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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

Let’s just begin with a tribute to Tom Brady and the New England Patriots, who answered all doubters by coming up big in the clutch to win the team’s fourth Super Bowl. Brady joins the ranks of the all-time greats and put his stamp on the claim of greatest QB evah!. As for the game, Brady earned Super Bowl MVP honors, the third time he’s done that. As for the defining play, “The Butler did it.”  It was Malcolm in the middle. What a sweet, inflated feeling.

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First in a Three-Part Series

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, FEB. 2, 2015) — There’s a petition being drafted. There’s a momentum building.

There is a point beyond which you cannot steamroll a plebiscite. Pittsfield citizens and taxpayers have been ignored throughout the three+ years of the Bianchi Administration. If that terrible spell is to be broken, it will never have a better opportunity than it does now.

Vote for the Vote, Because It’s Not a Matter of ‘Investment’

THE PLANET refers to a growing awareness among Pittsfield’s citizens and taxpayers of what The Suits have done to them, pressing forward unopposed and without sufficient information for an intelligent decision on an unnecessary, unaffordable $130 million school construction project.

What is the issue here? It’s not so much a matter of money. Rather, the issue is the very fate of democracy itself in Pittsfield. Does it matter? Does the process mean anything? Does the citizen deserve a direct say in serious, life-altering changes proposed in government.

Your view of public education is not in question. To our knowledge, no one is against doing all we can to offer the best education possible for our young people. No one — despite The Suits’ eagerness to brand anyone who questions the wisdom of the decision as “against The Children” and “against ‘investment’ in education.”


When “They” use the word “investment” in connection with this suspect project, they desecrate the meaning of the word. An investment is a commitment of resources made after careful study of sufficient information such that one has a reasonable expectation of regaining not only the original amount of input capital but a percentage of that in return.

What do we see in this case?

1. The Suits making the commitment of resources

2. No careful study, that is, open, honest, and objective examiniation

3. Insufficient information and facts

4. No reasonable expectation of a return

5. The input capital will be lost

6. The show for it, taxpayers shall have a shiny new building in which the same old ineffective methods shall perpetuate ever-more diminishing academic returns.

It’s not the building that creates learning. It’s what take place inside the building. It’s not the Pings. It’s the golfer. It’s the singer, not the song.

 The Kids Gets Dumber While Taxpayers Get Poorer

The problems plaguing the Pittsfield Public Schools, and they are significant, have little to do with bricks-and-mortar. Astute parents have been pulling their children out of the PPS to the tune of $3 million to $4 million each year under school choice. That amounts to hundreds of students, year after year, such that for the first time in the city’s history, it’s public student population has dropped below 500. For perspective on this, when THE PLANET attended 10th grade, the PPS had more than 12,000 students going to double-sessions at one high school that had a closed campus at lunchtime.

Like everything else in Pittsfield, public education is not primarily about teaching and learning. It is about politics and money.  The schools have become a cash-cow, the permission slip to make annual multi-million raids on the public treasury with little accountability for performance. A relatively small handful of school department employees — notably administrators and teachers with seniority — benefit while tens of thousands of taxpayers are driven ever closer to financial extinction.

On the surface, this would seem to be a bad bargain for a community. However, when one factors the political lust for power, the PPS possesses the trump card over would-be and actual office holders: political clout. While the so-called casual voter stays away from the voting booth in droves, driven into Nadaland by the thievery of those in office, the bargaining units led by the teachers union hold enough clout to hijack elections.

Thus, year after year we get the Wonderbread of safe political wimps such as Dan Bianchi, whose starting position with a $100 million-plus school department for FY ’16 is that there is no room for cuts. Why, man, the PPS through its white-bread superintendent Jake (Jive) McCandless has gone on the record months — even before any public deliberations over the municipal budget — that just to remain level-funded, the schools will need a 4.something% pay raise — primarily for pre-negotiated salary hikes. Meanwhile, the kids get dumber and the citizens get poorer.

