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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, FEB. 13-15, 2015) — Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone. Fell the love. Feel it, too. Because remember two things, (1) THE PLANET is all about love and (2) you can’t spell “Valentine” without “Valenti.”

As we went into the final two minutes of the fourth quarter, We The People were leading, 5-3. Five is the number of our Right Honorable Good Friends on the city council who said they wanted ordinary taxpayers and citizens to have a direct vote on the proposal to build a $130 million new Taconic High School in a time when school enrollment is at the lowest in city history and dropping each year.

As we saw in this year’s Super Bowl, however, a lot can happen in the final two minutes of a game. With three councilors (Cotton, Lothrop, and Caccamo) to hear from, all Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski needed was a “yes” from one of them to clinch victory.

Ah, but it was not to be. Each of the three came in wanting to keep ordinary citizens from having a direct vote on this important proposed expenditure of well north of a hundred million dollars. They have had their say, and the final score was a 6-5 nail biter.

THE PLANET shall leave the commentary to another day. For now, we shall present, verbatim, the answers as received by each council member in the order received. We do want to thank each of the eleven for responding to our request. They have met perhaps the most important test of all, which is to be accountable to the public via member of the press. This is a lesson the running-scared mayor has forgotten.

So here is what the councilors had to say:

——– 000 ——–


If the citizens used section 9-2 of the charter to put the measure on the ballot, I would support that.

JOHN KROL (Ward 6)

No. there’s no need to wait until February 12. My answer is no. Absolutely not. This is exactly the type of important decision the city council was elected to make. This is the form of government we have. This was the case before the recent charter changes as it is today. For a decade we have pored over the details, followed the state’s regimented process and collectively we have provided an option for a significant next step – to build a new state-of-the-art high school on the Taconic campus with the state kicking-in roughly 2/3 the cost.

Members of the city council were elected by the people to educate themselves, ask the tough questions, hear all voices, and ultimately, with this full understanding and wisdom, cast a vote confidently. That is our job. Our decisions are not always popular in some quarters, but that’s why it takes thick skin and backbone to do what’s right.

This council has the obligation, and should have the opportunity, to stand up and do what is right for the city of Pittsfield. In my opinion that would be a unanimous vote in favor of a hopeful future, based on pragmatic reasoning, and a faith in our young people and their families.

Dan, thanks for your question. I hope I was clear in my response.

KATHY AMUSO (At Large; chair, School Building Needs Commission)

I don’t favor a binding referendum.  I spoke with the city solicitor.  She said it is the responsibility of the City Council.  That there could be no binding referendum because we will be incurring a debt.  I do wish more citizens would come to our meeting.


Yes, I believe the public has a right to “cast a vote” in favor, or against the school project.  I also believe the time for this would have been last November when the election was held.  I find it puzzling that some people are calling for a referendum when this process has been going on for 10 years.  Why haven’t these people stepped up before now?  While I am very concerned with the cost, having spent 26 years working at Taconic High School, I can tell you the building is in deplorable condition.  The citizens of Pittsfield who state the building “looks good from driving by” should stop and go in for a tour.  The NEW construction project will cost the City approximately $40+ – million.  If we reject new construction and do repairs to the school, the State will not reimburse us, and projected costs over the next 10 years are $40 million.  Do we really want to go the way of Gt. Barrington?   As an FYI, I have heard from many more of my constituents IN FAVOR of the new construction than against.  I hope I have answered your questions.

CHRIS CONNELL (Ward 4, council vice president)

yes I would like a vote. the reason I would like a public vote on the new school is because of the effect the borrowing for our share of the cost will have on the tax rate. My decision to vote on anything is normally based on a small number of constitutes expressing their views on the issue at hand. With a public vote, I would feel much more comfortable that my vote would truly be representative of the public. Any further questions please feel free to contact me


The answer to your question is absolutely yes. I stated this to the Berkshire Eagle in a article last week that I would welcome a vote by the electorate on the proposed Taconic High School project. Votes on bigger and expensive projects have taken place before in Pittsfield and I feel this definately warrants a decision at the ballot box. Thank You.

