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EDITOR’S NOTE: Here is the YouTube link for Dan Valenti’s feature film, KENTUCKY FRIED PITTSFIELD … or … WHERE HAVE YOU GONE, COL. SANDERS? You’ll laugh! You’ll cry! You’ll will be in wonder! Click here .
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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, JULY 31-AUG. 2, 2015) — The following lead to a recent Reuters story provides the comforting illusion of geographical distance, having occurred 4,813.6 miles from Pitstfield:
ATHENS (Reuters) – Stunned Greeks faced shuttered banks, long supermarket lines and overwhelming uncertainty on Monday as a breakdown in talks with international lenders plunged their country deep into crisis.
Nonetheless, this is a local story. The financial chaos that followed brings home the danger of unlimited spending in the face of a declining tax base and taking on unsustainable debt. It sunk Greece. It sunk Detroit, Mich, Sacramento, Calif., and a number of other U.S. cities. What makes the mayor think Pittsfield is an exception to that surefire formula for economic disaster?
$5 Trillion, Before You Blink
Keep thinking large for a moment longer. The networked nature of every aspect of civilized life, especially the economy, should give you pause. A quick look at just one example — foreign exchange rates. Each 24 hours, traders in chatrooms move $5 trillion dollars in an effort to take advantage of the most minute rate shifts.
Computers deal in microseconds and make gargantuan movements in the same time as it does to add 5+2 “the old way” (the answer, by the way, used to be “7”). The ability to rapidly move voluminous amounts of national currencies to hop on the tiniest of movements has given traders license to manipulate rates almost at will. Making $10 million in 10 seconds gives you an idea of the temptation involved.
Once you move beyond the personal piggy bank, finances bear little relation to day-to-day life. The preponderance of debt only exacerbates the unreal situation. Enter Pittsfield, aka, Podunk, Mass. The city has a combined pension and OPEB debt of around $400 million. A corrupt coalition recently approved $121 million in new borrowing for a school building project made unnecessary by a declining school population and the existence of two large campuses, each half empty (not half full). The city still owes $23 million from the most previous round of school renovations.
The ever-clueless mayor proposed (and the council passed) a bloated $145+ million city budget. On top of that, they added $11 million in borrowing for capital expenses. When you add up the debt, you get $555 million obligation facing taxpayers.
Under Mayor TES, The Special Interest Special keeps moving down the line. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski need not apply for a ticket.
Unless there are significant electoral changes in the corner office, council, and school committee, Pittsfield will be in the Greece within five years. It it might pull a Puerto Rico sooner.
Pulling a ‘Puerto Rico’
The governor of the U.S. island recently told the international community that the protectorate can’t pay its $72 billion public debt.
THE PLANET played an interesting little game. Play with us. Think “Pittsfield” for the quotes in an AP story about Puerto Rican debt:
Quote 1. “There is no other option. I would love to have an easier option. This is not politics. This is math.”
2. “The last four administrations have kicked the can down the road. At this point, there is no more can to kick. So we’re going to take some very strict measures and some very profound measures. It’s going to hurt, but there’s no way out.”
3. “This is a daunting agenda politically, legally, and organizationally. It is also an urgent one: The government’s cash balances can evaporate in the face of delays, reducing the room for maneuver and intensifying the crisis.”
4. “I think it’s irresponsible.”
Doesn’t each apply nicely?
Deficit and Defeat
With Apathy turning away voters, cynical, selfish politicians have plundered the treasury, awarded lucrative contracts to the “connected,” and feathered their own nests. Falling population, an influx of a bottom-feeding class of leeches, gangs, a drug epidemic, escalating violence, and a diminishing tax base make it certain: Unless there’s a swift reversal of course in November, Pittsfield’s default (and defeat) is certain. Never has change been more the order of the day.
We leave you with one last quote: “The challenge for the incumbent is to let people know what you’re doing such as attracting market rate housing and making Pittsfield a destination.” — Dan Bianchi.
We can hardly wait.
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The Comment Line is Open
With that, THE PLANET opens The Comment Line. We solicit any and all comments, any and all topics. Move the discussion forward and write to the best of your ability, wit, and intelligence.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“I thought the only lonely face was on the moon.” — Paul McCartney and Wings, “Jet,” from the Band on the Run album, (1973).
The views expressed in any comment section are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment which violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.
Well, Bianchi was out feathering his own nest on Thursday outside the Silvio Conte Building where a Medicare rally was going on. Bianchi was shaking hands with the senior crowd obviously trying to win votes. There just isn’t much brainpower in this current mayor except when it comes to furthering his own interests not those of the people of the city.
The corrupt coalition that gave us the new Taconic High School made sure voters were kept out of the process. Changes were made to the city charter which was voted in even though many warned that the Charter took power away from voters. The first warning should have been when the BB supported the new charter, but voters are unfortunately low information voters here in Pittsfield. Important political decisions are made without having all of the details. The corruption runs deep in Pittsfield and the ONLY way to clean it up is to vote in people who will fight against it and not add to it.
PAT I did a press conf. today agreeing with bianchi– that the sept 22 primary should be rescheduled. as the champion of the taxpayer I am keenly aware that the last two hours of the election conflict with the jewish holy hours. to show my support of 0ur jewish constituency– I will ask that the day be rescheduled to a date before sept 15th. I further stated that this latest shooting is strongly on the shoulders of both the mayor and police chief.– in the last shooting I said that the shootings were not his fault but these new ones are.– specifics in my many posts today. further– people praising tyer as though she did something grand is just plain bullshit. I think bill everhearts editorial hits the nail right on the head.. give her credit for what? some people are just out of it. we have serious problems– we cant give her credit for doing nothing. she has to earn credit and blight is not this citys top issue by no stretch of the imagination–good try gob–you have come up short again. your fourth choice gog is is looking worse day after day.- try to give her some new marching orders. I do like linda–very seriously do but for mayor? give us a break–can she please post her resume as I have done? I got it–there is nothing there. we have had too many nothings in the past we cant have a continuation of this now. wake up people the city faces possible bankruptcy and needs a experienced corporate executive to save us —I am ready—craig
Create change. Gaetani
