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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

Here is the hot link for getting Planet Valenti Television — PV-TV. Episode #5 went well last night, and it shall be available at this link, we trust, in a day or two. Meanwhile, Episodes 1-4 are there for the viewing:

Oh yeah, and Happy 70th Anniversary to MA and PA PLANET, who, 70 years ago Saturday, were married in Mt. Carmel Church. Three score and 10 later, they’re still going strong. Mom’s secret to their health and longevity as a couple: “Two TVs.”

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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, JUNE 6-8, 2014) — The clues mount, on D-Day +70 years, and even the staunchest among the Fairyduster Apologists must admit the “leadership” in city government has lost the faith. THE PLANET advises doing as we do and as all rational people do:  Judge The Suits by their actions, not their words.


THE PLANET interrupts this post to bring you first word on a rash of downtown break-ins. Our sources tell us there have been between a dozen and 20 recent break-ins, with Mission Tappas being victimized four times. We had heard of this taking place from one source but had trouble confirming it, until yesterday. Apparently, the mayor has given strict orders for a cover up.

Sources say the mayor held an emergency “summit” yesterday that included department heads, public safety officials, and leaders from the dreaded private sector.

That meeting did not go well, police sources say, especially after the mayor gave orders that no one was to speak a word about the break-ins.

The mayor wants to pretend it didn’t, and isn’t happening, in order to maintain the illusion that (a) there isn’t a crime problem downtown, driven mainly by drug trafficking, and (b) the streets are safe. 

Information is sketchy at this point, given the mayor’s dictatorial order. THE PLANET, however, will continue to probe and poke. We have at least broken the story, and we won’t stop there. 


The Suits, they lie. Their words cannot be believed, and they cannot be trusted. First among unequals, of course, is the lame excuse the city of Pittsfield presently has for a mayor. You know, that guy who finally has a nickname that has stuck, namely, The Empty Suit or TES.

The Empty Suit: Is it us, or is he looking a bit strained lately?

A couple of telling clues as to the real thinking of the mayor, the city council, and the school committee can be found in a couple events from last week. They need to be pulled out from the “white noise” with which The Suits employ in an-often successful effort to distract you, thereby inching the verboten item  out of the spotlight.

Fortunately, The Little Guy has THE PLANET.

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THE PLANET first dealt with this pair of policy items on Episode 4 of the hottest thing going in local TV: Planet Valenti Television — PV-TV. The link is at the top of this column.


Over the weekend, THE PLANET dissected the underhanded, double-dealing budget of the Pittsfield School Department. We left out of the discussion several aspects, including the ill-advised building of a new school (cost: $80 million and climbing). The school project is not yet officially decided but it’s being talked about in the secret, back-room meetings as a done deal. Many contractors and other connected types stand to gain a ton, and the politicians who enable this needless expense hope to buy votes.

Pittsfield and its schools are shrinking, not growing. The talk should be about consolidation into one campus. The point is that the schools have essentially given up on their mission and are mainly worried about maintaining their growing paychecks. Is this the reason that TES’ FY15 budget proposal has incomplete information on the city’s current debt schedule. Is this the reason, for example, you cannot find (except in the finest of illegibly fine print) mention of the fact that — Are you sitting down? — the city still owes $23 million from its most recent renovation of the schools (Reid, Herberg, and four or five elementary schools)? Funny how the mayor doesn’t tell you this when he comes to borrow more millions You The Taxpayer cannot afford.

Have The Suits (we almost typed The Shits) given up on the city, we mean deep down inside? THE PLANET says that answer is a mournful though resounding “Yes!”

A city that believes in its economic future does not cut 20% of its vocational offerings. Moreover, a city that even remotely thinks it may be able to pull off an economic revival does not cut engineering, information technology, or office technology — three rising segments of the ever-tech-heavy  job market. Nonetheless, that’s what the Pittsfield School Committee just did. It voted 7-0 to eliminate these three programs, not just “in effect” but literally voting against an improving job market. That vote included the woeful leadership of Kathy Yon and the sucking support of the mayor.

