PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, SEPT. 26-28, 2014) — On the road and taking care of business, but THE PLANET posts this interesting question to start things off for the weekend: What happened to the sign-up sheet at Tuesday’s city council meeting? That was the meeting where TES would be discussing 100gate with our Right Honorable Good Friends on the city council minus Barry Clairmont, who was on a Rocky Mountain high in Colorado.
We have now heard from a number of people, independently, each making the same claim: When they went to sign up to speak against 100gate — the mayor’s inside-job Done Deal to move 40% of city hall to his buddy’s commercial building [the old First Aggie] at 100 North — there was no sign up sheet at the podium. Odd, isn’t it? THE PLANET has put the question to council president Melissa Mazzeo, wanting an explanation.
Until we hear from Madame President, a number of possibilities come to mind:
* The Empty Suit, mistaking the sign-up sheet for Dorothy’s red slippers, sent his legions of flying monkeys in to swoop it away.
* The sign-up sheet somehow fell through a rip in time and space. It hyperlinked its butt into an alternate universe to get away from Pittsfield.
* The sign-up sheet was not only printed with invisible ink. It was also printed on invisible paper. Rumor has it that TES has a special supply.
* The dog ate it.
Gosh, you don’t think the mayor had one of his flying monkeys steal the sheet prior to the meeting beginning? Surely, our mayor wouldn’t stoop that low, would he?
THE PLANET would be interested in hearing from anyone who can shed light on this mystery — including those who showed up to speak but couldn’t because of what might have been the latest dirty trick coming from Your Local Government.
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Mazzeo: ‘Plenty of People Could Have Been Approached’ if Sheet Was Not There
Just before noon on Friday, THE PLANET heard from council president Mazzeo. She pointed out that the city clerk is responsible for putting the sign-up sheet on the podium. Mazzeo said city clerk Linda Tyer was on vacation and that assistant clerk Malia Windrow-Carlotto subbed for her on Tuesday night. Mazzeo said that Windrow-Carlotto “put five sheets on the podium at 1:30 that afternoon, which is hours before Linda normally does.”
Mazzeo said he typically gets to the council chambers at 6:30 p.m. and waits until 6:59 p.m. to take the sheet back. She tells THE PLANET, “No one indicated they were looking for the sheet, and there were plenty of people in the room that could have been approached if in fact no sheet was put up. So I’m not sure this was the case. I think people came late and the meeting had started.”
In other words, Mazzeo cannot say that a sign-up sheet was there. She doesn’t know. If the assistant clerk put the sheet there at 1:30 p.m., that would have left five hours prior to Mazzeo’s arrival for someone to remove it. If that occurred, you have to ask: “Who would benefit the most?” The answer would be TES.
Whatever the cause, a number of citizens tell us they were there before the meeting, looked for a sign-up sheet, and it wasn’t there. Each one was against the move to 100 North St. THE PLANET does agree that if that was the case, they should have asked for one … and yet …
The other side of that, of course, is that attending a public meeting is tough enough for many people, not only because of busy schedules but because if you wish to speak out against the Administration or a Suit-Approved policy, you risk being printed, filed, indexed, and noted — and not in a good way. The courage not just to attend a meeting but to actually speak from the podium requires even more resolution, especially if you wish to register a note the mayor might find discordant. That’s likely why so many people hold back. Our guess is that they will do their speaking in 2015.
Did THE PLANET Uncover ‘the Smoking Cue Cards?’
To add yet another step to the gauntlet, which would be the case if your had to “bother” one of your “busy” public servants to ask why there wasn’t a sign-up sheet available, would only make it less likely and not more that the city would received a well-rounded representation from the public. As it is, city employees — basement dwellers, apparently — spoke “the right things” by the mayor. From what we hear, they had their bullet points well digested and rehearsed.
On that latter point, THE PLANET received a communication from a worker at city hall, who says he or she “saw a list of points the mayor wanted [speakers] to make.” This source called them “cue cards,” referring to a piece of paper that had a series of bullet points on them. Our source, who would have reason to know, says that piece of paper was sitting on one of the speaker’s desks, in plain view, earlier that day, in the afternoon. If true, this would prove that the employee-speakers in favor of the mayor’s 100gate scheme were ringers. It would strongly suggest that they had been asked or ordered to speak in favor of 100gate. If true, the testimony therefore was nothing more than a set of clumsily stage-managed theatrics from a mayor who refuses to be questioned openly and in an unscripted manner.
