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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, JAN. 22, 2015) — THE PLANET is working on two local stories dealing with the controversial decision to press ahead with the construction of a new Taconic High School. Each has the power to stop the project cold.

Open Session Admission, Petition Process Could Derail Project

As for the first one, we must withhold detailed comment for now, except to say that our revelations could have profound impact on the project. They could reverberate with the new Baker Administration in Boston. Indeed, they could have the power to stop the project dead in its track. We add that the information we think we’ve uncovered is something that was revealed in a public meeting, in open session. It slipped through the cracks, and it pertains to an aspect of the project (and it’s process) that has come up in connection with THE PLANET‘s two-part series from this week.

THE PLANET tells you this much as a way of feeding the small hope that is building among citizens and taxpayers to step in the fray and get involved. If the manner in which key aspects of this construction project were decided proves to be illegal and lacking proper credentials, we may have a game changer on our hands. Therefore, people, stay on this. Write letters to the editor. Comments on blogs and in forums. Hit up the social media.

No, the story doesn’t deal with efforts to begin a citizen petition demanding a vote on the construction project. That is a separate (though related) avenue by which this process may be derailed. And that is the second story.

As you know, the local Powers That Be have engineered this project, rigged would be the better word,  to completely silence We The People. They are terrified of letting Pittsfield citizens and taxpayers have a say. We all know why. They fear that a majority of citizens and taxpayers do not with unnecessary spending thrust down their throats.

Of course, we don’t know specifically why there is such a hare-lipped eagerness to among The Insiders to build build. The “umbrella” answer is “money, money, money.” The official figure of $115+ million will likely come in much higher. That kind of money often proved too tempting for mortal flesh. There’s lots of ways for The Special Interests to profit from such a large sum, and not all of them are good. Those are details that refuse all speculation, and rightly so.

Citizens: Demand a Vote! You’re on the Hook for the Entire Amount

The only legitimate way to build or not build is through direct citizen vote, up or down, and we live with the results. That hasn’t happened, and will not unless citizens take action. If Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski ever want to reclaim the government stolen from them by The Suits, the THS project is the ideal one on which to act. Opportunity knocks.

Granted, it’s sad that The People have been put in this position, but we have a local government led by a secretive, sneaky mayor that doesn’t want transparency. Think a mayor doesn’t make a difference? Mayor Marty Walsh of Boston said he’s open to having the people vote on whether Boston should host the summer Olympics. Just the expression of democratic inclusion inspires public confidence. In contrast, Podunk’s Mayor TES doesn’t want citizens to have a say about crosswalk paint.

That said, THE PLANET does know that a citizens’ initiative has begun. That is the first and necessary step. There is the draft of a petition extant. We have seen it. The language is being finalized.

We share this information for all interested citizens. If you want a vote on the project, and if this petition process goes to the next level, it will require the efforts of thousands, particularly in gathering signatures. It would help if you keep pledging your support via the comments section of THE PLANET. Those involved in the effort have seen and heard your input. It has taken effect. Now, the backers need to here it again, and more resolutely. Pour it on. You are having an effect.

Do you want a vote on the $130 million THS building project? Let us know with your comments.

Be ready. Get involved. Your activism is needed.

Many are watching.

Stay tuned.


“The glories of our blood and state / Are shadows, not substantial things. There is no armor against fate; / Death lays his icy hand on kings.Scepter and crown / must tumble down.”James Shirley, “The Glories of Our Blood and State,” (1659).



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10 years ago

Any idea of how many signatures are needed?

Can we get on record which councilors are in favor or not in favor of a vote of its citizens? And why?