MELISSA MAZZEO (At Large, council president)

I think the time to put it on the ballot has come and gone. If you remember, Joe Nichols and I wanted to put a NON-BINDING question on the ballot to ask  how the public felt about a new or renovated school…you wrote the following in your blog in 2011…”This past July, councilors Melissa Mazzeo and Joe Nichols introduced a reasonable petition calling for an advisory ballot question that You The People would have voted for (or against) on Nov. 8. The ballot initiative would have measured public support (or not) for a new school building. Mazzeo’s initiative bore the signatures of 46 registered voters. It addressed the reality that voters felt the SBNC kept them in the dark about its plans (as you will soon read below, taxpayers weren’t the only ones left in the dark). Naturally, the other nine of my Right Honorable Good Friends on the council loudly complained about the ballot initiative.”

I too felt at the time that the public was not getting enough information about what to do at the Taconic site. After Mayor Bianchi was elected he asked me to sit on the SBNC and I have since. One of the things I pushed for the most was keeping the public informed at every level. I did feel that a lot of things where not done well in the early years of this project and but with the leadership of Dr. McCandless and Kathy Amuso, as well as new members to SBNC (I don’t mean me)… the project has been moving forward as I thought it should. There have been many, many public meetings and events to draw in the residents of Pittsfield to get their perspective and answer their questions. These meetings where in my opinion not well attended. But that is how things work.. No one pays attention until its about to happen. The SBNC and School committee are still trying to bring the public to the table to see where we are with this project. The issue now is should the public vote this up or down, and under our form of Government that is not how you decide these things. I am looking at this project from every angle I can and I am well aware of the cost to taxpayers. But having attended meetings and planning sessions even before I was on the commission, I have no doubt that this new school is the right thing to do. So I hope that the residents of Pittsfield continue to learn about this project and express comments or concerns to all involved.


I do support a binding referendum on the new school project.  Many of my constituents have expressed to me their desire to vote on the project.  I have been engaging residents through my Ward meetings and find many of them are uninformed on the school project.  I believe for a project of this size that will add significantly to the City’s debt, the voters need to be informed of the need, the costs and the benefits of building a new school.  I would like to see this information brought out to the voters, campaign style, and have the electorate make an informed decision on the new school.


I will make this short. I do not support putting the school issue on the Ballot because you would be asking for something that, to my knowledge, is outside of our normal process. We have, mever put any bond issuance up for a vote. Not the previous school renovations of the 1990’s.  nor any other bond issuance.  I realize there are people out there who do not support the project.  I respect that.  I have to say that I agree with Councilor Mazzeo who was quoted as saying something to the effect that this (voting on the issue at the City Council level) is what were were elected to do.


No, I don’t favor a binding referendum on the school building project. I don’t see how a question could be written that could accurately reflect all the wishes and concerns of the voters surrounding this project, related issues and the need to do something at Taconic High School in a timely manner to ensure it maintains it’s accreditation.  This project has been discussed for many years and direct public input has been requested, received and considered. I believe the fate of this very important issue is now in the hands of those elected by the Pittsfield voters.


I am not in favor of a referendum vote. This has been a long process, nearly 10 years, with plenty of opportunities for anyone to gather information. It’s been completely transparent in terms of the process. A referendum vote for a new school building would open the door to a referendum vote on each and every large public works project in the future. I do not recall this discussion for a vote being needed for air port improvements or water & sewer improvements both of which carried a high price tag, that affects all residents. As elected representatives, we are responsible for voting in the best interest of the people of Pittsfield. Our current City Council is made up of individuals capable of looking at the facts and making an informed decision. However, if 15% of the total number of registered voters want to have the measure considered on a referendum, then I will be there voting in a special election like everyone else.


There you have it. THE PLANET now wants to hear from you on this series of statements by member of the city council. Keep in mind that the ultimate power — whether you use it or not, whether you realize it or not — rests in your hands. Have a great weekend, everybody.
“No doubt divine revealings may be made. / ‘Tis plain I have been favored from above.” Percy Shelley, from The Cenci, Act. IV, Scene 1, lines 37-38, (1819).
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10 years ago

The people of Pittsfield need to read these responses carefully. We have every angle from outright stupid, to arrogant to probably written by someone else covered. This is what your local government is, has been and will likely be for the rest of your stay in Pittsfield, Mass. You need to weigh how this kind of representation will affect your life in this city, especially financially.

