PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 2012) — THE PLANET has learned from a reliable source within the health industry that the Berkshire Hematology and Oncology (BH&O) business located on Dan Fox Drive sometime early next year will be absorbed by the growing Berkshire Health Systems (BHS) empire.
Our sources say the BH&O building “will be available in January 2013” and that BHS plans to move the business off site, likely to the Hillcrest campus, where it will build a new clinic and cancer treatment center. That would make the BH&O building available as a possible (and better) location for the Spectrum Health Systems‘ methadone clinic, now heading to a neighborhood near you, at Stoddard Avenue next to Dwyer Funeral Home on North Street in a building co-owned by city physician and First Rank Member of the GOB, Dr. Phil Adamo.
Berkshire Radiology Group Redux?
The buyout of BH&O, if our source’s information bears out, would echo the way in which BHS absorbed and bought out the original Berkshire Radiology Group at 610 North Street.
“So the BHS empire continues to grow,” our source said, “by gobbling up any competition. They did the same with the original radiology group in the 600 block of North Street a few years ago. Can you say, ‘healthcare monopoly’? Non-profit as long as they keep spending to grow the empire? What a concept!” As our source indicated, BH&O is also currently privately owned.
THE PLANET cross-checked this information, including with a medical source who would have reason to know of this possible deal. Based on the nature of the information and our sources, there is every reason to trust in its veracity, and we shall continue to do so until officially told otherwise either by BHS and/or BH&O.
While such a move would not bode well for the competitive nature of health care services in Berkshire County, such as it is, it would at least have a possible silver-cloud benefit. That would be to free up a building for the methadone clinic that has plenty of parking, isn’t near a school or neighborhood, is easily accessible by bus, and lies off a main artery (Route 7). It could provide an elegant and face-saving solution for the city, Spectrum, and the neighborhood that will surely be impacted, and not for the better, should the methadone clinic be built in the Adamo building.
THE PLANET has contacted BHS for comment, and we are waiting for the company’s reply.
No Reply, but A Heckuva Lot of Red Flags

DR. PHIL ADAMO: When, How, and Why did his building enter in the city's legal action against Spectrum?
To the best of our knowledge, Dr. Phil Adamo has not commented publicly as of press time about the strange coincidence of a puzzling sequence of events that beg for annotation from someone in the know. Consider these developments, in their sequence:
1. Spectrum Health Systems decides it will place a clinic in Pittsfield.
2. Spectrum is set to move into space in the Berkshire Nautilus building on Summer Street.
3. Suddenly, The Ruberto Administration, city attorney Rich Dohoney, and Ward 6 councilor John Krol strenuously object to the Summer Street location. Red Flag #1.
4. The city sues Spectrum in a court action it has no hope of winning. This raises eyebrows. What could the city have in mind? Red Flag #2
5. The out-of-court settlement between the city and Spectrum is kept out of public purview by a confidentiality agreement. Red Flag #3.
6. THE PLANET breaks the story.
7. We also discover the new desired location: on Stoddard and North in a building co-owned by Dr. Adamo. The building sits in a residential neighborhood, near to schools, next to a long-time city business, and just off the city’s most trafficked street. The emergence of the Adamo location is Red Flag #4 by virtue of his well-established Connections with the Powers That Be (initial caps intended).
8. It remains unanswered how, when, and why the Adamo building entered into the deal. As THE PLANET breaks the story, and after THE PLANET, the Boring Broadsheet, Krol’s Good Morning, Pittsfield on WTBR, and Donna Todd Rivers‘ show on WBRK take up the follow-through, the knowledgeable parties clam up. Debbie Dwyer, principal in Dwyer’s Funeral Home, reports that she is getting no help or cooperation from the Mayor Dan Bianchi’s office. Red Flag #5.
The relevant questions needs to be answered, quickly, the confidentiality notwithstanding. Chief among them: Why, how, and when did the Adamo Building enter the picture?
Connect the dots, ladies and gentlemen. Connect the dots.
Meredith Nilan has written and sent her court-ordered letter of apology to her victim, Peter Moore, for nearly taking Moore’s life with her errant driving. As you may recall, for running down this defenseless man and causing untold misery, grief, and suffering in the lives of Moore family because of her recklessness behind the wheel, the Pittsfield court system — where Nilan’s father Clifford happens to serve as head of probation, his center of operation from where he has inserted his tentacles into far too many seats of local power — threw the book at her. Some book. It was more like a thin pamphlet.
