PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1, 2014) — Welcome to October, in Pittsfield time for leaf changing and double dealing. The leaves will ripen, redden, and fall. The double dealing from the corner office and The Suits (a typo first had it as “The Shits” … perhaps more accurate).
See THE PLANET‘s coverage of Monday and Tuesday for the background on the super-secret deal that led to the move of city employees and retirees out of the state-run GIC insurance pool and back to Blue Cross-Blue Shield. In the meantime, we have continued our investigations into this suspicious deal.
Those who are trying to sell this deal after-the-fact — there is no other way, given the Cone of Silence the mayor and certain complicit Suits engineered — insist that the BC/BS rates will actually be lower than the GIC. They offer no numbers or data to support the assertion. For the sake of discussion, though, let’s grant the point.
Lower Rates? Doubtful, but Even If So, Are We Looking at the Classic ‘Loss-Leader” Ploy?
THE PLANET spoke to an insurance man, a good one. Boiling down his take, he called the alleged lower rates “a loss-leader.” That’s where a company offers a product at an initial rate below market cost, the “loss” part, which basically “leads” the mark into the deal. The company eats the initial hit. One it has the customer locked in, it lowers the boom. Shortly after, the cost skyrockets, wiping out the initial savings and adding more cost. Heroin dealers work this way. They offer the first dose or two for free, under, or at cost. Once the victim is hooked, they must pay, in some cases, literally with their lives.
Welcome to Blue Cross/Blue Shield, employees, retirees, and — most of all — taxpayers. It would appear that they will lose in the long run. The biggest winner appears to be the Healthcare Elephant in the Room, Berkshire Health Systems, which will no longer be restricted by the GIC’s negotiated, fixed rates.
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PLANET Refutes Union President’s Refutation; He Accuses; We Bury Him in Facts
One of the sources we heard from was Scott Connors, president of IUE-CWA 81256, Pittsfield Emergency Dispatchers Union. Here’s what Connors wrote in reaction to our exclusive coverage of GICgate:
Your comment: “How do retirees feel? They weren’t allowed to vote nor were they informed.”
Is totally off base. The retirees DO indeed have a representative on the PEC it’s former fireman Gerard Miller. Mr. Miller is “appointed” by the state to represent the retirees and they get a 10% weighted vote. Mr. Miller unlike the union presidents is not beholden to contact nor query his fellow retirees and he can vote as he sees fit, whereas union presidents need to vote how their members tell them.
You should get your “facts” straight or confirmed before attempting to sensationalize an issue and rile people up for the mere purpose of riling people up. It’s called responsible journalism and should carry some ethics and standards before being committed to paper or cyber space.
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Let us respond.
First, we applaud the tone of Connors’ criticism: measured, contained, and straightforward, worthy of a response. Second, note that although he chides THE PLANET for not getting our “facts” straight, nowhere does he specifically dispute an actual fact we cite. Third, about the retirees rep. Here’s what we wrote:
An interesting but related aside concerns retirees. They will have no say in the matter. They will not be allowed to vote. Why?
“Because their representative, Gerald Miller,” says a source, “cast the onlyvote on their behalf, and he has informed no one of this situation.” THE PLANET heard from two retirees who confirmed this.
Connors left that part out. Notice that THE PLANET didn’t deny that the retirees had a rep. We wrote that they didn’t have a say. Big difference. Retirees didn’t have a say. Fact. Why? Because neither The Empty Suit from his arrogant perch in the corner office nor the invisible Gerry Miller chose to inform the retirees that any of this was happening.
Fourth, it’s practically beyond belief and virtually inconceivable that a union president would say the retirees’ rep “is not beholden to contact nor query his fellow retirees and he can vote as he sees fit.” That’s either ignorance, a lack of education, a surfeit of inexperience, a heaping measure of gullibility, or deliberate obfuscation.
Representative, n., a person elected to speak and act on behalf of and with the informed consent of a larger group of constituents.
