. The deadliest hit, carried out by a car bomb in downtown Baghdad’s shopping district, killed nine and wounded 26, sending shock waves several blocks. The police have been targeted frequently. Twenty were killed earlier this week by a suicide bomber who detonated outside the Baghdad police academy.

The Washington Post reports that today’s attacks were preceded by weeks of calm, which many Iraqis attribute to Sunni insurgents crossing the border into Syria to join the revolt against President Bashar al Assad.

McClatchy reported earlier this week that violence has declined sharply – in some areas it is down as much as 50 percent from autumn 2011 levels – particularly in the region along the Syrian border. The Obama administration said last week that it believes Al Qaeda is behind some of the most “spectacular” attacks against the Assad regime.

Concerns about another sectarian conflict were high earlier in the year, when Shiite Prime Minister Nour al Maliki tried to arrest the Sunni vice president, alleging that he ordered death squads targeting security forces. A bloc of Sunni lawmakers boycotted the parliament and Baghdad was rocked by a series of bombings.

Reuters reports that Sunni, Shiite, and Kurdish lawmakers have spent the last several weeks trying to negotiate an end to the political crisis, but their work was disrupted last week when a panel of judges released details of 150 attacks that they say were carried out by death squads under Vice President Tareq al Hashemi’s command.

 — 0 —

This report demonstrates that America stepped into another foreign tar pit — easy to get in, almost impossible to get out, and when you do, everyone is the worse for it.

“W”’s Debacle has saddled this country with an incalculable mess, destroyed its global prestige, helped tank the U.S. economy, and swept away what little was left of morale on the home front.



While we applaud the intent of the Pittsfield Kiwanis Club to donate their time and efforts to cleaning up the trash at the new skateboard park on the corner of East Street and Appleton Avenue, we have a couple obvious questions?

* Why aren’t the kids themselves doing the cleanup?

* Why are the adults rushing in after the little darlings, who have, in two months, trashed the park so that it looks like something from a playground in Iraq? Why aren’t we requiring “the children” to put in a little sweat equity in the place? It might teach them something about responsibility. That’s the other side of freedom’s coin that many of them don’t know exists. It might teach them that, after a certain age, they can’t expect adults to come in and clean up their messes.

In Kiddie Kulture, Looking Like a Dump is Apparently OK

Of course, it’s apparent that the Kiwanians are stepping in because the kids themselves don’t care how bad it looks. In fact, it seems that having the place look like a dump fits in well with the teen and kiddie culture that has embraced the accoutrement of the gansta rap, hip hop, call-it-what-you-will kulture (yes, with a “k”). You also know that two months after the March cleanup — that would make it May — the place will look as bad as ever.

THE PLANET predicted this would happen. Almost every person with common sense and who doesn’t worship at the altar of irresponsible youth agreed with our position regarding not the skateboard park but the users of the park. We said the’d trash the place. We said they didn’t care. We were right. Our minority of critics, who always scream the loudest, protested that we were monsters, that we were hurting the esteem of “the children,” and that we were cooking them up to serve as entrees at the Christian Center community dinners.

THE PLANET is delighted with our good friend, John Herman, parks commission chairman, who stated his preference that the Kiwanians gets the kids involved in the clean-up. Local taxpayers shelled out $215,000 to convert the tennis courts there to the skateboard facility. We hope the Kiwanians, and better yet, the parents, convey that expectation to the kids.





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13 years ago

Gee, what a shock, the city is requiring a permit on any demonstration related to the Peter Moore hit/run.
Wasn’t this very thing addressed a couple weeks back on Planet Valenti where the likelihood of needing a permit was fully discussed?
The original idea was for those who showed up at the Moore fundraiser at Chameleons to show solidarity later in the afternoon by walking from the nightclub to Winesap Rd.
It was suggested back then that a permit should be obtained so why the surprise now when finally notified by the City Clerk’?

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

That’s true – it’s been discussed here numerous times – I was thinking the same thing… BUT, it is what it is, albeit disappointing. I wonder if The Eagle will publish that it’s being rescheduled so that people don’t show up there needlessly.

I have been very sick and haven’t been able to do the fundraising, that I was hoping to do — am upset and disappointed by that, too… 🙁

I hope there’s a big turn-out to show support for Peter and his family!

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

Thank You, Dan!!! I appreciate that, a lot.

Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

When does the need for a permit come into play? Say only 10-15 people got together to walk their dogs down the street can they be stopped, questioned, ticketed or arrested if there’s no permit? I say when you submit your application that the walk be down north street or something and encourage people to make signs.

Bull Durham
Bull Durham
Reply to  Scott
13 years ago

I say everyone show up this Sunday with their dogs, and see if the city has the nerve to remove them. Do you really think they’ll send the police out to break up 100 people with dogs in a park? I doubt it. Send a message to Nilan’s gang at city hall. I also think the Mayor should step in this time and call this permit issue what it is – ridiculous.

13 years ago

the panet also predicted thged within two weeks. i’m glad i didn’t take the under on that one. you gave the darlinks not enought credit. your prediction will come true though. it may take some warm nights but that place will look like grossman’s by summer.
does anyone know how fast you can run when the seat of your pants is below your knees?
Wouldn’t it be neat if a whole bunch of people just happened to show up a kirvin park on sunday AM to walk their dogs? What a coincidence, people walk their dogs in parks every day.

Reply to  ambrose
13 years ago

1st line was to read – the planet also predicted the park would be tagged and spray painted within two weeks

13 years ago

Not surprised to see that the Parks dept is at least partly behind the permitting issue. Isn’t Cliffy part on the parks commission? Is he lashing out? Will the health dept be descending on Chameleons next?

When the police dept plays the Fire dept in tag football do they get a permit?

If the GOB is trying to agitate the people they should be aware that it might just cause them to want more get together s..which may target all sorts of things.

