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PROGRAM NOTE: Tune in Tonight, 7 p.m., Channel 16, Access Pittsfield, as PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION presents to world premiere of the film, Kentucky Fried Pittsfield … or … Where Have You Gone, Col. Sanders. The hour-long film shows Pittsfield as you’ve never seen it before.

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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 2015) — Sometimes, the little victories mean the  most. In the battle against the “Lockdown” mentality that has rotted from the corner office to infect other local offices, the epicene local media has been neutered and otherwise dismissed by The Suits as a non-factor. Only THE PLANET has taken up the crusading cause based on America’s founding principles, particularly its theory of the press as an institution that would hold accountable the offices and estates in which We The People have placed our trust.

High-sounding words, we realize, so let us bring it back to the ground, where the footprints are left and into which the tears, the sweat, and the blood seep.

Not Fanmail From Some Flounder

Yesterday, we received this message:

Mr. Valenti,

Today the District Attorney and Pittsfield Police Chief issued statements about the murder and shootings. I can’t identify myself but I can tell you that your website is the reason why this happened. Your website was brought up at a recent high level meeting involving the officials and offices involved including Mayor, Police and District Attorney. Your recent investigative work has led to a number of call[s] for these offices to say something to the public. You have done the city a great service. Grateful.

——– 000 ——–

Markings on the note indicate it was from an authoritative source.

 Capeless, Wynn Issue Statements; Bianchi Hides Under Desk 

The D.A., police, and mayor have been embarrassed by their inability to make progress in the 7-4M (the July 4 Massacre). In fairness, investigators have worn out shoe leather interviewing potential witnesses, but they cite what THE PLANET was the first to report: The street isn’t cooperating. It is now 7-4M+19, and there’s every reason to believe a killer is on the loose in Pittsfield. His neighborhood is the “‘hood” and downtown. Pleasant thought, that.

Here, for the record, are the statements:

FROM D.A. DAVID CAPELESS: “Despite the extensive efforts of the many investigators from various agencies working together, we are still stymied by a lack of cooperation from people whom we believe have information vital to determing who was involved and what their motives were. Multiple shooters were involved and five people wounded, one fatally. Gunplay and street violence are abhorrent to any community, but silence is their ally. Please help us, and help the Pittsfield community.”

Capeless’ office confirmed what THE PLANET first reported, that a second related shooting occurred, on Robbins Avenue. The D.A. said that shooting, on July 4 at 11 p.m., was actually the first,  a drive-by hit, wounding two men and a woman. About a half-hour later, the fatal shooting of Ronald Pinel occurred in a lot at nearby Linden Street and Dewey Avenue. In addition to Pinel’s murder, two people were shot and wounded. This includes someone who got hit earlier at Robbins Avenue (fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice …).

FROM POLICE CHIEF MIKE WYNN: “The investigative efforts of both the Pittsfield Police and the Massachusetts State Police have been extensive in working these cases. However, those efforts are hampered when residents have information that they are unwilling to share with investigators.The most efficient tool that we have to increase neighborhood safety is to remove violent offenders from neighborhoods. We rely on the community to assist us in those efforts, and encourage anyone with information related to either of these incidents to contact investigators [at the PPD detective’s bureau — 413-448-9705].”

The police said they impounded two handguns and “multiple items of ballistic and other forensic evidence.”

FROM PITTSFIELD MAYOR DAN BIANCHI: Not a word. That speaks for itself.

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Some observations:

  • THE PLANET, once again, has unilaterally demonstrated the power of the press. Apparently our coverage generated enough outcry to prompt the statements.
  • THE PLANET has, once again, provided a “case study” for the toothless local media. Local radio, TV, newspaper, online media are commercial and scared to death of investigative work lest it antagonize The Suits, who are cozy with big advertisers.
  • The two connected shootings set up these possibilities:
    • (1) The drive-by on Robbins prompted the retaliatory hit at Linden and Dewey.
    • (2) The Robbins shooting got the wrong guy, which led to the second shooting.
  • Here’s one way that might get some people to talk. Threaten to take away their public benefits.

Scenarios (1) and (2) would explain the street’s insistence that another “hit” is coming. This does not include witness intimidation and what outcome loose lips might yield.

When people like the D.A. and police chief appeal to the public’s sense of civic responsibility, it falls on deaf ears in the uneducated, ignorant, hip-hop crowd. As far as we know, the authorities did not deliver Spanish or Ebonics versions of the appeal. Chances are no one in the ‘hood understood a word.