Yes, for that that damage, the court ordered her to write a letter of apology. Amazing.
Of the Meredith note, Tom Moore, retired captain of the Hartford, Conn., Police Department and Peter’s father, told THE PLANET:
I spoke to Peter this morning, and he said the Meredith Nilan apology letter, which may have been in the form of a card, was delivered yesterday [EDITOR’S NOTE: That would be Tuesday, June 19]. He got home late and did not take the time to read it. Robin [Peter’s wife] called him at work when it arrived in the mail and asked if she could open it which she did.Peter reports that [Robin] was not ranting and raving over it, so he believes that it was OK. I know that from past experience, letters of apology are first presented to the District Attorney or the Victim Advocate to assure that they are appropriate. You can’t blame the victim. “I’m sorry I stole you car but you left it parked in the driveway” will not cut it.I would not be surprised if her defense attorney did not write it for her.We caught up later with Tom Moore, who updated the information:I spoke with Robin last night, and she read me the written apology that Peter received from Meredith Nilan. She explained why it was in a greeting-card format. The content was well presented, and she did take full responsibility for her ‘negligent driving.’ She admitted to no more or no less that what had been testified to in court on June 6. [The content of the card] was well presented and sincere sounding, so again I wonder if it was her original work.
Did Meredith Nilan Actually Compose the Letter, or Was It Done for Her? Think About It from the Standpoint of Her Advisor and the Likelihood of a Pending Civil Action
We thank Mr. Moore, yet again, for helping THE PLANET keep the community informed on the latest developments in the Nilan-Moore Case, a case that had and still has enormous implications for the entire Berkshire County community, a case which is far from over. Speculating on Mr. Moore’s suspicion that Meredith Nilan didn’t write the letter, we would concur, based on the likelihood of a civil suit and employing simple logic.
Think about it. If you were advising Meredith Nilan, knowing that she had to write this letter and taking into account the likelihood of a civil action from the Moores, wouldn’t you make sure she didn’t write a word of it. Every word could have enormous legal implications in a civil suit, should there be one, and any good adviser would put the words in her mouth. Such counsel would draft the letter and have her copy it out in her hand.
There is no definitive word yet on whether, when, or if his son would continue to pursue justice through the civil courts. We can only place ourselves in Peter Moore’s shoes. Weighing all of the factors, we can’t see any way this stays out civil court. THE PLANET will share more on this developing story as more becomes available.
Photographer Wanted for A Picture that Would be Worth 1,000 Sad Words, or ‘Wasting the Bossidy Bucks’
I’m not fluent enough with a digital camera to email, so I can’t do this for you but if you want a shot that demonstrates how we’ve wasted Larry Bossidy‘s money, there’s a baseball field, just west and down the hill from the Doyle Softball complex on Benedict Road. I would take a photo of the sign acknowledging Bossidy’s gift in the foreground with the unmaintained field in the background, complete with overgrown infield. For some reason or another, they redid the field in the spring. The only improvement this year was a brand spankin’ new NO DOGS ALLOWED sign on a field that is never used by humans. I swear on my daughter’s life, my grandson’s life, and my dog’s life (she’s not like Chartock dog; she can read) it is the only improvement to that field in the last three years. Anyway, they’re idiots. My dog can’t read. Again, sorry I can’t do it for you, but I hope one of your readers with a digital can snap and send. — Ed Sheperdson
Well, it actually took place. Today [Wednesday, June 20] at 11 a.m. on WRRS 104.3 FM. I launched my new radio show — “Discussion from the Berkshires” — on WRRS 104.3 FM. My first guest was Meghan Whilden, cultural director of the city of Pittsfield. This show will air Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 11 a.m. to noon. I want to thank all of the people at UCP and Berkshire Talking Chronicle — specifically Chris Singer, Debbie Sadowy — and Beverly Prentice, for this opportunity. Please listen. It is a strong and clear signal. Spread the word. — Bill Sturgeon
I may have missed it, but does anyone know how methadone treatment is paid for? Is it the client’s insurance? What if they don’t have any? Seems like we the taxpayers will get hit again, one way or another.
