PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2012) — Today let us share a trio of good news clusters to start things off in the right direction, north by northwest minus the corn field and crop duster.
(1) PETER MOORE’S PROGRESS — You will be delighted to know (and if not, we pity your cindered heart) that Capt. (ret.) Tom Moore, stalwart father of Peter Moore, reports the following about his tough-as-nails son:
Peter had a CT Scan this morning and the prognosis is excellent. The cervical vertebrae fracture has healed well enough that he is now able to discard the neck brace. It was suggested that he wean himself from it over the next month but after that there should be little or no restrictions on his physical activity. His goal is to be able to participate in the Manchester Thanksgiving Road Race. — Tom

Hartford Police Capt. (ret.) TOM MOORE reports his son, Peter, continues to make rapid progress from his injuries. (Courtesy of Andy Poncherello)
We thank Tom for that report. You’ll recall that Peter Moore was run down by a hit-and-run driver on Dec. 8, 2011. Police have accused Meredith Nilan of criminal activity in connection with the incident. Nilan was arraigned in Pittsfield District Court on Feb. 29. Her lawyer entered a plea of not guilty on her behalf, since she didn’t make a public appearance that day. In fact, she has made no public appearance, statement, apology, or anything since being charged.
The pre-trial conference scheduled for March 21 was postponed at the request of prosecutor Joe Quinlan, according to Tim Connolly, communications director of the Worcester DA’s Office.
“Mr. Quinlan requested the delay so he could get up to speed on the case,” Connolly told THE PLANET. “He was just appointed to handle it.”
On behalf of all our readers, we wish Peter Moore, godspeed in his continued recovery. For Meredith Nilan, we wish a visit from Lady Justice — no more, no less.
PUBLIC INVITED TO A SHOWING OF THE HAUNTING — As part of Prof. Valenti‘s Composition II course, we will be screening the 1963 Robert Wise film The
Haunting, regarded by critics as the greatest haunted house film of all time, the Citizen Kane of ghost stories. Director Wise, incidentally, served as film editor of Kane. The film will be shown beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Koussevitzky 111, the mini-auditorium, at Berkshire Community College.
The Haunting stars Richard Johnson, Julie Harris, Claire Bloom, and Russ Tamblyn. Here’s a brief on the storyline:
Dr. Markway, doing research to prove the existence of ghosts, investigates Hill House, a large, eerie mansion with a lurid history of violent death and insanity. With him are the skeptical young Luke, who stands to inherit the house, the mysterious and clairvoyant Theodora and the insecure Eleanor, whose psychic abilities make her feel somehow attuned to whatever spirits inhabit the old mansion. As time goes by it becomes obvious that they have gotten more than they bargained for as the ghostly presence in the house manifests itself in horrific and deadly ways. Written by Doug Sederberg <>
You will have to put up with a brief lecture and some housekeeping notes by the professor at the start, but they will be painless for those not taking the class! We welcome all.
KOCAK BOOK AVAILABLE NOW — Author Paul Kocak, who contributed that great (and greatly received) piece on his experiences at Game One of the 2010 World Series as part of our examination of MLB today, has a new book out. Baseball’s Starry Night: Reliving Major League Baseball’s 2011 Wild Card Night of Shock and Awe recounts the wild events of the final day of the 2011 baseball season.
A press release says “Baseball’s Starry Night gives you a fan’s-eye view of a night that many have called the most exciting night in the history of Major League Baseball. Going beyond a standard retelling of the balls and strikes and homers and webgems, the book hears from 20 fans in their own words. Loyal fans of the St. Louis Cardinals, Atlanta Braves, Boston Red Sox, and Tampa Bay Rays provide exciting and deeply personal eyewitness accounts — either from the stadiums or their living rooms or even in Italy. Get the “you-are-there” feeling by ordering the paperback version right here or the e-book here.”
