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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, OCT. 3-5, 2014) — Ah, welcome to the Weekend Edition. The incoming lines to THE PLANET are hot with intelligence, coming in from many quarters on several fronts. First, though, let us slice to ribbons the phony insurance switch just pulled off by The Empty Suit and the head of the teachers’ union. It would have been hidden, secret, and silent except for this website, once again, letting you and the sunshine inside.

As one of our commentators pointed out, looks like the editorial staffers at The Boring Broadsheet have been reading THE PLANET. Here are the first three paragraphs of The BB‘s Friday editorial — which is spot-on, by the way, by our good friend Bill Everhart:

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As was the case with the pending move of some city employees from City Hall to new quarters, Pittsfield’s change of insurance carriers is apparently a done deal with no input from the City Council. In this case, the School Committee and school officials were left out of the process, along with, once again, city voters.

Mayor Daniel Bianchi announced Tuesday that upon a vote by the Pittsfield Employees Commission the city would withdraw from the state’s Group Insurance Commission when its coverage contract expires next June and sign on with Blue Cross/ Blue Shield. Pittsfield joined the GIC in 2009, in the process avoiding devastating insurance hikes that could have caused layoffs in the early months of the recession. The GIC has performed well for the city, although it is clearly not popular with everyone in the union hierarchies.

The City Hall and PEC predict savings for the city, although it is noteworthy that a mitigation fund, capped at $250,000 a year, was established in case the switch to Blue Cross results in higher out-of-pocket insurance costs for employees or retirees. In recent years Blue Cross, a highly profitable “nonprofit,” has gotten more recognition for paying outrageous salaries and bonuses to top executives than it has for reducing insurance costs or serving clients.

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Cost Savings? Don’t Make Us Laugh

Now, about the alleged cost savings, a couple of points. First, who is the prognosticator? Brendan Sheran, the head of the teachers’ union and the mayor. Nuff ced. “Cost Savings” translates into “Higher Prices” in TESpeak, with taxpayers on the hook for what will likely be millions more. On what do we base our prediction? On facts and data. Consider:

* As Everhart points out, Blue Cross has achieved notoriety for raising salaries of its executives, reducing coverage and service, and boosting premiums.

* THE PLANET examined the rate sheet for BC/BS as applied to the city’s unilateral switch from the GIC (remember, all done in secret, with no involvement of taxpayers or their representatives on the city council or school committee). The initial rates are good for one year only. Here’s where the robot from Lost in Space flails his arms, lights up the diodes in the bubble-brain, and metallically says, “Warning! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!” Take a guess at what is going to happen in year two and beyond? Our guess will be steep hikes in premiums, with millions thrown out the window.

* The PEC — a commission consisting of one representative for each of the city’s unions and retirees — first rejected the proposal unanimously (Sept. 2). Then it turns around and approves three weeks later. Why? Who sweetened what for whom? No one’s saying. The NFL is not the only sport known for its kickbacks.

* If — and we only say “if” — there will be cost savings in Year One of BC/BS, why did TES establish a $250,000 “mitigation fund” — a slush fund, essentially — to make up the difference in premiums for any city employee that has to pay more of his or her 15% share of the bill? Taxpayers are on the hook for both the “mitigation” costs and 85% of the premium. Such a deal!

* One of our correspondents, posting under “Confused,” a city employee, tells us: “GIC Unicare that I have now is $1117.91 a month and the new BC/BS that no one apparently wanted is $1566.66 a month. Where is the savings? My contribution just went up by over 70$ a month. WTF?” That abbreviation doesn’t stand for “Wednesday-Thursday-Friday.”

