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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 2012) — Here’s some additional information on The REAL Pittsfield Benefit for Peter Moore and Family. Tickets are now available at $10 apiece at the Allendale Underground, Allendale Shopping Center and at Chameleon’s Nightclub, 1350 East St., both in Pittsfield. Tickets via Paypal cost $10.50 (including Paypal fee) to Tickets will either be mailed out or help in your name at the door. Donations can be sent to Peter Moore c/o Rebel Sound Records, P.O. Box 281, Dalton, Mass., 01227. Make checks payable to PETER MOORE.

Also, the organizers, led by promoter Andy Poncherello, ask that area businesses step forward and donate products and/or services for the benefit. Peter Moore, his wife Robin, and their children, have been dealt a great injustice by a reckless driver, and they need our help. The Moores are exactly the kind of young, value-centered family Pittsfield needs if the city is to have any chance of a prosperous future. Pittsfield doesn’t need more GOBs. It need more Peter and Robin Moores. Readers, help get the word out and put the pinch on any businesses and business owners that you may know to donate something. For more information, contact Poncherello at 413-418-5783. THE PLANET thanks you.


On Meredith Nilan‘s Myspace account, which yesterday had been been de-activated, there’s all sorts of interesting information. It’s interesting, because just yesterday, THE PLANET engaged in an engrossing conversation with a long-time colleague about how the new so-called “social media” has among young people reshaped attitudes, destroyed attention spans, wiped out much of cultural and historical knowledge, and — much more eerily — shredded the notion of personal privacy. It is in this latter regard that we share some of Nilan’s Myspace remarks. Young people feel free letting everyone in on their air-headed attentions? Very well, then. Let feed on their words because in social networking, THERE IS NO PRIVACY!

Meredith Nilan, come on down! We present her own Myspace words, furnished when she was a college student. In her answers, she shows the depth of Paris Hilton and the insight of a bimbo:

* First, we learn that pictures of Nilan are “In the Spotlight because [her] photos are earning quite a bit of attention.” If attention is what she wanted, and seeing her name in the headlines, she certainly has achieved that. Congratulations. You got your 15 minutes, honey.

* She’s 5’3″, blond, blue eyes. Her weakness? “HOTT GUYS.” Don’t you just love the spelling. Oh well, at least she got “guys” correct. Another win for spell check.

* “Thoughts First Waking UP”: Her answer: “Depends on the day.” Wonder what those thoughts were when she first woke up on the day she learned that appellate Judge William Hadley overturned the verdict of that Stalwart of Justice, magistrate Nathan Byrnes, and ruled in favor of the Pittsfield Police Department?

* “Do you get along with your Parents? ” Answer: “Hell no.” Not just “no” but “Hell no.” We wonder if she might have changed her mind since then in light of daddy’s activities on her behalf since Dec. 8?

* She spells “fun” with two “ns” — as in, “Yepp! Soo Funn!” She is now 24, and getting ready for a leadership role in society. Folks, America is screwed. Yepp, sooo screwed.

“In the past month, have you Drank Alcohol?” [What scholars are these that composed the Myspace questions?! we ask in astonishment].  Answer: “Haha. Obviously” Think she might want that one back? “Obviously.” Many believe it’s “obvious” that she was plastered the night she ran over Peter Moore and fled the scene without calling the police.

* She tells us that doesn’t do drugs, she has three body piercings, no tattoos, hates sushi, goes skinny-dipping, wants to die peacefully in her sleep, wants to be “CEO of a Fortune 500 company,” and would most like to visit Australia, England, or France.

* We wonder if she might answer this question differently — Myspace asked: “Number of things in my Past I Regret.” She answered, then: “Nothing really … live and learn.”

* “Smoke/drink”: Answer: “No / Yes”

* Her Myspace page features two white windows with the ominous “403 Forbidden” label. The message reads: “This file removed due to violation of ImageShack Terms of Service or by user request.”

* Finally, we read on Nilan’s page: “I love shopping, hanging out with friends, PARTYING [her capitals] and all that fun stuff that we do …”

Sounds to us, ladies and gentlemen, like a true Renaissance woman of the present day. God help us all and airheads everywhere. Nilan’s Myspace musing remind us of the immortal words of Jerome “Curly” Howard: “I tried thinking once, but nothing happened.”



