PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2014) — As you likely know, THE PLANET has recently taken up two important items — not covered by any other local media, incidentally — dealing with the Pittsfield School Department. They are important for many reasons, not the least of which is that the schools make up more than 70% of the entire $135 million city budget, a fact that likely explains the reticence of the other media to cover this important story.
We have directly asked the Pittsfield School Committee about these two items: Frank Cote’s contract and a horrible case of alleged bullying at PHS, about which nothing seems to have been done. In short, on behalf of citizens,THE PLANET has called them out.
Cushy Contract for Cote at Its Conclusion
The first column dealt with the cushy contract of Frank Cote, “assistant superintendent for vocational, workforce, and college readiness programs.” That’s what we call a “two-breath title.” Nice to know the PSD isn’t top heavy with unproductive, administrative fluff.
Fortunately for bedraggled taxpayers, Cote’s contract expires on June 30, 2014. In other words, We The People can get out of this deal, foisted upon them by Cote’s best bud, former school superintendent Jake Eberwein III. Jake promoted Cote from vice president of PHS after his great work there, including the never-solved theft of $10,000 in prom money from an English teacher’s drawer. Neither Cote nor school principal Tracy Benson were in the building the day of the theft. As a result, the guardian of the money could not deposit the 10 Gs in the school safe. Cote also got the Free House going on Love Me Avenue for a woman who happened to be his secretary.
We asked each school committee member about Cote’s contract: Do they that contract should be allowed to expire or not?
What Did Committee Member Do About PHS Bullying Case?
THE PLANET’s second column discussed a case of bullying that reportedly took place at PHS in which a gang of at least five other girls tormented a 15-year-old girl. Despite the report that staff witnessed at least one of the incidents, nothing was done about it. If this report is true, THE PLANET wondered how it squared with the PSD’s lengthy, wordy anti-bullying policy. We wanted the school committee members’ views.
We sent this message to Dan Bianchi, Kathy Yon, Dan Elias, Pam Farron, Tony Riello, Cindy Taylor, and Josh Cutler.
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In recent days, my website — — has covered two issues related to the school department. The first deals with a horrible case of alleged bullying at PHS, which was reportedly witnessed by teachers and staff, reported to the administration, with nothing done to punish the perpetrators. That story ran on March 19. The second deals with the current employment contract of asst. superintendent for vocational, Frank Cote. That ran on March 6 with a follow-up on March 21. If you haven’t read those stories, I would invite you to do so, because of I a few questions:
(1) Have you looked into the case of alleged bullying? If so, what did you do and would you share that with me. If not, why not? And if not, would you do so and keep us informed?
(2) Can you give us a comment on that particular case and of other such stories we have all heard (can it only be me?) about rampant bullying with little or nothing done to punish the perpetrators.
(3) Regarding Mr. Cote’s three-year contract, it expires on June 1. I would like to know (a) How do you intend to vote on the renewal of his contract. If you think he should be rehired, would you please tell us why? If not, same thing.
Thanks. Feel free to add any other comments. I shall be posting your responses (or non-responses) on THE PLANET. A non-respose will be taken as your response. I would only add that I trust you realize that your constituents, who are citywide, deserve to know where you all stand.
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THE PLANET shall share our findings in the stridently near future. As of press time, we have heard from Dan Elias. Period. The remainder have until the end of the week.
Let’s now share a couple of letters.
Anti-Bullying Policy is ‘a Matter of State Law’
To The Planet:
It may be helpful to your article today about bullying to note the following…
Anti bullying in schools is a matter of the law and not just a policy in a schools’ handbook.
Chapter 70 section 36 is quite clear on the procedures for bullying in schools. See links below.
Note in the second link the requirement of school depts to report anti bullying data to the MA Dept of elementary and secondary schools (DESE).
Thus your article highlights a violation of the law by PPS and not just is own handbook.
Hope this helps — Mighty Puca
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Response to BFAR on Selection of #71 Stonehenge for Group Home
To The Planet:
Why #71? — BFAIR says it chose 71 Stonehenge because of the size, four bedrooms; that is has a level lot, and that is is a single-level home. BFAIR has claimed that there were only two homes on the market in Pittsfield that met these criteria: 71 Stonehenge and a home on West Street. It apparently rejected the West Street home because the condition wasn’t as good as the home on Stonehenge.
Only 2 homes on the market that met the criteria? Really? The Pittsfield R/E market is glutted with inventory now as it was last year. As of this morning there were 145 4 B/R homes for sale in Pittsfield listed on Zillow.
THE PLANET thanks our letter writers. We encourage letters on all issues and points of view.
“ATLANTIS ROSE drums wreathe the rose, / the star floats burning in a gulf of tears / and sleep another thousand [years]. — Hart Crane, “Indiana.”
I am picturing several school committee members on a conference call with each other, fretting about the Dan Valenti letter. “How do we handle this? I think if we just, as a group, ignore it, it will go away. Now stick together on this.”
Mr Elias is probably in the doghouse.
Wouldn’t that violate the open meeting laws?
I was thinking the same thing,I’m sure secret/illegal meeting happen all the time in Pittsfield.
Mr. Elias is a breath of fresh air. I had him as a coach at CYC and wasn’t too impressed, but I must say he is one of the few on this board that I trust if not to handle situations, but to attempt to.
Sorry Dusty, that would be a clear violation of Open Meeting laws and we know the SC would NEVER do that!
