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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, DEC. 22, 2014) — Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got one brewing, a real knee slapper. Once again, The Bianchi Administration has been conked over the noggin (as we used to say on the streets, given “a wood shampoo”) by the Public Records Division of Commonwealth Secretary Bill Galvin‘s office.

THE PLANET‘s elite Z-Agents of the crack Secret Squadron have dug up the evidence from state records. Just think. In the age prior to the Internet, government corruption would be all covered over, nice and quiet, the way The Suits like it. Grimy political hacks and thugs prefer things secret and muddied. Cyberspace has at least made their smeary games a bit more difficult.

Back in July, THE PLANET led coverage into the allegations of racism against Mayor Dan Bianchi filed by a black Medford businesswoman after she claimed hostile treatment from the mayor in a corner office meeting. On July 8, Boxcar Media’s iBerkshires then requested a request for public records in the case. Specifically, iBerkshires’ scribe Joe Durwin requested “all records provided to the Human Rights Commission.”

Kathy Degnan, city solicitor, denied the request for documents. Yeah, we know — stop the presses! Degnan claimed and exemption to the Public Records Law.


This follows a consistent pattern of secrecy, denial, and obstruction from the mayor who was first elected on a promise of “transparency.”

The Administration ‘Failed’ Citizens Once Again

On Aug. 22, Supervisor of Records Shawn Williams of Secretary of State Bill Galvin‘s office, Public Records Division, notified City Clerk Linda Tyer that the city, Bianchi, and Degnan “failed to satisfy its burden in responding to this records request.” Williams ordered the city, through the clerk’s office, “to provide [iBerkshires] with copies of the responsive records within ten (10) calendar days.”

On Sept. 3, Degnan, acting on order from Bianchi, asked Williams for “reconsideration” of his decision and sent him “additional information to support the City’s exemption claim.” It took Willams’ office three months to decide on Bianchi’s latest attempt to keep We The People in the dark. On Dec. 11, Williams notified Degnan in a letter (paraphasing) “No dice, sister. Fork over the records.”

Williams denied Degnan’s claim that the city couldn’t release the HRC information because it involved an active investigation. The reason was simple. There was no investigation. You can only imagine what the state thinks of the rubes in the Administration. It appears that Degnan, no doubt acting on orders, counted on the state not checking out her claim of an ongoing investigation. Big mistake. Williams’ office checked it out, and found no probe.

Was Degnan misinformed? Was she lying? THE PLANET can’t think of a third possibility.

Williams ordered Degnan to turn over the records to Durwin and iBerkshires “in a manner consistent with this order” and the state’s Public Records Law. That would appear to be within 10 calendar days. If so, Degnan would have had to give Durwin the Christmas present by Dec. 21, yesterday.

Stay tuned to the iBerkshires site to see what it will do with the documents.

——– 000 ——–

Here are to the letters THE PLANET discussed, the first on Dec. 11 from the Public Records Division of the Secretary of State’s office to Degnan and the second from Aug. 22 from the Public Records Division to Tyer.

——– 000 ——–

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth Public Records Division

December 11, 2014


FROM: Shawn A. Williams Supervisor ofRecords

TO: Ms. Kathleen E. Degnan, Esq. Pittsfield City Solicitor City Hall 70 Allen Street, Room 200 Pittsfield, MA 01201

Dear City Solicitor Degnan:

This office has received your request for reconsideration of my prior decision regarding a previously closed public records appeal. See SPR14/402 Determination of the Supervisor of Records (July 25, 2014). I held that the City of Pittsfield (City) failed to satisfy its burden of specificity in responding to a public records request made by Joe Durwin, Pittsfield Correspondent for Boxcar Media, Inc. Mr. Durwin requested copies ofrecords related to a complaintunderinvestigationbytheCity’sHumanRightsCommission(HRC). Iorderedthe City to provide copies of unredacted responsive records or provide a detailed explanation as to the City’s exemption claim.

The City’s Compliance with Administrative Orders

In a September 3, 2014 letter to this office you complied with my original order, choosing to provide additional information to support the City’s exemption claim. In an October 20, 2014letter responding to a second order that was issued by this office, you provided unredacted copies of responsive records in order for this office to conduct an in camera review to determine the applicability of the Department’s Exemption (f) claim. I wish to thank you, the City and the HRC for this cooperation.

In a letter that accompanied the in camera materials you identified records that the HRC believes are not exempt from disclosure. Accordingly, I will consider this portion of the appeal closed with the proviso that the sections of records deemed public are provided to Mr. Durwin within ten (1 0) days.

