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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, JULY 17-19, 2015) — On THE PLANET‘s Weekend Edition, we open The Comment Line. That’s our readers’ chance to weigh in on any issue. The only “rule” is that they offer insight, intelligence, wit, wisdom, and perspicacity while avoiding lame insults, stupidity, and the “nah, nah, you’re mother wears combat boots” polemics of the sandbox. That’s not asking much, right?

Actually, if you boil it down, comments should be worth reading. Simple as that. They can agree or disagree. They can be soft as rain or hard as a stepmother’s kiss. They can be basking or biting. As long as they’re worth reading.

One of our first decisions when building THE PLANET was whether or not to allow comments. There were good arguments both ways. We wanted open access to allow for discussions, debates, and discourse. Guess we were still clinging to our ideals from long-ago studies of republicanism, democracy, and The American Way.

Unbought, Unbossed

THE PLANET is proud of our comments section. When other media post online stories, they will frequently fail to attract even one comment. When THE PLANET posts, the debate begins in earnest and in volume. That’s because we attract a highly qualified group of readers in a volume unmatched by any other local medium. We do it without descending into a Topix-like cesspool. THE PLANET monitors comments carefully not to censor or control thought but to preserve the rights of all to come onto this site and get the best by way of parley and argument.

The ability to post comments on this site is a privilege not a right. We will not cut much slack to those who insist on mere ignorance, and stupidity.

With that, let us move on to our own comments.

(1) News Blackout — Isn’t it interesting that with the alleged “terrorist” from Adams, authoritities couldn’t release enough information on the F-Trooper for the public. This created the illusion that the trillion-dollar cost of the War on Terrorism is worth it. It keeps the Homeland safe. “Homeland”: A loathsome word, fit perhaps for Nazi Germany, but America? If you want the serial number of the pressure cooker Alexander Ciccolo bought at Walmart, it’s there for you. And yet …

And yet, try to find out any relevant information about the killers on-the-loose in Pittsfield’s West Side, and you won’t get a peep. Neither the mayor, the police, or the D.A.’s office is sharing information, keeping the guessing games going and the city on edge. What kind of city does this? Why kind of citizenry puts up with this?

(2) PLANET Pressures the Mayor into Action — Kentucky Fried Pittsfield … or … Where Have You Gone, Col. Sanders is the next film production from our film division. Locations along with our acerbic, ascetic commentary included the weeds at Silver Lake and Hess Forest. We filmed at both places on Tuesday.

On the exact spot where THE PLANET filmed Tuesday as part of our new movie, the city mowed and wacked on Thursday. You will see in the film that we actually engaged in a symbolic weed-wacking. Our plan to embarrass the city into action is working. The mayor is getting too many irate calls. (PHOTO FOR THE PLANET BY DAVE BUBRISKI)

Guess what. Yesterday, the mayor sent crews to both locations to mow and wack what hadn’t been mowed or wacked for months.

Here are the photos to prove it.

Also, in our first film, In-CITY-ous: Pittsfield’s Crisis of Confidence, one location including the filth of the Wendell Avenue Ext. gutters, near curbside.

On Tuesday, they were still germanic. Yesterday, they were clean. It seems that THE PLANET has forced a nervous corner office to take action.

That’s what a good, crusading “newspaper”  can do.

Here is one of the planets outside Hess Forest on Tyler Street. THE PLANET filmed there Tuesday, calling particular attention to the weeds and trash that took away from the beauty. The mayor was paying attention (we won’t say how!). On Thursday, city crews were there to tame that part of the forest primeval. When THE PLANET barks, the mayor’s starting to snap to it. (PHOTO FOR THE PLANET BY DAVE BUBRISKI)

Can you imagine what could be done for the community if the rest of the local media, led by The Boring

Here’s THE PLANET in a location still from our filming of KENTUCKY FRIED PITTSFIELD … or … WHERE HAVE YOU GONE, COL. SANDERS? We are shown on Tuesday at Hess Forest, weed wacker in hand. We have taken the law into our own hands, and a rattled mayor has blinked. (PHOTO FOR THE PLANET BY DAVE BUBRISKI)

Broadsheet, followed THE PLANET‘s crusading manner? For one thing, citizens would know as much about the July 4 massacre as they do about Alex Ciccolo’s crockpot.

