(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, SEPT. 25-27, 2015) — This week having put to rest the preliminary phase of the 2015 campaign season, THE PLANET provides this information for perusal. It’s the school department budget, in all its glorious multimillions, which doesn’t include the pay raises just agreed to for every employee. And JIV‘s contract extension for which taxpayers will owe $1.2 million over the next six years.
Nice work if you can get it.
Look, everyone agrees. Public schools need funding. That is not the issue. Open for debate is the amount — about $102 million of a $145 million budget, not counting $23 million owed for the last round of school renovation and the $121+ million in new borrowing for THS — Pittsfield taxpayers are required to feed into a system replete with an bloated administration, an appalling lack of accountability, bypassed check-and-balances, and no elected officials advocating for those who have to pay the bills.
Here’s the information. THE PLANET urges you to check it out carefully and offer your suggestions on what can be eliminated, improved, and changed regarding this under-performing, over-rewarded city department.
This information is provided (and is read) at great risk, since The Suits do not under any circumstances want you to be involved in the government you own. Remember, Big Brother is watching.
Keep in mind as you traipse through these calamitous financials that the amounts do not include the cost of providing (1) a bus company for the public schools; (2) the health insurance, pensions, and other benefits for all department employees; or (3) school maintenance.
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Now, to purify the air, clean the system, and get back to The Garden (or some reasonable facsimile thereof), THE PLANET offers you a poem and then opens The Comment Line. Taxpayers, citizens, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, all of The Little Guys out there.
Throw off your chains! Unite! Put the fear of Bog into the candidates who shall bow, scrape, crawl, and Say Nothing to secure your stinking vote.
Put the screws to them. DEMAND that they listen. Get involved. Let them know what you’re thinking. Give them what for?
One final thought: What would you all say for mounting a Take Back Your Government Rally on the steps of Halitosis Hall, also known as 70 Allen Street? Would you attend? Would you invite your friends? Would you fill Allen Street, Fenn Street, and Dunham Mall with angry citizens? Would you storm the Bastille?
Let us know.
Now, the sweet rush of dear poetry:
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By Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raison in the sun?
Or fester like a sore —
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
——– 000 ——–
The Comment Line is open. Be intelligent. Be smart. Be You.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
When you’re moving in right up close to me, that’s when I get the chills all over me. Quivers down my backbone. I got the shakes in my thigh bone. I got the shivers in my knee bone. Shakin’ all over.” — The Guess Who, “Shakin’ All Over,” (1965).
The views expressed in any comment section are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment which violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.
Woah, Planet! Thanks for posting. An eye opener.
I’ve never actually looked at this budget.
It’s a crime.
It’s a sin.
Bianchi I don’t have hope.
But Linda Tyer. Address this situation with the overfundeding of schools.
This school budget is not going to get smaller. It feeds too many greedy pigs. And these greedy pigs, when united, are a powerful force. It is a self perpetuating monster devouring everything in its path. Only bankruptcy will stop it. The old mayor did not even try to contain it and neither will the next. It is their bread and butter. The school budget is why the GOB fight for the corner office. I doubt if reigning in the school budget has even crossed Linda Tyers mind although she may now feel the need to pay it lip service since it has been brought front and center. I do not believe anything any of them say any more. None of them have any credibility with me.
The added position for Deputy Superintendent is a crock of sh…t. as is paying 2 high salaries overseeing the DPW.
Dan, on pages 7 & 8 of the adopted budget are the bus numbers. There some interesting numbers in those numbers.
Sorry, pages 7 & 9.
That this massive budget doesn’t even include pensions, health insurance, and the other perks for school employees is crazy. The Pittsfield School Department has also positioned itself for further assaults upon taxpayers wallets by keeping the current superintendent in place for longer than expected and keeping Kathleen Yon on the school committee, both of whom are big money raising cheerleaders for the schools. We know Bianchi didn’t have what it takes to stand up to the school department demands for more money and I’m not sure if Tyer will be any better. She has already advocated for preschool being provided by the city. So it’s up to taxpayers to unite to fight back against this bloated and out of control school system.
I would love to attend a Take Back Your Government rally!!