I think your right, nbi. Many meth addicts don’t have insurance yup its me and you and the rest of the taxpayers who will foot the bill. That to keep these people hooked on a dangerous drug for the rest of their lives.
Nice to see you mentioned two of the other candidates for POTUS, there is also Virgil Goode of the Constitution party.
I won’t write what I think of Obama, it’s not very civil, and I saw what Romney is really like when he did his RINO act as Governor.
Both alphabet news candidates will lead America down the Highway to hell.
P.S, What are your thoughts concerning AG Holder being cited for contempt of Congress for his role as a Gun Runner?
And Obama ( I no nutthing!!!), citing executive privilege, after denying any and all knowledge of the Guns for Drug Cartels program run by the BATF and DOJ??
Of course no mention of this by BB, but the uber liberal Washington Post has finally declared this an offical “SCANDAL”!!!
I may be going to hell in a bucket, babe
But at least I’m enjoying the ride
Nice Jerry G reference Lev
The point is, there are alternatives to the two mainstream bought-and-paid-fors. Jill Stein, Green, and Gary Johnson, Libertarian, are both legitimate candidates and they should be included in all debates. If somehow that happens, you will see both candidacies flourish, and at least one of the parties and maybe both will register more than a million votes. That’s a key number, because with a million or more votes, certain federal money kicks in. Yes, I agree: Taxpayer money should not go for that purpose, but since it does, I would rather the Greens and the Libs get their share.
I’m voting for myself, unless another upstanding citizen who does not buy organic milk steps to the plate and can beat my tally of 1.
And don’t forget some of our own agents guarding the boarder were shot and killed with those very guns from project fast/furious showing us small folk how dangerous the evil guns are and we should just give up our right to own them.
Dan I seem to remember last week a blogger say that Dan Fox drive would be a good place after BMC takes over BH+O. What are you trying to take credit for every thing ?
One of our commentators did make that general statement. What THE PLANET did is investigate why such a thing would be said now. Sure enough, we had sources contact us with information, and we — and WE ALONE — got the story. We don’t “take” credit. Credit is due. Thanks for your post.
I wish I knew that meant something I could have told you weeks ago damn you scooped me now I know how the Eagle feels.
Would it be too much to ask The Planet to advocate strongly for a mobile clinic?
I don’t think mobile clinics is in Spectrum’s business model.
No, BOBBY, it would not be too much to ask. We won’t advocate for that, because, as Lev pointed out, that is not their business model. We would not expect them to alter the way they do business.
Your comment about Jake III is right on, as usual. I would also add Jake’s system of cronyism tended not to put the best people in key positions (principals, dept. heads, teachers, etc.), and talented people were forced out or never even given interviews. As a result, people who work at PPS tell me the morale has never been lower.
These scoundrels never just go away (example: Doug McNally); I wonder where Jake will surface next.
As much as some people do not believe this, I don’t “go after” public figures, nor are the salvos aimed at my targets ever — EVER — intended to be personal. When it comes to our shared humanity, we are all equally flawed and perfected, along various gradations. Our criticisms, withering as they might be, are intended to be informative, truthful, and to some extent corrective. They are based on policy, statements, and actions that people develop and/or implement, say, or do. Bottom line is that expressed thoughts and actions determine all. We at THE PLANET are performing a job necessary to the healthy and robust functioning of the community. Our corrective role, though, while it is a necessary one, if not in and of itself sufficient to produce health. We function as a physician, who examines, diagnoses, prognosticates, and proscribes. It’s up to the “patient,” in this case the Body Politick, to take the cure … or not (as in the case of the Pittsfield Public Schools, for example).
Correct on the Oncology buy out I know someone who works there.
Old news regarding Oncology…heard about it over a month ago
its not “news” of any kind old or “new” until its published. where was the BB if this wasn’t such a secret? valenti again comes up big.
Heyjude …did you hear it or read it on a bathroom wall?
Thank you Ed Sheperdson for your report on the condition of the baseball field at the Benedict Rd. softball complex. Why am I not surprised? Spend a fortune failing to drain a swamp at “historic” Wahconah Park and let a recently repaired ball field for Pittsfield kids rot away. How can people who make these decisions sleep nights?