(3) Gaetani Scores Early Win for Citizens — Citizens of Pittsfield owe mayoral candidate Craig Gaetani a vote of thanks. By qualifying for the ballot, Gaetani has forced a preliminary campaign leading up to the vote in September. Because of this, we will see a whole lot more of Dan Bianchi and Linda Tyer than would have been the case otherwise. THE PLANET saluted Gaetani for a job well done.

——– 000 ——–

OK, we’ve had our say, and now it’s your turn. The Comment Line is open.

Have a great weekend everybody.


“All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.”Blaise Pascal



The views expressed in any comment section are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment which violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.


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9 years ago

The public should storm city hall and the district attorney’s office and demand answers. This has gone on too long. They just want people to forget about the mass shooting so they can continue to brainwash us all into believing that Pittsfield is a perfect city filled with arts and culture. People should be on edge after a mass shooting.

I finally saw the hour long Dan V. show on channel 16. It was great. The art structures on North Street are truly appalling. That’s modern art for you. Supposedly the beauty of modern art is to be found in the interpretation. Yeah, right. This art is just plain ugly. Also loved your filming outside city hall and pointing to the mayor’s office as you did so. Personally I think should be done with any politician. Lots of criticism keeps them on their toes and gets things done otherwise corruption quickly sets in. I can’t wait for the next hour show!!

A woman wrote a letter in today’s Berkshire Eagle defending Bianchi by saying the public shouldn’t blame him for people being shot in the city and Tyer was wrong to criticize him. Obviously she is someone who will be voting for Bianchi and she doesn’t understand the role a good mayor can play in keeping crime out of their city.

9 years ago

The city has not completely cleaned Wendall Ave. Ext. Still a mess near Otto’s.

Who owns it
Who owns it
9 years ago

Is there still a fourth candidate for mayor? Anybody know anything at all about him?

9 years ago

Taking action, getting results. Gaetani for mayor.

Reply to  pemetina
9 years ago

Ha Ha. Good one!

May Hemm
May Hemm
9 years ago

School officials think the new school will bring in more students and everything will be kumbaya. No. New schools do bring in more students, and usually the type of student you do not want.

Reply to  May Hemm
9 years ago

The acting Police Chief ( comment; and by the way and I’m breaking Obama’s vacation record ) is a quiet supporter of a certified woman candidate for mayor. For years he worked tirelessly for a much needed new police station and has expended considerable city cash on consultants and a hired architectual firm. Now he openly and politically supports the new high school, saying that it will be his lead in to a new station. Huh ????

9 years ago

This new school is a joke. We don’t need it. It’s to Costly.

9 years ago

Dan, I’m glad to see you asking folks for a little order in their comments. Mindless rants which do nothing to advance the conversation undermine the value of this forum to bring about positive change.

That said, I have seen many newspapers take pictures of slum buildings and then post pictures of the owner’s manse. that gives people perspective about what folks expect for themselves vs. what they will provide for people in terms of housing. with all of the boarded up or otherwise derelict buildings around – maybe you could just visit the buildings and then their owners address to, as my old English teacher at PHS used to say: compare and contrast.

As far as the lack of info on the shooting is concerned, I think the BB has fallen so far under the spell of the current administration, that even when they do print something – it falls shorter than we could imagine. the fourth shooter is out of the hospital – good for him. we only know it’s a him however.

after two weeks, not knowing the shooter’s and victims identities simply is wrong. whatever the reason – it is inexcusable. why? because if it is a gang war like I believe – the gangbangers all know the identities and so do their families. so to say you are protecting someone who is in danger not being retaliated against – it’s not going to happen. the next shooting either will or won’t happen. gangbangers have nothing else to do, and they already are stalking their prey. it could happen when the recovering victim is shoplifting at the Lee Outlets, or getting groceries at the Big Y, but it will happen. to not release info on why we need not be concerned that there is a shooter on the loose (as the administration contended on 7/6 or so) – then they need to tell us that the dead guy was the initial shooter, and that one of the remaining 4 was the other one (or more if all five were shooting). but then, we need to know why any of the shooters who arte still alive and not in the hospital are not arrested.

I think you need to beat the drumbeat daily – simply by questioning the motives for the lack of info release. Maybe it’s not a gang war. maybe one of the other victim/shooters is someone who is well connected. until they tell me, I can’t even decide if I believe the story they release. I always say that the truth will set you free, and in this case I am sure it will. bet if anyone can embarrass the administration into doing it – you can DV.

and on the terror front – my jury is still out. while the guy from Adams is clearly a wannabe or a whack job, he probably is still dangerous. the guy who shot Reagan, John Hinckley did it to impress Jody Foster, remember? she didn’t even know who he was – but after that big man did it, Reagan was still shot and we had him in jail for years. did it take a dozen or more agencies to verify and take the guy down? maybe. was it overkill for this guy? maybe. but if he went on campus and shot the place up – we might be viewing the incident and what folks knew or didn’t know through a different lens. I get DV’s take and I get CV’s take.