“God is at home. It is we who have gone out for a walk.”Meister Eckhart



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9 years ago

They recovered two weapons? Where did they get them? This should say something. Do the ballistics match the slugs in the victims or are they just two random guns of the probably hundreds one might find in homes in that area?

Perhaps consideration should be taken of passing legislation saying that before medical attention is given to gang violence victims they need to talk to the police. Else wise, let them lay there and bleed until they or their families help get the violent offenders off the streets. I realize this sounds harsh but things will not get better if the cancer is allowed to grow.

Put more cameras on Robbins ave and the whole area.

Gestapo Tactics
Gestapo Tactics
Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

Seriously? Let victims bleed to death for not talking?
No violaions of civil rights there. Let the lawsuits begin.
Why not waterboard them also. Its not torture says our last President.
Yeah waterboard them while they bleed to death. That’ll make them talk. You have no right to remain silent. This is a new police state.

Lockdowns, total surveillence grid, militarzation of the police, right to privacy lost, taking away Constitutional rights, has rotted the common man’s thinking. Pretty soon the frog finds itself in boiling water.

Reply to  Gestapo Tactics
9 years ago

Maybe we should just give them there guns back and apologize for inconveniencing them. And I am sure there is a fund we can compensate them for their troubles.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  dusty
9 years ago


Also Shaking
Also Shaking
9 years ago

Mayor Bianchi, Mayor Tyer, Mayor Gaetani, Mayor the other guy. Not one of them will be able to, nor should they be expected to make a dent in the reduction in gang related crime. The most any of them can do is equip our public safety officials with the tool$ and manpower ($) to do their jobs. More task force$, community center$ and program$ are feel good campaign promises that only fool some of the people some of the time. By the way, always be sure to ask your candidate, how they will pay for any of their promises if they are elected.

Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

Well progressives only know of one way to pay for things and that is to raise taxes.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

A mayor can do something, as DV says he can help rebuild an economy…jobs get people off streets.
mayor can also show leadership and integrity. that also moves from the top down…

Reply to  K-Man
9 years ago

Absolutely. It falls right at the feet of the Top Position. That would be the Mayor. Too bad, we don’t and haven’t had one that works with the people, by the people, and for the people.

Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

also shaking- I do indeed have a plan to start addressing the violence in the west side. on 7/4 I started my own investigation in the west side and found out that 100% of the many people I spoke to all agree with me that the only way to start to change the minds of west side residents is to have the police on foot patrolling the west side 24/7. at present the majority of the residents do not have faith in the police. when the police and the residents become friendly via daily conversations, the people will begin to open up to the police and eventually they will become allies and will fight crime together. if I was mayor today the police would be patrolling on foot on the west side. mayor bianchi and chief wynn,I know you monitor this site so do what I am saying imediatly. if you do not do
this these shootings may never be solved because the residents down there are scared and will not volunteer any thing to law enforcement—sincerly craig gaetani

Reply to  craig
9 years ago

pv posters–please watch my tv show on pctv on Friday at 10am 130pm and 5 pm. the bomb that I told you about that was coming has been launched and I believe all of you will be very pleased to see who fell in the trap that I have set I promised you the greatest show on earth–and it shows at a theater near you. I am sure all of you will congratulate me for the pray I have caught in my traps–enjoy craig gaetani

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

Also Shaking
Please understand the impacts of all these rosy development projects that we get redevelopment or housing funds for they come with strings attached IE transitional units that need to be housed by us. Do you think all these people with all sorts of issues throw darts and end up here in Pittsfield? Or could it be we receive state funding or federal funding for these projects and are then compelled by law to take the transitional units?
What Is Transitional Housing?
Transitional housing provides people with a temporary place to live as they attempt to get back on their feet or make a major transition in their lives…
…Assess your target audience and the services needed in your area. Popular resident audiences for transitional housing include former federal or local inmates, young mothers, at-risk teens, veterans, the homeless, people with disabilities, and substance abusers. If you are unsure about the needs in your community, your local social services department may be able to provide insight.
Learn about the specific population you plan to assist, including average age, the services they currently receive, and where they currently receive them. Some transitional housing facilities only offer housing, while others provide additional services like job support, counseling, and medical care
Your transitional housing facility can also receive financial assistance from the government. The Federal government provides grants, loans and programs to fund nonprofit projects. For example, the Department of Justice’s Transitional Housing Assistance Program targets programs that assist victims of domestic and relationship violence, stalking, or sexual assault, while the Supportive Housing Program (SHP) grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development benefit transitional housing for the homeless, and the Department of Veteran Affairs sets aside annual funding to community agencies and non-profits that provide housing or supportive services for homeless Veterans.
Many state and local governments also provide financial assistance. Check with your local social services or family welfare offices for information on the programs in your area.
Humm now think of all the potential funded projects we have completed that should be looked at for these little strings.
Some of the links may be dead as this is dated information. We never did have the benefit of a full discussion regarding funding sources for projects all we heard was the upside. No I am not saying we should not be a compassionate city but we need to take care of our own first not have them bussed in to negatively impact our community in exchange for a movie theater on north street.