* And consider this, from Truth is a Virtue. Truth was someone “who was there.” Truth writes: “For the record this switch was engineered by BRENDAN [SHERAN], president of the teachers union, and his minions Mary Wheeler and Patty Mayhew. If you want the truth, ask them about the way this was done and ask for the numbers. Did you know that less than 1/3 of the teachers voted or even knew about the change? Ask them about the popular vote vs the weighted vote. Ask them why out of the 15 votes casted, only 3 unions and Gerry [Miller] voted for it!! 4/15 doesn’t sound like “a majority” like Brendan said in the Eagle. Teachers/library/retirees/prof emp assoc voted for this NO ONE ELSE!!! Some members of those unions had no idea that a change was proposed. The union heads who voted yes should step down, they did not do their jobs at all. one more thing, while you”re at it, ask Mayhew if she ever had a vote of her membership. I think you’ll be shocked and disgusted.”

Consider what Truth just reported: 15 PEC votes. Only 4 — 3 union heads and Gerry Miller for retirees — approved. That’s 11-4, against. However, because the vote was weighted, the Sheran (35.3%) and Miller (10.1%) controlled 45.4%. The other two unions put them over 50%. Done Deal. Cooked Stew, with taxpayers once again in the pot. Thank you, TES.

Of politicians like the mayor, our mentor, the man who taught us about Life, had a great phrase that just about summed it up: “Goddamned phony bastards.”

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In Pittsfield, There’s Always More to Come

There’s more coming on THE PLANET next week. Topics may include:

* The latest on the mysterious firing of the well-respected Deborah Sadowy Dargie at RSVP. THE PLANET gathers more of the real story.

* Another high-level firing at The Boys’ and Girls’ Club? THE PLANET will be checking down the truth or consequences of what some sources are claiming is another firing at the Pittsfield Boys and Girls Club. It’s one of the top jobs, supposedly. Red flag: We are now in Day Two of our call into John Donna, chairman of the board. He has yet to get back to us. Silence is golden, they say, but not in this case. We will only wait so long.

* What do the personnel directors for the city of Pittsfield and the Pittsfield School Department have in common? It’s a familiar tale, one you’ve heard before. … sort of. The Secret Squadron is combing the byways and back alleys for the story.

Have a great weekend, everybody!


“Each night when I’m sleeping, oh so lonely, I’ll share your loving dreams that once were true. Send me the pillow that your dream on, so darling I can dream on it too.” Dean Martin, “Send Me the Pillow,” (1965).



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10 years ago

It’s that new age math

10 years ago

The only hope is the council votes down the $250k. But this is the same council that approved a huge raise for a part-time, disaster of a mayor so I am not optimistic.

10 years ago

This is the TES version of the reverse grant.

10 years ago

I remember when the school department didn’t apply for a grant. Was anyone fired?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

The U.S. Federal Government should provide a healthcare insurance program for all citizens like Germany does. Then municipalities like Pittsfield would have more money to fund its public services instead of making the insurance companies money. The real loser is all of this is the local property taxpayer.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

But Johnne!

What about all those criminal aliens, some with drug resistant TB, AIDs, Ebola, SARS, and such. NEVER EVER screened, let into middle America, with our CHILDREN INTO OUR SCHOOLS.

Is Obama /Sotero letting them be here a GOOD THING?

Maybe they should bunk with Barry and Ms Gorrilla for 21 days until cleared?

When my Grandparents came to the USA, they WERE SCREENED FOR DISEASE. They learned English, they applied for Citizenship, they said a pledge of allegiance, they worked without handouts or government medical care. They made their sons and daughters better.

NOW. I am better off being a CRIMINAL ALIEN, than a poor AMERICAN

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 years ago

P.S. Is there a US Government form to become a CRIMINAL ALIEN? AMERICANS might be better off.

Henry Adams
Henry Adams
Reply to  Mad Trapper
10 years ago

Mad Trapper. Very classy with the Mrs Gorrilla rant. I think I’ll call you Mad Douche Bag!

David Livingston
David Livingston
Reply to  Henry Adams
10 years ago

We could call you fool hanky but that would be rude.