It is going to be very hard to get ahead with the exploding tax rates that are inevitably going to come on top of the barely survivable rates we are under now. And if you wait too long to leave you will not be able to leave because no one will buy your house so you can leave. No one is going to move to the city with the new school if property taxes and all kinds of fees are through the roof. And that is why so many of the people who work for the city and know what is coming choose to live outside of it. And the new school is not going to change the minds of all the parents who school their children elsewhere. They are not coming back and many more will be leaving.

People need to sit down with their families and ask if Pittsfield is their best option for a positive life experience.

Fred Janson
Fred Janson
Reply to  dusty
10 years ago

Sorry Dusty I thought all the councilors answer were well written and well thought out. I might not agree with some of the councilors I do respect their opinion

Reply to  Fred Janson
10 years ago

I agree Fred. Kudos to the entire council on this, agree or not, for going on the record and not running & hiding. Credit where credit is due. Good job.

Reply to  dusty
10 years ago

Ther eare so many city employees and managers who live outside the city. Doug Clark for one. Makes a hundred grand a year. Live in NY State. Has done absolutely nothing for the city. Another mayoral toadie.

10 years ago

Please click here in the City Charter and read section 9.

It’s all about having citizens vote…

9.2 = A petition filed within 21 days of the Council vote, with 15% of the electorate signing (~4200 signatures) will force a special election.
9.3 = Ineligible Measures: There is no mention that a public vote on the school or its funding is ineligible.
9.5 = 20% of the electorate must participate in the election for the measure to pass.
9.6 = The City Council, may on its own motion, submit to the voters at a regular city election for adoption or rejection a measure in the same manner and with the same force and effect as are provided for submission by initiative or referendum petitions.

Manley Howse
Manley Howse
10 years ago

What did you expect, the school block is the only way to get re elected as Kapansi doesn’t care for this administration and Council. The Golpher says there has been an arduous process? I think not. The Voter has the right to have a say on an issue that effects them at this proportion and anyone who doesn’t want them to have there say is negligent to the constituents concerns,

10 years ago

“…. having spent 26 years working at Taconic High School, I
can tell you the building is in deplorable condition. The citizens
of Pittsfield who state the building “looks good from driving by”
should stop and go in for a tour. The NEW construction project
will cost the City approximately $40+ – million. If we reject new
construction and do repairs to the school, the State will not
reimburse us, and projected costs over the next 10 years are $40
million. Do we really want to go the way of Gt. Barrington?”

What does this say about how the City takes care of its property?
Deplorable condition?
So admittedly the city Neglects the upkeep of its property.
Indeed what homeowner once his roof begins leaking lets it continue until it rots his whole house? It says whomever is in charge of upkeep and maintenance is woefully incompetent.

Berkshire Antheneum was literally falling down. They supported it with beams until they built a new one, then the old building miraculosly healed itself. Remember that shit? You never heard another word after the got what they wanted.

The basement of city hall, toxic with black mold spores and radon gas and full of every vile virus known to man. Now that they have rented space I bet its not so bad anymore.

The city streets go to pot, literally. No money to fix them.

Now Taconic is falling down. Its rotted from the inside out. Tony Simonelli has spent 26 years working there, now sits as a city councilor and not one has he ever said about fixing problems there. Same with John Krol doing his radio station in that delapitated building. People with the power to get things fixed.
Both have a vested interest in voting for a new high school.

Then finally the comment above says it will only cost taxpayers 40 million. Wanna take some bets on that? In a couple years when all the accounting is done I doubt he will ever admit that he said that. When someone else occupies his council seat.

Once Taconic is locked in, we will no doubt start hearing about how deplorable the police station is in. Maybe they can use the same beams they uses to prop up the old library – you know to save the taxpayers money on new beams. At least until they build a new one. If they reuse the same props on every building it will save the taxpayers money.