Council President Kevin Sherman and at -large councilor Melissa Mazzeo got in touch with THE PLANET to explain their “yes” vote for Mayor Dan Bianchi‘s appointment of Donna Mattoon as director of administrative services in the corner office. We present their words, unedited. First, President Sherman:

Hey Dan, 

I happened by the Planet today and saw your question re: Donna Mattoon.  In the future, a direct email would work better (you may have sent one to my other email and if so, thanks) 

Regarding the vote last night:  Yes, I did oppose the creation of the position last year but the position was approved by the majority of my colleagues, which I respect.  The vote last night was to appoint a qualified individual to the position and that’s what I approved.  It was not a “re-vote” on the establishment of the position but rather the filling of it.  Ms. Mattoon’s resume and experience made her extremely qualified to perform the duties as outlined by Mayor Bianchi.  Those duties, incidentally, are not the same as outlined when the position was first discussed last year. 

Thanks, and hope all is well, 



Now, Mazzeo:

Dan, just read your blog and wanted to respond to your question of how i voted on the appointment of Donna Mattoon. As i explained last night after councilor Clairmont was sure to point out that i in fact was very much against this position last year. I reminded everyone that i had an issue with a four term Mayor on his way out  the door, creating a job for a friend to help him run his departments. I stated many times during these debates, that if he was newly elected, i could see the need to create a type of “chief of Staff” position,but that was not the case then. It is however the case now. Last night Mayor Bianchi explained that he did not agree with the title or job description of this position, but just wanted to avoid the delay in going to O&R and spending a month or more on a name change, so he kept it as is. He will be using the position how he sees fit and as a NEW Mayor i have no problem with this. Besides the fact that she is more than qualified for this job.           If you get a chance you should definitely look at the first hour 0f the City Council meeting…we have sunk to a new low in my opinion….keep up the great work.
Melissa Mazzeo

We thank our Right Honorable Good Friends for their response — well articulated, reasoned, and sensible. We agree, by the way, with the assessments of Mattoon’s abilities.


Yesterday, THE PLANET expressed the need for an assurance from Mattoon, though, on behalf of Pittsfield citizens, that her client list with her private business presents no conflict with her duties at city hall. Has she closed her business? If not, will she share her client list? THE PLANET though the questions were legit, and so, apparently did the forthright Mattoon, who tells us:

Comments: Hi Dan,
I never really considered Mattoon Communications a PR agency. I see PR as media placement, or pitching stories to attract media coverage. I did almost none of that. Instead, I saw my role as a communications specialist for small to medium sized organizations which really had no need for a full-time communications department, but needed focused help from time to time. I wrote annual reports for some local organizations, brochures, websites, ads, etc. I truly loved it and was always busy (thank goodness.) Mayor Bianchi asked me to join his administration in mid-December. I talked it over with the kids and decided almost at once that this was a rare opportunity for me to change it up fairly dramatically. It took until mid-January to fulfill my obligations to my clients. I closed my business on January 23, when I joined City Hall, and I’m focusing my efforts exclusively there. My role in my brother’s campaign gave me the chance to use every skill I ever learned. But essentially, it was a
labor of love. All the best, Donna

We thank Ms. Mattoon, especially for the clarification on her business. She did the right thing. Closed to business to devote full time to the corner office post. THE PLANET wishes her well in the position.



Following up on our endorsement of Pittsfield attorney and Register of Deeds Andy Nuciforo for Congress over Richie Neal and Bill Shein, THE PLANET presents this statement from Nuciforo on Neal’s dismissal that he faces increased responsibility in representing the 66 cities currently represented by John Olver:

“This is a race about accountability, not visibility. I represented 48 of these cities and towns throughout my ten years in the Senate, so I understand the problems of job loss, economic downturn, and consumer protection are not addressed, and certainly not solved by ‘just being visible.’ The district lines were redrawn to reflect changes in our area’s population, not for Congressman Neal’s convenience with ‘easy transportation’ and ‘visibility’ in mind. He simply cannot write-off the added responsibility of representing the residents of western Massachusetts.


“For 23 years, Congressman Neal has made himself more-than visible to Wall Street by raising over $5,000,000 from big banks, insurance companies, and their lobbyists. So it is no surprise that he has voted repeatedly to deregulate these same institutions and to strip consumers of legal protections. These are not ideals aligned with the Democratic Party and, they are not ideals shared by the residents of the First Congressional District.”

In many ways, this race boils down to Big Money versus modestly financed. Neal has two powerful allies on his side: incumbency and Big Money. Is that the best basis upon which to select our man in Washington? We think not.