That definition, and the rational understanding of 99.999% of anyone you might ask (Miller and Connors excepted), says it all. One cannot be a “representative” without knowing what your constituents want. “Informed consent.”
Fifth, Connors doesn’t dispute the fact of the information blackout. He is apparently OK with retirees, a full 10% of the membership, having their lives altered in a significant way without either knowing about it or worse without having a say. He’s apparently upset because THE PLANET broke the story and dared report on something he, and others, obviously wanted to keep hidden.
Retiree: ‘Gerry Miller … Disenfranchised Me’
THE PLANET spoke to a retired teacher. We shall call her Martha. We asked Martha if she knew anything about this in advance (keep in mind that the mayor, most likely carrying someone’s water, initiated this move in July or August and that the PEC unanimously rejected the proposal on Sept. 2). She answered, “Absolutely not. I first heard about it when I read your blog.”
Martha said she thought “the mayor is absolutely insane to propose this.”
She said she “got nothing at all from Gerry Miller. He disenfranchised me. They’re making a major change in my life, and I have no say in it.” We asked her what she would say to Miller: “I would say, ‘Who the hell do you think you are to make that decision without any input from anyone, to unilaterally make this life-altering decision? We like the GIC.'”
Another retiree told us he tried to contact Miller by phone, without success. The person said Miller “doesn’t have a listed phone number.” The retiree then called the retirement board: “They would not give out his phone number,” our source said. He said he then went on the city’s website, trying to find something there. Nothing — no contact information for Miller.
THE PLANET went on the city website. Under Pittsfield Retirement Board, we see “Gerald Miller, Chair.” There is no address, no phone number, no e-mail address — no contact information whatsoever. Also, the current city website tells us that Miller’s term expires Sept. 22, 2013! How “pittsfield” (lower case “p”) can you get?
‘They Could Give a Hoot About Taxpayers’
THE PLANET also talked to a former city official: “This has something to do with the politics of this area and the Democratic Party power structure. All of them benefit. They could give a hoot about taxpayers. How many representatives on the PEC live in Pittsfield? Why didn’t the city share this information? Why wasn’t this done earlier and shared publicly?”
Fair point. If this is such a great move for the city, its employees, its retirees, and taxpayers, why did the mayor, union reps, and everyone else involved from the inside from both the public sector and private work so hard to keep it from going public? They managed to hide it for a month, until THE PLANET found out.
Think about this logically: If this is such a blasted good idea, why wouldn’t the mayor come out publicly with his intentions in August and explain why? Why wouldn’t he be eager to sell this before the fact and not after Yet Again Another Done Deal?
THE PLANET will tell you why: Because this is a lousy move … because this is all about lining the pockets of the Vested Interests … and because the mayor and whomever he’s schlepping for know that with apathy at an all-time high and and morale at an all-time low, citizens won’t fight back. They will drown quietly, while their so-called “representatives” — the city council and school committee — will either roll over and play or read the scripted lines handed to them telling us how this is the best thing since sound came to the movies.
When His Master Calls, you can be sure Bianchi listens.
“Al di la, del bene piu prezioso, ci sei tu. Al di la, del sogno piu ambizoso, ci sei tu.” — Al Martino, “Al di la,” (1963).
Gerard Miller miller recently lost the love of his life our condolances and sympathies to him and his family. All things being political I’m sure the mayor isn’t even that crude.
So you can’t help but wonder, when you see the things the Planet stumbles upon, what else goes on unbeknownst to the taxpayers.
How many more surprises are we in for in the next year of this guys term?
Every once in a while someone blames the voters for “putting these people in office.” But as Bianchi has proven, there just is no way to tell the wolf from the wolf in sheep clothing. Like the man says, “you can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig.”
“what else goes on” – ???
You will find about these illegal closed meetings and secret dirty deal after the fact. Once its already a done deal and the fix is in.
This case, the taxpayers who pick up the tab (well 85% of it) have no say in the matter what-so-ever.
The city coucilors are either on vacation, uninformed under the mayor”s lockdown surpressed policies, or simply roll over and play dead
Hmm, do I see the next campaign platform for mayoral re-election here…..Look how much money I’ve save the city with the insurance switch. Just a thought!