A Take back your Government Rally would start some noise. I think clean sweep with a broom should be added. Any Councilor who didn’t say no should Not be returned.
I totally agree with a rally. I think that this should be a real plan and perhaps Dan would take the lead on this. This type of action did work back when picketing and rally’s were a commonplace. We need to be aggressive and take action. Time and place I would be there.
Hey Tammy Ives…I found the timing of the airing of your legal battles with the city in the Eagle the other day a bit suspicious. I said so in the comments after the story, but don’t believe anyone else replied. Just thought I’d bring that up here as well.
Thank you sir. I have to agree. If I wasn’t running for ward 1 no one would know about any of this. It concerns me how many others are going through a similar situation on an everyday basis. I feel sad for us just trying to survive with dealing with the overwhelming amount of taxes we face and just trying to help the community and we get the shaft. Perfect case of being bullied.
I am appealing but what about the others that are being bullied this current government has gotten out of hand. We must take back our city.
You run for office and you have Legal Battles. Expect them to get published and reported on. It would be a disservice if they weren’t. Day 1 stuff people. Day 1.
Honestly I am very glad the eagle brought it to light. I have nothing to hide and maybe my story isn’t so uncommon. If this is all they have then bring it on.
No surprise at all. Dirty tricks 101 is to smear your opponent any way you can. Tully is a sure vote for any Bianchi agenda item and he is going to pull out all the stops to keep her in place.
Ward 1 has 2 choices Dumb or Dumber…..
difference being….one will vote as instructed, the other may be more objective
or she may spend her time settling scores as recent history would support
dusty If you have any clue on actual votes Lisa Tully was actually opposed to Bianchi on several occasions. She is actually a pretty dedicated councilor.
See I have to disclose something. I have no Dog in any race. I just love calling out people that make things up and I love watching the idiocy of the totality of Pittsfield Politics and the discussion around it.
one shouldn’t throw stones especially one that doesn’t know the facts. Do tell do you even bother to vote or are you one of the ones that complain but don’t do anything about it.
To say that Tully is dedicated councillor is crazy at best. She has never voted on any item without Bianchi & Mazzeo instructions.
Example would be her flip flop on the buses, or her telling her constitutes she would never vote to raise taxes and did.
You can never reach her during the day and she has gone 6 council meeting in a row without participating in any debates. I live on her street, go look on her lawn she has a Tyer and a Bianchi sign on it !!!!!
Your right she is dedicated…. To incompetence.
One thing I can say Tammy is I can not wait for your debate.
If the Eagle didn’t air Tammy’s dirty laundry you’d complain that it was a cover up. Then DV would “break” the story and wag his finger at the Eagle for 300 words or so.
DV is really into your head eh Max?!
I am with you. Tully does not deserve a seat at the table.
The school budget numbers are astounding. Thank you for posting the links otherwise to be honest I wouldn’t have looked, actually I wouldn’t have been able to find it. The city makes this stuff hard to find and access.
I too would love a Take back Your Govt Rally at city hall. Lets do it.
Finally though no supporter of Ms Ives, I have to say it fits the pattern we’ve seen with Walto and Gaetani. All had headlines pertaining to court appearances, encounters with law enforcement, etc. All dared oppose the GOB. Message sent. Get out of line and we will get you.
They tried with DV, remember, with the ridiculkous actions taken against him by Ms. Nilan? He fought and fought hard, on their turf, and clocked them. “Don’t f— with me,” was the banner proudly proclaimed at the fortress of solitude. We need more of that attitude in fighting the massive corruption that has become city govt.
Of course DV is the press. Its a different matter when they go after private citizens. Press can fight back.
and if the hometown newspaper was not part of the special interest regime, but rather an ally of the people, the people would have a fighting chance
but alas, rather than be a part of the solution as many other newspapers are, this paper is a big part of the problem
Mr. Gaetani ; We know that you monitor this site along with your ghost writer and media advisor, eye in the sky, a well known local reporter and republican. Indifference to your “marketing genius”. are you sure you want to proceed with a write in campaign ? The results may crucify your ego. No write in candidate has ever won in Pittsfield. Joe Nichols had a heavily supported,popular, and well organized sticker/write in campaign, with lawn signs, buttons, etc. for council at large and still lost.