Oh,Oh Chuck, you attacked BWP, Nellie Fox’s favorite venue. Now DV (alias Nellie Fox) will be pissed at you. BWP is the oldest ball field in the USof A – know why? ’cause every other town worth its salt built a new one – Bos tried to give us a new field but palookaville was much to smart for that
I don’t think Pittsfield was against a new field just against taking peoples houses for it.
Hi Ambrose, good post. Nah, Dan won’t be mad at me. Over the years we have had disagreements but we go on to the next item. It remains painful to have lost the new field. Would have been a catalyst for a downtown revival..
You’re right about that, CHUCK. We’ve agreed and agreed to disagree, but we always maintained our friendship by agreeing that issues were never personal. As for the ballpark, the vote came down to creating a Civic Authority or not. If the deal had purely been building a new stadium, with all or mostly private financing, it would have been built. Now, let us get personal about CHUCK: Great public servant, wise elder, and the best hitter to come out of Pittsfield.
Thanks, Dan, and I promise not to let your comments expand my head. Would be nice to hear from fans who they think some of our better hitters were. I won’t be upset if you disagree with Dan.
The deal killer, as Dan points out, was the CA, with the excutives bullying homeowners across town with “when we get the Authority we will take that property, so you better sell to us now.
It was a case of corruption that got nipped in the bud, so to speak.
Chuck, on a late winter/early spring day, a two truck-four man crew arrived to rake the baseball field at Springside. Problem was, the field was snow covered save for a six foot strip along the left field fence. They raked the leaves that were there, left, and to the best of my knowledge, have never returned. My dog and I picked up the empty vodka bottles after they left. And yes, I know it’s a no-no to allow dogs on a playing field and I would never do that. But this field is no longer a field suitable for baseball.. It’s an abandoned field and many other dog owners use it to exercise our pups. And we all “pick up” after our dogs. At least it is getting some use by us taxpayers.
Good for you, Ed. I never had a problem with responsible dog owners and you are now using an abandoned field to exercise your dog. After an exhaustive study, much debate, a vote,blah, blah, it was decided to build an official dog park in Springside Park. Of course it did not happen. So you and others are now improvising and using an old fenced in area. As you say, taxpayers are getting some use and there is some satisfaction that the use is in an area the parks commission did not deliver on. Can’t anyone get anything done around here?
For about a thousand bucks in fence repair and the creation of kind of an “air lock” to allow safe entry/exit for the dogs,that field could be the city’s official dog park. It’s critical for dogs to get the kind of exercise they can only get from running off leash but totally irresponsible for owners to let their dogs run off leash other than in a fenced in area. It puts both dogs and humans at risk. If the owners of those pitbulls on Edward Avenue had those dogs secured on leashes, that little boy would not have be harmed and we wouldn’t be ordering the dogs to be put down.
Dan, agree with the fact that the Civic Authority was a major factor in the voting.But also think many people did not believe that the staduim project was going to be funded 100% with private financing.If it is to good to be true it probally not.Funny thing is new staduim or not pro ball would be long gone in Pittsfield.Once the new staduim smell worn off the crowds would have dwindled and the team pulled out.Pittsfield has not been a baseball town in sometime.
Ironically an unofficial Civic Authority seems to have been formed and running in the shadowy background of Pittsifled politics. No new Eagle Stadium emerged, much to the chagrin of the paper folk, but the Eagle has been paying back the people with a crappy edition every day since it was rejected.
And the unofficial Civic authority has moved forward with its intended agenda ever since as well. Note the North street renovation with sprinkler system for example. They merely wanted the power to control the pocket books of the taxpayers and be able to shoot money in special interest directions. And they do. The excesses are killing the taxpayers and with them the back bone of the city. As we have seen recently, a fat wallet overrides the well being of children and fellow citizens.
Things have sunk to a new low at the BB. Ad production is being done out of India. Business office employees let go at Christmas. Rates have gone up. News coverage and accuracy have gone down.
I totally agree with you, Dusty! The only difference is that it is not public knowledge who runs this city and who makes the decisions on the $’s. We can’t afford to sit back and give Bianchi a full year to even begin to straighten this out – it’s only a two-year term and he needs to get moving on a lot of stuff, and very, very soon. My bet is that he won’t do a single thing, but I’d sure like to be proven wrong! And he can start by straightening out this Meth Clinic mess! It doesn’t matter, now, if he inherited this from Ruberto or not – he inherited a whole bunch of “crap” from Ruberto – we elected him to straighten this all out and he needs to get moving on doing just that.
