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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, SEPT. 10, 2015) — A political bromide says that the person who slings mud loses ground.

Mud-slinging is what a candidate and his or her supporters resort to when they can’t argue the facts and when, in the case of an underachieving incumbent, you don’t dare run on your record.

Much has been made on THE PLANET and elsewhere about a couple letters to the editor published in The Boring Broadsheet bashing this site as one of undue influence on public policy. That is easily inferred when the editorialists display worry and panic about the truth telling that goes on here. Such bashers are not critics, of course, since criticism is intelligent and fact-based. THE PLANET, for example, always (and there are few “always”s in the public forum these days) writes (or broadcasts) based on facts, using reason, logic, and evidence to tools arrive at valid conclusions.

Mission Accomplished

People are free to agree or disagree, and our first reaction when THE PLANET is the target of broadside bashers is to rejoice, since it confirms and affirms like nothing else our mission, which is to present information to the general public that they will not read elsewhere, comment on and illuminate stories that do appear elsewhere, and in doing so stimulate public discussion. Rousing the apathetic into public jousting brings a faint pulse to the vital signals of democracy.

Thus, we not only revel in the broadsides but defend them. Those who read this site and listen to/watch our broadcasts know the truth about THE PLANET. We are literally a deluxe sight if we take the Latin to mean “of the light.” In shining the light on areas of public life that others want to keep hidden, we set free by that tiny amount the ability of all citizens, from all points of view, to more faithfully and intelligently engage in public life.

Politicians, especially the entrenched kind, usually have the most to hide. That’s why they obfuscate. When a medium like THE PLANET reveals to a fuller extent what actually takes place in government  as opposed to the wads of PR and puff The Suits want you to believe, they will object. One of the tactics is to divert attention away from the real issues, including commissioning supporters to write letters to the editor that serve this purpose.

It’s All About the Promotion of Free Speech

THE PLANET can only thank such letter writers for their passion, albeit misplaced, and their involvement, albeit compromised, to say nothing of the additional traffic such outbursts invariably drive to our site. This modest experiment in daily, online, local journalism has grown to proportions we did not anticipate. THE PLANET is having an influence on the course of public events, but that is simply a byproduct of our elemental intent — to promote free speech.

The Founding Fathers rightly considered free speech one an inalienable right. Its presence, practice, and defense are not sufficient conditions for democracy but necessary conditions. From the beginning, government and politics have been the enemies of free speech. The pervasive use of computer networks has gradually eroded the the notion of “privacy.” That, coupled with the unprecedented rise of official secrecy and surveillance in the post-9/11 world practically invites office holders to establish virtual dictatorships.

We see this at all levels of government. For instance, from 1917 when the Espionage Act was passed to President Obama taking office, there were only three government prosecutions against whistleblowers. Since 2008, Obama has gone after eight people, nine if you count Edward Snowden (source, Data and Goliath by Bruce Schneier, page 101, 2015, in the Norton hardcover edition). Statewide, we have seen politicians and police conspire to control citizens. One thinks of Ferguson, Mo., last year, when “reporters were arbitrarily detained by local authorities for no reason, confined in a ‘free speech zone,’ prevented from taking photos and videos, and subjected to tear gas – essentially attempting to prevent the public from finding out information and understanding the events” (

To download a Word version of this column for publication, please click here.

On the local level, we have sadly seen how the present holder of the corner office has earned the nickname Mayor Lockdown.  The epithet wears only too well.

The criticisms and broadsides sent our way must be seen as the currency of a vigorous and robust free marketplace of ideas. Without that, what is left?


“When a man comes on the radio, telling me more and more about some useless information supposed to supply my imagination, I can’t get no satisfaction”The Rolling Stones, “Satisfaction,” (1965).



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9 years ago

It is really amazing the amount of damage special interests can do to a city once they have co opted the local media. Keeping the populace ignorant is key to control.

I often wonder why you bother to do what you do Dan but I am very glad you do. Keep up the fantastic work.