10 years ago

I would hope there is some oversight on the insurance deal. Like 100gate and Sadowy firing, doesn’t add up. What regulatory agency handles this?

10 years ago

Some may find this interesting:
Power really DOES go to your head: Giving people a taste of authority can corrupt even honest members of a group

By Ellie Zolfagharifard for MailOnline
18:19 02 Oct 2014, updated 21:07 02 Oct 2014

Scientists in Switzerland asked volunteers to play the ‘dictator game’
In the game, people were given complete control over deciding pay
They had choice of awarding less to group but more to themselves
People rated as less honest at first exhibited more corrupt behaviour
But, over time, those who scored high on honesty also behaved badly
Historian Baron John Acton famously declared that ‘power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’

Now, more than a century after Acton’s accusation, scientists have shown that even the most noble lose sight of their values when handed the right to govern.

A series of experiments found that once honest people had tasted power, they couldn’t resist rewarding themselves at the expense of others.

In a game, volunteers were given control over pay outs to themselves and their followers. Researchers found that once they tasted power, they couldn’t resist rewarding themselves at the expense of others
After undergoing psychological testing to measure individual differences, including honesty, the volunteers played the ‘dictator game’.

In the game, they were given complete control over deciding pay outs to themselves and their followers.

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The leaders had the choice of making pro or anti-social decisions – the latter resulting in awarding less money to the group but more to the leader’s own earnings.

The findings showed those rated as less honest at first exhibited more corrupt behaviour.

The findings showed those rated as less honest at first exhibited more corrupt behaviour. Over time, even those who initially scored high on honesty scales were not shielded from the corruptive effects of power
But, over time, even those who initially scored high on honesty scales were not shielded from the corruptive effects of power.


The feeling of power has been found to have a similar effect on the brain to cocaine.

It increases the levels of testosterone and its by-product 3-androstanediol in both men and women.

This in turn leads to raised levels of dopamine, the brain’s reward system called the nucleus accumbens, which can be very addictive.

Like cocaine, scientists now believe power can lead to too much dopamine causing more negative effects such as arrogance and impatience.

‘One thing that angers me, my children and most people across the world is why do powerful leaders not do more good?’ said Professor John Antonakis from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

‘Is it because of power? Do we really have to worry about this force? Is what Acton said really true?

‘Corrupt individuals exhibit moral deterioration by using their power to benefit themselves and, by doing so, cause harm to the greater good.

‘Powerful individuals are able to impose their decisions and preferences on weaker individuals.’

In the study, the leader was given a pot of money and allowed to divide it how they liked. The more they took out for themselves, the less was left for their followers.

‘The results were clear. Power corrupts. When given more followers and more choices, the leader was more likely to make an anti social decision,’ Professor Antonakis said.

‘In a way, power is to leaders what taste is to vampires. Once they get a taste of it, they cannot let go. The more followers they had, the more corrupt they became.’

The participants were also given saliva tests which showed anti-social decisions were highest among those with the highest levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone.

‘What we observed was real corruption using real stakes. For instance, some participants walked out of the lab with about $100 (£60) in payouts,’ Professor Antonakis said.

‘They knew if they profited they would harm the public good.’

‘We think strong governance mechanisms and strong institutions are the key to keeping leaders in check,’ he added.

‘Organisations should limit how much leaders can drink from the seductive chalice of power’.

Reply to  nostrodumbass
10 years ago

I think the founders knew this hence our system of checks and balances but it seems politicians are finding ways to circumvent that system.

Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Yes Scott, its called apathy.

The mayor counts on no one voting and nobody doing anything about his actions.

A politician can even violate the Constitution and the Bill of Rights so long as no one does anything about it.

Reply to  nostrodumbass
10 years ago

And men and woman handle this with varying degrees of involvement. Bianchi seems to have no control at all. Council and school committee members should realize that they and their families and friends will also be effected down the line by Bianchis radical tax and spend escapades. The peoples power is supposed to be through them. If they can’t reign him in we are all going to be hurt and maybe not just a little bit.

