PICTURES AT AN EXHIBITION: WHAT’s WRONG WITH THIS PHOTO? WHAT’s RIGHT WITH THAT PHOTO? Plus more pix that will let you get to know Peter Moore a wee bit better
PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, FEB. 7, 2012) — First, let us get a couple of things out of the way.
(1) On behalf of Andy Poncherello, the Friends of The REAL Pittsfield Benefit for Peter Moore, and THE PLANET, we hereby offer this invitation to the Berkshire Chamber of Commerce, and specifically the 700 members of its Berkshire Young Professionals Program, to attend the benefit on Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012, 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. We hope to see as many of you as we can.
(2) The Nilan-Moore Case has been described elsewhere as “political dynamite.” We neither accept nor dispute the characterization. THE PLANET’s Secret Squadron doesn’t operate along political lines. Our question in a case like this ultimately becomes: Where does the Truth lie? This one consideration at the same time encompasses all of the possible moral and ethical considerations when a person is run down and left to die in the road AND discards every political factor, which has — and should never have — a part in the calculations.
What’s wrong with this photo?
Yes, there’s a sharply delineated, head-sized hole practically in front of the driver’s seat, about which the driver wants us to believe she thought was caused by a “deer or a dog.” Friends, you know what a deer looks like. You know what a dog looks like. Their heads and bodies don’t come close in appearance or structure to that of an adult human being.
Connect the “dots” (windshield, hood, front end markings) and try to imagine any way either a dog or a deer could be reasonably identified as the cause of the damage. Also, notice the proximity of the hole in the windshield to the driver’s seat. How could anyone not know that a human being had just gone through the glass, and not lightly?
Based on the evidence, the claims made to police by Meredith Nilan do not seem credible.
Yes, there’s a dent on the hood that indicates excessive speed. You all know what car hoods look like and feel like. They are made of metal and have some give or elasticity that will resist denting or damage, unless there is (a) excessive pressure and/or (b) excessive speed involved. You know that it would take a lot of psi to leave a series of dents that substantial.
Yes, the front grille is missing, suggesting the force with which Meredith Nilan, 24, ran down Peter Moore on the night of Dec. 8, 2011, at about 8:15 p.m.
Show the world The REAL Pittsfield. Attend the Benefit for Peter Moore, 1-5 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 26, at Chameleon’s, 1350 East St., Pittsfield. Let’s pack the place.
Yes, all that is wrong with the photo.
But there’s something else wrong with the picture. It’s something not there.
You know what’s missing? Human compassion. It appears, does it not, that when Ms. Nilan mowed down Peter Moore then high-tailed it away from the scene, she was acting out of some impulse foreign to most of the rest of us. Sure, we can understand panic, but this isn’t a 16-year-old out joyriding on a learner’s permit. This is a 24-year-old woman, gainfully employed, a member of Berkshire Young Professionals (indicating professional ambition), and daughter to a man who, as head of the Probation Department in Pittsfield, would have been better equipped than most to teach his daughter about right and wrong.
This is a woman, in short, capable of acting like an adult … capable, we should think, of sober thinking after hitting and nearly killing a pedestrian with her vehicle … capable of realizing that she needed to stop at the scene, call the police, and wait for them to arrive. As best as we can determine, from her own statements made to the police and from the criminal charges brought against her by the police (later dismissed for trial by a magistrate who could not find enough evidence to send it to trial), Meredith Nilan did none of the above. She fled the scene, police say, and she let daddy handle the mess.
Most of the rest of us, I would suggest, would probably have acted differently. We would have put aside out panic and fear. We would have stopped the vehicle upon hitting a living creature that caused such extensive damage. We would have realized, most likely, that it wasn’t a deer, a dog, or anything else other than a person we just hit. We would get out, search the area, and tried desperately to find the person. We would call the police, then wait there until they arrived.
Thus, when we look at the photo of the vehicle police say Meredith Nilan was driving that night, we don’t see the echoes of a human heart’s warmth, that combination of compassion, accountability, concern, and maturity that enables most of us to reach out to help those in need, particularly when we are the cause of their grief. We don’t see any of that in this picture.