thanks pemetina–dear pv posters it is essential that everyone read the opinion page of the berkshireeagle today july 31. the letter writer garry trudeau and commentary by Charles blow who writes for the new York times–trudeau makes clear what the school budget is doing to Cheshire and adams. and he feels it is only a matter of time before each files bankruptcy—I have made the exorbitant spending of our school dept a center piece of my campaign and spoke about it many times at the ccm meetings of the past . the only person in the whole city who spoke against the new ths and school budget was me at a ccm meeting about a month ago I was the only speaker and there wasn’t a soul in the audience either. that means no pv posters were there nor no other city residents and it made it easy for the cc to pass funding for the new school ths and to approve the school dept budget without question—dan valenti has told everyone that the key to wrestling our city back is through participation and I agree fully. if you feel that what you have contributed to our city in advocating change then you should feel content. if you feel you can do more then just do it. I am out there day after day trying to advocate for you the taxpayer and it is not easy. I run into the same kind of nuts out there that are also on this site and you know what I mean. the only way that things are going to change for the better is if I am elected mayor. I can only do so much by myself and it would be good to have some help–but even without help I can still prevail as I am a doer. everyone can help by talking about trudeau’s letter in todays eagle. his topic will be front and center on next weeks show my position is clear on this topic the commentary by Charles blow is also right on about the shooting of a black man by a police officer for no reason at all. I also in the past by petitions to the cc regarding body cameras was thwarted by ccp mazzeo by killing my petition under rule 27–I stated then and I state now every single police officer must be armed with audio and video cameras starting today. the technology exists it is cheap and it will make things better for the police and the citizen—we don’t need a task force to study the issue to death we just need to go out and by them and put them on the cops-I stated such at several ccm/s. there is absolutely no reason for not putting g cameras on the police. even though the cincinatti cop who killed the black man had a body camera on him it becomes very clear that we must–must –must put cameras on all law enforcement every where in the united states–period–you can be sure that when I am mayor there will be body cameras on every cop and any calls to the police station will all be recorded. this is how you start to solve problems. has any one heard any specifics from tyer or bianchi regarding the upcoming election?—did I miss them or was there none–ok I got it–craig. also it will be standard procedure to have all caqlls to any city dept be recorded so I can see who treats the taxpayer with the respect due them as the true owners of this city and more importantly who doesn’t. if this were the case at present I would have several people boiling in the pot right now but I can wait to be elected and my promise to them because they monitor this site is that you will be boiled and you know who you are. this is not a threat this is a promise.iwill need a very big pot as you are very big fish but never the less I will make a nice stew out of you.. you better start sweating because you are on my radar and the sights have been locked on .I am going to clean up the mess we have here and many are going out with the rest of the garbage.–craig
another shooting in pittsfield–just returned from scene –1 dead keenan pellot. one wounded and exspected to survive. shooting occured in barbershop parking lot on tyler street not far from intersection of first and tyler. dead fellow is 18 years old the wounded is 17 years old. i wonder if this might have been thwarted if the cops were on foot patrol as i have been advocating if bianchi and the chief had been busy trying to fight crime instead of taking me to court on trumped up charges may be they could have prevented. stay tuned for negative press on me in all media. i just returned from the court hous and filed criminal charges against a clerk magistrate fred baran of holyoke. the preceedings against me were illegal and i tried to have the charges vacated but ther was no judge at the court house so i have to wait untill monday to file a motion to have the charges thrown out . i told mr. speranzo a pittsfield clerk magistrate about the illegalityt of the hearings and i told him i was going to all
i hit the send button before i was thru–the continuation is as follows———-media sources and i did and the article will carry my side of the story. as i told everyone on the planet that you can go to court with a pat case and still lose but not this time–mr baran has crossed the wrong person and i will do everything in my power to have him fired because how many times has he done this to the little guy who has no recourse as i do —the police chief and the mayor and the fire chief are all complicit . they thought i have to lick their boots but i lick no ones boots. this is why i say that when i am mayor all calls to any city dept will be recorded to protect the public if this policy were i n effect right now there would be no charges what so ever linda tyer is very-very tight with wynn and they monitor this site. well chief i have a big surprise for you –you will be hearing from me you can count on it. this is how they smeared ms. walto when she ran for mayor. i had been thinking of firing the chief when i become mayor and now it is definite he and collingwood are going to go on jan 3rd 2016–right after i am sworn in. first thing monday morning i am going to call the fire chief and remind him of a call i made to him two weeks ago regarding why it was that he wouldnt tag the car at my condo complex. he told me .mr. gaetani –we cant send anyone over there because some one there threatened fire dept personell not to step foot on the property again i said who was it he said someone over there i dont know who. i told him i would investigate and called him back a day latter and said i questioned every one over there and no one threatened any one . i told the chief he could send his people over and i would be there and no one was going to be threatening anyone. we exchanged regards and i havent heard from him since but what i am saying is 100% ACCURATE. IF HE DENIES THIS —WELL I GUESS I WILL HAVE TO????????????? IN THE COURT. STAY TUNED IT WONT TAKE ME LONG TO ROUND UP THE GUILTY. A LESSER PERSON WOULD BE SHAKEN BY THIS BUT I AM AN HONEST PERSON AND THESE CHARGES ARE JUST TRUMPED UP CHARGES. AT THE EAGLE I TOLD MR. MORAN SOMETHING HE COULDNT BELIEVE AND HE ASKED ME TO COME TO THE EAGLE MONDAY TO PREPARE A STORY.. NOW FOR YOU FEW WACKOS ON THIS SITE –COME AT ME I AM USE TO THIS BY NOW AND FOR THE NUT WHO POSTED EARLIER ABOUT MY BROTHER AND NEPHEW WHO ARE IN PRISON FOR HAVING ILLEGAL GUNS—-THEY MADE BAD CHOICES . WHAT THEy DID IS AGAINST THE LAW AND THEY ARE PAYING FOR IT. I STILL LOVE THEM TO DEATH BECAUSE THEY ARE MY BLOOD AND I AM TAKING CARE OF THEM IN PRISON ALONG WITH MY SISTER. IT IS HARD FOR THEM AND IT IS HARD FOR US BUT THEY BROKE THE LAW AND THEY ARE PAYING FOR IT. IF OUR LAST NAME WAS CAPITANIO OR BUFFIS OR NILAN OR DOBELLE MAY BE THEY WOULDNT BE IN PRISON. THIS IS WHAT I MEAN BY THE GOB — ALONG WITH STRACUZZI DOYLE MASSIMIANO DELGALLO BOWLER JUST TO MENTION a few I PRAY I GET ELECTED TO PUT AN END TO THE GOB ONCE AND FOR ALL , TO ALL MY FRIENDS ON THIS SITE YOU KNOW ME I HAVE BEEN AN OPEN BOOK TO YOU AND I HOPE THIS LITTLE BUMP IN THE ROAD WILL NOT DETER YOU FROM STICKING WITH ME DOES ANYONE OUT THERE BELIEVE I WOULD CALL A CITY DEPT AND THREATEN A SECRETARY TO BURN HER HOUSE DOWN AND SHOOT HER-?—-LOOK WHAT I M GOING THROUGH TO BECOME YOUR MAYOR. I WILL LOSE NO SLEEP OVER THIS AS I WILL GO TO COURT WITH THE SAME INFO I HAD THIS TIME AND HOPE I GET A HONEST CLERK MAGISTRATE. THIS CASE JUST MIGHT BE THROWN OUT COMPLETELY AND THATS WHAt i am going to ask for in my motion to a judge on monday—does double jJEPORDY sound correct? we will see—-craig
Someone should get the word out to seniors at the senior center to check in on Planet Valenti. Perhaps post his website on their bulletin board and check back daily to make sure the mayor has not removed it under his lock down of info policies. As the most abused citizens in the city they deserve to be in the loop so they can make educated choices. Glad to hear Craig goes there. How long before the mayor has him banned though?
Good for you Linda Tyer for putting a Bully in his place.
Today’s headline regarding Dan Bianchi.
Bianchi is such a PUTZ.
That blew up in his face.