Karl Atwater
Karl Atwater
Reply to  dusty
13 years ago

no permit just a keg

Jim Gleason
Jim Gleason
Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

John Herman has the personality of a chair and the same level of intelligence too.

Reply to  Jim Gleason
13 years ago

Jim: you’re a janitor, right? Unless you’re name is Will Hunting, I’m gonna say the the guy whose name starts with a “Dr” is a bit more intelligent than the janitor 100 out of a 100 times. Just sayin.

Reply to  Boom
13 years ago

Before I hear from the grammar hammers…that 2nd “you’re” should be “your” and “the the” should say “that the”. Jim, I know you’re really intelligent and would’ve caught that.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  dusty
13 years ago

Yes, Cliff Nilan is definitely on the Parks Commission board… Let’s see if he “recuses himself” on the vote for that permit!!!

Karl Atwater
Karl Atwater
13 years ago

I wonder which cost ,more LBJ’s war on poverty that’s been going almost 50 years with no reduction in the rate of poverty or the war in Iraq? Of course another 4 years of BO and he will have spent more than LBJ and GWB.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
13 years ago

Move the dog walk to 333 East Street across the street from the skate park by the Allen House. That is state property.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
13 years ago

can they bring yo-yo’s? – there was a thing we did with them when we were kids called ‘walk the dog’

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

DV: You’re getting more and more witty, too!! 😉

Hilly Billy 2 in Ward 4
Hilly Billy 2 in Ward 4
13 years ago

Uh Who is on the Pittsfield Parks Commison pretell? Oh the irony….You guys should ABSOLUTELY still hold an informal dog walk , if nothing else, to meet each other and show that you can’t just be pushed in a hole so easily! Anything short of that and they have pushed you around. Just one Hill Billy’s opinion

Reply to  Hilly Billy 2 in Ward 4
13 years ago

Dan Valenti plainly has Bush Derangement Syndrome.
Anyone want to take a guess as to whom Mr. Valenti will be supporting in the 2012 election?

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

But don’t forget that according to “Pittsfield Believer” and “Pittsfield One”, he’s flying around on private jets following Mitt Romney around and writing speeches for him…

Reply to  Hilly Billy 2 in Ward 4
13 years ago

Hilly,must agree why even give the parks commision the satisfaction..I have seen some of there meetings and they act like your asking to set up a nuke plant, for a simple permit to use “OUR” park.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
13 years ago

I agree – they act like it’s the most important thing in the world!

I’m not aware of how the dog walk was being put together – did people respond that they’re attending or is it just out there and whoever wants to show-up, shows up? If we know how many people are planning on attending and it’s not 100, then it would be very easy to just go there and walk your dog – no permit needed.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  Nancy aka Molly
13 years ago

On second thought, if a bunch of people show up for the dog walk, which has already been “advertised” by the Berk. Eagle, Planet Valenti and Facebook, and we’ve already been told that it must be cancelled, having people still show up would send Cliffy calling the police to have them physically removed, people would likely need to pay a fine, on and on. And that’s not the purpose of this event — actually, totally the opposite.

I do agree, though, that it sucks and it’s no coincidence that Cliff Nilan is on the Parks Commission…

My concern is now getting the word out so that people DON’T show up, and get fined to boot!!! How do we plan to do that?

Jim Gleason
Jim Gleason
Reply to  Nancy aka Molly
13 years ago

Alot of people are hoping Cliffy won’t be on the Park Commission for much longer.

Susan Moore
Susan Moore
Reply to  Nancy aka Molly
13 years ago

I don’t believe that the police will be out to arrest or fine anybody who is walking their dog in the park on Sunday morning. Dogs need to be walked and the park is a place where they do it. As long as no other laws are being broken I believe that they will be fine. I know that Toby gets walked every morning. His grandfather will be walking him tomorrow.

Irvin Corey
Irvin Corey
Reply to  Nancy aka Molly
13 years ago

Cliffy belongs on the Traffic Commission

Molly aka Nancy
Molly aka Nancy
Reply to  Nancy aka Molly
13 years ago


Hilly Billy 2 in Ward 4
Hilly Billy 2 in Ward 4
13 years ago

Has no one else put this together yet?? Does it really take a musty, dusty and crusty Hill Billy from the Woods to put 2 plus 2 together for ya? Here is the Parks Commission, Led by Chair..

Drumroll please…

Clifford Nilan, Chair

Sheila LaBarbera
Dr. John Herman

Simon Muil

Anthony Simonelli

Reply to  Hilly Billy 2 in Ward 4
13 years ago

The current Parks Commission is chaired by John Herman.

With….Simon Muil…Cliff Nilan…Michelle Matthews (replaced Sheila LaBarbera)…and Anthony DeMartino (Replaced Anthony Simonelli who resigned after taking council seat. Appointment was approved at last council meeting).

13 years ago

There’s a new thing in the county court system – magistrates hearings will be closed to all outsiders so the public who is paying for them won’t know whats up – first the H & R case and now he cathouse in Lee

Reply to  ambrose
13 years ago

Worse, though, The Berkshire Eagle didn’t run a picture of the Madame who was running the bawdy house.

13 years ago

Dan not sure why anyone would need a permit to have a dog walk in a park.There will be no addmision charge,no food or wares being sold.Just a bunch of dog lovers and concerned citizens.Would I need a permit to have my family reunion at Burbank park.Should not let them dictate and go on with the walk as planned.This dog walk would be a unorganized event therefore not needing a permit.

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

If the dog walk took place on city side walks no permit would be required. The only thing they could get you on would be not cleaning up fecal material.

When you see any kind of a demonstration at Park Square you see folks keeping on the side walk and generally staying out of the park becdause if they held a demostration in the park they would have to endure the permit process.

Still wondering
Still wondering
13 years ago

So how does Deanna fit in to all this?