That is the most chilling aspect of all.
![Peter 2011 013](
Peter Moore is pictured here with his father, retired Hartford Police Dept. Capt. Tom Moore. (Photo courtesy of the Moore Family)
Now, my good friends, please direct your attention to this photo. What’s right with this photo? You can write boatloads, but we can supply the answer in one word. It’s a four-letter word: L-O-V-E.
The picture was taken at the hospital as Peter Moore began his recovery from near-fatal injuries inflicted upon him by Meredith Nilan, after, according to Pittsfield Police, the car she was driving swerved into the wrong lane and struck Moore, who was out jogging with his dog, Toby.
The love is apparent in the eyes of both men, in the positioning and erect body language of Tom Moore, the ever-protective father, in the gratitude apparent on the two faces that a life was somehow not lost, despite the actions — and inactions — of the driver.
The love is apparent in Tom Moore’s hands, hidden as they are, which are on the handlebars of the chair — a father literally helping his son steer through the challenge of his life. They are hands that, no doubt, helped to guide the little boy who was Peter Moore into that fine man about which we hear family, friends, and colleagues talk so much about. We see Tom Moore’s hands fixing a toy young Peter may have broken. We see them on Peter’s shoulders during a moment of setback. We see them shaking Peter’s hands during a moment of joy, such as a graduation or a wedding. They are a Father’s Hands, which alone know all of the sacrifice made on behalf of a beloved son.
We see the love in Peter Moore’s smile, an expression of the resolve of the human spirit. That smile is set like an island amid a sea of bruises, cuts, scrapes, and contusions. There’s an oasis there, green and refreshing amid what has to be an ocean of pain and a desert of discomfort, of a family man’s realization that many, many people — including complete strangers — feel drawn to him as a way of trying to assuage the sting of his injuries. They feel drawn to Peter also because of the disappointment and heartbreak of realizing there’s a type of person out there who would inflict these injuries and not only not stop to help but, even now, to the best we know almost two months later, has yet to apologize or offer the least bit of regret.
We see love in the clothing: The slate-blue conservatism of the Father, radiating solidity of bedrock contrasted with the whimsical, colorful, exuberant T-shirt the Son is wearing.
My good friends, photographs reveal much by what they show and won’t they don’t show. In a leap of thought, let me remind all that our time in this veil of tears is fleeting. We will all bid farewell, and that moment approaches for everyone.
Much against our hearts, we, too, will someday part. // The sad road lies clear. It needs no art. // We will not say if there is any Hope when it seems so far away, // but when our nursling grief is dead and no tears blur our eyes // we will see the peach-bloom in the morning sky. // We will make full circle of our banishment, and — amazed — we shall meet, // a bitter journey to a destination so sweet is cannot season the endless feast of our joy. // Our tears of happiness will never dry. (adapted from and based on a poem by Sydney Dobell, “A Farewell” )
This photo, ladies and gentleman, depicts the true hero of the evening of Dec. 8. This is Toby.
This is Peter Moore's dog, Toby. This little guy is the real hero of Dec. 8. (Courtesy of the Moore Family)
He’s the tough little guy who stayed by Peter Moore as he lay unconscious on the side of the road on that frozen December evening, bleeding, busted up, bruised, and battered. Toby stayed with Peter and, as best he could, tried to give him a little bit of body warmth and moral support. He also licked Peter’s face periodically, and that may have helped Peter regain consciousness.
Little Toby stayed there so long that a clump of his fur froze in a pool of his master’s blood. When Peter managed to get to his feet and regained a semblance of his senses, Toby helped him get home.
The dog wasn’t physically hurt in the incident, but when he is outside, he will avoid going near the spot what it occurred, at the top of Winesap Drive near the mouth of East Street.
Who knows what thoughts go on in the mind of a dog? We know they do think, probably in some form of conceptual pictographs. Actually, not hemmed in by the limits of language, a dog like Toby probably generates a depth of thought that would make our deepest profundities appear like the shallow end of the Kiddie’s Pool.