Such behavior from The Man Who Would Be King doesn’t call to mind Profiles in Courage, does it? We’re more apt to think of a title like “The Coward’s Guide to Conflict.”
“What are kings? / Are they history’s play things? Who knows? Can you tell by the clothes? / Are they tall? Are they short? / Must they have a court? Are they near? Are they far? Oh, who can tell me what kings are?” — Huntington P. Hollingsworth, “What are Kings?”, (1970).
If people couldn’t find the sign up sheet, why didn’t they ask where it was?
Hank, I have spoken many times before the city council and I can tell you that when the Chief was the President of the Council, the sign up sheet was on the podium until right before the gavel fell. We the People need not to have to ask. Our councilors and the mayor are public servants, serving at the will of We the People. However, here in our fair city it seems that some of our public servants forget their duty to the public. In fact not all of the councilors were seated before the public comment sheet was gone.
Henry, great question. I can understand if someone arrives late to the meeting, we all have a life to live with many issues on our time, and even if there were malice afoot (certainly possible here), I don’t understand why you wouldn’t spend 30 seconds to find out about the sign-in sheet for an issue that was that important to you?
Perhaps they did and were not given an answer.
If you don’t sign up, you can’t speak.
If there is no sign in sheet you can’t sign up.
Yet the deck was stacked with prearranged speakers to do their master’s bidding.
He who controls the sign up sheet, controls who speaks.
If you could speak, you have to state your name and address “for the record”.
Rest assured, if your comments piss off TES, better watch your home’s assesed value.
The game is always rigged.
The move to 100 North St. was a done deal long ago.
TES knows how all the moves are played.
Its all part of the lockdown of information at city hall.
Transparency does not exist.
“It’s all part of the lockdown of information at city hall.” — Yup
The sign up sheet was there…I swear.
It’s because the Mayor and his cronies use the power of their offices to abuse and create disinformation never followed with facts to support their claims.The Mayor said it was deplorable unhealthy conditions ,then he does a 180 saying they plan to expand offices.When your own chief of staff can’t deal with your bipolar form of leadership that speaks volumes.I just hope we stop ourselves from falling over a fiscal cliff we seem headed for at this moment.Bianchi seems to have total disregard for other major issues plaguing the city,such as
1) Lack of affordable housing
2)drug epidemic sweeping the youth of the city rivaling big cities per capita.
3)Gang violence that never existed on this scale due comfortable location and our overwhelmed law enforcement .
It rivals big cities per capita. Get the cops off road jobs
4) We have become a Mecca for methadone,just stand outside the clinic and view the scale of it.
5) There will never be any big business in the city since the Bianchi,Potts and Guzzo scared the elderly about the civic authority . The city watched 20 million go up in smoke,but we have a CVS.Larry Bossidy is a brilliant and spread the word to avoid these guys.
6) The loss off 500 students to Bart Charter School and other districts.
I am stunned of the mayors blatant ignorance and arrogance to focus taking on more space in the time of electronic permitting.It is so disturbing that our elected officials fatten themselves with big raises and fatter pensions while the families,elderly and businesses struggle to survive. Shame on those who use the word public servant, I will refer to them as politicians of the lowest form.
Superb posting.
Dan, off topic but I thought that you would be interested in finding out that I hand delivered this article to the Berkshire Eagle as an Op Ed piece over a week ago. Well, you know the “REST OF THE STORY”, they never printed it. I was going to post it on FB, but reading you blog re: Mayor, gangs, drugs, etc. I thought it might fit in. if you feel it doesn’t just take it down.
The First Step On a Long Journey
Wm. Sturgeon
Gangs, Drugs, Guns, and Violence create a destructive sociological cycle for the people, families, and communities involved. The City of Pittsfield has, in my opinion, taken the first step in what is going to be a very long journey to addressing these complex problems. It recently held a public meeting to inform the citizenry of the problems.
The “Powers-To-Be” in the City are asking for community support and assistance in facing these very real problems that are causing such pain and suffering in our City. The realities of these problems are that they have very deep roots that are all intertwined!