OneAshburton Place, Room 1719, Boston, Massachusetts 02108 · (617) 727-2832 ·Fax (617) 727-5914 us/ preMs. Kathleen E. Degnan, Esq. SPR14/402 Page Two December 11, 2014


To assist in my review, you also provided information from the Pittsfield City Code (Code) that establishes the HRC, the body that is withholding the responsive records. See Article XXVII of Chapter 2 ofthe Code. As you explained in a September 29, 2014 telephone conversation, the purpose of the HRC is to investigate complaints of discrimination and other denials o f equal access. Sec. 2-141(1).

In the September 29th conversation, you explained that the withheld records consist of materials related to a current investigation by a non-quorum subcommittee of the HRC. See Sec. 2-141(6). You further explained that once the subcommittee concludes its investigation it will present its findings in a written report that will be made available to the public. See Sec. 2-


Exemption (f) Whereas the HRC’s investigation remains ongoing, it is withholding certain responsive

records pursuant to Exemption (f) of the Public Records Law. This exemption applies to:

investigatory materials necessarily compiled out of the public view by law enforcement or other investigatory officials the disclosure of which materials would probably so prejudice the possibility of effective law enforcement that such disclosure would not be in the public interest

G. L. c. 4, § 7(26)(f)

Exemption (f) may be used by investigative officials if the disclosure of records could have an adverse effect on an effective law enforcement investigation. WBZ-TV4 v. District Attorney for the Suffolk Dist., 408 Mass. 595, 603 (1990).

In your letter you argue that disclosure of these documents prior to the conclusion of the HRC investigation could adversely affect “the HRC’s ability to conduct a fair and thorough investigation” into the complainant’s claim, “meaning that publication ofthe investigative material may put public pressure on the HRC to resolve [the complainant’s] complaint in such a way that is not consistent with the purpose of the HRC as stated in the city’s by-law.”

It appears that many months have passed since this complaint was filed, and no information was provided to this office by you, the City or the HRC to indicate that any investigation is active at this time. See “Discrimination claim against Mayor Bianchi tabled until status of federal, state complaints learned,” by Jim Therrien, Berkshire Eagle ( discrimination-claim-against-mayor-bianchi-tabled-

Ms. Kathleen E. Degnan, Esq. SPR14/402 Page Three December 11, 2014

woman-also), accessed December 2, 2014. Subsequent to a call placed to your office on December 2, 20 14 to determine the active status of the investigation you provided additional documentation indicating that the HRC will dismiss the matter if the complainant fails to respond by late December 2014.

The Massachusetts courts have found that even in a murder investigation a lapse oftime with no active investigatory activities could act to erode entitlement to withholding of information under the investigatory exemption. See Rafuse v. Stryker, 61 Mass. App. Ct. 595 (2004) (appellate review denied 442 Mass. 1112 (2004)).

Accordingly, whereas it appears from the in camera review and review of other documentary material that there is no ongoing investigation, I find the City may no longer withhold the responsive records pursuant to Exemption (f) of the Public Records Law. The City and the HRC are hereby ordered to provide the responsive records to Mr. Durwin in a manner consistent with this order, the Public Records Law and its Acce s Regulations. This appeal remains closed.

Very truly yours,

Shawn A. Williams

Supervisor of Records

——– 000 ——–


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

William Francis Galvin, Secretary of the Commonwealth Public Records Division

Aug. 22, 2014


Ms. Linda M. Tyer, City Clerk City ofPittsfield 70 Allen Street Pittsfield, MA 01201

Dear Ms. Tyer:

This office has received the petition of Joe Durwin of Boxcar Media, Inc. appealing the response ofthe City ofPittsfield (City) to his request for public records. See G. L. c. 66, § 1O(b); see also 950 C.M.R. 32.08(6). Specifically, Mr. Durwin requested copies of all records provided to the Human Rights Commission.

In a July 8, 2014 email from you, the City stated that it was withholding responsive records pursuant to Exemption (c) of the Public Records Law. In its response, the City merely cited the statutory language of the exemption and provided no further explanation as to its applicability to the requested records. The Public Records Law states that “the burden shall be upon the custodian to prove with specificity the exemption which applies.” G. L. c. 66, § 10(c) (emphasis added). See Globe Newspaper Co. v. Police Comm’r, 419 Mass. 852, 857 (1995); see also District Attorney for the Norfolk Dist. v. Flatley, 419 Mass. 507, 511 (1995).

It is my finding that the City has failed to satisfy its burden in responding to this records request. The City has provided no specificity with respect to the applicability of the exemption claimed and is not permitted to issue a blanket denial without providing any further information with respect to the requested records.