It most likely will have no impact, so go for it if you can handle it personally.
Joe Nicholas is a bufoon thats why he did not get elected !!!!!!
All Pittsfield politicians are bufoons! That is why Pittsfield politics sucks.
Good point !!!
HL, instead of stooping to childish name calling why don’t you post something that moves the conversation along?
Actually, a Gaetani sticker campaign would have an impact-albeit a minimal one- by taking votes away from Tyer.
Taking 12 votes?
Ghost writer and well know republican….must be Jack Fitzpatrick or Silvio Conte they’re both ghosts and republicans.
I love Pittsfield politics because there in never enough conflict and business relationship toxicity! No matter who is in political office and what happens, there are always people there to point their fingers in disgust. Peter G. Arlos was the master of Pittsfield politics. He would put anyone who criticized Pittsfield politics in their place. Pittsfield politics is in a downward spiral with high taxes and a shrinking tax base, and over the top public school budget with lousy performance results and over 600 local students per year choice out to neighboring school districts, and violent crime with shootings, murders, and drugs, and high per capita welfare caseloads with teen pregnancy rates doubling the statewide average. Mayor Dan Bianchi will bring the municipal tax rate to an all time high when the financing for the new Taconic High School kicks in. Pittsfield’s huge debts or liabilities hover in the one-half billion dollar range, and will never be paid off in our lifetimes. Pittsfield’s tax and spending is putting the city government on the path to insolvency and future bankruptcy. All of this crap, and all we do is fight each other as we stand on the deck of a sinking ship. Conflict, toxic business relationships, bitching and moaning, finger pointing, bullying, and all the while, nothing is changing for the better in Pittsfield politics!
Your right I was dumb to think that the government wouldn’t try to bully me to follow in line and conform to what they feel is acceptable. Have you ever read 1984 by George Orwell? It feels just like in that book that big brother is watching us!
Do I have an agenda? Christ I hope so because if I didn’t why would I throw myself out there again? I have learned alot in two years and one of the most important things I have learned is that the people of pittsfield are not being represented at all and not just in ward 1. Our taxes are higher and higher every year but we aren’t making more money every year to keep up with the increase in debt and burden as the taxpayers of pittsfield.
We need to take back our government and if that makes me dumb to want to try to move this community into the right direction then so be it. I am doing something besides complaining about it. Will it work? Only if you the taxpayers say enough is enough and take a leap of faith on someone who fights for our rights
Adding in Marchetti and White, Tyer should have a pretty solid backing for anything she may want to push. Look for many 8-3 and 9-2 votes eerily like when Ruberto held the reins. Maybe even 11-0 since there will not be too many boat rockers on board.
Now we all know about the court case; is it the worst that has happened around Pittsfield, I don’t think so. Code enforcement issues are in court all the time except they don’t all make it to the papers. Do we know why this one did? Of course. Let us move on. The real issues here are crime, budget and high taxes. Tammy you are right but if you want people to take you seriously then the FU on your gate has to go.
No biggie, eh? Try living next to a f-ing slob and see how you like it! Lol
I’m not saying that it should be allow. The court made a decision. Of course I would have a problem with it but what I’m saying is that the the only reason it made the paper is because she’s running for City Councilor.
I know I am living near four different households of them. Literally all look like something you would find in a pig trouth.
That was my point Guess. These issues are in court all day every day. They are never written about in the paper. Someone made an editorial decision on that one.
and we are smart to know who and why…
I realize about the F U and I am considering it coming down but if it means that I could lose because its up then what would that make me? I would already be showing the voters that I am easily swayed by public opinion and then maybe my strength as a person be questioned is that who you really want?
Tammy I admire you taking this on directly. If you took it down it would be seen as a sign of strength. If you do this voters will see that you are responsive to input from them. People really want someone with integrity.
I agree.
Voters want someone who wouldn’t paint vulgar messages on their fence in the first place.
Do you think your neighbors have rights?
I have to admire the way you all rose to the challenge of answering my question; you were, for the most part, succinct, detailed and even united. But for a couple of days I’ve been struggling with the answer(s) to yet another question. Where will this Shining Star come from? How to find some one to meet all of our much varied qualifications without that some one already being a part of this corrupt network?