Why do young people join gangs? This question has many answers. There is the standard answer that poverty is a major cause of gang membership. Well, if that is the case, in the year 2014, how can we explain middle class adolescents and younger children joining gangs? Then there is the he/she got involved with the gang when he/she got into drugs. O.K. I can accept that as a reason for joining the gang. I might, however, ask what came first, the drug habit or the gang membership.
Then there is the violence associated with both gang membership and the drug sub-culture. I would like to say a word about the drug sub-culture. It is considered a “sub-culture” if you buy drugs on the street. Yet, if you buy your (prescribed) drugs at a pharmacy, you are part of the 21st century “normal” culture.
Violence is an integral part of the gang and drug cultures. Once again, there are as many answers to why people resort to violence, as there are fish in the sea. These include poor home life, poor parenting, poverty, abuse, poor nutrition, learned trait, etc. etc. etc. In my 40 years in the criminal justice system, what I have observed, been part of, and written about, is that violent behavior and gang activities are synonymous; where there is one you will find the other.
As I mentioned previously, the City of Pittsfield has taken the first step by admitting that these problems exist. Now, the community needs to start working together to solve the problems of gangs, drug abuse and violence. Be active, be involved and if you see something, report it.
What can a community do to address its gang and drug problems? I believe that Pittsfield has taken the first two steps:
1. It has admitted it has problems.
2. It is reaching out to the people – the community, and asking for assistance.
Steps 3 through Infinity are:
3. Involve the community is developing solutions.
4. Dedicate the funds necessary for enforcement and intelligence.
5. Involve agencies such as drug treatment facilities, schools, diversionary, rehabilitation programs.
6. Conduct classes for parents, teachers, clergy, etc., on early detection of gang involvement and drug use.
7. Let parents know that all the good will or wishing it away will not address either gang membership or drug abuse. They have to reach out for help.
8. Establish “Tattoo Removal” programs and funding to support these programs.
9. Use the Criminal Justice system to its fullest – Sometimes going to jail / prison may save someone’s life. I had one Youthful Offender tell me, “If I wasn’t in prison, I would most probably be dead.”
More steps will follow as programs, activities, awareness, enforcement, and actions progress.
Keep in mind, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
Lao-tzu – Chinese philosopher (604 BC – 531 BC)
Maybe it’s time legalize drugs. All drugs. Nothing else seems to be working and enhanced enforcement would only add to our 2 million or so prison population. And as bad as this drug epidemic is, alcohol is still responsible for the majority of the crime in this country.
Silly Mr. Taxpayer? Silly is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Actually, it’s insane.
I would support such legalization. It would instantly eliminate the black market, de-criminalilze not just inanimate substance but human beings, and provide a source of revenue for the state to the extent that property taxes could be eliminated.
it would not eliminate the black markrt.
It wouldn’t eliminate the black market…..illegal drugs would not be subject to the expense imposed on legal drugs.The undocumented dealers would undercut the govt approved dealers
Many thanks.
This is an important piece.
I would like to run it as a featured column this week. OK?
It needs more attention.
Sure thanks dan
If you could subpoena a copy of the sign in sheet from that night “before” TES or Madame Mazzeo get their grubby little paws on it to doctor it, it might reveal much.
For instance:
Who spoke at open mic who did not sign the list?
What time did the first speaker sign in?
What time did the last person sign in?
Who was on the list that did not get to speak?
Perhaps a smoking gun is there.
Maybe the clerk can fax you a copy before its altered or disappears.
Good questions, good suggestion.
Thank LBJ for the increase in fatherless homes. His Great Society program destroyed low income families. The kids resulting from fatherless welfare homes rarely leave the strata that they’re born into. Most of the gang members and undocumented pharmacists come from fatherless homes. When you get enough of these kids in the schools it starts to infect kids who otherwise might not get involved drugs.
Hearing the mayor’s presentation convinces me that he can’t justify the move. he jumped all over trying to defend this sweetheart deal– not for taxpayers but for himself and his friends. He says the offices are too dangerous then tells us he will expand basement offices down. I am so disgusted how the mayor has ruined the city.
It’s very disappointing with how corrupt and irresponsible our elected officials are!!! Pittsfield Proud!
I hear you. I would only point out to our readers that this is not an understatement nor is it hyperbole to speak of the corruption and irresponsibility of Pittsfield elected officials. There are good ones, of course, but they good they do is more than trumped by the whore-mongers.