The city’s Ordinance Review Committee is on hold according to a story in today’s BB. City Clerk Linda Tyer, the chairwoman wants to hire a consulting firm (as Northampton did) to advise the committee. HOWEVER, city solicitor Degnan feels it is not necessary because “she could advise the group” and our mayor agrees.
I don’t know about the rest of you…..but I have more confidence in our City Clerk than I do in Degnan.
Hey then the mayor can add saving us money on consulting to his long list of “accomplishments”.
If Mr. Cote’s services are so valuable that the school system has to execute an exclusive contract with him to assure that he doesn’t take advantage of what must be numerous other organizations pining for him and competing for his employment, then in all fairness to him, don’t renew his contract, but let him test the open market as a free agent. Why stymie the earning power of such a high demand skilled individual ?
Same with all exclusively contracted municipal employees.Don’t hold them back, let the job market prevail.
Nice CJ it’ll never happen but nice to dream about. They’ll continue to milk us until they make the city bankrupt.
Tell us Dan?
A proper answer would require a tome. In brief, it’s because (a) The school committee has not done a proper job of oversight, (b) The mayor panders to the teachers union, (c) The city council doesn’t have the political will (in plain English, the guts) to do the right thing for the long-term fiscal health of the city (d) Voter and citizen apathy, and (e) political incest.
Tell us Dan?
Because the majority of people who vote keep these people in power. Now top companies in Ma are saying they can’t find employees with enough brains to do tech jobs coming out of the public school system. This will either serve as a wake up call or be used as a tool to continue bloating the school budgets and top admin jobs all across mass. Yay!
It will be used as a tool to continue bloating the school budget. And alot of it is pure BS. That is what companies are saying, but the truth is they are making up an excuse for hiring tech workers from other countries (aka off-shoring) because they work cheap, real cheap. I’ve seen my own company do it over and over again. And these foreign workers are not nearly as good as American workers.
And since when is HS where specific tech skills are taught – that is what college is for. We only hire those with college education or equivalent experience – we never hire anyone out of HS not matter their skills. Again, it’s all BS used as an excuse to gorge the taxpayer.
Part of the never-ending cycle is for the school department to severely underperform on all fronts. Then, in the next budget, use that poor quality as the justification for MORE MONEY. They will say, “See how bad things are. The answer is that we’re underfunded.” DON’T BUY IT, PITTSFIELD.
I believe a forensic audit of the school departments books is long overdue. I bet some very troubling things would be discovered. We are taxed to death here and I think a 1% cut in all city department budgets would be a good start.
I agree. Who would be a good person to talk to about the viability of such a thing? How much would it cost and how soon can it be done. If not, why not?
If not, why not mayor?
I’m not sure but maybe some sort of citizens petition? I think more people including myself need to attend the city council meetings and start raising hell.
I agree with double vision teecha teecha about Dan Elias no wonder why he’s a top vote getter, he has a lot of integrity, hopefully the rest of the committee will follow his leadership and bring a plate to the table so we can see what they are made of.
Joe B I agree 1% pay cut to all city employees would make me happy. I have a decent job and haven’t had a raise in 4 years I know a 1% all the way around cut for these people they would still be making more than I am.
Not just for city employees but the whole city budget and this should continue for at least the next 5 years. It’s time for some serious belt-tightening, enough is enough! Like you said good luck getting a raise,pension or cadillac benefits packages in the dreaded private sector. The working man is getting squeezed from every direction. The public employee unions need to come to grips with reality. If they can’t ,then it’s time to bust them up. I’m all for people to make a living wage but we just can’t afford this anymore.
You said it clearly and concisely: “It’s time for some serious belt-tightening, enough is enough!”
The City Hall workers have not had a raise in several years, I don’t think they deserve a 1% cut. Force the school committee to decrease administrators by 25% whether it is either 25% of them have to leave or all take the 25% decrease in pay. Our Counselman need to take a stand on this, if you don’t give them the money they can’t spend it. Oh I forgot most of our councilmen are cookie-cutter baked and put on a platter for the mayor to gobble up. If the mayor says jump they say how high.
I agree, B. It’s time to stop the school department starving not only taxpayers but city side departments as well. If the school department is not tamed, it’s over for Pittsfield.
I’m not saying we cut peoples pay. I’m saying each and every department find 1% of their overall budget that is not necessary. There seems to be a attitude of it’s better to spend it all than give back what is left over.
We will help Pittsfield “Be Creative” in how they can save money AND build a new voc building for the kids…build it behind PHS. All the students would then be in one school. If they need extra rooms they could put the seniors in Mercer…no one is ever there anyways.
One solution is double sessions just like I had when I was in 10th grade at PHS.
Love that last line, SHIRL.
Dan Elias is above reproach, a common soul and a Class Act. he is committed to the youth in this city and in sports activities, has been for years.
THE PLANET agrees with your assessment of Mr. Elias.
Dan, I called the Superintendent about two weeks ago on the same situation related to the bullying problem. On the following Monday, I gave the superintendent the name of the face book poster. Please note I was called with the posting info on Facebook; I do not use or reference Facebook.
I want to thank Dan Elias for responding. All members of the school committee should respond to all the questions.
Thanks. Well, by what you say, we know now that the superintendent has been informed of the bullying case at PHS. THE PLANET made sure the school committee knows. There’s no excuse now: (1) The situation must be addressed and (2) The public must be informed. As for school committee members responding, I agree. We heard from Josh Cutler today, so with Dan Elias, that makes two who care enough about their responsibilities. We hope there are more, unto all seven.
Thank you for showing responsibility Josh. The city needs school committee members who truly care about the children and are not just part of the money sucking machine.