The City is hereby ordered to provide Mr. Durwin with copies of the responsive records within ten (10) calendar days, or alternatively to provide this office with a more detailed explanation that will satisfy its burden in responding to this request. Accor ingly, this administrative appeal is now closed.

Shawn A. Williams

Supervisor of Records

——– 000 ——–

The Bianchi Administration is now 3/4 through its four years. What began with such promise has degenerated into the swamp. It will not end well.


“Stein has aged greatly of late. He feels it himself, and says often that he is ‘preparing to leave all this; preparing to leave …’ while he waves his hand sadly at his butterflies.” — closing lines to Joseph Conrad‘s Lord Jim, (1900).



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10 years ago

I don’t know if Ms Degan was holding her head high when she took this job but she will be hanging it low when she leaves. She has the Bianchi stain on her now and it will not wash off easily. The same goes for some council hacks who missed a chance to teach their children right from wrong by example.

10 years ago

With or without Dan Bianchi, Ms. Degnan represents herself and the City very poorly, in my opinion. She is consistently in a state of confusion, and stands by everything she says with an arrogance rubber stamped by his honor, the dumb ass.

Ed Check
Ed Check
10 years ago

Ditto on the comment about Ms. Degnan an being a poor representative off the city. Perhaps her apparent confusion comes from trying to keep all the lies and misrepresentations straight. We all know it is much easier to do our job truthfully than try and keep all the lies we tell without confusing something. But then she chose to be a lawyer, so she should be more adept at this than the average bear.

Reply to  Ed Check
10 years ago

Well put

Still wondering
Still wondering
10 years ago

Did Joe Durwin move out of the Berkshires recently?

Reply to  Still wondering
10 years ago

I think so. Andy McKeever is now covering Pittsfield.

Reply to  Kevin
10 years ago

For iBerkshires

Knows the Truth
Knows the Truth
10 years ago

Regarding the 60 day charter rule debacle. She submitted information to the council that had gross errors, then in which the O and R had to table. The clock should have been paused there. Why in hell would you submit gross errors with your name on it (a licensed professional) Time to submit a case against her to the MASS Bar. And oh, seems fishy she was run out of town in Westfield…..any city councilor failing to at least stand up, all should be run out of town, starting with prez and vice…

Reply to  Knows the Truth
10 years ago

If I were a city councilor, I would reject every incomplete submittal by the administration and require it to be resubmitted. I read the agendas and am disgusted with the lack of detailed background information as to why a change is needed.

Reply to  Knows the Truth
10 years ago

And lets point out that Mayor Ruberto fired her. Bianchi brought her back.

Sheriff Dawg
Sheriff Dawg
10 years ago

Great scoop of this story even before iberkshires (and its their story!)..terrible how Mr. Bianchi has brought his office down to these low levels…planet were glad we have you

In 2015 the road to the city elections go through the planet. it willbe another close one..this website will be the difference.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  Sheriff Dawg
10 years ago

Hard to make that claim when most on this site don’t vote in Pittsfield.

Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

I would argue the opposite, Charles. Most of this site votes to a much higher per centage than turns out in genl election.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  Gene
10 years ago

So if 70% of the commentators here vote, and only 40% live in Pittsfied, then that means 4-6 people constitute a significant voting block?

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

You are awfully nervous about this website, aren’t you “Charles”? You are one of the mayor’s flunkies scouting this website for him. Admit it.

Guess what
Guess what
10 years ago

I don’t know if anyone noticed but lately this administration has being giving all their stories to IBerkshire. Perhaps they were hoping they don’t let loose this story? It’s time to dig deep and see what else we will discover.

Reply to  Guess what
10 years ago

Can IBershire be considered totally independent from Pittsfield politics?

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

No public censures on Atty. Degnan’s State record. Therefore, I don’t see cause for accusing her of poor ethics or professional standards.

Also, remember the document ‘posted’ here is not the original but DV’s copy. Posting a link to the original or at least an image of it would add some degree of authenticity to the copy above.

What businesswomen from Medford ever showed up in Pittsfield looking for employment?

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

charles kronick berkshires –

First I don’t think the Dan would make up something like this to give himself a bad name. Finding these documents is pretty easy so I’m offering the link.

and from the list this is what you’re looking for:

7-25-2014 – 20140402 from Joe Durwin to City of Pittsfield

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  Guess what
10 years ago

Thank you.

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
Reply to  Guess what
10 years ago

Thankx, I’m glad you posted this link. For anyone to doubt the authenticity of the postings was absurd. DV got the link from city hall!

