PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, JAN. 6, 2015) — This is an update to the NYPD story on THE PLANET yesterday. Union leaders in the city sent a letter to President Obama and Congress saying that cop killing should be prosecuted as a “hate crime.”
“Right now, it’s a hate crime if you attack someone solely because of the color of their skin, but it ought to be a hate crime if you attack someone solely because of the color of their uniform as well,” said Jim Pasco, the executive director of the National Fraternal Order of Police.
‘Enough’ is Too Much
“Enough is enough! It’s time for Congress to do something to protect the men and women who protect us,” Chuck Canterbury, the president of the union, said in a statement Monday. The group has long lobbied for harsher punishment for those who harm law enforcement officers. As writer Jim McPherson points out, that’s straight out of George Orwell’s Animal Farm, “where everyone is equal — but some are more equal than others.”

NYPD Chief William Bratton, left, speaks at a press conference Monday. Mayor Bill de Blasio, right, listens. (AP Photo)
Fact is that all crime is hate crime. Another fact is that since the 1970s, the number of law enforcement officers killed while on duty has fallen, even though the number of such officials has risen along with the population. The designation “hate crime” is a silly, mush-headed label that means nothing except as a handle for minority groups to pull for political leverage.
Hate crime seek harsher punishments for the perpetrators simply because the victims are a member of a favored, special-status group. That flies in the face of the constitutional right of equal protection under the law.
From the website religioustolerance.com, hate crimes are a bad idea for the following reasons:
- Every crime is already illegal under existing law.
- Giving special treatment to favored groups or to victims of “politically incorrect crimes” denies equal protection under the law.
- Special treatment for GLBTs, blacks, or any favored minority says that certain people “have a stronger moral claim to equal treatment in society.”
- Federal hate crime law would create a bigger role for the feds at the local level.
Bratton: ‘Officers, Do Your Duty’
The situation apparently has deteriorated further, as NYPD records show a starling decline in the number of arrests in the past week. Are NYPD officers engaged in a “work slowdown” by refusing to make arrests and ignoring crime?
The New York Daily News reported that during the week that ended Sunday (Jan. 4), arrests in the city were down 90 percent. Are officers refusing to do their duty as a protest against NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio?
“We’re watching that very closely,” Bratton said Monday of the dip in summonses and arrests. He has ordered a “comprehensive review of what has been happening,” Yahoo News reports, “drilling down to the precinct and squad car level to determine who is working and who may be dropping the ball.”
Bratton, appearing at a press conference with de Blasio, said if the investigation shows a deliberate work slowdown, “we will deal with it very forcefully.”
NYC taxpayers have been charged $35 million to provide police protection for the numerous demonstrations following the death of Eric Garner of Staton Island at the hands of a NYPD officer. At a press conference yesterday, Bratton and de Blasio criticized officers who turned their backs the day before:
“They were disrespectful to the family involved, that’s the bottom line,” de Blasio said of the cops who turned their backs to him at officer Wenjian Liu’s funeral on Sunday. Bratton said the officers “embarrassed themselves” by making a political statement in the middle of a funeral.
And This, in Brief …
THE PLANET would like to address to touch upon two matters in Quick Hitz and Hot Lix.
(a) This from one of our observers of the situation at The Boys’ and Girls’ Club: “Something your readers might be interested in. Since Terry Hughes took over the Boys’ & Girls’ Club, eight employees have left the Club’s employ – Rene Champoux, Bill Tobin, Barb Mazzer, Kate Brazeau, Linda Therrien, Bill McGovern, Colleen Blache, and Dave Harte, Jr. All dedicated employees. All stepped up to the plate when Peter Bell was let go. Who will stand up for them? Many letters were written by parents, children, staff, and other members of the community to the Club Board in support of the latest casualty of this Director.” THE PLANET thanks our field agent for this report.
(b) THE PLANET commends Ward 5 city councilor Jonathan Lothrop for his formal protest of the secretive manner in which the city switched from the state’s pooled GIC health insurance plan to the private Blue Cross Blue Shield plan.