There’s no doubt in THE PLANET’s noggin that Toby help saved Peter Moore’s life, rendering his master everything the little guy had to give that night. Compare Toby’s actions to that of Meredith Nilan. Almost makes a person wish there was a shelter we could take some people so they could be “put to sleep.”
Did we talk about love before? Go to this link:!/events/272198382845242/
This is the Facebook page for THE REAL Pittsfield Benefit for Peter Moore. You will see several photos of Peter Moore with his family. There it is on display, first, in a picture of Peter Moore, his wife and family, and then a photograph that shows Peter with his grandson. These are the people who have been the most affected by the actions of Meredith Nilan on the night in question. These are the people who are waiting on the courts to provide a semblance of accountability and a whiff of justice.
Peter Moore could be any citizen of Pittsfield. This could be your family … your mother and father … your husband or wife … your children. You could be run over by a careless driver while walking, picking up your mail, taking out the trash, of just standing admiring the stars. You could be left on the side of the road for dead. It could be your husband who suffered brain trauma, nerve damage, a broken neck, and a broken leg.
Look at the faces in this picture. Let it sink in what they have been put through, not just in seeing a loved one put through this ordeal but with the subsequent handling of the case by the “justice” system in the Pittsfield courthouse.
Your chance to demonstrate solidarity with the Moores and to send a message to the handful of corrupt GOBs who try to run the city through fear will come on Sunday, Feb. 26, when Chameleon’s will host The REAL Pittsfield Benefit for Peter Moore. It will be a matinee affair so that all ages can attend. It will run from 12:30 to 5 p.m.
Those wishing to help out should contact Andy Poncherello at this link:
DV, suggest also, you provide an address to which donations may be sent in the event one is unable to attend the benefit, as well as the “Make check payable to:” information.
Not surprised at the Planet compassion, where is Sturgeon?
He’s talking about arugala or the silly council or some guy who stubbed his toe and thats having a benifit hosted by UNICO. He’s focused on the menu at Mazzeo’s or the great food at The Cove. The important things. This very worthy benifit however can never be mentioned because his many years in law enforcement taught him never to talk about cases that are in litigation. Duh! Did anyone know that this case was being litigated but him. The last I heard there was no evidence to show that there was any wrongdoing on anybody’s part. Dan’s going to be on his show Thursday but he’ll have to play by Sturge’s rules.
dont forget his ravings about “deadwood”
Nice close Dan.
Toby is so cute and obviously traumatized about going near the scene of the accident. Who can blame him?
I agree wholeheartedly with Ambrose’s comments about the Sturgeon show. Even Dan’s appearance on the show won’t get me to listen to it. I got sick of listening to him some time ago. Had enough of his “wow”, “cool”, and “right” while talking with guests, and his “but seriously” after a childish attempt at making a funny. He constantly interrupts guests to interject his own agenda, and shows disrespect by mispronouncing names, etc. Half of his 3 hour show is nothing but a commercial, anyway. Like, I need to know the menu of his sponsoring restaurants on a daily basis.
But….I’d like to have 1% of the “good friends” he has!
My guess is that Mr Sturgeon has been told that if he let’s one caller mention the Nilan fiasco his job is over. So I don’t hold that against him. There are probably people all over the city who are afraid to discuss this for the same reason.
But he does annoy me by letting callers hang on the line until they give up in despair and hang up. If you are allowing people to call in Bill…answer the damn phone.
This was one of the best written pieces I’ve read in a long time, not best written blogs but best written anything. This brought me to tears. Beautiful work, Mr. Valenti.
Day 61
It looks to me like the car was washed. Did police get any d.n.a. from the windshield or hood? If the car was washed before police got to it is that tampering with evidence? Things that make you go hmmmm!
Also..How can Nilan counsel probationers about being a law abiding citizen? He needs to step down..he has zero crediblity after this and the Angelo incident!
Mass Probation Dept. and the courts in general in Masachusetts are a joke….time to vote for another party for the Governor’s council and other offices as well. When you have one party running the whole show in a state what do you expect.
I’ve been voting for another party since I was 18….I wish people would wake up.
How do you think No Show got his job, he got it by being a water boy for the corrupt Dems and that was his reward
Totally agree. My agenda next time will include anybody but democrats. If things mellow out in eight to ten years I may go back. But they need to lose the mafia image.
