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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, NOV. 20, 2014) — THE PLANET calls your attention to the “pure coincidence” involving The Suits’ decision to release information on Western Massachusetts Electric Company‘s upcoming rate increase of 29%. That’s a whopper, to be sure, and it not only riled but sent waves of fear throughout many households and businesses.

The announcement of the rate hike was published in Pittsfield one week after the state elections. You’re shocked, shocked, at this amazing coincidence, right?

The state — the usual gang of idiots from the governor down to the most useless backbencher rep from Podunk, Berlshire County (our vote goes to Gail Cariddi, D-Insignificant) — knew the hike was on the way but said nothing.

Where Were Our State Reps?

THE PLANET wonders where were the public hearings? Where were our state representatives? Why didn’t they know about this in advance? Or did they know and were complicit in holding back the news until after the elections? Ben Downing, Smitty Pignatelli, Paul Mark, Cariddi, and Tricia Farley-Bouvier, what happened?

The increase is expected to add another $30 per month (average) to the electric bills of homeowners and businesses in western Massachusetts. That’s bad enough, but when you also factor in the huge tax increases that the Pittsfield City Council approved to fund the mayor’s untouched budget request, the only questions to ask are, “How fast will businesses and residents be planning their exodus, and where will they go?”

The double-whammy rate and tax hikes will cause some businesses to fold or move. It will also punish many households in Pittsfield, especially seniors on fixed incomes. These households are barely making ends meet now. Another $30, $40, or $50 a month will be devastating.

City leaders know this, but led by Pittsfield’s toothless, feckless mayor, they do not care. They got theirs in the form of huge pay raises The Empty Suit initiated and received at the hands of a complicit council.

The Lights May Be On, but the Opacity Increases

According to information published by the National Consumer Law Center in Boston, electric rate hikes will drive the cost for the proverbial “typical household” to more than $150 a month. National Grid, which is outdoing WMECO by asking the state to approve a 37% hike, has joined its fellow utility in being opaque about the justification for the gargantuan hikes, a lack of transparency that could have come straight from the mouth of TES.

We’ve seen all kinds of factors blamed for the increase, including the polar vortex. One common theme has been to cite the lack of adequate supply of natural gas in Massachusetts, especially western Mass. This scarcity has driven up the cost of making power. If anything, this would seem to make the case for the new pipeline that has so many Berkshire communities in a tizzy.

Backers of the new pipeline say added capacity will lower costs through more supply and greater competition for your energy dollar. Opponents claim Kinder Morgan‘s Tennessee Gas Pipeline Project is not needed, saying supply problems can be solved with greater efficiencies in the current system and more reliance on alternate energy sources (solar, wind).

Northeast Utilities owns both National Grid and WMECO. It’s interesting to note that while National made its request known in late September, WMECO waited until after the election. What, if anything, does this say about politics in Berkshire County and Pittsfield?


Here’s a related story from the Globe that may interest you: RELATED | Steven Syre: National Grid’s shifty route to lower tax bills


The electric companies have simply stated they must raise prices because the cost of buying electricity from power plants has skyrocketed to its highest level in decades. Are we simply taking their word for it? Given the silence of state legislators, the answer appears to be “yes.”

“Oh, but it’s only $X a month,” sounds the tired refrain by political apologists who have their cushy deals  secure. However, Pittsfield has too many elderly and poor who will not be able to afford even a slight increase.

Increases Will Drive Out Businesses and Households

In Pittsfield, the combination of the electric bill hikes and the new, higher tax rates will devastate homes and businesses, taking with it much of what is left of the local economy. The city has an enormous debt burden. The municipal pension fund is on the way to failure. The bill for unfunded liabilities looms like Godzilla  towering over a Tokyo skyscraper. At a time when city enrollment in public schools is dropping, the deal for a new high school that will easily top $130 million has been sealed behind closed doors without voters getting a crack at it.

Bottom line is that Pittsfield taxpayers will never be able to pay what corrupt politicians have saddled them with in terms of operating costs, capital expenses, and debt.

For instances like this did the wise man and hero coin his immortal saying about such abominable public servants: “Goddamn phony bastards.”


“Heigho! The lark and the owl! One flies the morning, and one lulls the night. Only the nightingale, poor fond soul, sings like a fool through darkness and light.”Percy Bysshe Shelley, from Charles The First, Scene V, (1870).



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

On top of it all, the Massachusetts state government is proposing to cut local aid to cities and towns to close its budget gap.

10 years ago

If only we could shift some of the tax burden to the strong shoulders of the local crack dealers. It is just not fair that the senior citizens get hit so hard and the crack peddlers catch a break. Since their business seems to be doing so well perhaps they would be so kind as to offer an in kind donation. We will never know if we do not ask.