THE PLANET doesn’t publish a tiny percentage of the press release we get, but we will on occasion for those we deem particularly noteworthy. Here’s a release on what appears to be a great even to help the fight against cancer.

Coaches vs. Cancer Event To Showcase
Berkshire County Girls Hoop Teams

12 Teams, 6 Games, 200 + Student-Athletes & Coaches, 800 + Spectators 
Come Together To Fight Cancer During Event Scheduled For 
Saturday, January 18th at Pittsfield High School

The Berkshire County High School Girls Basketball Coaches, in partnership with the Berkshire County Athletic Directors Association and American Cancer Society, are proud to present the annual Coaches vs. Cancer Showcase this weekend in Pittsfield.

Each of Berkshire County’s Girls High School Basketball Teams will be participating in the event scheduled to be held at Pittsfield High School on Saturday, February 18.  

In addition to local student-athletes getting the opportunity to showcase their
skills on the court, the participating players, coaches, referees, and schools have worked  to raise awareness and funds for a worthwhile cause.  All
proceeds from the 5th Annual Berkshire County Girls Basketball Coaches vs. Cancer Showcase will benefit the American Cancer Society and Jimmy V Foundation for Cancer Research.

Beginning at 11 A.M, this all-day event will feature six varsity games pitting local rivals against each other.  The match-ups for Saturday’s Coaches vs. Cancer Showcase have been established based on league standings and team records in an effort to schedule extremely competitive games between comparable teams.  Many of the games have significant implications associated with post-season play-off eligibility.  The event schedule is as follows:

Berkshire County
Girls Basketball Coaches vs. Cancer Showcase
Saturday, FEB 18, 2012
Location:  Pittsfield High School

11:00McCann vs St Joseph
12:30Monument Mountain vs Taconic
2:15Drury vs Wahconah
4:00Mt. Everett vs Mt. Greylock
5:45Lenox vs Hoosac Valley
7:30Lee vs Pittsfield High

It is estimated that the one-day event will raise $8,000-$10,000
for cancer research.  All proceeds from the 2012 Berkshire County Girls Basketball Coaches vs. Cancer Showcase will benefit the American Cancer Society.  For additional information, or to make a donation in advance, please contact John Franzoni (Drury High School Coach) at (413) 652-1381 or Jim Abel (Pittsfield Public Schools Athletic Director) at (413) 499-9522.



* Rich Donohey, former city solicitor, we remain in his post representing the city in litigation against Spectrum Health Systems. Spectrum wants to put a methadone clinic on Summer Street. The city has sued. Mayor Dan Bianchi did not renew the contract with Dohoney, who had been signed by Mayor Jimmy Ruberto.

* We all knew it would happen, but for those keeping score at home, the city council OKd Mayor Bianchi’s self-nomination to sit on the PEDA board.

* Berkshire Chamber of Commerce CEO Mike Supranowicz, told Jonathan Levine of the Pittsfield Gazette that the move of 1Berkshire to the old fire station on Allen Street courtesy of Berkshire Bank will boost efforts to coordinate economic development activities. We wonder, though, since nothing else the Chamber has done to date has achieved that effect.

* Good job by councilor Barry Clairmont working over Corydon Thurston from PEDA at the council meeting Tuesday night. Clairmont expressed a lot of residual frustration in his minute queries. Corydon held his own and carried himself well. PEDA, however, still needs GADS and GADS of transparency, good will effort, and smart decisions before it will gain a sliver of public trust. My Right honorable Good Friend councilor John Krol asked THE question: Do you have a marketing plan? No, Corydon answered. That exchange sums up everything you need to know about PEDA and its futility to date.





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13 years ago

I enjoy reading your blog. I agree you have kept the Nilan case to the fore front. I do disagree with you posting her MY space account. She was young and put the immature responses that many young people use. If there is nothing new to write about ( we will have to wait for the courts) then why keep on her with myspace posts from when she was in college. At this point you just seem vindictive

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

Have to agree on this point Dan

13 years ago

Good luck to the Moore benifit – Sturgeon who heralds every one of these types of events from the mountain top won’t even give him a tumble. Maybe the FCC won’t let him. Perhaps Peter should proclaim that Moore is his middle name and his real last name is Kennedy. It worked for Teddy in 1962 and I’m sure the FCC wouldn’t mind.

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
Reply to  ambrose
13 years ago

I don’t jbow if Mr. Sturgeon will promote this event…..but did anybody send the info to WBRK????

