PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY-TUESDAY, AUG. 4-5, 2014) — All of a sudden, 100 North Street has become a popular address. Let THE PLANET share one small example. For years, the governing board for owners at the Maplewood Condominiums across from St. Joseph’s High School would have their meetings on site.
On Thursday, however, the board met in at 100 North, an address into which The Empty Suit wants to empty out 40% of city hall. David Carver of Scarafoni Associates, whose company owns four units at the Maplewood and is on the board there, “hosted” the meeting at 100. Carver is also the real estate agent at 100 North and, according to sources, a friend of the Pittsfield mayor. Cozy.
The two apparently have been cooking up the move of city hall departments to 100 North St. since the spring, a move for which TES says he does not need council permission. First year rent is $126,000, taxpayer supplied. Locally, the move has become known as “100gate.”
There may be a “smoking gun” that will blow the lid off of the veneered box in which the mayor tried to hide this wretched deal (under the guise of streamlining the permitting process). THE PLANET has a probe under way, and the moment we can tell you more, we will. If events play out as it appears they might, THE PLANET shall present a timeline on “100gate” that will knock its feigned legitimacy into the next county — not that we would wish such a thing on Franklin, Hamden, or Hampshire,
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Of course, you know and we know that the move isn’t needed. It’s another of those wild coincidences, though, that “Dan Bianchi,” manager for Global Larry Mondello a.k.a. Global Montello Energy Group, just so happens to have his offices on the third floor of 100 North St. By his own admission, “Mayor Bianchi” still works as “Dan Bianchi” for Global. It’s unclear to which employer Bianchi devotes his greatest loyalty: to the taxpayers, to whom he pledged to be a full-time mayor, or to Global, to whom he still Jeds his Clampett.
Two Councilors Weigh in Against ‘100gate’
Bianchi’s proposed move, as unnecessary as a noise maker on St. Agnes’ Eve, has caught the attention of at least two councilors.
In an exclusive interview with THE PLANET, Ward 4 councilor Chris Connell calls the mayor’s proposed move “a waste of money. I’m not for it. The money could be better spent elsewhere. There are other options for streamlining the permitting process.”
Councilor-at-large Barry Clairmont also thinks”100gate” represents “a waste of taxpayer money for a couple of reasons. We’re doing this on the backs of taxpayers. The majority of taxpayers will get no benefits out of this move. If the rationale is to have everybody [involved in permitting] in one space, why not find room for them at city hall? Everyone is there already, except for the fire inspectors. There are storage rooms [in city hall] that could be converted to offices, and the items for storage could be sent to Hibbard School, which is used for that purpose anyway.”
Clairmont cites a second reason why the move doesn’t make sense: “The mayor has $100,ooo in the capitol budget for online permitting software. The software allows most of the permitting process to be handled online. This cuts down on foot traffic, thereby eliminating the need for this move.” He also says that even if moving all the permit inspectors under one roof, “it doesn’t mean they’ll be there [in the building] when you show up for a signature, thereby nullifying the advantages of having them all under one roof.” That last point illustrates the folly, in 2014, of allowing permitting to be a matter of physical proximity of offices depending on the physical presence of all office holders.
A Plan of Action
Clairmont says that at the next council meeting, set for Aug. 12, he intends to submit a petition with a list of pertinent questions regarding “100gate.” The petition asks that the questions be forwarded to the mayor, who is to report back to the council with his answers. The questions are numerous. For example, if the mayor pulls off the deal for “100gate,” does he come in for any benefits as a consequence, either personally or through his company, for example, rental adjustment or cash bonuses?
“I would like the mayor to come forward and answer my questions for the council,” Clairmont says. And for taxpayers.
Clairmont says he has filed a public information requests for any communications regarding 100 North Street among the offices of mayor, city solicitor, the purchasing department, the building inspector, and DPU head Bruce Collingwood. Clairmont says he filed his requests with the city on July 25 and 29.
Connell Wants Answers from the Corner Office
“I’m inclined to support councilor Clairmont’s questions,” Connell said, adding that he has many of his own to ask. “I’d like to see a cost-benefit analysis on this move. Will permitting be streamlined? That needs to be answered. So far, the mayor has not made a convincing argument.
Connell and Clairmont both told THE PLANET that “everyone” that they had heard from regarding “100gate” has been against it.
By Aug. 12, when the council meets, who knows where the mayor’s latest sell-out of taxpayers will stand? If a lease has been signed by then, without council oversight, a state investigation or court action against the mayor seemingly would be in order. When Clairmont submits his petition asking his council colleagues to support petition to the mayor, our Right Honorable Good Friends will have another chance at redemption.
THE PLANET urges every member of the council to approve Clairmont’s petition. All it does is ask questions. To vote no will be a tell-tale sign of obstructionism. It will also be the equivalent of giving The Finger to citizens and especially taxpayers.
Anyone who cares about due process, due diligence, and citizens’ rights will not object to the mayor supplying answers on “100gate” to his co-governors, the council. Any councilor who votes against Clairmont’s questions will surely be voting to protect the mayor’s interests over the taxpayers.
Election time next year will not be friendly to any such councilor.