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

The Parks Department was placed under the control of Community Development (Deanna Ruffer) by Mayor Ruberto more than 2 years ago. It was after this, that the “Special Event Permit Application” was created. Anyone wishing to hold an event of any kind on city property, is required to fill out the form that can be picked up from the Licensing Board, and have it signed off on, by 8 city departments….Building Inspections, Fire Dept., Comm. Dev./Parks, Building/Grounds Maint., Health Dept., Licensing Bd., Police Dept., and DPW…whether the department has any involvement in the event…or not.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  Nomad
13 years ago

OH MY GOD!!!! This is Unbelievable!!! This is absolutely and totally ABSURD!!!!

Reply to  Nancy aka Molly
13 years ago

I forgot to mention that there’s a note on the permit application…

“To be posted or made available at event”

The Friends of Springside Park have held an annual clean-up of the park for more than 20 years. Until this process was introduced 2 years ago, a representative would attend a PC meeting to request permission to hold the event. Now, the approval of 7 departments…not all of them convienently located in city hall…has to be obtained. The request is then placed on a PC agenda. As you’d expect, approval is automatic, and signed by the Comm. Development/Parks rep’s.

All this when the only city department needed for support…for the removal of the collected trash…is the parks department.

Wally Ballou
Wally Ballou
Reply to  Nomad
13 years ago

It was Ruberto Regime’s way to practice totalitarian control. That way they could grant permits to events they deemed friendly and deny those who weren’t p[olitically correct.

Reply to  Wally Ballou
13 years ago

I’m afraid without a lengthy permit process, there’d be no room for the dog walkers. Instead you’d have squatters there every weekend, like the Wall St protestors in NYC and Albany that eventually had tp be forcibly removed and cleaned up after at taxpayers
Unfortunately there’s no shortage of causes, or those willing to take them up.

13 years ago

Sounds like Cliffy is using his political and public office to protect and further his own non-work related personal agenda again.

What an insulting slap to the face of the people of Pittsfield.

I say take the walk right over to Winesap rd.

13 years ago

“how does one define victory?” As much as I think Micheal Moore is wrong on his gun control ideals I think he did a pretty good job of connecting the dots to really show who was profiting from the war why and how very wrong it was. So victory is defined by the bottom line human life and sacrifice mean nothing to these people.

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
Reply to  Scott
13 years ago

Michael Moore Oi vey

Reply to  Silence Dogood
13 years ago

I know he’s vary controversial but if you deny there’s any truth to some of his topics I can’t help you. Especially since he backs up a lot of it with facts.

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
Reply to  Scott
13 years ago

Moore makes up his own “facts” ……check his sources.

Reply to  Silence Dogood
13 years ago

Are you saying that George Bush has no connection to the oil industry and the link to Halliburton and Dick Cheney is a coincidence?

Reply to  Silence Dogood
13 years ago

Are you also implying that his coverage on corporations laying off employees even though they are profitable to ship the work over seas for cheaper labor and bigger profits for investors leaving it’s American employees jobless is all a sham? I think when it comes to gun control he’s an idiot but he does make some good points and raises important questions.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  Silence Dogood
13 years ago

No – corporations DO layoff workers here in the US and go to foreign countries and hire those people because the wages are SO much cheaper! It’s called a “global economy” – and NAFTA, etc. (thank you Bill Clinton!) Recall him saying that the US workers will need to be re-trained for “service type jobs” because most other jobs would be in other countries?

Have you looked at the amount of money that Michael Moore makes and has? He’s the first one to condemn any corporation that makes money, yet he’s one of the wealthiest people in the world!!! And other than mouth off about other wealthy people/companies, exactly what has he done to help the poor and the working class in the US? Nada! Michael Moore is an idiot in more ways than just gun control…

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
Reply to  Silence Dogood
13 years ago

Michael Moore himself has film work done in Canada not the U.S.A.

Chenny worked for Haliburton and Dan Valenti worked for the Berkshire Eagle so they must both be in the tank for their former employeer.

Scott, do some checking on Michael Moore he is a huge phony.

13 years ago

To hell with the Pittsfield Parks Commission.
Can you see the headline in The Berkshire Eagle, The Springfield Republican, Boston Herald, and Boston Globe: ‘100 Arrested Walking Dogs in City Park’.
That newsstroy would make national headlines and bring this whole hit-and-run matter front and center NATIONALLY!
Not to worry, the political hacks running the Parks Dept will not have the stones nor the political backing from City Hall to stop anyone from walking dogs in a city park.
Recommend having the dog walk AS ORIGINALLY PLANNED on the original day intended and dare ANYONE to do anything about it!
Show some stones, people!

Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

And while at it, recfommend having that march up to Winesap Rd. from Chamelions.
What’s the City going to do about it?
March organizers should contact Conor Berry, the Albany media, and the Associated Press in advance and let all know to be there when the march starts so the City can get some national publicity as to the level of corruption.

Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

There aren’t sidewalks on East St. and it would be dangerous.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

It’s not that, Glen – if you tell everyone what’s going on and ask them if they’ll still come, then fine. But to have them not know any of this and just show up for a seemingly innocent dog walk in the park to show their support and have the cops show up, etc., is not how we should be treating people who want to help…

13 years ago

The original day scheduled for the dog walk was to be this Sunday, February 26 from 9:30 to 11:00 at Kirvin Park.
Recommend that the dog walk be held EXACTLY as planned.
Recommend as many as possible also bring cameras to record the event so that if harassed by any City Official, that it’s all captured for posterity and for immediate dispersal via the net.

Steve Wade
Steve Wade
Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

Glenn Will you be there?

Reply to  Steve Wade
13 years ago

You’ll just have to show up to find out, eh, Doyle?

Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

Heller: if you followed any of SW’s comments, I think you’d find it pretty obvious that Steve isn’t who you think he is. Do you think he would call himself out as supposedly being being the scenes of Breault’s campaign? I’m surprised that a stalker/internet troll like you wouldn’t pick-up on that.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  jimbo
13 years ago

What? Can you explain that again as I’m not following… I’m sure it’s just me being slow today… but still. Thanks!

Reply to  jimbo
13 years ago

being being = being behind. Molly: Just pointing out that if you read SW’s posts, you can probably safely assume that he’s not who Heller keeps saying he is (Doyle). Ex: Molly, I think the only post where you’ve ever agreed with SW was when he defended JLo as a GOB by pointing out that Breault was also a GOB, since Doyle was backing him. That post and others by SW tell me he’s probably not Doyle. Minor point but just stating what I thought was obvious to everyone else and likely should also be for a guy that spends >90% of his time on message boards or blogs.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  jimbo
13 years ago

Sorry – but that doesn’t convince me at all. Assuming for a moment that he IS Doyle, what would be wrong, in his mind, to pointing out to DV that DV is calling this a move by the “GOB’s” when Lothrop wasn’t even backed by the GOB’s?? So that, in itself, isn’t any proof at all. I agree with whoever said that Lothrop is a “GOB Wannabe”.

Reply to  jimbo
13 years ago

Nancy a few weeks ago you told me that I was Doyle. Now I’m sad… DV, can I suggest banning Heller once the Nilan case is over? As a criminal, he provides some good insight but he’s slowly turned this forum into Topix with his repeated posts. Thanks in advance.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  jimbo
13 years ago

Boom – Perhaps you post under different names?!
😉 And no – I would not expect anyone here to be banned! What has anyone, including Heller, done to deserve that? Unless there is something blatant, then isn’t the purpose of these blogs to debate and share opinions? Even though you obviously dislike him, the fact remains that he “advances the discussion(s)” and from what I’ve seen, has his facts prior to posting (and has an incredible amount of facts, too!). And, therefore, adds a LOT to this site.

Dan Clukey
Dan Clukey
13 years ago

Below is an excert from the city of pittsfield’s wep page on “special Events”.
” A Special Event is any activity that occurs upon public or private property that effects the ordinary use of parks, playgrounds, beaches, fields, buildings, public streets, right-of-way, or sidewalks and it may feature entertainment, amusements, food and non-alcoholic or alcoholic beverages. Examples of a Special Event include (but are not limited to) festivals, road races, Farmer’s Markets, block parties, carnivals and parades.”
The key words here ar “effects the ordinary use of”. Walking of dogs IS an ordinary and permitted use of the park and does not “effect the ordinary use of the park” by anyone else any more than a baseball, soccor, or basketball game. Permits are not required for those uses and should not be required for the dog walk.

I say everyone should show up and walk their dogs!

13 years ago

Recommend having the dog walk AS ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED AND PLANNED for Sunday February 26, the original day intended all along, and DARE ANYONE to do anything about it!
Show some stones, dog walkers!
Recommend also: Parents bring children to the dog walk and wear buttons and make signs in support of ‘Toby’.
Does anyone actually think Pittsfield city officials will make any move whatsoever against taxpaying parents with children?

The Kraken
The Kraken
Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

Heller, are you actually going to show up or are you doing your usual ‘tell others what to do but don’t do them myself’ thing?

Steve Wade
Steve Wade
Reply to  The Kraken
13 years ago

Kraken You hit it on the nose. Heller will be a no show. Is there any dought?

Jim Gleason
Jim Gleason
Reply to  Steve Wade
13 years ago

What’s a dought?

Steve Wade
Steve Wade
Reply to  Jim Gleason
13 years ago

Jimmy the Janitor I meant doubt as in I doubt Jimmy the Janitor has ever had a girl friend.LOL

Reply to  The Kraken
13 years ago

Like I told Doyle — er, I mean Steve Wade, you’ll just have to show up to find out.

The Kraken
The Kraken
Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

Your response tells me you are not going. I dub thee ‘no show Heller’.

13 years ago

Vote in the Poll:
‘Should ‘Toby’ Moore Dog Walk Take Place Sunday 2/26 As Planned?’


Susan Moore
Susan Moore
13 years ago

If your vote or turn out goes against a Sunday walk, may I suggest an alternative date? April is National Pet Month and April 10th is National Pet Day. It could become an annual event to high light the needs of pets and the responsibilities owners have which I believe Ken was trying to bring out with his efforts and Toby’s heroic behavior on that long cold night of December 8th.
Tom is on his way and his plane hopefully has just taken off. Thank you everyone for working on the Event for Sunday and especially to Nancy/Molly who tried so hard all week despite being so very very ill. I have grown attached to many of you over these past few weeks and I will be tuning in to the Planet’s exploits to keep up with the on going sagas in Pittsfield. Wish I was going to be there on Sunday to meet you!

13 years ago

FYI, Pittsfield City Clerk Linda M. Tyer (Democrat), the city official who sent the letter to Ken Ramsdell, is an elected official whose current term of office expires at the end of 2013.

The Kraken
The Kraken
13 years ago

Of course the Iraq war was a failure. Anything predicated on a bunch of lies and misinformation is bound to fail.

meal w/ PLANET
meal w/ PLANET
13 years ago


Your contributions of a dinner and a lunch, how does that work? Do we buy raffle tickets and select those prizes?


13 years ago

I will be walking my dog on Winesap Sunday morning for anyone who has the need to exercise your dog

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  Bonnie
13 years ago

Good for you, Bonnie! And hope that a lot of other show up to walk with you, too!

Deb S
Deb S
Reply to  Nancy aka Molly
13 years ago

I will join you Bonnie!!