If we want them to have experience in Pittsfield politics (or politics at all?), they will certainly be embroiled in the existing bureaucracy won’t they? Is it enough that they are objective? Is it enough that they rock the boat when there are so many others in place to keep their own stability? I don’t want to start an Obama debate but I think he went into his presidency truly believing he could change ‘politics as usual’. I’ll leave it at that.
Tammy can’t be any sort of leader for many folks because she’s seen as a litigious, graffiti artist: not qualified. Gaetani is an ALL CAPS hothead with PTSD, Walto is absurdly proud of her educational pedigree and, apparently, frequents unsavory establishments. Not qualified. Perhaps you need to be a bit on the nutty side to even think about running for any office in Pittsfield. I don’t know.
But is it a business person we want? A politician? A non-politician? Don’t we need more than just one Shining Star? The boat should be *full* of rockers shouldn’t it dusty? I mean, this isn’t pre-civil war America; we won’t find our Savior (cough) under a cherry tree outside of a backwoods cabin. We have to start some where though.
The internet is sort of a double edged sword. It can be used to dig up and spread all sorts of dirt on candidates but it can also start little fires in those of us (like myself) who have chosen to stay in the dark. Like this website. And like this rally. I’m up for it Mr. Valenti. Count me in.
More of the taxpayers of Pittsfield have to come out to vote than usually do…….they have to avoid GOB candidates……they have to take a chance on someone who is connected to or descended from the GOB$…..we will never find a perfect man or woman to run. Such people do not exist in the real world……but we need to take a chance on someone new and unconnected.
A Shining Star would come from Pittsfield looking at a Town Manager in the future. Usually hired by a Head Hunter. Searched, interviwed, and vetted. The position is an occupation, .hired by contract. This position is reviewed by contract, and can be let go for lack of performance.
I am that perfect person. I’m weighing my options in four years I could be THE SHINing STAR?
go for it
It would be nice to know who dilly dally is.
I think Chuck that he’s Bill LeCormec. He can be recognized by the big ‘D’ on his sweater as he performs his task as the waterboy at Doodyville High School. Maybe we could revive Mr. Bluster to run against him.
I think he’s/ she’s the Shining Star Chuck.
Tammy Ives…went by your house today…what a disgrace and thoroughly disgusting…you have no chance to win Ward 1
Sayers Junkyard takes better care of their property…you are making our City look so bad….great example of leadership
Mr. X, have you been around the city?
Mr. X if mayor I would nominate you to the Blight Board.
My party will be called the W A S
He’ll be missed. After 37 years with the Pittsfield High School baseball program Bob Moynihan is retiring. It won’t be easy replacing a guy like Bob. Under his leadership PHS has won more than 4oo games and four Western Mass. titles.
His knowledge of baseball coupled with his love of teaching the game to youngsters – for 37 years – is not easy to replace. Pittsfield has been fortunate to have such a man in a position of coaching and mentoring teens for such a long period of time.
You have done it well, Bob. You deserve a rousing thank you for your service to Pittsfield athletes. You will be remembered and you will be missed.
Yes indeed Bob Moynihan. A job well done!
I would like for people to be seriously thinking about a Take Back Your Government rally. Seriously. If we could pack the place it would send a message. Tactic used by muni unions to intimidate councilors and city officials…
A rally would be great for venting, but not much else. The unions’ intimidation is connected with the $$$$ that comes with the endorsement. You have to do something like what the WHEN group did in 2003. Start with a small group of like minded people, vet out a few viable candidates, grow and promote the group. Then come up with a platform on the issues the group can focus on. Its going to take real organization. to take back your government.
Ah yes! WHEN – the group that was to empower neighborhoods. Its two most prominent graduates, TFB and L. Tyer sold out to the so called GOBs at the first opportunity. They were real reformers.
Then there was Maulumphy…didn’t take long for Pummelin Pam to sell us down the river too. And Meilssa. Half baked and empty headed.
Thats how the GOB likes its women.
You totally missed the point. Pittsfield will forever be in political purgatory with attitudes like that.
Massachusetts Public Official Personal Financial Disclosures
State officials are required to submit personal financial disclosures to the State Ethics Commission each year.