The GOB are going to go all out to get the mayors seat back. Remember when Ruberto lost the first time ? They broke all city spending records getting him elected on his second try.. They will break even more records the next time if Bianchi slows the graft money down.
Bianchi needs to convince the regular folk that he is fully on their side or he will not get enough votes to be reelected and the GOB walks back in with full control to decimate what is left of the city.
Dusty, I agree that the Mayor needs to stay oriented on the taxpayer’s side.
But I think it is a bit unreasonable to expect him to perform magical acts of ESP, levitation, and other acts needed to remove constitutional and state law from the books, as suggested by Molly.
DV – no one, and especially not me, even suggested that we expect him to “perform miracle acts of ESP, levitation and other acts needed to remove constitutional and state laws from the books” – but we also can’t afford to sit around waiting for a full year, when he only has a two-year term, to do SOMETHING — he needs to pick one of many and go for it! I think he should start by having his own “administration” in there and replacing Ruberto’s but I don’t really care where he starts – pick one and go after it, then take care of another one. Talking to the citizens of Pittsfield about this Meth Clinic and using his position to push for getting it out of the Morningside neighborhood would go a very long way! But oh wait – that can’t wait until January 2013 so I guess he can’t do that one… But at least he has a good excuse!
The words about “performing miracles” were not mine but Levitan’s. The difference is somewhere in the middle. LEv’s right in the notion of not expecting too much. You and others of your belief are right in suggesting that six months is plenty of time for Mayor Bianchi to figure out how to put HIs stamp on the office. He has yet to do that. A quarter of the way through his first term is a good time to begin. He can’t do everything. He needs to be selective and pick projects that will accomplish two things: (1) Give the people of Pittsfield reason to believe he is on their (i.e., the taxpayers’) side and (b) stand up to the Special Interests that have near run the city into the ground. They are going to work to undermine him anyway, so he doesn’t have to worry about diplomacy as a first option.
Six months into the term, and the Mayor has done quite a bit of maneuvering, with the largest (well reported) accomplishment of saving the taxpayers $700,000 on the school budget.
What Molly is asking for is for the mayor to delete from the books established law, make people disappear from City Hall and the Courts, and cast some sort of spell that would infuse her with some effervescent good humor.
All of those mentioned require at least a good measure of the supernatural, save the last one.
I believe you are right. Remember, in 1969 when GE was running at full speed and Pittsfield’s population was at its highest levels, (57,000 then vs. 44,000 now) the AA Red Sox found it hard to make money here and moved to Pawtucket. And that was great baseball. Pittsfield may not be the great baseball town we’d like to think it is. We have, however, produced a remarkable number of major leaguers and that would add to that perception.
Ed know doubt some great major league ball players have come through Wahconah park.Times have changed and minor league teams need more money and attendance to opperate.Pittsfield would not be able to support a single A team such as the Valley cats.They average almost 3,000 a game,we cannot even get that for opening day.That being said I will be at the Suns game tonite,go SUNS!
I meant native Pittsfield ballplayers.
Ed & Joe yes, about the stadium. The “new stadium smell wears off by year three in most cases it even jhappens in the majors, with orioles camden yards, cleveland etc. In pawtucket, the owners used their own money to upgrade old Mccoy stadium and they get great crowds. Ed your right about the repuation of Pittsfield as a baseball town. Overrated today. Kids aren’t interested in baseball and most of the younger people go to other sports soccer, basketball nascar. Population at its peak pushed 59,000 (58,843 from an old city guide). Population now is near 40000.
Sorry about the mis-spellings. In a hurry. The weekend, you know!
Friend of my at Pittsfield airport says a jet whisked Valenti off to pennsylvania, with stops in ohio, wisconsin, and (maybe) Michigan. Out Friday back early Sunday morning. Now why would your Hero Dan be traveling like a madman? Could it be the Romney campaign is in ohio, Wisconsin, and Penn.? Mitt became enamored with DV when they did radio together.
The voice of the Little Guy (NOT!!!!) has sold out, like any good mercenary. The Mitt “Every Town Counts” concept came from DV. How phoney and fake, and it will only result in President Obama’s deserved re-election. History will evaluate President Obama’s two terms and rank him as one of the great Presidents to ahve served the country. Thank you Dan Valenti for your work in seeing Mitt Romney fail.
