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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, OCT. 30-Nov. 2, 2015) — Last night on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION, we hosted a debate between mayoral candidates mayor Dan Bianchi and challenger Linda Tyer. After we left the studio, we retreated to our farm in Essex to keep bees and get away from, “Well, what’ja think?”

THE PLANET had enough of the pre-debate crush — what questions to ask, how to ask them, and “make sure you look into this.” Everyone — experts and wise men, fools and sycophants — had their “haymaker” to recommend and their unsought advice on “how” a moderator “handles” a gig like this.

All knew but few realized that (a) this would be THE PLANET’s gig, on our show, which means that we would ultimately decide on the rules; (b) that we come into the studio at loose as possible, with one part prep and five parts improv, and (c) If we had an 18-hour broadcast, perhaps we could have asked a small percentage of what others wanted us to ask to push their respective interests.

‘Who Won?’ Great Question, But Don’t Ask Us

To cut to the fist fight, we aren’t the best source to ask “Who won”? Hosting a debate presents an interesting creative and intellectual challenge, particularly the way we do it. We seat candidates next to each other, throw away the time clock, disallow notes, and force them into the staccato of give-and-take. THE PLANET sees the moderator’s job not as a robot without personality asking canned questions. Rather, the moderator must have a place at the table, moving in and out as needed, not according to a script but to what’s happening in the moment.

Thus, our answer if you ask us “Who won?” is “You tell us.” And that is what we’re asking you to do on this Weekend Edition of THE PLANET. The Comment Line is open. You can share on any topic, but, in the interests of making best use of the time between now and Election Day, we would put this question to each and all: Who won the PV-TV debate and why? Be specific. Feel free to comment on all three of the participants: Bianchi, Tyer, and THE PLANET. Remember, though, to paraphrase the balladeer, pointing shaky fingers might produce a curse.

Early Returns

OK, enough of enigma.

Early returns have “off site” Tyer people riled. Those Tyer backers in the studio seemed pleased. The “neutrals” gave the night to Bianchi. Here’s a Facebook exchange initiated by our right honorable good friend Mike Ward, a loud Tyer supporter. It might be instructive:

Mike Ward shared Pete White‘s post.7 hrs·

If you’re going to watch any municipal debate this is the one.

Pete White

Tonight PCTV Channel 16 at 7 pm. The last Mayoral debate will be hosted by Dan Valenti. I’ll be watching it before tonight’s New England Patriots game.

Kathy Lloyd, Christopher Connell, Chuck D. Wright and 7 others like this.


James Wilusz Lets count how many time we hear James Ruberto‘s name during the debate. Betting Line is 4.5. Over or under?

Mike Ward social network drinking game!

Jamie Dobrowolski does reference to “previous administration” count as his name?

Mike Ward That’s a drink, Jamie.

Megan Whilden If we drank everytime they interrupted her we’d be dead of alcohol poisoning.

Mike Ward Well that was a disappointment. At least people got to see the disrespectful Dan Bianchi they’ve heard about in live action. Repeatedly stepping on Linda’s statements and talking loudly over her. Valenti not only enabled this rude behavior, he indulged in shushing her a few times just for good measure. A disgraceful performance. I don’t think this “debate” had a winner but it’s pretty safe to say that decorum was the loser tonight.

James Wilusz And for those that care to watch, acting like that and Linda keeping her cool benefits her.

Ted Sloper Hats off to Linda. Valenti was up to par – never did care for him.

Mike Ward My ten year old son called it pretty clearly. “Dad I think that other guy was on Dan Bianchi’s side.”

Ted Sloper It was pretty clear……

Dan Valenti I was on no one’s side, actually. The idea is to put them into the crucible and see what happens. It’s funny, though, because each side thinks I favored the other. Guess that means I did a good job on behalf of the owners of government. Y’all know who THEY are, don’t you?

