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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, FRIDAY, SEPT. 13, 2013) — On Bill Sturgeon‘s radio show yesterday, the talkmeister asked Mayor Dan Bianchi why Bianchi refuses to sit down to an interview with THE PLANET. As you may recall, we have:

(a) Invited the mayor to do this, given that he is unopposed on the ballot and given his stated preference for a chance to talk about his record in the campaign. Where else will he get that chance … in an honest, open, and objective forum, that is. THE PLANET discounts ribbon cuttings and the countless opportunities for feel-good, rah-rahs we’re sure his “campaign” is setting up. We proposed a one-hour live TV interview, no notes, just impromptu questions and answers, and he never responded to our invitation. The offer still stands.

(b) We have also contacted Bianchi personally or his office several times of late, seeking comments on news stories that THE PLANET has shared, and he has refused to get back to us. Seems that when you’re unopposed, suddenly, you can grow a set of balls. He figures that with no opponents there are no electoral consequences.

In response to Sturgeon’s question, Bianchi first said words to the effect of “Why should I grant Valenti an interview?” Now this stunning answer has many excellent responses. including:

A.) Because it’s your job, Mr. Transparency. You did campaign on being transparent during the 2011 nail-biter, where many, especially Peter Marchetti‘s supporters, say Valenti‘s endorsement of you over Marchetti gave you the 53 votes you needed (a swing of the 106 margin of victory) to win.

B.) Because Valenti is the only person who will dare put Your Highness on the hot seat. He’ll play hard ball and give you chin music. If you had confidence and truth on your side, it seems to us that you would relish the opportunity.

C.) Valenti is a journalist, a member of the press, and a man who takes his responsibilities as a member of the Fourth Estate seriously. He represents your constituents, Mayor Transparency, who do not have the opportunities, the means, or in many cases the skills needed to conduct such an interview.

D.) Because you owe it to every man, woman, and child in the city. Think of it this way, Mr. Mayor: “It’s for The Children.” That lame argument has been used each budget cycle — and you have used it twice — to pick the pockets of good, honest, hard-working taxpayers. “It’s for The Children.”

E.) Because, as you publicly stated in the Boring Broadsheet, you saw the campaign as the opportunity to talk about your record. That’s big talk when you know you won’t face opposition. You didn’t expect you would be called on it, did you.

F.) Because it would give you a chance to explain where you were during the Scopes Monkey Trial and if you were the Hanging Judge and the Grand Designer in that travesty of justice.

G.) Because it would allow you an opportunity to name names of the what you claim are the many former political opponents who saw the futility in running against you, because you’ve done such a great job. You actually said that to the BB. You don’t mind talking to them because now that you are the head GOB, the BB won’t dare ask you an uncomfortable question. “It’s for The Advertisers.” Who are these people? Can you name them? Barry Clairmont? Chris Yon? Marchetti? Jimmy Ruberto? John Krol? Just which people did you mean?

The list of possible good answers is limitless. Sturgeon’s was maybe the best of all: Why should you agree to be interviewed? “Because tons of people read THE PLANET.” When Sturgeon pressed, the mayor emphatically said “No” in response to an interview with us.

It’s no skin off of our proboscis. It frees us that much more time to laze in the pool, sipping on our iced lemonade.

The mayor apparently toils under the illusion that overtakes so many good people when they get a little share of the power they so desperately crave: It goes to their heads. Bianchi has turned out to be a classic in this case, a perfect example of The Barney Fife Syndrome — A mousy deputy in a hick town who thinks he’s J. Edgar Hoover.

Bianchi, who did a serviceable job as a councilor in Ward 6 for 10 years, found his inner Mr. Hyde (as in “Dr. Jekyll and”) — we should say, for the purposes of accuracy, Mr. Hide — after he became mayor and proved such a nothing and nobody. It has been said that when Dan Bianchi slips his hands under one of them “wave hand in front for a paper towel” machines you find in restaurant bathrooms, nothing happens. The machine doesn’t realize that anyone is there.