Pam –is this you–pam mulumphy? I thought you were a big bianchi supporter? maybe you found out that bianchi isn’t what you thought he was. many people are starting to realize this– friend and foe. I hope you have been following my campaign and I hope I can convince you that I am the only champion of the tax payer in this race and perhaps you will vote for me and ask your friends and relatives to do the same. please watch my tv show -its all about facts——————. —–Tyer cant beat Bianchi because she was the 4th choice of the gob and I think they are realizing now that they made a mistake. if the final election is down to her and him– the gob will elect him back because they have him in there back pocket already. with less than two months before the election– they are already calling tyer the blight lady. all show and no substance and the gob are aware of it. the real threat to the gob is me. they know that if it is between me and bianchi– they will pull out all the stops to get him re-elected. it is imperative for me to get as many tyer supporters to get behind me now and to get out the first time voters and we can beat the gob AND THIER REAL FAVORITE PUPPET-BIANCHI PAM–do you want bianchi back? you only have one way of preventing it–you know what you have to do did my advise to you last week help??–craig
spagirl — good for what? she did nothing except do her job – if you don’t understand that maybe you should read up on the clerks job description-I am the one who does the bidding for the taxpayer including for you. the school dept reeks praise on fools who work in the dept who in my opinion and many on this site do nothing of any value either–give praise to those that deserve it- when ms. tyer does something that is substantial I will be the first to praise her. if she goes after the police chief to expose him as I have and looks to return the city back to its rightful owners and who looks after your hard earned money– that’s when you should have given me a little support–you play things very safe–we need to have a risk taker for mayor –me–it is the only possible way to turn things around and you know it. read berk eagle editorial by mr. everheart–that is required reading for you——I notice that you keep saying you cant wait for November–do you mean that ms. tyer will beat bianchi?– if I am eliminated –not a chance in the world–read the planet archives there is some info there for you also
I just wanted to present my solution to the crime issue here in Pittsfield. This is a foolproof method and should be implemented immediately by the current mayor or his successor. The program is called ‘Keep Calm and Carry a Gun’. Using taxpayer dollars, which will of course involve raising taxes again, each citizen of Pittsfield will be supplied a handgun, ammo, and a box of baking soda. With these items in hand, each citizen will have the ability to protect themselves from the terrible violence that is taking over our city. Crime will soon cease to exist. Well, except for hundreds of people shooting each other but that is another story. Everyone, please get behind this program and let the mayor and your councilor know that it’s the only answer.
Thank you.
This message was sponsored by people who make money selling guns.
Craig: What is your position on gun control ? Do you own a gun?
DOWGERHAT–the last time I had a gun in my hand was 47 years ago in viet-nam. I know the end result of a shooting- and it is burned permanently in my mind and it affected me so negatively that I had to have ect–electroconvulsive therapy.. schock treatment over a dozen times to save my life. I would never ever even hold a gun again and certainly woluld never ever own one. my philosophy is that if a person doesn’t have a gun then they cant shoot anyone. I will never have to worry about shooting any one–because I don’t have one. some people have guns and own them legally. and of course there are those that do own guns illegally and that is a big problem. just this past week I read about some scandavian country who banned guns outright even for law enforcement and in the whole of 2014 they had only two shootings . do you think this would work in the united states?. I personally would feel more comfortable knowing no one had a gun–but it will never occur here because of money interests and so we need to try to be as civil with each other as we can because the person you are dealing with might have a gun. I hope I never run into a hot head with a gun but we cant live in fear every moment as we must live and just pray that no one shoots us or our loved ones—–craig
Now you threaten people at the fire department? You lost my vote. LOL
What is your response? Ask Dr. Wang for help.
Craig, I’m glad to hear you disagree with your immediate family on this. It’s a matter of public record that your brother and nephew were sentenced to prison last year for multiple firearm violations. It should not be a reflection on your convictions, however.
ED McClelland–you are one of the most hateful person on this site–I have never seen any thing of value that you have ever posted on this immediate family agrees with me regarding guns.– we want nothing to do with them– two of our very large family thought different then our immediate family and they are paying the price for their foolish choice—your post today like all your post are meant to hurt me but you cant because no idiot like you can touch me. because someone in my family does something wrong how does that make me implicit. your whole aim is to make me look bad but again you have made a fool of yourself on this site and everyone knows it. WAS THE MASS MURDERER JOEj McClelland YOUR BROTHER?–IF HE IS– IT SHOULD NOT BE A REFLECTION ON YOUR CONVICTIONS–I BELIEVE HE MAY BE YOUR BROTHER –but again it should not be a reflection on your convictions–however—-you buffoon–!!!!!!!!
One thing everyone overlooks…the states with right to carry laws have lower crime. Shootings and crime occur most in gun free zones. The perp does not have to worry about an armed citizen. The only thing banning guns does is create more victims from criminals who manage to procure weapons. So please don,t fall for this propaganda. After all, one of the first things Hitler did was confiscation of guns so law abiding citizens had no choice but to rely and follows corrupt government.
States with right to carry have lower crime rates? Really? Have you got statistics to back that up? I’m thinking Louisiana right now.
Ed Check–I was discussing what can be done to more tightly monitor the gun situation we have in this country and everywhere else, how about having every bullet sold have a registration number coded inside the shell casing– that can only be read by law enforcement agency computers when a person purchases bullets– the sale of those bullets should be recorded on law enforcement registers at every store that sells bullets and the sale also be logged back to a national data base.. by doing this we can track every bullet sold and who purchased them. might this be an additional tool for law enforcement to solve crimes with?
Brilliant! Whadda ya gonna do when the gang folk start carrying around killer bees? Huh? Ya ain’t got no answers for that kind of thuggery do ya hot shot?
When the gangs start carrying killer bees, then part 2 of my program kicks in – ‘Keep Calm and Carry Some Raid’. Naturally, taxpayer dollars will pay for all this. With the guilt free ease Bianchi and Tyer raise taxes, this will get paid for no problem. If the gangs really get out of control, then it’s ‘Keep Calm and Fly a Drone.’
The mayor’s making politics out of the Jewish holidays marks a low point. He lost my vote there.
DV your film “Kentucky Fried” was brilliant.
Craig has gone from an almond joy to a 1/2 almond joy & 1- /2 mounds. If he can make it to a full mounds bar by the primary I may actually vote for him!
Dave I do agree with you…Craig is half nuts!
Craig; I know this was asked several times on the Planet, What happened in court yesterday ???? Did the mayor, chief, and Deadwood all plea ???
You aren’t keeping your supporters in the dark, are you ? No more city secrets !!! Transparency.
Read BB, it was them who took him to court.
the police filed false charges and I filed real charges against the four stooges –I suggest everybody go to archives about my trying to get illegal cars off my property on indian st and my run ins with an idiot inspector stein . does that name ring a bell? it should as I am going to be ringing his bell very soon
guess what–you are another confirmed liar–where do you get your information. again you now are a confirmed liar just like dowgerass–two peas in a pod –confirmed liars
Shooting on Tyler street just happened 1pm
Wild Wild West is alive and well in Pittsfield.
yeah, seen the cop cars, about seven going to it, about 400 yds west of Hess Forest.
You people seem to take great pleasure out of this news. How sad
steve the people on this site do not get pleasure out of people getting killed in this city. we are horrified about the goings on in this city with an incompetent mayor and police chief. in the last shootings on the 4th of july I publicly stated to all media that those shootings were not his fault the blame for those shootings falls squarely on our very incompetent police chief wynn. the shootings on aug 1st– the blame falls again on wynn and bianchi jointly–I near begged them to put police on foot patrols in the west side and morning side area and they didn’t. I cant say positively that these shootings would not have happened if there were beat cops and so we are going to forever ask are self might — it not happened if beat cops were there? in summary– I am a doer and if I were the mayor there would have been beat cops. we know that what ever bianchi and wynn are doing presently– is a total failure . how difficult would have it been to assign beat cops–not difficult at all — that’s why I say he is a talker and not a doer and I will fire him as soon as I become mayor.. now the list is 2 to go on the third and the list will grow and include any city worker who abuses their bosses– the tax payer–that you can count. abuse and bye-bye. no more abuse of tax payers in my term as mayor—craig
iberkshires says 1 shot, the Eagle says 2. They know the shooter, a well known gang member.