Mike Ward I can appreciate The Planet’s goal of a discussion unencumbered by the formality of a normal debate. Ideally, the result should be an event that is lively and insightful. Unfortunately, for this viewer anyway, the ongoing fight for the floor was a distraction from the content of the discussion. There is an optimal level of structure and moderation. Free for all is, well, just that.

Ted Sloper I can’t imagine Bianchi’s “side” thought you favored his opponent! Dan you couldn’t be more transparent!

Ted Sloper Mike Ward Yep, Valenti allowed a free for all, which of course is Dan’s strength.

 ——– 000 ——–

Today there will be the press reports of last night’s discussion. There will be the weekend, then Monday, then Tuesday, when we get the only opinion that matters. The voters will determine who “won” last night’s discussion.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“TV has gotten good at one thing: How they market human suffering.”Nils Lofgren, Acoustic Live album, (1997).



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9 years ago

Where is Evan Dobelle now when we need him the most!

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Dobelle invented the severance package.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

I thought they came up with that during the French Revolution????

9 years ago

Westfield and Hawaii certainly are better institutions because the Evan Dobelle.

Reply to  amandaWell
9 years ago

Supertinendent of Scholols under Tyer ?

Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago


Reply to  amandaWell
9 years ago

Yes, most definitely! Especially now that the respective boards of both institutions have put in more safeguards against embezzlement.
Thank you, Evan Dobelle!
Pittsfield needs Dobelle for Mayor so he can work his Liberal Democrat magic and bring Pittsfield back to life once again!

9 years ago

I agree with several other posters. I never let the Berkshire Eagle influence my voting. There are no geniuses over there that know what is good for the city. They endorse who they are told to endorse and might lose advertising revenue if they disobey.

I will be choosing candidates not embedded with politics as usual, though they are far and few in between. And you can leave options blank if you do not like either choice. You do not have to put in someones name just to put in a name. Blank can be good sometimes.

And don’t fall for the mailers Pretty much high priced propaganda.

9 years ago

Dan Bianchi’s postcard mailer is a “Selfie” of his character. He is not worth 1 cent let alone a salary. He is one of the most pompous asses I have seen in a very long time. Imagine working with him? Scary as hell.

9 years ago


When is this going to end?

Based on the lack of information in the Eagle article today, I think the Mayor is trying to keep this on lockdown until after the election.

We can’t afford four more years of his secrecy and bull s**t.

9 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle selected their councilors at large and the only two they didn’t like are Mazzeo and Nichols. I will not be voting for Mazzeo, but I do like Nichols and I will be also be voting for Taylor DiSantis. Mr. DiSantis has great ideas which are not far left which means he is fighting an uphill battle in this area to win. The Berkshire Eagle goes on and on about how we need more young people in the area and involved locally, but the BB is not recommending anyone vote for young Mr. DiSantis. Obviously because he isn’t progressive enough.

They are also promoting Lisa Tully for Ward 1. I will be voting for Tammy Ives. Lisa barely speaks up at all during council meetings and goes along with what the other councilors want. Tammy Ives wrote a letter to the BB today in which she states many excellent ideas. She rightly states that the filled potholes in Ward 1 never stay filled because they are fixed so poorly in the first place. Traffic lights in Ward 1 especially the one on North Street and Springside Avenue near BMC never works properly. I like Tammy’s thoughts on jobs and she doesn’t support building a new Taconic High School with our declining school population.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

It would be a fair guess that the Eagles councilor voting list came straight from the Tyer people.

And seriously, just who is the mysterious person at the Eagle who comes up with these names? They would like people to think they have this huge brain trust that is superior to a citizens own common sense. This is not the case.

If you have to get advice from the Berkshire Eagle on who to vote for you really should just stay the hell home and watch reruns of Jersey Shore.

