PLANET VALENTI News and Commentary
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 2015) — The Skunks are at it again. You know who they are. They go by various names such as The Suits, The Special Interests, and The GOB. They, not you, own the government, and they are running it into the ground.
The school superintendent in Pittsfield also has several manes. Jason “Jake” “JIV’ “Man Up” McCandless, head of a department that at $100+ million eats up 71% of the current Pittsfield budget, wants more. His allies on the Pittsfield School Committee want more. Mayor Dan Bumstead wants more. Council president Melissa Mazzeo and the majority of her brood will want more.
More what? More of your dollars, of course.
How do they intend to get them? By saying they’re “cutting,” of course.
Crying Poor, Again
With Bumstead and this swindling administration, when you “cut” you end up getting more money. Such is the way with politicians at all levels, of all persuasions, as it is with all Del Gallo, Wojtkowski, liberal, conservative, welfare state, laissez-faire, take care of the Big Shots, Democrat Republican budgets. No matter what The Suits say or what political philosophy they claim, they are the face of government run amok. They are grounding you into the dirt.
In Pittsfield, The Little Guy has no chance. The Little Guy, too, has many names: Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, We The People, Joe Sixpack, and others. Short of an overthrow of local government and a thorough house cleaning, none of them will ever be heard.
Coming Soon: The Usual B.S. With the Budget
Soon, the annual clown show know as the Pittsfield FY16 Budget hits the theaters. Departments, especially the school department, will wail tears and sing sad songs about how taxpayers aren’t carrying their share of the load. The taxpayers are gypping the schools, they will say. They will storm council chambers with The Children in tow, and you will again lose.
The script when they speak looks like this:
SCHOOL DEPT. TO JOE & MARY JANE: We are losing students. We can’t afford to buy vocational equipment. We’re going to cut positions. We want a new school. You must pay $120 million, $150 million, $200 million — whatever the final number will be. You will have no vote. You will just pay for it.
PLANET‘s Commentator Nails It
Here is a marvlous take THE PLANET received yesterday, from one of the Good Joes:
Wow! The school department has done it again! Did I misread the recent Eagle article? The headline implies that cuts in spending are being made, hooray! Taxpayer relief! What a fantastic leadership. I guess if you continue to deal in millions people will believe you are doing a great job This latest article needs to go into Ripley believe it or not for spin. For example: A four million dollar increase in salary and expenses for one department in one year! A loss of twenty-eight positions that later turns into a loss of eight with a gain of twenty new positions. A substantial decrease in student enrollment. A request for an additional two million dollars in the school budget. Per a school committee member we can ask for more because we are eight million dollars below proposition two and a half. Let me ask does this sound like a cut to anyone. Then the leadership wonders why the taxpayer is angry and concerned! I am sorry but waiting for elections just isn’T the correct answer. |
Waiting for the elections seems like a long time, but it will come. Meanwhile, perhaps what the school committee and the city council need, to say nothing of Bumstead, is the kind of disruption and “take over” tactics that have the mayor and Mazzeo seeking to crush free speech.
Procedure is liquor, but havoc is quicker.
Mayor Says ‘I Felt Cheated’ — Pittsfield Citizens Know the Feeling
Pittsfield’s mayor COOTCO (the Current Occupant Of The Corner Office) has told some whoppers, but he has topped himself. This guy’s got a lot of names, too: The Empty Suit, TES, Bumstead, etc. Check this one out.
“As I said I felt a little bit cheated last time by not having any competition,” Bianchi said. “This will give me the opportunity to get out there and campaign and get out and talk about some of the great accomplishments we’ve had and my vision for the city of Pittsfield and share that with many people.” |
That was TES in announcing he would seek re-election.
He “felt a little bit cheated.”
Trust us Mayor Bonehead, Mary Jane and Joe know they feeling. For them, though, it’s not “a little bit cheated.” It’s The Whole Enchilada. Also, TES, we guarantee you won’t feel cheated this time. Enter Linda Tyer. Enter Craig Gaetani. Enter those to come.
TH$ Building Project: Co$t Unknown
For the most current, updated information on items of public significance, people don’t rely on books, magazine, or newspapers. They go the ‘net. Last night, our Right Honorable Good Friends on the city council took on the Voodoo Spreadsheets to the Taconic High School construction proposal. As you likely know, THE PLANET took this data apart last week, so if you want the truth, go there.
