PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 2012) — Before we welcome you to summer, let us share this quick announcement: Tonight, at 5 p.m. at Park Square, those who are against locating a methadone clinic next to Dwyer Funeral Home, near two schools, and in the middle of a residential neighborhood will rally. They will gather to make a statement to the city and the mayor. Debbie Dwyer of Dwyer Funeral Home invites all interested citizens to join the demonstration.
This will lead into the second Third Thursday of 2012. If this one comes off without a riot, consider it a success.
Welcome to summer, whose soundtrack is Sherm Feller‘s hit song from 1958, “Sum Sum Summertime.” Feller, who for a generation served as the PA announcer at Fenway Park for the Boston Red Sox, has to be one of the most unique, fascinating, and interesting people we have ever known.
We got to know Feller in the decade of the 80s, when THE PLANET earned a decent living from the Majors as a freelance baseball writer and broadcaster. We did lots of Sox coverage, of course, and got to know Feller pretty well. Sherm, a Fenway Park fixture, served as the PA announcer at Fenway from 1967 until just before he died, in 1994.
A Great Set of ‘Pipes’
Besides having the best set of “pipes” we’ve ever heard (pipes meaning a “radio voice”), Feller was a great raconteur. We recall many a home game at Fenway, sitting in the hospitality room that the Sox had for visiting and home press (we were both and neither, at the same time, as press steward Tommy McCarthy used to needle), listening to Feller’s tales of growing up in Roxbury and his work in radio.
We loved the way he would announce batters: “Now batting, No. 8, Carl Yastrzemski, left field. Yastrzemski.” I asked him once about that format, and he said that with the announcements, he liked to keep it sparse so that he wouldn’t take away from the game. We think of P.A. announcers today who insist on becoming the show and injecting fake enthusiasm into their pronouncements: “And Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere they are, yourrrrrrrrrre Pittsfield Sunnnnnnnns!” Usually, these announcements are screeched at decibel levels by announcers whose pipes have yet to fill out or have become clogged. Come on. Act like you’ve done it before.
Feller also began the game with his simple and classic words: “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to Fenway Park.” Who didn’t feel the excitement of nearing game time when Feller would boom: “And now please rise and as John Kiley plays the National Anthem.” If you want to hear Feller saying this and other things, go to this wonderful website: shermfeller.com.
Known by All and a Friend to All
Feller probably knew more people, ordinary and famous, than anyone I have ever met. He introduced me to Bobby Orr and Bill Russell, Steven Tyler and Mickey Mantle. He knew all the ushers, vendors, ticket takers, cops, and peanut hawkers. Everybody immediately became his friend upon first introduction.
“No one ever didn’t like Sherm Feller,” said former Red Sox GM Lou Gorman. “He was a very special human being. People like him don’t walk on this earth too often. He was just an amazing guy. Once you met Sherm Feller, you never forgot him. He was your friend right away.”
Sherm worked at a number of radio stations, and in the 1940s, he found he had a talent for musical composing. He wrote countless songs. One biography says it was more than 1,000. His work including pop and Pops: The Boston Pops, with work for Arthur Fiedler.
“Summertime” became his biggest hit. About that song, Feller said it “a throwaway,” a “little song” he penned “in one gulp.” Our memory is fuzzy on this point, but we remember him saying something about the recording session, done in a small basement recording studio in Roxbury by Tom Jameson and his group, The Jamies.
Feller said the group ran through the song a few times, and when they red light came on the tape deck, they nailed it in one take. Epic Records picked the song up and it reached #26 in Billboard’s Hot 100 chart. Later, the Jamies recorded it again (1962) and it hit #36. The song has since been covered a bunch of times (The Fortunes, The Doodletown Pipers, Jan & Dean, Sha Na Na etc.).
In the hospitality suite at Fenway, Sherm enjoyed VO, straight up, but only AFTER games and never before. He was the consummate professional. Somewhere in THE PLANET’s vaults is an interview we recorded with Feller in the mid 80s. Naturally, we had him announce us: “Now batting, #1, Dan Valenti, left field. Valenti.”