Let me say something about the methadone clinic. Spectrum broke no laws. They did every by the book and were nothing but cordial to city officials. They offers a needed service, and actually it will be good for the Morningside neighborhood for the clinic to be there for the simple reason that it treats men and women with a medical problem and helpthem get their lives back together. We should thank Spectrum for choosing Pittsfield. Shame on Valenti for making an issue where there is none and shame on those reactionary types who have protested against Spectrum, a successful model business. Mayor Ruberto a business man, knew this, and had the foresight to get it out of downtwn and where it belongs.
FP, you write, “History will evaluate President Obama’s two terms and rank him as one of the great Presidents to have served the country.”
What yardstick do you use to rate Obama as ‘great’?
Do you include ObamaCare in your rating system, parts or all of which SCOTUS is set to overturn next week?
Do you include claiming Executive Privilege for documents relating to ‘Fast & Furious’? (Wasn’t Obama going to be the ‘transparent’ president?)
And don’t forget his predator drone strikes that have killed and maimed countless innocent men, woman and children. I’m all for hunting down terrorist and blowing them away but target bombing and killing countless others for one objective?
Romney or Obama ahhhh the choices it doesn’t really matter.
I disagree that Obama is a great president. That status needs the establishment of policy that crosses generations and demographicss. You may like him as a president, but calling him great is too much.
I agree with you about Spectrum. They actually have a strong reputation and they have been 100% supported by the Courts. They, however, have not been ‘cordial’ and they do not have a history of working with cities for locations. Given the reaction to their siting anywhere, that lack of engagement is not very surprising.
Obama has never had a private sector job and knows nothing of the plight of the common middle class American citizen. There is nothing great about that turd!
Is this the FIRST time he has held the same job for 3 years?
It is hard to tolerate such disrespect for the Office of the Presidency, and I’m not even going to vote for him.
We I moderator, I would strike your comment.
Mr. Ms. Levitan,
When I suggested you pay special attention the word prolonged, it was only to emphasize that life saving measures are not that at all. Only life prolonging.
“to the word”
It appears that you and I don’t share the same ethical framework. Starting with the word “prolong.”
I attempted to prolong the life of someone choking on meat. My efforts, along with the paramedics failed, and I wonder how I would apply your ethics to that hopeless situation.
Larry he does like to talk like he has been down that road.You “folks deserve better” ” I am going to help you folks”.Trying to help “the many folks who are out of work”.All I have to say is Folk U OBAMA!
You mean, “folk u, President Obama.”
Try to be civil.
As for great high school hitters – Chuck had one great advantage over all the rest of the county – he didn’t have to go to bat against Meandro, Cohen, Bossidy, Miller or Robarge. As a fielder all he had to do is stand around and wait for an occasional ball that might go by the infield, How about Hammerin Hank Dondey, Chuck?
No argument from me, Ambrose. What a great group of pitchers. With this group in ’52 and ’53 PHS won 43 games and lost 2. Post 68 American Legion won the New England championship and our Pittsfield sponsored Majestic Restaurant won the All-American Amateur Baseball Tournament played in Johnstown, Pa.
Last week I posted a missive and mentioned a group of nicknames and characters from my era. How did I forget Hammerin Hank? Wonderful guy, friendly, tried all sports and was awful in all. But he was admired by all,especially the jocks, for his spirit and spunk. Hammerin Hank must be included with other Pittsfield characters who made Pittsfield an exciting and wonderful place because of the people who lived here.
Let me thank the Planet and this website for keeping the Nilan case current and keeping us in on the latest. Justice has yet to be done, but I’m confident it will in the civil process.
Havent posted in a while but regularly read PV. We are real fans of this site. Its amazing what DV is doing. Practically everyday in w/ stories that we would never hear about. I dont see how meth clinic can be kept out of the city but I agree Morningside is a terrible location asking for trouble. Agre e with Hurgy Gurdy about Nilan. Hope Mr Moore and his team go after her in the civil court.
Yes, it is true that BHS will be taking over BHO — yes, it is also true that this is old news and my apologies, DV, for not sharing it with you. It just never occurred to me! And yes, you are right – until it appears “in print”, it hasn’t been reported or “released” yet. Again, my apologies. And good job finding this and reporting on it.
