(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2015) — Before we get to the main entree, let THE PLANET bring you this appetizer/update on the flooding of city hall that, according to the mayor, never happened. It rained Sunday night. Hard. So who was parked behind city hall on Monday morning? The men from Servicemaster Restore. Every time it rains, it’s going to cost taxpayers money. You’re already at $600,000 for the foolish move to 100 North St. That’s before you add the bill for restoration.
One of THE PLANET‘s many photo-operatives delivered a lovely JPEG as evidence. It shows a yellow Servicemaster Restore van parked in a citizen space. Unfortunately, the photo exceeds our maximum upload size. If we have time, we may give it to the techies.
Remember, You’re not supposed to know about this.
Now to the main course.
Many Trails, None of them Happy
The July 4 Massacre (7-4M) left behind many trails — trails of blood, trails of spent shell casings, trails of human loss and mourning. The five shooting victims, including the dead man, were young people, 25 years old or less. That led to another trail: the one posted on social media.
Shortly, almost immediately after the 7-4M, social media lit up with comments from those who had information about the mayhem. That’s how the 25-and-under keep their “privacy” — online in full public view. No one said a Facebook account required membership in Mensa.
Social Media Leaves a Trail
Shortly after the bullets flew, there were public comments for all to see, with information that never made the press reports. In the heat of both the moment and the emotions, some people said some things they probably regretted. By the end of that first day, 7-4M+1, people started hiding their FB walls and removing incriminating comments.
Turns out that THE PLANET had a valued member of The Secret Squadron who had the presence of mind to examine the Facebook content before the redaction (talk about thinking ahead). This included postings on the FB page of Ronald Pinel, the 25-year-old who lost his life that night. This person, one of our Z-Agents, is an dogged, indefatigable researcher. Our Z-Man followed the FB postings prior to their redaction and was able to piece together what he calls is a likely scenario of what happened:
Does Gang ‘Love Triangle’ Explain Shootings?
One of the 7-4M victims was a young woman. She apparently was dating someone in Gang A while at the same time messing around with the guy’s brother, who was a member of Gang B. Going outside the gang is one of the “cardinal sins.” You’re only supposed to date within the gang. It seems that members of Gang A were going to teach everyone a lesson in etiquette. They set up a hit for Brother B, a member of the rival group. They were supposed to shoot Brother B but in the dark and confusion of the crossfire, Brother A got plugged instead. The coroner ruled death came from a gunshot to the chest.
What makes it interesting, Z-7 reports, is something that seems to confirm what THE PLANET posted yesterday: They’re still not done.
Is Another Shooting in the Works?
Redacted comments alluded to payback, our source says. For example, our man mentioned comments posted online after The Boring Broadhsheet ran Pinel’s obit. He says the comments to the effect of “a score is never forgotten until it is avenged.”
If you go to Pinel’s obit, you won’t find any comments like that. The file has been cleaned up and comments removed.
The online trail also reveals a little more about Pinel: He was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Many of the comments were in Spanish. He appears to have been a product of the Special Education division of the PPS. It appears that he was in Special Ed not because he was “slow” but because of behavioral issues. As one source put it, “He had a lot of taxpayers’ money poured into him” at PHS. A lot of good it did.
Officials Don’t Want to Touch It … Why?
Five people are shot. Each Pittsfield night has anecdotal reports of gunfire and violence, much of it taking place with earshot of Hotel On North. There’s talk of another hit on the way. And yet … neither the mayor, the police chief, or the district attorney has called a press conference to take questions.
The downward spiral has not only begun. It’s out of control. Public safety in the city of Pittsfield is something with which officials would rather not bother. Your safety, o my overtaxed brothers and sisters, is of no concern to them.
Five people are shot. From the deer-in-the-headlights response, the authorities don’t have a clue what to do about it.
Welcome to Pittsfield, 7-4M+17 and counting.
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you,’ it will be enough.” — Meister Eckhart (Eckhart von Hochhelm), German philosopher, (1315).
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Hotel On North should advertise that it’s the only hotel in Berkshire County which enable its pampered clientele window seats to watch ‘ringside’ the nightly combat taking place on area streets.
Surely that’s worth $350 per!
Ad copy: “Imagine the thrill of ducking bullets whizzing past your hotel room window! And for the kiddies: Play ‘Cops and Robbers’ with real cops and real robbers!”
Hey, there are amusement parks where people pay for this kind of entertainment.
With a little creative energy it could be turned into an economic engine. Think Breaking Bad with a Pittsfield twist.
Heller and dusty great stuff. Maybe hotel on north should add a firing range and offers complimentary .38 specials to guests..
Excellent suggestion, Luthor!
The .38 should be placed on the pillow to the right of the Andes chocolate mint.
Will Dan Bianchi participate in any debates this election season? His campaign folk must be racking their brains trying to come up with some positive spin. I am told I have quite an imagination but I don’t think I could help him with his abominable record the last few years.
I guess he could talk about all the favors he has done for people.
Dusty, If the mayor could just turn the debates into all about ribbon cutting, he will do just fine.
It remains to be seen. Our guess is yes. He’s been cowardly as a mayor but not even his inner Bert Lahr would be stupid enough to duck debates.
Yes Bianchi would be ‘stupid enough’. Bianchi wouldn’t debate you and he’d claim he’ll only debate an opposing candidate serious about assuming office.
Ain’t gonna happen, Valenti.
Bianchi will not appear onstage with you, let alone debate you.