10 years ago

I would sure like to know why the council and school committee are so quiet. Doesn’t seem they really understand their role in government. They seem to know only how to “assume the position”!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 years ago

Rumor has it some council member’s are meeting at Lisa Tully house in Florida.

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 years ago

Could be the “dirty hands” factor. Often corrupt politicians will lure associates into a nefarious deal where they benefit. Later if they even think about opening their mouths about something the corrupt politician does he reminds them that they will be exposed for their part in any illegal doings. Even if the connection is minor it can sully a reputation. One of the oldest tricks in politics and newbies can be blind sided by it. This is sometimes the reason you sit there stupefied while your representative drums his fingers and looks around the room when he or she should be speaking out.

10 years ago

Folks the question you should be asking your councilors before the next election should be what have they done to stop this out of control administration. Then again, it may be to late.

N. Titled
N. Titled
10 years ago

I was wondering if the mayor put it in the new contract that we get a DVR upgrade, HBO, Cinemax and ESPN after the first year teaser rate ends and the rates double and go up from there on.

Seriously he should throw in a new bendable IPhone 6 and the taxpayers should cover 85% of our phone bills including unlimited high speed Internet. The remainder of our bill should be paid out of the slush fund.

Not all of us got a 40% salary increase and a brand new office on North know. The mayor needs to be fair to Everyone on the city dole.

I might even suggest he have Mr. Kafka give us a free coffee every day for the rest of our lives. In exchange for letting him have his drive thru on Tyler St. The mayor can make deals you know and the city council wouldn’t dare oppose him.

Fair is fair and we are entitled having worked for the city.

Lawrence of Berkshire County
Lawrence of Berkshire County
10 years ago

After a few months following this website, Dan Valenti is the Julian Assange of this area. A journalistic hero. Planet is obtaining and publishing the truth behind potentially scandalous activity that has been hushed up.

Reply to  Lawrence of Berkshire County
10 years ago

I like the comparison. So true. Keep after em DV.

dan o'connell
dan o'connell
10 years ago

It’s that time again when between September 15 and October 15 any citizen of Pittsfield can apply for up to $ 2,000.00 from the Pittsfield
Arts Council…( money from the Megabucks Lottery ) being returned to all citizens from Pittsfield. To apply just go to City Hall this Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. for a meeting of the Pittsfield Cultural Council…
there has be very little notice that these funds are available to anyone living in Pittsfield BECAUSE the powers to be don’t want you to know about the money any citizen can apply for…So go to City Hall this next Wednesday, October 8, 2014 to get an application for this free grant.

Do it or else don’t complain about not knowing how to get free state money for practically just signing your name.

That’s this Wednesday, October 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. upstairs at City Hall for the final meeting of the Pittsfield Cultural Council to get the money you deserve…it’s free and anybody can apply for the funds to get the grants. Everything will be explained at the meeting.

ed shepardson
ed shepardson
Reply to  dan o'connell
10 years ago
Knows the Truth
Knows the Truth
10 years ago

Its about time the City council open their mouths and draw a line in the sand. The voters are watching.

Reply to  Knows the Truth
10 years ago

If your city councilor is name Tully, Morandi, Connell, Simonelli,

Mazzeo ,Amuso ,Cotton. You might as well “Furrr geet about it”

These councilor’s are nothing more then Bianchi stooges…

Reply to  Sparkie
10 years ago

Wake up Sparkie Morandi does not drink the Bianchi
koolaid. Misstatement on your part.

Reply to  Sonny
10 years ago

That’s what he make every person one think, Degnan is the middle person here.

