PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, JULY 7, 2014) — You gotta see this one to believe it. It neatly exemplifies the incompetence that has come to characterize The Empty Suit‘s (TES) tenure as mayor — this time, another incredible lapse by a department head.
One might argue that the matter isn’t serious, and we would agree, since we think its brand of dullard inattention to detail warrants guffaws, mocking, and the Bronx Cheer. Now on to the story.
On July 1, THE PLANET sent an information request to city clerk Linda Tyer asking for the home addresses of all city department heads, managers, and exempt employees.
As ever-dutiful and responsive, Tyer sent us back the following:
Dear Mr. Valenti:
I have received your public records request dated July 1, 2014 asking for the home addresses of all city department heads, managers, and exempt personnel.
You are specifically interested in what cities or towns each of these employees lives. I cannot respond to your request. I am not the keeper of these records. However, via this email I am forwarding your request to the city’s personnel office. The Director of Personnel is John DeAngelo. Mr. DeAngelo can be reached at jdeangelo@pittsfieldch.com or by calling 499-9340.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Linda M. Tyer, City Clerk
City of Pittsfield
70 Allen Street
Pittsfield, MA 01201
Phone:(413) 499-9361
Fax: (413) 499-9463
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With this information in hand, we sent our request to city personnel director John DeAngelo. He’s the guy TES hired after the Kolbourne School in Great Barington went under, with DeAngelo at the helm. We can only guess, since the gulag of a mayor doesn’t communicate with us, but it looks like Bianchi was impressed with the man’s ability to run an institution into the ground and found him perfect to head personnel.
With his usual lack of duty and non-responsiveness, THE PLANET received the following “automatic reply” from DeAngelo:
I’m currently away from the office and won’t be returning until Monday, December 2. I will be checking my mail periodically and will reply as needed.
You read that right. It’s not a typo. That is what we received. Dec. 2.
Nice to know that the personnel department is headed by a man so current and involved, so attune to detail. It should make every employee of the city of Pittsfield sleep easier tonight to know that all your personal (and personnel) information resides in the clutches of a guy who’s only 133 days off on his office calendar.

According to that city personnel director John DeAngelo, there are but 23 days left until Christmas! That’s what he told THE PLANET! We are not making this up!
We knew that The Empty Suit gave lush working conditions to his “chosen ones,” but even allowing for that, golly gee, a five-month vacation does seem a tad long. Of course, since DeAngelo is surely one of the hardest working of the big shots who are known to stick feathers down their throat at Bianchi’s vomitorium, he probably needed that much time off for the manner in which he has handled his position.
DeAngelo’s accomplishments include the hiring and firing of Count Montefusco, former Undead Executive Head at Berkshire Works. Another line of thought for the Dec. 2 date has DeAngelo in the North Pole working as one of Santa’s helpers.
Speaking of Berkshire Works, the secret selection committee has been burning whale oil in its worldwide search, spanning the globe, to find the Count’s replacement. The rumor mill churns overtime, and we’ve heard a good one. For the moment, though, THE PLANET will hold our peace while the “Fix” is not yet in.
Now, how long do you think it will take DeAngelo’s office to respond to THE PLANET’s request? Had this been Linda Tyer, THE PLANET would have had this information before the 4th holiday. Unfortunately, as she tells us, the city clerk is not the guardian of those records. Nonetheless, we shall be on the alert for the service we receive. There are stiff penalties to pay if public officials stonewall a request for public information by a member not only of the public but also of the press.
We have not had the pleasure of dealing with Michael Taylor, but we shall assume he is a nice lad, reasonably competent, and have no doubt that he will get on the stick and deliver the addresses we have requested.
You can be sure THE PLANET will keep you and the pertinent authorities, if it comes to that, in the loop.

CAMO GRASS at Wahconah Park, another great achievement during the Reign of TES. (PHOTO by Tom Sakshaug)
Speaking of incompetence-run-amok under Bianchi, THE PLANET shall not even mention the error at the ol’ ball yard this weekend. The miscue occurred on the field, but it wasn’t made by a member of the Pittsfield Suns. Seems that the city workers in charge of maintenance at Wahconah Park left the tarp on the field overnight and into the day. As you know, the region didn’t get a drop of rain since Friday.
As a consequence, the infield grass and outfield rim imprisoned under the turf suffered shock. Dead grass among dying, with all shades of yellow and brown, with some greenish thrown in for bad measure.
Maybe this is part of the mayor’s economic development plan: To go along with organic farming made possible by the extreme fertilization at the water facility, Pittsfield can grab’ this true claim to baseball fame: The inventor of “Camo Grass.”
As Casey Stengel once said while clairvoyantly seeing ahead to The Empty Suit’s disastrous reign: “Can’t anybody here play this game?”
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This morning, THE PLANET received the following by e-mail:
I have received your request for information regarding the home addresses for city department heads, managers and exempt employees. Please send me your home address so that I may reply promptly.