Please go to to find out about Paul’s book. If you love baseball or if you are a fan of compelling writing, you will want to add this book to your library. The book has received glowing, pre-publication reviews, such as this:
“Sept. 28, 2011. It was a night that will forever be frozen in baseball time. A night of miracles. A night of magic. A night of heartbreak. A night for the history books. Somebody needed to write a book about that night. Thankfully, Paul Kocak volunteered for the job. And in this beautifully written book, he takes us not merely inside the astonishing ups and downs of this unforgettable evening, but inside the hearts and minds of ‘ordinary’ people — the fans whose pulse rates haven’t come down yet.” — Jayson Stark, Senior Baseball Writer
Thanks, Paul, for this contribution to baseball literature. By the way, we love the nod to Vincent Van Gogh‘s “Starry Night” painting in the title and in the cover art. THE PLANET has known Kocak since the mid-1970s, when we were both news hawks employed by the Syracuse Post-Standard. Over the years, as way led to way, our careers diverged but the friendship remained on the One True Path. How do you thank people like Paul Kocak for a million laughs and the gift of friendship? You don’t. You humbly accept the gift with grace and gratitude.
TELL ‘EM ANGELO SENT YOU — THE PLANET brought you first word of the robbery of the Elm Street branch of Greylock Federal Credit Union, delivered here by one of the elite in the Secret Squadron, who shared the information in a comment over the weekend.

GEE, IT DOESN'T LOOK LIKE ANGELO — Pittsfield Police released this photo of the suspect wanted in connection with the recent heist at the Elm Street branch of Greylock Federal Credit Union.
No one likes to see any local businesses ripped off in any manner … but in this case, we shall make an exception, if for no other reason that Greylock Federal’s name shall be forevermore linked with that of Angelo Stracuzzi, the company’s former president and CEO, convicted child molester, and probation dodger. Stracuzzi, you will recall, got busted by police in Biddeford, Maine, in July 2005, for incidents that occurred on two separate days involving two different teen-age boys, one 13 and one 15.
The cops charged Stracuzzi with two counts with the word “prostitution” in them and two counts of assault and battery. Officials dropped the prostitution counts, and Stracuzzi pleaded guilty to the assault charges. To the best that we can determine, he never served his court-ordered year of probation or received his court-ordered psychological counseling, the former courtesy of his good buddy, Clifford Nilan. Yes, that’s Meredith Nilan’s father.
Both Nilan and Stracuzzi were kicked out of their officer positions at Greylock in 2010 following the revelations of Stracuzzi’s arrests five years previous.
John Bissell, executive VP at Greylock, said at the time that neither he nor anyone on the board of directors (which included Nilan) knew anything of Angelo’s preferences for young boys as revealed by the Biddeford incidents. When the news of Stracuzzi’s arrest, conviction, and skipping probation were uncovered five years after the fact, mainly on the dogged reportorial work of Conor Berry, Bissell, like Claude Raines in Casablanca, was “shocked, shocked.” Bissell never divulged how much of a settlement Stracuzzi received to tender his “resignation.” Right. Rumors had it in the millions. A figure has never been officially revealed by Greylock to its shareholders.
As for the weekend heist at the Elm Street branch, Bissell told the Boring Broadsheet‘s Ned Oliver, “Our staff responded exactly the way you would hope a well-trained and well-prepared team would respond in situation like this.” As you can see, Bissell’s still spinning like a top. It’s funny, but you could use this quote and apply it to the aftermath of the the company’s public statements in the Stracuzzi case. In a real hurry, most of our sources at Greylock got a fast case of Deaf-and-Dumb — most, but not all, and we were able to extract certain tidbits from the story, to add to Berry’s work.
Police are still looking for the robber. THE PLANET can reveal with certainty that the robber was NOT Angelo Stracuzzi. The robber was female, but that is not convincing enough. The teller at Greylock who handed over the dough said she “got chills all over my body” from the “freaky” robber. Some people might want to use this as a clue to accuse Angelo of the crime, but we vouch for Angelo’s innocence in this case.