“Exit, huffin’ ‘n puffin’ all the way, stage left.” — Snagglepuss, Hanna-Barbera cartoons, 1959-65, voiced by Daws Butler.
Thank you to Mr Clairmont and Mr Connell. I sure hope the others are not just hiding in the shadows. Mrs Mazzeo needs to be reminded that she is a represenative of the PEOPLE. Not her buddy Bianchi. The people Melissa, the people. Do your job. Get off the Bianchi bandwagon and represent the people. you should be leading this revolt not cowering down with the mayor.
The mayor does not want open govt and transparency. He ran on that platform to get elected but he was lying.
Thank you Councilors, hopefully others will follow your leadership. It’s time to stop paying attention to political interests and start paying attention to values and principals.
Better keep our eyes on the big prize…the mega million dollar high school. This is nothing but another diversion.
New high school ridiculous
Move offices to 100 North St., more ridiculous
Good for Connell and Clairmont……And the rest of the council had damn well better support Clairmont’s petition if they want to get re-elected!
The taxpayers have had enough of these “gates”!
Spider you would think the City Council would do the proper think here and support Bold Barry C. However there are a few items that should be considered about this group.
The Mindless Mellissa lead council that just last meeting voted against a BB fact filled petition that asked the Mayor to follow the new City Charter. Do you think MM, Sim, Con, Tully, Moron, and Abuso, knew that their vote now allows the Mayor to do exactly what he is doing at 100gate.
This is a council that its President can’t count and therefore cannot properly declare the results of votes made by the council. She declared the capital budget passed when it actually failed.
This is a council that has put the city in jeopardy of hundreds of lawsuits by not properly appointing Commissioners of Utilities &Public Services. Every contract, purchase order, payroll, and any other official document Bruce “Deadwood” Collingwood has signed since January is null and void.
This is a council that 2 of its members (Lousy Lisa Tully & Kevin Screwwwie Wabbit Moronda) voted in favor of every city department’s budget and then voted against the total over all city budget. Did they know they actually voted against what they voted for!!!!!!
These are just a few of the council’s highlights recently. What would make anyone think this council would do the proper thing. By the time Bold Barry’s petition comes up for vote, Confused Chris Connell will vote the way Danny Do-Little & Mindless Maz tell him too, and then the taxpayers get stuck with the bill. Like the 90 grand TES spent on the floors in City Hall.
Sparkie. Your little nick names for each councilor shows how mature you are. I hope to see your name on the balot next election.
I WILL be voting for BARRY if he runs, next election! He’s had a couple of hiccups, but at least he asks questions!
Just how did Bianchi arrive at his decision to move these offices? Did he just wake up one morning and decide to do it? I sure hope he did discuss it with someone (cuz he is not God) and I would like to know who the person or persons were that he discussed it with and what their reasons were for pushing it. And did any of the people he discussed it with have any negative comments?
who who who
Kudos councilor Clairmont and Connell. I am a Pittsfield resident. I vote. I want my councilor and the entire council to support counc. Clainmont’s petition.
According to the BB, the mayor does not need to go thru the city council to do this. He has already grabbed taxpayer money to do it. He probably won’t be answering any questions either. He just ignores Dan Valenti to his own peril.
He’s probably already made the deal with Scarafoni and won’t back down.
TES is just a dumb ship if he thinks he can get away with this nonsense
Councilor or Kevin as TES called him, asked where will the funding come from for the raises? Let me answer that one Kevin……..THE TAXPAYER!!!!
I’m sure Kevin Morandi understands a rhetorical question. Why belittle him when he’s defending your wallet?
One other issue is Mazzeo saying we need to increase managers pay. My answer to that is they may be underpaid councilor, but the taxpayer can’t afford this. Why don’t you get it?
People are out of work Councilor. Everytime the mayor increases tax, escrowed mortgages for instance goes up. Seniors are barely getting by, what doesn’t the Councilors who want a bang for your buck don’t get. We canmt afford it. thank you Councilors Amuso and Morandi. Now get rid of the mega million school. Do something, but don’t burden future generations with this nonsense.
Out of the Blue…..
I want to thank Councilwoman Lisa Tully for getting the removal of the railroad tracks at the bottom of Crane Avenue in front of John’s Building Supply removed. I’m sure it was a very difficult task
getting AMTRAK and CSX to allow the work to happen. Every day I drive over that section of Crane Avenue and low and behold
” Out of the Blue ” there are no longer any tracks in the roadway to jolt the suspension system of my car. Thank you Lisa.
That is a very good thing. Thank you Lisa. And if the railroad folk are in a good mood can they get together with the city and widen that tunnel/bridge on Hubbard Ave? I can’t believe there is not a head on there each day. Bianchi probably has a cash stash to pay for the city side of it. He can build a kickback into this one and have my blessing.
MassDOT bought the Housatonic Railroad and they allowed removal of the tracks on Crane Avenue. I did not see the contractors out there, so I cannot really say if Mrs. Tully was among them.
That’s too bad. I have a odd exhaust situation with my ’93 vehicle. I could spend $90 to have it fixed, but find running the vehicle over those tracks at an elavated velocity tends to fix it and the defective cabin fan switch. I suppose a hammer will have to suffice henceforth, but I miss the periodic automatic repairs.