9 years ago

Word from a reliable source was that the people wounded in the 4th of July shootings were the victims of there own fire.. A rival, or whatever you may call it, opened fire on a house where these thugs sat, armed, naturally. The rival passed by and escaped but in the ensuing chaos the thugs in the house ran outside and ended up mistakenly shooting each other as they all scattered. It was dark, it sounded like WW3 with all the fireworks, they became disorientated, I don’t know how such a thing could happen but I’m told it did and I’m not surprised. The cops know exactly what happened and who’s involved. As to why this information is being withheld, I haven’t the slightest.

Reply to  Frank
9 years ago

almost as bad as a gang war then. armed people walking about, with hair triggers – ready to assault each other at the drop of a hat. then they start shooting – fortunately they got their own (that actually is pretty damned funny) – but the tragedy could have been if someone was walking near by and been an innocent victim in all of this.

while most of us could care less about thug A killing thug B (maiming is bad since we own that disability forever, a cremation and funeral is relatively cheap compared to along term care facility) I would say we all would be saddened if thug A killed innocent bystander Z and thug B managed to escape unharmed.

since the initial shooter is still out there – we could be seeing more to end this story.

Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

again – no reason to withhold names, since obviously everyone knows each other and there is no one to protect from the inevitable retaliation to come.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Looks like High End Salisbury Estates is looking for Public Services for it’s High End money grabbing Private Enterprise. (locked out community unless you have the loot) say no to the petition to give them essential services. So what they pay property tax, this is on the owner of the estate, that is why it is so Exclusive.

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Doesn’t TES’ mother-in-law live in Salisbury Estates ? Just sayin.

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

I heard that they were not paying taxes. Maybe DV can investigate this one.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Salisbury Estates – High End? – mostly widows and all are old.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

Salisbury Estates is one of the infamous Nonprofits here in the City.
Link to Sec of Staes page with corportaion filings available for your viewing pleasure

9 years ago

Great movie Dan please keep them coming this is the only way we can get Bianchi to do anything positive for the city. His reaction to your films shows how he has no clue as to how to run a city.

Did anyone see the total unprofessional meltdown of Melissa Mazzeo at the council meeting the other night? After almost 2 years of being President she still cannot get thru a meeting without making procedural mistakes. This time it was so blatant that she was debating Barry Clairmont from the chair which is a huge no-no and a violation of her own council rules. What was even crazier was the entire council voted unanimously on the BIC grant after documents were submitted after they were supposed to be reviewed at the finance committee.

As I have stated before I am a residence of Ward 1 and was in the council room the other night to watch the show. It is very sad to sit there and watch Lisa Tully not contribute to any debate. It is so obvious she is so far over her head I almost feel sorry for her. Hoping someone comes out to run against her; and no Tammy Ives is not the answer.

Reply to  Henry
9 years ago

I m no parlimentarian but I do know that the chair cant debate. The chair chairs. Clairmont was right, Mazzeo made a fool of herself. Talk about in over her head.

And Pittsfield voters are OK with this crap? Im one of them and I’m not. Im voting for change. Any but incumbents

Reply to  Evian
9 years ago

Nobody watches it. Lol

Mrs. Doubtfire
Mrs. Doubtfire
Reply to  Henry
9 years ago

Response to Henry of Ward 1:
Your letter reminded me of the council meetings when Melissa Mazzeo was clearly leading the council in procedural screw-ups. Good observation! Likewise, I totally agree with your comments of Tully. Not only did I vote for her but helped in her campaign. Pre- election her highest priority was to rein in spending of tax dollars realizing her ward comprises of a huge senior population. Post election. With Bianchi’s pressure she changes her vote on the new school buses from fail to pass. I was sitting in the very council meeting 2 rows behind Bianchi when he turned and said to Sue Carmel, “I’ll work on Lisa I’ll get her vote.” And lo and behold, Lisa changes her vote from fail to pass in less than a week. Isn’t that amazing? She also told me it was a no-brainer to vote for the new Taconic. I’m beginning to wonder if she has a brain. And with Tammy’s comments of painting FU on her fence, she lost my vote.
How about you Henry, would you consider running for Ward 1? As for me I could’nt run for council simply because sitting across from Krol with his rediculous comments of raising the taxes for residents while lowering them for businesses, I think I would be forced to stand up and proceed to throttle him which would look a little worse than Mazzeo making a fool of herself. No, I agree, these clowns running city government are running this city into bankruptsy. I was especially impressed with Morandi who forever was the champion of the seniors and the less fortunates when he voted for the new Taconic. So, where does his son go to school, I believe it is the Lee School System. Ain’t that nice as well!