The following are state-mandated statements of financial interest made available for public inspection.
“Smitty” Pignatelli:
Ben Downing:
Dilly Dally and Guess What…drive by her house then report back…you’ll see what I’m talking about…no wonder why the neighbors are fighting with her…total pigpen
any chance you have a Tully sign on your lawn?
Again, I’m not saying I agree. I drive around the city all the time but guess what? Try driving down E. Housatonic & Wendell then try end corner of Winter Street and the list continues….. How about the Lenox Avenue garages that sat there for ever. How many complaints from the neighbors. How many years?
Guess What?
In a sense you are correct. What’s good for one is,good for all. For me, Not one property….. Business or Residential, should be allowed to send a message….Pittsfield is not where you want to come or raise your family.
Dan Bianchi has had his stage long enough to get many things in order. It’s someone else’s turn to get it done!!
Huge eyesore on route 20 out past PLT. Started out as a car dealer then restaurant. Owned by wealthy hot shot in serious arrears for taxes. Nobody is going after this guy though. Nobody is writing articles in the Eagle about his big mess. but then he is not running against one of the GOB candidates either.
Right, Dusty.
You x are a stalker but I guess that is what happens when you have nothing better to do! Keep on pedaling your smut it only makes me stronger!
You x are a stalker but I guess that is what happens when you have nothing better to do! Keep on pedaling your smut it only makes me stronger!
At a Pittsfield restaurant last night, we overheard a group of young people discussing the recent preliminary election, quite loudly. One brazen young man said that he hereby dclare hin=mself a write in candidate. His lady friend said “so do I” It apparently was all in fun and emboldened by grog.
This stimulated a thought. What if all 27,962 Pittsfield registered voters, stepped out their front door and shouted to the world that they hereby declare themselves write in candidates for the November mayoral election, under equal time consideration, would all 27,692 be eligible to participate in the public mayoral debates ? Isn’t that in essence what one verbose left over mayoral candidate attempting to do ?
Just sayin.
Where does the signature law apply also or does it? 27,962 candidates. I’m in also, the W A S party candidate…. We Are Screwed.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the planet,
I have heard all of you. I just wanted to say that I could change what my fence says and I could ” fix ” my yard but I can’t fix ugly. I am a doer and a pusher. I stand up to the government and say enough is enough you will not push me around. This is why the lawsuits not because I want to go because honestly it’s just damn b.s. because they are politically affiliated here it’s because why should I have to be bullied I pay taxes we bought this land isn’t that our freedom?
You can throw out this hate but you don’t know me or the situation . Do you ask no? You just throw your ugly opinions based on what you read in the eagle that we all criticize or you know my neighbors, You know what they say about assuming anyway. If you have a real question then find me and ask. If you have real suggestions or positive ways to help the community and share. The naysayers out there do you realize that by typing my name or writing a comment about me that I have pissed you off so much that you are thinking about me so win or lose you helped spread the word because again there isn’t any bad press.
I stand for change and I have a resilience that this community hasn’t seen in a long time someone who will not take no for an answer. I have never taken the easy road. You may not like me but I am what this city needs to move forward.
Well at least you admit that your fence and your yard need fixing Ms Ives
Discretion is the better part of valour
Write in candidates will not and should not be eligible for any mayoral debates or forums.thank God!
I love to hear you expound on this
Dave, So far 87 registered Pittsfield voters have opened their front door, shouted out and declared to their neighbors, family, friends, and the populace of the city that they want their names written in for mayor. Are you willing to moderate a debate between all 87 write in candidates (with more to come) on PCTV ?
BTW, what exactly are the statutory requirements for declaring one a write in candidate inorder to gain equal status with the elected preliminary candidates ?
If Bianchi and Tyer are as lacking in substance as they were at the forum at the former poor farm people should stay home and tune into Seinfeld.
I agree with Chuck. And it is no different in the Presidential Republican Debates where there are also to many.
Tammy, it seems the issue is with the insurance company. It is a neighbors right to complain about unkept property, especially if it’s unsafe. By telling people to F U isn’t going to make your situation any better. Why hasn’t the insurance company ponied up,mic I might ask.