We will not deal here with the matter of which plan is best, since THE PLANET has taken that up earlier, when we were the first media outlet to report the clandestine dealings. Twice the city’s public employees representatives met in closed sessions. Despite the two votes yielding a 26 against and 4 in favor of the switch, the weighted vote passed the measure. Thin-skinned Mayor Dan Bianchi blasted Lothrop as an obstuctionist for his filing with the AG’s office. THE PLANET disagrees. It is the mayor who so many times has conducted the public’s business in a non-transparent, anti-citizen manner. Lothrop’s claim has merit.
(c) Did you notice how The Suits have already oiled the skids for another huge increase in finding for Pittsfield failing public schools? Already, weeks before the first whiff of budget process, the PPS says that it will need a 4.1% increase just for even funding. No talk of belt tightening. No talk of cuts to eliminate fat at the administrative level. No talk of efficiencies. It looks bleak again for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, but THE PLANET reminds everyone that this is an election year. If somehow The Little Guy can be energized to get involved …
Ah, but to paraphrase Oscar Wilde, ’tis true. We dream, and because of that, we are the only ones who can find our way during the dark night. The price we pay is to see the dawn before anyone else.
“Don’t want war, don’t want army boots. Don’t want lies, don’t want fancy suits. All I want get peace in time wake up my mind.” — Humble Pie, “Sweet Peace & Time” from the Smokin’ album, (1972).
I am not a big fan of Mr Lothrup but for this I am impressed. Are any other councilors backing him up or are they just going along to get along?
Did Nick ever find a job?
These Police Officers are setting their own stage…in my opinion. Bad message…bad precedent.
Mr. Lothrop is absolutely right for calling this out.
The whole thing just looks bad from every angle. I don’t think the mayor really cares what things look like any more. He is rolling over us with a smile on his face. If he could include a fart inside our tax bills he would do it.
Dusty you’re too much.
For sure, dusty…. for he is a louse. (Laughing out loud at dusty)
Dusty should get best post of the month.
Thank’s Dusty, Good stuff!!!
I think all of this is leading to an end game.
If cops refuse to do their job they won’t be fired. Likely the Federal Government will step in and use US troops to police the streets in America.
They probably know better than to call it “Martial Law”. Instead Obama will probably give a warm and fuzzy speach calling it “enhanced freedom security” or “Constitutional law enforcement” or something to make everyone feel proud.
Then no doubt they’ll launch their internet shills to flood the social media and “debunk” anyone who dares to call it “Martial Law”.
Meantime it will be a further death strike to the Constitution and The Bill of Rights.
“Never let a good crisis go to waste”.
On NYC I agree, the wakes and funerals were for the grieving families. The protests were in bad bad taste.
Congratulations to Councilor Lothrop for calling attention to the secrecy on health ins. switch. It was rammed thru under cover of darkness. This is not how govt is supposed to work. This website was first to uncover the cover. Glad to see a councilor following up. Dusty asks great Q: who among the councilors will back up coun. Lothrop?
I would like to give a thank you to J-Lo for his actions against this change in insurance. I too remember the careful presentation before our City Council and therefore, We the People regarding health insurance, presented by Holly Taylor. He is probably the smartest councilor having graduated from Simon’s Rock. This CITY is in dire need of a MAYOR who cares about the needs of the people of Pittsfield. Unfortunately, Danny Boy is a major disappoint for those who voted for him. As Dan Valenti has pointed out in this blog, Dan Bianchi,as the Ward 6 city councilor seemed to understand the needs of and to instill hope in We the People for a revival in our once great city. He opposed the “ole boys” in his actions against the Civic Authority. However, as Mayor he is letting down We the People with his sneaky maneuvering and his less than honorable actions. It is my hope that someone comes forward to speak for We the People, who is honest, forthright and caring. Otherwise, this city will follow the plight of Detroit. Sue Santolin has now departed from the mayor’s office. I guess she too knew when to get out of Dodge, that now makes 3, Donna, Mary and Sue, who have given up a “good job” in the important office of mayor. To the best of my knowledge this in unprecedented. Godspeed.
Mayor Do Nothing is skating around on thin ice. He is by far the biggest loser …ever!!
Whether it is right or wrong, “slow downs” are done all the time by unions.
Right here in Pittsfield we have had disgruntled teachers “work to rule” (I believe that is what they call it). No extra work after regular classes (school sports and other kids activities). No concern for the kids. It’s only “for the children” when it benefits the teachers.
The city of NY is still being protected….they are only going soft on minor infractions.