There is no free lunch

Just sayin

PC 31
PC 31
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
9 years ago

Joe, please elaborate on the movie theater deal. Or is this an urban legend?

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  PC 31
9 years ago

PC, good news/bad news Good news is I am not typing this on my phone. Sorry about my first post via a smart phone. Quick dig through my old material please check this link:
Relevant portion “…Joseph Flatley, president of Massachusetts Housing Investment Corp., said that outside of Boston, Pittsfield was one of the biggest recipients of MHIC investments, about $44 million. “You have a great story to tell.” So now the next logical question becomes who or what in tarnation is this MHIC? Well we follow that link below (the link in the IBerkshires story is dead) and find in their own words “MHIC is a leading private investor and lender specializing in financing affordable housing and community development throughout New England.”
Now how do we define affordable housing? Please go to the HUD site to review affordable housing or Low and Moderate income housing or more commonly referred to as L/M regardless the link for MHIC Investments:
Please note the reference in the first link ( IBerkshires news story) to the funding from: Massachusetts Opportunity Relocation and Expansion (MORE) Jobs grant.

Try the bottom link once again the news story was a dead link I will give you the first portion

MASSWORKS INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM 2012 Program Guidelines May 1, 2012

The MassWorks Infrastructure Program provides a one-stop shop for municipalities and other eligible public entities seeking public infrastructure funding to support:
 Housing development at density of at least 4 units to the acre (both market and affordable units)
 Transportation improvements to enhancing safety in small, rural communities
 Economic development and job creation and retention

Now I am not as smart as the average bear as I am only a Pinhead but if the news story and all the Dignitaries on hand mention these funds and sources and we can then follow the “missions” of these agency’s well 1+1=2 right? Or is there some special Pittsfield exemption that says we get Gandhi and Mother Theresa tied to these funds.
I am glad that you asked if it is urban legend it is not the politicians via these projects have put these thugs from out of town on our streets so I go back to the original question what can the Mayor and councilors do. How about not partaking in these funding sources.
Please research Mckinney-Vento act

Just sayin

PC 31
PC 31
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
9 years ago

Thanks, Joe. But I was really expecting to see a clear quid pro quo based on the confidence of your first post. Something specific like “the Beacon Cinema project got X dollars in exchange for the city of Pittsfield accepting Y busloads of transitional people” or whatever.Just sayin.

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
9 years ago

Wow that’s a lot of words Joe P. I’m just saying we (society) keep creating more and more layers of government support programs that don’t seem to be working. The only tangible results are that our tax bills continue to rise. Federal and state funding sources are taxes that we pay.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

Yes we are the funding source as they say for those programs.I think they use funding source so they dont have to think of us as people with lives and needs that they take from.

Just sayin

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
9 years ago

I think you are cherry picking these issues and not examining the broader context of public investments in Pittsfield. Last I checked, Soldier on was a tremendous community asset, not the liability you are imagining it to be.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
9 years ago

I did not mention Soldier on I think you are cherry picking you only mention one program not the totality of them. I simply asked are these rosy projects worth the strings that come along with the funding? And should we as a community through our City government not discuss the impacts both positive and negative of these funding sources. And before anyone claims how great they are first determine the criteria in which they are measured along with the impact? And if we fully discuss the impacts both positive and negative it would only stand to reason we would be better positioned to leverage the strengths and mitigate the negative impacts. A broad discussion is what a community does dealing with the impacts blindly and kicking the can down the road, well that’s how those without a vision, direction and courage deal.