13 years ago

its good to see mr. bianchi surrounding himself with intelligent , qualified personnel to start of his mayor ship. donna will be a great asset to the mayor and the city in the future…. from what im hearing the employees at city hall are now enjoying to go to work, since roberto left. kevin and melissa expressed their votes last year and they were right to vote no, roberto was trying a sleazeball move that the others councilors went along with.shame on them but thats what that council was all about.

Beacon Hill Mob
Beacon Hill Mob
13 years ago

Maybe the Planet could delve into Mr. Nuciforo’s relationship to the law firm of , Berman and Dowell, while also overseeing the insurance industry as a State Senator?

Was he on Berman and Dowell, payroll?

If so, how could he “regulate” them, impartially??

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Beacon Hill Mob
13 years ago

Nuciforo served as a corporate Attorney for the Boston law firm “Berman & Dowell” as counsel for insurance companies against claimants while he was a state Senator regulating insurance companies as a chair of a financial committee. Nuciforo’s public record is one of raising over 6-figures from big banks and insurance companies. Most of Nuciforo’s campaign donations came from outside of his legislative district. Nuciforo also strong-armed 2 women candidates out of the 2006 state government election for Pittsfield Registry of Deeds. The names of the 2 women candidates forced out of the “election” are Sharon Henault & Sara Hathaway. Nuciforo anointed himself to the position of Registry of Deeds in order to plot his run for U.S. Congress. Dan Valenti supports Nuciforo, despite his public record of corruption in politics.

just curious
just curious
13 years ago

I am just curious as to what the money raised by the benefit will be spent on for Mr. Moore. Did he not not have medical insurance? I mean, does he just need a few hundred bucks for a deductible?

Is he missing work and not have Aflac insurance (which he can pick up through your neighborhood Amerirpise salesman), so he needs to cover lost wages?

I think that if people understoood why he needed the money, if he actualy doesn, then maybe people would be more likely to open their wallets.

Does he have children? Where does he &/or the wife work? I feel bad that the guy got hurt, but people get hurt all the time. Why should my charitable dollars go to this guy instead of the local food pantry or to homeless shelters?

Bull Durham
Bull Durham
Reply to  just curious
13 years ago

He has missed a great deal of work due to his injuries, and what he has been able to do is part-time only for now. The incident took place in early December, and he was out of work for nearly two months. Even if he has disability coverage, it does not pay you 100% of your original wage – even the best disability plans only pay 80%.

You can’t buy Aflac insurance after an injury and have it pay out for that injury so that suggestion is erroneous.

No one is forcing you or anyone else to go to the event or donate, so your decision on where your charitable dollars go is ultimately a personal choice, no matter what this site is promoting. Dan is only trying to help Peter out by using this site to let people know how they can contribute, if they’d like to.

just curious
just curious
Reply to  Bull Durham
13 years ago

Your attitude makes me want to spend my money elsewhere. There was no need to be a jerk and to put words in my mouth. If Moore is like you, then Moore doesn’t get my money.

I guess he shoud have bough Aflac BEFORE the injury. It’s not my fault he’s cheap.

13 years ago

Dan must disagree with you regarding Mr.Clairmont.Thought his 1 hour of pontificating was a bit much.50% of his questions were not going to be answered and he knew it.He even stated that before he asked.Why would Mr.Thurston know how much employees of Mt. One are going to get paid,how many part-times jobs at a shopping center that does not have any tenants signed yet,why they choose to let Mt.One on Stanely site (Thurston was not on board).This is to name a few,also a lot of the questions were ask about Mr.Thurston’s opinion,not facts.Really think next time they have a presentation they let each council member ask a few questions at a time.That way the first member won’t take over the meeting.

Dead to Rights
Dead to Rights
13 years ago

Love the satiric use of the Nilan stuff from Myspace, i don’t understand the whole social networking thing but the importance of it you young 20-somethings is obvious. They want to share all this stuff with the world, good, then let them stew in what they say.

13 years ago

Dan, I have become a faithful reader of your blog. Always interesting, generally fascinating, certainly provocative. I certainly agree with your points regarding social networking. Many businesses and colleges will Google applicants. A potential employer will think twice before hiring someone who posts on Facebook, “my boss sucks” or something far worse. Once something is out in cyberspace, it is pretty much permanent. Again, my congratulations for the great job that you do!

