PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 2015) — Last year, our right Honorable Good Friends on the city council engaged in some strategic thinking. They played “what if.”
“What if,” they posited, “we should one day elect a mayor dedicated to the proposition of fiscal sanity? And what if that mayor should unilaterally demand accountability of the most wasteful department in the city, the Pittsfield School Department? And what if that mayor should demand the PSD reduce it’s bottom line by 5% or 10%? What would we do then?”
In awe of this question, certain members realized that they had better take away this power from the mayor, not because of Bianchi — that corrupted and corruptible miscreant now occupying the corner office who has given the schools every unearned dollar asked for and then some — but because of a true St. George who might confront the dragon on behalf of taxpayers.
A Legislative Emasculation
Thus, they proposed and voted 7-4 to give themselves the power to override the mayor’s recommended school budget. Pittsfield is the only state in the Commonwealth to do this.
Proponents touted the supermajority provision as a legislative control, but in Pittsfield, supermajorities are flatlined by political monotheism: You have to be a tax-n-spender with Democrat loyalties or you’re out.
While the local mainstream press ignored the story behind the story, THE PLANET probed and got inside of this legislative hog-do. Our sources insisted on anonymity for fear of political reprisal. Their story goes like this:
Councilors John Krol and Jonathan Lothrop recruited invisible man Churchill Cotton to front the petition. The gentlemanly Cotton would not object to being used so blatantly by his colleagues and thus made the perfect set-up guy. He’s also black, making him politically unassailable.
With Krol and J-Lo pulling the strings, Cotton submitted his petition, calling it “a safeguard for the educational system.” He meant it’s “a safeguard” against getting a mayor who wants to level the playing field a tiny bit toward citizens and taxpayers.
Sources say Krol gave it away when he told Andy McKeever of iBerkshires, “I felt like our school budget ought to have been a higher number last year” — higher than the $101 million given to schools in FY15. Clearly, he was pitching for The Suits. This was confirmed by a Mercer Building source, who told THE PLANET the superintendent first approached Krol on this matter, in secret. We won’t even get into the Open Meeting Law aspects of this, if true.
Source: ‘A Plot from JIV to JK to Church’ … Krol Issues Denial
According to our Mercer source, McCandless got nervous when he found out that in Pittsfield, the mayor had full power to propose a bottom line for the schools.
“It’s funny,” the source said, “but Jake didn’t know the mayor could do this. After last year [the current FY15 budget ] passed, he felt as if [the PSD] dodged a bullet. He then started talking about ways to get around this. That’s when he went to Krol.”
THE PLANET contracted Krol, who denied the story.
“No, that version of the story is not true at all,” Krol told THE PLANET. “I had been a supporter of this since the budget process of calendar 2012 and I had hoped it would have come before the council earlier. Dr. McCandless never approached me on this topic.
“I had encouraged this move publicly and in informal conversations with school committee members and fellow councilors after realizing (in 2012) that the school committee actually had no leverage in the budget conversation and essentially was powerless if a mayor (any mayor) proposed draconian cuts to the school budget.
“I never spoke to Church about putting the petition forward. However, I am very glad he did. This petition brought balance back to the conversation. I was in favor of it back then. Passing it was the right thing to do and I am glad we allowed our elected school leaders the opportunity to have more say on the budget they actually put forth to the council for approval.”
Was Morandi Muscled?
THE PLANET wonders if there is any truth to another story that’s floating around. This one has Morandi being leaned upon heavily by “pro-school advocates” prior to the $120.8 million bonding vote for a new THS. According to the story, these “advocates” muscled Morandi into guaranteeing he “wouldn’t betray them again.” In other words, if this story is true, if you dare show any independence regarding the PSD budget, “They” get all Tony Soprano on you.
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It would be one thing if $100-plus million were producing scholars. Perhaps then the spending would be justified. Reality tells us, however, that the PSD is producing a lot of angry, hormonal, and ignorant young people (a piquant phrase from a FB poster). Indeed, for every added dollar we throw into the PSD sinkhole, our students are getting that much more dumb, dumber, and dumberer.
The key to reversing the inevitable financial plunge is for Pittsfield citizens and taxpayers to elect a majority on the school committee that will introduce the tough but necessary cuts to a department run amok.
“Everyday I see the mornin’ come on in the same old way. / I tell myself tomorrow brings me things I would not dream today.” — Jethro Tull, “Song for Jeffrey,” (1968).
Pittsfield is on a never ending downward spiral! People cared about Pittsfield over the past decades, but nothing good ever happened. There were efforts to create a downtown mall, but it was blocked. There were efforts to create a downtown ballpark, but it was blocked. There were efforts create a downtown arts district, but it did not work in terms of economic development. GE left Pittsfield for Wall Street and now China. K B Toys went bankrupt and hundreds of jobs were lost in Pittsfield. Thousands of local residents are dependent on welfare assistance programs. 2/3rd of local students receive free lunches. Over 600 students choice out of Pittsfield schools every year. Pittsfield politics spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Pittsfield politics has hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. Pittsfield’s tax base is shrinking. Thousands of people have moved away from Pittsfield over the past decades. Most people who still live in Pittsfield have social problems. Crime in Pittsfield is a big problem. Pittsfield politicians are totally corrupt. Pittsfield politics keeps on taxing and spending until its future bankruptcy.
Are there any honest people in this city? At this point I think this city needs outside help to combat all of this corruption. We can try putting good people on the school committee unless they resort to their trickery and dishonest behavior as usual to thwart the process.