Dusty is right above. Pittsfield will get so bad that you will not be able to sell your house and escape.

Reply to  nostrodumbass
10 years ago

The state should change the rate, for renovation to match new construction. This would save money for the cities, towns and the state. The only reason to build new is the reimbursment rate. The new building will have smaller gym and auditorium and won’t have the same solid construction as the existing building.Time to change the law! Anyone Bueller

Reply to  nostrodumbass
10 years ago

No the reason maintenance can’t be done is because the city side has been cut to nothing and the school side I’d bigger than it has ever been with 20000 residents.You have a mayor that just gave most people in city hall really big raises when that money could hire people to plow or fill potholes ect…The school dept was going work to rule I believe when we were in the height of a recession.It is also a fact that the school teachers get 17 step increases ,regardless of they get a raise or not,but they always do. A city can’t servive that way if the Median income income is 20000 dollars.You can build a new school or parking garage but it will fall into disrepair just like Taconic did because you aren’t allocating tax money to resemble the real world. If you build a parking deck have a recurring revenue stream big enough to maintain it by those who use it.Hold those accountable for maintence to maintain it or fire them.Pittsfield lives in a fantasy world , I look around to smaller town and they live within their means.The schools are looking to consolidate resources due to declineing enrollment , If Pittsfield does not size their budget. To reflect reality it will be forced to when more parents leave with their children because they can’t afford to live here.

Reply to  billy
10 years ago

Meant survive

10 years ago

So on one hand you have councilors stating that tax payers should have been more involved earlier rather than waiting until the last min to complain. Fair enough. But you also have councilors admitting the beginning process was elusive to the general public and that they demanded more transparency on the projects dealings. So what is it? Ten years ago I wasn’t even a Pittsfield resident. I’ve been here 7 years an the first I’ve heard of this school project was recently (within the last year and a half.) so what is it you can’t have it both ways. Another observation is most claim to be elected to do what’s in the best interest of the city yet the mayor has stated we can’t really afford the school so is the cost of financial ruin ok with our elected “officials”…?

Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Agree. They are trying to fool the taxpayers once again. The past 6 months is when most people have heard of this project. These people should not be voted back in because they do not tell the truth.

Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

The interesting thing about this “10 years of discussion” thing is, everything is different now than it was when the discussions started. The fiscal realities of the city, the population, the school age population, the vastly increased choice out trend and other things have all changed. If an educational and building/design plan is based on realities of 10 years agoit is no longer applicable.

Also, When was this building erected? Was in 1970 or so. A lot of the current problems have to be blamed on improper, inadequate, slack maintenance. Other schools in the area have been much better maintained and aren’t nearly as decrepit as Taconic appears. I mean, Monument just replace their original carpeting a few years ago and it still looked great.

Two Cents
Two Cents
10 years ago

While the city council and administration may not want citizens to have their say on the new school project via the ballot box, there is another option. The School Building Authority stressed very on in the process that the number one qualification for reimbursement was community support. It even mentioned that citizens would have to approve the funding, before our fearless city leaders informed them that our charter prevented such a vote. The SBA has been told over and over again that the citizens of Pittsfield are fully behind the project and support it entirely. It might be time that taxpayers inform them otherwise. If SBA members are inundated with Pittsfield taxpayers emailing, writing and phoning that they are opposed to the financial burden of the project, they will have no choice under their own governing charter to reconsider. Keep in mind that this must be done before the board of directors takes its final vote on the project late next month. Let your voice be heard!

10 years ago

I Love the way these Councilors say the Taxpayers had their chance. It’s been a long process. Show me ONE TIME when Citizens are successful at any Open Meeting. Citizen Opinions, input, etc. is ignored in Pittsfield. The right to a Vote is the Only way the Citizens have a say.

Mike Ward
Mike Ward
10 years ago

Dan – Your question was flawed. I think your intent was to ask if each councilor would vote in support of a council-sponsored ballot measure as defined in 9-6…not make a commentary on the fact that voters have the right to do it themselves as defined in 9-2.