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

I have found that usually voting against what the Eagle endorses is the correct course of action, but I’m voting for Tyer with strong reservations only because I haven’t been happy with the direction of the city under Bianchi. The Eagle endorses Tyer which does make me nervous, but let’s face it, the choices are not great in this mayoral race.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

The people who make the endorsements for the Eagle are GOB suck ups, and have been for years. Take a look at some of the GOB’s supporting her candidacy. Ruberto (guilty of several ethnic violations while mayor), Stracuzzi (arrested in Maine for soliciting young boys), Capitanio (arrested for tipping off his drug supplier of a pending raid). He recently violated his probation. Who’s Stracuzzi & Capitanio’s probation officer? None other than Mr. Nilan. Last, but not least, how about a former police chief (sworn to uphold the law), who while chief had to know a family member was making big (tax free) money from “Amusement only” joker poker machines.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  Banacek
9 years ago

You are 100% correct

Reply to  Banacek
9 years ago

Correction to my previous post. “ethic” violations…not “ethnic”.

Adding to my previous comment about the Eagle’s endorsements. Their editorial today reads like a Tyer press release, or political ad that any other person running for office…without their blessing… would have had to pay for. It reads like they are campaigning for her. In my opinion, it goes far beyond an endorsement and solidified my vote against her. The should be held liable.

Henry LaMere'
Henry LaMere'
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Ward 1 write in Christine Yon

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

I wished I lived in ward one so I could vote for Tammy.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  B
9 years ago

Haha… Me too

9 years ago

I forgot to list that the BB will not be voting for or recommending Mazzeo, Nichols, or DiSantis for councilors at large. I left out DiSantis.

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

I like the idea of NOT responding to folks who do NOT identify themselves.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

That way you can avoid answering good questions

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

if you had to identify yourself this blog would not exist

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

Linda Tyer for mayor. Marchetti,Amuso, Mazzeo and White for city council. My predictions!

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

My predictions:

Linda Tyer for mayor.

Marchetti, Amuso, Cotton and Mazzeo for city council.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

That’s fine, but what do you see in Tyer. I know you are supporting her…..but why?

Henry LaMere'
Henry LaMere'
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

The dream team Tyer Marchetti Amuso Cotton & White

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

I don’t think Mazzeo is going to get in this term.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
9 years ago

Heres a funny scenario… whatever will mazzeo do w/out bianchi…. i’d imagine it would be a lost puppy

Reply to  Corey Ives
9 years ago


Reply to  Corey Ives
9 years ago

watch a meeting from 2010 if you want to know what it looks like Corey LOL

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
Reply to  urinetown
9 years ago

How our my great neighbors today? Larry? Urinetown?
Prime examples of why not use your real names i guess

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  Fair Shake
9 years ago

See I could too!
But why if you have nothing to hide?

Reply to  Corey Ives
9 years ago

And you want me to vote for your wife after making statements as such, I just changed my mind, will be voting at 5:30 after work, and it will not be a vote for your wife.

9 years ago

I will never use my real name on this site or any other local site. People in the area who are established and have great jobs can get away with that, but I have found after using my real name on other sites in this county that local people will use it against you and create a reputation for you that isn’t the real you. Sad, but true.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

It is sad and true but you get used to it. I know who i am and it doesn’t matter whos judging me.
Id rather be hated for who i am than loved for who i am not

Reply to  Corey Ives
9 years ago

I agree about the part of hating me for who I am rather than who I’m not, but unfortunately some of these not so pleasant local people take their hatred a step further and deny people a job by spreading false gossip and that is too personal when you need to survive financially in this economically depressed area. All because they don’t like your politics or something else about you they don’t like. That is just plain nasty. So, no, I will not be using my full name.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

I understand your point whole heartedly, people are and can be nasty. Although not the easy way(or smarter lol) i’d rather just let them know its me and leave any falsehood at the door by putting everything out there

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

I agree with you on that. I put my real name on something a while back and received 3 very nasty letters.

9 years ago

We are in a tough spot in Pittsfield. We may not like our choices but they are what they are. I have to go with Mr Bianchi because Ms Tyer just doesn’t seem to be qualified for an executive position. I think she is a good city clerk and I am sorry to see her leave that job. Anyone casting a write in vote is wasting their vote. It is just not realistic.

Reply to  Paul
9 years ago

So you would rather be over taxed by a qualified mayor as opposed to an unqualified mayor?