Just sayin

9 years ago

One of the people shot on July 4th is still in the hospital. This was mentioned in the article in iberkshires. Two people would have been killed that night if the quick response by police didn’t save this victim who still remains in the hospital due to the severity of injuries. Making someone provide information on who was involved in these shootings is critical to preventing more violence. I like your ideas Dan V. on how to do that. I will be watching Kentucky Fried Pittsfield tonight. It’s on my calendar to remind myself.

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
9 years ago

Unless of course it’s you being forced to give up the information that might put you or your family in danger.

Who owns it
Who owns it
Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

Definitely a conundrum. Also in the mix is the probability that the victims may not have insurance and cannot pay for their surgerys which means someone else will. So it is kind of like they are saying fix me up so i can get back on the street and by the way i am not going to help you in any way. See ya!

Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

people do not cooperate because they know that Judges release these thugs faster than it takes to arraign them. the police cannot be everywhere and the nature of the retaliation is swift and severe, unlike the so called justice system.

once caught up in this “lifestyle”, you essentially must accept that you never look ahead, only behind – over your shoulder – waiting for your turn to get shot.

it’s a sad life – and as bad as is creates for the bystanders – it is probably not all its cracked up to be on the inside either. I’m glad I work for my money, don’t have quite enough, and can have a beer with my friends without fearing I will die tonight.

9 years ago

Lets face it. The Pittsfield Police Department and the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office don’t exactly have a stellar record when it comes to protecting citizens who are willing to come forward to testify….

Reply to  Frank
9 years ago

Yes, whatever happened to the Witness Protection Program?

9 years ago

The Planet need o ly to rent the Pope Mobil to traverse the Wards that cover A few of the Wards in the Pit. You’ll be able to see what you need for information.

9 years ago

Ya know Dan, the connection of causality you make between the suits, the GOB’s and “big advertisers” and their influence over the media is, I believe, dated and less than true. Perhaps it’s just oversimplified because I believe the reality is more complex and ultimately perhaps more sinister.

The problem with your equation as it stands is…there ARE no more big local advertisers in the Eagle!! Beyond the car dealers, it is the national guys running circulars through the DFM network that keep that joint in business. I suppose real estate folks too. The fact is, the paper has become SO irrelevant that advertisers have no confidence in its abilities either. As such, it has become merely a cheerleader for the “cultural venues” who do spend some money on ads, ( not much and often at steeply reduced rates). It really is the Berkshire ones, Visitor’s bureau, Chamber, etc. that are the tails that wag the dog. The fact is, they don’t want to scare the tourists or the second home owners, or potential second home owners that have been and continue to become the region’s bread and butter. I mean, the HON will never spend a dime on ads in the Eagle…but their customers need to come here to be robbed; either by the junkies or by the $400 bill per night at the end of their stay! I don’t think anyone cares any more about the people that actually live here.

Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

police incompetent

Who owns it
Who owns it
Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

wha bout Berkshire Health?

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
9 years ago

This really all comes back to personal responsibility. Many people have decided to run in these circles of gangs, unlawfulness and violence. No individual is born without the means to make choices for a better life(except those lacking the mental or physical capacity). Sure it takes hard work and the will to pick yourself back up when you are knocked down. It is not acceptable to just give up because you were dealt a bad hand. But we as a society have encouraged that attitude with the perpetual handouts disguised as safety nets. Big changes have to be made to have new results. Please no more programs and task forces that I have to pay for.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

Way too much police crime drama. Pittsfield has a thug problem, not an organized sophisticated gang problem.

You wll talk
You wll talk
9 years ago

“If you give up your right to remain silent
anything you say can and will be used against you”

“snitches end up in ditches”

“If you become a victim in a gang related drive by shooting, you have no rights”

“If you live on Robbins or Dewy Ave or Linden Street, you have no rights. Just living in that area makes you a criminal”

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
9 years ago

Memo to the City and Police Department: Intimidation can be countered.

If the Marines can get information in Falluja in 2006, it should be a smaller matter to get information in Pittsfield in 2015. First, the city should announce a reward for information leading to the arrest of the shooter. The reward should be large enough so that the informer can leave town. Second, the city and police department should announce the plans they have to aggressively protect people who provide information to police departments.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
9 years ago

It’s not just on the west side that people don’t trust the police. It’s all over the city. They have a tendency to play favorites in a dispute. Also as far as writing police reports they lack in that as well. People don’t want to take because they could end up in danger as well as their families.
I am also wondering if anyone heard about what was going on on Tyler st yesterday afternoon. There were local and state police as well as environmental police. There were working within a three house span.

Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

Tammy, the Tyler St. situation was that someone painted FU on their fence. The state police were called in . FYI

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
Reply to  larry
9 years ago

I would rather deal with them. Let me know when you have something important to say and can contribute to the conversation. You bore me when you repeat yourself.

Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

Tammy, just put FU on your signs. That seems to work for me and my fellow neighbors. You may get 19 votes.

Reply to  larry
9 years ago

By the way, I have an old frid you can scrape.

Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

a bear

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
9 years ago

Who would ever do such a thing as to paint such a negative remark as FU on their fence. Even if they had a dispute to settle, that hardly sounds like the right approach.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

I did such a thing and one shouldcomment unless they have lived with it. You live in Pittsfield there are many negative things here starting right from the local government and because where I am from isn’t the westside they tend to overlook the crime that goes right into the other neighborhoods.
Granted there hasn’t been a shooting on this side of town but everything else happens here.
People need to get over it and move on the fence isn’t going anywhere.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

sorry typo it should read one shouldn’t comment

Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

I have to live with this sign as well as my neighbors

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  larry
9 years ago

Larry that’s the reason I’m voting for her. Tammy be the bigger person and take it down. We all know what happened and we are with you. Lets move on and try to win this.

9 years ago

Change of subject, how is it legal under MA bidding laws for Gillbane construction to say they are going to give 20% of the Taconic job to Tierney Construction. Now I know why its a 21 million dollar school. What happened to fair bidding practice’s.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Joe I think you made a typo. Its a $121 million school.And not one of the current office holder, school committee, council or mayor wanted you and me to have a say.

B. clairmont
B. clairmont
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago


They were part of the bid. It is like a co-bid. Perfectly legal. There is no foul on this one.


Who owns it
Who owns it
Reply to  B. clairmont
9 years ago

Is this the Teirney that owns HON?

I would hope that some local contractors would get a piece of the pie. think what an economic engine it would not be if the locals did not get any of the work?

Reply to  B. clairmont
9 years ago

In this co-bid did other contractors get to bid too. Was Gillbane selected because they included Tierney, who has many City connections.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

I know other project manager’s bid, but to award 20% of project to one contractor before other sub’s even put in a bid seems shady and costly.

Mrs. Doubtfire
Mrs. Doubtfire
Reply to  B. clairmont
9 years ago

To B.Clairmont:

What is legal about this city council? You vote 100% for a new school when Pittsfield is still in it’s worst economic climate since it’s inception. Did the Pittsfield voters have a chance or right to vote on such as large project costing the city $121 million to start and over the its 28 year loan or should I sat bond, the interest alone will more than double the cost for this new school that Pittsfield cannot afford now or possibly anytime in the future.
You and the snake oil salesman that inherits the mayors office and the rest of the clowns (city councilors) that call themselves representatives of the people need to step down.
Pittsfield streets still a mess. New school buses 1/3 to 1/2 full on any given school day. New surface for the Pittsfield Airport’s main runway at a cost of $3.5 million that serves less than a dozen flights a day for a few private jets. How do the taxpayers of Pittsfield benefit from this large cash drop? What airlines serve Pittsfield?
Why don’t you and your do nothing girlfriend take a one way hike? She was a do nothing Ward 3 councilor and now she wants to be our mayor. Nice track record.
Then we have Amuso who supposedly is a city councilor but her only platform so far is Taconic High School. You know, the school that will bring loads of new jobs to Pittsfield. So says the present clown in City Hall. In its 17 years, PEDA (Pittsfield Economic Development Authority) has not brought any new industry to the former GE site designated for light industrial. But that snake oil salesman in City Hall is convinced that students graduating from the new Taconic will help to bring Pittsfield’s economic picture back to its rosy status when GE was here.
If I was a student graduating now from Taconic, my bags would be packed as I moved from this crime-ridden city to anyplace that had a future.
Oh, did I hear that you and the rest of the clowns (city councilors) voted for the new school buses while still paying off the loan for the old buses? My my.
Do you detect a little animosity from this city taxpayer who fell for the pre-election promises from you and the rest of the council only to find that after winning, you each have your own agendas for sticking it to the city residents?
I and my partner are seriously seeking to find a new home and not in Pittsfield where I have lived most of my life. Pittsfield is dying and its present city councilors and mayor are bent on destroying this city, the place that I was once proud to call home.

