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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, DEC. 23, 2014) — As THE PLANET exclusively revealed yesterday, city solicitor Kathy Degnan was ordered 12 days ago to turn over all responsive documents requested by iBerkshires in connection with the Human Rights Commission‘s handling of allegations of racism made by a black businesswoman against Mayor Dan Bianchi.

Here’s the situation in sum:

1. iBerkshires sought pertinent HRC documents from the city.

2. Degnan denied the request.

3. iBerkshires appealed to the Public Records Division of the Secretary of State’s office.

4. The state found in iBerkshires favor and ordered compliance through the city clerk’s office.

5. Degnan appealed, claiming an exemption for the based on an “ongoing investigation.”

6. The state found no “ongoing investigation” that would compromise release of records.

7. The state ordered Degnan to turn over all responsive records on the HRC.

——– 000 ——–

That was 12 days ago. THE PLANET contacted iBerkshires‘ editor Tammy Daniels about the situation. Daniels tells us that “[t]he city is releasing the material early next week based on the date of the official snail mail letter giving them 10 days.” Daniels says iBerkshires plans to do a story and that the website “will publish to documents based on what we find and how best to present them.”

Many Questions Abide

This is just the latest in a cascade of actions whereby Degnan has acted as the legal enabler for an Administration bent on stifling the freedom of information so essential for any community to govern itself.

That Degnan would claim an exemption on turning over the document based on a non-existent “ongoing investigation” suggests either someone out-of-touch and grossly misinformed or someone willing to lie to protect the Administration.

Questions abound:

* If Degnan turns over documents, how do we know they are unredacted? How do we know they haven’t been altered? Do we go simply on trust?

* Why is it taking the city so long to comply with the state’s order?

* Is the city solicitor hiding other secrets on behalf of (and/or to protect) the mayor?

* Does Josh Cutler‘s hasty resignation from the Human Rights Commission play into this development and fight over public records? That resignation has never been properly explained.

* Does the HRC have anything to say about this latest controversy?

Transparency Lost

The lack of transparency is perhaps the greatest surprise and disappointment relating to The Bianchi Administration.

Based on his service as a Ward 6 councilor, no one expected such a reticent, recalcitrant performance as the executive. People expected the populist that served the ward and the city so well. That person never showed up, only a “reasonable facsimile thereof,” and that for only five or six months — up until the Spectrum case.

When Spectrum Health Services approached Mayor Jimmy Ruberto to locate a methadone clinic downtown, the mayor infamously threw Spectrum out of his office. When Spectrum promised a fight, Ruberto went to court. Under city attorney Rich Donohey, the city prevailed three times in separate court decisions. It remains an open question whether or not Pittsfield could have ultimately prevailed to keep Spectrum out of the city. There’s no question, though, that with three court victories, Pittsfield was  in a strong position to negotiate terms.

She became the city’s attorney for the Spectrum case in March 2012and promptly handed victory to the company. To make matters worse, she agreed to a $100,000 payment to the company that appeared to be unnecessary and was never properly explained.

Pittsfield not only lost the case but was humiliated.

The question will ring in 2015: Can Pittsfield afford four more years of such “public service?”


“As virtuous men pass mildly away, / And whisper to their souls to go. / Whilst some of their sad friends do say / The breath goes now, and some say no.”John Donne, opening stanza, “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning,” (1631).





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charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

Again! Mention of a complaint lodged by a ‘black businesswoman.’ Who is this person, and how come I never heard of her?

downtown dweller
downtown dweller
Reply to  charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

The woman’s name is Doreen Wade. She’s from Medford.

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  downtown dweller
10 years ago

Yes, but who is the businesswoman?

Downtown Dweller
Downtown Dweller
Reply to  charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

She was considered the business woman. She had some kind of online business that she wanted to bring to Berkshire County because she had family here.

Reply to  Downtown Dweller
10 years ago

Anyone know if the businesswoman has brought the business to Pittsfield?

Reply to  charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

Doreen Wade is the beginning of the end of our current mayor.