Remember, Stracuzzi had already cleaned out Greylock of millions of dollars during his years of fraudulence masquerading as a Community Pillar. This does not include any settlement money he shook out of the Greylock board in exchange for his “resignation.” Because of this, Stracuzzi had no need to nickel and dime a stick-up like the one on Elm Street, right John Bissell?
Anyone with tips on the suspect or information about the heist can call the Pittsfield Police Department Detective Bureau at 413-448-9705.
SUPERINTENDENT SURVEY A CHARADE — You have to laugh at the charade.
Isn’t that the correct word to describe the Pittsfield school committee‘s public opinion survey regarding the opening for superintendent of schools? The survey, posted online recently, reflects the work of Glenn Koocher. He’s the honcho from the Massachusetts Association of School Committees who’s working with the local group.
We don’t doubt Koocher is doing his best, but we doubt Koocher knows how the GOBs operate in this part of the state. He’s from Boston and the big time, and while he likely realizes the tilted nature of his work for Pittsfield, he’s probably laughing at the Amateur Hour.
THE PLANET likes the word “charade” because, while it has a suppositional nature, it nonetheless aptly fits the known facts for how Pittsfield goes about selecting the Capo di Tutti Capi of the city’s public schools. Historically, the search pretends to be nationwide in scope while actually being decided well before hand from a pool of inbred aspirants. Virtually all of the activity regarding this current search for the next superintendent fits this historical pattern. We won’t recount the time- or action-lines. Anyone who has been following the process of hiring the new Super with a modicum of objectivity would have to agree: All signs point to The Fix Is In.
This would suggest, then, that the survey will be dutifully completed by interested people, that the school committee will”monitor” the results, and the comments by Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski will be duly ignored. The local GOB and intelligentsia don’t fill out surveys nor do they care what the Little Guy thinks. They work in secret and decide things unilaterally, because they know what’s best for you. They know that Mary Jane and Joe are too stupid to have input.
For what it’s worth, we will share what our “wise guys” are still telling us: The Fix is in, and the gal they are pushing — according to our Veddy Well Placed Source — isBarbara Malkas. She landed on her feet in the Pittsfield system after what the BOring Broadsheet called a “brief tenure” with McCann Tech in North Adams. Check around up there someday, and you’ll hear something interesting tales about Malkas’ ability and integrity.
The school committee received nine applications. THE PLANET already told you what no one else wanted you to know about one of them, namely, the ordeal of Christine Canning Wilson. Ms. Wilson, who possesses a stellar resume and background, was muscled out of the picture by the city’s attorney for her whistle-blowing past. Canning, we hear, showed too much independence and smarts (the good kind) for the GOBs’ comfort. The Boring Broadsheet probably knew about this development, but they didn’t report it, because, as we hear it, certain parties didn’t want this known.
They wanted the Canning canning to go “nice and quiet, like.” It didn’t. We got wind of it, and we believe in the right of We The People to self govern. THE PLANET doesn’t think the information flow should be as the GOB wants it. As we have repeatedly proven, “They” can no longer control the information flow. “They” can no longer order the BB to spike a story and have that story disappear. The BB, of course, will meekly obey, but anyone with a computer and information can now contact websites like this and spill what they know.
A New Era has dawned, and it’s making “Them” scared. When “They” get scared, it’s always good for We The People.
THE PLANET receives lot of tips, and we only use a few — the ones that come with supporting details, with names, with contact information, and with some measure of credibility. This doesn’t mean we get it right 100% of the time, but we do lead the league in reliability.
Oh, you’ll be pleased to know that the survey is available not only in English but also Spanish, Turkish, and French. We can’t expect people who wish to have a say in our democratic processes convey their thoughts in this country’s language, now, can we?
