PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

This life-sized statue of THE GENERALISSIMO will be placed on city hall steps after the successful coup is fully implemented.
the posting of Episode 5 on YouTube.
Unlike the first four episodes, which were posted there in their entirety, the final 14-15 minutes of Episode 5 didn’t make the transferal.
THE PLANET and our techies are trying to determine why. Why we do, and if we can, we shall post them.
Those minutes are among the best we’ve done and feature The Generalissimo‘s visit to city hall. His Excellency applies for a “permit to dicate,” otherwise, as he tells the clerk, he shall “tahk over da govor-ment by force.”
Be sure to watch this week (Thursday, 7 to 8 p.m., channel 16, Access Pittsfield), because Da Gen will be making another appearance. We will probably show the clerk’s segment again, by popular demand, plus further adventures in city hall and as he tours the city.
Like The Empty Suit (TES), The Generalissimo has been a hit with viewers. We think he stays.
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Did The Mayor Really Say That??
That being said, we move on to more serious matters, such as TES’ hilarious malaprop at the microphone during Taconic High School‘s graduation ceremonies. Our spies tell us that the mayor actually used the word “saludictorian” to describe one of the student speakers. Can you believe that guy? What a dope.
Normally, we follow the dictum first shared with us in 1975 in the newsroom of The Syracuse Post-Standard by editor Lou Rappaport: “Don’t edit speech.” In this case, however, we point out to the ignorant mayor that there is a valedictorian (the student with the highest academic standing from the graduating class, who gives a parting speech) and the salutatorian (second highest, who also speaks). There is not, never was, and never shall be a “saludictorian.”
Way to set a good example for our young people, TES.
Actually, THE PLANET can suggest a good reason for TES’ malaprop. He must have been watching PV-TV, seen The Empty Suit sketches, and, last week, The Generalissimo bit where His Excellency takes over city hall in a coup. He had The Generalissimo as the dictator on his mind, and “salutatorian” came out “saludictorian.”
Glad to know Bianchi is such a huge fan of Planet Valenti Television!
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The mail piles up, and let’s carve into the stack a little bit with these missives.
Questions on Caccamo Resignation
As you have already heard our ward 3 city councilor has resigned from his school job so he can vote on the budget.
My question would be is there not a waiting period of some kind before he can vote on a school issue? He has resigned at the end of the school year, so is he eligible to collect unemployment benefits? If he does then would that not disqualify him from the $8,000 pay he now wants and voting on the budget?
Another question would be: If he is entitled to the full $8,000, wouldn’t the city have to to pro rate his pay and deduct money for the time he served as a school department employee?
Something smells funny in Pittsfield once again. I am sure you are on top of this one also, keep up the good work. — Mirage
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Here’s another one on the same topic:
‘Shocked but Not Surprised’
I am shocked but not surprised at Mr. Caccamo’s resignation. It comes just before the vote on the budget and now he’ll also be able to vote on the new school. The city clearly doesn’t need a brand new multi-multi-million gleaming new school building with population dropping due to demographics and school choice. This tells me that there has been push-back to Bianchi on his requests. He figures he needs every vote he can get just to be safe. I have no doubt in my mind that Mr. Caccamo has been promised something big to quit a $50,000 job with the school department. I don’t trust Bianchi or Caccamo as far as I could toss them. — Bull Levard
THE PLANET RESPONDS: To the first writer, we don’t know if there is a waiting period that the Ward 3 councilor must serve. There should be. It would be wise if there is one, just to eliminate the perception that there is some kind of corrupt quid-pro-quo going on with the resignation.
Nick Caccamo responded to our questions this way: “Yes, I did resign from PPS. My last day of compensated contractual work was June 6. I have a few things in the hopper. For the immediate future I will be able to put addition hours into being a ward councilor and maybe a few more afternoons on the golf course.”
There will be lots of people watching where he lands. If it’s on his feet in another one of those miraculous coincidences that about in political Pittsfield, the suspicions and perhaps investigations shall commence.
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Is Glockner the Right Choice for Arts Commish?
City has selected Jennifer Glockner to be new Director of Cultural Development as the City said that she has been the City’s Tourism Director in the past. The fact is that the Tourism Commission is run by volunteers and it has never had a paid Director… which is very confusing.
THE PLANET RESPONDS — We would agree. The matter is confusing, but that should not surprise us. Practically everything The Empty Suit’s directs is loaded with confusion, disorganization, shoddiness, perplexity, and lack of transparency. This is but another example. Glockner might be the next P.T. Barnum, but the mayor sure has an odd way of selecting people and “selling” them. Here’s our question: Does Glockner have true ability in the cultural field, or has the mayor just bought more political loyalty?
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On a final note, our Right Honorable Good Friends on the city council meet this evening at 7 p.m. Consider showing up and making your presence felt. It is, after all, your government. On the agenda:
— Glocker’s appointment
— The mayor’s pay hike proposal (agenda item 9) where he goes looking for a 40% pay hike for himself as well as huge increases for all his department heads and managers. Guess what the peons in the trenches get if this plan flies? Nothing.