One DOA and one injured.
Craig is facing charges for threatening a city employee according to an eagle article.
It’s all Bianchi’s fault.
Keep digging that hole. Bianchi has shown his true colors long ago. Anything at this point is Mute.
pam i have been kind to you lately but perhaps i will let the whole story out about you on my tv show next week. you better start praying–i might hear your prayers. you better hope i do— do you remember what i did to you at a hrc meeting last fall when you were trying to pull the wool over my eyes?–you had to call an adjournment to go piss your pants and cry your eyes out. if you dont remember i certainly do. in case you pv posters dont know this is pam mulumphy a wanna be who was never elected to any office.– the city knows you pam and i would never say anything bad about you or anyone but you opened the door and i am half way through it you decide if i should go all the way through it— i will see —start being nice and stop being nasty. i know that you are not a bad person. you can clean up quickly and be a productive person. start by loving all people –as i do–.if some one crosses you forget it if they do it a second time –dont ever forget it– and keep your distance—–craig
CRAIG. What did I write that wasn’t true? One is dead, one injured, all true. You are facing charges, see the Eagle article. I was a city councilor, elected. You say I was never elected to any office, a LIE.
Back to all almond joy.
what I meant to say is you will never be elected ever again. the whole city knows you are a wanna be and have proven your incompetence ‘.you were holding hrc meetings with no rules what so ever. I made it clear that you were like a duck out of water on the hrc board and I did force you to halt the meeting to go in the back room and cry your eyes out I will say it again now you are a black eye to the womans movement in this city. you are no role model of any sort of up and coming young woman. you were an appointee of bianchi to the hrc board. are you still there or did he get rid of you ? if he did I would not blame him ,that position is for some one with brains as very sensitive issues are heard there . ilke I said –you were like a duck out of water there—–craig
Craig hears prayers now…God wannabe? God complex?
Yeah, be a bully, be an Old Testament type. Tear some eyes out. Brilliant!
A photo and story appearing on The Berkshire Eagle’s facebook page about Mayoral Candidate, CRAIG GAETANI’s court hearing yesterday; Not the Mayor, Chief, etc. Probable cause sufficient for Gaetani to be arraigned in district court on charges.
I guess the liberal anti gun candidate, Mr. Gaetani was accused threatening to shoot someone with a squirt gun and burn down their house with play matches.
Craig is awfully quiet about this. Great candidate for Mayor! Craig do you like to threaten young women?
Yeah, it makes me laugh he keeps claiming he’ll be the next mayor. And I’ll be the next Russian president too!
Looks like the GOB is intimidated enough by Craig to haul out its dirty tricks and hater people. But one thing is undeniable, Craig cares more about the people of Pittsfield than all those special interest folk put together. All they want is what is in the taxpayer piggy bank and they will stop at nothing to get him out of the way.
Craig cares about the people of Pittsfield? That is even funnier than his claims he’s going to be the next mayor!
Let’s put a unstable person in the Mayors office. Craig is starting to implode.
What kind of man threatens and intimidates a woman…his behaviour is disgusting.
who–thanks for your kind words my whole campaign is to return the power in the city to its rightfull owners the tax payer the people in the fire dept and police dept think they are exempt–and that is why they have tried to smear me with trumpt up dharges. when I become mayor they will fall in line pronto and when a taxpayer comes to them for help like I did– they will never respond to another tax payer the way they did to me with extreme rudeness. after 9 calls and visits to the pfd I still have an illegal car there. this is their function in the pfd they clearly know I had them and to save face they file charges hurt me they file false charges against me. this is not over by a long shot. remember they did this to donna walto in her run againswt bianchi by drumming up false charges against her. this whole issue is just a bump in the road for me –stay tuned–craig
gatos there are confirmed liars on this site and you are one of the confirmed idiots. you are a Pittsfield educated person aren’t you? try going back thru school when I am mayor. you will have a much better chance of being a 6th grader as opposed to the 3rd grader you are presently–good luck–craig
What, no prayers for me? I feel left out.
I’m not Pittsfield educated. You may note, however, that this idiot is capable of correct spelling and sentence structure.
Your Almond Joy world must be full of idiots. Everyone who disagrees with you seems to be one.
Its pretty obvious that Craig did not threaten anyone with a gun. Nor does burning someone’s house down have a ring of truth to it.
Its an obvious attempt by the Berkshire Eagle and Good Old Boys to knock Craig out of the race for mayor. We all knew something like this was coming.
The powers that be will not anyone who poses a threat to them and their cash cow, get elected. They will smear, threaten, and discredit them so as to make sure they don’t get elected.
Its pretty obvious what’s going on here.
This is Bianchi’s quote after the shooting today……”This isn’t a normal situation, it doesn’t happen often,” said Bianchi. “We have a great group of law enforcement officers working on this.”
Unbelievable !
What should he have said? Perhaps you can enlighten us.
He should not have lied and said it doesn’t happen often. It sure as hell does. Are you enlightened now?
We have a gang problem in Pittsfield and we need to use every resource available to eliminate the scums that have no regard for human life. I will be speaking with Governor Baker to get more state police in our City to help in this battle. Something like that I guess.
That would have been much better than what Bianchi said. At least yours is the truth.
Bianchi seems to be taking a bury your head in sand approach to the gang problem.
You cannot solve a problem unless you say you have a problem. We need a Mayor that will solve our problems in Pittsfield.
Are you personal friends with the Gov?
I think he was trying to convey a response from the mayor that people would’ve prefered.
Steve he works for us. If he doesn’t know it he will at election time.
That’s part of the problem, unless your a personal friend you can’t get anything done. That’s bull shit if the problem starts to hurt the scumbag politicians they will respond.
4 to 5 shootings in less than a month is more than “not often”.
He should admit the city has a problem and outline a solution.
Maybe he should have said “This is not going to be tolerated. There are a lot of good people here and the few bad are taking over. So the Chief and I are going to work on a plan to put more patrols in the city’s hotspots and ask the State Police for some help in these hot spots” Then I would have liked him to call on Adam Hinds the Shannon Grant Coordinator of the youth violence and anti-gang programs in Pittsfield. What has he done with the $144,000 Shannon grant to really combat violence. I don’t want to hear about the “at risk kids” that worked on a house for habitat for humanity. I want to know what the plan is to combat gangs. (all I hear is the crickets in the Hess, Burger King and KFC forests)
Looks like Adam Hinds jumped ship just in time. He must have seen the future and said I am outta here suckers.
cat— the truth of the matter is that wynn and bianchi are cut from the same cloth. they think they are elitists and they are in way over thieir heads. a reporter asked wynn on ch-13 news what is he going to try to do to solve the problems? his reply –we have to catch the bad guys. that says it all– he is worth the 115;000 we will pay him in fiscal 2016–its time to run him out of town. he has no clue how to solve the problems here and he is a goner when I become mayor—-we got to catch the bad guys—yup chief now we know why we will give \you a big fat raise next year.–bull shit!!!! —-if you were working for free for the city –you would still be overpaid. let me say it again–bull shit.–spend more time on patrol and less time drinking coffee in ms. tyers office with her–we want to see you earn your money— all we have seen from you is (o)–you know like zero water—craig c gaetani
I agree and saw the chief on TV news. Nice uniform he wears. Was he still on vacation?
