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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

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!NEWS FLASH!THE PLANET breaks into its usual coverage to share with you two thing we have learned about fired city veteran’s agent Rosanne Frieri. First, the city tried to reach a settlement with her. That failed. Second, Frieri is filing a lawsuit stemming from her firing today in Springfield. Now back to our column.

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, SEPT. 9, 2014) — Thus far, most everything about “100gate” has been revealed because “the press” forced the Administration to lay some cards down on the table, face up. The mayor is still dealing from the bottom of the deck, however, and has face cards and aces hidden up sleeves and in the various orifices of the body politick.

THE PLANET, hearing the whisperings, investigated, uncovered, and published. Next thing you know, the Administration and its feckless mayor holds a press conference to spin the story it had been keeping secret in hopes of committing nearly half a million taxpayer dollars to the unnecessary move of a huge chunk of city hall into the friendly confines of 100 North St. That’s where the mayor has his “for profit” business with Larry Global Mondello, a.k.a., Global Montello, an energy distributor.

Since then, the mayor has been engaged in damage control. The excuses for this unsupported move have changed four times. Currently, the faux justification cites mold and radon in the basement at 70 Allen St. The first three excuses (complaining contractors, permit streamlining, and economic gain) didn’t fly, so the mayor had his maintenance director, Jerry Gardner, tell Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski about the horrible, inhabitable, abominable, delectable condition of the basement.

The skepticism in the mayor’s Tall Tale Telling has been so intense that, apparently, the Administration has launched the next phase of Operation Sick Building. THE PLANET’s sources were there to find out for you. Don’t tell anybody about this, because the Administration warned everyone involved they were on Triple Dog Dare Secret Lockdown. See, the public isn’t supposed to know about any of this.

Out of the Blue, a Complaint — Arbitrated by a Friendly ‘Jedge’

Meet Michael Burton. Sources say he’s an electrical inspector for the city. He’s had his office in the basement of city hall for “at least seven years.” In all that time, Burton has never filed a complaint, sources say, about the working conditions in the nether regions of 70 Allen Street. That winning streak ended last week, when at the behest of either Gardner or the mayor (likely the mayor commanding Gardner to order Burton to jump), Burton filed a grievance regarding the working conditions of the basement at city hall.

Yes, friends, we have another of those miraculous Pittsfield coincidences. After at least 364 weeks of working in the lower level of city hall, Burton suddenly decides to file his claim — not just on his own behalf but for all the others who work in the building’s bowels.

Fortunately, we have an On the Ball Administration. Sources say a hearing on the grievance was set up the same week the grievance was filed. My, how efficient government can be when it wants to. Normally, these things take time. Lots of time. In this case, however, Burton got his grievance most ricky-tick.  Operation Sick Building, to the rescue.

And this being Pittsfield, take a guess — What person in all the qualified universe was selected to preside as hearing officer? A neutral, third-party observer? Guess again. The city selected (drum roll, maestro) …

… Sue Carmel, city finance director, city treasurer, and Loyal Mayoral Bum Kisser.

Sources say the hearing took place last week at city hall, room 203, but they haven’t announced a ruling. Remember, you weren’t supposed to know, so when Carmel finds in favor of Gardner’s grievance, pretend you are Gomer Pyle: “sur-prized, surrrr-prized, surrr-prized.”

PLANET Requests Mayoral Comment — and You Know What That Means

THE PLANET can’t claim it as fact, only as a likelihood of 99.999999999999999999%, that (a) Carmel got her orders to find in favor of Burton and (b) the results will be used to try and sell everyone — the city council, taxpayers, and Aunt Edna’s pet poodle — that this “proves” the need for the move to 100 North St. Thus, when the mayor’s office sends out the press release in Julia Sabourin‘s gaiting “Glenn Strange prose,” you — readers of THE PLANET — shall be well-equipped to shove it right back under the corner office’s locked door.

Our report comes from well-placed sources — those on the inside at 70 Allen St. and so close to the action that … well, we better leave it at that. THE PLANET has requests for comments into the mayor, Carmel, and Burton.  We shall keep a candle burning in the window for the Air TES carrier pigeon, which we hear at the moment has been fogged in.