This is your government, but they are acting as if they are the owners. We The People have given The Suits this license by apathy. It’s time that people begin translating their anger at and disaffection with city government into action.
Consider getting involved. If enough of you do it, things would change in a quick hurry.
“Thus, though we cannot make our sun / Stand still, yet we will make him run.” — Andrew Marvell, final couplet from “To His Coy Mistress,” (1681).
Nick forgot to mention he will also have more time to smoke a few more celebratory cigars with the victory of building a new one room school house so “the children” can learn their ABCs.
Giving up a cush $50,000.00 a year job in favor of an $8,000.00 a year job doth have its perks.
Time for General Valessimo to expose this corruption.
Question: Do the members of our City Council actually review the bids received (if any) for these projects? (i.e. City Clerk’s counters, floor replacement at schools, streetscape Phase 4, etc.) Or do they just take the word of the Purchasing Dept.
In my opinion, these figures are way off.
Barry: what do you think?
Have to agree Spider. I work in purchasing (private sector!). When I follow city purchasing, mostly through this website and the city’s (the PHS basketball floor, the school buses, etc.) the process seems amateurish and the prices seem crazy on the high side.
The school department is the CASH COW.
New school busses = kickbacks.
New High school = will result in plenty of money to be skimmed off quietly.
Get your friends very high paying jobs.
Hire assistants to do their jobs for them.
Renovations = kickbacks. (Invisibly)
Get your sexatary a free house.
Cruxify those who stand in the way like Terry Kinnas.
Make sure a councilor who is in your back pocket can vote your way.
Do it all under the cover of “Its for the children”
Make the taxpaying citizens pay for it all.
Its fool proof and noone will catch on.
Plenty have caught on. The problem is those who have can’t do anything about it.
You are right, plenty have caught on. They “can” do something about it, and that it to take ownership in THEIR government, exactly what The Suits don’t want.
The school department will be the anvil tied around the taxpayer’s neck for the drowning. Look up “Detroit.”
Dan, 40% ?? Can you tutor my math? Wouldn’t that increase his salary to north of 120k?
Yes, it would. Now You’re starting to get it! Check out his own proposal, where the office of mayor will go up to a pay scale exceeding $119,800. I won’t tutor you in math, however. Nothing personal. We’re just too much into the groove.
Does a person have to have experience or specific credentials to run for a ward councilor seat? I really hope no elected position run unopposed again. It must be nice to quit your job an have the financial freedom to play golf. That statement comes off offensive and it should to anyone who works for a living. It will be interesting to see where his next full time gig is. Maybe it will be with a private company or his own private business. He still has interest in the SD however and it’s no good for the tax payers…does it violate any laws to have private discussions on the ramifications and possible rewards for him resigning his position?
Scott you think Lisa Tully has any specific credentials. I know one… Site thru 10 hours of a budget meeting and never contribute or comment on anything. Specific enough?
You must have slept in. Caccamo was the silent one.
you whine and complain because there is a conflict. He quits a job to eliminate the conflict. You now whine and complain because there must be a hidden agenda as to why he quit the job!
Raider, and wish I retired you’ve heard of a conflict of interest and you know they exist you just never seen one. That’s what this site is for to whine and complain. There’s way too much back slapping going on around here and everywhere. So while I’m happy for the councilor he can quit his job and golf more it all ties into our tax going up again maybe twice. I did vote for Bianchi because he promised transparency and financial responsibility. He has done the complete opposite prove me everyone else on here and DV wrong. You can’t all you can do us call names and scoff at people who oppose pay raises, greedy unions and a lack of leadership with no accountability.
Yes, SCOTT. We leave the “back slapping” to The BB, the rest of the mainstream press, The Suits, and the Chamber of Commerce. THE PLANET will strive for the truth.
raider50…generally people leave a job with another one already set up. He quit a job, has no job to replace it, as a result, it makes everyone wonder what sort of nonsense is Bianchi going to pull this time?
Wish I retired from GE…no, I would not complain if I was given free icecream, I would enjoy it! I voted for Bianchi the first time around, certainly not the second time around. By then, I had realized what a lousy mayor he really is and was not going to waste my vote on him a second time. Everything is not a conspiracy, but you can rest well assured that just about everything that occurs in Pittsfield is in someway, a conspiracy…
Mary akre good post. I did the same thing the second time when he ran unopposed I don’t remember if I wrote the tooth ferry or the Easter bunny is there anyway to check so I can be sure? In wouldn’t want to give incorrect info.
Your observation, RAIDER50, contains its own comment. We need not point that out to you, of course.
It was in the news this weekend that the Berkshire delegation to Beacon Hill’s State House are all running unopposed this year. What about the Berkshire County District Attorney? Is he running unopposed this year, too?