Yes, BMC will be moving BHO to the old Hillcrest Campus after they remodel a large area of the old hospital to a VERY nice state. The Radiation Oncology area at BMC will also move there — the goal being to have one central place that all cancer patients will need – i.e., a complete “Cancer Center” and all cancer patients will go to one place for everything (almost everything) that they need.
It’s my understanding that the nursing staff at BHO will also be moving to be employees at BMC when this occurs.
Let me just say that THIS IS NEEDED!! Desperately needed in a HUGE way! And that BMC will be much more likely to attract at least one additional doctor to this Cancer Center and that is needed more than you can know – desperately needed! It is my understanding that BHS will buy the BHO “business” and that this is by mutual agreement between BHS and BHO and that the current doctors who are at BHO will continue to be at BMC. I have no info on the North Adams or Gt. Barrington offices but my guess is that BHS will also purchase those and that patients won’t see any changes there, although as I said, I don’t have any info on those. The mobile PET scan machine will, when this is completed, go to the new “Cancer Center” at the Hillcrest Campus.
I don’t view this like the “takeover” of Berk. Radiology at all, but instead view this as an extremely positive thing that is really needed! And I, for one, am really looking forward to this happening. And again, this is by mutual agreement of the current doctors/owners of BHO and BHS and the doctors at BHO are highly involved in creating this “Cancer Center”.
I also agree that the current BHO building would be absolutely PERFECT to house the new Methadone Clinic. There is an extremely LARGE waiting room, numerous offices that could be used for private counseling sessions, numerous examination rooms and the two Infusion Rooms are both extremely large and would be perfect for group therapy sessions.
The setup of it and the location are perfect! The parking is more than plentiful! It’s on the bus line. We’d be helping out a Business Park so they don’t also lose the rent of this building (as I’m sure they are also about to lose rent with the Federal Archives closing out there). The only problem is that I believe it is owned by the Business Park (Gordon Rose?) and so would likely only be leased and not sold. One of the benefits to being tax exempt is that you can own the property and not have to pay any real-estate taxes on the property… Yet another reason for the City to push for this to be at the BHO building as the city won’t lose the real estate taxes on the Stoddard Ave building, but that Spectrum will fight…
I really think that it is well beyond time that Mayor Bianchi start talking about this Meth. Clinic with lots of details!
The doctors would be stupid to not sell out to BHS they win all around they’ll most likely make more money it doesn’t change the fact that BHS has a monopoly here a huge non profit that well has a lot of people who do profit but BHS is tax free so they don’t pay a fair share to the city as DV’s reporting showed us. Also you emphasize that we really need this what is their patient servival rate? I’d bet like anywhere else it’s very low actually I know it’s very low that’s because there’s no magic cure for cancer it’s caused by mutated cells from environmental contaminants and poor diet. I’m no doctor so I can’t legally say it but there’s something to be said about a diet high in plant based foods. I’m talking about phytochemicles it’s what gives plants their dark colors and fight off free radical cells.
Here’s another link for those interested in the amazing and powerful healing property of plant based nutrition.
Melissa is one of my favorite plants and I just finished a cold glass of Mint/Lemon Balm iced tea. I grow these plants myself and I have a compost pile and it doesn’t stink if it’s done right but you may get an animal here and there if like me you put in fish waste and other animal carcasses like when I make a whole chicken.
This is an excellent link. Thanks for sharing.
Also I agree there is a need for cancer and nutrition related research centers and help for those suffering but the relay for life is an oxymoron with it’s baked goods among other things. Imagine if the outlet was used to promote a healthy life style and nutrition how much more of an impact it would have on our community?
The entire “Relay For Life” is a farce. The ACS does absolutely NOTHING for cancer patients — at least not here. And I mean NADA! They hold a “Look Good Feel Better” event at which cosmetic companies donate makeup and local volunteers volunteer their time. That’s it. Except for the “Relay For Life” which is nothing more than a HUGE fundraiser for them — they prey on the sympathy of family and friends of cancer patients and also to those who have lost family and friends to make a TON of money. When is the last time you heard of the ACS making ANY strides via research? I haven’t heard of ANY – not in YEARS. I find the entire ACS organization to be nothing more than an over-bloated “charity” that pays it’s employees, and especially those in the upper positions, a TON of money and that’s about it! They are also extremely political – both on a national level but also on a local level, too, making sure that they are in good with the powers that be.