COMING SOON: Learn the TRUE story behind the slippery, expensive floors at city hall. A writer named Bill Shakespeare based one of his plays, “Lady McBeth,” on it. 


“I should have know better with a girl like you, that I would love everything that you do. And I do. Hey, hey, hey, and I do.” The Beatles, “I Should have Known Better,” soundtrack to A Hard Day’s Night, (1964).



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10 years ago

and I suppose in some parallel move some politically connected contractor will get a hefty paycheck for remediating the radon/mold/horseshit problem

hhmmmm, gee can’t come up with any names right now

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
10 years ago

Too bad the mayor didn’t reside in the Allendale school district so we could rid the Hill 78 problem too.

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
10 years ago

Why not ultimately move them into the proposed 38,000 sq. ft. three level new police station , which is complete with a police union office. ? Dig deep Joe and Mary Jane. Can anybody guess what 1965 popular song by Barry McQuire is apropos to Pittsfield’s government by the people for the people ? Or is that by a select few for a select few, ie; elitism maybe.

eve of destruction
eve of destruction
Reply to  Ed McClelland
10 years ago

Let’s bypass the city building commissioner, city building inspectors and the health inspectors and go over their heads, right to Sue Carmel. With her blue tights and red cape and huge “S” on her chest to save the day.

Condemn the building to the wrecking ball.

Downtown Dweller
Downtown Dweller
Reply to  Ed McClelland
10 years ago

Eve of Destruction?

10 years ago

Happy Road?

10 years ago

Any body know what year the Common project will be finished? Is the contractor working on it in his spare time?

10 years ago

It seems like Bianchi is trying to make the less than stellar office conditions in the basement into a real issue, so he can justify the move…AFTER THE FACT, since he was caught doing all of this behind closed doors at City Hall.

In the real world, someone would complain about the office conditions and then the powers at City Hall could investigate the complaint and then try to find a cost effective solution moving forward.

Is it possible for remediation in the space? Was this even investigated? Are there any other City properties that could house these offices? I am guessing that if there was another building that could house these offices already owned by the city, imagine what $500,000 could do for any renovations that would be required? Bianchi “found” some money for the rent, why not use that money elsewhere? I am also guessing that any other property that the City could consider, would not be located in a congested area, such as 100 North Street, with limited access to parking for the people who will be coming in for permits.

Nope, Bianchi says lets move 40% of the people out of a rent-free space and sign a lease that will cost the City more than $500,000 over three years. What happens after that? Bianchi does not care because he will have already been voted out of office (fingers crossed that this is the case) when the new lease needs to be signed.

Bianchi keeps digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole here. It is so sad to see how far Pittsfield has fallen under his “leadership”!

10 years ago

Will the grievance decision Carmel makes or has made, be based on her expertise in the environmental field?

10 years ago

Since Bianchi has asked for assistance from the federal level into the school website hacking issue,maybe they could take a look see into the 100 G real estate deal in the works,while they are here?

Liz Arrington
Liz Arrington
10 years ago

The decision Carmel will make will be based on her expertise in being a loyal Bianchi lackey. More shame for the city more rip-off of its citizens and more b.s. from the mayor. Thanks DV for your investigative work.

10 years ago

Got a robo call from the mayor last night. I think he was trying to tell me who to vote for in todays election. I should have told him that anyone he might be endorsing won’t be getting my vote. But since he reads this blog now he knows and won’t be calling me in November with more unsolicited advice.

Reply to  dusty
10 years ago

I got the same call, I made sure I didn’t vote for who Tes endorsed. Did Tes use the city’s calling system, which would be at the cost of the taxpayers. How did he get the list of voters, I hope he had to pay for that list since it was not work related. Councilman Clairmont had to pay over $60 to get copies of the emails that he needed for research for the 100 North St. mess, and that was work related for Councilman Clairmont for he needed to be able to make informed decisions about 100 North St. Tes just wanted to make a political plug for his buddy,most likely it was at the tax payers dime. One will never know because we never get the truth from the mayor, that’s my opinion.

10 years ago

I find it really hard to believe Sue Carmel has a brain let alone make a decision… Just when you think it cannot get any crazier.. I don’t wish anything bad on anyone but please can we take up a collection and send Ms. Carmel and Mr. Bianchi on a long extended vacation?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago



It’s 3:00 p.m. Voter turnout in Pittsfield is only 7%. There’s still time – polls are open until 8:00 p.m.