I guess that is one way of looking at it.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

I think they are both going to over tax you.

Reply to  Paul
9 years ago

I’ve gone back and forth for a while. Based on the DV debate I’m going with Mayor Bianchi.

9 years ago

There is no reason to give your name, if people disagree that’s one thing, but when you put a name on it, someone is already against the writer’s opinion either way. Tyer will create a whole new good ol boy system with the likes of her boyfriend Barry, Lothrop, Lee ! You know the names. Bianchi has made some mistakes,but reigning in the school budget with Tyer in charge and other programs she wants to initiate will send people out of the community, not bring the paying customers in.

9 years ago

WELL said Amanda, another aside, the school committee has such a liberal spending view, it won’t matter what Tyer does. She’ll be for any programs and raises.

Reply to  Nota
9 years ago

Which is exactly why we need FRIERI AND MOISEFF on the council. Representing tax payers and holding up accountability

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Finance wise Bianchi would be trusted, with a little luck and less foul ups he would have had a decent first four. Tyer on the other hand doesn’t mince words, she will spend as a progressive and will raise our taxes through the roof. Her problem will be, the well will run dry as taxpayers and homeowners and business will leave because they can’t afford max increases in tax.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Shelly, that is not what Linda is saying. She is looking to get money from other sources .

9 years ago

Dusty, what big ideas do you have?

Reply to  Paul
9 years ago

gonna write in for Gaetani

what’s to lose?

9 years ago

The Tyer ad says she is for change

I think that is what she has told many man in town that she
ripped away from their wives and family over the years

She is all for change as long as it suits her wants and desires

Where is the bond of marriage ? For Tyer she wants her men
for better or for worse and cares nothing for the wives she has
hurt along the way

Change ? Not so fast Ms.Tyer…not every family needs your
kind of change.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  giacometti
9 years ago

How is this a campaign issue?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

morality I guess

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

this is shaming, and it is disgusting.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

oooo personal attacks from anonymous posters LOL. Bianchi 101

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

I think the Bianchi mailer is an attempt at shaming Tyer. I think it is a deplorable tactic. What does how many years you were married mean if you are a moral person or not? if you read the thread, you will note that I think attacking Tyer because of social rumors and putting them on a website is libel.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  giacometti
9 years ago

As someone else said….the only thing that will change if she wins are the drapes in the corner office.

Reply to  giacometti
9 years ago

Giacometti, you do NOT know what you are talking about. Even if you did which you don’t, it has nothing to do with the qualifications for being our next mayor

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Lady Fingers?

9 years ago

I am voting for Linda.

Over a year ago I called the mayors office to complain and when I respectfully voiced my disagreement about the double parking tickets she let me know she would make sure my employer knew I was unhappy.

That administration is too much of a bully for my liking.

Reply to  concerned
9 years ago

NO BIANCHI because he is unscrupulous!

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Is that anything like uncircumcised spagirl?

Reply to  concerned
9 years ago

Is this your alter ego ? You were a strong Gaetani supporter, Now flipped. Why not write in Gaetani ?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Dowgerhat
9 years ago

Gaetani will get less than 300 votes. Writing him in will not make a point.

Reply to  concerned
9 years ago

Why did you steal my identity?

Reply to  Concerned
9 years ago

Concerned with a little c is not the original. No way I am voting for Tyer or Bianchi.

9 years ago

Dowager, Debbie’s looking to get a raise and Gaetani ain’t the one to give it. Tyer will.

9 years ago

I think it’s a shame there isn’t more coverage of the School Committee. There are two challengers this year who are going against the “rubber stamp” status quo and anyone who is a taxpayer should consider voting for them. These two candidates are Salvatore Frieri and Irwin Moiseff.

Seriously, the biggest farce in this locale is the overspending, top heavy administration in the PPS.

Get Farron out, she’s a fool. Cutler is a suck up. Riello is a hack either way, but his namesake will garner him the votes regardless.