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

Ruberto did not fire Degnan. He had Speranzo (remember him?) as City Solicitor. When he moved up, Ruberto outsourced to a North Adams firm. City Council approved M. Bianchi’s request for a full time attorney dedicated to city business. There is no news regarding Westfield driving anyone out.


(one with live link on moderation.)

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

.Get your information straight. I was in Ruberto Administration. He sure did fire Degnan.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  On the Q-T
10 years ago

No, Speranzo vacated the position to pursue his career dream. Degnan was an interim hire. Ruberto choose to outsource the position to a North Adams firm. Aren’t you supposed to be angry at non-resident city workers?

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

You are incorrect. To persist in factual inaccuracy is ignorance.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  On the Q-T
10 years ago

So you’re the horse?

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
Reply to  On the Q-T
10 years ago

No horse Charles only someone who respets facts. BTW I still work the city and have seen first hand the difference between admins.
Mayor Ruberto had a plan, a vision. Mayor Bianchi but to pad has nothing but padding the pension.

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  On the Q-T
10 years ago

Nailed it. Ruberto’s plan was to turn North Street into a tax-subsidized zone for amateurs and artists and get the residents and non-North street businesses to pony up their share for them. Can’t say it worked and the art won’t make history.

You’re clinging to a diminishing legacy, my good friend. You’re taking us way back into the past now, and you won’t get a Shays Rebellion by griping over your old boss.

10 years ago

When asked why Ruberto dismissed Attorney Degnan, Ruberto said …because she was incompetent, then he brought in Attorney Dahoney on a contract basis.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  PopKornSutton
10 years ago

Actually, what seems to have happened is that Ruberto decided that Pittsfield did not need a full time lawyer. He outsourced the work. The lawyer contracted to Pittsfield business put in more hours than actually paid for, as implied by “Several city councilors praised Dohoney for doing a full-time job on a part-time basis”

Apparently, the City needed a full time lawyer, afterall, and Ruberto was incorrect in his assessment. There is/was nothing in Degnan’s past history to suggest that she is/was incompetent, which I remind you is a legal term and has legal ramifications.

10 years ago

I’m just quoting from the Planet website on here Charles. it states what it states, right from the horses mouth. A dismissal is a firing, deal with it!

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  PopKornSutton
10 years ago

Please provide link. If it came from a horse’s mouth, I would give it two cents value. A buck if it still has its teeth.

Dealing with Ruberto’s decision to dismiss Degnan means dealing with his rationale that Pittsfield could outsource the work for part time, and it makes me wonder about his discretion regarding retaining Speranzo all those years.

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

Speranzo was the City Solicitor for only one year before he moved on. Degnan stay until Ruberto cut her pay to $1.00 dollar.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  Guess what
10 years ago

again, thank you for the correction.

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

lLearn from it Charles. You were wrong but you insisted you werent. Happens a lot to you doesn’t it. I work in city hall. What Mr. Valenti posted was accurate.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

Mr Q-Tip,

The error you cite is not material to the argument.

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

It most certainly it. Glad to see you admit you’re wrong

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

Mr. T

The error was the years of service of Speranzo. Immaterial, but I like Guess What’s style. He sticks to the facts.

10 years ago

March 27, 2013 on the Planet website, you’re right Pop.

10 years ago

Speranzo was Ruberto’s choice as solicitor that led to his becoming a state rep and subsequently JUDGE. Speranzo likely had no intention on being Ruberto personal attorney for the city until he obtained his present doctrine, the ultimate job, doing nothing.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  GettGott
10 years ago

Court Magistrate, not Judge. His job is to issue harrassment/restraining orders. The judges’ task is to dismiss them.

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

Charles, don’t screw up a good story with facts.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  Ed Shepardson
10 years ago

I thought reporters were supposed to do that.

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

You’re a reporter? For what outlet?

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

And editors are supposed to double check.

10 years ago

Merry Christmas, best to you all and your families. Cherish every moment folks!

10 years ago

His Facts were wrong…period. Degnan was fired.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  Nota
10 years ago

Let go, but by the wrong Mayor. The business of Ruberto and lawyers is best described by the facts – errors and unsustainable decisions. Such as hiring a part time lawyer and then launching a major legal offensive against Spectrum.

Was that a good move?

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

You were wrong. Admit it, be a man about it.

10 years ago

Ruberto’s infamous… over my dead body concerning Spectrum?

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  GettGott
10 years ago

Careful, there’s a horse here protecting Ruberto’s legacy.