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago


The young (and not so young) seem to be so into themselves that they believe that the world gives a sh!t what they think and who they are.
All the facebook etc crap only leads to problems. The self important become their own worse enemies, yet most are to blind to see that they are hurting themselves.
Good on you for informing students of the damage they can do to themselves.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
13 years ago

I am in total agreement with Melissa Mazzeo that the council sunk to a new low as demonstated by the 1st hour of the Feb 14 th meeting. There was some debate on the issue of Donna Mattoon’s position ( which is fine) there was extensive debate on the issue of Jeff Ferrin for the unpaid position of Ambulance Review Committee, Mrs. Mazzeo is correct McCarthyism is alive and well within the new city council , demagogic attacks on Mr Ferrin’s character from his political adversaries were uncalled for and did not go without notice. The lines are drawn pretty clearly as to which councilors demonstrate integrity and character.

Dave Bubriski
Dave Bubriski
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
13 years ago

I’m with you Ron……have to go along with Mazzeo on this one

Bill Sturgeon
Bill Sturgeon
13 years ago

I would like to weigh-in on the issue of Jeffrey Ferrin. Mr. Ferrin submitted his name to the Mayor for appointment to the Ambulance Committee. During Tuesday evening City Council meeting some councilors felt that Mr. Ferrin’s (PAST) issues with the city was laid bare for all to see. While Mr. Ferrin has never, to my knowledge, tried to hide anything from his past life.

What happened to Mr. Ferrin at Tuesday night’s meeting should be a warning to all – there will always be someone who will rake-up your past for no other reason than to hurt and/or discredit you.

I was disappointed at the councilor who first brought up Mr. Ferrin’s record that he did not request to go into Executive Session like he did when the (OLD) council voted on the Highway Dept. Garage on outer East Street. it is my opinion that it was a “HIT JOB” pure and simple.

I was disappointed that the City’s new atty. did not recommend that the discussion be taken into Executive Session.

These are my opinions and my name is BILL STURGEON – aka- “The Fat Man”!

Reply to  Bill Sturgeon
13 years ago

peel this onion Bill…peel it to the core!

Life is But a ...What?
Life is But a ...What?
Reply to  dusty
13 years ago

Bill Sturgeon
Thanks for speaking out. The treatment of mr. Ferrin was contemptable. Love your show especially when DV comes on.

Reply to  Bill Sturgeon
13 years ago

Agree 100% hopefully they see the light and this doesn’t discourage others from giving there time and expertise on other boards.Keep up the good work Bill,might not always agree with you, but am a fan of your show.

Reply to  Bill Sturgeon
13 years ago


Why not name the councilor who first brought up Mr. Ferrin’s record? It was…apparently “squeaky clean” Jonathan Lothrup. Councilors Clairmont, Yon and Capitanio quickly followed suit stating they wouldn’t be supporting the nomination, either. It was clear to me that their minds were already made up…that they wouldn’t be voting for the appointment. Krol stated he was in favor of tabling. Simonelli and Connell made statements agreeing Krol…saying they’d like more time to read the report, even though Connell stated that Jeff had the qualifications…being an EMT, etc…to serve on the commission.

It was in Council President Kevin Sherman’s power to take the discussion into Executive Session…not the city’s attorney. Unless called upon by a member of the council….she would have been out of order to step to the podium and render a recommendation.

Reply to  Nomad
13 years ago

I agree. It was Shermans job to shut this discussion down as soon as the ward six dipstick opened his mouth and reinforced the opinion that many have of him that he is a slime ball.

Idiots like Lothrop can’t control themselves but Sherman lost a lot of respect by allowing it to continue. The whole thing looked like a premeditated hit job and I was not surprised that Yon was in on it either.

Reply to  Nomad
13 years ago

lothrup been around too long, as has krol, the thing is that there are 2 names in this post that are not even close to being squeaky clean. those who live in glass houses……what your seeing is a little club being made and ferrin doesnt fit in.

13 years ago

Your post and commentary regarding Meredith Nilan’s myspace page is an excellent example of trash journalism. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble justifying that bit of tabloid garbage.

Nancy P. aka Molly
Nancy P. aka Molly
Reply to  Andrew
13 years ago

Wait a minute — Meredith Nilan put all of that info out onto the Internet, for all to see. And she has chosen to keep it out there, too! She could have taken it down at any time since college, but has chosen to keep it there. Anyone can go to her Myspace page and read the very same thing. So how can you be angry that also put it on their site? She obviously didn’t care if the entire world could see it, so what’s the problem?