I would say,” when we have one gang running the whole show in a state what do you expect?”
So true. In a so-called democracy, designed for shared rule and with a bicameral legislature, overwhelming dominance by any party is anathema to the system and a major case of Political Flu for We The People. I’ve been in the pubic arena for a long time with my columns and radio shows, and now this blog. Local Dems insist I’m a Republican because I speak out against this type of one-party rule. They are incorrect. I am no more a Republican than Toby is. I am a Pedestrian. My political agenda consists of making it from one side of the street to the other without getting run down. If the GOP had a 90-10 advantage, I would be arguing the same. Fact is, though, that more GOP solutions seem to make sense these days, especially a smaller role for govt. in people’s lives.
If Meredith gets probation, who will supervise her?
You guys should cut Mr. Sturgeon some slack.I couldn’t imagine how hard it would be to do a 3 hour show everyday.Yes there are alot of commercials,they have to pay the bills.Really think he tries to be fair and let people vent.Not every show is going to be about Pittsfield politics,if it were Bill would get burned out in a hurry.I think he provides a service for the community.
It’s his show but not his station and I doubt WBRK wants to get too controversial. Drop a respectful note to Chip Hodgkins requesting that he take the cuffs off.
I think it’s WBRK Management that we need to start yelling at…
I sure hope it is not even being considered (and I write this not knowing if it is or not) but It hypocrisy for alcohol to be served or available at an event benefiting the victim of an accident caused by alcohol. Believe me, I am not denying the fact that human integrity and judgement, or lack thereof, were involved that night. But Mr. Moore would never have been hit, nor the aftermath of the accident perhaps unfolded as it did, had alcohol not been served at an event from which people had to drive home. Alcohol is not “entertainment.” Anyone who thinks it would be an appropriate part of the benefit at Chameleon’s needs to know they undermine any credibility they might have had in efforts to prevent tragedies like this one.
Two things: (1) There is no evidence yet that the incident was caused by alcohol, so you can’t make the claim. (2) You also can’t say the victim would not have been hit “had alcohol not been served … home.” Again, there’s no proof that the driver did consume alcohol or, if she did, had enough to be impaired. Not having such proof, no one can make such a claim. A magistrate has rejected the police charges based on insufficient evidence. The police have appealed. The judge will determine the next step. It’s important that everyone realize this: Legally, Ms. Nilan is innocent. She will remain innocent of any charges only if and until proven guilty. That’s the law. We are a nation of laws.
Dan, This is a blog not a court of law. We are allowed to use our common sense . (1) A young women leaves a party at a bar and drives home. (2) She runs over a man and leaves him to die. (3) Add #1 and #2 together and there is only one conclusion you can come up with.
We well know this is not a court of law. However, it is good to remind everyone how the courts and the law work.
However, I don’t think that we should be making “jumps” like this, either! There is absolutely NO PROOF (that we know about now) that she had anything at all to drink! So these a huge leaps!!! And really, hurt your credibility. It is not “common sense” as she was attending a meeting of BYP and not necessarily drinking. What if she was not drinking but texting on her cell phone? Orrrrrr some other distraction. You can’t say that with any credibility… Wait until we can see and hear the evidence — requires patience, I know (and not one of my strong suits, either!)
DV, you say, “There is no evidence yet that the incident was caused by alcohol”. Yet, DV, there IS evidence of a kind: the enforced silence of Meredith Nilan’s fellow Berkshire Young Professionals who were present with her at Allium the evening of December 8th, 2011. If alcohol and/or recreational drugs were not a factor in Meredith Nilan’s bloodsteam the night she hit head-on Peter Moore, why then are 60 or so Berkshire Young Professionals being told to keep mum and not speak of what they observed at the bar? If there’s nothing to hide, why are these people each doing the darndest to hide it? What else, other than consumption of alcohol and/or illegal drugs, could these 60 people possibly have observed that would require such collective and enforced silence?