10 years ago

Just seen American Pickers drive into the Crown Plaza. TES must be having a tag sale.

10 years ago

This administration could not stoop any lower as to persuade the employees to file a grievance. How convenient to assign Carmel as the hearing officer. Wait and see when the time comes to return the favor. Rosanne Freiri is a well example. Shame on you Jerry, Mike.

10 years ago

Complain about living quarters and get a raise! Quid pro Quo.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago


“Ex-veterans officer files discrimination complaint against Pittsfield, mayor”
By Jim Therrien, Berkshire Eagle Staff, 9/9/2014

PITTSFIELD — Former city Veterans Officer Rosanne Frieri has filed a complaint with the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination over her firing in August by Mayor Daniel L. Bianchi.

Frieri’s attorney, Albert J. Cimini of Pittsfield, said the complaint was filed Tuesday at the MCAD’s Springfield office. The complaint, which names Bianchi and the city, alleges “a hostile work environment,” job-related retaliation, and discrimination based on age, sex and disability, he said.

“This is basically a wrongful termination case,” Cimini said, adding that he would not release further details of the complaint at this time, as the city has not yet been served notice.

Bianchi could not be reached Tuesday for comment on the complaint.

Cimini said complaints to the MCAD are automatically cross-filed by the agency with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

If the issues cannot be resolved at the administrative level, the attorney said, “at any point we have the ability to file [a lawsuit] in Superior Court.”

Frieri was suspended by the mayor without pay on Aug. 5 and later notified in a registered letter dated Aug. 21 that she had been fired. Bianchi cited among performance issues that, as a department head, she had failed to prepare a fiscal 2015 budget for the office, was late for work without giving proper notification, and did not follow a directive to attend a City Council meeting to speak about deficits in the fiscal 2014 veterans office budget.

Alleged “inappropriate and unprofessional emails” sent to City Accountant Ben Wax by Frieri also were mentioned in her termination letter from the mayor, as were alleged “demeaning” comments made to city Procurement Officer Colleen Hunter Mullet.

Frieri has contended that she experienced a series of roadblocks to the operation of her office, stemming from disputes with Wax, Hunter Mullet and others at City Hall over spending approvals or veterans programs. She said the alleged resistance to her efforts intensified in recent months.

In suspending Frieri on Aug. 5, Bianchi cited her refusal to meet with him as directed to talk about job performance issues. She contends that she had been “badgered” verbally by Bianchi during a March meeting and would not attend another meeting without an attorney or neutral third party present.

Bianchi has denied he acted in an intimidating manner in the March meeting, saying, “I don’t belittle people; that is not my style.”

Bianchi said a complaint had been lodged against Frieri over a comment she allegedly had made, and the person was in his office with an attorney when he asked Frieri to come in.

Frieri’s version of the March meeting has been supported by former city Director of Administrative Services Mary McGinnis, who described the mayor’s demeanor toward Frieri as “disturbing, hostile and intimidating,” according to Cimini.

McGinnis later told The Eagle there was a “very toxic atmosphere in there.”

McGinnis worked in the mayor’s office for one year as his top aide before returning from a leave of absence from her longtime nursing-related job with Berkshire Health Systems.

Cimini has asserted that one reason he believes the termination was wrongful is because he asked to look at Frieri’s personnel file at City Hall and it “was completely clean,” having no performance warnings or other negative information.

Bianchi has said he could not comment on a personnel issue but responded to the comment, saying, “Suffice it to say, it [the employee file] wasn’t empty.”

After Frieri’s suspension, the mayor’s office released letters of “no confidence” in Frieri as veterans officer from several local veterans groups that were sent to the mayor in 2012. Individual veterans also have sent letters to The Eagle both praising her work and describing callous or abusive verbal treatment when they went to the city veterans office.

Frieri was appointed to the post in 2007 by former Mayor James M. Ruberto.

Fred Dupere, of Dupere Law Office of Westfield, represents the city in the matter. He has said the firm “would vigorously defend any action against the city” filed by Frieri.