What does the School Building Needs Commission have on its website? We went there for the most recent information, especially concerning cost. Take a look:
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“The School Building Needs Commission is a group of 21 individuals who represent varying stakeholders within our community. Both the Mayor and Superintendent share responsibilities in appointing members as outlined by city order. In addition, the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) has expectations for the composition and expertise of members.”
THE PLANET shall, for the moment, put aside the meaning of the word “expertise.” The SBNC current page continues:
“Often, people want to know what a construction project will cost. At this point, we have not advanced far enough into the process to determine the exact construction costs. Thus, the cost to the City of Pittsfield and taxpayers is not available. As options are developed in Phase 3, and a preferred design with construction costs is determined, these figures will be provided. It should be noted that Pittsfield has been certified for 78.3% reimbursement by the MSBA. We are hopeful that, with several incentives, we will reach the 80% reimbursement cap.”
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Point 2: And what are we to make of this: “It should be noted that Pittsfield has been certified for 78.3% reimbursement by the MSBA. We are hopeful that, with several incentives, we will reach the 80% reimbursement cap.”
The SBNC obviously does not care that it has such old and outdated information, which at this point is also false. That statement, standing today, is a lie. The reimbursement rate is absolutely not a “certified” 78.3% let alone 80%. It is now a little more than 60%. Funny how they don’t want the lower number on the website.
As mayoral candidate Gaetani said today in a press release, “The city of Pittsfield is absolutely in no position to go forward with the council vote [on the construction] on April 14.”
“I really got to use my imagination to think of good reasons to keep on keep on.” — Gladys Knight and The Pips, “I’ve Got to Use My Imagination,” (1974).
The Planet and its readers have stated right from th start that this dirty done deal will exceed $200 million dollars. They are constantly playing with the numbers and now admit they don’t know what the final costs will be.
One thing is for sure, the taxpayers of Pittsfield will end up paying for it, dearly. With no vote, and an unthethical, illegal city council member vote, this whole thing is going to be shoved right down the throats of Pittsfield’s taxpayers. They cannot afford it.
A few highly connected will walk away with bundles of your cash. All in the name of “the children”. The ones who truly benefit from this massive scheme really don’t care if it breaks the backs of the citizens whose real property will be held hostage. Don’t pay your taxes and the city will take your home away from you.
The corruption is so deep that the good citizens of Pittsfield will find themselves in a pot of boiling water.
The stated figure by those privy to the inner sanctum is like the number previously posted on The Planet, ie: $218 million. This may include new machinery, equipment, and the “John Krol Studio”.
We all know it’s not about the children. It’s about the greedy adults.
Please explain who are connected and how they will make out from this project
I agree. There should not be a council vote on April 14th, but we know they will have one anyway as they snub their nose at what the people want and in getting all the information they need to make an intelligent, but also sensitive decision when it comes to the taxpayers of the city. The Berkshire Eagle continues to print letters mainly in favor of the new school. The people writing in are obviously able to afford the higher taxes so it’s no big deal to them.
Saw the school committee meeting some months ago, one of the members asked Tes to add a couple of million to the pot next budget.
If we get 80% reimbursement, it is only for certain items in the construction. Those other items receive 0% reimbursement. That is why when it is all said and done the City will get about 60-65% from the State.
Good info Joe. I’m assuming that means the things that get 0% reimbursement are completely unnecessary and should not be in the contruction plans to begin with. Maybe one of them is the Mayor Bianchi statue what will be placed in the school lobby.
Even that isn’t certain, Gov Baker is looking to chop a $1.5 Billion deficit and says he will look at everything…and if the budget for the school keeps rising the 60percent will be the original 80 percent anyways…Im closely following the fact that Mr. Krol Ms Amuso and Ms Mazzeo are likely ineliglbe to vote because they also sit on sbnc. DV wrote about it last week. I hear it has merit. (Im a state employee)
Councilors Krol,Amuso,and Mazzeo stand to gain nothing from this vote so why do you people think it’s illegal for them to vote on it? I think you people just want to drag this along until this project gets delade making it cost even more money
Jimmy it won’t cost more if they renovate, and work with State Legislators and Governor to match reimbursement. The State and City will both save money.
Sorry Joe. But it will cost tax payers the same to renovate wait will to build new. Do you want a renovated 45 year d school or a brand new state of the art school for the same price? Your choice
Jimmy it’s a conflict because they sit on the two bodies with conflicintg intersts…the sbnc is asking money from the council…you can’t be the person asking for money AND the one who holds the pursestrings. Simple as that.