Corey Ives
Corey Ives
9 years ago

Anyone hear the Joe Nichols radio ad???

He bashes Tyer and promotes Bianchi with no real mention of himself.

Reply to  Corey Ives
9 years ago

Your worried aboiut Joe Nichols ad ? Tully supports Tyer. Tyer’s is a figmant of the GOB. The GOB controls thge Eagle. The Eagle support Tully. Tammy loses. Pittsfield is so corrupt that sometimes it is hard to believe sir.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  UAlbany
9 years ago

Not worried about the ad… I thought it was funny honestly but still true. We support neither Bianchi or Tyer but I do realize Tully supports both camps for job security. Tammy will not just fall in line with whoever wins. That alone I know makes people weary.Too bad Tully doesnt tend to the ward more so than playing the fence.

9 years ago

I’m voting for Taylor Desantis, Mazzeo for city council and Frieri and Mo on the school side.

9 years ago

Finally had time to watch the mayoral debate. I saw no bullying whatsoever, and thought Dan V. moderated it fairly. Bianchi came across dishonest when asked about the PHS theft and Gungate, and was condescending at times. Tyer came off as being out of touch with reality, uninformed, and not qualified to be a mayor. Can’t bring my self to vote for either candidate. One of them will be our mayor and we are friggin doomed.

9 years ago

A lot of hate on both sides, but the Tyer camp appears to have the most vile hate mongers in Clairmont, Durwin, Ward, Guyer and Ruberto. Of course, on the other side is Marquis who is a one man show ! The difference appears that the Tyer haters will actually be able to controll policy – as a retiree that is scary – oh yeah, someone stole a pumpkin from the front of my house during trick or treat – must have been a politician becasue no way kids would have smashed it – stupid stuff out there.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  UAlbany
9 years ago

Haha…. The corruption i tell you!!!

Reply to  UAlbany
9 years ago

What was vile and where are you seeing this?

Reply to  urinetown
9 years ago

100’s of personal insults. Check Facebook. See Joe Durwin, Mike Ward, John Krol, Denis Guyer or Brian Marquis. Horrible things said.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Voting for Taylor Desantis also, he was campaigning today , no gob around and have heard him on the debates, like what I see, let’s give him a vote and send Cotton and White out to pasture for good.

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

This is me the real Concerned. Iam about to comment now,

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

I don’t care if a candidate is girlfriend to another as long as she’s qualified, she’ll get kicked to the road eventually. I just don’t think she’s qualified.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

There has been talk about hiring a City Manager instead of a Mayor,so, what would be the qualifications? administrative secretary in a school system and City Clerk, let’s go a step further, if you were looking to hire a business manager or C E O would you hire a secretary/clerk to run the business. I think G O B retreads like Lothrop, Ward, Lee, are living vicariously through the Tyer candidacy because they are on the way out, and would never be considered Mayor material, but to parade Tyer as the new savior?

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

I don’t recall Tyer applying for the City Clerk position either. She’ll will run the City with new initiatives, a different temperament, that’s original? reallocation of priorities, what the hell is that? Oh, one other thing, she will raise our taxes, counting that. she will be behold to the g o b unlike any Mayor in our History simply because she doesn’t have a clue and will have to rely on the stooges that surround her.

9 years ago

If you don’t like the way the city is being run, vote the incumbents OUT!

Reply to  Gigi
9 years ago

That is a great and simple solution. Except for the fact that some of the ones running to replace them are retreads from the past who were just as bad when they were in. Marchetti, and White are soldiers of the Ruberto regime.

I would suggest people vote for the names they never heard of before. Otherwise you are just adding power to power and that is never good for Pittsfield taxpayers.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

So who do you go with.Tom Bowler Lil Quinn, Mary O’Brien, Congressman Markey or …..Barry Clairmont, The Berkshire Eagle, Jon Lothrop, Gerry Lee.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

I’ll rest my case.