Reply to  Mrs. Doubtfire
9 years ago

Mrs. Doubtfire: Don’t know where you were during the campaign of Tully vs. Yon…..but the mayor hand picked Tully to oppose Yon because Yon was not in his camp and voted as such.

I’m not in that ward but I know that he even gave her a list of his supporters to contact. So, of course, she will do as told. It may be a surprise to you but not to others.

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  Sp.ider
9 years ago

That’s what happened. They fought real hard to keep Yon out. Mary McGuiness may know she’s a nurse working in the Mayor Office.

Reply to  Mrs. Doubtfire
9 years ago

Mrs. Doubtfire, why don’t you run for the Ward 1 seat? Then you, yourself, can try to change things.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
Reply to  Mrs. Doubtfire
9 years ago

As far as my FU goes I tried solving the problems with the neighbors the normal way. First I tried talking. Second we called the cops and nothing was done because it didn’t happen in front of them. Third we contacted the the beloved city councilor and nothing but more problems. Finally what harm was the FU going to do when I have one neighbor trying to run down my child” Larry” and one threatening to shoot him in the heard and another taking pics of him and his friends as they play and lets not forget the one who makes sexual gestures toward my house and finally the one who has yelling issues by yelling two lots away. So yes the FU will remain.
Finally after re explaining myself again there is chaos in every neighbor hood. The point is it’s time to focus on the big picture we elect these people to help protect us and yet these problems the city faces slip through the fingers of society and become monstrous..

Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

Take the FU sign down and MAYBE just MAYBE I will vote for you. If not I will campaign against you. Just saying

Reply to  Mrs. Doubtfire
9 years ago

MB thanks for the invite and I actually considered running but because of my situation it would make it almost impossible for me to afford it. I am a senior who has lived in my modest home with my wife for 34 Years. I am retired and we live on a pension and social security, basically a fixed income. I have had to go back in the work force because in the last 10 years my taxes have raised over 40% while my income has remained flat. Lisa Tully came to my door two years ago and told me she understood my situation and said she would NEVER vote to raise my taxes and she would fight hard to lower them. Here we are two years later and all she, Melissa, and Kathy Amuso have done is nothing more than carrier water for Bianchi. Again I almost feel sorry for Tully it like she says one thing and does another.

Another consideration would be I don’t think an older person like me would be electable. I have been attending council meetings since the 80’s and what I have seen lately is that no one gets elected anymore based on their merits or there qualification’s. It is just one big popularity contest. I mean come on Melissa is top vote getter and council president. This is a person who can’t complete a normal sentence. If anyone ever listen to what Kathy Amuso has to say they would find no meaning. Connell never makes any sense and can’t speak clearly, Cotton useless, Morandi forget about it. How do these people keep getting elected?

I was hoping Yon would come back to run in 1 but she told me after church one day she was happy not being part of the Bianchi organization and was contributing to the community in other ways. I guess we will be stuck with Lisa (nothing to say) Tully for another couple years.

Rotten Robert
Rotten Robert
Reply to  Henry
9 years ago

To Henry:

I wonder consider running against Tully but feel you would be the better candidate than I as you sound very level headed. Tully is not only a dud but a liar. I too got the same pitch from Tully as you did. She sounded so sincere that I helped in her campaign. What a waste of my time. Oh, by the way, I too am a senior. Like Mrs. Doubtfire, I too would throttle Krol as he has no consideration for the taxpayers. Amuso is also a dud. I realize now that the only reason she ran for council was to push for the new Taconic. Bianchi is another snake in the grass. Just like Tully, he was so sincere in developing a crime bill for the city.He too like Tully was going to rein in spending. They are both horse shitters first class. I had always heard that there are more horses asses than there are horses. And how true that is with most on the city council and definitely the mayor.
I didn’t like Yon but she was definitely a far better councilor than no brainer Tully.