For those of great faith or who want to kill a little time, we present this link to the survey:
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All Pittsfield Public School staff, parents and students, as well as all community members, are encouraged to click on this link and submit your input through this survey. Or click on the image or links below to download, read and fill out the survey, which can be returned by mail to: MA Association of School Committees, Attn: Glenn Koocher, Pittsfield Public Schools, One McKinley Square, Boston, MA 02109. Survey results must be received by 9:00 am, Wednesday, April 11.
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Have a ball.
MINUTES POSTED, FINALLY — THE PLANET is pleased to report that after our chastisement of the Pittsfield School Department for its lax approach to posting minutes to its meetings, someone got on the blower and read the riot act.
The minutes are reasonably up to date, to Feb. 15. We do wonder, though, this being the Age of Cyberspace, why there are no minutes yet for the March 14 and March 28 meetings? It can’t be that difficult, can it?
In any case, here are the minutes of the Feb. 15 meeting:
February 15 agenda and minutes, pages 1-11
February 15 minutes, pages 13-27 (page 12 was skipped in the numbering)
February 15 minutes, pages 28-41
February 15 minutes, pages 42-53
February 15 minutes, pages 54-65
February 15 minutes, pages 66-79
February 15 minutes, pages 80-89
We will offer suicide prevention counseling to anyone who wishes to take the pipe after reading all of this.
You will be pleased to know there won’t be a spot quiz on any of this material.
I find it kind of strange that a teller would have a pouch of money at her window. Most tellers have a drawer that contains thier money. Can anyone tell me why the teller had a pouch full of money at her window? Maybe a inside job?
I have no reason to believe it was an inside job (although that doesn’t mean it wasn’t).The point about Greylock’s money policy when it comes to tellers is a good one. Thanks.
Who said anything about money?
Maybe they were just making a movie. I saw Al Pacino in the lobby.
I just loved Alf’s comment that they had to keep the survey concise so as to keep the interest of the citizens of Pittsfield. What in hell kind of arrogant, self-serving statement is THAT? We’re all idiots who can’t keep our attention long enough to complete a survey! Then I read from Koocher, “and some of the members of the Steering Committee may actually utilize one of your answers to ask a question of an actual candidate!” Oh wow – now THAT’S impressive! Gives incentive! WHAT FLIPPING EVER! Translated – we’re giving you a survey so that P.V. can’t complain that you had no input; we kept it concise so you had at least a chance of filling it out, and it will never be used.” Geeeee – thanks!!! Stick it, Alf!
Nancy Let me get this straight, You were mad that “The People ” had no imput,but know they do and your still mad? I think the school committee was in a no win situation wth “the people” right from the get go!
The School Committee PUT THEMSELVES into a no win situation, Steve! They really did and have no one to blame other than themselves.
The point of our interpretation is that, yes, the school committee and the state via Koocher can now honestly say they gave the public a chance for input. That’s all well and good, but it results in nothing if the input is not valued, and the signs point to that being the case here. Koocher’s telling remark about how they might take one suggestion all but confirms this. If you check out the survey, it’s not that good. Better than nothing, true, but again, it all boils down to how much of an honest and open process this actually will be.
Steve she hates Alf, there is nothing he can do about it.
I don’t hate anyone! And certainly not Alf – I’ve never even met him! Do I disagree with almost all of his actions since the moment he became chair? Yes! But that isn’t anything personal and it certainly isn’t hate! And I still hold hope that he’ll start doing things on the “up and up”.
Molly is right on. When anyone uses explanations like they “kept the survey concise so as to keep the interest of the citizens of Pittsfield” you can tell right off they are full of sh!t.
“investigates Hill House, a large, eerie mansion with a lurid history of violent death and insanity.”
Sounds more the Governor’s mansion to me.
How does pleading guilty to assault make you a “convicted child molester”? Not defending the guy AT ALL. Just sayin.