Cookie Gilchrist!
Great runner, the “Jimmy Brown” of the early AFL. The Bums’ Cookie Lavagetto, too, who broke up Yanks’ Billy Bevans no-hitter on Oct. 3, 1947 — and won the game to boot. That was back when the World Series was THE WORLD SERIES.
Cookie Gilchrist was the greatest fullback ever. Fifty two inch chest, thirty one inch waste (steroid less) ran a 4.6 forty.
how about marion montley
NOTA — Gilchrist was a great one, but I’ll take Jim Brown.
TABUCKY — Did you hear of Marion Motley from The Swami?
From the photographs I’ve seen of the offices in City Hall basement, it does appear to be a mess. Can any citizen walk in off the street to see for themselves, because if those offices are as bad as the photos I’ve seen, moving them is not out of order. There are records stored down there that are being ruined. My objection is the manner in which TES went about making this move happen, without the decency of notifying his City Council or any of we the people…how blind IS TES? Doesn’t he realize that if he included we the people, he would be less under siege? Scary how myopic…and calculating…he is.
Yes, but why is the basement a mess. Could it be because the city, once more, neglected a resource into the literal ground. The answer to that, of course, is remediation. Clean it up. Bleach whatever mold is supposed there. Same with radon, although 2012 testing showed none present. Your comments about TES are appropriate and justified.
Re: Nuciforo suing state of Massachusetts over denied medical pot permit
The Springfield Republican newspaper ran 2 news stories this past week about former Pittsfield State Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo, Jr. suing the state of Massachusetts in Suffolk County Superior Court over a denied pot permit. Nuciforo argues that the state (DPH) acted unfairly in denying his group a permit to sell medical marijuana in Easthampton, Massachusetts.
I find Nuciforo’s claim that his group was treated unfairly by the state (DPH) to be totally hypocritical. Since the Spring of 1996, when I was only 20 years old, Nuciforo had people associated with him bully me. Nuciforo’s M.O. is to have other people do his dirty work without leaving behind his own finger-prints.
I tell my true story about Nuciforo’s conspiratorial layered bullying of me on my blog page:
Nuciforo also strong-armed 2 woman candidates out of a 2006 state government for Pittsfield Registrar of Deeds to anoint himself to a sinecure while plotted a failed campaign for U.S. Congress in 2012.
I believe that Nuciforo’s motivation to sue the state government he once represented in the Massachusetts State Senate for 10 years is to gain a permit to sell medical marijuana in order to make money for himself and his group, which by law must be a not-for-profit entity. I also believe that Nuciforo is the definition of unfair. The way he treated me over the past 18-plus years was mean-spirited! The way he strong-armed two women candidates out of a state government election in 2006 was both sexist and corrupt.
In closing, I hope Nuciforo loses his lawsuit against the state of Massachusetts (DPH), and he never gets his permit to sell medical marijuana!
– Jonathan Melle
I wonder if it hard to be a relative of a corrupt politician when they get exposed. Does all the graft money make up for the harm done to family?
It did not seem to bother Bush or Cheney.
I was one of the folks who arrived to speak. I had made clear that I was against the MOVE. I forgot to sign up, showed up 10 minutes before the meeting started and got gabbing. I have been there to speak and been reminded to sign up, I have been there before and had the council president ask if anyone who didn’t sign up wanted to speak and been allowed to speak. So when I realized that the meeting was about to begin looked up and saw no sheet I wasn’t worried. When the last person spoke and the president didn’t even look up to see my raised hand I was frustrated.
Am I in the wrong? You bet. I didn’t sign up. Is the procedure inconsistent? You bet. Will I make that mistake ever again? No way.
My two pages of typed up notes (in large type I admit) will sit as a smoldering burr under my saddle reminder that our voice is really not welcome in chambers.
Saved your typed pages and read them at the next council meeting. The mayor must be told of how you feel. By you. I applaud your activism.
Oh well, at least Notre Dame kicked some butt. Shake down the rafters.
Yes, but BC blew one, snatching defeat out of the “jaws of victory.”
swami ? swami ? there is no swami
Oh, you’re right, TABUCKY. There is no swami. Now, repeat after me: “There is no swami. There is no swami. there is no swami.”