The entire saga has the makings of a rather interesting page turner: “The Strange Case of Dan Bianchi and Mr. Hide.”

Hide. That’s what he’s doing from the only media outlet in the area that dares get in his face about his record. Wonder what the mayor will do if, during Dan Valenti‘s NOTA sticker campaign for mayor, the ersatz challenger demands a series of live debates? What will Mr. Hide do? Hide, of course.

For political reasons, we entirely understand the mayor’s position. In political terms, he sees it as a lose-lose proposition. With no ballot opponent, he can be choosy, all of which goes to prove a contention that many have made about Bianchi: That he’s thinking always in selfish political terms, not in terms of what would be best for the entire city. In that respect, of course, he’s no different than most of the others in that  duplicitous line of work called “politics.”

For some reason, Mr. Hide has become extremely nervous with the way THE PLANET has been asking questions about his actions, his record as mayor. Why, Gertrude, you’d think he was hiding something. You’d think there were two sets of books. You would think there was evidence of ax murders on City Hall steps.

Gee whiz, Superman, is THE PLANET that threatening? A few little questions? Jeepers, Mr. Kent, can it be that one little online journalist might dare suggest to the king that he’s bare-assed?

As you may be aware, there is a movement afoot, not begun by us incidentally, to write-in Dan Valenti for mayor in the upcoming election. We are not going to discourage this effort, because we believe there must be some kind of option. No one, least of all the occupant of the corner office, should get a skate. Mr. Hide has offered a monstrous piece of fiction in explaining why he’s unopposed, saying that he’s done such a great job, any possible opponents see the futility of such an action. If ever an election called for a “None of the Above” (NOTA) option, it’s this one. That is why we offer Dan Valenti as the sacrificial electoral lamb, both in September and November.

THE PLANET, and We The People, know Mr. Hide is unopposed because he has taken a city already on its heels and pushed it past the tipping point to impoverishment. He has for two budgets in a row mindlessly — that is, without providing evidence of strategy or purpose — grown the city budget by millions each swipe. He has grown the cost of running the city by almost 20% in two years: Counting capital expenses, Pittsfield’s budget has ballooned past $140 million, more than 70% of which has gone to the dysfunctional public school system. Tell us, has you pay check risen by 20% over that same time?

For two years straight, he has raised your taxes, demanding that you pay to Caesar more of what little coin you manage to keep in your pocket at the end of each month and year. If you are a homeowner, your services are down and your taxes are up. If you are a small business, the mayor has made you less competitive through an onerous tax rate, which he has jacked up two straight times.

As THE PLANET revealed yesterday in Mayor Hide’s bizarre listing of his “accomplishments” in office — literally numbering the amount of certificates he’s given out, the ribbon cutting he’s attended, and the fourth grade science fairs at which he has appeared — Bianchi has no record. He’s been invisible, a no-show. Evidently, “mailing it in” is what Mr. Hide meant by “transparency” in the 2011 campaign. He would leave no footprints. You couldn’t tell if he was there or not.

Sad to say, but in the Corner Office for the past two years, there has been no “there” there.

Clearly, the No. 1 issue in this campaign is the city’s finances. The witless increase in the budget, most of it done to appease the Special Interests and the GOB, has to stop. So does the automatic increase in the bottom line. As mayor, Dan Valenti would make an unbreakable, cast-in-stone promise: His first budget would call for a reduction in city spending. The FY14 cost of running the city would be reduced. Valenti also pledges that the tax rates for homeowners and businesses will decrease based on his budget proposal. This is not a promise. This is not a threat. This is a given. Lower taxes, reduced spending.

For those of you who may have missed it, yesterday we were challenged to provide three specifics of the Valenti campaign. We wrote in the instant:

1. By far the biggest issue facing Pittsfield is its out-of-control finances. Each term, going back almost a generation (since the GOB took hold) it has been automatic that the cost of running the city will increase. The tax hikes for both businesses and homeowners likewise have each time been automatically hiked. Associated with this issue of “finances” is the unaddressed matter of OPEB (other post-employment benefits) owed by taxpayers to city employees. That tab of unfunded liabilities is more than $300,000,000. It’s what did Detroit in, and other cities as well, that did not pay attention. As mayor, I would submit a budget less than the previous one, even if it’s by $1 less (the FY 14 budget in which Bianchi raised the budget by millions). Too many hard-working people have had to scramble to pay more taxes. They tightened their belt. It is time city government does the same.