13 years ago

Just got off the phone with Donna Mattoon, Pittsfield Mayor Bianchi’s newly-appointed Director of Administrative Services.
Ms. Mattoon was asked just what the City is prepared to do in the event sympathetic dog walkers show up at Kirvin Park this Sunday, February 26th from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to participate in the ‘Toby’ Moore Dog Walk?
According to Ms. Mattoon, “NOTHING!”
She stated, “The city is not going to be sending special patrols to the park; not going to arrest anybody; not going to do ANYTHING out of the ordinary.”
Ms. Mattoon further stated that, “Of course, if someone contacts police to complain about cars blocking the public way or something like that, then of course police will respond and deal with that immediate problem, but other than that nobody’s going to be arrested for walking dogs.”

Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

Ms. Mattoon also stated that City Clerk Linda Tyer’s communication with Ken Ramsdell was prompted by the fact that the event was being promoted on Facebook and that as many as 4,177 had so far been invited.
According to Ms. Mattoon, a city resident contacted Parks Commission chair John Herman about the Facebook posting.
Herman referred the matter to both Ms. Tyer and to Acting Police Chief Wynn, according to Ms. Mattoon, out of concern for the possibility that large numbers of dogwalkers might suddenly show up in Kirvin Park this Sunday.
Ms. Mattoon’s response to the question just what the city was prepared to do should dog walkers show up this Sunday came after first consulting with top officials in Pittsfield City Hall.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  Silence Dogood
13 years ago

From what I’m reading on this site and following the other links there, the Democratic caucus for Ward 3 in Pittsfield was held on February 11th. If that’s the case, I can’t find the published results of that caucus. Or am I not reading this correctly (as I said, it’s a slow brain day today…).

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
13 years ago

as a public service here are the dates and locations for democrats to caucus.

Pittsfield 1 2/11/2012 2:00 PM Back Nine Crane Ave, Pittsfield, MA 01201 Marietta Rapetti Cawse 413-499-3519
Pittsfield 2 2/11/2012 2:00 PM Union Hall 789 Tyler St. Steve Como 413-499-2268
1/6/2012 13:55:48
Pittsfield 3 2/11/2012 2:00 PM Del Gallo’s Restaurant 390 Newell St, Pittsfield, MA 01201 Clifford Nilan 413-448-8625
1/13/2012 18:25:13
Pittsfield 4 2/11/2012 2:00 PM Miss Hall’s School 492 Holmes Rd Jane Sugarman 413 822-0143
Pittsfield 5 3/10/2012 2:00 PM American Legion Post 68 41 Wendell Avenue Lee Harrison 413-822-6218
Pittsfield 6 2/11/2012 2:00 PM VFW 36 Linden Street, Pittsfield Al Ingegni 413-637-7008
Pittsfield 7 2/27/2012 7:00 PM ITAM Lodge 93 South Shore Street Pittsfield

13 years ago

“No – corporations DO layoff workers here in the US and go to foreign countries and hire those people because the wages are SO much cheaper! It’s called a “global economy”

Nancy it’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job it’s a depression when you lose yours! How do you feel about small farming communities, sustainable energy and agriculture? We need to start focusing our efforts closer to home. For a profitable company to leave American workers out of a job to simply boost profits for a selected few is reckless and centered only in greed. Also I bet Moore is wealthy I never said he was god just that he raises good questions on key issues important to America.

Reply to  Scott
13 years ago

Scott lets start the keystone pipeline and drilling in our own country for starters.This will get people back to work with a good wage and help are dependency on Middle East oil.Bush sucked as President,but Mr Obama takes the cake.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
13 years ago

We don’t need oil let’s start a corporation for the advancement of humankind and focus on delivering sustainable energy and farming to communities all over the globe it’ll be a not for profit where everyone wins.

Reply to  Scott
13 years ago

Put down the bong,brother,we need oil we don’t need to piss away tax payers dollars on elictric cars that catch on fire and nobody wants.We have to stop pissing away money on wind and solar.Let those companies make it on there own merit,I wish them the best and hope they make millions,just don’t use my money to make it.The best thing about drilling and the Keystone pipeline is the jobs they would create.

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
13 years ago

Then what do we do when the oil is all gone? How many more spills can the ocean take? What about using your own money for your own wind or solar energy? The advancement of human kind is being stilted by ignorance and greed.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
13 years ago

Yes, I certainly hope that people’s ingenuity will come up with a sustainable alternative to oil as we really do need that! The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico sickened me. However, right now the technology just isn’t there! Look at Solyndra! We GAVE THEM half a billion dollars for solar and they still couldn’t “make it”. And now we have been ordered by a judge to pay bonuses to the “key people” there so that we have the right people with the right talent to properly dismantle the company — to the tune of over $350,000,000!!! Come on – we just can’t continue throwing away money like this! And the government can’t, and shouldn’t be trying, to end this recession other than getting out of the way and letting this Capitalist society ‘do its thing’ because it’s just getting us deeper in debt. The other thing that needs to go are the greedy and the powerful unions – we can no longer afford to pay the kinds of retirement packages that we pay for local, state and federal government employees! We’re all going broke!

Until the technology evolves enough for another source of energy, we DO need the oil from our own country vs. buying it from the likes of Iran and the Saudi’s and their continued screwing of us! We NEED energy independence and have the capacity to do that. PLUS, according to CNN, the Keystone pipeline would create 20,000 direct jobs and another 120,000 “indirect jobs” (restaurants, hotels, supporting those building the pipeline) and other supporters of this have those numbers as almost triple that. That’s a LOT of jobs! And we need them!

And so guess who Canada is now going to sell the oil to? The Chinese!!! So the Chinese will be paying ~$2.50/gallon for gas while the prices in the U.S. have been estimated to rise to $5 & $6 per gallon by summer. And what does Obama do? He delays his decision until AFTER THE ELECTION! Come on!!!!

Reply to  Joetaxpayer
13 years ago

Couldn’t agree more….. Yet another energy policy blunder by our president. Just who is this guy looking out for??? Us (as in the US), or our middle east FRIENDS?