10 years ago

Type March 17, 2013 Planet Valenti and you will see the story somewhat, maybe you can put it on here Charles. Thank You.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  GettGott
10 years ago

Oh ok, it’s just considered academic courtesy and due diligence to provide the source yourself.

First thing, I find 3/16 which provides this gem, thanks E. Shepardson!
GILBERT GOTTFRIED-” And that’s another thing with the Internet, it’s like a lazy lynch mob. I kind of am sentimental of the old lynch mobs, where they actually had to put their shoes on, go out and get their hands dirty.”

I can find no evidence of any articles posted 3/17/2013; till I see a direct quote from Ruberto that Degnan was unqualified for the position, all anyone can say is that she was let go for a business decision. Mr T., if he was in the same room or typed the memo can give his name and and position and how he comes to know what he claims to know. Otherwise, his posts are more rumors≥

Ed, if you want to grab some pitchforks and tar, I’m game. I’m 100% revolutionary behavior and barnstorming, but only if you have a constitution to provide.

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  charles kronick berkshires
10 years ago

I too am lazy, Charles. I like to sit in my office, sipping a coffee and chuckling at the internet lynch mobs. They accomplish nothing except for inflating their own egos. Facts are scarce. Accusations are common.

charles kronick berkshires
charles kronick berkshires
Reply to  GettGott
10 years ago

Ok, you gave the wrong date. You’re guilty!


Dan Valenti claims to have heard Ruberto speak unprofessionally about Atty. Degnan. That sounds like news fit for Planet Valenti alone, unless he can get him to repeat it to a journalist.

10 years ago

Why would Valenti make it up? Planet states Ruberro told him straight up,

On the Q-T
On the Q-T
Reply to  Tito
10 years ago

Tito… Valenti wouldn’t make it up. Obviously for some reason it bothers Charles. Really got to him.

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  On the Q-T
10 years ago

There is no such a thing as a Planet Valenti. Suspension of disbelief is good, but stay grounded.

Guess what
Guess what
10 years ago

Only three people know what actually happened; Ruffer, Speranzo and Ruberto.

Charles Kronick Berkshire
Charles Kronick Berkshire
Reply to  Guess what
10 years ago

That would be my point. As for calling someone incompetent, the devil is in why Ruberto may have uttered it.

If he said she was incompetent, it suggests to me he was having a tantrum on the phone. Or, it could point to an unstable portion of Ruberto’s personality. Afterall, Spectrum claimed that Ruberto was hostile and threatening. He may even have wagged his finger at them which would have exposed us to civil suits.

Or, maybe he never said it at all. Who knows?

Reply to  Charles Kronick Berkshire
10 years ago

She’s incompetent because she Basically called
An entire part of our community bigots and revealed to spectrums lawyer that it was in deed discrimination and a political firestorm (her words) as to why the community was resisting a methedone clinic. Now whether that’s true or not it’s a pretty incompetent thing for a lawyer to do. It’s what led to the lawyer from spectrum citing the Americans with “disabilities” act and what ended up making us not only allow spectrum but having to pay them a hundred thousand dollars.

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

I tend to disagree here. The ADA was cited in the first round of communications and legal actions during the Ruberto Administration. Otherwise, I have yet to hear the argument as to how language attributed to Degnan would was damaging to the point of sinking the city’s case which was already tenuous and courting financial disaster if you consider the precedents. Sure, maybe it was embarrassing, but I’d need a legally informed from a lawyer who is sane to warrant it would have impact in the Judge’s opinion.

Why would good people devote their energies to slandering a city attorney?

Reply to  charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

Why would a lawyer slander an entire community she represents is the question you should be asking. I haven’t had time to read the other comments but mine isn’t slanderous it’s an an observation of a representative in action. She owns her words and actions. Calling me a bigot because I think addicts deserve better is irreprehnsible and unfortunately it’s our wallets that were held accountable.

charles kronick Berkshires
charles kronick Berkshires
Reply to  charles kronick Berkshires
10 years ago

Nothing tossed in your personal direction, Scott. Additionally, I am not defending anything the lawyer said or did not say but do challenge the conclusions based on loose lipped utterances.

10 years ago

And one who doesn’t!

Guess what
Guess what
10 years ago

if you want answers read the court documents; it’s all in there.

Joe Durwin
Joe Durwin
10 years ago

Just by way of update, I received the documents on December 30. This consisted of 200 pages, some of which was already public (news clippings, etc) and some of it more interesting. I have been reviewing them throughout the week and writing it up, so keep an eye out on iBerkshires in the next couple of days for a three part story. We will be including pdf files of sections of the documents disclosed in the story (minus fluff and redundancy) so readers will have an opportunity to review them for themselves.