Reply to  B. clairmont
9 years ago

Barry Gilbane was selected by the committee. They now have to negotiate the numbers. I think the Tierney deal is what separated them from rest of field. I’m not sure that deal is legal, would love to see it challenged in court.

Roman Knows
Roman Knows
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

Historical information:
Gillbane has a long history of successful projects in the Berkshires.

In the early sixties they disassembled an rebuilt the Great Round Stone Barn at Hancock Shaker Village.

In 1969-70 they were the prime contractor for the Building 100 Power Transformer Assembly and Testing Facility.

Reply to  Roman Knows
9 years ago

Gillbane more than qualified, very competent company. The other project manager’s also had good track records. Just think bringing in Tierney was the tipping point. It was decided before the interview process, had to make it seem legit.

Reply to  Roman Knows
9 years ago

Agree. When they anounced Gillbane I kept looking for the “fine print”. Tierney was the fine print. Lots of loose money will be running around. No corruption potential there, right?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

I wonder how many illegals will be working on the new school?

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

i took my goat over to the Hess Forest and won’t have to feed him again for a month. He mowed it.

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
9 years ago

Aha joetaxpayer. Keep digging

Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

pv posters i share your disgust with the lack of transparency by the police and most of the mainstream media.i think i have come up with an idea that will force the media to provide accurate and true coverage. i started today– by sending them a tapped press release to all the media— paper an radio and blog sites–by contacting them and releasing a taped press release–i am forcing them to put out on the air way. what i have to say— as i am one of the three certified candidates for mayor of this city — the public needs to be informed what my ideas are. tomorrow my people will be monitoring all the media sites to see who did a story on my release and who didnt .every friday on my tv show, i will let the public hear my press ralease— and i will identify which stations and news papers did a story and those that didnt–i will have to be relatively brutal with those that dont do a story and i will tag them loudly and clearly that they have short changed the public, after all i am runing for the top elected office and the press should be knocking on my door for stories. way back in past mayoral races the media hung on every word a candidate had to say.–not so today–we are lucky to have dan who takes the time 7 days a week to do real investigative work and then turns real news into comedy to keep it interesting. i know that it takes dan a lot of hard work to post his stories daily and do his tv show as i do this myself to keep the public informed. if you see my one hour tv show on fridays. yoy will see that for me to give you accurate news for that hour –it takes a vast amount of preparation and research to do the one hour segment. i am sure dan will agree that it is a lot of work. tomorrow my people will start monitoring all the media to see who reports the news. suffice to say i have no reservations about taking any official to the wood shed who deserves a good tongue lashing—tomorrow is a special day the new game starts craig gaetani

A citizen
A citizen
Reply to  craig
9 years ago

Welcome to the Pittsfield Mayoral race CG. It’s always good to hear new voices and to have additional choices. I might suggest that you have someone help you out with your press releases and other postings. (Unless you are E .E. Cummings you should use that shift key!)

Reply to  A citizen
9 years ago

Hey A Citizen…SSSSshhhhh! We just finally weaned Craig OFF the shift key. He was formerly posting in all caps!! His ideas can be right on but his typing leaves much to be desired. I prefer him in lower case.

9 years ago

Vigillenti weed wacker!

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
9 years ago

Oh no CG, the lower case is preferable to the SHOUTING. Don’t you even worry about touching that shift key. A softer gentler CG will keep the focus on the message. You should keep that in mind always.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

Please get some help proofing campaign pieces like the ones above before you release them. Even if you had a good idea, and you could, I wouldn’t read the disorganized word blob above to find it.

silence dogood
silence dogood
9 years ago


Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  danvalenti
9 years ago

Does this word mean something in Spanish/Mexican language? Maybe they are targeting immigrant money. Does anyone know what that is about?
I thought it was stupid, but I’m not a financial wizard.

silence dogood
silence dogood
9 years ago

I’m ready to buy a brick for the Milt Plum hall of fame

9 years ago

We the citizens of Pittsfield are also buying bricks for the new Taconic. The main difference is at least you have a choice! Thank you City Council and Mr Mayor for not letting us have our vote.

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
9 years ago

We should at least get our names on our bricks.