John DeAngelo
Director of Personnel
City of Pittsfield
70 Allen St. RM 107
Pittsfield, MA 01201
We replied with the information. It is odd that we should be addressed with the formal “Daniel.” It is odd that he should need a “home address.” It is odd that they have mail delivery at the North Pole.
Incidentally, THE PLANET never took “Dec. 2” to be what he really meant. Rather, we took it as an example of professional inattention. As we said up top, a small matter, but the little stuff is what makes up the big stuff.
“We all gotta go sometime. Just a question of when.” — John Russell (played by Paul Newman), in Hombre, (1966).
James Taylor sang the 1st of December was covered with snow. Thanks to DeAngelsnow were all set for several months
Dear Dan,
Two great pieces of news that the Left Winged Parrot would never bring to light (pun intended for the ball field).
Let the public know when DeAngelo comes home to roost. BTW, how much is he being paid for this vacation?
So is De Angelo getting paid? Will his absence make it obvious that his job is insignificant?
Did outing Caccamo as a possible candidate for Monteressos job throw a monkey wrench into Bianchis plans?
So no one in city hall can provide the names and addresses you seek Dan? Sure they could including Linda, if she wanted to. Obviously she is afraid of Bianchi too. There has to be another way to get this info and publish it. Wave it in Bianchis face. He is trying to piss you off and I can see that plan backfiring big time.
Clearly he does not pay much attention to email, more specific his auto replies. Monday December 2 was last year. This year it’s a Tuesday. He’s not on vacation until December, but clearly doesn’t pay attention to detail, or updating replies
Most likely, however; A Personnel Director/Dept. Head who doesn’t pay attention to detail. Next ???
Perhaps, Mr. DeAngelo, aka The Sheffield Shuffler has car trouble and figures it will take him 133 days to walk to work (?) from Sheffield. How much time does he have in office and how much vacation time is he due ? Or is his another special employment contract ?
The beautiful and lovely Linda Tyer is an example of someone who is competent in her job. She is one example of something the city does right.
She must have known that DeAngelo was out of his office but she is probably just complying with the new Nazis regime policy of “hush up” on any public data requests from Dan Valenti which I’m sure she is not in agreement with.
If she becomes a target of the mayor, I’m sure she knows enough to hang the basturd.
If Linda ran the corner office, the city would run like a well oiled machine.
Agree with Mad Trapper, DV, because this site and this site alone do we get to know about the true goings on…example the water sewage leak, berkshire works fiasco, doreen wade, etc.
Did you hear the one about the HR guy who hired a director for Berkshireworks … oh, that’s right .. no one has been hired despite the bum’s rush 5 day posting window to apply… ended a month ago… probably the interviews are a “private matter..”.. We’d love to ask John DeAngelo but he’s taken summer and fall off.. This must be a joke because it can’t be this seriously or rather laughably screwed up… Can this administration possibly get any worse? Sergeant Shultz for Mayor!!
Shultz is PEFECT!!!!
I know NOTHING!!!!!
I was surprised to hear what the Mayor said in the Eagle regarding the release of untreated waste water onto the farm and into the river.
I called the wastewater treatment plant and inquired about the incident after Dan wrote about what happened. I was told there was an incident, but it wasn’t that bad. I was told this was the first time such a thing happened since hurricane Irene in 2011. The Mayor said it happens two or three time a year.
I won’t say who I talked with to protect the person, but I believe the Mayor either has bad facts or is talking out of both ends of his mouth.
I received a through explanation of what happened, why it happened and how the error occurred. This included a timeline.
I also spoke to the DEP. They said they have launched an investigation and it is too early to tell if there would be fines. I was told they knew about the water into the river the next day, but not about the farm land until Monday.
I don’t understand the reason to mislead the public. Tell it like it is.
I’m new to the site and love it/ I thank councilor Clairmont for this actions on this sewage spill/ My father was an environmental engineer (retired) and says there’s no such thing as a “minor” spill/ The mayor is hiding something/
The wool is being pulled over the eyes of joe public. ..I was waking my dog down their and I bet you there was a million gallons of RAW sewage shooting like a geyser out of the manhole. Superintendent Carl Shaw neglected to do his job I called the plant myself that day to complain and was told he had gone home for the day and it wasn’t even noon time yet. Hmmm! Sounds like the captain of the ship was jumping off before it sank.
Barry….Thank you for your inquiry and info. Did any other councilors look into this as well?
This is just one more incompetent incident….hell…we’re getting used to it.
The bottom line (and it’s a big one)…What will it cost the city for repairs and, of course, the hefty fine we will get?
Is there a fund the city can dip into or will the taxpayers shoulder the cost ….as usual.
I can’t speak for anyone other than myself.
There is the retained earnings in the enterprise fund. But anyway you look at it, all fines are paid by the taxpayers. I hope none are headed our way.
Is mayor Ford of Toronto fame available should we get an opening? We might want to lock him in before someone else grabs him up. From what I read he does have the lack of credentials to work in Pittsfield.
Barry, there is talk of having the great Water Super Tom Landry to be a consultant. If that happens, then you ought to consider Charlie Waters and Jethro Pugh, also.
Bring in the former Mayor, just in case he needs a job.