Dont trust em
Dont trust em
Reply to  dusty
10 years ago

Or give the drug dealers the same deal Pittsfield gives not- for -profits, PILOT payment in lieu of taxes.

Frank N Stien
Frank N Stien
10 years ago

This blog reminds me of the movie Ground Hog Day. Beating a dead horse over and over. How about coming up with real answers, not just lowering taxes but real answers. Not just telling dept heads to cut 10% or 20% of their budget.

Reply to  Frank N Stien
10 years ago

It is that simple, if it’s not stopped government will add infinite numbers of positions, raise salaries infinitely, transfer infinite amounts of money to contractors, and take infinite amounts of money from workers. That’s what it does. If taxpayers fail in their responsibility to control it, it will continue until it bankrupts the community.

Reply to  Frank N Stien
10 years ago

Frank, there have been plenty of real answers on this blog. If you have not noticed them, then you have not been paying attention.

Reply to  Frank N Stien
10 years ago

Real answer is adjust the city budget to a city with only 40000 people in it. If the Mayor and council really did their job,by remembering their first duty is to serve the city and think about the fiscal burdens they carry.This city government thinks about power ,prominence ,pension.When it should be thinking of what we have just come through since 2008. Take away pensions and healthcare and most of these guys would evaporate from politics,along with their pseudo concern for the” public good”

10 years ago

Cutting budgets and positions are the real answers to this issue. Why do we have a public nurse position, nurses in schools, school and adjustment counselors when everyone has insurance that will pay for it privately. Also why 2 asst supers, elementary vice principles, very small class sizes where classes could be combined and 2 High Schools. There is a lot of waste in Pitts. This is the reason my S.O. and myself won’t “upsize” even through we could because we don’t want to enable this wasteful behavior!!

Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
10 years ago

See Frank? Shirley just provided a real answer for you. In the private sector all positions must be justified and proof of that justification is required, or that position is gone. A proper, non-politically based, review of ALL positions in the school and city departments is sorely needed. That alone would eliminate many overpaid/underworked positions, and shrink the budget tremendously. Also, performance reviews need to be done for every position, with underperformers either getting no raise or being terminated if no improvement is made. That is the only way to get accountibility into this broken system.
The pension system is also a fiscal disaster. The idea of paying someone 80% of their salary for not working is financial stupidity at its worst. The pension system needs to be replaced by some type of 401k system, like us poor folk in the private sector get.
So there you are – real answers. Will this ever happen? Of course not, as the unions control the politicians around here.

10 years ago

Two possible places to move to:

Detroit: Very cheap houses and real estate
Ferguson: Security. Very high police presence

10 years ago

Imagine going shopping for groceries at the Big Y and catching a stray bullet from a drug deal gone bad?

19th “verified” shooting this year.

“Your mother who neglected you owes a million dollars tax and your father’s still perfecting ways of making ceiling wax. You better stop. And look around. Here comes your 19th nervous breakdown”.
– The Rolling Stones

Bea Breef
Bea Breef
10 years ago

Why are these ass clowns making a funny on WTBR about the Big Y shooting, didn’t the victim die?

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Bea Breef
10 years ago

I am one of the ass clowns. The kid is at home, resting in a lot of pain, according to the Eagle. I don’t think critical social commentary is making a funny. Clearly you disagree, which is your right. I just wish you could do it without name calling.

Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
10 years ago

At a time in our history, this City needs strong leadership. While raising the taxes and not taking control of the gang problem and raising taxes on our most vulnerable population, the elderly, our City is destined for bankruptcy and failure. Unfortunately, Biianchi, who seemed to be a watchdog while a member of our city council is failing miserably. He has no people skills and while on our council often offered the words “prudent and wise”. As a mayor he has been neither “prudent nor wise” unfortunately “we the people” are suffering on the grounds of padding his pension and the “ole BOYS”. We need a Mayor who can demonstrate leadership qualities and who’s hand is “not in the cookie jar with graft and kickbacks or government pensions.

Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
10 years ago

Kathy people are in the comment sections saying the guy collapsed and died at home. Just out of curiosity what was the punch line? Tough mass gun laws at work? Here’s an idea for young kids out there don’t get involved with drugs and the dirtbags who peddle them. There was a story a few weeks ago about a guy in Springfield stabbing a drug dealer who came to collect I actually thought that was pretty funny. I wondered why more people don’t just front drugs to support thier habit and kill the dealers legally in self defense when they come to collect. That could be an entire SNL show let’s get the Wayanes brothers on the horn.