The PSC voted to retain or install 12 programs for its vocational offerings based on their thoughts of where the local economy will offer the greatest hope for employment, based on Pittsfield’s current and project job market. The 12 programs are:

* Cosmetology — No, this isn’t a program for future rocket scientists.

* Astrology — What’s your sign, Bianchi?

* Psychic Reading and Fortune Telling — The recent influx of these scam artists speaks for itself.

* Dollar Store Technology — “That’ll be a dollar six, sir.”

* Whore-ticulture — One of the fastest growing commercial activities in downtown Pittsfield gets a makeover.

* Meth Manufacturing — Better than growing chinchillas for fun and profit.

* Grand Theft Auto — Hubcaps ‘R Us.

* Body Ink Arts — Morons ‘R Us.

* Lottery Ticket Handicapping — A voluntary tax for those who are lousy at math.

* Early Childhood Abuse, a new program folded into the previously existing Single Teen Mom Technology — Four kids by three different dads.

* Domestic Violence — Sharpening your skills on Pittsfield’s most popular form of family recreation.

* Slum and Garbage Arts — The Trashmen make a comeback.

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Who broke the news that The Empty Suit scheduled a secret, silent budget meeting for Friday at noon? Planet Valenti Television. Yes, folks, those watching PV-TV live saw it unfold in real-time when guest Terry Kinnas showed us the agenda for “CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING, Friday, May 30, 2014 at 12:00 p.m., Pittsfield City Hall, Council Chamber.”

TES, among the only people that will believe anything he says. (Photo: The Berkshire Eagle)

That cynical bastard chose a Friday at noon for the first submission of his FY15 budget proposal, a loser if there ever was one for Pittsfield taxpayers. The meeting was posted in time to satisfy legal requirements (we think), but in practicality, who among the owners of government would be able to attend (a) on short notice (b) at noon, (c) on a weekday (Friday, no less)? No one. That’s who. And by “owners of government,” we mean private citizens. Also, how much preparation could city councilors do with that kind of short notice? Hardly any, which is just how TES wants it.

That was Bianchi‘s way of admitting that THE PLANET has been correct in our estimations of his disastrous fiscal plan. He’s ashamed. THE PLANET shamed him into scheduling this meeting at a time when the news cycles were over on a day hardly anyone (except The Suits) could attend.

Not that the meeting did anything important. All that happened was:

For once, Pittsfield taxpayers, don’t you just wish …

* The submission of an order to spend $141+ million this year. We could write epic prose poems on the fakery of this number (the true number is $148 million), but we are still analyzing the supporting documents, which TES and The Empty High Heels (Sue Carmel for the uninitiated, the city’s treasurer and finance director) have tried to make as confusing and hard to fathom as possible.

* An order to allow Carmel “to borrow an aggregate sum for Capital Expenditures.” Of course, the amount isn’t specified.

* An order to appropriate an unspecified amount from free cash to be applied against the tax rates, which will inevitably rise. What kind of crazy financial “expertise” is this? An appropriation before ANY debate, discussion, or deliberation? Can you say, “Done deal?”

* An order to spend money from the city’s revolving funds. Again, an order to spend is given before they can even discuss this. Again, the amount is not specified. Crazy, dad, just crazy.

As THE PLANET said, this wasn’t an important meeting. It only discussed between $150 million and $200 million of YOUR MONEY, folks. Yes, we count borrowing.

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The bottom line is this: TES has driven this city into the ground. That fact deserves a simple, one-word response:



“We see in politicians, too stiff to recant, a hundred controversies of an ant” — An adaptation of a couplet from “The Second Anniversary of the Progress of the Soul,” John Donne, (1612)




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10 years ago

So happy to hear that Ma and Pa Planet are celebrating 70 years together this Saturday….I knew there was good news to report.