And your right about patrols. I have nothing but respect for the men and women who wear the blue but the PPD is policing reactively not proactively. They go in their cars when called, otherwise they are parked or driving around “patrolling”. They need to get feet on the ground again and have beat cops. The beat cops get to know the people in the neighborhood, the good and the bad, and maybe after some trust is built up, they may get a tip or two on crime. Someone is more apt to help when a strong steady police presence is around.
Regarding Chief Wynn: Is it more important for him to get all dressed up or for him to get to the scene quickly? He is not on duty, in uniform, 24/7. Sometimes speed is more important than appearance.
The problem is that this is becoming a normal situation in Pittsfield. Gunshots are reported everyday. The local courts keep releasing people involved in crimes. The young man killed yesterday was arrested for attacking someone with a knife, but was released. This happened a month ago. Innocent people could have been killed yesterday in the crossfire of the gun fight. This young man should have been in jail. Bianchi always manages to say exactly the wrong thing and plays down the real fear that the general public is feeling. This is a mayor who is OUT OF TOUCH with those he is supposed to be serving.
Gatos, it was 1:00 in the afternoon and yes I want him in uniform during the day. He gets a pass if it is late night or he is pulled from vacation.. It is a perception of authority. The guy who shows up in the middle of the afternoon dressed as he was gives the perception to the criminals that he is busy doing other things besides policing. And before you pile on me , he does deserve vacation time, but Pittsfield has a real problem that needs immediate attention and a strong chief and mayor would help.
ditto –cat
I never did see him. What was he wearing?
I’m not going to pile on, I reserve that for Craig. It’s like poking a wasp nest with a robot.
The mayor should have owned this. He should have admitted that violent crime and drugs are out of control and ruining Pittsfield. He should ahve admitted that he has no plan for dealing with this. He should have admitted that everyting including shooting and murder is politics to him. Vote for Craig G.
This is a normal situation and has been for a long time.
Perfect timing for Adam Hinds, Pittsfield Shannon Grant guru, who was overseeing the city’s anti-gang and at risk youth State funded program to quit, His resignation was announced today as he moved on to another public feeding trough job as Executive Director of the Northern Berkshire Coalition, whatever the hell that is.His political roots were ensconced with campaign positions with former congressman John Olver. The wheels are always greased.Who will the mayor chose to succede him ??
Pittsfield is not on top of the Mountain anymore.Friday afternoon produced it’s own transparancy. Officially, who didn’t see that coming. Take a hike Mayor Bianch.
Steve no great pleasure, only stating what I seen. Just missed it myself.
Lot of shootings in this town. Maybe time to get out.
When you have cops doing steroids..councilman getting off,,mayors not mayo ring,blight and crime running, payoffs to mayor selected management, lost court cases, addicts all over the place, out oftowners getting city jobs,shooters say what the hell, we’re o ly doing what the other thugs are doing.
Tes and the Council are not responsible…maybe not, but they own it.
It’s always the in betweens.
Has there been a suspect, person of interest identified, or an arrest made in the July 4th murder and massacre ?
No known connection to this July 31st murder and shootings.? Do the police or anyone know anything that they are willing to enlighten the taxpayers with ?
It is the headline story on all of the regional news channels. It’s time to end this nonsense. Vote Craig!
Pittsfield Mayor Dan Bianchi said he does not consider the shootings to represent a threat to the general public.
According to Bianchi General public = white people. Non-general public = people of color
Edconnect–your simple sentence is the best post on the planet of all time. you and everyone on the planet know of my love of the west side residents and yes they are the forgotten in this admin. and other past admins. they will join the entire population and will be all inclusive in my administration everyone can bet every dime you have on it and when they are welcomed into the city govt. as equals you will see crime come to a stand still. the people there know me and I know them and we will collaborate for the benefit of everyone in the city black-white red green the whole rainbow–the rainbow is beautiful when you see it in its full display of all its colors—-craig
Exactly Silence. I agree with the mayor that when something like this happens it is best to just forget about it and move along. If we can pretend it did not happen then maybe it didn’t. Besides, his main concern is the arts income and we do not want people shying away from Pittsfield, Ma just because of some rumors about bullets flying. And he is right that people are not shot in Pittsfield every single day. That is a fact.
I couldn’t believe his quote in today’s eagle. If Mr. Mayor truly believes this he has his head up his a**!
I also found it interesting that the Mr. Mayor’s e-mail link on the city Web page isn’t working!
Maybe it is time to call in the state police. It is only a matter of time before an innocent is killed. A good step would be to start dragging in folks who have outstanding warrants and fail to show up for hearings and start raiding known crack houses and known gang club houses. If the state police are here we might have enough manpower to drive dangerous felons out of our city.
Along with the FBI and DEA.
In case you haven’t noticed Chuck V., There are State Police all over Pittsfield everyday.
New York State wasn’t far enough (where Doug Clark the outgoing city Director of Community Development is from), now Pittsfield brings his replacement in from Orlando, FL, where she was Director of Housing and Communuty Development.
Move to Pittsfield from Orlando ? For more money ? Not a Monteroso all over, we hope ?
This Mayor La La Land’s Destination everybody. He’s Living the Dream.
steve v i dont threaten any one and you will see that the charge will be thrown out on monday any other constructive questions?–craig
pv posters i need to put together a sold case to sink bianchi collingwood wynn and czwerenski– for this smear that they foisted on me and i dont have any doubt that i will be exonerated for these trumped up charges and because the preeceedins in court were illegal monday i have no doubt the ruling will be vacated. to try to charge me a second time with info that was supposed to be heard by only the magistrate i will claim that it would be impossible for me to be judged a second time because it is out in the public. let me explain– the charges against me brought by the police chief and bianchi were to be heard by the clerk magistrate in closed session. i was immediately aware that the hearing was being heard in open court filled with people. the minute the preceedings began, i knew i was dealing with an unfair magistrate just by his tone with me. i let the whole proceeding go forward as the proceedings were being recorded and that is what i wanted to occur. i knew positively he was not going to rule with facts and i was 100% correct the accuser who said i was going to burn her house down and shoot her wasnt even in the court room. a woman cop who weighed about four hundred pounds read the same charge you will see in the eagle tomorrow. how can i defend myself when the accuser isnt even there? that was the end of that case. the case with me bringing charges against the four stooges proceeded the same way. i was positive he was going to throw those cases out and he did—-the law states magistrates hearings are to be closed to the public. i called a few of my attorneys and they said the preeceedins were illegal. i went to the court house late this afternoon to ask that a judge vacate the ruling but there was no judges in the court house. so i filed my charges with mr. speranzzo a clerk magistrate and i told him i was going to all the media to explain my case and i told him that i would have the media call him to vouch for what i just told you and he said he would—i hope everybody watches my tv show next friday. that is when i am going to lay it in heavily to the four stooges—i guess i will call the show the rest of the story. this will be my last post until i go to the court monday and demand all charges against me be vacated. i have charged the magistrate with criminal charges, i am asking the commonwealth to fire him and i am going to sue him in civil court for all he is worth. one of my lawyers has teeth twice as long as mine but i told him i want the pleasure to sink my teeth into him and if i fail he definetely wont—i hope you remember what i told everybody about the courts– they are as corrupt as the day is long. and if by some slight chance i lose the mayors race i will focus all my energy on cleaning up the courts. and if i do– i wont be pledging not to use my own money. unfortunately money talks and you can buy just about anything with it—-i hate to have to use my hard earned money on trash like this and maybe i will go at them all by myself as i have my whole life and kick the living crap out of them. i dont drink but if i did i would have a few after the day i had this will not deter me one iota i will be out in the jungle bright and early campaigning like i do any other day. in case you missed one of my million posts today–i was out doing my own investigation on todays shootings –the dead boy is 18 year old keenan pellot and the otther victim name i couldnt get but he is 17 years old and in the hospital and is exspected to survive—touch base with everyone on monday –have a nice weekend—-craig
The CraigWay:
Threaten a person. Threaten a lawsuit. Threaten again.