2. Education. Out of a $137 million city budget (not counting capital expenses of millions more) the schools eat up anywhere between $90 and $100 million. That’s the place to begin addressing the budget. I would let the superintendent and the school committee know that the honeymoon is over. I would recommend keeping all the teaching staff but thin out the administrative ranks, which have over the years grown to ridiculous proportions. Example: Four superintendent-level positions, making well more than $100,000 a year not counting benefits. I would push for a revamped dress code and introduce a measure requiring school uniforms for both middle and high schools. That will eliminate the competitive teen-age clothing issues, save parents money, increase classroom performance, and help put the adults back in charge. There would be many other ideas for trimming the budget. Some are big (the school department should not be in the transportation business) and some small.

3. Business development. We have a plethora of entities supposed to create “jobs.” They have been failures. This includes PEDA, Berkshire Chamber of Commerce, 1Berkshire, etc. They have created two jobs: a con job and a snow job — Cushy jobs for executive directors and lots of staff. Few jobs for the local economy. My idea is to (a) abandon the current philosophy of “sitting in Schwab’s drug store and hoping to be discovered.” That doesn’t work. You have to get out there. Many ways to do that, including attending appropriate conventions, trade shows, and the like. (b) I would also seriously look into reformulating the duties of the OCD director and give him more of a mandate with task (a).
There. There’s three things. These are Reader’s Digest versions of what I would do. This list of three doesn’t include public safety, infrastructure, and other important areas.


Dare to be different. Dare to register your protest of Mayor Dan Bianchi, a.k.a. The Amazing Transparent Man, a.k.a., Mr. Hide. Write in Dan Valenti for mayor.
“Men around the ring and suppose, / but the Secret sits in the middle and Knows.”Robert Frost, “The Secret.”


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11 years ago

A simple answer to why Mr Bianchi would not give you an interview can be found in your own writings. Very rude and obnoxious, but that is why you have “tons” of followers. Could you provide us with the number of unique hits that your site receives daily?

Reply to  raider50
11 years ago

He wont give it to you Raider… He is as transparent as any other politician… And considering the sticker campaign we can now call him a politician

Reply to  danvalenti
11 years ago

Thought you’d like that… And lets hope so

Reply to  raider50
11 years ago


I don’t follow Planet Valenti because he is rude and obnoxious,

I follow him every day because without him I would know very little about the goings on at City Hall.

Thank you Dan Valenti

Reply to  Magic
11 years ago

Even with this site we know very little of what goes on at city hall. Only speculation from an alternate universe.

Still wondering
Still wondering
11 years ago

Now tell us how you really feel, Dan.

11 years ago

I wish Mr. Sturgeon could come back on a talk show, he told It like it is ie The Planet.

Hurdygurdy Man
Hurdygurdy Man
11 years ago

DV I love this! I love that you have the likes of raider 50 and the others losing sleep over this. What they feel is “rude and obnoxious” the rest of us see for what it is..telling the unvarnished truth. Thank you for your work and your writing on behalf of the little guys like us.

11 years ago

Valenti has brass.

11 years ago

who is losing sleep? I find this to be an enjoyable way to pass the time away.

11 years ago

Planet? Who exactly saved at no cost to the City, the price of a new gymnasium floor over at P H S? I believe the Mayor said that. Yet, the new cost will be way more than originally thought, also at no cost. I hope Mr. Kinnas keeps an eye on who and for how much cost the floor will be contracted to. With this being said, it makes sense that councilor Clairmont would want to have an oversight committee.

11 years ago

I sit in bewilderment of the daily escapades of Mayor transperancy .Ithink you give him to much credit even as a city councilor , I have never seen a man who spends his time building nothing except division and diversion. If there ever was a red hot reason to throw the charter out until there is 4 years terms for both Mayor and council this would be it.