10 years ago

I think the Generalissimo is going to be very popular. I would like to suggest that one of his first tasks is to bitch slap Lothrup for his greed in asking for even more money for his personal pocket when all around him taxpayers on fixed incomes can’t even afford basic cable. I hope more sensible councilors realize that this would be pissing in the faces of the elderly just trying to survive.

Clarry Bearmont
Clarry Bearmont
10 years ago

Its totally understandable that the crime rate is soaring in Pittsfield among the street gangs and youth.

Due to the lack of jobs and poor education, they are just paying themselves one way or another.



Robin the hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
The bloods and the crips are just eliminating the middle man.
They are just following the sterling example of underpaid city employees.

10 years ago

@dusty…Should we expect anything less from the double dipping know it all.

10 years ago

I was amazed at a comment by one of the Councilors at the O and R meeting…saying this looks like it will be approved but not as it is written, now. Really?

Teecha teecha
Teecha teecha
10 years ago

Call me foolish, what qualifies as a “capital expenditure”?

And as far as the cover up, it’s true. There’s been so many break ins, robberies in not only downtown but pittsfield it’s sickening. Listen to the police scanners and read the logs. It’s GROSSLY under reported . I’m having second thoughts about moving back. At least we will be looking in the mid north county area. Eg Cheshire, new ashford, lanesboro. I’m afraid to even to to king know this weekend during my visit.

Also, has anyone heard about the highland going under!? Another institution gone. It’s a shame. Too many young people neglect that place to hit up scumbag bars and fast food.

Teecha teecha
Teecha teecha
Reply to  Teecha teecha
10 years ago

Typo…go to king kone

10 years ago

Dan, you left off one of the vocational programs:
Living off Public Assistance Permanently 101

Teecha teecha
Teecha teecha
10 years ago

Advanced abusive opiate pharmacology too

Bill Sturgeon
Bill Sturgeon
10 years ago

The best to your Mom and Dad! I would like to extend my thanks to your Dad for his service in WWII.

10 years ago

Josh Cutler (School Committee member) was on the John Krol tv show this morning.

He acknowledged that the school dept. budget went up $1 million but called it “a responsible budget”….and he added, they didn’t have to let any teachers go.

I don’t know about you guys….but my heart jumped for joy!!!!

10 years ago

But to answer the Hot Question: the council will NOT do the right thing and will just follow TES.

Winchester 73
Winchester 73
10 years ago

Young mr. Josh Cutler = another sell out. As the the Generalissimo, OMG Planet. You deserve the Oscar, the Tony, and the Tony conigliaro. Pure hilarity pure razor edge satire. Love it. Thanks God for the Planet.

10 years ago


In the FY15 budget I found a coincidence! The city subtotal is $84,715,135.00 and the school total is $56,524,399.00. The FY15 total is $141,239,534.00. The split is EXACTLY 60/40, in fact 60.0% to 40.0%. The only way to go out 2 decimal points in accuracy would be to not use whole dollar amounts.

A Scooby Snack will go to the first person to can explain this significant coincidence.

Reply to  Lenny
10 years ago

I have no idea Lenny why not just tell us.

Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Seriously? No Scooby Snacks for anyone on this site! Budgets shoud be determined from need and past usage. So, if you speak with the City department heads, they tell you how much money they used and how much they need next year. That is how it works!

When you find that your next year’s budget is simply a percentage of some other non-related budget, then you start to think that these budgets are not true.

Anyone agree?

Reply to  Lenny
10 years ago

I agree. the process is dubious at best.

10 years ago

Its a good thing we got that pesky little school bus cartel pushed thru before the budget hearings.

Only wish we could’ve gotten our raises by the same methods, no thanks to Dan Valenti drawing so much attention to it.

Seniors, remember, if you cannot pay your taxes we have a program where you work off some of it for minimum wage. Only if you qualify. We decide that.
If you don’t qualify, sure we will take your house but you are probably better off at Berkshiretown or Rose Manor on welfare and food stamps anyhow.