Excellent post that gets at the hoax that is at the cancer epidemic. If the goal was to wipe out cancer, that would have been done. If the goal, though, is to build industries and fortunes around cancer, that HAS been done. There will be no “cure” because it would deprive too many people and companies (particularly the Big Pharmaceuticals) of their wealth.
Dan that is exactly my point you worded it better.
Dan, You can’t be serious. The cancer ‘industry’ has no intention of curing cancer?
Oh, come on. That and the prior post, punctuated with great monotony of NADA, sounds like the shrill accusations thrown at the AIDS researchers who likewise were stumped on ‘curing’ that disease.
I have no reason to assume we will ever find a cure for cancer given the problem ultimately is not one of infection but of a defeated immune system.
Mr. Garivaltis, having watched a lot of baseball, the best little leaguer I ever saw was a player who hit .840 with 31 home runs,including seven in two games. The best athlete I ever saw was Mark Belanger.The most exiciting athlete, and my favorite was Frank Scago, the most underrated was Ray Woitkowski.
Clinic that dispenses ” Buprenorphine ” for opiate suppression has existed on North Street for the past two years without any trouble.
I guess it’s all in perception.
Where is it located, specifically?
Thanks, Giacometti, but you are stepping on the toes of those who have a problem with people seeking treatment. Already, I have heard every insult cast, with the last being a call for mass murder.
Funny how that works throughout history:
#1: We hate you
#2: We hate you and go away
#3: We hate you and go away – no better yet, just die
Mr./Ms. Levitan,
I agree with you about the fact that we are treating these people like lepers. The Jones unit and the McGee Unit are located right across the street from the proposed methadone clinic. And to refresh everyone’s memory, William Demagall escaped from Jones and killed a man in Hillsdale, NY. It’s already a dangerous neighborhood. But I don’t agree with you about your stance on curing cancer. Try to imagine how many people would be jobless if we cured cancer AND won the war on drugs. Imagine.. The old Hillcrest Hospital site on Tor Court would be the ideal local for all three. The McGee unit was located there for many years.
Conspiracies spread like weeds on this site. GOB’s being present behind every potted plant, a Mayor who according to some here apparently does nothing at all (NADA!), methadone clinics purchasing political interest in City Hall and engaging in shady real estate transactions, Cancer Charities trying to undermine research (it’s not even original). I’m not buying any of them.
Curing cancer is a dream worth fighting for, and it is a dream that both obsesses and confounds researchers across the globe. G-d bless them, and may their search provide hope for the afflicted and help others along the way.
Mr./Ms. Levitan,
I’m not a grassy knoll theorist but it’s hard to ignore the realty of economics. Prolonging life with cancer treatments only adds to the economic reality and doesn’t change the outcome. And please make special note of the word prolonging.
Cancer treatment prolonged my mother’s life one day, just long enough for me to drive 300 miles at 90mph and make in time to say “good bye.”
As for economics, do you really believe that there isn’t money to be made for actually curing cancer (a disease whose name is just a short hand for disease of the body in totality)
I sensed (probably incorrectly) hostility in the tenor of the last post. If you were put off by mine, I apologize – I did not intend ill towards you, but I do disagree with the demonization of those engaged in cancer treatment.
Molly –Thank you for your words about how little the ACS actually does for cancer patients. Having participated in one of the first Relay for Life events back in the 1990s I thought that when we needed them in 2004 when Tom got sick there would be a ton of services. NOT. It is the people who give blood and platelets for cancer patients who depend on those transfusions who are the real heroes and are never recognized. The Planet should organize a blood drive to stock the hospital especially during the summer months when giving is slow. There are so many people whose lives depend on getting that blood on a regular basis. The new Cancer Center is still months away from reality while there are many people right now who need transfusions. A good friend of mine told me that there is nothing worse than going for your appointment and being turned away because there isn’t enough blood and not knowing if you will make it until there is. As always your comments are spot on.
The National Cancer Institute… is where the majority of cancer research is done not the American Cancer Society… the National Cancer Institute is a federal department set up by Congress
Buprenorphine Clinic
The Experience Wellness Center LLC
152 North Street
Pittsfield, Massachusetts
Oh, the euphemistically named “Wellness Center.” Thanks.