10 years ago

Sure looks like somebody has something they do not want the public to find out about.

And I would assume that with all the other issues going on it very well could take the whole ten days to redact and whitewash any forced released information especially for a person who had trouble getting things right in the first place.

Now that Honey boo boo has been cancelled perhaps there is room for a Pittsfield based reality show. I hear they pay pretty good.

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
10 years ago

Craig Gaetani stated during his apperance at the HRC that he was a party to Doreen Wade’s complaint. He has advised that he plans on attending tonight’s city council meeting along with his consulting partner, Dr. Wang. This latest revelation should provide the water wizard with additional controversial fodder. Should prove interesting.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Ed McClelland
10 years ago

There isn’t a council meeting tonight. Only one meeting in December.


10 years ago

I have to laugh at Charles Kronick Berkshire repeatedly insisting that Kathy Degnan is competent.

She shows her incompetence every time she steps before the City Council with her double talking and nonsensical answers. They are so dumbfounded and rattled they just give up.

Charles: Where do you fit in with the mayor’s administration or are you a relative or friend?

Reply to  Spider
10 years ago

Spider…Degnan is never prepared, and is in a constant stooper. Can’t fix Stupid.

Reply to  Spider
10 years ago

Spider you have posed a great question to Charles, I too am wondering which of Mayor Bianchi’s sycophants Charles is. “He who doth protest too much.” Much like Hamlet, this administration is both a tragedy and a comedy.

Reply to  DowagerHat
10 years ago

When the Planet gets trolls trying to divert attention from the points made here, that’s when you know that the coverage here is getting under someone’s skin!

We love you, Planet!

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  Linda
10 years ago

I thought trolls were posters who anonymously attack other poster’s characters?

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  DowagerHat
10 years ago

Ok, who plays Hamlet? I’m taking Polonious. You two can share Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.

Sycophant is a big word – I don’t think it means what you think it does.

Dowagers, Spiders and spagirls, all wrapped up in one thread – oh my! Not an employee, not a relative, not even a mere friend.

Reply to  charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

Not an employee, relative or friend…..but definitely with a purpose in mind.

Tell us what it is, Charlie …… explain to us her competency (as you see it). Enlighten us!

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  Spider
10 years ago

For one, I don’t take a piece of paper at face value, staying with the Hamlet reference.

There are ethical concerns which you should find perplexing regarding invidious comments which are hard to substantiate and anonymously posted.

Hurdygurdy Man
Hurdygurdy Man
Reply to  charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

Clumsy evasion. Why do you feel the need to show off? The big words. the lit references …Looks like this site intimidates you, charles.

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  Hurdygurdy Man
10 years ago

Hurdy, you got to exercise your ‘yankee-noodle’ from time to time.

Reply to  DowagerHat
10 years ago

Sorry Dowager, no comedy in Hamlet. Not a particularly funny play, mostly serious as a heart attack

Charles Kronick Berkshires
Charles Kronick Berkshires
Reply to  MrG1188
10 years ago

I disagree. Hamlet is full of comedy and sadness. Think Infinite Jest. However, I reread my too-erudite comment that I felt was on cue regarding G&S.

In retrospect, I should have recommended that the pair share a bar of soap.

Reply to  Spider
10 years ago

There is a Charles I. Kronick listed on the Animal Control Commission. Not too high in the administration, though appointed by the mayor.

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
10 years ago

The city attorney is a key position. When one doesnt have competence there the risk to the city and to the public are huge. Great coverage Mr. Valenti.

Penny Pincher
Penny Pincher
Reply to  On the Q-T
10 years ago

She makes. $60 grand. You get what you pay for.

10 years ago

Translation of Charles KB last comment:

He’s stumped!!!!

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

2015 is near upon us, and a new year may bring fresh entertainment as this is getting old.

I predict a slandered city employee will file harrassment suit against the city, and posters on planetvalenti will rush to the plaintiffs defense and disavow all prior statements. That’ll keep you guys going for at least three months.