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

I hear you, Scott. Mostly I just wish weed were legal, yes bad people would still do bad things but maybe a little less??
I think mostly we were riffing on Goshen, not all that funny but I wouldn’t have had such a cavalier attitude had I known the man had died. My heart goes out to his family, and I had made many a stupid mistake and lived to tell the tale. This poor man wasn’t so lucky.

Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
10 years ago

I used to travel through Goshen on a regular basis, and what is funny about Goshen is that it has a completely different weather pattern than the rest of Rt. 9. The guy died, though? FYI all gunshot and stabbing wounds have to be reported by the ER to the police. I was dismayed to read that they took him all the way to Cooley Dickinson for treatment. I just hope they had some weed in the car for his pain management. Imagine hitting a pothole?? Yikes.

Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
10 years ago

It will be Kathy. So will all other drugs it’s a loosing battle. As long as there’s money to be made people will take the risk and use violence for financial gain.

Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
10 years ago

The so called kid, 29 years old, has died. Murder at Big Y in Pittsfield.

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Bea Breef
10 years ago

WOW, Bea Breef. I just read that he did die. I certainly would have tempered my comments, had I known. My sincerest apologies to his family.

Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
10 years ago

So sorry Kathy, I will contact you. This tragedy in our City of Pittsfield needs to stop. My sincerest apologies to you and his family.

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Peregrine
10 years ago

Thanks, Peregrine. Look forward to chatting with you.

Reply to  Bea Breef
10 years ago

Some people just express thier fear of imminent objects differently than others.

Bea Breef
Bea Breef
10 years ago

Expect these words to be expounded at the tax classification hearing tonight. Prudent, responsible, sensitive and ease the burden without losing essential services, yup, expect it.

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
Reply to  Bea Breef
10 years ago

Bu…Bu…Bu ah……”But lt’s for the children”.

Bea Breef
Bea Breef
10 years ago

Sorry to Kathy, actually I like you guys. Kind of figured you might not have known about it. Peace!

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Bea Breef
10 years ago


Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
10 years ago

Ms. Lloyd,

I am not seeing a report anywhere that this you man has died. Where did you read it?

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Ed Shepardson
10 years ago
Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
10 years ago

Ah Probably not the nest source for credible information. And I bet the posters who claimed he had died used fictitous names

downtown dweller
downtown dweller
Reply to  Ed Shepardson
10 years ago

iberkshires has it on their website.

10 years ago

Ok…Someone has DONE something rather than just bitch. Go to the Mass Revolt FaceBook page, like it and leave a comment. Then Tweet at our local guys to DO something @BenjaminDowning and @repsmitty. If you don’t do Twitter, write them, call them, something…and ask them what THEY are going to do about these outrageous rate hikes. I for one am done bending over!

Reply to  MrG1188
10 years ago

Yeah throw it on face book next to the repost these starving children or you don’t care and the pictures of food and menus from expensive restaurants. See you later I’m off to take a picture of cheesecake for Instagram. We should start an online petition.

Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Hey Scott…something needs to be done beyond bitching here. I started a page, invited others I know to come read and take action. Write your state rep, write your state senator, write the US congressman and senators. Or we can just bitch to each other here, make snarky comments, do nothing productive and bend over and take it. Do something!

Reply to  MrG1188
10 years ago

Hey monster boy…I don’t claim to have any answers. I’m just sick and tired of being sick and tired and am trying to do something. I’ve already held public office

Reply to  danvalenti
10 years ago

I second that planet.

Reply to  MrG1188
10 years ago

I write them all the time they don’t care.

Knows the Truth
Knows the Truth
10 years ago

Phew!! Just in time for the classification hearing so we can pay for all the raises including the new rate for the public health nurse….Nobody’s applying so increase the rate…OR maybe….just maybe…people are too smart to work for this joke of a city…..

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Knows the Truth
10 years ago

The 1.7 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits that more than 58 million Social Security beneficiaries receive in January 2015.

10 years ago

Mr. Valenti,
You make the claim that “Northeast Utilities owns both National Grid and WMECO.”
Not sure about WMECO, but if NU owns NG (Symbol: NGG), then it’s news to National Grid share owners. The dividend checks from NGG eminate from corporate headquarters in Great Britain, whereas Northeast Utilities (Symbol: NU) is located in Boston and is a totally separate company.

10 years ago

I hear Bianchi is grinning from ear to ear.

Not so much the people over at the Senior Center.

Maybe he should take a walk with Dorothy and the Scarecrow and see if OZ can give him a heart.

Nota Consultant
Nota Consultant
10 years ago

Bianchi states that the impact on energy costs through a denial of this project could hurt the local economy. Energy costs are hurting every American Tes, get real, no pipeline.

10 years ago

Three rules apply at the tax hearing..(1) bullshit session. (2) more bullshit. (3) assume the position.