Rotten Robert
Rotten Robert
Reply to  Rotten Robert
9 years ago

would consider

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  Henry
9 years ago

I’ll vote for her. You may be surprised.

Reply to  Henry
9 years ago

Tammy Ives would be a whole lot better than Lisa. Tammy has my vote. She is not afraid to fight for what she believes in and that is good.

Melissa Mazzeo is too emotional and should not be involved in city government.

Luthor Rex
Luthor Rex
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

I live on 1 and my vote is for Tammy. Tully has been a dud. Mazzeo gives women in politics a bad name. Emotions run wild.

Luthor Rex
Luthor Rex
Reply to  Luthor Rex
9 years ago

should be “I live in Ward 1..”

Reply to  Luthor Rex
9 years ago

I agree.

9 years ago

The Ward One Councilor seems to be confused on issues when she speaks. I could be wrong? Don’t think so.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Salisbury Estates isn’t a Public Way, they don’t want the Public using the roads, so no, no City Help!

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Craig doesn’t seem to be getting the attention from the Media as Tes or Mop Head. Maybe the Planet should let him back in.

9 years ago

Actually, they petitioned for City services along the road – like snow removal and trash pick up. I thought they were looking to get the street accepted, which if that’s what they want – would make the street a public way. I think some folks whop live there think they can get the public services, and not let the public in.

Ed McClelland
Ed McClelland
9 years ago

Watched the premier of the Craig Gaetani Political Hour. It was totally a self scripted impression of his biographical military and Krofta Engineering water works resume’.
Not to disrespect Mr. Gaetani nor disillussion his supporters, but candidly and with all honesty, not all his statements were true.I truly know they weren’t. Perhaps he believes they are. I think he really believes everything he says about himself.
I wish he had addressed some city issues and offered proposed solutions.
His dog “Buckwheat” was cute however.

silence dogood
silence dogood
Reply to  Ed McClelland
9 years ago

This show was to introduce himself to the City of Pittsfield. Next week he will get into the issues.

Morgan Stern
Morgan Stern
Reply to  Ed McClelland
9 years ago

Mr. Gaetani does not properly take care of his rental property on Indian St., how could he possibly take care of the City of Pittsfield? His former tenants have had to call the Health Department several times because Mr. Gaetani refuses to take care of the repairs needed in these apartments. The last apartment on Indian St. that the Health Department investigated resulted in six pages of violations, which were posted on the door of the apartment. I know for a fact that he or someone he knows forged a tenant’s signature on a rental agreement. He and his brother had a no trespass order brought against them by one of their current tenants. I don’t know if police reports or the Health Department findings are public knowledge, but I can only hope that they are and can reveal who this man really is. I did notice that a few people who posted on this site were not fooled by him and recognized his posts were the rantings of a mad man.

Rotten Robert
Rotten Robert
9 years ago

To the Pittsfield City Council:

Send in the clowns—-oops, there already here!

Reply to  Rotten Robert
9 years ago

They are here in Cheshire also. We were / are facing an override vote here again. Both sides got their word out and a town wide so called binding vote occurred in June. The final tally was 174 for and 237 against the override. 20 % voter turn out. Ok override defeated. Or so it would seem. The vote didn’t go the way the powers that be wanted. It seems we voters were not educated enough to vote the way they wanted
So in August we will have to vote again on the same issue we just voted no on. Our votes in the first election just thrown out. No malfunctions, no voter fraud, nothing corrupt just not the outcome the powers that be wanted. What a farce of our voting power.

Reply to  danvalenti
9 years ago

Yes and the big FU will come in a no vote.

Thomas More
Thomas More
9 years ago

swat team on Dewey this morning

9 years ago

It’s almost funny reading the BB story today about the city’s shootings. The DA’s office calls it “an open and ongoing investigation”. Usually that means that is the end, PERIOD and we will never hear any more about it.

It’s also funny that if they are trying to protect the victims, the shooters know who they are……only the public is kept in the dark.

You can’t make this up.

9 years ago

Salisbury Estates is definitely far from high end

Who owns it
Who owns it
Reply to  Mark
9 years ago

Well the rents are far from section 8 for sure. Do you know who owns that complex?

9 years ago

Obama’s reaction to the killing of 4 marines in Tennessee was chilling to say the least. He showed no emotion and spoke very matter of fact. What kind of a leader do we have in Washington? I want to see some compassion and humanity. Since we just had a potential terrorist arrested in Adams, this is now very close to home and it was heartbreaking to see the friends of these murdered marines. They were so broken up.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Condos go for 240 g. thatms not high end?