Priceless, and so is sum, sum summertime. Sherm died in 1994 at the age of 75. God rest his redolent soul.
From that pleasant memory, we switch emotional gears to present a Father’s Day memoir penned by Tom Moore, father of Peter Moore, the man who alsmost lost his life when Meredith Nilan lost control of her car (for reasons never adequately explained) and rammed into the unfortunate man. In this reflection, Tom Moore addresses what he experienced as a dad.
This says so much more than anything else ever could about the emotional impact of a horrific accident that Moore’s defense tried to downplay at no big deal. This will say much more than the letter of apology that Nilan has written to Peter Moore, as ordered by the court.
My name is Thomas Moore. I am the father of Peter T. Moore, who is a resident of Pittsfield. For any of your readers that may not be familiar with Peter he is a loving husband and father of two children who while walking his dog on Winesap Road on the evening of December 8, 2011 was struck from behind by a motor vehicle driven by Ms Meredith Nilan also of Pittsfield. After the collision Ms Nilan fled the scene. When later questioned by local authorities as to her involvement she lied.
Peter was left in the road on a subfreezing Western Massachusetts night suffering from a fractured cervical vertebra; several fractured facial bones, a fractured fibula, internal injuries and a traumatic brain injury. He also had numerous lacerations and abrasions. As serious as those injuries were it was hypothermia that nearly killed him. It was so cold that night that the dog’s fur froze in my son’s blood as the animal sat by his unconscious master’s side.In the local newspaper on June 8, 2012 there was an editorial that tried to make two points that I find most contradictory. It was reported that a man named Trevor Moore, who is no relation or acquaintance of Peter, had been charged with threatening Meredith Nilan and that it was “assumed that justice will emerge in this case.” If past history of the Criminal Justice System in Pittsfield is any indication, I would fully expect that any sanctions imposed on Mr. Moore would be more severe than those levied on Ms Nilan. The editorial also asserted that justice has been obtained in the “Meredith Nilan case.” Based on my experience and expertise as a former law enforcement officer and court administrator justice was not served in Pittsfield. Not even close!
I fault the Office of the District Attorney. Several DA jurisdictions were involved so I condemn them all. The local office in Berkshire County never afforded my son a “Victim Advocate” as prescribed by law and his civil attorney became one by default. When I voiced my concerns in a letter to the conflict District Attorney, Joseph A. Quinlan on March 26, 2012, I was never extended the courtesy of a reply. When Ms Nilan appeared in court on June 6th the sentence imposed was not what Peter and his family had been led to expect would be the outcome. No one from his family or his attorney was given the opportunity to voice their concerns at the court hearing.Tom Moore puts the blame for injustice in the Moore-Nilan case on D.A. David Capeless, shown here. (Google Images)
The Berkshire County DA’s office stated that they assisted the Pittsfield Police Department in preparing an appeal to District Court Judge William P. Hadley of Asst. Clerk-Magistrate Nathan A. Byrnes finding of no probable cause however, Ms Nilan’s Defense Attorney found issues with that appeal. If an “appeal of the appeal” was upheld it would have put the case back to square one. One can only speculate if this was an intentional error on the part of the local DA. I also don’t understand why the police had to appeal and not the DA. If this is the law in Massachusetts it really needs to be changed. The popular television drama “Law & Order” correctly states that, “Police investigate crime and the District Attorney prosecutes it.”