Reply to  Mike Ward
10 years ago

Right on, Mike Ward! That’s my question as well. Come on guys….answer the question….would you vote in support of a council-sponsored ballot.

Stand up and be counted and stop beating around the bush!

Pittsfield City Clowncil
Pittsfield City Clowncil
10 years ago

The people had their chance. Now its too late.
We will do what we want to do.
We are building a new high school whether you like it or not.

Here are you choices:

You pay for it or we will seize your property.

Sell your property and move out.

Its a done deal. The Clowncil has spoken.

Bea Breef
Bea Breef
10 years ago

One Councilor had no one to run against, unless you count Caccamo, then that’d be two. So, basically, two Wards are not being represented by a vote to begin with?…..Ya Folllow?

Reply to  Bea Breef
10 years ago

That’s a good point. But what is one to do go door to door b!t(h slapping every person in our ward who didn’t vote? I personally think it’s repulse the mayor and Larhtope ran unchallenged.

Fred Janson
Fred Janson
Reply to  Bea Breef
10 years ago

No. Not really.

Reply to  Fred Janson
10 years ago

Fred do you like the fact there’s a lot of non voters? Give an opinion instead of just disagreeing with everyone. Who knows you may change some hearts and minds.

10 years ago

I’ll tell you what when Dan takes out papers to run for mayor I’ll sign up to challenge Lathrope.

Fred Janson
Fred Janson
Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Scot. You do realize Mr Valenti lives in Stockbridge don’t you?

Reply to  Fred Janson
10 years ago

I’m sure he could take up residence in the city if he wanted to or needed to. Plus I doubt he’ll ever run anyways.

Polical speak dictionary
Polical speak dictionary
10 years ago

“Do we really want to go the way of Gt. Barrington?”


“Do we really want to do this thing democratically?”
You see what happens when we let the people decide how to spend such a large amount of their money. The stupid people voted it down. We know better whats good for them than they do.

10 years ago

I did inform people early on that their thought process on this high school project was misguided and unaffordable. The powers in charge scoffed and basically told me it was a done deal. They never disputed or argued against the points I brought up. The issues are basically the same, they are placing the school in the wrong place, using a 1950 version of what a High School should be, the vocational subjects aren’t helpful and it will cost more than its worth. They basically have told us we will need another new High School within 40 years because they don’t have the skill to maintain buildings and the list goes on and on!!

Sillence Dogood
Sillence Dogood
10 years ago

Simonelli says….” While I am very concerned with the cost, having spent 26 years working at Taconic High School, I can tell you the building is in deplorable condition”…….my question= who the hell was/were the idiot/idiots who let the school get in this condition? Did we spend money on repairs and maintenance over the last 26 years? Sounds like some hack/hacks didn’t do a dam thing to maintain the building.

Sillence Dogood
Sillence Dogood
10 years ago

the school age population is less than half of what it was when Pittsfield was at it population peak and now we need a new HS?

Does anyone know what the teacher, administration and staff population was back in the day as compared to now? I’ll bet there are more school dept employees now than when Pittsfield had 12,000 students.

Reply to  Sillence Dogood
10 years ago

Dan has actually presented that math before. As I recall, student population has been halved, administration population has increased…5x? And teachers, etc. are up dramatically too. Dan…repeat that?

10 years ago

And don’t forget dogwood in the sixties it was one High School

Temper Flares
Temper Flares
10 years ago

I tried to call in to the Mayor on the radio today but couldn’t get through. anyone know what his take is on a referendum?

10 years ago

I agree with Scott, why wasn’t Larthtope challenged and Ward 3 has been an abysmal section of the city for competent, non controversial, candidates.

Fred Janson
Fred Janson
Reply to  Nota
10 years ago

Mr Nota. I assume you will be running for office right?