Craig For Mayor! Threatening Pittsfield!
Don’t worry, he will pray for you, and hear those prayers himself, for he is the Almighty Craig!
Anybody taking the over on 300 votes in the preliminary?
gatos– I will take the bet— I will bet 750,000 dollars that I get over 300 votes. lets both put up the money tomorrow cash and deposit it into a bank account that will be available to the winner. its time to put up or shut up moron, where do I meet you tomorrow. how about at a bank of your choice? post back—-you probably haven’t got a pot to piss in. my challenge stands–now lets see what you are made of?—-all planet posters are witness–now put up or shut up
I never bet more than one dollar.
My over/under used to be 400 votes but I reduced it recently.
I have zero desire to ever be in your presence. You might sue me if I look at you funny.
400 lb cop? Craig for Mayor!
Agreed! Craig is the only one in the race telling it like it is. He’s Pittsfield only hope. He gets WAY OVER 400 votes. He wins!!
Friends in the Southeast section of the city and friends of ours on the West St side were going to Romeo and Juliet at the Common. Both cancelled out afraid by the new shootings, thus we’re going to see the Movie at the Mall.
When these gang people start shooting each other in broad daylight in the middle of a populated area it shows they do not care about anyone. Is it dangerous for the general public? No. Not if you are bullet proof. Otherwise you might want to carry an iv bag with some of your own blood to hold you over till the medics get to you. Just in case one of these highly trained sharp shooter gang members misses his target.
I don’t blame you at all. Shootings in broad daylight with bullets flying past innocent people caught in the crossfire? I think the city needs outside help at this point. It’s beyond the ability of the local police to deal with the situation.
pat the local police force is large enough and capable enough to cover the city the one and only problem is chief wynn. I have been begging him and bianchi to start foot patrols on the west side and morning side neighborhoods. the problem is in positioning police. how many times have I posted this? on this site? if everyone carefully considers the problem we have here– it is the lack of leadership. if you have the most expensive ship that money can buy and it is equipped with everything to counter act incoming artillery and has jets on board to attack enemy positions —that ship which is capable of doing everything can not do anything with the wrong captain at the wheel. our problems here have been analyzed enough. it is time to take the captains who are incompetent out of the wheel house and install new trained captains it is now time for action. I am the new fully trained to take over the ship captain. the ship cant be run with private tyer or corporal bianchi. I might have their rank reversed but you and everyone else knows I am the real captain sitting on the bridge and fully trained to move to the wheel house. I cant make it any plainer than that, the ship only performs remarkably with the right captain–captain craig. when I become mayor you can call me general because mayor conveys incompetence in many circles– as they are plainly politicians. in this country the group that is hated the most are politicians and rightly so in most cases and definitely so in Pittsfield. maybe I will just have the citizen call me mr. gaetani–that’s what president Johnson and then major Collin powell use to call me and I liked it—-craig
I wonder if today’s shooting might be some sort of retaliation?
Gaetani may not be the ideal candidate for Mayor but he’s not a POLITICIAN, lets give him a chance, what do we have to lose ! Humanity is so damn afraid of change ! A guy like this might be just what we need ! How can we possibly consider voting for more of the same ?! Go out on a damn limb, live a little people ! You just may be pleasantly surprised !
frank–thanks for your support– can you tell me why I might not be the ideal candidate. I am not being sarcastic but I would really like to know why I might not be the ideal candidate? have a nice week end frank and again thanks for the kind words. not many here on this site sometimes–sincerely craig
It might be something bout the Craig approach: Yell, scream, threaten a lawsuit or two.
Somewhat less than ideal. Maybe a management course would be in order.
Downtown Dweller,
Good work! That must’ve been the start of the trouble.
I’m with you Frank!
What a complete 180 on the information release of this shooting compared to the last one. Does this mean Bianchi finally realizes that trying to keep people in the dark may hamper his reelection? And if he is reelected will he go back to the shadowy darkness the day after when he knows the people will not be able to touch him for another FOUR years?
Too little too Late. We know the real Dan Bianchi, and his misgivings.
Linda Tyer put the bully in his place, and exposed him for what he is. You know he is red faced and mad as hell. How will he try to get back at her. You know he will. Time will tell. I will be watching.
Credible sources in the courts say that right after he was served with a summons, Gaetani requested his hearing be before an out of town magistrate and that he actually knew that it was going to be held by this Holyoke magistrate.
Apparently when Craig didn’t prevail, this Holyoke magistrate is now subject to his radar sights, having teeth and claws thrown at him, boiled in a pot and stewed, etc., etc. And prayed for.
IF elected mayor Craig would rank with William Hale Thompson and Stephanie Rawlings-Blake.
DOWGERASS– YOU ARE 100% wrong on what you posted here. whenever I have any cases in the Pittsfield dist. court they bring in an outside magistrate because the regular clerks here are afraid to hear my cases as I am a stickler for detail and they know that I am unbeatable. what you meant to say was I told the people at the dist court that any magistrate that they want to bring in I was ok– except an ass hole named fred baran. guess who they brought in –yes dummy fred baran. the minute the case started—he said a few things tat led me to believe he was the hatchet man in this case but I wanted to go thru the whole PROCEDINGS to get him on tape so that I will have it for my appeal–now dowgerass—I could have stopped the preeceedings immediately as they were illegal as it was supposed to be a closed meeting–have you got this dowgerhass?–when it came time for my charges against the 4 stooges– the same thing — he fell into my trap–do you have this –ass hole—so you see you moron–you have now been confirmed as a liar on this site and all the rest of you posters should not forget the lesson I jut gave this ass hole–I hate to have to swear but I am up to my neck with dowgerhats consistent lies—–dan valenti– please take note of this post–do you have any policy about confirmed liars on this site. here is one signed sealed and ready to be taken out with the rest of the trash.. how do you pv posters feel about confirmed liars making a mockery of this site?–dowgerass–I kmow who you are and the only reason I do not expose you is because of dans guidelines on this site—I feel dan has enough to ban you on this site and I for one– will be glad to see you go and a lot of other people who have just seen me expose you probably wouldn’t mind seeing you go—one more time YOU ARE NOW A CONFIRMED LIAR—I HOPE YOU WILL GET SOME HELP BECAUSE THEIR IS HELP FOR LIARS LIKE YOU GO FIND IT—DONT FORGET TO VOTE FOR ME—CRAIG
Uh, moderator? Dan?