This has been a tragic and stressful time for Peter, his wife and children as well as all the entire Moore Family. I also know that the Nilans have had concerns especially after being threatened by Trevor Moore but when I think about the six months since December 8th, about seeing Peter broken and in pain in the hospital, seeing my grandchildren scared and crying, on seeing his blood in the street I still get extremely angry at Meredith Nilan. Although I am not at all pleased with the court outcome Peter wants to put the incident behind him and try to regain some semblance of his life as it was before Dec. 8, 2011. I respect his decision and accept it. I have always been extremely proud of Peter; I love him and have learned much, especially tolerance from him.Tom Moore address the crowd at the fundraiser held for his son at Chameleon's Nighclub (Andy Poncherello)
Over the course of the six months since Peter was struck there have been individuals and institutions that have performed most admirably. Pittsfield Police Department, Officer Marc Maddalena conducted the original investigation then was tasked with preparing the appeal. I appreciate his efforts and the citizens of Pittsfield are fortunate to have such a dedicated officer protecting their community. Mr. Andrew Amelinckx, a reporter for The “Berkshire Eagle” newspaper reported in a fair and concise manor without fear or favor. However, it was several local Blogger’s, especially Daniel Valenti and the “Planet Valenti” who took up Peter’s cause and kept the incident from being forgotten or disposed of sub rosa, [Latin for “under the rose … It means “in secret.”] which I truly believe was the Berkshire District Attorney’s original intent.
There are a multitude of good people in Pittsfield and Berkshire County who came to Peter and his family’s aid during his hospitalization and convalesce. There was monetary support generated through a locally organized fundraiser. Friends and strangers alike would appear at the door with casseroles for supper. The snow was shoved and home maintenance was performed by residents of his neighborhood. There was also an abundance of good wishes, good words and prayers. For the extensive community support that has been extended to my son Peter, his wife Robin, my grandchildren and the whole Moore Family, I salute you all.Thomas R. Moore, Jr.Hernando, Florida
We thank Tom Moore for sharing that with our readers. We invite our readers to share a get-well wish to the entire Moore family.
The “War on Drugs,” an expensive exercise in political folly deemed by most every rational observer to be a gigantic failure, began with Richard Nixon, whose “tough on drugs” policy turned otherwise law-abiding citizens into criminals, especially those whose “crime” was simply to light up and enjoy Mother Nature in the form of marijuana.
This graphic, shared by on of our readers, sums it up nicely:
Next time you hear of more drug arrests, think of this chart. The more money, manpower, and resources thrown into this dead end, the greater the prison population and the more prevalent existing drug use. They both rise in causal, concomitant variation. We thank ES for the image.
Finally, here is the link to Spectrum Health Systems‘ Form 990, “Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax.” We invite you to click on this for an informative mini-lesson on the legalized hoax known as “not-for-profit” businesses. Pittsfield currently is plagued by an excess of these operations, not all of which deserve the exempt status.
Readers may recall our series on Berkshire Health Systems and its “non-profit” businesses in far-flung corners of the globe, including the Cayman Islands. Anyhow, you read from this statement, filed for the year 2009, that Spectrum listed total revenue of $47,329,835. It lists expenses of $45,051,759. Of these expenses, $36,077,870 (80%) went for “salaries, other compensation, and employee benefits.” The company reported 1,232 employees and 12 voting members of its governing body.
A Box, Mysteriously Unchecked
We learn that the company engaged in lobbying, and it mysteriously leaves unchecked (“Yes” or “No”) the question: “Is the organization subject to the …notice and reporting requirement of proxy tax.” It admits to a business transaction “with a current or former officer, trustee, or key employee.” It admits to a business transaction “with a family member of a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee.” Spectrum says it received “more than $25,000 in non-cash contributions.”
“Was the organization related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity?” Yes.
In Part VIII of the document, Spectrum lists “reportable compensation” to its officers of $918,079, with “other compensation” at $67,644, for a total of $986,713. It does not list in this section any names or titles for “officers, directors, trustees, key employees, or Highest Compensated Employees.”
Spectrum lists its five highest independent contractors:
1. Rosewood Construction Corp., contractor, $1,429,159.
2. Archer Security Agency, security services, $279,075.
3. Mindshift Technologies, IT services, $206,854.
4. Secon of New England Inc., lab testing, $193,271.
5. Bowditch & Dewey, legal services, $151,468.
Under management expenses, it lists salaries and wages of $1,548,944. It would appear Spectrum’s executives are making out like bandits. There’s money in those shot-up arms of heroin addicts.
It had cash-on-hand of $7,373,634 at the end of 2009, with another $5,406,693 in “savings and temporary cash investments.”
