(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, SEPT. 25-27, 2015) — This week having put to rest the preliminary phase of the 2015 campaign season, THE PLANET provides this information for perusal. It’s the school department budget, in all its glorious multimillions, which doesn’t include the pay raises just agreed to for every employee. And JIV‘s contract extension for which taxpayers will owe $1.2 million over the next six years.
Nice work if you can get it.
Look, everyone agrees. Public schools need funding. That is not the issue. Open for debate is the amount — about $102 million of a $145 million budget, not counting $23 million owed for the last round of school renovation and the $121+ million in new borrowing for THS — Pittsfield taxpayers are required to feed into a system replete with an bloated administration, an appalling lack of accountability, bypassed check-and-balances, and no elected officials advocating for those who have to pay the bills.
Here’s the information. THE PLANET urges you to check it out carefully and offer your suggestions on what can be eliminated, improved, and changed regarding this under-performing, over-rewarded city department.
This information is provided (and is read) at great risk, since The Suits do not under any circumstances want you to be involved in the government you own. Remember, Big Brother is watching.
Keep in mind as you traipse through these calamitous financials that the amounts do not include the cost of providing (1) a bus company for the public schools; (2) the health insurance, pensions, and other benefits for all department employees; or (3) school maintenance.
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Now, to purify the air, clean the system, and get back to The Garden (or some reasonable facsimile thereof), THE PLANET offers you a poem and then opens The Comment Line. Taxpayers, citizens, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, all of The Little Guys out there.
Throw off your chains! Unite! Put the fear of Bog into the candidates who shall bow, scrape, crawl, and Say Nothing to secure your stinking vote.
Put the screws to them. DEMAND that they listen. Get involved. Let them know what you’re thinking. Give them what for?
One final thought: What would you all say for mounting a Take Back Your Government Rally on the steps of Halitosis Hall, also known as 70 Allen Street? Would you attend? Would you invite your friends? Would you fill Allen Street, Fenn Street, and Dunham Mall with angry citizens? Would you storm the Bastille?
Let us know.
Now, the sweet rush of dear poetry:
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By Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raison in the sun?
Or fester like a sore —
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
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The Comment Line is open. Be intelligent. Be smart. Be You.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
When you’re moving in right up close to me, that’s when I get the chills all over me. Quivers down my backbone. I got the shakes in my thigh bone. I got the shivers in my knee bone. Shakin’ all over.” — The Guess Who, “Shakin’ All Over,” (1965).
The views expressed in any comment section are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment which violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.
Hmmm lets try to figure this out. The car is parked in the city clerks space. Could it be the city clerks car? The mystery is solved, you’re welcome. Why do you care about who is parking outside of city hall. Its what is going on inside that matters.
Who cares who parks on the the City Clerk’s parking space in City Hall during the weekends. After 4:00 pm on Fridays it doesn’t matter who parks there. What’s your point?
Right now there are tree vehicles at Ity Hall parking lot one is in a visitors another in the chairman of Assessors and the other is the Community Developement. I’d did not see a Honda. two cars went down Onota Street though, at about 80 miles an hour. I did see that.
Don’t we have a parking authority meter or illegal parking officer?
The cars speeding down Onota driving off after a drug deal. Whole neighborhood knows about the dealin at a certain established at Onota and Linden. Cops naturally know nothing…
No, I was coming from Pecks, one was near the cemetery and another going North from West and Onota lights. They were just speeding.
I was reading Huck Garvelvaltis take on U Mass -Notre Dame yesterday and watching Buffalo game. This Miami Dolphin team is awful.
Well, it’s close May. I’m Chuck Garivaltis and I saw the games you referenced. Currently the Miami team is getting bombed. Tom Brady has been extraordinary. UMass has lost their first 3 games but should do okay from now on because they will be playing against schools of comparable ability.
The point about the weekend or week night parking is relevant. Those spaces are reserved for city workers at city hall, however, only for when they work. Next thing you know everyone will park there.
If I am faced with a decision of voting for a councilor who on the face of it never expresses an opinion on any matter except for casting a vote or voting for a candidate that condones expressing a vile message such as F U to her neighbors on public display, what’s a voter to do? What a sad state of affairs
It seems to me me you need to re-evaluate whats important to you. Me personally, i believe in standing up for myself as does my wife especially after years of torment from these neighbors. With no help from city officials after multiple pleas. So with that being said if you still wouldnt fight back then then you deserve the pushover that is Lisa Tully.
This city needs someone like my wife that stands up for what they believe is right. Everyone wont always agree but the fact of the matter is she will speak up. Wiil Tully?
I understand your concern however I have heard nothing regarding the platform from either candidate. Might I be as bold as to suggest that you reach out to each of them and ask about their respective positions regarding the issues that you think are important to both yourself and the City? Balance out the platforms remove the rhetoric and go out and vote for whom you think will serve your interests and the interests of the city the best. It can’t be a popularity contest. Hold them to their statements.
As far as Mrs. Ives goes, I have heard all sorts of issues going on over time on Sadler Avenue. I have not had to live one minute of it. I do think from reading her posts with the benefit of going through it and the wisdom of age they would most likely handle things a bit different today. It’s not my position to say, however we each have times in our lives that we may not be particularly proud of. But we use the 4 L’s we live, laugh, love and learn in life and she and her family are concerned enough about the City its future to put themselves out there for all this scrutiny they have addressed it, they knew damn well that this entire issue would be examined, overblown, etc. and still cared enough to go through this that my friend says a lot about character and strength. I do not reside in that ward nor to the best of my knowledge have I ever met the Ives family but I am happy they are part of our community they do have something to contribute warts exposed and all. Now let’s move on to what’s important.
Chuck I heard a good Yogi ism by quarterback Jameis Winston of Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He said after losing th game today Quote, ‘It was a promising loss’.
But if anyone wants to actually wants to share ideas or thoughts with us by all means come by. Dont be shy you wouldnt be the first ones. Then you will realize we are no different than any of you just living one day to the next