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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 2012) — Happy Birthday, Mick!

Glad to see so many are interested in the upcoming discussion between my two Right Honorable Good Friends, Ward 6 councilor John Krol, and at-large councilor Melissa Mazzeo. Krol and Mazzeo have been at loggerheads on many issues, but if you examine their voting records, you will find a surprising amount of accord. Nonetheless, our planned discussion will surely examine differences between the two that have arisen stemming from Mazzeo’s comments to THE PLANET on the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre.

Krol questioned Mazzeo’s characterizations of his position in her statement to THE PLANET following the debate on Mayor Dan Bianchi‘s appointment of former mayoral and council candidate Jeff Ferrin to the ambulance review board. Ferrin would appear more than qualified to serve, given his long years in service as an EMT.

We are still working our the specifics with the candidates for a time and place of the show, and we shall let you know as soon as the details are finalized. Here’s what we can say as of now:

* Both candidates immediately agreed to the public discussion. This happened after Mazzeo offered to meet Krol in a forum moderated by THE PLANET. We offered our services, and both accepted in principle.

* Both candidates have been refreshingly free of demands or conditions of the type that one often encounters in trying to set up forums of this type. We have moderated countless of these for radio and TV, and sometimes to forge agreement you need to engage in shuttle diplomacy that would give Henry Kissinger in his prime a hard time. It was not so in this case, and we thank our two good friends.

* We’re hoping that the discussion will take place next week.

* As of now, it appears that it will take place at one of two venues: Either in the WBRK studios or at the PCTV studios.

As we say, we’ll keep you posted.



Here’s the broadcast schedule over the Pittsfield cable system for the “Out Front TV” show THE PLANET taped on Tuesday with the Berkshire County Republican Association. That show was hosted by Jim Bronson. Bill Sturgeon of WBRK sat in with us as co-guest. The show covers lots of issues, mostly national, with some local and global matters sneaking in. You’ll find lively discussion, pointed debate, and — as what usually happens when THE PLANET is involved — some good-natured fun and laughs.

Dave Bubriski sent this link and schedule to us:

Folks to see Dan and Bill Sturgeon on Out Front TV click this link;…and then type Out Front TV into the show search. I’m sure you’ll agree this was a good lively discussion.

Some of you might Bill’s sport shirt was woven from green Kryptonite just so he could get the upper hand on Dan. This isn’t true. It was just a nice shirt picked out I’m sure by his wife.

If you prefer to watch on Pittsfield. The show airs on cable channel 16. Here is this week’s schedule:
2/23/2012 at 1:00 PM
2/23/2012 at 6:00 PM
2/24/2012 at 3:30 AM
2/24/2012 at 8:30 AM
3/1/2012 at 1:00 PM
3/1/2012 at 6:00 PM
3/2/2012 at 3:30 AM
3/2/2012 at 8:30 AM

Thanks Bill and Dan.

Dave Bubriski is the communications director of the BCRA.

THE PLANET thanks Dave, Jim, the good folks at PCTV, and everyone we met at the dinner after the show for their kindness and hospitality.



A Political Allegory

On the wide expanse of a city-street’s head

(I know not where but was some nearby place)

their arms, Eagle like, for sails outspread.

Two politicians run an endless race,

from the ward and at-large, a sister and a brother!

The one far out-stripped the other,

Yet ever runs she with reverted face

and looks and listens for the man behind,

For he, alas, is blind.

Over rough and smooth with even step he passed

and knows not whether he be first or last.

Have fun, O my brothers and sisters, ciphering the hidden meaning of this one. For a clue: “When you say its name, it is no longer there.”