Besides, once you become famous, then you should expect this kind of stuff. And I think it’s fair to say that Meredith Nilan is, now, famous — famous for allegedly running down a man and leaving him on the road bleeding from his head! Believe me, my heart isn’t breaking for someone who could allegedly do this, regardless of what it is that anyone is saying/writing!!

Why aren’t you more concerned for how Mr. Moore is doing?

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
Reply to  Nancy P. aka Molly
13 years ago

famous or infamous?

Reply to  danvalenti
13 years ago

Your response is exactly how tabloid journalists justify themselves. I challenge you to produce any other instance where you so obsessively delved into somebody’s personal life over a misdemeanor charge. You are set on humiliating Meredith because of who her father is and that’s just sad. Every day in the Berkshire District Courts there are allegations and crimes similar to that of Ms. Nilan’s but you don’t cover those. Instead, you’ve used this as an excuse to attack and embarrass Mr. Nilan through his daughter. That’s hack journalism at its finest.

Beacon Hill Mob
Beacon Hill Mob
Reply to  Andrew
13 years ago

MereDEATH should be humiliated, what she did to Mr. Moore is nothing short of despicable.

A man’s head comes through your wind shield, you leave him to die, and concoct a story about a dog/deer, then have your Father pull strings to get you off the hook.

No charges brought forth for a month, and then at a closed clandestine (as in CROOKED) Clerk Magistrate hearing.

The local paper won’t publish the details about Crooked Cliff’s spawn , until they are embarrassed into doing so. That seems a bit tabloid to me.

And what about Cliff? Obstruction of justice? He told the police the dog/deer story first then his precious little persecuted girl tells the police “the man ran away….” Will Cliff take the stand and put forth this lie under oath?

I hope she gets the 6 months mandatory, at the crow bar hotel , which she certainly deserves.

dysfunction junction
dysfunction junction
13 years ago

Some city councilors want to delve into Mr. Ferrin’s past while others wisely stated that maybe we should look into the behavior of sitting appointments. I agree. Can we have a public discussion of Cliff Nilan’s behavior? Isn’t he on the parks commission? What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Lets talk Cliff.

Nancy P. aka Molly
Nancy P. aka Molly
Reply to  dysfunction junction
13 years ago

Excellent point!

13 years ago

melissa said it “sank to a new low”, but how much lower can that bunch of fools go……if you want to see the upcomming gobs watch the show they put on. hatchet job, charecter assination…. its the ambulance committe for gods sake…

13 years ago

TICKETS AVAILABLE AT GROOM’S CHOICE in the Allendale Underground, CHAMELEON’S 1350 East Street-Pittsfield during club hours (at night) and through the Po Box, that’s a very important detail!


Susan Moore
Susan Moore
Reply to  Andy
13 years ago

Thank you for all the work you are doing Andy!!! It is appreciated by all of us.

Susan Moore
Susan Moore
13 years ago

Just Curious, As Peter’s step mother I feel that if you have limited funds to donate by all means donate to the local homeless shelter, food pantry or my personal choice, the Battered Women’s Shelter/Rape Crisis Program.

13 years ago

I think it’s important to note the planet has done a great job of exposing this disgusting cover up.

However, sharing Myspace revelations of Nilan’s personal life has gone too far.

The real story is Cliff and the Gob’s yet again playing judge and jury as the Pittsfield mob bosses. Get focused here. Cmon. [NOTE FROM WEBMASTER: PORTIONS OF THIS MESSAGE WERE EDITED FOR CONTENT]

13 years ago

Couple of comments. First Dan agree on your advise to younger people, However disagree you had to write all that about MS Nilan.

Susan Moore: Has MS Nilan or anyone from that family called and inquire how Peter was doing, or saying they were sorry. I also understand if you wish not to answer that question. Tell Peter we all wish him well.

On the attack of Mr. Ferrin. Tell us who the attacking Cpuncilor or Councilors were. I didn’t see the meeting. Name(s) please.

13 years ago

For the names of Mr. Ferrin’s attackers…see my earlier post.

Reply to  Nomad
13 years ago

Funny that those four Councilors (Lothrop,Yon,Capitanio, and Clairmont) all gave money to Marchetti’s Campaign.Smell’s alittle political.