If asked, I bet the families of these murdered officers would agree with what they did (turning their backs).
Spider I agree. In fact last night undercover DT’s exchanged fire and were wounded by two robery suspects.
Although I have been accused of being a violent gun toting racist on this blog I want unity of all people, less violence and I don’t think the govt is organized enough or stupid enough to try and take our guns and our children. If that happens it’s because people allow it to happen slowly. People who keep real values and excercise thier rights aren’t the problem.
My only encounter of Mr. Hughes as the new B&G Club director was at the 3rd meeting of the Youth Commission held there (the one where they redid the election for co-chairs following my complaint about the first election being done by secret ballot administered by the Director of Admin. Services, in violation of Open Meeting laws)… and Hughes conduct was quite a spectacle.
Much like Mr. Gaetani, Hughes is clearly unfamiliar with the concept of Rules of Order for a public body, continuously interrupting and interjecting with thoughts and commentary, and finally insisting that it close with him leading the commission in a clearly denominational Christian prayer. This last part only some of the teen members of the commission, by their faces, clearly seemed to know was sketchy (but went down anyway since none of the adult members, including the 2nd term City Councilor who sits on the commission, seemed to grasp this being a no-no).
Thankfully the teen co-chairs of this commission, who seem to be extremely astute and committed young people, have requested that future meetings of their commission no longer take place at this venue.
Oh my a Christian prayer aren’t you executed for that these days? I have no alliegence to any religious institution but I find it interesting how prayer offends so many people. Yet those same teens most likly grew up watching violent and sexually explicit tv/movies and video games while thier parents drank moderately.
Missing the point entirely.
JOE Your comments about Mr. Hughes are, from other anecdotal reports I have, well directed. And yes, leading the commission in a denominational prayer is inappropriate. It suggests to be the ultimate in defensiveness. On another topic, has your series run yet on the documents?
Speaking of showing respect…..
I understand that the First Lady of NYC ……the mayor’s wife….wore jeans to the officer’s funeral.
And she had a chief of staff that gets paid $170,000 a yr (in DVs column yesterday).
As for Mr Terry Hughes I too have seen him in action in a board-commission setting. Hes rude, out of order and inappropriate. Whats happening to our city?
Councilor Lothrop has my full support on this issue, and knows it. We had lengthy discussions on the matter before the complaint was filed.
I contacted the GIC’s legal department and told them how this went down. They in turn contacted the City Solicitor and asked for an explanation. The solicitor responded to their request. They didn’t like her response and asked for further clarification, none was provided.
In the end, they said the ball was in our court to deal with the change, as it was a local matter.
Whether Councilor Lothrop is right or not remains to be seen. With that said, you should read the complaint. It was superbly written.
My thanks to Councilor Clairmont for this. Who else? Cmon were counting…
Thankyou Barry Clairmont. It is time to bring this Mayor down. And as far as Degnan goes…bring in the clowns.
Thank you, Councilor Clairmont. THE PLANET shall see you and Councilor Connell on Thursday, 7 p.m., on PV-TV, the first debate of the election year.
Where can we find a copy?
i can see it now how the next CC shakes out. Melmaz will be upset with the complaint but since there’s little space b/t those ears, she may have forgotten that she filed a complaint on her colleagues just a couple years ago. Must see TV.
I think that all of the protests were in bad taste especially the ones that were chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops.” That was truly disgusting, but I didn’t see anybody come forward to complain about that as much as they complain about the actions of the cops. All the complaining is about the disgusted cops turning their backs on the Mayor during the funerals. Where are the priorities of the people of this country?
The Cops are setting a principle that is going to backfire and hurt themselves. There is no right in their behavior.. They shouldn’t be playing this out on the front page
The fact that the board of directors of the Boys & Girls Club allows Terry Hughes to represent that once fine institution is distasteful. He has done nothing, but bring ridicule to the Club since he was brought on board and should have been shown the door months ago. It’s obvious that the Club’s board is still tangled in ugly infighting that resulted in Peter Bell’s termination and has no real leadership or direction. The city-wide backlash against the Club and it’s current leadership by parents and alumni is alarming and will ultimately lead to reduced membership, community involvement and donations by alumni if it hasn’t happened already. It’s a shame the way this has unfolded and the way the Club has treated longtime employees who have done more to further that institution than any board member or current executive director ever has.