The only thing proved here is that you can’t put down the almond joys.
Horace man–this site has not disintegrated into planet planet topix. whatever I post is the absolute truth. of all the hate you have thrown at me you still can not substantiate one iota of mistruth posted by me on this site. this site should be for all individuals who tell the truth. if some one wants to state that what they are saying is only an opinion -so be it but when someone like you who tells one lie after another that is wrong. I don’t make the rules on this site dan does. I have never told a lie on this site and I have never told a lie to dan on the two occasions I met him. when I first met dan– I never knew about the planet valenti show or blog. when I started following the blog I realized there was a lot of people who feel the way I do about how poorly run this city is and so I started posting for the benefit of the people on this site. I am a doer and not a talker and everyone on this site knows I have the interest of the taxpayer at heart –period—what you and several others on this post want of me I don’t understand.– I am trying to clean up the city of the corruption that exists here and I am out there doing it all my myself with the exception of dan on this site and on his tv show ..I started my own tv show to expose the rot and you have criticized that also—- I post on this site because I am trying to keep informed individuals who exist on this site –up to the minute on what I am doing and just about everyone on this site is interested –so I do it for them—–no more replys from me to nuts and liars on this site. I will post to the intelligent on this site and the hell with you few wackos and liars
To Craig Gaetani: Are you brave enough to show the personal letter you got from Colin Powell, openly to all the media in a press conference ? You stated you were very close personal friends with then Major Powell and that he recently sent you,his old personal friend, a letter stating how he remembered you on a personal one on one basis and that you personally endeared yourself to him and that you weren’t simply one of thousands of troops he had met over the years and one of the many, many,servicemen that he happened to be stationed near.
Be careful, my brother’s college roomate has been a Washington D.C. lobbyist for 27 years and attends affairs in McClean, Va with the General and just maybe the General was asked about his Ole , close, friend.
ooooh Ed, I for one would just love to hear what your brother’s roommate learned!!
I learned that Lenox won’t let Mr. Gaetani into “his” plant in that town either. they may have let him in once years ago, then got nervous once they started talking to him. He seems to believe that once he is paid for something he did, he still “owns” it.
In fact, it is an asset of the community that bought and paid for it, and is run for the benefit of the ratepayers who support it. I wish Toyota still wanted to take care of my car after eight years, but they barely wanted to perform the warranty or recall work it needed!! the reason is – they sold it to me, and it’s mine now.
it is also odd that most of the people mr gaetani runs down or uses as back up are either dead (Gerry Doyle Sr. and Al Sykes) or are unavailable to most of us for a chat – like Gen. Powell.
He seems to have a lot of issues with folks who disagree with him – and even though not every City worker is perfect, I cannot believe the problem is always with the employee he encounters. there seems to be a theme here, and I will be unhappy if Bianchi gets re-elected, and neutral on Ms. Tyer – but will sell at a loss and move if Gaetani gets in. we will be bankrupted by the lawsuits this guy will get us involved in.
I think the popcorn has spilled all over the ground now.
Pittsfield needs the national guard brought in at this point in my opinion. Bullets flying in broad daylight with innocent people trying to work and shop? This is a real danger to the general public. David Capeless and Dan Bianchi may have been on the scene of yesterdays latest murder, but they are doing nothing to calm the fears of an increasingly nervous public.
This is becoming a normal situation in Pittsfield. Gunshots are reported everyday. The local courts keep releasing people involved in crimes. The young man killed yesterday was arrested for attacking someone with a knife, but was released. This happened a month ago. Innocent people could have been killed yesterday in the crossfire of the gun fight. This young man should have been in jail. Bianchi always manages to say exactly the wrong thing and plays down the real fear that the general public is feeling. This is a mayor who is OUT OF TOUCH with those he is supposed to be serving.
Pat, I have an idea on how to wake him up. How about the hard working people in the Westside and the Morningside neighborhoods all pick up our families and start conduction our daily business in their neighborhoods. We can bring our kids to the park, take our daily walks on the paved clean streets. Then send our children out of town schools. I’m sure that would really wake him up.
Sorry hit the button to soon.
There’s no law that would keeps us from doing exactly that. Then we would really be safe because as soon as they see us there, I’m sure they request their neighborhoods patrolled.
I have my doubts about Craigs sanity.
I have no doubt about our current mayor’s sanity. Downplaying extreme violence in the city isn’t going to win votes for Mr. Bianchi and doesn’t speak well for his being in touch with reality.
Exactly, Pat.
Bianchi lives a fantasy daily, because Pittsfield is his “Destination”. He is a Coward with Blinders on. The Public has a better sense of the truth.
I may have to vote for CG just to avoid getting sued or being accused of being part of a conspiracy.
OH No !!!!, Lions and tigers and bears. OH No !!!
shake let ne give you a lesson—as a corporate executive it is filly understood that many things you may want to do you cant because of this law or that law etc. and the court room is the only place to resolve injustices–this is the only place we can go to try to win our point. in daily life you come up against individuals like Collingwood–wynn -bianchi who abuse their entrusted power of their office and the only way you can deal with them is in the courts—–we all know that there are also crooked court people and where you have to deal with them is in the courts. if you have half a brain– you would agree with what I am saying but in life there is people like you who have to be dealt with also as you talk through your hat and by speaking you give yourself away as not being very intelligent. this is supposed to be a civil society and at times I know it seems not but the courts are the best we have and must try to work within the framework of the laws. just as there are bad cops ,firemen teachers lawyers– there is also bad court people . I know I have identified one fred baran and I will try to have him removed so that if you ever have to go to court– you may not have to deal with him. I know that this site is filled with people who agree with me 100% but they are fearful of retribution and do not get involved, I understand–then there is me–after what I went through in viet-nam I am not scared of any thing or any one and when I see someone abusing taxpayers out come my teeth and claws. I do not have to do this for any one on this site but I recognize this site as being filled with people who are fed up and need someone who is not afraid of anyone—do you see who I go after? I go after the so called suits as many on this site like to call them and rip them a new ass hole–do you know of any one in this coming election who is remotely as brave as I am?–I tried to kill the school budget without a drop of help from anyone on this site–I tried to halt the building of the new THS all by myself again–I forced the HRC to establish guidelines to
shaking–let me give you a lesson in case you are not aware the courts are where sane people go to iron out their problems. are some courts unfair–of course but that is the best we have at present–where do you solve your problems–in a bar room brawl –fighting on the street—-in my corporate life I spent many hours in the court room defending our technology as no lawyers could handle the case– as our technology was radically different then what the lawyers were use to. some times I would work with Michael McDonald of then cain hibbard and myers and cook- and fully have to prepare him for our court appearances. this is a new age and you have to be prepared because sharks are zeroing in on you daily –at least in our business it was that way. in daily life there is bad cops-firemen -lawyers -teachers etc and you have to deal with them also . I never go after the little guy but when I see what bianchi–wynn-collingwood have done to this city I go after them with teeth showing I am the citys strongest advocate for the taxpayer. no one even comes close to me . hurt a tax payer then be prepared tp deal with gaetani I do not have to do this for anyone on this site but because I see a group of taxpayers who are fed up I come to your aid. many on this site would like to be like me and go get the sob”s but they are afraid to do anything in fear of retribution. I see people every day on this site playing it safe and believe me I under stand why. fortunately for all you posters I am here for you. after what I went through in viet-nam nothing scares me and that is beneficial for all because if someone harms you the taxpayer they will be hearing from me shortly afterwad. I have gone after the mayor the fire and police chief-Collingwood –all the big fish–if I decide to walk away—everyone on this site will face impending doom with the choices that are left—–my friends–look at the peril I put myself in for you. on the weekend post– one or two came to my aid—going to live on the French rivera is looking better and better every day. no worries no trying to help anyone just rest and peace and vacation– which I never had in my life–if I go– all of you lose. I have a lot of thinking to do over the weekend and no I am not worried about the charges against me one iota . see you friends and enemies signing out——craig
GOOD BYE PLEASE GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did anyone else see Chief Wynn on television?