Jimmy if you go by the inflated # for renovating and the current reimbursement rate for renovating, the numbers are close. You are right. Why can’t we push for a change in this flawed system, that rewards waste. The demo costs are estimated at 10 million.
Home foreclosures are up substantially in February in Berkshire County. These are the cold hard facts. Pittsfield Government in denial to the hole they are digging for the dwindling number of taxpayers.
The Power of the Voting booth. Ferguson Missouri turned out in record numbers to change the power in City Government. Voted twomen blacks to City Council.
Pittsfield needs to wake up and exercise their voting right….stop the complacency.
Keep in mind that the special interests are the ones funneling many of the new candidates into the fray so that they have guaranteed votes for big money projects like the new school.
Over half of the people on the council now were encouraged to run by special interests. That is the only reason they are there and they do and vote as directed.
My point is that while you may be voting out the old special interest puppets you may unwittingly be replacing them with new special interest puppets who are being groomed to vote as told. Hard to tell which ones are really there to do the job they were elected. Sometimes you can tell by who runs their campaign or who donated to their campaign or who their friends are.
Dan Bianchi for example was the wolf in sheep’s clothing, taking advantage of peoples unhappiness with Ruberto. He played the people like a fiddle and then once he was in office he pulled a Jekyll and Hyde caper. People who thought they knew him were shocked. It is a crap shoot at election time and the odds are not in the peoples favor in Pittsfield.
Yes, the special interests like the big construction companies that are in bed with the city government. Then you have the local newspaper which is also in bed with the special interests. So there is no watchdog to protect the people except for Dan Valenti that is, but of course the powers that be try to marginalize Dan so that they can keep their grip on the money and power in the city. Put it all together and you have one very corrupt Pittsfield.
I can’t even believe that Bianchi has the nerve to run again. It just shows how out of touch he is with what people think of his administration. He doesn’t care though and neither do those on the council who are put there to vote as their masters tell them to and then conveniently leave the council once they have done their voting for these projects so they won’t be harassed about their decision to vote as they did only to be replaced by more lap dogs for the special interests. These are the people who attend all the benefits in the city to help the homeless, or help this or that organization for the needy. First of all, they are the only ones who can afford to attend these expensive events since they have put everyone else in poverty, but they also live to have their big egos on display for all to see. They know they will never be hurting for money because they have made sure to keep taking it from everyone else.
They know their high taxes for their pet projects are putting the middle class in bankruptcy. When the Pittsfield schools eat up 70% of the city money, you know there is a serious problem in this city.
I have a prediction for Pittsfield politics!
The Good Old Boys and Girls club will raise your taxes again this year.
I am not Michel de Nostredame aka Nostradamus.
I can’t see into the future.
But it is a fact!
This increase in school budget that was presented is appalling. There are some specifics on there that truly piss me off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Names are out on the folks who owned the BCC dogs
Tom: Can you tell us those names?
I can – I won’t – There are four letters in the last name – That’s all – I’m not a member of the secret squadron or whatever he calls it but if you read it first here it’s not coming from me – If I know the planet has to know because its all over the street
If you don’t name names I’m guessing you don’t know
Where? I didn’t see it in the boring broadsheet.
Is it on tonights Animal Control Submission meeting? . They did just deemed Duke the Dog as Dangerous….damn
Free Duke!
Why are dogs, especially aggressive dogs allowed to roam around apartment buildings or dwellings with multiple tenants? What is a 300 lb tether going to do for a woman with a sixty pound dog? Those pit bulls will pull your arms out of your socket.
I had a pit bull for 9+ years and he was the best dog . I adopted him from the Pittsfield animal shelter. He was 10 months old and was very sick and abused ,I nursed him back to health and properly trained and socialized him. This dog did not have a mean bone in his body,was very gently with kids and never acted out aggressively. Pits are not the problem it’s bad owners!
Ground control to Major Tom? What are the names.
I just watched the ACC mtg. and they announced the last name of all three women was LIPA.
The meeting regarding this case was postponed until next month. I don’t know why. But the victims husband spoke at the beginning and explained his wife’s condition.
Must be some intimidating people if everyone is afraid to mention a name. Is the person with the CIA or something? Working under cover?
Holy crap what is this city coming to?
Lipa”‘s that I know are good people. letms hope that this was one big mistake.
Pittsfield City Council President Melissa Mazzeo, an at-large councilor, says she is running for a fourth term this year. She’s supporting Mayor Dan Bianchi’s reelection bid, which under new charter rules will be a four-year term.