THE PLANET reported the coincidental fact that each of the Gang of Four from the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre — Jonathan Lothrop, Barry Clairmont, Paul Capitanio, and Chris Yon — contributed to the campaign treasury of mayoral candidate Peter Marchetti. Some wondered about other councilors and their contributions. Regarding this, we pass this along from someone who worked as part of the finance committee for Mayor  Bianchi’s election bid:

I was a cashier for Dan Bianchi’s kickoff fundraiser at the Italian American Club. Paul Capitanio came in…handed me $50 in cash…told me he couldn’t stay, but told me to “make sure that Dan knows that I was here.” I paper clipped the (2) $20’s and the $10 together with a note explaining the donation…and included his name on a list of past & present public officials in attendance so Dan could acknowledge them. When I gave the list to Dan, he said he was aware that Paul had a prior commitment. It’s my understanding that cash donations don’t always get reported, especially when taken in at a fundraiser. Melissa, Joe Nichols, Bill Barry, Lou Costi and Tony Maffuccio were the only past or present councilors (to my recollection) to attend any of Dan’s events prior to the election night party at Mazzeo’s. I know former councilor Jim Massery was a contributor…and he, and Gary Grunin were both in attendance at Mazzeo’s from the beginning of the gathering.

We thank our friend for this information.





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13 years ago

Let’s hope legitimate political leaders stay far away from the dumb Sturgeon show.

Reply to  tito
13 years ago

Sturge still won’t give Pete Moore a little help – he let jimmy g. mention it tuesday and he kind of pitched in, “Oh, that was that thing down on winesap” like he had heard little about it. It’s sad, if the guy had stubbed is toe and somebody was trying to help him he would have been in sturge’s heart and prayers and he would have been from a wonderful family whom billy has known all his life. His father would have been great police officer. Unfortuately, he didn’t stub his toe, he was seriously injured and really does need some help, and WBRK won’t give him one second of time.

silly boy
silly boy
Reply to  ambrose
13 years ago

You do know that WBRK is a for-profit operation and not a charity for poor people, right?

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
13 years ago

Personally , I think all a debate will do is massage the egos of Dan Valenti and Mr. Kroll and are not needed. I spent more ¼ century in law enforcement and was an EMT early in my career. I think you can get a vision of the type of person they are they have a jump kit in their truck, and a patch on the sleeve of their jacket and dream of the day they can drive by an accident and rescue someone. We have a Pittsfield city budget of city budget of $122.7 million growing, and we want to debate who the next Ambulance Review Committee appointment will be. This house is on fire honey, but what’s for supper tonight ? Let’s move on and either vote Mr. Ferrin in or out, just my thoughts

Nancy P. aka Molly
Nancy P. aka Molly
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
13 years ago

To some extent, I agree — it already seems like an old issue. And we certainly have many much more important issues to deal with in Pittsfield. However, I also think that it’s important because of what a few were trying to do — what was their bigger purpose in doing this? That stuff needs to end and needs to end now! So for that, I’m really happy that Melissa is taking this on and I sure hope she is successful in doing so. And then perhaps we can move on to important issues and the city council can hopefully work together better and, finally, FOR US, — “we the people” and not just the GOB’s! So for that, this is a very important issue.

Scott Laugenour
Scott Laugenour
13 years ago

All financial contributions to support political campaigns must be reported. Cash collected at a fundraising event is not exempt from campaign finance law, even when it occurs at the Italian American Club.

Karl Atwater
Karl Atwater
Reply to  Scott Laugenour
13 years ago

in Pittsfield it depends on who is watchin

agreed and also
agreed and also
13 years ago

“Let’s hope legitimate political leaders stay far away from the dumb Sturgeon show.”

And away from bloggers. This site is the TMZ of our little fishbowl. It’s not legitimate, it’s just curiously interesting.

13 years ago

Maybe an answer to the poem?
If debate, or constructive conversation were censored we would all be blind to the truth or opinions of the truth. Without debate or the freedoms to discuss a topic we would revert to the ancient day’s of monarchy and silence Of We The People.
Thank You Melissa and John for your willingness to get together. In your case silence is not golden.

Jethro Bodine
Jethro Bodine
13 years ago

That poem sure is pretty, Uncle Jed. I saw the planet on Out Front, man you stole the show! Loved your turn on most everything. Now I understand why no one ever wants to mess with you in debate. they’re scared of you, planet.

13 years ago

Did you ever notice where Bill S’s boss’s car is many days at lunch time the Mass plate “WBRK” is usually in the parking lot or in front of Del Gallo’s. Does this helps to answer why no mention of the fund raiser on Sunday?