President of Spectrum Pulled Down $283, 898 in total compensation in 2009
Part VII, “Compensation of Officers, Directors, Trustees, Key Employees, Highest Compensated Employees, and Independent Contractors” is interesting. Chairman Mark Bilotta, Vice Chair Verilyn Mitchell, secretary Susan Suchocki-Brown, and assistant secretary David Felper each report averaging two hours of work per week for a total reportable compensation of $0 — Yes. Those four officers list $0 combined for 2009.
Here is how the other officers stack up:
— President Charles Faris, 40 hours average, with a salary of $260,996 with “other compensation” of $22,932. (Counting retirement, deferred compensation, and nontaxable benefits, Schedule J or Form 990 shows Faris pulled down a total haul of $283,898).
— Peter Paolantonio, executive VP of clinical services, 40 hours, $141,255 + $8,949. ($150,204)
— Janet Langlois, CFO/treasurer, 40 hours, $115,604.
— Laura Ames, COO, 40 hours, $156,691 + $10,819. ($167,510)
— Cynthia Buraczynski, director of planning, 40 hours, $128,235 + $15,068.
— Jacqueline McInnis, physician’s assistant, 40, $115,328 + $6304.
What does this all mean? Bottom line is the bottom line: Methadone treatment provides the providers with a lucrative living.
Methadone treatment substitutes one addiction for another. As we saw yesterday, Methadone, even used as directed, is a dangerous drug. The meth clinic in Pittsfield will draw an even more problematic clientele than the one that already is inundating North Street and other areas of town.
Is a methadone clinic what Pittsfield wants or needs right now? What
Is it just a coincidence that there are no letters to the editor of the BB expressing disappointment with Spectrum?
Or are they in on it too?
Dave Pill wrote a good letter the other day and the Eagle had a good Editorial. There’s good coverage with the media and if you come to Park Square tonight at 5PM, you can voice your thoughts. Hope to see you there.
Rob & I were on John Krol’s radio show this morning for the Relay For Life. John insisted we cover the Rally we’re having tonight at 5 at Park Square and give our thoughts on what is happening. Once again, if the DPH says we need a Methadone Clinic, so be it, BUT not in a residential area in our city when there are many other sites that would be suitable. Thank you John Krol.
Let us not forget that Spectrum has a history of misusing funds:
Thanks for this enlightening and revealing piece. Puts a fair question on the table: How good of a community citizen will Spectrum be in light of this history?
Thank you Mr. Tom Moore and Susan Moore for the way you stood by your son through his terrible ordeal. We in Pittsfield share your outrage that justice was not done in this case. We wish you and Peter the best, and we hope you find more justice, in not relief,in the civil court. Our thoughts and prayers are with you .Thank you also Dan Valenti without your dogged efforts both the stories, the Peter Moore hit and run and the methadone clinic next to Dwyers, would have remained hidden.
Appreciate the kind words for the Moores and ourselves.
Isn’t anyone curious about Dr Adamo’s involvement in this mess? Should Adamo have been appointed to the Health Commission ? Was it a conflict , seeing he worked as GE”s physician? And now he stands to gain, financially , from the sale of the property of the proposed METH CLINIC. There are too many unanswered questions.
P.S. Where did Host Lew get the tattoo on his nose? Did Adamo inspect that facility?
Yes, most of the people we’ve talked to have serious concerns about the legitimacy of this deal, since Dr. Adamo is a co-owner of the parcel and since he’s so Connected with the city, its Politics, and its Players (we use the initial caps advisedly). At minimum, this has the appearance of impropriety. At maximum, it could — we only say could — indicate corruption, misappropriation, and malfeasance.
I got to meet Sherm Feller a few times as a young kid. I had an uncle who worked at Fenway and I was lucky enough to go to a bunch of games. One game stands out to me. It was the next to last game of the 1968 season against the Yankees. I went to the game with my uncle early because he had to work. We bumped into Sherm and he asked me if I wanted to go to dugout area and meet some of the players, George Scott, Yaz, Reggie Smith and more. But the biggest kick was when he called over The Mick, Mickey Mantle. Wow!! They exchanged greetings and I over heard Mick asking if he would see Sherm later. No doubt for a drink, lol. As it turned out it was The Micks last game as he didn’t play in the last game and would retire the next spring. One of many great memories of going to Fenway!