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

One of the examples of keeping the public ignorant was the city charter. Giving out little information about it and having the local newspapers be all for it. Hidden within the charter was the ability to take power from the people which is how we ended up with a “no vote” on the Taconic High School.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

and as JOhnny Lothrop would tell you, you elected him to represent you so you should not have to read it….

but guess once he read it he thought it was a great idea

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

The Charter was available on The City of Pittsfield websight prior to the vote. I also was too lazy to read it before voting in favor. The majority of voters that weren’t too lazy to vote, voted in favor. We get what we deserve when we bury our heads in the sand.

Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

I didn’t actually read the whole charter either, but I was warned off of voting for it when the Berkshire Eagle said everyone should vote for it. I knew it couldn’t be good if the BB was all for it. I think we are all learning from this site not to trust government and that’s a good thing.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

Teddy Roosevelt “the men with the muck rakes are often indispensable to the well being of society; but only if they know when to stop raking the muck…“

9 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle is so inept when it comes to reporting real news in this City, yet it chose to make Front Page News of a GM losing his job at Cranwell a huge story. This is reporting at it’s worse. The insensitivity is mind boggling.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

and if a non special interest candidate was doing rehab that would be a headline story.

9 years ago

I’ve read lots of complaints about the Berkshire Eagle not reporting / under reporting, or dropping the ball on stories the citizens of Pittsfield have a right to know about. The Planet is one source of good reporting but why isn’t there any talk about publishing an alternative weekly newspaper? Certainly there’s a need!

Reply to  HomeTownGirl
9 years ago

If you can start one I would imagine you would have a ton of new customers. But you need to actually do investigative reporting.

Don’t count on any small business help form the city though. You need to already be a millionaire to get their help.

Carolyn Barry
Carolyn Barry
Reply to  HomeTownGirl
9 years ago

There has been a “locally owned” newsweekly since the early 1990’s. The Gazette is sponsoring the forum on Monday night at BCC.

Reply to  Carolyn Barry
9 years ago

and when the Gazzette first came on the scene it was often quite critical of the nefarious goings on in the city. i was a big fan of them. When they stopped doing investigative reporting I stopped reading them.

they may have had to tone it down in order to get advertising. Some business s seemed to be boycotting them for whatever reason

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

It’s really a sad death spiral Dusty, and friends. Publications started losing readers to the web, so they started cutting budget, which eroded quality, which made more people stop reading which caused more layoffs, effectively putting an end to any sort of investigative reporting, which in turn turned even more people off…to a point where no reporting is being done, and no one is interested. The question is, would you be willing to pay for quality information? I bet the answer for 80%+ is no. People now expect to get their information for free, are generally not willing to pay for it, and generally get what they pay for. The internet, for all it has done and all its immediacy, has really dumbed down society and lowered all our expectations. Go buy a subscription to the Times, or the Wall St. journal….or even the New Yorker today and see what you’ve been missing!

Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

You mean what we have not been missing. Is the Times really that good anymore? Its become so politically correct that it too is boring.

Reply to  Carolyn Barry
9 years ago

Thanks, Carolyn. I didn’t know about The Gazette…will check it out.

9 years ago

David Turocy was hired as Commissioner of Public Serices. He was appointed to oversee highway, engineering, and Other city departments. This is very interesting. His salary will be $87,000. What other departments. Bruce Collingwood is also making about $87,000.

It is high time we start hearing from Candidates across the board about where they stand on the issues, and what is there platform.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Yup new guy is 59 years old and is coming here from Boston area for “a change of pace.” One could wonder if he is just here to coast into retirement. He only has to do half of Mr Collingwood’s original job. Anyways, lets hope I am wrong and give him a chance and hope he gets things in order.

Demetrius T. Gladiator
Demetrius T. Gladiator
Reply to  acheshirecat
9 years ago

I’m not giving anyone the benefit of the doubt anymore, not when Bianchi hires and brings and outsider in. This tells me one of two things: The new guy “knows” someone in power here or else has been kicked out of a previous situation and will take anything.
The third possibility..he realizes he can coast here with zero acountability.
The sharpies can smell the official suckers in this town 3000miles away.

Henry LaMere'
Henry LaMere'
Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Bianchi also gave him a 3 year contract, after he was fired from a simular job in Newton for poor performance manageing the plowing this past winter.

And this is allowed under new charter.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Was there any discussion as to why he was fired just three months ago by Newton’s mayor?

9 years ago

Excellent thoughts here, DV. You are doing a great public service with The Planet.