Have you ever noticed that our crude oil (WTI) is 20 dollars a barrel or so cheaper than Brent crude? A good part of the reason is that our crude oil is land locked in the middle of the country in Cushing. Cushing has two mothballed refineries that have been sitting idle for years. Above Cushing is an EXTREMELY oil rich area known as The Bakkan. Current US geological surveys show this area as having the potential to provide more oil than the entire middle east!

It is no secret to anyone with half a brain in the oil industry that the US has within its own borders the resources to become a net EXPORTER of refined petroleum products! Just connect the dots from The Dakotas (The Bakken) through Cushing to Texas with The Keystone XL pipeline!

Do you want to talk about the job potential here folks? Through NAFTA the US lost millions of good paying manufacturing jobs. Jobs that have been replaced by Burger King, Walmart and Home Depot. Within our own boarders…. “YES, WE CAN” once again create stable good paying jobs while also in the process become energy independent! Am I missing something or is this a god damn home run we have here?

So what is stopping us? It is this fool we have for a President that just said no to the Keystone XL Pipeline! You can thank him a couple of years down the road when we will all be paying 7 or 8 dollars a gallon. You can also thank him when your children cannot find a decent paying job down the road!

Just as The Stone Age didn’t end for the lack of Stones…. The Oil Age will not end because of the lack of oil!

Molly aka Nancy
Molly aka Nancy
Reply to  Joetaxpayer
13 years ago

Also, the Oil Companies are exporting a lot of our oil to China and Europe as the prices there are much higher. With such a mild winter throughout the US this year, we should have big surpluses of oil, thus keeping the prices down, but noooo. So since most of the oil that they get from drilling sits on US Federal Government land (our land) that the oil companies lease, Obama should just tell the oil companies that if they continue doing this (which is also driving up the price of our oil & gas), then he’s going to start slapping them with big export fees. Will he do that? Hellll Noooo! Because he wants the prices to be high so that people use less of it. But that’s already back-firing on him because higher oil/gas prices means that EVERYTHING else also goes up – more increases in groceries and basically all goods — big inflation. Which will stall the recovery from the recession. He has absolutely NO plans at all – he goes from day to day making things up as he goes, or depending on what fund raiser he’s attending that week…

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
13 years ago

1. as a public service here are the dates and locations for democrats to caucus. Ward and dates included
Pittsfield 1 2/11/2012 2:00 PM Back Nine Crane Ave, Pittsfield, MA 01201 Marietta Rapetti Cawse Pittsfield 2 2/11/2012 2:00 PM Union Hall 789 Tyler St. Steve Como 1/6/2012 13:55:48
Pittsfield 3 2/11/2012 2:00 PM Del Gallo’s Restaurant 390 Newell St, Pittsfield, MA 01201 Clifford Nilan
1/13/2012 18:25:13
Pittsfield 4 2/11/2012 2:00 PM Miss Hall’s School 492 Holmes Rd Jane Sugarman.
Pittsfield 5 3/10/2012 2:00 PM American Legion Post 68 41 Wendell Avenue Lee Harrison
Pittsfield 6 2/11/2012 2:00 PM VFW 36 Linden Street, Pittsfield Al Ingegni
Pittsfield 7 2/27/2012 7:00 PM ITAM Lodge 93 South Shore Street Pittsfield

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  Silence Dogood
13 years ago

OK – since I’ve never participated in a caucus before (I’m a registered Independent so they don’t want me), what happens at these various caucuses – isn’t it these caucuses that the delegates are elected at? What happens on March 6th? Thanks for the info…

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  Irvin Corey
13 years ago

Alright, alright – I’ll admit that I was being very lazy. Now I “get it” — the caucus was to elect delegates. The March 6th vote (The Presidential Primary date) is to elect the Ward Committee’s. I will say this – I feel somewhat better that the papers to be on a “slate” or ballot for this had a deadline of last November, prior to the Dec. 8th date. That was really bothering me a lot!!

13 years ago

Nancy those are good points it looks like the technology IS in fact there it’s just being raped by politicians go figure. In your words “it’s called politics”

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
Reply to  Scott
13 years ago

Well yeah, there is ALWAYS that!!! And oh how I dislike the majority of politicians! Power hungry, money hungry, no moral crooks. If we have this kind of corruption in little Pittsfield, think of what it’s like in Washington!

Reply to  Nancy aka Molly
13 years ago

Now we in agree!

13 years ago

Is the three hour commercial, Sturgeon’ going to be there?

13 years ago

“Mayor’s Aide: City to Do ‘NOTHING’ if Dog Walk Proceeds As Planned”

by G.M. Heller
Saturday February 25, 2012

Donna Mattoon, a close aide to Pittsfield Mayor Daniel Bianchi, said Friday that the City will do “nothing” if the ‘Toby’ Moore Dog Walk at Kirwin Park proceeds Sunday as originally planned by dog owner Ken Ramsdell, the walk’s organizer.

The Toby Walk was scheduled to take place February 26 from 9:30 a.m. til 11:00 a.m. in honor of the loyal poodle who curled up beside his master, hospital administrator Peter Moore, as Moore lay bleeding on a residential street after being struck by an SUV in an alleged hit-and-run this past December.

Asked just what the City is prepared to do should large numbers of dog walkers converge on the city park despite an email sent earlier (see below) by City Clerk Linda Tyer seeking Ramsdell to postpone the event and obtain a city permit, Mattoon, who was recently-appointed the city’s director of administrative services, responded,“NOTHING!”

Mattoon said,“The city is not going to be sending special patrols to the park; not going to arrest anybody.”

Mattoon stressed “Police are NOT going to do ANYTHING out of the ordinary.”

Ms. Mattoon further stated that,“Of course, if someone contacts police to complain about cars parked illegally or blocking the sidewalk or something like that, then of course police will respond and deal with that immediate problem, but other than that, nobody’s going to be arrested for walking their dogs.”