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
10 years ago

I was asked today if John Krol was going to recluse himself and abstain from voting on any issue pertaining to a new Taconic High school. It seems Krol presently broadcasts his personal radio show, Good Morning Pittsfield” from the student radio station, WTBR located inside the present Taconic High School with the taxpayers footing his bill. His Taconic High radio show is later televised on PCTV, again at the taxpayers expense.
It appears that there has been past controversy as to whether or not this Taconic High radio production of Krol’s constitutes a conflict of interest due to his influence on the city council, and if his radio and television programs give him a unfair political advantage by media exposure and the ability to set his personal agendas. It seems the powers to be at the state level have opined that at present Krol’s Taconic radio situation is not currently an ethics violation.
That is a status quo opinion. Voting on a costly project that may improve any technology used by Krol to enhance his personal media productions and political influence may be construed as a new and separate issue.
Does the proposed Taconic building have a radio station and does councilor Krol intend to use it to promulgate his radio persona and selective agendas ? Will his vote be biased ?

Fred Janson
Fred Janson
Reply to  Ed McClelland
10 years ago

Really Ed. Is that the best you can come up with?

Reply to  Fred Janson
10 years ago

Excellent points about Mr. Krol. I’m surprised no one has complained or yanked him off the air. Notice the copyright on his show. Its in the name of 180 Media his own personal company. That is a violation of the FCC rules that govern public access.

PCTV is open to a huge legal problem and Mr. Krol is open to a huge fine. All someone has to do is press the point. Both are dead inthe water.

silence dogood
silence dogood
10 years ago

The pctv show is funded by cable fees not taxes

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  silence dogood
10 years ago

That is not true, look at your cable bill. The $5 dollars plus for franchise fee is the monies collected from the customers and passed on to the city which is later passed on the PCTV. You can ask the city treasures office, they know.

Reply to  Guess what
10 years ago

Well stop supporting cable tv then. You have a choice.

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

That’s what our good old Cable Commission negotiated for the tax payers. A higher franchise fee to pass it to the city coffers. I call it another tax.

Guess what
Guess what
10 years ago

Councilor Amuso said that she asked her solicitor. Interesting. The solicitor will do and said anything to support the mayor. Don’t they get it? She’s for the mayor and his selected ones. And I thought Councilor Amuso was her own person.

Reply to  Guess what
10 years ago

What in the hell made you think that? Did you follow her on the school committee? The only reason she is on the city council is because she does what she is told.

And are you also wondering if the city solicitor is her own person?

Reply to  dusty
10 years ago

Degnan is a clown and a pupeteer. She could confuse confusious. Terrible Representation and an embarrassment.

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  dusty
10 years ago

I never thought that, we all know who she represent.

Reply to  Guess what
10 years ago

Lol she votes with the mayor too along with Mazzeo and a few others what a clowncil.

10 years ago

Councilor Clairmont needs to understand that if the citizens succeed in 9.2, they don’t need his support. It forces an automatic special election without a Council vote. But then I think he knew that. After all, he stated on Dan’s show that he didn’t support a question on the election. I was surprised when Dan said he responded yes… He never responded yes. Dan you should have caught that. It was underhanded.

Thomas More
Thomas More
10 years ago

On a lighter note if you’ve nothing to do this afternoon our state representative, Trish (like Beyoncé and Madonna, no last name needed) is going to be modeling underwear at the old Notre Dame church. She’ll be showing her panties for all to see. Maybe if the cheers are loud enough she’ll bare all.

Reply to  Thomas More
10 years ago

That’s pretty tasteless Tom.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

The comment or T F-B in lingerie. I think both qualify as tasteless.

Reply to  Ed Check
10 years ago

Please I just lost my dinner not at the tasteless comment but at the sight of you know who in you know what

Reply to  Ed Check
10 years ago


10 years ago

I have lived in my home for 20 years. In that time I have replaced the roof, put in a new heating system, replaced all the windows and even put in some new doors. We never even considered demolishing are house and building new. Who can afford to do that? Answer, the suckers known as Pittsfield taxpayers.

10 years ago

We elect people to represent us for various reasons, but as soon as they get that taste of power and privilege (voter apathy also helps), the politicians hop on the train to Fantasy Land, a special place filled with arrogance, and sounds of “Trust me, I know what is best for you…” You can see this from a city council, or mayor, all the way to the federal level. Don’t you ever wonder how a politician can turn a public service into a multi-million dollar 30 plus year career? (guess where it starts), and I know someone is going to ask what the answer is, I don’t know totally, but term limits may be a start.