As for Jive, he got the message. He doesn’t respond to honest questions from THE PLANET. He hides behind his desk like a cat in a room of bulldogs, complicit with Bianchi in perpetuating what amounts to a legal scam. Nonetheless, THE PLANET keeps the invitation open to both of them: You name the date you want to go on the air with us, live with no notes, and it’s done. There is yet time to rebuild the relationship you have chosen in the one case to destroy (the mayor) and in the other not to begin (the superintendent).

A Lack of Control Doesn’t Help Matters, Either

Meanwhile, the schools have lost control of the classroom. That is why the schools are not properly preparing our young people for higher education of for the Dreaded Private Sector. It isn’t because of bricks-and-mortar. It’s because a kid can tell a teacher “F**k you” without consequence.

Tomorrow: Part II in this Series Picks Up Here


“Crazy rhythm, here’s the doorway. I’ll go my way. You’ll go your way. Crazy rhythm, from now on we’re through.”Doris Day, “Crazy Rhythm,” from the movie Tea for Two, (1950).




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10 years ago

I do honestly believe the Pittsfield, Massachusetts school system has become a cash cow for special interests. The school board is a sham and a scam in my opinion. And now they are taking money for their lack of effort. How sad.

10 years ago

The two high schools Pittsfield has are not deteriorated and are not falling down. Taconic High is still rock solid. Pittsfield already owes many millions on past maintenance and renovations. Building a new high school in this economy with present state of school population is foolhearty.

Dan you are correct, the education takes place in the classroom. The building itself is of little consequence.

Its totally unacceptable how children can graduate high school and be able to read or even make change operating a cash register as a cashiere as a young adult.

Children today are indoctrinated today with the thoughts of men. Political correctness, gay rights and junk science. “The Children” are not being taught how to think but rather what to think. A young womans’ ability to get pregnant can get her a government check and more children mean more money. It was once shameful to be dependant on government but its not anymore. With the amount of money being thrown at education especially in Pittsfield, the school system should be producing geniuses.

“The aim of education should be to teach us rather how
to think, than what to think — rather to improve our minds,
so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the
memory with the thoughts of other men”.
– John Dewey

“I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.”

Today the school system is cranking out indocrinated morons. They can repeat what you are “supposed to” think on a matter but cannot think for themselves. A basic education of reading, writing and arithmetic is lost on generation x,y,z.

A spanky new high school with a flat roof will do nothing to solve that. It will put a serious burden on the already cash strapped tax paying citizens of Pittsfield most of whom have worked hard all their live and paid their own way in society. Bianchi, the city council and the school department need to stop this senseless waste of money.

Russell Moody
Russell Moody
Reply to  nostrodumbass
10 years ago

Have you walked the halls of both schools?

10 years ago

“not” be able to read.
sorry I posted it before I caught the error.

10 years ago

Now enter Mayor Bianchi gloating over another presentation by consultantants for a scientific computerized approach to planning future work on our streets. Paying DPW Collingwood how much a year?? We all know how bad to worse this story ends.

10 years ago

What a Terrific Superbowl Game!! Downright Exciting.

10 years ago

I like what spagirl says. The city pays Collingwood close to 100,000 a year and we have to have a consultant to tell us how to manage our pavement? Something terribly wrong with this picture.

I also agree with DV. The case has not been made to establish the need of a new high school in Pittsfield. I will support the petition drive.

10 years ago

Maybe it’s time to start going after the teacher’s union. They do hijack elections as Dan said and I bet that even if we did get a vote for the high school project, the school people would turn out in droves, and there are tons of them, and would toss out any attempt to block the new Taconic High School. They are not going to bite the hand that feeds them and if the mammoth school system can continue to grow by leaps and bounds, it’s in their best interest to keep it expanding whether or not it hurts the taxpayers, they could care less.

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  Pat
10 years ago

I disagree because at least half of those employees are not Pittsfield residences therefore cannot vote.