Both stories are very believable. Whichever version of the Krol story is accurate he seems to be admitting to wanting to squeeze the taxpayers for more money for the schools system. And as far as I am concerned, anyone advocating for more school money is out of touch with reality and certainly would seem to be a special interest workhorse.
Is anyone running against him this time? He is poison if he is pushing for more school money. More money has absolutely nothing to do with bettering the children’s education in Pittsfield.
Interesting comments on Kevin Morandi ward 2. Michael J. Merriam come on down !!
Mike addressed the open mike a couple of weeks ago and he appeared to be a very bright young man. He and Kevin appear to intellectually equal. Hopefully the Planet will be able to arrange a debate when the time comes.
At least the school people are having lousy weather on their week off (not the children of course who are the innocent victims in all of this greed and corruption). With all of the taxpayer money they more than likely leave the area on fancy vacations to warmer climates.
Also voter poison are Tricia Farley Bouvier and Kathleen Amuso. They both should be high on the list of people NOT to vote for as they were both very much involved in pushing this new school and in cheerleading for more money for the schools. Neither of these two women or any of the councilors for that matter are hurt by high taxes unlike the people who are being financially crushed by this school system. All of the current councilors who voted for this new school and continue to be in the pocket of the school system must be voted out!!!
It almost seemed like TFB was positioned and coached to do someone else s bidding. She does not strike me as intelligent enough to put a scam like this together and see it through. She is just a another tool in the special interest tool box.
They litterally stopped at nothing to ram this high school scam down out throats.
Denying the people a vote.
Councilors voting who had a conflict of interest.
Sopranos style muscle against seated elected representatives.
Taxpayers are now on the hook for this huge expense.
Leaving the door wide open for graft, kickbacks and a total rip off of your money.
There is nothing you can do about it because if you don’t pay your taxes, they will seize your property.
Mission accomplished!
I was told a half serious comment regarding asking the Feds to investigate with a historical forensic audit.
Interesting story, Dan, about that vote. I knew K. Yon of the SC along with Cotton sponsored it, but wasn’t aware of Krol and Lothrop’s involvement.
Question: Could a new council reverse that decision?
Friendly Ice Cream closes it’s doors overnight on Lenox Road. Going into tourist season, belly up.
I give Mr. Krol the benefit of the doubt as far as the story goes but its fact that he advocates for more school $$ every chance he gets. As for Mr. Morandi his silence is deafening.
I feel a little bad for the guy. He wants to do the right thing but he finds himself caught up with the wrong crowd. He cannot win.
This is one reason wholesome people do not run for office in Pittsfield. No telling what kind of mess you might find yourself in once you take the oath. Everything your parents taught you about right and wrong may have to go out the window. And then what kind of message are you sending to your own kids when you do things you conscience is telling you you shouldn’t?
did you know that his son goes to Lee schools and his wife works in the Pittsfield Schools and by the way he’s close friend with Degnan. Now do you see what I see?
Most speakers stressed the importance of a unanimous vote and Morandi probably thought he had enough street cred with the downtrodden with all his other lone votes against the establishment “for the taxpayer” to vote for the school. I wonder how he would have voted if the possibility that 3 votes could be discounted had been done “behind closed doors” instead of out there. A unanimous vote took away the problem of possible votes that would be nullified. He may actually have voted what he felt was right for the taxpayers, I am not casting dispersions, but it doesn’t really jive with a lot of the other votes he has cast in his tenure as a councilman(oops councilperson).
Kevin Morandi needs to surface and address these stories. That would be my advice for him especially if he has an interest in re-election.
Krist, you’d think he was a Kennedy.
I have a feeling that the vote taken on the new Taconic will be the undoing of many on the council.
No matter how much approval they get during their tenure….all it takes is one important vote to the taxpayers to screw you.
I know it will with me.
The vote taken or the vote not given?
Lady Clean has already asked Tes to restore mucho dollars to the school budget at a meeting a few months ago.
Does anyone know what is the cost per student a year?
About $18,000 per student per year.
Ask Councilor Clairmont, he knows numbers.
Just divide the budget by the total number of students. Dan did the math on this a couple of weeks ago. All sorts of interesting math extrapolations including cost per student per hour!
Ask Councilor Lothrop, he knows numbers.
My wife and I can’t wait to leave Pittsfield. I hate the school system! They screwed over my son with a substandard education. To his credit he joined the military and while serving earned an Associate degree. No thanks to the pitiful excuses that call themselves teachers. He actually failed a class and long and behold the teacher magically found 4 points so he would pass. Our school system is pitiful, I can’t believe the money they waste. Don’t believe it? Look in the dumpsters at any school at the end of the year. See your tax money going to Vicon. Last year my wife and I pulled out $125 plus worth of storage bins that the holier the thou teachers thru out. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. They
Will this high tech vocational high school show students how to box a lunch with precision? What job with all these students having a level playing field is he talking about, around here? What did happen to that big pothole machine?
I’m asking neighbors to run for school committee. I have a few retired, fixed income friends who may take up the fight. We’ll see. I haven’t had much luck recruiting on the Planet either.
Boy, has everyone notice the hundreds of corporate big wigs that fly into the expanded airport each day? Now that was a great investment.
My favorite moment driving downtown is coming to a stop light, or traffic and seeing all the friendly people gawking or jaywalking, at the drivers from the sidewalks as they drink and smoke cigs and other stuff. ha!
We had the (did)pleasure of being in Pittsfield today. The downtown population during the daytime is frightening, a collection of losers, louts, layabouts, the leeches, the disturbed, the addicts, the pushers, the bums, the punks, the dropouts, plus a few office workers and lawyers. The Hotel On North crowd is going to take one look around and make their first stay their last one.