Thomas More
Thomas More
10 years ago

It might be prudent to let the Boys’ Club thing alone. If and when it all comes out there will likely be no winners, and if there is it will not be who the Planet’s hoping for.
Things at the club have changed. For those of us who can remember when Mr. Keegan addressed us weekly at the Friday night movie times were so simple despite the war. Fred Fahey seemed to know the name of every kid who walked through the door. Jim Mooney continued the tradition for those who are now in their 50’s & 60’s. They knew you and they knew your parents and if you were going astray he knew where to call. Today there are no parents. I know the planet will do as it pleases but nothing is going to be gained by satisfyng the curiosity of a few people.

Reply to  Thomas More
10 years ago

Prudent? I think the word you were looking for was convenient. While you may favor burying your head in the sand the more that is made public, the less the speculation. At least if things are made public, the right people bear the responsibility of their actions, whereas when it’s all done behind closed doors the rumor mill will churn and burn many innocent players to save face for the connected. “Satisfying the curiosity of a few people” is why the media exists, isn’t it?

Sheriff Dawg
Sheriff Dawg
Reply to  Thomas More
10 years ago

When I hear it might be “prudent” to leave an issue alone that tells me someone doesn’t want something to come out. DV, keep pressing!! Where theres smoke …

Reply to  Thomas More
10 years ago

The problem with the Boys Club is not that he kids do not have parents (this has been a long-standing problem with its members), it’s that their is no leadership. From the board to the executive director, everyone has their own agenda. The place is rotting from the head down and it’s a shame.

Silence Dogood
Silence Dogood
10 years ago

Dean Martin did a nice version of that song but only after country singer Hank Locklin had a hit with the song he also wrote

Modern Quotes
Modern Quotes
10 years ago

“If the American people don’t trust us, we’re gonna have problems”
– Barrack Whosane Obola

“Its the citizens of Pittsfield civic duty to pay their taxes”
– Daniel Bianchi

10 years ago

When the mayor and council take their oath on Inauguration Day ,they swear before God and their fellow citizens to uphold the laws and serve their citizens .The actions they take after that day sends a signal if they take those words seriously. A true leader brings all views to the table and moves the city forward helping all feel engaged ,and showing outsiders that the environment exists for a healthy exchange of ideas and viewpoints that allow both parties involved as well as businesses and those thinking of setting up shop that this kind of healthy garment will allow them to prosper .

Pittsfield does not send that signal when:

1) ignores votes from its unions who trust in good faith that their votes are respected.

2) That the vital needs of elderly and veterans are allowed to be heard through independent representatives within city hall ,without interference from the corner office ,and they are not just given lip service by the mayor and city councilors.

3) When the city solicitor does not quote law but offers personal viewpoints or opinions. It creates a impression that we are a city that does not take its legal matters seriously.She represents the city but seems to be the mayors legal excuse to blur the law for their benefit and circumvent the democratic process.She seems to argue against the mayors detractors,instead of quoting laws ! She is not a independent voice but a appendage the mayor and those who share his views.

4) When the council president not only has her election parties with the mayor but becomes a pathway for the mayor to bypass the separation of powers .It creates a dangerous impression to outsiders that the fix is in and if you don’t play ball you don’t go anywhere.

5) When city hall Department heads get massive raises in a time of fiscal distress for most of its citizens.

6). When our “rainy day” fund is dangerously low and our government spending is dangerously high

7) When businesses our not given incentives to go into blighted areas and develop,but are ignored and over taxed.

Reply to  billy
10 years ago

When The City Council President set the agenda from the last meeting she did it with the mayor inside the mayor’s office. I know. I saw it and when Ms. Mazzeo had to call my office that day the call came from the mayor’s phone!! So much for separation. Council meetings are for Council’s business. The mayor is only an invited guest. That’s not how this current council is run. Mayor controls everything.

Shuts out the people, punishes his political enemies, and keeps telling everyone that Dan Valenti practices municipal sedition
and treason.

Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and DV, 3 of a kind. I have a daily ringside seat to how the mayor governs. It’s even worse than it appears.