1). The City can’t afford to maintain all there public buildings,yet the mayor has become a interior decorator and spent 100000 on redoing old flooring. Really? Citywide your workforce. Hasn’t seen a raise. Most work two jobs. How shameful is that ?oh mayor of the people.

2) we are delusional in our city finances. The Pittsfield Gazzette has published salaries and over 100 Public servants make close to six figures. Who will pay those unsustainable pensions. With ding fries are done would you like a apple pie with that?kind of jobs. The mayor rushed two budgets through and in 3 years it will result in a 12percent increase for the bloated underperforming school system.

3)The mayor forgets he is not a king yet he made this candidate statement
“. There is still a small group of elected officials who believe it is their job to engage I’m disruptive politics and who put ego and petty politics above public service.the voters have a opportunity to send a positive message on 9/24 make the choice to improve city government and put public service as our top priority”. There is only one person running on that day Dan. Yet. He is playing king maker and unleashing his GOB( goons of Bianchi )squad we saw with Spectrum and are keystone cops legal debacle.

This man forgets he has a responsibility to serve the city and it readily appear ant that those officials he attacks as being egomaniacs have not forgot who they serve and have been willing to defend the children,the elderly and the working poor.

The Mayor has spent so many years tearing things down .If the Mayor put the same effort into working with elected officials instead of trying to cherry pick only the ones that drink his kool aid he might amount to something constructive ,but I wouldn’t hold your breath

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  danvalenti
11 years ago

Dan, do you have any more info on him working a second job? If this is true the public needs to know.

11 years ago

The floor I am referring to is the City Hall flooring

Reply to  billy
11 years ago

Reminds me of Ruberto hand-picking the shade of red used for crosswalks. Nothing wrong with small-potatoes mayors, but the position should pay a $3000 stipend for gas and meals instead of being a welfare pension-building program for washed-out executives.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
11 years ago

No wonder the Pittsfield School Committee never got back to me with my request to dedicate the theater to the late Dr. Morton Wayne. Once they got done $pending that kind of money on the PHS gym floor, there wasn’t $15.50 dollar left to buy the plaque….

11 years ago

I will vote for the new city charter when and after the mayor has a forensic audit of the city finances and makes the results public. Every bit of it.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
11 years ago

Excellent point Dusty, the charter should sail right on through according to plans See no evil, report no evil, debate no evil, no questions, debates or responses. Why not make the term of mayor a life time appointment like the judges ? Notice, the changes in the recall also, makes it a little harder to get rid of the rascals with the new charter.

11 years ago

The Planet response to my inquiry was excellent. The independent proposed cost of the new floor at P H S, was done for free, by whom? And the new cost is tens of thousands more?

11 years ago

Mr. Valenti,
Plus now we learn that Hizzoner wants to cut a deal to develop the walkway around Silver Lake.
Bring the kids, Spend the day, Breathe deep!

Reply to  GMHeller
11 years ago

A place to walk in circles around a pond of insidious chemicals. Ponder the symbolism.

11 years ago

……enjoy the view.

11 years ago

Local artist Michael Melle actually did an extensive design for Silver Lake Park that he gave to the Aging Greek God who then presented it to the city years ago. Perhaps someone could get this design, blueprints and all, done by a professional artist and championed by a professional statesman and make sure that Hizzhonor sees it. That way the imput of a local artist can be added to the designs of a big wig engineering firm to beautify what was once a dead lake. It might make Michael Melle and the Aging Greek God proud to think that finally somebody listened.

Hurdygurdy Man
Hurdygurdy Man
Reply to  Giacometti
11 years ago

I remember them both well. Great idea Giacometti. That probably means it will get no where. It’s Palookaville remember.

11 years ago

The Ball was dropped on the bidding process and cost for the new gymnasium floor at PHS. Citizens need to watch the September 3rd meeting of the Pittsfield City Council concerning this matter. The Planet may be on to something here.