Just a couple of quick questions about the clinic. After the patients drive there and get thier daily dose, do they just get back in their car and drive off? Does the methadone give them a high like heroin?
Would they be driving under the influence?
Great remembrance of Sherm Feller. He introduced me to Mantle when Mick was in Boston for an Old-Tmer’s Game (I want to say it was ’84). I was in the press room, eating with Ned Martin, Ken Coleman, and Sherm. Mick walked in, and Sherm called him over. Mick ate at our table. Sherm made sure Mick knew who I was. What a kind man. I told Mick a story about how, in 1962 at Fenway, he pushed me aside at the player’s gate. Maris did, too. I ragged him about it and had Mick laughing. I did get Elston Howard’s autograph, though.
As for the methadone questions, I don’t know the answer. Perhaps a reader who does can comment.
Perhaps someone can explain why if Mass. State law was violated and Peter Moore was not provided a Victim Advocate that would guarantee Moore’s input into the sentencing process, and if Moore’s attorney, himself an officer of the court, was mislead regarding the ultimate disposition of the case, then why isn’t the sentence imposed in the plea bargain subject to appeal either by Moore, by Pittsfield police, or by DA David Capeless?
This is just speculation, but I think the Moore team is saving their fire for the inevitable civil suit. They have no faith in the criminal court in Berkshire County and feel their best chance for justice lies in a civil trial.
DV, but the underlying problem of a totally corrupt Berkshire County judicial system remains to plague the rest of us.
Does anyone have any confidence in the integrity of ANY of Berkshire County’s judges?
Does anyone have any confidence in the integrity of the office of Berkshire County DA?
You have fingered the essential damage done by such cases as the Nilan cases, both of them: When Cliffy got Angelo off the hook and when Meredith got off with writing a letter for having nearly killed Peter Moore. These cases and many more result in the erosion you mention. When We the People lose faith in the local criminal justice system, especially in a town where the media has been tamed and beaten like yelping dogs, it creates an internal rot. It remains there, eating away at the core, until one day, the city will no longer be viable.
Well put. And these scavengers will just move on to a fresh carcass while the not so well off have to stay and rot with what was once a nice place to live. Really sad.
The victim has no say in the sentencing in a criminal trial. This has been a basic legal principal in our country for hundreds of years. Ms. Nilan’s sentence is almost universally agreed by people in the legal profession as being perfectly adequate and appropriate. Of course the victim’s family doesn’t like it. But the point of our criminal justice system is not simply to assuage the anger of the victim’s families.
What most people seem to be missing on the process of this Methadone clinic is that all the problems were caused by former mayor ruberto’s administration. He stopped Spectrum from going in on Summer St., where they belong, and signed a confidentiality agreement, under advisement from Rich Dohoney, that Mayor Bianchi now has to honor. The lawsuit was initiated under and toward his administration and now Dan Bianchi and his people have to clean it up.This is not Mayor Bianchi’s mess but he has to clean it up. Thanks again, ruberto. How many more surprises are we in for from ruberto’s disastrous 8 years?
A fair point. Spectrum had the Summer Street location all set, from what I hear, and then all of a sudden, the Ruberto Administration objected. I would like to know who, why, and when Dr. Adamo’s building entered the discussion. As you point out, unfortunately, Mayor Bianchi has to clean up this mess.
I bet once Ruberto objected (because he worked so hard to restore the image of North st.) that’s when Adamo jumped in to save the day maybe with an anonymous email of the property listing to Spectrum.?
I watched John Krol giggle like a school girl when he mentioned how Ruberto told Spectrum they would locate on Summer St “over his dead body” and a few minutes later admonish Spectrum officials for not working with Pittsfield. Cooperation is a two way street, which wasn’t a Ruberto strong point. I’m sure a selling point for Summer St was that the bus station was 100 yards away. I personally think I would rather have people get off the bus, walk 100 yards get their medication and walk back 100 yards to the bus.Now, if Stoddard Ave is the location they have to walk 10+ blocks and back again through our precious downtown.