As far as the insurance company goes its a exhausting battle between them and the mortgage co. They both cannot agree on what they want to be done. Meanwhile we want it down more than even the neighbors but the bickering between the two has it at a standstill unfortunately.
As far as our message on the fence, it was there well before the garage had caught fire(quite funny huh seeming it hasnt bee used for 5 yrs prior and no electricity lines even running to it).
I wish it had never had to come to painting our fence but after having our kids lives threatened, multiple other threats(physical and sexual) and any other thing imagineable that they could fester up.
Yes we went about it the politically correct way. First by approaching them about whatever issue with responses of threats. Ok then you say call the police. We did to no resolution(but we all know what good jobs they do). Ok well what now courts you think may help the matter. Well they are as laughable as well….. so heres your sign. Our first choice… no. Is it helping anything??? Probably not. But it is our fence and not anybody elses.
So i ask any of you. What if you were in my familys shoes and you had to deal with our situation?
Would you of even bothered going through the steps we did or would you of taken a harsher approach to the situation?(which would be well deserved)
So do that little morality check and i bet the majority of you have no room to talk(but you still will).
These people are as petty enough to call the police for my alarm clock going off. Yes im serious check the police logs its there. Sorry Shermans if i like to sleep my window open.
Bottom line is the is that my wife should not be judged due to the getting the short end of the stick when it came to neighbors. Granted im obviously bias but looking at what this city govt has put forth for officials(there is some good ones), someone like Tammy to challenge their obvious faults is exactly what this city should want.
I went by the Ives property, I’ve seen worse.
I know there’s a lot of football fans out there and I hope you are watching the on national television. They are giving the number 6 team in the country – Notre Dame – the fight of their lives. Second quarter score, ND 14, UMass 13. Who’d of thunk it?
Of course ND will win, but the kids from UMass are doing a great job. Is a miracle in the making? Wouldn’t that be something? Not likely though.
Sounds like a man who could go for a write in under dog candidate
Notre Dame flexe’s Their muscles in the second half after the coach goes berserk.
Mass has no chance! Agaisnt the flying Irish.
i used to like UM when they had Marcus Canby at center.
It ain’t over till it’s over! Go U Mass.
U Mass could have won the game had they had a lead…Yogism.
Not your Dame scored the most points today since the 1994 Rutgers game. but good try U Mass.
In 1905 Fighting Irish defeated American College of Medicine and Surgery of Chicago 142- 0 …. So Fans don’t feel bad.
American College of Medicine and Surgery? You can’t make it up. From the beating they receive they probably had a few casualties.
Big deal, in 1916 Georgia Tech defeated Cumberland 222 – 0the Coach of tech was none other than John Heisman.
See where the mayor wants debates. Wonder how he’d feel about it if Dan Valenti is the moderator? Only DV should moderate otherwise we’re going to get another pep rally rah rah “be fair” no tough question waste of time.
Corey,can we ask how the garage came down?
I think you are asking how it caught fire? To give you the answer the lazy police and fire dept gave me was accidental with no investigation done. But to be truthful given circumstances of it being unused for years, not having electricity and being 50yds from my house. I believe it was set.
You have to wonder on the timing of the Ives reporting that’s for sure. It is one of the reasons I not only do not take the Eagle but I do not frequent the establishments that advertise in it. They must condone that behavior or they would not use the services of the Eagle. I will not have the money I earn used to foster the petty business of the Eagle.
Let’s think about this in reality. As the Crow flies from The Ives house in a mile radius we had a little girl DEAD in an apartment for days or possibly WEEKS. How was this girl “missing” from the neighborhood for so long without any suspension? From what I hear her parents were “troubled” and she came from a household troubled with addiction. Was she under the control of some sort of social services? Some school program? Who failed her? We failed her once now we focus our attention on a fence? Really? More small ball. Not a ½ mile from that ugly incident a week or so before we had a shooting no mention of it now that time has passed still we hear about this fence? No one further exploring the incident on the fourth of July more dead bodies and nothing being driven by local media to force the politicians to act in a positive way on it. What of the Duck incident? A high speed accident at dismissal time from PHS, no ongoing details on that either, but oh my the fence issue needs to be covered really? How many code enforcement issues in the courts in the past year? This one warrants reportage? Smells bad to me More small ball from a nothing paper.