Because he pled down to simple assault from molestation, and in doing so, agreed to a year’s probation and counseling of which he never did. Personally, I totally disagree with being able to plea bargain at all — take a look at that Hodecker kid and what he did to that old man on Lenox Avenue. Our wonderful DA’s office was willing to let him plea to basically nothing and have what – a year’s probation or something? Thankfully, Judge Koenigs stepped up (finally a judge stepped up!) and he will now go to trial!!! NO PLEA DEALS – either you get charged with what you did or they can’t prove it and you walk away. Our DA and our Chief Probation Officer have GOT TO GO! Along with some of the judges (Rutburg) and get more Rita Koenigs in there!
If you define “molestation” as “harrassment, pestering, tormenting, besetting,” which is the first definition of the Mac online dictionary, then assaulting two boys would be considered “molestation.” That’s how we meant the term.
I agree.
“Stracuzzi had already cleaned out Greylock of millions of dollars during his years of fraudulence masquerading as a Community Pillar” …what’s this about? Is there any substance to this or are you throwing crap at the wall to see what sticks?
We know that Angelo spent at least five years from the time of his conviction on assault charges involving two young boys to the time he “resigned.” During that time, he continued to appear, publicly, as the image and spokesperson of the Greylock ad and marketing campaign. He also made many community appearances and photo ops that would position him as a community leader. This, as his guilty plea proves, amounted to five years of fraud. The money he earned during at least those five years — salaries, benefits, bonuses (which we estimate as more than $2million) — was taken under false circumstances, victimizing the “shareholders” in the credit union. Remember, Greylock is not a bank. The investors are the owners. Given this, we stand by our words as accurate to describe the situation.
Dan Your S T R E T C H I N G your words…AGAIN !
Language, my dear boy, must have flexibility to even have a chance at covering what we actually mean.
Wow! What a stretch Dan. With this logic, anyone ever convicted of a crime who failed to notify their employer would be committing fraud and all the money earned while keeping their secret amounts to theft!! That is too much of a stretch for me. I got a speeding ticket last year, should I tell my employer? I’m no fan of Angelo. Call him a pervert, or pedophile, but many would argue he earned his keep at GFCU. Were any laws broken by not notifying the board? Perhaps he had a moral or ethical obligation to disclose and maybe he broke company policy. Does that mean he didn’t perform the functions of his job and earn his pay? Really Dan, I appreciate that you keep us informed and shake up the GOB’s, but this just seems like complete B.S.
Interesting little bit of local trivia for you Dan, on The Haunting. Shirley Jackson loosely based her story on the Jennings mansion in North Bennington, Vermont, which is now part of Bennington College. It’s the music building, and having worked for the college, I heard many stories from faculty and students about sightings of Mrs. Jennings, who allegedly hanged herself in the house. She reportedly is seen floating down the main staircase as a blue ball of light and then disappears.
Most interesting. I did not know this. Jackson, who went to one of my alma maters (Syracuse University), was also familiar with the Berkshires. She patterned her description of the New England countryside on our area. When they did the dreadful remake of “The Haunting” in 1999, when the doctor finds the haunted mansion from a newspaper ad, the ad locates Hill House in “The Berkshires.”
Jackson lived in North Bennington and also died there. Her husband taught at Bennington College. You should take a short trip up there, it’s a very cool building and at night does have that ‘haunted’ look. Take the right off Route 67A onto the campus drive, but instead of going left to the main part of campus, follow the route to the right, and Jennings is on a hill, appropriately, on your left. The road then dumps you back out into North Bennington on the other side of campus.
Great info. We shall check it out.
Unless you have knowledge of another case involving Angelo Stracuzzi, he is not a convicted child molester.
It should read He should be a convicted child molester… Would you let him near your young sons?
Steve — again I find myself agreeing with you!
Now that’s how we like it, all comfy and cozy like, with lions resting with lambs.