Susan Moore
Susan Moore
13 years ago

Concerned, Thanks for your continued concern for my step son.
He is improving gradually and able to work partial days now. He may need more surgery down the road on his leg. We hope not but time will tell. Toby is doing great! Tom, Peter’s dad, will be making the trip from FL to attend the Event a week from Sunday along with many more Moores from the NorthEast region. I will make sure that Peter and Robin are aware of your well wishes and questions.

13 years ago

How much you wanna bet valenti is away this weekend for oh could it be … michigan? that’s the make-orbreak state for romney. If rom wins there he’s in …to get clobbered by President Obama, who inherited the bush mess and has brought this country back to self respect and an improving image abroad.

i submit all this matters for it shows valenti, the self-touted champion of the ordinary man, hanging out with big shots republicans. valenti got his “in” via romney’s pr guy eric ferhnston, who was press secry when mitt was gov. here. ef would handle arrangements when gov did valenti’s talk show. so dan, you gonna leave this up? is it ‘advancing the discussion?’ enough for you?

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
13 years ago

Writing for Romney or carrying water for the local gobs? What sounds like the better way to spend a weekend? Which has larger meaning and significance to the public at large?
Just sayin

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
13 years ago

Thank you President Obama for the gasoline prices doubling since you’ve been in office.

Opie, DV might have become part of the Romney jet set
You democrats can stay part of the Chevrolet set
The Chevrolet Volt that is
FDR gave us the New Deal
BHO gave us the Obamamobile
Meridith will buy one and she’s pretty cute
Now when she runs them over she can electrocute

The Kraken
The Kraken
Reply to  Silence Dogood
13 years ago

@SD: Gasoline prices have not doubled since Obama took office. They are around $3.50 now and were not $1.75 when he came in. Having trouble with simple math? And they are still lower than when Bush was there. Please get your facts straight.

Reply to  The Kraken
13 years ago

Gas prices were $1.89 when he took office. Look it up my friend

Reply to  Concern
13 years ago

So we’re right around the same cost/gallon as they averaged in Bush’s last year as president: Oct. 07′ – Oct. 08′, avg. was $3.36. Of course they came down around election time.

13 years ago

One Pittsfield Once again you show your ignorants on many fronts. Example OBAMA has brought this country back to self respect Obama improving image abroad. What planet do you live on?? Obama is ruining this country more and more everyday. New slogan for Obama ” Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what Obama’s country can do for you”

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
13 years ago

“The problem is that the way [President] Bush has done it over the last eight
years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our
children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion dollars for the first
42 presidents — number 43 added $4 trillion dollars by his lonesome — so that
we now have over $9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay
back. [That’s] $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible.
It’s unpatriotic.”
— Barack Hussein Obama
(1961-) 44th President of the United States

Nancy P. aka Molly
Nancy P. aka Molly
13 years ago
Nancy P. aka Molly
Nancy P. aka Molly
13 years ago

Pittsfield Council Balks at Committee Appointment

Ferrin’s Response to Committee Appointment

13 years ago

melissa , its sad that you even have to sit up there with those fools, how they treated you was low enough, there is no stopping their ignorance….. had i been in that parking lot election night i would have assisted you husband in knocking some sense into those 2 pussies. krol and lothrup are part of the problem and should step down so we can bring some dignity back to the city hall chambers, that stench we all smell isnt silver lake.its the remnants of the roberto years.this city was never this divided untill roberto the carpet bagger came to town.

Reply to  rick
13 years ago

you’re right

Hilly Billy 2 in Ward 4
Hilly Billy 2 in Ward 4
Reply to  rick
13 years ago

@ rick….missed the meeting, what did the boys do say to Melissa?

13 years ago

Kraken: When Obama took office gasoline prices were around $1.89. So double that and it would be $3.78 We are pretty close and by summer some are predicting over $4.00 Keep protecting this worse President ever.

13 years ago

FYI all the wonderful democratics in Ward 3 have Cliff Nilan and Merrdith Nilan as 2 in the group of 9 to vote for on the Ward 3 Democratic City Committee members on Primary Day…March 6..

Just amazing who gets to run for certain offices in the city but Jeff Ferrin’s appointment gets tabled.

13 years ago

Just got two back to back phone calls, one from the police and one from the parks commission(?) and apparently the dog walk MUST be permitted through Linda Tyer’s office as a special events permit. If not, the event can’t happen. This is truly a drag, but this is what I was told. Can you please get word to the guy who said he would organize this as I’m getting calls because they think it’s me!