10 years ago

Favorite Pittsfield quips come tax hearing time. Step up to the plate. We are paying less than other communities. How many communities have free garbage removal…really? Free?…. Get the Grant now or someone else will take it..(a fear thing)

Frank N Stien
Frank N Stien
Reply to  Nota
10 years ago

How many towns pay for garbage pickup?

10 years ago

According to the updated Eagle story regarding the fatal shooting yesterday, the girl who was with the victim posted on Facebook after the incident…in part..” I am never going to PITTSFIELD again”

That might be good advice for anyone for a whole host of reasons.

Reply to  dusty
10 years ago

Yes blame Pittsfield not the poor choice to attempt to purchase drugs and either not pay for them or buy them from a guy who’s interested in shooting and robbing you.

10 years ago

Frank there are ways to not only save money but make money without tax and spend every year. For starters stream line recycling having containers and papers every week. Put advertising on OUR school buses. Those 2 things could raise around 250,000 a year.Close one elementary school, moving the alternate school, administrative personal and PPS storage facility into the building. This would get Mercer and Hibbard back on the tax rolls and stop the waste of renting at Mildred Ellie.

Frank N Stien
Frank N Stien
Reply to  joetaxpayer
10 years ago

Those are some answers to discuss. That’s what I’m talking about. Not just cut budgets without having a clue what that dept does

10 years ago

After the din dies down you might be hit with the news that there is going to be a new public works building on the East st property that was once rejected. I heard it is being discussed behind the scenes

10 years ago

Whether we are talking about Pittsfield politicians who want to keep giving themselves raises and build million dollar schools that aren’t needed while they raise taxes on the poor and disabled and the city is becoming increasingly violent, the fact is that the city is going downhill quickly.

10 years ago

Hey…by the way, my National Grid bill came with a notice of a 37% rate increase blamed essentially on lack of natural gas pipeline. That’s wholesale blackmail to coerce us into embracing and approving the pipeline. Anyone know a good lawyer…or at least a hungry one?

10 years ago

I emplore Council Members Clairmont Lothrop and Krol to go against the tax hike tonight. This will be the last chance for me to have any faith going forward for support of each of you. Status uo won’t make it tonight

Bea Breef
Bea Breef
10 years ago

Councilor Caccamo states he is in a unique position as he does not own a home in Pittsfield? Um, I don’t think it ‘s about you Councilor, it’s the home owners you represent, isn’t it?

Guess what
Guess what
10 years ago

Guess what I not sure if I heard right but the new tax increase just got approved.

10 years ago

I could be wrong. But isn’t this the largest budget in the history of the City of Pittsfield?

Reply to  Nota
10 years ago

It is, until next year’s that is.

Reply to  Nota
10 years ago

You are not wrong. It is the largest in history. Spending at record levels. People’s finances at a low. The picture is bleak. I am most disheartened by first the mayor’s inability to budget responsibly and second the council’s failure to send the budget back for serious trimming.

Charles Kronick Berkshire
Charles Kronick Berkshire
10 years ago

Thanks to Councilman Morandi for speaking out for his constituents.

Mr. Caccamo, increasing the budget for government will result in less consumer money for local businesses. New schools, bus fleets, paving projects, and infrastructure does not promote economic returns for the taxpayers who are fortunate to enjoy living here. Seeing that you advise us to support city businesses, the first step belongs to you.

Mr. Caccamo and the other seven who voted for the increased budget and then paid for it with higher taxes, lower the budget and return residential rates to pre-2012 levels, and bring some sort of parity between the bus and residential rates. You heard from both sides – aren’t you responsible for addressing those concerns?

10 years ago

Mr. Valenti,

Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to me that the entire Berkshire State House delegation: State Sen. Benjamin Downing, State Reps. Smitty Pignatelli, Tricia Farley-Bouvier, etc., have been incredibly ineffectual when it comes to representing the best interests of Berkshire County’s electric ratepayers.
Is there even one example of any of these Democrat politicos extracting rate concessions from local utility companies?

10 years ago

Mr. Valenti,
True blue Berkshire Democrats who voted for Barack Hussein Obama these past two Presidential election cycles should not now complain about increases in electricity rates because this is exactly what Obama promised, increase in electricity rates as part of an overhaul of the nation’s power generation from coal to so-called ‘green’ energy.
Did Berkshire Democrats think that such increase in electricity rates would not apply to Berkshire County?
Obama’s USEPA regulations are all about penalizing power companies for operating what heretofore had been low-cost coal-fired power plants.
Now that Berkshire residents are actually footing the bill for Obama’s regulations, Berkshire Democrats should be cheering not complaining.