Mattoon said she consulted with the city’s top officials prior to answering this reporter’s questions on the subject.

Sunday is the day Ramsdell had originally planned to hold the walk, both to honor Toby and, according to Ramsdell, “to bring attention to the importance of the bond that exists between loyal cared-for pets and their adoptive owners” and that raising a pet “is a responsibility” which those who choose to adopt these animals should not take lightly.

Ramsdell said he would be walking his dog Sunday in Kirwin Park “as usual,” and “if any of Toby’s admirers happen to show up,” Ramsdell said, he’ll be happy to share a Sunday walk with them.

Mattoon said that the City Clerk’s email to Ramsdell requesting that he postpone the event and apply to the Park Commission for a special permit was prompted by the fact that the walk was being promoted on Facebook and as many as 4,177 invitations had been extended to join Ramsdell this Sunday, and that city officials were concerned for the crowds if even a fraction of that number actually showed up.

According to Mattoon, a city resident had contacted Parks Commission chair John Herman about the Facebook posting; Herman then referred the matter to both Tyer’s office and to Acting Pittsfield Police Chief Michael Wynn.

Toby’s devotion to Moore is such that police investigating the hit-run accident discovered Toby’s fur stuck in a pool of dried blood that collected at the Winesap Road accident site where Moore lay bleeding from severe head injuries and trauma resulting from the vehicle’s near-deadly impact.

Moore was later hospitalized for more than a week at Berkshire Medical Center, which happens to be Moore’s employer, and he is still in recovery from the multiple injuries received that evening.

Winesap Road resident Meredith Nilan is alleged to have swerved at high speed into the left lane and struck Moore from behind at about 8:20 p.m. while Nilan was driving a 2001 Subaru Forester registered to her father, Berkshire Superior Court Probation Department chief Clifford J. Nilan.

Moore had been out for an evening jog when the accident occurred just blocks from his McIntosh Drive home, with Toby by his side.<<<<<

Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

Pittsfield City Clerk Linda Tyer’s e-mail to ‘Toby’ Moore Dog Walk organizer Ken Ramsdell:

[2/23/12, 4:47 p.m.]
Dear Mr. Ramsdell:

Thank you for getting back to me regarding the dog walk that is planned for this Sunday, February 26 from 9:30 to 11:00 at Kirvin Park.

As I explained, organized events at city parks require a special event application and approval by the Parks Commission.

Thank you for your willingness to delay the event so that proper procedures can be followed.

The city wants to assist you in navigating the process and hopes this event will be a success.

The purpose of the process is to ensure that organized events held in city parks take into consideration the impacts that events might have on surrounding neighborhoods and park facilities.

Here is a link to the special event information webpage that includes a check list and the application:

Because your schedule includes a lot of travel the city is willing to accept your completed application via email.

Once we have received the completed application it will be forwarded to the appropriate city departments for their review and it will be placed on the Parks Commission agenda.

In the meantime, please share with your supporters that the event scheduled for this Sunday has been postponed.

Please let me know if you have any questions. The city looks forward to this opportunity to work with you on this very special event.

Linda M. Tyer, City Clerk

Reply to  GMHeller
13 years ago

Do it Sunday as planned – April 10 this whole thing will be forgotten – did you see who signed the letter – Linda Tyer – pawn to the GOBS – she was one of those hot chicks that was going to empower neighborhoods remember – knocked off Mark Brennan for no other reason than to enrich herself, along with TFB, sold out to the GOBS, got a full time job kowtowing to them and forgot all about the hoods. My suggestion – DO THE DOG WALK SUNDAY – nothing but nothing would be better than to have the cops disperse you on orders from the park commission and Linda herself

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
Reply to  ambrose
13 years ago

Will anyone be able to take pictures for those who can’t make the dog walk?

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Silence Dogood
13 years ago

Stay Tuned on the Picture thing, we might do better than that.

Raffle Question
Raffle Question
13 years ago

How does one win a lunch or dinner with Mr. Valenti? I mean, is it a raffle where you can buy a bunch of tickets? Or do you put a business card in a fishbowl & everyone gets one shot?

Thanks in advance.

13 years ago

How does one win a lunch or dinner with Mr. Valenti? I mean, is it a raffle where you can buy a bunch of tickets? Or do you put a business card in a fishbowl & everyone gets one shot?

Thanks in advance.

Nancy aka Molly
Nancy aka Molly
13 years ago

Soooooo, exactly when is the dog walk? Is it tomorrow morning or is it April 15th? Or are there now two dog walks to honor Toby and we’ll try to get people to join us again in April? I’m confused…

Reply to  Nancy aka Molly
13 years ago

According to Ken Ramsdell, he’ll be walking his dog tomorrow, Sunday, as usual in Kirwin Park and he also said that anyone who wishes to join him is welcome to do so to honor Toby Moore.
Simultaneously, Ramsdell said he will be seeking an official permit from the Parks Commission for a Dog Walk to be held on a date in April.
He also said he recommends people to watch those Park Commission proceedings when they air on PCTV as he has a few matters to bring to the attention of the Parks Commission.

13 years ago

Boy Heller has really taken this one and ran with it!

Four in one
Four in one
Reply to  Scott
13 years ago

Heller’s an idiot. He’s a Dan Valenti-Mitt Romney wannabe.

13 years ago

@ “Jeff” that is all true I do not have an answer but my guess is their holding onto it for future generations. The best thing we can do for future generations is focus on sustainability and less pollution. Wen’t fishing today glad to see native trout still hanging on.

Reply to  Scott
13 years ago


One would hope future generations would by then have the technology to move onto cleaner ways to propel car and trucks.

That is precisely why we should be capitalizing on the oil in The Bakkan right now…. Thats why I stated. The Stone Age did not end with the lack of stones and the Oil Age will not end because of the lack of oil.