9 years ago

It is interesting that the purpose of the opposition to the content of this web-site is to get people not to read it, yet, it has the opposite effect of drawing more people to it. People don’t like to be told what not to read or do.

Then, once they read here, they see for themselves the truth of the content is glaringly different than the fluff and garbage the BB churns out and charges people for on a daily basis.

They make the same mistake over and over in assuming the public is stupid. People know the main stream media is controlled and therefore do not trust it. People turn to online sources to get the truth. The gov’t knows this and is seeking ways to stop it as they cannot control it. One of things they do is send out shills to inject comments into social media. They’re all over the internet and even on here.

There is even talk about getting a gov’t licence to do any reporting online, requiring anyone to be preapproved as a news agency.

The very same types of gov’t control the pilgrims left England to escape from has come full circle to modern day society. If the Brittish had won the revolutionary war, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the independant founding documents would never have come to be. People like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock etc, would have been put to death as traitors. It was a true revolution because we won. Had we lost it would have been a revolt.

The powers that be want to do away with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and freedom of speech.

A gov’t by the people for the people? A Republic governed by the rule of law? Liberty and justice for all?

Reply to  poorboy
9 years ago

I like your thinking. What is happening in Pittsfield right now is also representative of what is happening in the country. Didn’t we have a revolution to avoid just this type of situation? It’s happening again and the public has to take back its government.

9 years ago

It didn’t seem fair what the Eagle did with that Cranwell story. They really bashed that poor guy. But as usual the reporter didn’t do the due diligence necessary to produce a fair and unbiased story. Investigative reporting is a thing of the past at the Berk Eagle as are follow up storys. I was happy to see that the prior owner of Cranwell wrote in to set the record straight.

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
9 years ago

There’s been a few posts about where I stand personally on the issues. Please come down to the Polish Falcons club tonight from 7 to 9 to chat! I’d love to meet you. Or call me. 413-329-8735 I want to hear from you!

Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
9 years ago

Thanks Kathy I plan to be there. I live in Ward 7, and undecided and cant wait to hear you. I’m glad we have a choice more than some wards can say.

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Felix
9 years ago

Felix, I’d love the chance to earn your vote and confidence. Hope to meet you tonight!

Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
9 years ago

I Live in another Ward Kathy, but have watched you fight for your right to do business, and step up to the Challenge to make a difference. I hope the people in your Ward realize what an opportunity that is for them and you together, and turn out to give you their vote. Good Luck. I wish you were running in my Ward!!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle is a 3rd-rate rag without a conscience! The Eagle is yellow journalism at its worst. The Eagle is a propaganda machine for the Good Old Boys who ran Pittsfield politics into the ground.
Here are the facts the Eagle refuses to report:
* About 70% of local residents live in poverty and are reliant on welfare and social services
* Pittsfield is a very unequal community with a few wealthy residents and tens of thousands of poor residents
* Pittsfield politics is totally corrupt and uses fear to strong arm local voters into being intimidated from citizen participation
* Most political incumbents run unopposed for re-election, including Berkshire State Senator Ben Downing, and State Reps. “Smitty” Pignatelli, and Tricia Farley-Bouvier
* Pittsfield politics is a one party political system just like China. Only Democrats win political office in Pittsfield politics
* Pittsfield politics is full of Democrats in name only. The prime example is GE “pac man” lobbyist Peter J. Larkin. They say they are Democrats only to obtain political office, but they are really Republicans
* Pittsfield’s public school system is among the worst performing in the state and nation
* Pittsfield’s public school system eats up about 70% of the municipal budget
* Pittsfield’s public school system see over 600 students per year choice out to neighboring school districts
* Pittsfield’s downtown is dead and full of violence, murders, shootings, drugs, gangs, and poverty
* The only economic growth in Pittsfield is the underclass. Teen pregnancies double the statewide average. Pittsfield is known as the welfare capital of the northeast
* One has to be part of the Good Old Boys network to find a full time, living wage job in Pittsfield
* If one speaks out against all of the corruption and crap that goes on in Pittsfield politics, he or she will lose their job faster than one can snap their fingers together
* Someone like me, who looked for a job for over 1 year of my adult life in Pittsfield, has a better chance winning the lottery jackpot prize than finding a good job in Pittsfield. Those are terrible odds!
* No rational middle class family would move to Pittsfield
* Thousands of people have fled Pittsfield over the past couple of decades. Pittsfield’s population is shrinking!
* The only growth in Pittsfield politics is huge municipal budgets, increasing spedings, high taxes and fees, and colossal debts hovering in the one-half billion dollar range

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Fact: a thing that is indisputably the case.