Ray – that is a leap, too!!! People, especially in Berkshire County, don’t want to get involved – especially when it’s a “political mess” that they aren’t getting involved in. And neither do the BYP’ers. And I guess I can’t blame them in a way as then they would be constantly hounded by the media and by individuals like us. We don’t know, but I am assuming (I know – big leap!) that the police interviewed each of these 60 people and it is my hope that each of them told the truth as they saw it. We just don’t have this info. yet!
There is a big difference between drinking responsibly and drinking to excess.
It’s time to “GET INVOLVED”! I think it was Joe Pinhead who openly tells businesses that they will not be getting his business as long as they are advertising in The Berkshire Eagle. That is a GREAT IDEA! But we also have to remind The Berkshire Eagle and WBRK and all other media in Pittsfield, that unless “We The People” purchase your newspaper, or listen to your radio, then we’re not going to see, or hear, your precious advertisements. They are SO afraid of losing their advertising dollars that they forget how important the people who purchase the paper (and the people who don’t any longer purchase the paper) are. The advertising isn’t going to be seen unless WE purchase their newspaper! And the same goes for radio – if we don’t listen to it, then we’re not hearing the advertisements, either. Let them see how difficult it will be to sell advertising when your readership and your listeners are about nil. It’s way past time to pay attention to WE THE PEOPLE! Or suffer the consequences, as they are but they don’t seem to “get it” as to why. So we need to get involved, stand up and say, “We will not listen to your show until we are free to discuss anything that we want to including the “dirty little secrets” of the Good Old Boys. And we will not purchase The Berkshire Eagle until they start acting like a “real newspaper” and lose the bias! Report on ALL of the facts, do so immediately, and leave the bias out of the story. And then we will purchase it. Get involved. Stand Up and Say It. Shout it!!!
I, for one, am VERY TIRED and VERY BORED with the people of this city who are so afraid to “get involved” and voice their opinion publicly on something that they KNOW is wrong and will privately admit that to you. How will it ever change if people don’t speak up? I want to shake them!
Dusty wrote, “My guess is that Mr. Sturgeon has been told that if he lets one caller mention the Nilan fiasco his job is over. There are probably people all over this city who are afraid to discuss this for the same reason”. I totally agree, Dusty. And I am really seeing it with the Meredith Nilan/Peter Moore case and benefit. But I also find that to be very, very sad – and very scary as well! I would make the threat right back at them – if you fire me for having and voicing my opinion on my time, then I will see you in court. This is AMERICA – Land of the free! It’s time to Stand Up, People! Stand up and say, “THIS IS WRONG! And we will NOT allow it!” Your whispering it to only a certain few isn’t going to do anything to change it. What in the hell has happened and how did “We The People” ever allow it to happen? People are literally terrified to say anything openly that isn’t in-line with being, what they perceive to be “politically correct”, even when they know it is wrong! And it is that fear that is ruining our great country because the fear quickly changes to apathy, because it makes it much easier to deal with. We have all become “little followers” and afraid to speak up when we see something that is blatantly wrong. Yet we wonder why such awful bullying of our teens goes on the way it does. It’s because by our own actions and examples, we are teaching our children to go along with the few – don’t stand up and say “No – this is wrong!”. And so they don’t.
Meredith Nilan allegedly leaving Mr. Peter Moore to die, lying in the road bleeding from his head was WRONG. Toby, Mr. Moore’s dog, has more morals and sympathy and empathy than that! He knew what was right and wrong to do!! He chose to do what was right even though he was terrified. Try to justify it any way you like – the bottom line is that it was wrong and we all know it. Right now, this accusation is just that – an accusation. She deserves her day in court – a fair and balanced court – with a jury of her peers deciding her guilt or innocence. And so does the victim, Mr. Peter Moore, deserve this as well. Her being able to avoid this “day in a fair and balanced court” because of who her father is, is even more wrong. Stand up and say it! Shout it! Show your children that they need to have the guts to stand up and yell when something is wrong. We all know the difference between right and wrong. The problem is that we all don’t have the guts to stand up and shout it when we see it. So I’m standing up, and I’m saying it – no I’m SHOUTING it! These allegations, if proven true, were WRONG for her to have done! And her not having her day in a fair and balanced court, including facing the victim, Mr. Peter Moore, and stating her case to a jury of her peers, is even more wrong! I pray that Judge Hadley will overturn the verdict of Assistant Clerk Magistrate Nathan Byrnes and allow the wheels of our criminal justice system to turn.