Again, “child molester” in our use simply means of molested children, which is how we interpret his conviction of the assault charges. In other words, THE PLANET writes using the phrase not in any legal sense but in a semantic and common sense way. Certainly, to assault someone is to molest them.
It absolutely amazes me that anyone could even try to stick up for Angelo Stracuzzi!! What about all the boys lives that he may have ruined? What about them? It makes me sick.
There are some pretty nasty rumors going around about a certain few in Pittsfield that include child trading and cards I wish more victims could find the courage to come forward.
OMG! Nothing sends me “off” like the abuse of a child does. This kind of stuff turns my stomach. And what amazes me are the number of people who still support Angelo! He still ran Ruberto’s last campaign! He ran Marchetti’s campaign, too! To me, they are just as guilty as he is. They all likely knew about this for years and just looked the other way…
I, too, wish more victims could find the courage to come forward and stop this. I can certainly understand why they don’t want to, though…
Agree totally with Dan the assault someone means you molested them. I went to my dictionary Webster’s new World and it gives this definition of molest.. “to annoy, interfere with, or meddle with so as to trouble or harm, or with intent to trouble or harm.” When you are a grown man and you admit to police accusations that your assaulted a 13 and a 15yr. old boy that sure Is molesting.
Just saw your glowing shout-out [as the vernacular has it] above. A deep bow. And thanks for introducing me to the work of Thich Nhat Hanh, circa 1993. His “Your True Home” is my morning [sometimes later] meditation, or at least meditation-starter.
The shout-out was well deserved. As for Thich Nhat Hanh, I am delighted to see the little spark I shared with you in 1993 turned into a fire of comfort and reflection.
Great News for Peter Moore! Way to go! Keep up that determination!
I guess none of you, were any of the lucky ones that were able to buy a repossessed car from Angelo for $25. They were beautiful expensive cars.
You are right Dan he found many ways to collect on his famous qoute “Tell them Angelo sent you!” However, to many he still walks on water and the GOB network is alive and well in Pittsfield.
As usual, we see Molly shooting its face off about a case it knows nothing about, in this case, it was a lousy one that would have led to nothing. Now the judge thinks she’s being a hero but the case will be lost completely. A lot happens in court that doesn’t get in the paper.
Either PUT THE WORK IN to prove the case and start getting tough sentencing, or you don’t have enough to prove the case and the person should be let go. Period! End of story, Charlie! Name one case in the last year that plea bargaining to a much lesser charge did NOT occur. I’ll bet you can’t! The DA’s office is allowing these punks to do these absolutely horrific things and walk away with barely a slap on the wrist and it is disgusting.
Why will the case be lost completely? Didn’t put in the work? Screwed up? There is no legitimate reason that this case should be lost completely unless there was a major screw-up.
& Charlie Gee lighten up on Molly a little, it’s not like she’s Rev Al Sharpton or something.
Hmmmm – well I think “thank you”, Ron!
What a waste of online space. You know nothing about the legal process, not even 8th grade level civics.
I know how the legal process works, Charlie. And I also know how it is SUPPOSE to work, too! And those two are very far apart! Again – so nice of a public employee to be dishing out such insults to one of the good, law-abiding citizens who pays your salary. Talk facts if you can – otherwise, stuff it! Just who in the hell do you think you are? You are a low-level know nothing who is hired to go on blogs and insult any citizen who happens to disagree with the almighty DA! And that is a fact!
Tell our illustrious DA to stop letting these punks beat the crap out of an innocent old man to the point where almost every bone in his head was crushed and let them walk away via a plea bargain! You don’t want to do that? Then leave!
I don;t work for the DA. They obviously had no case, get over it.
Yeah, right. And no – I will not “get over it” until the DA’s office starts doing its job and stops taking the easy way out with plea deals that are ridiculous! So you get over that fact!
Shut up old woman, you’re not being “cohesive.”
Please, please. Tone. You can return a volley without being that blatantly crude. Form is important, C.