Carolyn Barry
Carolyn Barry
Reply to  dusty
10 years ago

Don’t know how accurate this is but I heard 8% of registered voters. You would want to get 12 to 13% though for errors. Wording will have to be done very carefully. You wouldn’t want the dollar figure in there, if the amount changed it could get thrown out on a technicality. This needs to go to the voters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Carolyn Barry
10 years ago

Get a copy of the City voting list ask people who are signing the petition to look up there name and address and sign exactly as it appears in the voting rroll.
Make sure that you have plenty of voter registration forms on hand to be able to register people to vote should they wish to sign but not be on the list. Register them and have them sign 10 days or so later be sure to get a contact so you can notify them once they do register. Get a new copy of the role weekly to be sure it is current and ask for the “Most current certified roll” in writing and be sure to ask for one every 10 days. Be sure everyone collecting signatures is a registered voter and once again I can’t emphasis enough have voter registration cards on hand in the event anyone of the GOBS wants to pull any funny business they just up’d the anti and are messing with civil rights and federal voting statues.
Never ever allow anyone to collect signatures alone go out in pairs or to put it simply have a witness and be sure to keep records of everything.
I am interested in helping but do to work obligations cant be in at it full time.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
10 years ago


Around 6,000. The question should be posed to the City Clerk.

I haven’t made up my mind yet. I have a number of question and concerns on both sides of the fence.


10 years ago

I want a vote and I will support the drive to get a citzens petition going.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

Since when is politics on all levels not a done deal? Pittsfield politics is very corrupt. Everyone understands that. The fact is that Pittsfield cannot afford all of the spending it has been doing. Pittsfield’s tax base is shrinking. While, Pittsfield’s taxes are growing. It is NOT a pretty picture!

10 years ago

Only 8% of people in the city even vote. Good luck you can have my no vote.

Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Voting for a politician is one thing. Voting not to have your money stolen is another thing altogether.

Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Scott you have a short memory. I believe there was a 50.6 % voter’s turnout for the Civic Authority. When the people think there getting screwed it seems to peak there interest. My vote is for the vote.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
10 years ago

I didn’t vote back then. But I agree this will get people to the pols. Vote for the vote!

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
10 years ago

See section 9-2 of the Charter on the City’s website. 15% of the register voters is required.


10 years ago

Let’ be clear. The yes people will tell you the project will end up costing as much as a renovation. Councilors, will we be able to see these numbers any time soon?

10 years ago

I still have questions as to why there is a need a new school vs. renovations. Is there a report on this issue ?

Reply to  Voltaire
10 years ago

No report that I have seen and Ive been following it quite closely.

10 years ago

They came up with high renovation number’s, but that was because the sq. footage was much greater than the new school.Don’t know why we need a larger school if we renovate.

10 years ago

Again, anyone know what a renovation of the Taconic would cost? Where does one find this and who has these numbers. On another note. The Patriots had to know what the weight of the footballs were, that’s all I’ll say about that issue.

10 years ago

I don’t understand the Taconic Morning show. What does a student based show have to do with The Wharton doing weddings? Again, isn’t the show supposed to be about the student’s and not so much a political or advertisement for other entities?

10 years ago

i agree Pop! A locally taxpayer funded show doing advertisement for Mahaiwe Theatre and Wharton Mount. What does that have to do with Pittsfield?

Reply to  Cosbiesladies
10 years ago

Easy they made a cash donation to the school. You know for the children!

10 years ago

Do I think Brady new about the deflated footballs, heck yeh. When Me and Giselle were an item he cheated to get her affections and subsequently it ended in marriage, he got the ring, so to speak and me, well, was left broken hearted. But life goes on!

Reply to  PopKornSutton
10 years ago

I heard that some of the field goal kickers are using laser guided software in the kicking footballs. But you don’t hear anybody bitching about that.

10 years ago

Dude, it’s knew? Did you know.. Gisele makes 128 grand a day? According to Forbes. POOOOR POP!!!!!!

Reply to  Nota
10 years ago

I didn’t knew that! That’s real money!

10 years ago

Billy Belicheck doesn’t need to cheat, the Pats are that good. Seattle is going down!

Reply to  amandaWell
10 years ago

Interestingly, you are right. He doesn’t NEED to cheat, but he still does! He pushes the limits and beyond in his megalomania.

10 years ago

The whoe patriots ball deflation is media hype at its best. If you question everything else in the media then you should be questioning this. It’s all about ratings so more people tune in. The pats won because they’re a better team. They will not make the same mistakes Green Bay made the Seahawks better bring thier A+ game!

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
10 years ago

It seems to me that if the city council rejects the funding request and asks the mayor to call a special election to approve or disapprove the construction of a new Taconic no pedition drive would be necessary.