9 years ago

Word is another town is looking to close some schools and consolidate because of lower enrollments. Pittsfield is building a new one that won’t be big enough to combine schools. Who is doing the planning? Pittsfield is also adding positions in departments that should be cut. The question is, where is the press? I thought they were the ones to keep the politicians honest (I believe they were called the 4th rail) Now they seem to be in bed with all the corruption going on. Sad change

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  ShirleyKnutz
9 years ago

How about you telling us which departments should be cut and why since the press won’t. The press is often referred to as the fourth estate.

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

All of them should be cut in my opinion since the Pittsfield School Department is OUT OF CONTROL.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

You feel that every program should be cut and have no school at all?

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

We need schools obviously, but the schools shouldn’t be expanding more than they are, that’s the point.

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

For starter’s once new Taconic is built, have grades 8-12 in the high schools grades 5-7 in middle schools. Close 2 elementary schools. Eliminate some of the personal at Mercer school. Streamline garbage with combined recycling and use tootes that stop people from abusing the amount of trash they throw out. Look into moving 911 dispatch into Berkshire County jail.Make changes to school bus system to eliminate all of the empty buses driving around the city. Meet with dept. heads to come up with ways to cut down on the massive overtime bill we taxpayers receive every year.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Also eliminate one playing field at Taconic, so they can keep the 6 garages on the southern end of the existing school. Think that would be good spot for DPW. With new turf field at BCC this shouldn’t be a problem.

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

So you are saying that you want to see 12 year old in school with 17 and18 years old, I don’t see it. Keep it the same and just allow Morningside and Westside neighborhoods children go to the other neighborhoods. They have smaller classrooms.

Reply to  Guess what
9 years ago

Respectfully disagree. Hoosac Valley and Mt Greylock have 7-12 in same building. They segregate the students. It not rocket science. I know to Pittsfield it’s not the same old same .

Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

I would love to but the school’s would have to pay me a consultant fee, isn’t that how they do it. I have mentioned in past posts and I have even chatted with the “leaders” of pittsfield about things they should look at for savings and making Pittsfield an attractive place…to no avail. Pittsfield use to be innovative with their programming but now they seem to be just treading water. Your moniker suggests you have some intelligence maybe you could share some thoughts on how the schools and the city could save money.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Congrats to Babe Ruth teams. Don’t seem to be many fans at the games.

9 years ago

The BB runs an editorial in the aftermath of the Tennessee shootings and blames the problem of terrorism on guns. Terrorism isn’t the problem its the guns. Get rid of the guns and we get rid of the terrorism. Who knew it would be that simple?

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Yah, no terrorist is smart enough to think of using bombs. Or kidnapping. Or computer hacking. The Eagle has the answer to to the terrorist problem but for some reason will not help to solve problems in its own city. Go figger.

Silence Dogppd
Silence Dogppd
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

They used machine guns in France where almost all guns are illegal D

9 years ago

Five people shot or shot at? AHeard a gunshot last night,one, wasn’t a firecracker.

Reply to  Cosbiesladies
9 years ago

I also heard a loud crack of gunshot near Springside Park last night.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

To the Hoodies.Free play at the Common starring Romeo And Juliet. t’s free. Wear a bullet proof vest.

9 years ago

if you look at abandoned properties here , many off the tax rolls are not being taken care of, zero maintenance, grass grows wild. What ever happened to the blight proposal, fining property owners who neglect abandoned property. we have enough business leaving and property like Hess and Kentucky Fried Chicken, Tahe West Housatonic property ect. are examples to name a few.

9 years ago

The BB removed one of my comments they didn’t like. I’m not happy about it. I was just stating my opinion, but they didn’t like my opinion.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

That is why hardly anyone writes in anymore. They say they reserve the right to edit it also and a couple of times they edited mine in such a way that it said the opposite I was saying. I no longer bother like most everyone else. No matter what, the bulk of what they allow to be printed will represent what is good for the GOB who are the real editors.

9 years ago

So the Eagle did do a piece on Mr Gaetani. I want to say kudos to them but it is their job and responsibility after all. I would hope they will contribute to this being a fair election regardless of how much “encouragement” others may give them to do otherwise.

9 years ago

Craig has been a breath of fresh air. Sure he’s obnoxious sometime, but he’s a General for Krist sakes. the only way to turn this city around is a firm hand.