Reply to  Jeff
13 years ago

Well it may…

Ken Ramsdell
Ken Ramsdell
13 years ago

I can understand the confusion surrounding the dog walk that was scheduled for tomorrow at 9am. Originally the event was set to be an informal event just a showing of support for Mr. Moore and his pet Toby, Being that walking your dog in a City park is an activity condoned by the parks department it was felt that an informal get together required no permitting.
The logic is and was as follows, there will be nothing sold, no food booths, vendors, trained circus acts or other objectionable activities. I also thought Kirvin Park would be a good place based upon the fact that the City has installed a dog clean up station there. However late on Thursday I was contacted by the City Clerk and was informed that I would need a permit and a handful of signoffs etc.
Due to the late nature of all of this here is what I am going to do. I will be dropping off an application to the City Clerk’s office on Monday and start the process; In the meantime I will be preparing a presentation to deliver to the parks Commission at the regularly scheduled meeting in March. I will be presenting to that Commission the reasoning and the thought behind the event.
With that being said I did speak to Mr. Heller yesterday and informed him I would be at Kirvin Park tomorrow am to walk my dog as I typically do. I am not suggesting at this time anyone should or should not walk their dog as well. But I would remind everyone that walking with your pet is a great form of exercise condoned by almost every Professional medical group on the planet, if that isn’t enough the obesity challenge facing our nation and the impacts it does and will have on our healthcare system suggests it might be a good idea to take a brisk walk with your pet. However as is always the case before taking your dog out in public where others are please be sure that your dog is registered and restrained appropriately .
If you decide to walk at Kirvin park with your pet is purely a personal decision based upon your own thoughts. There will be an Official dog walk I hope on April 15th pending approval of the Parks Commission that will try and show the world that compassionate caring beings do exist in Pittsfield some have 4 legs others have 2.
I can not tell you that the Police will or will not do anything , I Can say this The parks are bought and paid for by the good people of Pittsfield if you should decide to enjoy one tomorrow -any one please be respectful to whomever you come across and share with them a hearty smile and a larger hello in the spirit of building a community.

Ken Ramsdell

13 years ago

I have one question??? Where on facebook were the 4,177 be invitng you to the dog walk? If so, where is it on facebook? To me, that is a huge number for Pittsfield! We are lucky to get 4,000 people to a baseball game in the city in the summer, but someone found the time to invite over 4,000 people with their dogs to walk their dogs on Sunday. Come on the ones at City Hall who got involved and the Park Commission, we are smarter than you think. The elevator has hit the top floor for all of us. We are all ahead of you.

Susan Moore
Susan Moore
Reply to  Sandy
13 years ago

Sandy I think several people just invited ALL their FB contacts which is how it got up to so many people. There is a soldier in Afghanistan who said he wouldn’t be able to attend but was invited –I’m sure he would rather be in Pittsfield. There are also many people who were invited but are not on FB. So the count of about 110 attending +/- is not very accurate. Many of them are not going to the Dog Walk but to the afternoon music event. That FB page was set up by Andy for that purpose. My husband invited many friends and family members who will be there.

I also understand that Toby will be getting his morning walk in the park with his family! And I’m sure they will all say hello to fellow dog lovers. An official event during National Pet Month is a wonderful thing and I’m glad Ken is going forth with that idea.

13 years ago

My dog also will be needing her walk tomorrow so I will be exercising her

Deb S
Deb S
Reply to  Bonnie
13 years ago

have to agree…my 2 babies need their daily walk…

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
13 years ago

God bless rhose who join the dog walk

13 years ago

And those who cannot attend!

13 years ago

Crime has risen greatly in the Elm Street area in the past few years, what gives? Not to mention the Moore incident.

Reply to  tito
13 years ago

It’s because they go where they know there are easy targets. As things get worse and there is social unrest the lower income, poor and criminals will start going into neighborhoods they feel have something they have the right to take. Buy a gun.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
13 years ago

If you click either the link or my name in orange it will bring you to a link showing you the latest video segment of the dog walk from Kirvin Park. Please understand this video is being shot with a cell phone in the cold so it mmight be shaky and wind blown. I will edit and provide all segments at a later date.


Reply to  Joe Pinhead
13 years ago

Sorry Joe…. That video feed didn’t seem to work out at all. But would have loved to have seen it. How’s the turnout?

Susan Moore
Susan Moore
Reply to  Jeff
13 years ago

Thanks I got to see some snow and some dog walkers plus hear a few barks of good cheer 🙂 Maybe you have to go on when he is actually filming. I got lucky!

13 years ago

I was there. Got to meet Joe. Was hoping to meet Toby

Deb S
Deb S
Reply to  Bonnie
13 years ago

same here!!! it was a beautiful day….wish more people came…

Susan Moore
Susan Moore
Reply to  Bonnie
13 years ago

Toby was there and made a little “political statement” of his own! And they got it on camera 🙂 You could use that clip over and over…..

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Susan Moore
13 years ago

Thanks to all who showed up this am at Kirvin Park, I had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone who attended. I will be proceeding with arranging another event on April, 15th. The turnout was slightly less than the 4,177 predicted by the “concerned neighbor” I stopped counting at 4,000. The video feed was off the cell phone and worked out ok, I have uploaded select feeds and they are available for viewing if you follow the link. Yes I know you must suffer through an advertisement for each segment. I will compile all the feeds into a short 2-3 minute version in the future and post here on the Planet should the webmaster allow. Thanks to all those that showed up to say hello this am and thanks to the Mayor and City departments for not showing up (in a good way).
Sincerely Joe Pinhead aka Ken

13 years ago

One thing I find interesting is officer Maddalena was very passionate about bringing justice regardless of who it was but was happy with the decision to keep the punishment process for a drug task force agent in house even though he knowingly participated in criminal activity involving drugs the distribution and delivery through the mail.