Perhaps you would be happy in one of our fine nursing facilities.

Perhaps your house will be converted to a group home.
That should make you feel warm and fuzzy all over.

Deb S
Deb S
10 years ago

My question is about Taconic High School, after their study and community imput about either building a new school or renovation will it be put on the ballot for vote?

Reply to  Deb S
10 years ago

It was already put to a vote in some dark dingy bar room and that is the only vote it will see. Forgettaboutit!!!

10 years ago

I guess it’s no longer an enigma why Councilor Lathtrop stopped responding to the planet.

Deb S
Deb S
Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Have to agree Dusty! Listened this morning to Good Morning Pittsfield and J. Cutler was on and he said something to the effect if all goes according to plan there would be a ground breaking in the next year to year in a half…

Deb S
Deb S
Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Scott the sad fact is most of them do respond, but my thought is do they listen to the people who put them in office or the TES’s.

Reply to  Deb S
10 years ago

Very few (by few I mean one or two, maybe) represent the people. This is collectivist govt at it’s worst.

10 years ago

Well this website has called it. People no matter how much this $80 million (it will go higher) school project is foolish spending with a dropping population, no matter how much the city owes for the last school renovation (tens of millions) and no matter how much we taxpayers do not support this the plan has already been decided.
The dank dark backroom deals among dishonest “representatives’ will sink the city. I am sorry that young Josh has turned out to be so compromised and bought.

Reply to  Gene
10 years ago

Hell the first figure i heard on the new school two years ago was $200 million. I really doubt it has dropped 120 million. But I would not be surprised if it went UP 120 million. Not joking either.

10 years ago

On June 3rd, Chief Wynn was @ the senior center and told a group of approx. 25 seniors all about the businesses on North St. that had break-ins.

10 years ago

So councilor Lothrop thinks the school committee should be paid. During the charter debate councilor Lothrop made it clear that it didn’t say that the school committee WOULD get paid, but only COULD get paid if it was voted in by the council and to use that as a reason to vote no on the charter was nonsense. Well whoopdef#@#@ingdo look where we are now. How silly of us to think that this was a given once the charter passed. That is what pisses me off the most-knowing exactly what they are going to do, being told that just because the language says they can do something doesn’t mean they will, and then even before the next friggin election is even close having this idea out there.
As far as a raise for councilors…I don’t think this position was meant to be a career- no raises needed. If you feel the need to feed your ego and stay forever deal with it.

Reply to  Dave
10 years ago

And before you pull the “I want to serve my community” argument…..OK great, thank you and another reason to deal with it.

Reply to  Dave
10 years ago

Being a city councilor and serving your community was never intended to be a money maker. That is why they call it public service Johnathon.

And if Lothrop can’t handle it perhaps he should just give up the position. I don’t know one person who cares if he stops being a city councilor. He is probably the only one who thinks the city will fall flat on its face without his guidance. I am willing to give it a shot.

10 years ago

LoFlop is not a likeable individual. He currently is on an Island, thanks to President Mazzeo. Without a Chairmanship, his ego has deflated. His personality will not get him anywhere because most voters now know the substance of this individual. Maybe someday he will realize he is not all that, as a politician or a person. You get respect by earning it. Give yourself a raise LoFlop! If the voters are smart, it will be your last one!

10 years ago

Lothrop is now irrelevent, a beaten pup. Sad to see how quickly he folded the tent after Melissa beat him down.

Lothrop is my councilor but no more. He will be ousted in next election. Pay raise for council? These do nothings? Pay ($5000) for school committee. They should have to pay $5000 to get in that seat. Josh Cutler reminds me of 6th grader acting in a play about adults. The Suits as DV calls them have Josh in their pockets

Reply to  Evian
10 years ago

We need people in those positions because they care about the children and the city. Not because they want to pad their pockets. The councilors already get health insurance for themselves and I believe their families. That is a huge perk.

The new charter should have stipulated that all councilors must check their egos at the door.