Opinion: a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.

The statements are opinions, not facts. That is a fact, and indisputably the case. The arguments’ intentions are not credible when the language is deceptive.


Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Was Brian Williams telling the same story for over12 years about being in a helicopter shot down, based on facts or opinion?

I Am Me
I Am Me
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Where are you getting that 70% on welfare figure?

Reply to  I Am Me
9 years ago

I think that’s usually Jonathan’s number I am Me, not Dan’s. But the number is indeed close to census numbers; more than 60% of PPS students qualified for free & reduced lunch, a poverty indicator, any many who could qualify don’t apply, out of embarrassment or whatever.

No plan Dan
No plan Dan
Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

That assumes that every household to student ratio is 1:1 and each has a child in PPS.

Knows the Truth
Knows the Truth
9 years ago

Kathy Lloyd for Ward 7!!!!

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Knows the Truth
9 years ago

Thanks KTT, call me anytime. I’d love to hear your opinions and ideas. Let’s do good, together 🙂

9 years ago

Only in the Pitts! Over 11,000 turf fields in US and Pittsfield board of health is worried about health risks with the new field at BCC. Where we’re your concern’s with GE and all the PCB’s. The committee that is in charge of the new turf field already switched (at a higher cost) to the safest one on the market. You folks need to do your homework.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

My prediction is that Kathy Lloyd will get more votes than my neighbor Tammy Ives and the water wizard combine.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

This turf field is to be made up of old tires and sneakers, so the next logical step is to ban sneakers and tires. Right?

9 years ago

Your probably right, Pittsfield and Berkshire County was the only area that Martha Coakley won. Low information voters and moonbats roost together.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

What’s a moonbat?

Ward 4 Not Ward 4
Ward 4 Not Ward 4
Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

A moonbat Tom is a ultra progressive ultra-left progressive who wants the govt to step in and take care of everybody.

May Hemm
May Hemm
9 years ago

If last night candidate introduction on PCTV is any indicator, Tammy slammed the door shut. Lisa had a hard time reading off the Telepromter?

Henry LaMere'
Henry LaMere'
Reply to  May Hemm
9 years ago

As I have stated before I live in Ward 1 and am very disappointed with Lisa Tully and Tammy Ives is not any better.

The only reason I will go to the polls this election is to vote against Bianchi & Mazzeo.

Tully will get elected again and sit on the council and make a fool of herself for the next two years.

Taxpayer’s interests will not be represented in Ward 1 for the next two years…… Sad

Reply to  Henry LaMere'
9 years ago

You said it Henry. It’s like Snow White and seven dwarves and we get to choose between Sleepy and Grumpy. Lol

Reply to  Henry LaMere'
9 years ago

I still would vote Tully out. She has done zero for the Residents and she Voted for Taconic High School. She does not deserve re-election. She hasn’t earned it.

Guess what
Guess what
Reply to  Henry LaMere'
9 years ago

I’m not voting for Tully and will give Tammy my vote and see what she has…

May Hemm
May Hemm
9 years ago

Sounds like Howard was not willing nor Able to speak the facts.

Ward 4 Not Ward 4
Ward 4 Not Ward 4
9 years ago

I wish I lived in Ward 7 so I could vote for Kathy Lloyd. Hope she wins. Shes most impressive.

Reply to  Ward 4 Not Ward 4
9 years ago

Yes, too bad she is running against probably the councilor who actually has made an effort. Wish she was running at large cuz she is not in my ward.

Guess what
Guess what
9 years ago

Dusty you are correct ward 7 councilor has been one of the least evil perhaps Kathy Lloyd should had ran for councilor at large. Then again, I wish her luck.

Reply to  Guess what
9 years ago

Every Councilor running for re-election should be voted out, because they voted for Taconic High School,knowing the Taxpayers had no say whatsoever.
Vote for Kathy Lloyd.