10 years ago

It’s cold outside.

10 years ago

I want to know why it cost $15,000 a year per student to educate them and how a school can be built in Guatemala for $13,000 and one here cost a hundred and thirty million! I’ve gotton
A pretty good understanding how public funded projects are bid over the last couple of years and I can tell you there some serious gouging going on. Someone is making out like a bandit. The cost for the school is inflated and criminal in my opinion.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Why are some companies in the Pittsfield area still paying $8.00 per hour when minimum wage was increased to $9.00 on January 1st of this year?

Guess what
Guess what
10 years ago

Maybe those making $8 dollars don’t know about the change and those that know are afraid to complain. Time to run the word.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

Pittsfield politics likes to raise taxes and spend your money on special interests that benefit the Good Old Boy network. Thousands of people have fled Pittsfield. The tax base in Pittsfield is shrinking, while the spending is increasing. The new Taconic High School is a done deal. This is Pittsfield!

10 years ago

It’s suggested that we do our homework, and if feasible, move to a town that respects Taxpayer interests. To be told that Taxpayers had their chance, and the City Council will decide on Bond Issues according to City Charter is not only obscene,and arrogant. It is Unacceptable. This Moron Mayir, Solicitor, and City Council should feel the Taxpayer Movement. Take your taxes elsewhere. ANY WHERE else. Seriously. Start looking….make a Move.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  spagirl
10 years ago

Pittsfield politics will tax you and then spend your money and then laugh at you. And then it starts all over again every year until everyone moves away except the Good Old Boys and the Underclass.

Reply to  spagirl
10 years ago

Yeah and shame on the people who didn’t go out and vote down the new charter. I voted against it.

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Scott, I agree with you. That’s why we have all these politicians with special interest running the city including the ones that don’t even live here.

Payroll Patriot
Payroll Patriot
10 years ago

Dan, saw the show. Is the location of the fudge factory in the educational program Biddeford, ME ? You know, where the pillars of Pittsfield society go to get fudged.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Payroll Patriot
10 years ago

Tell them there Pittsfield politicians that Angelo sent you.

10 years ago

What idiot is running Highway?there was not a lick of salt on any road today. I saw near misses everywhere. The mayor needs to get a clue and fire the guy.every town around us is clear, PITTSFIELD ROADS ARE DISGUSTING

Reply to  danvalenti
10 years ago

Collingwood makes $100,000 a year. Mayor Bianchi $95,000. Pittsfield is left holding the bag. Outrageous shit.

Reply to  billy
10 years ago

They could not even put some sand on the hills. that is the least they could have done. My guess is that management, probably directed by the mayor, is holding back on the plowing and sanding. Perhaps saving this money for upgrades for some special interest venue.

Reply to  billy
10 years ago

I witnessed a car on TOP of the snowbank at Newell and Lyman Streets yesterday morning. Police responded. Pittsfield is really in the shits under this Administration. This guy is going….Out of office. Can’ t come soon enough.

Reply to  spagirl
10 years ago

The mayor can’t control how fast morons drive on snowy roads. I too think irbid a little suspicious why the roads aren’t clearer though. What is going on and I’m surprised to learn the mayor makes less than Collinwood.

Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

The roads are icy. Why can’t they put sand on these roads? It looks like the 1930’s in Pittsfield. Yet surrounding towns are clean. Including New Lebanon. Are you seriously kidding me?

Reply to  Scott
10 years ago

Someone pulled out in front of him.Roads so Icy he tailspinned. ….the roads are unacceptable..while the Mayor and his crew are taking today off.

Reply to  spagirl
10 years ago

I’m not making excuses for the city like I said it seems they could be doing a better job. But they’re not, so go slower someone may pull out on you! I ran into a snow bank today in my neighborhood rds are fit for snowmobiling but the truth is I was going too fast. It was luckily just a silly slip coming down the hill and turning too fast I kind of just swiped it and we had a laugh. The cities lack of effort doesn’t cancel out the responsibility of individuals to use thier own good judgment.