Mr. X
Mr. X
9 years ago

Sorry UAlbany but Tully is very good friends with Mazzeo and both are firmly entrenched in Camp Bianchi

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  Mr. X
9 years ago

Yes Tully is Bianchi but Tyer as well. If you caught this weeks Gazette Tyers ad states Tully is a supporter as well. But you are right she’s entrenched with camp Bianchi because she don’t stray too far from her cousin Mazzeo(through marriage).

Reply to  Mr. X
9 years ago

Tully is listed on Tyer materials as a supporter.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  UAlbany
9 years ago

And made contributions to bianchi camp as well

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Don’t be surprised something important coming into the Sabic Complex. Have heard on good authority it’s an old friend, watch the media for hints.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Heard it is Target

Reply to  Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Is it GE Headquarters?

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

And Jimmy Ruberto and Pete White, it’s neither a Distribution Center ( White ) nor an unsustainable wage ( Big Box) store Runerto.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
9 years ago

I am trying to post-Is there something wrong on other end?

Reply to  Concerned
9 years ago


Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Irwin Moiseff will be Kathy Yon and company’s worst nightmare. He will make Terry Kinnas look the the school altar boy. Vote Frieri, Moiseff. Some will stay, but these two definitely have to stay!

Lokel Yokel
Lokel Yokel
9 years ago

Riello has to go. Retire already.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
9 years ago

A “write in” vote(Gaetani, Kinnas etc..) would not be wasted if everyone that is on the fence voting for the lesser of the two evils actually voted for a “write in.” Imagine the difference that could make!!!
I know there is more than 5,000 registered voters that are unhappy with the recent past administrations which are both Tyer and Bianchi represent. So why would anyone want to keep stepping into the same trap?
With that being said I hope everyone will show that every vote counts, accept change and not step into that trap again.

Vote Gaetani, Kinnas or any other non-incumbent into office with the chance that Pittsfield is not already doomed!!!

Reply to  Corey Ives
9 years ago

Todays Eagle editorial as biased as one can get. No fan of Bianchi but I believe he may have case for liable. Providing free advertising for Tyer is the last straw for this race in which the city’s residents have only a choice between dumb and dumber.Iwill post this now as I have been having problem getting connected.

Reply to  Corey Ives
9 years ago

Many on this blog feel that a vote for Mr. Gaetani is a wasted vote but this is not the case. With good weather predicted and 23000 voters who haven’t chosen any candidate yet anything can happen.

9 years ago

Trouble posting

9 years ago

Maybe Gaetani will give out candy bars with his name on it and some cash, that might work.

9 years ago

tomorrow…remember…look out for # 1….and don’t step in # 2

9 years ago

I feel a little sorry for Dan Bianchi, All these years the big boys have been telling him he’s a player when he’s really just a pawn for the pipeline people. Why do you think his was a reign of secrecy? And those stress fractures we witnessed as he put City Hall into lockdown—how awful it must have been for him to face Ms. Wade’s accusations when for years the West side had been his project. I believe he did good for Piitsfield until he hit the corner office, but when it came time to go along to get along, well…I think the politics are just too big for him. If he truly loves Pittsfield, if he “believes” in PIttsfield, he should step aside. That jaw dropping letter in the Eagle to which he signed his name, y’know, the one that detailed a cohesive plan and a clear vision for our future was, for this voter, too little, too late. Why didn’t you tell us this as you went along? The slick mailing? Really, Dan? That’s not you, is it?

I don’t know who to vote for tomorrow, but I do know I can’t stand with the mess of a mayor we’ve had these past four years. Tyer? I think she’ll probably be better at playing the politics than Bianchi has been, but I wonder if some of her motivation for running is to cut herself in on some of those pipeline perks. Linda, honey, those pipeline peopleare not going to stick around and raise there kids here; you know that, right? Gaetani? He had my “Hell YEAH, that’s the guy” for a long time, until he went off the rails online. But y’know, the outlier is probably just what we need. I really thought I would know decisively by nowfor whom to vote tomorrow, instead, I am going to bed tonight, (and probably tomorrow night) “Praying for Sheetrock”.