You’re missing the point. I never once said he’s go onstage to debate me. You’re right, THAT would never happen. The guy would be shaking in his Guccis so bad that he wouldn’t be able to leave the house. Debating other candidates, however … not that’s another story. His internal polling has to tell him that his negatives are SO high that, if he ducked debates, particularly any with Linda Tyer, he’d be D.O.A.
Has Dan actually seen these Facebook posts? And, criticizing a kid who went through special Ed is pretty base, even for Dan.
I did see FB posts. As for the deceased special ed status, you will note THE PLANET didn’t criticize. THE PLANET merely pointed out his academic pedigree. You were the one who saw criticism there, which we here fine telling. Appreciate the contribution, however. Your question is reasonable. The comment? The opposite. You might want to try writing with less emotion and more reason and logic.
Public Safety is in huge trouble. As we all know safety and power are derived from knowledge and information. Since the Mayor, Police Chief and DA are refusing to give us the information on this shooting as well as the high speed car crash at PHS they are endangering our welfare. Is it safe to go downtown? Is a dog at the ranch worth the risk of being caught up in the cross fire? Is a quick trip to the Big Y worth a quicker trip to the ER? If the streets were in fact safe wouldn’t they be saying so?
Just sayin
yeah and wasnt there a murder behind Biy Y last year?
the guy who got killed at Big Y was buying drugs – he could have bought them nearer to his home in Northampton, but he drove twice as far to Pittsfield – so there is probably more to that, and like I say when the gangbangers kill each other: who cares? this guy drove to Pittsfield to buy drugs with his step daughter no less, and died. oh well.
on another note: the Dalton PD released the names and last known addresses of the suspected armed robbers of the O’Connell Shell on Main St Sunday. Kind of refreshing isn’t it? I think Chief Coe is a former PPD officer, so one needs to wonder how he learned the skill of transparency?
In a Facebook posting today, a local musician describes how a large rock was thrown through the passenger side window of his locked vehicle and his belongings rifled and a prized guitar stolen. This happened at Wild Acres park in Pittsfield. Isn’t that next to the expanded airport ? A llink to Wild Acres FB page shows a comment made by a lady hiker to the effect that the park was nice, except for the illegal fishing, illegal campfires,litter, couples having sex in the woods next to hiking trails, etc. She goes on to state,”why bother to post the rules if you’re not going to enforce them?
Sounds like a Destination, for HON guests.
Stray bullets. Gun fire from rival gangs. New York city has come to the Berkshires and the streets of Pittsfied.
“I can walk down any street in Pittsfield anytime day or night and feel safe. Anyone want to join me?
– Barry Clairemont
I believe Service Master Restore does clean up blood stains and body tissue matter from suicides and murders. Its part of the services they offer at much higher costs.
Visitors: Have a happy vacation at the Hotel North.
Heard on a scanner a few days ago…2 males assaulting an elderly man in or near park square
no idea what really happened but maybe if senior citizens had higher taxes they would not be getting in so much trouble
Good one dusty! Breaking Bad. My preferred scenario would be,The Warriors.
We do have at least on happy soul in the city. I’ve seen him in rainbow colors looking at the sky with smile and twirling an umbrella as though in Shangrala without a care in the world.
It’s Shangri-La
Someone jumped off the McKay St. parking deck about
9:15 this morning. DOA.
Will ServiceMaster clean it up and will Mayor Bi keep it on lockdown like it never happened?
The mayor would like to remind everyone that the #1 problem in Pittsfield is youths riding skateboards on North St. and we have stickers/decals to solve this problem.
Maybe it was a guest at HON who got his bill.
I was in city hall today and saw the PHS swim doing laps in the basement.
It might be the retaliation in the Linden st.shootings.
Check out the Taconic High audience 99 degrees it was awful.And check out Tes melting at Taconic Grad Ceremony.
So I see that the blog comments often trash Pittsfield?
My honest question to all is why don’t you move
if you hate it so much? Also what have you done
Lately to try and make a difference?
I’m looking forward to the responses.
Actually as a Citizen of Pittsfield, and a Taxpayer, I would rather see the Mayor, Chief of Police, and the DA among others held accountable. I’d like their feet held to the fire. I’d like Citizens to feel safe, as they have a right to have answers. Instead of a Gestapo Leadership. I wonder out loud if our Governor would assist if he were made aware of these tactics. No one should have to move from their town, when the Leadership is indifferent, corrupt and inept.
When the physician diagnoses a serious illness, it isn’t because he or she “hates” the patient. The posters on THE PLANET for the large part point out the grave ills of the city mainly as an act of concern and in some cases love. “What they’ve done lately to make a difference” must start with their posts here. Surely you can grasp that elemental point.
that is so true. I love Pittsfield, have lived here most of my life and want to stay. I have a decent job, live in a decent house and my neighborhood is decent. wanting the City and its leaders as spagirl says to be accountable also means that if they simply did the best they could, the chaos would be reduced. every community has drugs and most have some level of gang activity (even the tourist destinations within this county). what they don’t have is the feeling that life is spinning out of control, and the blight spreading like a wild cucumber vine spreading on an unkept lawn.
Spagirl pretty much nailed it Larrybirdsofafeather please don’t take our displeasures as trashing. New charter, higher taxes, new high school, lack of transparency, lack of leadership, no accountability, no communication with us we’re happy hiding under our beds in darkness. We’ll get through this.