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PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, FEB. 9, 2015) — THE PLANET has sent the following request for comment to each of our Right Honorable Good Friends on the Pittsfield City Council:

——– 000 ——–

I want to ask you a simple yes or no question. After you answer it, I would be most interested in your reasons for the answer. This concerns a vital community issue, the proposal to build a new school. This question isn’t about whether we should build a school or not, nor does it concern the price tag. My question is this:

Do you favor a binding referendum on the school-building question, whereby the Pittsfield electorate can have a direct vote on the proposed project?

I would like your response sometime in the following week, no later than Thursday noon, Feb 12.

——– 000 ——–

As you can see, we gave the member until noon on Thursday to respond to this important matter. On Friday in the Weekend Edition, THE PLANET shall share the responses. Thus far, we have heard from four of the 11. They are:

Kathy Amuso — No referendum.

Barry Clairmont — Yes, there should be a people’s vote.

John Krol — No referendum.

Tony Simonelli — Yes, there should be a vote.

——– 000 ——–

We invite all councilors to participate in this poll. THE PLANET, acting as the conduit between councilors and our readers, encourages their responses to a matter that — as significant as it is — goes well beyond the specific question of the school project. It gets at the members’ individual philosophies of government and where they see you, The Citizen, in that process.

We shall keep your posted and informed. On Friday, we shall present the full statements that councilors sent to THE PLANET.


Layouts from Layabouts: The Lighter Side

Having spent a great portion of our professional life writing, we know the printed word and the graphic image are meant to complement each other, the way Brandon Browner augmented Malcolm Butler on the Super Bowl‘s definitive play. Sometimes, though, they clash. With that, THE PLANET brings you this change of pace. We thought we’d get away from the heaviness and the hum drum to bring you this light waltz down the lane of rhetorical ephemera. This is called “Unfortunate publishing layouts,” and it comes to us from a reader.



Unfortunate publishing layouts of our time

1. Pretty sure it wasn’t them..

2. Parents magazine needs pay more attention to its sticker placement

3. When font reflections go bad…

4. The abbreviation of job titles is inadvisable

5. Readers of Where magazine could also be mislead into thinking that the cover model is not a wholesome, tourist-friendly figure, but something else entirely.

6. Un-Comic Relief

7. Russian Metro forgets to print the pictures

8. Why punctuation matters

9. American rock band gets dragged into murder trial

10. The perils of web-ready copy..

11. Bowling ad fail

12. Bit of a downer on the Royal Wedding celebrations

13. Hypnosis ad couldn’t be in a worse place

14. Oh lord…

15. It’s important to think about how they’ll look when they stack…

16. Bye Bye Daddy

17. We do not wish to see your ‘Post work-out power move’

18. Dream holiday..

19. Seriously…?

20. The perfect headline

21. Oops

22. ‘We say YEsss’

23. Prize-winning stuff..

by @fedpowell

24. The future is WHAT?

25. A Fond Farewell

26. Hooray [via]

27. The perfect headline [via]


“You are my lucky star / I saw you from afar / Two lovely eyes, at me, they were gleaming, beaming”Debbie Reynolds, “You Are My Lucky Star,” from the movie Singin’ in the Rain’ (1952).
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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
10 years ago

It is a done deal. Pittsfield politics is worse than ever.

10 years ago

Amuso and Krol are tools of the good old boy system so no one would expect anything different from them. Did either of them have the honesty to give a reason? This is the kind of attitude that ensures Pittsfield will stay a shit hole of special interests.

I admire Mr Clairmont and Mr Simonelli for being their own person. They will be able to retain their self respect and set a positive example for their children and grand children.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  dusty
10 years ago

Krol is the guy the Planet endorsed. Where do you think Joe Nichols would stand?

10 years ago

You can go before the open mic……That’s the new Defense from the Untouchables. Myself, I’ d like the Taxpayers to firm, circle the wagons, and hire an Attorney. A very good Attorney.