Dan,this is rubber stamp government at its best.The mayor did this under the cover of darkness and rolled it out at the last minute., This is a government run by by self serving politicians who are lazy and uninformed,and are totally dysfunctional.
I know tons of city employes and retirees ,none of them knew any of this,and we’re never informed of any of these dealings by their leadership.
If the health plan was such a golden egg ,why wasn’t the mayor shouting it from the rooftops? This is just despicable behavior by a chief executive of the city, and one more reason for a city manager.
You have to be right about BHS driving the bus on this. What politician did you ever know or know about who did something “great” and kept it a secret?!? The only answer is this cannot be great for taxpayers, union members, etc. But it surely HAS to be great for someone! I think more investigation needs to be done under the BHS rock! and then someone needs to look at who benefitted in government from carrying BHS’ water. And while we’re at it…85% rate?!? That’s gotta be negotiated down too!
Neither the mayor nor Gerald Miller could be reached for comment.
“I don’t need no stinking city council”.
When an extreme left politician gets together with union reps to work out a deal you can be assured of one thing – the taxpayer will get screwed once again.
Is Scott Connors for real? He actually said with a straight face that “Gerry Miller is not beholden to retirees”.
If I was a city retiree I would be “furious” over that statement. He should not be allowed to get away with it. At the very least, he should apologize to all the retirees.
And the retirees should DEMAND a true representative who will listen to their concerns.
More great coverage. I too wonder what else is going on in secret, which is how Mr. Bianchi prefers to work. Mr. Connors statement about Mr. Miller not obliged to listen to the retirees sums up this city better than anything. Can’t wait to vote in 2015…for change.
Linda, in Pittsfield the more things change the more they stay the same. Next election…same as the last one. Same shit… different greedy overseers. The next batch of rip off artists is being groomed to run for election as we speak.
Ok, let me see if I understand. First vote was no, a little more negotiation( or bribery if you prefer) and a $250,000 mitigation(or slush if you prefer) fund is proposed and presto, a second vote is yes. This fund is to “reimburse covered employees or retirees if the new coverage results in higher out-of-pocket expenses”. I guess an 85/15 split isn’t good enough, now we will be paying over 85% of city employees health care!!!
Question 1. Will this be like Barry’s tax program where income guidelines are set or can school administrators making over $100,000 a year recoup money if it costs them a little more out-of-pocket?
Question 2. Where will the $250,000 come from? Is it in one of those “Carmel”ized accounts that doesn’t need city council approval?
Question 3. Can the mayor actually promise funding a new line item for subsequent budgets (the slush oops mitigation fund) without city council approval?
I have more questions but if any councilor can answer any of these it would be a start.
The $250,000 would require City Council approval. That is why we should have been included in the discussions. If he doesn’t get our approval on that allocation, I wonder what would happen.
Thank you Barry, but can he “find” the money like he did for the move to 100 North St. and side step the council? If not , would this be a 2/3 or simple majority vote? I still have more questions, but let’s go with these two for now.
That depends on next years budget. Majority rules on the budget, except any borrowings, which require 2/3.
One last question if you know the answer, that I actually asked before. Will this “mitigation” fund depend on the ability to pay or who knows who and is made aware of this program?
He still has not answered what specific line item(s) he took the money from for the move to 100 North St. That money did not come out of thin air and was appropriated for something else.
What will the council do next year when there is a new line item for the rent on 100 North St in the budget?
If they pass it then, it that not simply a delayed rubber stamp approval for this ridiculous move?
@Dave, I have no details. I don’t know what the plan is.
I hope the council rejects this. If this is supposed to save everybody $$ as the mayor claims in todays BB then why does he need a quarter million dollar mitigation fund to employees facing higher premiums. Taxpayers forced to pay the difference.