On another note, the meeting with Dollar General drove me crazy. If you don’t want to change zoning I understand and respect that, but don’t question why Dollar General can’t just move into one of our empty sites. They stated countless times that they had done research(by people much smarter than councillor Yon I assume) and that they deemed that parcel as the site they wanted and would be most profitable for them.
Excellent comments. Thank you.
That Site on Clifford and North isn’t even in Yawn’s ward, it’s in ward 7, councilor Simonelli’s ward.
Great story on Sherm Feller DV, I enjoyed it. One question thou…He had you in left field…??? Replacing who? The Spelded Splinter , ‘Teddy Ballgame’, Yaz, Jim Rice or Greenwell? Just wondering if you hit for power, drove in runs, could field balls off the Green Monster and could mow down runners at the plate like a leftfielder for the Sox needs to do??
Hah. I was strictly a lead-off guy in the Nellie Fox banjo mold: a little guy who had the knack of getting on base anyway he could, whether it was a bunt single, a blooper to right, HBP, walk. I had speed, and once on first, my goal was always to (a) rattle the pitcher and (b) steal of threaten the steal. I played left field on most of the softball teams I was on, and at the time, was in left for City Savings Bank. I didn’t have Ted’s bat (or that of Yaz, Rice, or Greenwell) but I did have a glove. My arm was average but accurate.
I’m sure you rattled more than a few pitchers in your day based on your track record of rattling GOBs…You could play second base on any All-Star team I put together…
I would gladly take up the glove at second for you.
dan never rattled anybody as a child – kids have to back up their taunts – dan rattles the GOBs (in your mind) but always here or on radio, but never to their face
If he’s using his real name I’d say that’s pretty close “Ambrose”
I don’t know if Capeless had his hand in Moore’s case at the relevant time, but failing to provide the Victim’s Advocate follows his precedent of failing to provide protection the triple murder (Glasser).
Yah, he is quite a DA. He should consider changing his name from Capeless to Useless.
From Davied Capeless to David Useless. Would anyone notice … or should we say, “notess”?
As for the war on drugs, I am all for house arrest for non-violent crimes of all types. Let them leave home for work, church, and AA/NA meetings. No need to make all these people very expensive wards of the state.
I’m for legalization, pretty much across the board.
I am for legalization for many drugs as long as treatment for addicts is not publicly funded.
The most harmless and beneficial ones are outlawed so big business can profit on the most devastating ones.
We are in unison here. No public funds.
How wonderful to hear from Mr. Moore again, but totally discouraged and not surprised by what he had to say. I hope they are saving their energy for civil court and that they have a real good attorney.
Now as far as Meredith Nilan, I seem to recall that she has driving restrictions imposed for a while. Has anyone seen her violating her probation by driving at night? And, if she was seen, would anyone do anything about it?
Considering that the work of the police in regards to Meredith Nilan has proven to be worthless due to her fathers improprieties, and the corruption of the law in the Central Berkshire jurisdiction, I doubt there’s a cop out there that would waste their time issuing her a citation for violating the conditions of her license. They all know that CBDC is in the business of letting the criminals that the police work hard to process off the hook. The local court has most likely obliterated any resemblance of morale with the local police as related to the importance of them doing their jobs to enforce laws, so I doubt anyone would do anything. It’s a shame that personal agendas of a select few in authoritative law enforcement positions have compromised the public safety of the people of Pittsfield and surrounding communities.
From a source inside the DA’s office, the plea bargain hinged on the fact that the police were unable to interview Ms. Nilan because they were sent to the wrong address on the night of the accident by a police dispatcher.(read between the lines) The dispatcher has since been promoted to a higher position. Coincidence, I seriously doubt it, GOBs strike again. Oh well it’s Pittsfield isn’t it
“Methadone treatment provides the providers with a lucrative living.
Methadone treatment substitutes one addiction for another.”
Scott you said it all. Methadone “treatment” is not a treatment but a crutch that keeps a person hooked. This itme its not the dealers and pusher who get rich but the clinics like Spectrum. Bad for the city any way you look at it.