Fred Janson
Fred Janson
10 years ago

You people are only 4 years too late for your vote petition

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
10 years ago

This sitting Pittsfield City Council is furtive homage to the city’s theater and arts endeavors.
This council is actually a rehearsal for their own rendition of “Cabaret”. They would make Bob Fosse proud.
Just imagine the final production with Melisa Mazzeo in Liza Minnelli’s role, costumed and all. And featuring John Krol as Joel Grey’s character. The remaining nine in top hats, tails and walking sticks. They all are singing and dancing on the council chamber’s desk top. They are wooing the voters with a perfected version of “The Money Song”.
“Money,Money, Money,Money,
Mark, a yen, a buck, or a pound,
that clinking,clanking,clunking sound,
is all that makes the City go around.
” Money, Money, Money, Money” (multiple refrains)
Now reelect us and applaud and we’ll take a curtain call.

10 years ago

Hey Dan,

Today’s Planet is a refreshing break from the norm. I like the one where the headline reads “Win a dream Holiday” and right underneath is a picture of a sinking ship. Its sort of symbolic of Pittsfield.

Remember: The Titanic was built by experts. The Ark was built by Amatuers.

10 years ago

They all act like kids in a candy store with no accountability under this Administration.

10 years ago

I remember that being a 9th grade English class assignment. I never found one of the mistakes in time for my homework but I notice them all the time now everywhere. I remember once someone selling a car for $10.00 when I called and questioned the price they acted like I was the bad guy to which I replied you’re the dummy who put the decimal point in the wrong place!

Yonick Kapanski
Yonick Kapanski
10 years ago


John Krol should recuse himself from voting on the new Taconic High School. His radio show is broadcast from Taconic. (I believe for free). This is a clear conflict of interest. This radio station was set up to be for Taconic High School students and not for pompus arrogant sitting city councilors.

This should be reported to the State Ethcs commission.

The city council needs a super majority to pass the funding for this. Taking Krol out of the vote will at least help in saving the people a couple hundred million dollars.

Krol obviously has connections in Taconic High.
Krol’s vote on this constites a clear conflict of interest.

joe blow
joe blow
Reply to  Yonick Kapanski
10 years ago

I don’t understand where any adults fit in with TBR’s mission statement,especially a sitting city councilman. He is using taxpayer money to promote his political agenda.

To educate students the technical, creative and business aspects of the radio broadcast and recording industry.
To serve the promotional needs of Pittsfield Schools.
To provide a resource of information and entertainment for the listening community.
To assist eligible non-profit and charitable organizations with complimentary radio publicity.;To instruct the general public for use of the WTBR facilities for community broadcasting.


Students that complete the workshops will have the knowledge and skills necessary to obtain employment at any professional radio station in the country.
Every participating student has a memorable high school accomplishment.
Students that complete the workshops will have a portfolio of their work projects.


Students must complete a minimum of 3 hours instruction before going on the air.
Students are required to attend and participate in weekly meetings.
Students are required to participate in a Radio Mentor Program
Upon satisfactory completion of one school year of service, the students will receive a Certificate Of Accomplishment.


1) Develop and exercise the thought process.
2) Implement basic technical and engineering skills.
3) Improve confidence and self-esteem through public speaking instruction.
4) Create an awareness of community service.
5) Establish values of respect and ethical behavior to build character.
6) Develop integration for working in small groups.
7) Teach responsibility and discipline for following rules and directions.
8) Provide networking opportunities for students within the community.
9) Encourage individual creativity and self-expression.

Reply to  joe blow
10 years ago

You said it yourself:
To provide a resource of information and entertainment for the listening community.
To assist eligible non-profit and charitable organizations with complimentary radio publicity.
I think Mr. Krol’s show does these very well.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Yonick Kapanski
10 years ago

Dan Valenti condones Krol being there. he’s a sometimes guest.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
10 years ago

One flew over the coco’s nest with a vulture , 9 parrots and 2 thorn birds.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
10 years ago


10 years ago

I’ve yet to hear Councilors mention comparative costs renovations vs. New?

10 years ago

Worst plowing jobs state and loca ever in Pittsdield! Give them a raise?