—Nancy Prendergast
aka Molly
Nancy/Molly, bravely and forthrightly spoken.
Congratulations as well, Ms. Prendergast, on your fearless decision to identify yourself and take a very public stand on a matter where far too many are afraid to do the same.
If only the majority of others on PlanetValenti and Topix threads would show similar strength of character and resolve.
Brava, Molly/Nancy! You go girl! Guts, tenacity, intelligence, what a combination! THAT”S what the “Real” AMERICA is all about!
Im sure Bill Sturgeon has to adbide by what station management tells him is ok or not, I think the Nilan-Moore topic is a legitimate one. But its commercial radio. Gotta pay bills. Irony is this. If they would have more hard-hitting programming they couldnt keep up with ad sale because theres no other competition, just The Planet and it refuses to take ads.
The point, Kevin, is that we all need to contact the station’s management and tell them that until they allow us to talk about how wrong this is, then we will not be listening to their station at all. They can have all the advertising that they want but there will be no one to hear it. THEN they will listen! So Please – stand up and do it!
More satire:
Haaaa….good stuff!
that’s hilarious!
This video will be posted tomorrow as one of our “Letters to the Editor.”
Well said Molly. Point well taken.
Would any of your contacts be able to find out if the PPD had the foresight to get a warrant for any security camera videos at Allium Bar for the night of Dec. 8, 2011? I’m sure they didn’t know that they’d run into such obstacles and roadblocks in the investigation, although maybe they suspected that they might, given the people involved. Security footage might show who was and who wasn’t under the influence, who arrived and who left, alone or with someone else, possibly a treasure trove of information. I’d also bet my left foot that if such footage did exist, it doesn’t any longer, unless it was confiscated within a day of the hit and run. I wonder if Cliff’s phone records would show any calls to Allium’s the night of the incident or the day after. Any time beyond that, the videos would be gone!
I haven’t had time to read all of the posts, so if someone else has already asked about this, my apologies.
Charlie, are you:
a) high?
b) paid to write those posts of yours?
One (or two) more thing(s):
If Alliums does have security cameras, how long, on average, do they keep them before they’re recycled?
If the usual length of time is longer that the time it took the PPD to get a search warrant from the Southern Berkshire Court to search Nilan’s vehicle, and if the videos vanished or were taped over before the usual length of time that they’re kept, wouldn’t that constitute tampering with evidence, leaving Allium’s open to criminal charges?
If I own or run a restaurant that serves alcohol, I would think three times before I agreed to host a BYP “networking social.” First, they would have to sign an iron-clad waiver absolving my establishment of any blame in the event that excess drinking leads to trouble.
Great thought! I also was hoping that the police would check any video-cams at intersections or anywhere else there would be video-cams to be able to see her driving home from Gt. Barrington.
Cliff would probably have his lawyer, or a friend, make the call to Allium, but still worth a look… I also wonder what phone records they were able to get on Meredith Nilan’s phone — was she texting when she hit Peter Moore?
I think Charlie gets paid for those posts, that make people HATE the DA!!! Dusty wrote: “In a different time and place a DA might have come out to the community and assure them that justice was on the job”. Charlie’s reply stated, “You obviously have no understanding of the DA’s job” (translates to you’re an idiot) “Anyone could look this up on yahoo” (translates again to you’re an idiot). “People would not always be pointing their finger at those doing something about violence against others instead of at the perps”. Many, many, many people, including myself many times, have tried to nicely explain to him that this case, added to other recent cases, has made people lose faith in our criminal justice system and they are scared about that!!! So please stop putting people down and start doing something to restore people’s faith in our system in Berkshire County! Having the DA make a generalized statement that he has been and will continue to fight for “justice for all” regardless of who the accused is, would go a VERY long way!” But he chooses instead to post on all the blogs – he thinks anonymously – and put everyone down and call them idiots. And here’s the kicker – we pay him for that!!!