What happened to democracy? Doesn’t anyone in Pittsfield and Berkshire County care about their state government? Why do we put up with career political hacks like Ben Downing and William “Smitty” Pignatelli?
Jon how many single moms with three kids from three different dads collecting welfare, cash and food stamps living in public housing do you think actually vote or even care? It’s no surprise “affordable housing” is on the rise.
“Affordable housing” is a euphemism, as we all well know. The “Gimme Group” gets affordable housing at taxpayer’s expense.
Yes I know the scam giving people who need homes is one thing. Giving the builders tax credit for it is another. Why is it always ok I’ll help out but what’s in it for me? Didn’t someone famous say “ask not what you country can do for you but what can you do for your country”? I swear someone important said that but I could be wrong.
Democracy, Jonathan, is dead in Massachusetts and particularly in Pittsfield.
Dan are you going to write for Rand Paul? We know how well you did for Mitt Romney.
Is attempting to identify someone with a particular political party the same attempt at a scoff like a tolerant collectivist using sexuality to degrade people?
Hey.. anybody want a job?? Ex-councilman, used mayors.. ??
Check the city web site employment page!!!!
The Berkshireworks Executive Director national search is underway.. Of course .. it will take time for the word to get out and for people to send in their resumes from around the country.. No problem.. they have 168 hours (including the weekend).. before the deadline… next tuesday June 17..
After months without an ED, and months of paid administrative leave, a carefully considered national search will now be conducted.. taking a total of 168 hours.. before the deadline.
$86,000 – $94,000 should draw at least 3 candidates if nobody tells anyone except the insiders.. so let’s keep it among ourselves…
Anybody think the fix is in? Here we go again!!!
Thanks, MATT. THE PLANET shall be posting on this tomorrow.
Right. Caccamo, who’s been a dud since day one, quits a $50,000 no account job with PSD. No job to replace. Calmly says he’s working on his golf game.
This stinks to low hell. As for Raider and Retired from GE they are obviously threatened by the truth revealed here every day. Keep busting their balls, Planet.
The golf comment comes off as elitist and from a young man with a sense of entitlement.
I wonder what poor slob will get stuck with Nicks old unwanted $50,000 a year coal mine of a job. But I am happy for Nick that he was able to get out from under it and can now find happiness in politics.
So is there an opening for a $50,000 a year job at PHS or what? Where is Pat? Oh, you say it has already been filled? Imagine that. How lucky we are that someone was able to step right in and carry the burden. Maybe the position does not pay enough. Is there anything left in the budget to make this drudgery of a job worth getting out of bed in the morning?
The position is for “technology coach,” whatever the hell that is. WE hear it’s a “make work” position for political hiring, that is, hacks. If that is so, Cacc is a hack. How’s that for a slogan?
Technology coach for what I though we were abondoning that dying field???
Our esteemed City Council members, with the exception of Cotton and Morandi, voted for the raises (as expected).
In all my years in business, it is totally alien to me to hear of pay raises for non-union employees be RETROACTIVE. But, hey, this is Pittsfield!
This is a most deflating piece of information. Congratulations to Cotton and Morandi for voting what is right. How responsible is it to have a pay raise being determined by the ones who will be most affected by it, politically?
If you want to keep the selection of a new Executive Director at Berkshireworks honest, go to the City of Pittsfield web site, get the job posting, and then post it on every Craigslist, monster, inddeed, and job site you can find.
Let’s help the City find lots of highly qualified candidates so that the people of Pittsfield and Berkshire County can get the quality leadership their 90,000 in taxes is paying for!!!
People have to have their resumes and cover letters arrive at City Hall by next tuesday to avoid the deadline!!!
You are so totally honest and correct,MATT. We, THE PEOPLE, need to post this job nationwide, so as to institute a TRUE nationwide search.
Yes exactly post the comment on the eagles disqus page. Of course dan only removes comments that are vulgar. I’ve disagreed with his take a few times and he leaves my posts.
Sorry for the typos this is fun! *Mary Kate, I
And here just in case ,,,”’!!!…
I am not for raises for the management, but these are just regular non-union, non-managerial workers, the type we know do all the work because they don’t have a union or management backing them. The cost of $40k is minimal for 25 workers who have had a 1% raise in 5 years. That was a no-brainer. Morandi and Cotton should have saved their protest vote for the management.
Retired from GE is Allen Harris again.
He’s here to sabatoge your site again like he does on
Andrew Stevens
and many other names
He’s been banned from topix 3 times
Allen is friends with Bianchi
His goal is to cause trouble here
No one on topix will pay him any attention anymore
Please delete his posts here.
The post have been deleted, on the basis of them not contributing not one bit to the discussion. We love being able to “put” these idiots!
Ok, if you are planning a coup, may I be a finance minister? I always wanted to be minister of something.
First in, first received. You’ve got it!
This is good. Let me know when you’re done. Will I need a new suit?