10 years ago

Weren’t Lothrop and Cappy the crime candidates, as I recall they were asked of importance to them, it was crime number one. Look, if you claim that service to your constiuents is of utmost importance, then when the phone rings off of the hook and citizens tell you no tax hikes and cut the budget, then that is what you do!

10 years ago

The people on the council obviously don’t serve for the money. I am not in support of a raise for them, but even if it were 10k a year, it is not a money maker. If you are a thorough councilor the time you spend researching, learning, speaking to the public and press, meetings, and then taking the public abuse, is not worth the money. If you want a successful, quality, and competent councilor, it cannot be a paid position. The pay wouldn’t be enough to attract a qualified person. It should be a service performed by an individual who truly cares about helping as I believe all of the current councilors are. Whether or not they are effective is another question all together, but their intentions are good.
We need a new school to attract new business to the area, we need our roads repaired correctly, and we need a clear vision on the future of our community, not just downtown. We need to invest in the school to give our kids a home to be proud of and to show off to perspective businesses as the home for their children. I realize bricks and mortar do not educate, teachers do, but bricks and mortar will do much to seal the deal on a large business with options on the table as far as where they locate. Get your head out of the sand and build the freaking school.
Lothrop is a numbers guy, he may be mildly difficult to have a conversation with because his view is always the right view, but that doesn’t mean with the appropriate argument he cannot be swayed. The city would not fold without him as it would not fold without anyone, everyone is replaceable. He tries, he cares, he is not a mean vindictive person who is one of the GOBs, he has his flaws just like all of you, give him a break, at least he has put himself out there.

Reply to  Pothole
10 years ago

PotHole Schools do not bring in businesses except for the contractors and other leeches. Some of the highest rated schools in the nation are in older buildings and they thrive in areas that have decent economies. The same sorry sales pitch was used on the airport and the last I have seen businesses are going the other direction!! I do agree with the need to fix the roads and keep this area safe for the citizens that pay the taxes.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 years ago

Why are contractors leeches? At least the guys working building and getting their hands dirty, being exposed to chemicals and other hazards are earning their pay!

10 years ago

He’s a numbers guy,really. His M O is to have as much information as possible before he votes on anything. So why did he pull the trigger on the Bus purchasing without vetting that one? Now he wants to give himself a taxpayer raise?

Reply to  amandaWell
10 years ago

He cares and is a numbers guy.

As long as the numbers benefit him.

The taxpayers who elected him? Not so much!

10 years ago

Having a hard to believing the Mayor would propose a gag order on public info such as break-ins.

The immediate consequence of trying to pull that off is that everyone would spread the word. Funny thing is though regarding crime in Pittsfield, there are plenty of decent residents who could show the gangsters the door in just a few short days if the city were to issue hunting permits.

Reply to  danvalenti
10 years ago

I wasn’t there, but am wondering if he said something like,

“now the news I’m about to share is really not something I’d like to hear any of you here talking about where I’m not there to say it isn’t so….”

Otherwise, I’m not surprised. The denial thing is a plank of MAIG, of which he is a member.

10 years ago

(If I were in that room), I’d be happy to report,

“I had a very informative meeting with the Mayor. He updated us on a rash of burglaries, 20 to be precise, and instructed us not to speak about them to anybody.”)

10 years ago

160 g for overtime for one line item?

downtown dweller
downtown dweller
10 years ago

iBerkshires is reporting this morning that Nick Caccamo has resigned from PPS.

Reply to  downtown dweller
10 years ago

Wow. Who quits their job without having another to go to? I guess his vote is pretty important to quithisr job….gotta be a story in there somewhere

Hurdygurdy Man
Hurdygurdy Man
10 years ago

There is a story with Caccamo’s resignation. Keep in mind that now he can vote on the school budget a-n-d the new school which will cost taxpayers countless millions for an unnecessary expense.

My guess is that Nick has been promised a big-time reward. Elsewhere they call it a kickback in politics they consider it a price of doing businez.