Diogenes, in re security videos: excellent questions!
Wasn’t Mr. Sturgeon’s predecessor “let go” from the station because he tried to speak about the Massimiano allegations?
i just don’t understand that with all the sleuths that this site seems to have , why the police dept doesn’t call on all of you to solve the crime in the greater pittsfield area. there was another robbery at a convenience store, any ideas columbo.a shooting in the north end needs to be solved sherlock anyone up for that? i think if all of you get together and put your imaginations to work , you could solve many if not all of the cold cases back logged at the ppd.
Yeah they were done by people addicted to drugs or in the drug trade.
One thing that we all just figured out is that you’re a GOB hack. Did Cliffy get your job?
Yeah, it’s very puzzling to me, too, why the police don’t call on us to solve crimes. Here’s a thought: Maybe they do!! YOU’LL never know.
Excellent response!!!
To all,
Regarding radio station WBRK-AM and FM and its president Willard ‘Chip’ Hodgkins.
It is likely Mr. Hodgkins plays a similar role in Pittsfield as that played by Berkshire Eagle Publisher Andrew Mick.
Hodgkins may or may not be considered one of Pittsfield’s GOB’s, but he certainly avoids doing anything to antagonize GOB’s for fear of losing advertising revenue under GOB control.
Call it the power of the purse or just a lack of intestinal fortitude, it’s just the way it is in Palookaville.
BUT, there is a means to counter the GOB effect!
Probably the best thing to do if one wants to register dismay with editorial/political decisions made by WBRK (and also by Berkshire Eagle) management is to contact advertisers.
In the case of WBRK, contact those specific advertisers whose ads play over WBRK-AM and sister station WBRK ‘Star’ 101.7 FM.
Let those advertisers know that until there are changes made at WBRK with regard to on-air free speech and the coverage of Pittsfield’s apparently taboo subjects, you will avoid patronizing their stores and/or buying their products.
Recommend sending a letter or email to each advertiser along with a copy to Mr. Hodgkins himself.
The sword cuts both ways and if Hodgkins is being swayed by fear of losing GOB advertising dollars, he can also be swayed by WBRK advertisers’ fear of losing business — especially during this Obama Depression.
Willard ‘Chip’ Hodgkins’ email at WBRK is:
The station’s other contact info is:
OFFICE # 413-442-1553
STUDIO LINE #413-443-9275
FAX #413-445-5294
I understand the need for adds. What I don’t understand is the need for a business to replay their add 100 times a day. Same message over and over and over. Like we are stupid. It makes me resent the business…a car dealership that hopes we are as stupid as it treats us with its adds. They sure hope you are stupid when you show up to buy that car…cuz they are ready for the stupid guy
Dan you and your “bloggers” have been making claims for weeks now that Meredith Nilan was drunk or texting when she allegedly struck Peter Moore. And now 2 or 3 weeks later you make this statement
February 7, 2012 at 8:01 pm # STONEGOD
We well know this is not a court of law. However, it is good to remind everyone how the courts and the law work.
You’ve also claimed that there must be a cover up going on here. So wich is it Danno.. Either she is innocent until proven guilty or shes guilty.
Dan do you have all the same info that the Pittsfield police department has regarding this case? If so then I think you need to mention all of it instead of just the facts that you want people to think.
thanks for the question. First, no one has made the claim that Ms. Nilan was drunk that night. There have been many inferences that alcohol might be involved, given the nature of the BYP “socials,” the driver’s behavior in hitting Mr. Moore, and the actions and inactions after the collision. Inferences based on observations or known facts is not the same as making a claim that anyone was drinking that night. There IS a coverup going on, however. Just one example of many we could cite: Magistrate Byrnes decided to close the hearing to the public, close the hearing to the press, close the hearing to Mr. Moore, close the hearing to Mr. Moore’s counsel, and keep the Jan. 12 hearing secret until after it was held. That’s a “cover-up,” legal or not. So the answer to your either or is that “She’s innocent until proven guilty.” As for my information and the PPDs information, only the PPD can answer that. I know what official information that THE PLANET has. I’ll let Chief Wynn speak for his department.