bill I saw him in person at the shooting site with dirty shorts a nd sneakers –when the ch13 news team asked me if I knew the chief I said yed they said is he here –I said yes -over there they said are you kidding I said know –go over there and tell him craig gaetani identified you as the chief. was he on vacation again, god does he have more than 32 weeks vacation a year?—
Craig: Thanks for the info, I guess it’s true that S*** starts at the top, and rolls on down. Best of luck with the legal situation, it’s hard when you buck their system. I want accountability, and it looks like you’re the guy. You have my vote.
All that Police presence and they can’t find this kid. Seriously.
An article in BB today said he got on a bus and went to Tennessee right after the shooting. He has relatives in that area.
I believe I’ve heard some very credible info about yesterday’s shooting…apparently the shooter and the person who died had a fist fight earlier in the day…the shooter was beaten up by the victim…shooter used a gun to get back at him…other person shot was in the shooting lanes…this is not a retailiation from July 4th
Has anyone seen a pic of the suspect in the Tyler St. shooting?
No, they want us to be on the lookout for him and avoid him because he is armed and dangerous, but we don’t even know what he looks like.
Mr. Valenti,
The following WSJ article is a wake-up call to those convinced that there is such a thing as man-made global warming.
A good read:
The Unsettling, Anti-Science Certitude on Global Warming
Climate-change ‘deniers’ are accused of heresy by true believers. That doesn’t sound like science to me
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL July 30, 2015 8:03 p.m. ET
Are there any phrases in today’s political lexicon more obnoxious than “the science is settled” and “climate-change deniers”?
The first is an oxymoron. By definition, science is never settled. It is always subject to change in the light of new evidence. The second phrase is nothing but an ad hominem attack, meant to evoke “Holocaust deniers,” those people who maintain that the Nazi Holocaust is a fiction, ignoring the overwhelming, incontestable evidence that it is a historical fact. Hillary Clinton’s speech about climate change on Monday in Des Moines, Iowa, included an attack on “deniers.”
The phrases are in no way applicable to the science of Earth’s climate. The climate is an enormously complex system, with a very large number of inputs and outputs, many of which we don’t fully understand—and some we may well not even know about yet. To note this, and to observe that there is much contradictory evidence for assertions of a coming global-warming catastrophe, isn’t to “deny” anything; it is to state a fact. In other words, the science is unsettled—to say that we have it all wrapped up is itself a form of denial. The essence of scientific inquiry is the assumption that there is always more to learn.
Science takes time, and climatology is only about 170 years old. Consider something as simple as the question of whether the sun revolves around the Earth or vice versa.
The Greek philosopher Aristarchus suggested a heliocentric model of the solar system as early as the third century B.C. But it was Ptolemy’s geocentric model from the second century A.D. that predominated. It took until the mid-19th century to solve the puzzle definitively.
Assuming that “the science is settled” can only impede science. For example, there has never been so settled a branch of science as Newtonian physics. But in the 1840s, as telescopes improved, it was noticed that Mercury’s orbit stubbornly failed to behave as Newtonian equations said that it should.
It seems not to have occurred to anyone to question Newton, so the only explanation was that Mercury must be being perturbed by a planet still closer to the sun. The French mathematician Urbain Le Verrier had triumphed in 1846 when he had predicted, within one degree, the location of a planet (later named Neptune) that was perturbing Uranus’s orbit.
He set out to calculate the orbit of the planet that he was sure was responsible for Mercury’s orbital eccentricity. He named it Vulcan, after the Roman god of fire. Once Le Verrier had done the math, hundreds of astronomers, both amateur and professional, searched for the illusive planet for the next few decades. But telescopic observation near the immensely bright sun is both difficult and dangerous. More than one astronomer injured his eyesight in the search.
Several possible sightings were reported, but whether they were illusions, comets, or asteroids is unknown, as none could be tracked over time. After Le Verrier’s death in 1877 the hunt for Vulcan slacked off though it never ceased entirely.
Only in 1915 was the reason no one could find Vulcan explained: It wasn’t there. Newton had written in the “Principia” that he assumed space to be everywhere and always the same. But a man named Albert Einstein that year, in his theory of general relativity, demonstrated that it wasn’t always the same, for space itself is distorted by hugely massive objects such as the sun.
When Mercury’s orbit was calculated using Einstein’s equations rather than Newton’s, the planet turned out to be exactly where Einstein said it would be, one of the early proofs of general relativity.
Climate science today is a veritable cornucopia of unanswered questions. Why did the warming trend between 1978 and 1998 cease, although computer climate models predict steady warming? How sensitive is the climate to increased carbon-dioxide levels? What feedback mechanisms are there that would increase or decrease that sensitivity? Why did episodes of high carbon-dioxide levels in the atmosphere earlier in Earth’s history have temperature levels both above and below the average?
With so many questions still unanswered, why are many climate scientists, politicians—and the left generally—so anxious to lock down the science of climatology and engage in protracted name-calling? Well, one powerful explanation for the politicians is obvious: self-interest.
If anthropogenic climate change is a reality, then that would be a huge problem only government could deal with. It would be a heaven-sent opportunity for the left to vastly increase government control over the economy and the personal lives of citizens.
Moreover, the release of thousands of emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit in 2009 showed climate scientists concerned with the lack of recent warming and how to “hide the decline.” The communications showed that whatever the emailers were engaged in, it was not the disinterested pursuit of science.
Another batch of 5,000 emails written by top climate scientists came out in 2011, discussing, among other public-relations matters, how to deal with skeptical editors and how to suppress unfavorable data. It is a measure of the intellectual corruption of the mainstream media that this wasn’t the scandal of the century. But then again I forget, “the science is settled.”
Mr. Gordon is the author of the forthcoming “Washington’s Monument and the Fascinating History of the Obelisk,” out early next year from Bloomsbury.
Get a load of this article that says artic ice grew by 1/3 after the cool 2013 summer more than making up for any previous ice loss. Oh it is from NPR favorite BBC news so it most be true. So much for global warming.
There is finally a picture of the suspect on the Berkshire Eagle facebook site.
Pat, what the hell is he doing with his hands? What do those “finger symbols” mean?
It’s some kind of gang sign. It means he is part of a gang.
I feel secure in knowing our fearless leader states the General Public is safe.
Updated info on the shooting suspect and victim:
Can’t wait to see what the Council will do with cost overuns concerning the new school.
C’mon Shelley, you can wait.
Thanks for the gang info. On another note, I finally got to watch the Col. Sanders film, great job DV!
Berkshire Eagle online is reporting that the Friday’s shooting suspect has been arrested in Utica, NY.