Now let’s focus on real issues for this election
Couldnt agree more
So do I….
Pittsfield is a “Destination” …..Keep everything from the Public……Control goes through the Corner Office. Who the hell would give this guy 4 more years?
This newspaper is accountable to no one unless it is the local politicians. Certainly not their customer base. They are the right arm of local dirty politics and they seem not to be the slightest bit ashamed of it. It offers so little information that people really need I do not know why anyone pays for it.
Tammy became a public figure the day she took out papers. All public aspects of her life are fair game for voters to evaluate her ability to serve on the council and it’s not a great looking resume. Even before the story of her litigious and shabby ways broke in both the eagle and ibekshires Planet readers knew she had poor judgment for associating with the water man. I’m not a big Tully fan but I can’t justify taking a risk with Tammy. Yes she’s an outsider, but you could take a homeless guy off North street and put him in a suit and call him a maverick.
No one is saying that you should or should not vote for anyone. Yes it is true she is now a public figure, I contend we have large issues to deal with here in the City. You have your ax to grind and that’s fine grind it. Your grinding shows the level of thought involved in moving the city forward. Yes to many this election is like all others, I am voting for so and so because her uncle Bill was my brother’s football coach who once dated my friend Sam’s Mother and I know his brother who is a priest and we each went to PHS.
I think the Ives have laid out a more than valid explanation of the events including the inability to tear down the garage due to legal wrangling with the insurance company and Mortgage company. You appear to be personally involved and unable to see past this issue.
Now did Councilor Tully first claim publicly she was NOT going to vote for the new buses? It is a simple yes or no question. How did she ultimately vote? What perspective has she brought to the legislative body of the City? Please explain and articulate on those terms. Or is it fair to say you don’t support Tully but are voting against Ives? So in essence you stand for nothing? Is it not better to stand for something and fail? Than to stand for nothing and succeed?
Great post Joe. In my opinion based on what I hear the school department and DSS in that order dropped the ball in the case of the death of the 11 yr old girl. Did you notice how fast the supt came out after they found the body saying words to effect of “we noticed no sign of trouble”?
Where are the consequences? Or was this too “hot” for an impartial investigation. Were the orders given to back off?
No ax, Joe. I didn’t vote for Tully but I have found her to be responsive and that’s half the job. Agree with you on the bus vote but we all know that was because of her relationship with the mayor who installed her in that seat. Looks like the mayor is likely to be leaving us in January so does that free up Tully to become more independent? Thought I was clear that I’m voting for Tully as the lesser of two evils.
Matt, I too have a hard time thinking that there was no “Official” involvement in this little girl’s life. There is so much here to learn that will define and shock us as a community. How did she come to Pittsfield was she not returned to Fl. with her mother for burial? If I understand the situation her father was a recovering addict of some sort, there must have been involvement of some sort. Was she involved in a summer program through the schools? If so which ones who ran it and was her absence reported? Do police logs show a wellness check prior to the discoveries of the bodies? Did the officers speak to both the father and the child? I found it very strange that Jake or Jive apologized in both the manner and wording that he used. Should this issue have been vetted before his contract extension? Was his extension hastened by this? I am just asking questions he had plenty of time remaining. So we have all of these open wounds that define us as a community and we are concerned about the letters FU on a fence.
As a dad my heart breaks for that little girl as a human being I want accountability from those charged with safeguarding the innocent and as a citizen I am PISSED that this to will be left to fester with us souls who care as the political class moves on to the next photo-op and will say to the camera’s “it is a tragic situation” then they will do nothing to discover how it could have happened. My guess is that Bill’s brother Sam who once couched football and who’s brother is now a priest is a “good guy” and don’t deserve to be held accountable.
I laugh when they say it’s “for the children” how fake. This is truly for the children it don’t involve funding so therefore the silence will be deafening.
Thanx Corey. I believe you.
Who owns the steel grey Honda Accord that parked in the city clerk’s parking space behind city hall all weekend?
Joe Pinhead is absolutely correct! Wrong doings are happening every day in this city, but all we hear is “it’s under investigation”. That’s the end of it. nothing more….ever.
No names of offenders, victims or any details involving the crime. WHY?