Concerning the open veterans services post, Bianchi said this week he intends to ask a panel of local veterans to work with the city Personnel Department in recommending a new director of the city’s Department of Veteran Services. The full-time position is posted on the city’s website and elsewhere, and the deadline for submitting an application is listed as Friday.

The job requirements include assisting veterans in applying for state or federal benefits. The salary is listed at $48,099.

Former city Director of Veterans Services Larry Caprari, who is now retired, has been hired to work in the office until a new director is hired.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

Two striking parts of this article:
“Bianchi could not be reached Tuesday for comment on the complaint.”
“Bianchi has denied he acted in an intimidating manner in the March meeting, saying, “I don’t belittle people; that is not my style.” ”
On these, first one proves how unaccountable this awful mayor is.
Second one reminds me of Mr. Nixon “I am not a crook.” A lot of other people are on record saying mayor belittled them or others.

Long Tall Sally
Long Tall Sally
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

“Fred Dupere, of Dupere Law Office of Westfield, represents the city in the matter”.

This alone is going to cost taxpayers some big bucks. Vigorous defending of the city does not come cheap. The people are on the hook to pay for this.

“Former city Director of Veterans Services Larry Caprari, who is now retired, has been hired to work in the office until a new director is hired”.

Mr. Caprari is not filling in out of the goodness of his heart. The taxpayers will foot the bill for this also. I am sure the Mayor sweetened the pot with your money to get him to do this.

So, already the Mayor’s firing is costing plenty of money. But hey, its not his money, its yours.

10 years ago

It absolutely amazes me how many ignorant people read and respond to this blog (although there really aren’t that many comments). Dan, I know you are from out of town and therefore can’t be expected to get people’s names correct (didn’t Barry give you a correct list?), or their titles, but you could have at least done a bit of research into the “sick building.” There have been complaints about the basement going back to about 1975. By my calculation that is 40 years of complaints, studies, attempted remediation (which have failed), etc.These have included not only asbestos, flooding, mold, and radon, as well as poor air quality.

Personally, I watched someone die from suspected radon-induced lung cancer and this is not something I would wish on anyone. If the Mayor, for whatever reason, isn’t allowed to move the staff to a safe building, then I think he should switch the offices around a bit and put your secret sources into the basement offices and let them take their chances with the radon.

Reply to  Dee
10 years ago

Not many comments Dee? Go to iberkshires or eagle or other local news sites, you’ll see usually none (zero) responses, where this site routinely gets 20, 30, 40 and up sometimes over 100.

Reply to  Dee
10 years ago

Good night little girl!

Long Tall Sally
Long Tall Sally
Reply to  Dee
10 years ago

Dee aka Allen,
Dan’s blog is very popular and read all over the city on a daily basis.
The only ignorant comments are yours.

If the problems in the basement go back that far, then why have they been neglected for so long?
Bleach kills black mold. Asbestos can be removed. Radon can be ventilated out. Yet the city CHOSE to do absolutely nothing. Former workers there now have basis for huge lawsuits due to the negligence of the city.

Reply to  Dee
10 years ago

Come on Dee, Dan lives a stones throw away. He spends more time in the big city working than he does at home. You can do better than the, out of Towner label.

Larry Bird?
Larry Bird?
10 years ago

Dee. Welcome to the blog: any disagreeing comment and you get accused of being some guy named Allen and then your comments get blocked.

But it’s true the Mayor has handled this situation as badly as you can handle it but who is surprised at that. All he had to do was come out and explain his rationale but he left everyone scratching there head.

There is several legitimate complaints that preceded the move and the idea that the move may fall through has motivated some city hall members to mobilize more than they have in the past.

From Guy Who Knows Things

Reply to  Larry Bird?
10 years ago

For a guy who knows things, you dont seem to know that this site has lots of viewpoints whose comments dont get blocked. Do ytour research. For a guy who knows things you don’t seem to know too much.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
10 years ago

Why not just build a new municipal structure at the William Stanley Business park? or are city employees too good for Morningside?

10 years ago

The city could save a lot of money by buying the old St. Mary’s from the Diocese of Springfield. They could move all depts and the police station for the $500,000.00 That would be cost of buying and fixing the buildings…they could have a whole complex!!