That was my question at two of the sessions held. How can the Mayor promise that those who would be negatively effected by the switch would be reimbursed for the additional cost of the BCBS plan? I was told by Brendan Sheran (PEC Acting Chair/Teachers Union Rep and Alex Logmalio, UEP Rep) “because it was written in the proposal” (a copy which is available in Dan’s first blog about this). I questioned the validity of the proposal, that is wasn’t a contract, but a proposal and I was assured that “what was in the proposal would have to be adhered to by the city”.
Great point, TAMMY. There is subterfuge afoot, once again. Someone’s going to make out big time with the extra dollars this generates in premiums.
Yes, that $250,000 (per year I imagine) will have to be paid for by the taxpayer. City employees already get a cadillac insurance plan, now they want the taxpayer to ensure they have zero out of pocket expenses.
Does that guy in charge of the school union get compensated for his efforts or does he do it out of the kindness of his big heart?
Dusty. I know for a fact that he gets $50 grand plus his regular salary.
I would ask the planet and it’s readers to
leave Gerry Miller out of this discussion
at this time. His wife of 50 years passed two
weeks ago. Please direct your disagreements
and concerns to the mayor. He is the one
who will benefit from this change.
Why don’t we just simply change the charter and abolish the city council and school committee. Seem like they are no longer needed since there is a Dictatorship form of government and the communication chain is completely destroyed.
For the record this switch was engineered by BRENDAN, president of the teachers union, and his minions Mary Wheeler and Patty Mayhew. If you want the truth, ask them about the way this was done and ask for the numbers. Did you know that less than 1/3 of the teachers voted or even knew about the change? Ask them about the popular vote vs the weighted vote. Ask them why out of the 15 votes casted, only 3 unions and Gerry [Miller] voted for it!! 4/15 doesn’t sound like “a majority” like Brendan said in the Eagle. Teachers/library/retirees/prof emp assoc voted for this NO ONE ELSE!!! Some members of those unions had no idea that a change was proposed. The union heads who voted yes should step down, they did not do their jobs at all. one more thing, while you”re at it, ask Mayhew if she ever had a vote of her membership. I think you’ll be shocked and disgusted.
hang in there Truth…there is possible candidate on the Horizon. Maybe you’ve heard of him..THE GENERALISIMO…
This is off key, I know, but bear with me guys because this is a friendship that goes back 70 years. I have a question for the Sheran kid. You must have heard of me. I know you have. I’m a lifelong friend of the Sheran family. I ate and slept at your grandrparens house. I go back to Buddy, Bones, Francis (Dill), Dickie, Patsy. Dill was my age and my lifelong friend. I know your bloodlines because I was there with your relatives since the middle 40’s, and I know you come from good stock. If you are from the Sheran I know please let me know and how about a cup of coffee?
GIC Unicare that i have now is 1117.91 a month and the new BC/BS that no one apparently wanted is 1566.66 a month. Where is the savings? my contribution just went up by over 70$ a month wtf?
Extra Cost = Savings.
Secrecy = Transparency.
Hate is Love.
War is Peace.
What government looks like under Big Bianchi.
As a retiree I have read Scott Connors’ comments. He did not say anywhere in his comments that he agreed with or supported the way the retirees’ representative was allowed to vote. All he said was that Union Presidents must communicate with and vote the way they are directed by their membership.(representative definition). He stated the fact that the retirees’ representative is an appointed position and that there is no obligation for the retirees’ representative to communicate or vote the way retirees feel under the present system. He was stating the facts as they are at this point. In my reading of his comments he did not say he approved of or supported this. I am concerned about all the negative comments being flung at Mr. Connors. He had the courage and conviction to tell it like it is which is what I thought “The Planet” wanted. Go back and read his letter with the perspective I and others believe it is stating. I certainly cannot find any evidence in his letter that he was not concerned about retirees. In fact I feel it is the opposite. As a retiree I feel he was shedding light on a broken system for the retirees. He clearly knows the definition of representative or lack of representation and was clearly stating it. In my opinion he was clarifying facts. Perhaps the people calling for apologies from Mr. Connors and throwing around negative descriptors are the people who need to be apologizing to him.