I pulled it from above and that’s all there is to say on the matter DV nailed it. I believe food is medicine the lobby for pharmaceutical companies made that statement illegal but there’s something to be said of a diet rich in dark colorful fruits and veggies. I always order the veggie option with chicken.
No matter the courts, the government and the corrupt, justice always comes.. Slow and arduous, yet served… Meredith Nilan will never feel true happiness in her life as guilt, failure and suffering will be within her for all her days.
The city has no option but to get the best accomodation from Spectrum. Fighting it, obstructing it, or any lawsuits will bring the following costs to we the taxpayers:
1) Our legal fees for stalling spectrum
2) Spectrum’s legal fees, once we lose
3) Spectrum’s lost revenues, and incurred business expense (once we lose)
4) Punitive damages on top of above
5) Legal fees for defending Pittsfield against charges of violating ADA (if brought)
6) If lose the ADA suit, punitive damages
Total bill to the taxpayers: $2,000,000
Any takers here?
Any chance Spectrum can be sued if one of their addicts interferes with a funeral?
Perhaps Dwyer should train a camera on their lot and nearby areas of interest, and the police could monitor it for drug activity.
These are discussions we have had!
Thanks for the turn out and support at the Rally last night, and the signatures on the petitions to keep Methadone Clinics out of all residential neighborhoods.
I was amazed at the outpouring of support as I walked the street during 3rd Thursday and it was great having Jessica Layton of Channel 13 News and Brandon Walker of YNN with us once again.
Your activism is a model for all citizens who feel their rights have been trampled. I couldn’t make the rally or TT because of impending commitments, but I hope to talk to you soon.
Do people generally interfere with funerals? I think you are worrying about things that will not happen.
Fair point: People do not “generally interfere with funerals.” However, specifically, that is a moot question for heroin and methadone addicts.Interfering with a funeral could mean something as simple as parking in a lot that Dwyer Funeral Home needs, every space worth. You can see the scenario. Big funeral. Illegally parked cars. Meth addicts coming in and out of the lot. The funeral party confused about if they can park there or not. Having to call police, tow trucks. Enforcement. The assistant city solicitor, Mr. Lee, would not have contacted Debbie Dwyer if the city and Spectrum thought they had enough parking WITHOUT using the Dwyer lot.
Good answer, Dan and I believe that is reasonable.
But you and I both know that the questioner has in mind a physical interference in the form of harassment.
Ever hear of “Reverend” Phelps and the West Baptist “Church”?
Levitan your argument is of the legal aspects so I agree with you on that level. But it doesn’t make what is happening right and the people have the right to oppose it. Never underestimate the power of the people.
The power of the People on this matter is exactly what I’m concerned about. Spectrum has a boatload of precedent supporting it’s interest, and can risk the cash and inconvenience of pursuing their interest because they will win.
Protesting and pressuring the city to fight it will not push them down the road, but may leave us with a very large bill, a rush to blame the City for foolishly wandering into a legal pit both against a private party and the State, and who knows, perhaps complaints of Tortious Interference against others?
Perhaps and perhaps not. I was talking to a couple of sharp lawyers, unofficially, of course, and I laid out the situation. They played with it like it was a game of chess, and they suggested several possible avenues of appeal that would have a reasonable chance of success.
Success for them, of course. The lawyers never lose. I have seen sharp lawyers lose too.
Spectrum has state law, DPH blessings, and a very strong legal case.
Pittsfield has a lot a cash to lose and little to win. Which brings me back to my question: What is your ultimate objective, and how much are you willing to gamble on it, given that even moving them 100′ is apparently unattainable.
Also, when shopping lawyers, I always settle on the most dour and pessimistic. They are the ones with experience and have the client’s interest at heart.
That’s actually really good advice!
Thanks, Scott.
And by the way, I regret Spectrum’s decision to locate in residential/mixed used locations as well, but I would regret even further having to pay off a hefty legal tab, especially for court actions that are doomed on the runway. Never toss good money after bad.
Thanks for your considerate responses to my arguments.