Larry Bossidy will be missed big time. He has chaired Berkshire Bank’s board since 2002 and had been their lead independent director. Berkshire Bank President and CEO Michael Daly said it well, “We have prospered under Larry’s leadership and are grateful for his long and distinguished service to the company”. For sure Larry’s able successor William Ryan would echo similar sentiments.
Take a look at what we had here. Larry is the retired chairmen of the board and CEO of Honeywell International Inc., a global $24 billion advanced technology , controls and manufacturing company. He was chief operating officer of GE Credit Corp. from 1979 to 1981, executive vice-president and president of GE’s Services and Materials Sector from 1981 to 1984, and vice chairman and executive officer of GE Co. from 1984 to July 1981.
Larry left GE in 1991 to join AlliedSignal Inc. as its chairman and CEO. For the next 31 consecutive quarters the company had earnings growth of 13 percent or more. This was followed by the historic merger of Allied and Honeywell in December 1999.
Larry has written two books. One is Confronting Reality and the other is the bestselling Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done. Since its publication in June 2002, Execution was consistently ranked on the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and BusinessWeek business bestseller lists.
He was named CEO of the Year by Financial World magazine in 1994 and chief executive of the Year by CEO Magazine in 1998.
His reputation and credibility is so secure and respected that to this day he appears on national television to discuss and participate in pertinent economics issues of the day.
Thanks, Larry, for your continued love of Pittsfield, your generous $1 million dollar gift that was legitimately “for the children” and for all you have done for us even though we squandered your million dollar gift.
You know what is really sad about all the money this city “squanders” Chuck? That no one is ever held accountable. When was the last time anyone connected to the city got busted for squandering tax payer money? Everyone walks. These guys all cover for each other and the taxpayers stand by befuddled.
Dusty is right on target her, as is Nota.. There is not and never has been accountability for bonehead decisions. I can go back to the mess we made of urban renewal, demolishing the train station, approving the dump of a theater near the defunct Big N that put 5 North Street movie houses out of business, and the city leaders then wondered why people weren’t coming to North Street at the time. We didn’t just stub our toes we shot ourselves in the head.
Chuck, Under this current administration we have now demolished more of our history. The most recent Plunkett School, St. Theresa’s Church and the most historical of all Elmwood Court, and this mayor;s silence and ineptitude is deafening.
was elmwood court the one that had the fire on Barlett?
Pittsfield……where we either knock em or tear em down
viva la dunkin donuts
Palookaville,The Greek God said it best. This is another chapter in the sad history of the City of Pittsifield. A city with no sound leadership is pounding another nail in the coffin. Leadership is the key to economic development and bringing our city to it’s role once again in leadership not only in our history but in world history. A recent PBS show with Charlie Rose and the historian David Macullogh, discussed the Revolutionary War and the leadership of George Washington. Little do people know that the Patriots of Pittsfield were the first in opposition to British rule. President John F. Kennedy said it best “We need to look to our past to awaken our future.” Godspeed, Pittsfield.
Dust, remember the fiasco at Pontoosic Lake when the fencing obstructed the view of the Lake and was taken down due to public criticism.
Nota, I believe the Greek God at least got the”green fence” up. Palookaville, lives on.
LOw has been clamoring about bureaucracy against it, yet he canmt wait to add more monies to the Mayor salary, Council and now the School Committee. way to go LOw. I can remember a gentleman coming to the council against the School Committee stipend and saying leave it as is. LOw, new compensation and more compensation is another form of bureaucracy.
Nota, Since the former charter under Mayor Bagg the school committee has never had a stipend, but now that our city is in “Dire Straits” let’s give them one. During our city’s economic boom, with the economic success of :the G.E. especially during the 50’s and 60’s people gave of their time to give to our city and help it prosper. Let’s see who among these committee members give back their stipend for the good of our community. Our city needs so much economic help right. We are living on the backs of G.E. retirees and our small businesses. If we don’t watch out we will be the next Detroit or Youngstown.
Thank you Donna for your insight. They are talking about the salaries and haven’t said anything about the retro pay, is that dead? I will be voting for just three current councilors next election. This could change after tonights vote. terry Kinnas is correct, these people have done nothing to deserve the pay air lack thereof.
Lothrop has no shame!
Ordinance and Rules Grades
Mel Mazz A+
Connell A+
Amuso A+
Morandi A+
Lothrop A
WTF Nota, and why does really Low get the A for? Oh, I get yuh.
Leadership ?
What ever happened to ” WHEN ” ?
or as the ancient Greek God called them… ” WAS “.
I thought they were suppose to be our new leaders.
Dan could you remove me from the site.email and all.wanna be a reader not a commenter for now.thanks for a great job
my screen name and email won’t leave comment screen
Watched O & R last night. WOW!
It was embarrassing watching Lothrop poor-mouth!
Hey, where’s the photo credit for the Camo grass? Or were you sitting on my lap, Dan?
Credit just inserted. Meant to the first time but it slipped away. Solly. (Hemus).
You are honorable after all. I had some doubts….