Tom Sakshaug
Tom Sakshaug
10 years ago

I just wanted to chime in about the numbers for the school.
We are hearing anything from $115M up to $200M on this blog.
Keep in mind the current estimated 64-68% reimbursement rate. This money from the MSBA is indeed state taxpayer money. However, if WE don’t use it, it will go to another school district. It will not go back to the general fund or be returned to taxpayers.
Some other district WILL receive it.
Now, that percentage is based on the total cost being $115M, let’s call it on the low end and say 65%, or 74.75M from the state (MSBA). This number will probably stick even if the total cost goes up because it is based on certain rates for certain parts of the project. Some parts have no reimbursement.
This leaves $40.25M to be bonded by the city and likely paid over 30 years.
Again, if the total cost goes up, you most likely add the additional cost to the amount to be bonded.
So, it’s a lot of money, but if they can build a good school that lasts 50-70 years with $40-50M from local taxpayers, that doesn’t seem too bad. If it goes a lot higher, that may be another story.
I have mixed feelings on the project and will reserve judgment until the revised, final numbers are in. In my mind, two high schools for the student population we have is not sensible.

Tom Sakshaug
Tom Sakshaug
Reply to  Tom Sakshaug
10 years ago

Maybe Gisellle and Tom would send a sizable donation if we change the school colors?

Reply to  Tom Sakshaug
10 years ago

Tom in a dream world a school lasts 50-70 years. When you build a school with a flat roof in the northeast’ it will cost you dearly sooner than later. Really don’t think partial renovation with new addition was given a fair shake. Funny thing about the 130 million dollar schools, is that the gym and auditorium will be smaller than the current building. Why pay more to get less?

Tom Sakshaug
Tom Sakshaug
Reply to  joetaxpayer
10 years ago

The current school is close to 50 years old with a flat roof and old roof technology. There are problems with both flat and pitched roofs. The conceptual drawings seemed to look like the flat parts were broken into relatively small sections.
Now, I don’t tend to automatically think people are liars until it is demonstrated. The planners say the newer roof systems hold up well. If they require any more than minimal maintenance, though, all bets are off.
I know little or nothing about the gym and the auditorium. Like I say, I have mixed feelings. My main point is to show the origins of the money.

10 years ago

I want to thank Barry Clairmont for his input on the school subject. All the rest of the councilors seem afraid to come out of the shadows, perhaps waiting to see which way the wind blows before taking a position. Typical self serving public servants.

Tom Sakshaug
Tom Sakshaug
Reply to  dusty
10 years ago

Maybe they don’t read PV….hahahahaha!

10 years ago

This notice was posted in the Berkshire Eagle, yesterday. Some councilors would like our feedback…

Pittsfield Wards 1 and 2 plan joint meeting

Ward 1 City Councilor Lisa Tully and Ward 2 City Councilor Kevin Morandi will hold a joint meeting for their constituents at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 26, at the Union Hall, 789 Tyler St. Residents of both wards are encouraged to attend and participate.

State Rep. Paul Mark will join the councilors. Discussion will include the new Taconic Vocational-Technical High School project. The City Council is tentatively scheduled to vote on the project and bond to pay for the new school on April 14. Tully and Morandi will welcome input and feedback on this project.

Information: Tully at 413-499-7505 or; Morandi at 413-499-0108 or

Ben Weldon
Ben Weldon
10 years ago

With student populations declining(and the City’s population falling)why do we even need a new school? Nobody seems to care about the property taxes going higher and higher into infinity.
Ben Weldon

10 years ago

I am VERY interested in this petition. I want to vote for the vote. I’m a Taconic alum, a Millennial, and a recent homeowner who is honestly overwhelmed by my recent tax increases (that seems to have no end in sight – when was the last time, what year – did taxes NOT go up?).

And to think, there’s a group trying to fix our declining population problems, while the city simultaneously increases the taxes to continue to pay for schools that haven’t been above 50% in 3rd grade reading proficiency rates in a couple of years now.

I just think now is not the time for a new school – unless all Pittsfield students attend it and then PHS is reused as something valuable, like a community resource center.

10 years ago

Proud to be a Planet reader!