Reply to  Guess what
10 years ago

Well, if that’s true, that would be great because then a vote on the Taconic project would be a good idea and could possibly stop it.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

Pittsfield politics is very expensive. Thousands of people have fled Pittsfield because of its sky high taxes. No rational young middle class family would move to Pittsfield. Pittsfield’s population is shrinking, while its taxes are increasing. Pittsfield politics is totally corrupt. Everything in Pittsfield politics is a done deal, behind closed doors, and ran by the Good Old Boy network. When Pittsfield politicians give speeches, they are utopian tomes about the community and our children. Then, the Pittsfield politicians turn around and spend all of the money on their special interests. Pittsfield politics is on a never-ending downward spiral!

Ben Weldon
Ben Weldon
10 years ago

There was a book called “Foul Ball” by Jim Bouton that explained Pittsfield’s politics and where the back room deals took place. A used copy shouldn’t be too hard to find.

As for the Patriots, they were lucky to escape with a victory. How may think their logo sucks? I think they should go back to the one that used the 3 point stance.

10 years ago

People wonder why there is such a negative attitude in Pittsfield. Well, this is the reason. Corruption in politics, in the school system, in obtaining jobs, and just about anywhere else you look in Pittsfield. It also explains why Pittsfield people have a reputation of being snobs, whether we are talking education snobs, money snobs, or just being plain unfriendly except to their fellow influential friends. This type of atmosphere creates wide gulfs between people based on income since it’s so unfairly distributed, but also based on secrets, since so much is hidden from the general public and the general public is intentionally ignored and kept in the dark.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Pat
10 years ago

When I lived in Pittsfield as a young man in my mid-20’s, I tried to find a job for over one year of my adult life. No one offered me employment during that time in my life. I felt I had better odds winning the lottery jackpot than finding a job in Pittsfield. The Good Old Boy network showed me! ….or should I say, “blacklisted me”.

10 years ago

In a normal city, not that such a thing exists, a city council would try to rein in a rogue mayor. I, apparently erroneously, thought that was part of their job. But in Pittsfield, Mass. it is hard to even get on the city council if you don’t have the backing of the special interests who usually control the mayor. So the poor ignorant bastards, like myself, wind up electing people who they think are going to look out for their best interests but wind up electing a nest of evil doers (george bush) who’s only mission is to rob them blind.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

If there was a textbook about corruption, done deals, insider politics, the Good Old Boy network, diminishing population and jobs, high taxes, toxic waste PCBs cancer causing pollution left behind by Jack Welch’s GE, post industrial waste, underperforming public schools, a dead downtown, a huge underclass receiving welfare assistance programs, a blogger from Stockbridge who writes about Pittsfield politics and admires Peter Arlos, violent crimes committed by local youths, drug dealers living in Section 8 apartments, gangs operating in Pittsfield from NYC…., it would be called: “PITTSFIELD POLITICS”!

10 years ago

I want a vote on the school. I’ll help out. Time to get involved.
Love the Patriots!!!!!!!

10 years ago

How about any taxpayer funded, city, state,municipal job cannot vote in a general election that affects job or pay directly. Put that in the Charter.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
10 years ago

Asked some of the kids about the school. I have, none of them said it was a school portrayed by some as falling down, most said it does need work, but overall the consensus was the school was great! I want to see the umbers for renovation. Barry? You’re a numbers pro? Most of all would like a chance at the voting booth for this vote!

10 years ago

On the last page of ” Foul Ball “…..a page I feel very few people saw ….there is a story about the author and Former Mayor Jim Ruberto.

It states that a hare wanted to cross a road and found that the only way he could get across the road was on the back of a scorpion….but the hare hesitated because he knew the scorpion would sting him if he was to attempt to ride on the back of the scorpion…but the scorpion assured the hare he would not sting him if he were to ride on its back…so the hare trusted the scorpion and climbed onto the back of the scorpion and crossed the road only to be stung by the scorpion when they got to the other side of the road…the hare in complete surprise asked the scorpion why he was stung after the scorpion assured him he would not sting him and the scorpion answered that in the end he could not help himself because to sting him was just his nature.

Mayor Jim Ruberto was just that kind of person…a scorpion who just couldn’t be trusted to keep his word about anything that would require him to have the least bit of character.