Hurdygurdy Man
Hurdygurdy Man
Reply to  charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

You are getting old. If it doesn’t suit you don’t come to the Planet.

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  Hurdygurdy Man
10 years ago

You may have a valid point. Either way, we’ll see what 2015 brings.

Reply to  charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

If it is true it is not considered slander.

10 years ago

Charles you need another hobby.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  GettGott
10 years ago

True dat. You’re a good one.

10 years ago

Who is this business woman? What Planet have you been on?

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  GettGott
10 years ago

Slam dunk for you! No one outside of this fictional planet has yet to be introduced to a businesswoman from Medford. (Pardon the three syllable words to those above.)

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
10 years ago

I’m still wondering how yelling and wagging your finger at someone violates that persons human rights. He talked to the white water whizzinator exactly the same way. That being said,the dynamic duo needs stop playing games with records requests.

10 years ago

As bad a year as this council and mayor have had. It was worth it all as LOw wasn’t selected Prez and was omitted as chair on sub committee. Happy New Year!

10 years ago

Can’t take knowitalls, ie Scott, JLO, Charles. But what’s worse is someone who can’t admit they’re incorrect.

Sheriff Dawg
Sheriff Dawg
Reply to  PopKornSutton
10 years ago

Well said, Pop!

Bill Sturgeon
Bill Sturgeon
10 years ago

Christmas Eve day for my family and me is filled with joy, but can become very hectic. So as to not forget I want to wish everyone on PV Merry Christmas for those of the Christian Faith and Happy Holidays to everyone else. Additonally, I wish all of you a Healthy, Happy, and Peaceful New Year!

A special Merry Christmas to Mr. Valenti who spent his Christmas -1944 fighting the Germans at the Battle of the Bulge!

10 years ago

Streescape for Madison to Columbus was the order of the day at the city council meeting last week as LOw calls up Afoug to the mike to ask questions Doug greets BLOwhard with a hefty HELLo, probably thanking the great LOw for the recent pay increases LOw proposed for municipal workers so as to keep the free of the crop working here in the Pits. Back to Streetscape, can’t wait for that to happen, I’ll be standing on the corner of Madison and north at midnight admiring all the good work downtown to make it look so beautiful.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  PopKornSutton
10 years ago

Stay off of:
North st.
Tyler st.
Lincoln st.
First st.
Second st.
Linden st.
Dewey ave
Cherry st.
Burbank st.
Kent ave
Madison ave
And Seymour st.
And you might survive.

10 years ago

I would like to wish Bruce Collingwood a Merry Christmas for the great work he does with very little thanks, a true employee in the trenches that has been totally undervalued for years.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

I believe that Pittsfield politics is in a never-ending downward spiral. Thousands of people have fled Pittsfield. Thousands of jobs have been lost in Pittsfield. Hundreds of students choice out of Pittsfield public schools. Pittsfield politics raises its taxes by around 5 percent every fiscal year plus a multi-million dollar capital budget it will never pay off. Pittsfield also has many millions of dollars in unfunded liabilities (or long-term debt) it will never pay off. In a couple of decades, after today’s senior citizens die off, Pittsfield will have no real tax base. Homes will diminish in value, while local taxes will be sky high. Pittsfield will eventually become financially insolvent and will declare bankruptcy protection and become a ward of the state government. Pittsfield is known as the welfare capital of the northeast. Teen pregnancies double the statewide average in Pittsfield. There are more locals on welfare than have full time, living wage jobs in Pittsfield. Pittsfield’s downtown area is known as Social Services Alley by day, and a place filled with crime, violence, drugs, and gangs, by night. Most people still avoid downtown Pittsfield, despite the tens of millions of taxpayer dollars spent on its revitalization. Pittsfield politics is totally corrupt and it is ran by the Good Old Boy network. Pittsfield keeps on getting worse and worse!

10 years ago

Agree on Collingwood, a man of the peeps!

10 years ago

Collingwood always treated me fairly, when ai had a water problem he was right there for me.

10 years ago

Is it me or does the travelling Broadway Arts and Entertainment and Company, only have One Fan?