(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, OCT. 8, 2015) — Picking up on yesterday’s topic of “revitalization,” mayoral candidate Linda Tyer held a moveable campaign event Tuesday. Cue Sammy Vincent and the orchestra: “A little traveling music, Sam!”
The Lovely Linda, the press release goes, “began a walk of Pittsfield’s downtown. … The walk is part of Tyer’s overall approach to leading the city — through listening, collaborating, and formulating action steps to make improvements.” What this means, exactly, and how it differs from mayor Dan Bianchi the release didn’t make clear.
Three Classes, And Guess Which One Is Forgotten?
It’s good to make like the Shelleys taking a walking tour of the lake district, but how does a downtown photo op convince the undecideds that Tyer understands and will address the hurt of increasingly desperate citizens who have been pummeled by the lack of a functioning local economy and the rising cost of living in Pittsfield? That, too, the release didn’t make clear.
The neutral observer wonders less than a month from election day if Tyer is saving her best for last, because her performance thus far resembles nothing more than Peter Marchetti’s failed bid in 2011. Marchetti failed to engage Bianchi, hard, on the issues that are important NOT for The Suits, for whom Peter toiled, but average citizens struggling to make ends meet.
There are three classes of people in Pittsfield: The Haves, The Have Nots, and The Want Nots. The Haves make the money. They earn high-five and low-six figures working for the city, for “non-profits,” of for one of those “economic development” groups that create a fat one for the executive director, a snow job, and a con job. The Have Nots work two and three jobs in a tourist economy built on grant money, the arts, and public support of private industry. The Want Nots are the moochers who have moved into Pittsfield by the thousands. These bottom feeders have learned to scam the system for “free” benefits paid for by taxpayers. Welcome, drug dealers, gangs, welfare cheats, methadone surfers, and anyone else wanting a hand out rather than a hand up.
Walk This Way
“Inside” candidates take care of the Haves, support the Want Nots with politically correct social programs paid for with public money, and ignore the Have Nots.
And that’s what was off key about Tyer’s downtown walk, which began at the Colonial Theater.
“Starting our downtown walk in front of the Colonial Theater has significance for me,” Tyer said. “It’s a homecoming because this is where the downtown renaissance began.”
She actually used the word “renaissance.” Twice. Take it from THE PLANET. We have yet to see Michelangelo, Da Vinci, and Raphael hanging out at the intermodal. Her use of the tired word “renaissance” to describe downtown perfectly captures her performance so far in Campaign ’15. She writes and talks in boilerplate, missing the opportunity staring her in the face to articulate a substantive difference between what she offers compared to the mayor. She has yet to do that. If she continues playing it safe but mentioning distinctions without differences, she will lose.
The Tyer press release states, “Art and culture have become mainstays in the City of Pittsfield connecting residents and visitors to attributes most commonly associated with ‘The Berkshires.’”
Visitors? Granted. Residents? Which ones except The Haves. The Have Nots can’t afford it. The Want Nots aren’t interested.
It’s still early enough in the campaign for Tyer (or Bianchi, for that matter) to say something to and for the bedraggled Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. That being said, it’s late enough so that with each passing day it doesn’t happen, The Little Guys are getting that sinking feeling of deja vu all over again.
Unless Tyer starts catching fire by throwing some, it will be 2011 once more, with Tyer in the role of Peter Marchetti.
“In Moulmein, in lower Burma, I was hated by large numbers of people — the only time in my life that I have been important enough for this to happen.” — George Owell, opening line, “Shooting an Elephant,” (1950).
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Re: The Berkshire Eagle Editors are unconscionable!
For over one and one-half decade, The Berkshire Eagle Editors have written favorable editorials in favor of the Consent Decree and the so-called clean up of GE’s cancer causing chemicals called PCBs in Pittsfield and the Housatonic River. The Eagle Editors never once criticized the inadequate, so called clean up of a toxic waste chemical that has and will continue cause the suffering and deaths of thousands of local residents from cancer. Now today, the Eagle Editors criticize the rightful critics of this travesty.
The Consent Decree has left Pittsfield and the Housatonic River polluted with a dangerous chemical that kills people! The Consent Decree capped, instead of removed, most of Pittsfield’s PCBs. The Eagle Editors continue to omit the fact that the caps do not last forever. The caps have a limited lifespan that last between 20 to 30 years. From day one, a cap can become defective and may need to be fixed or replaced. The caps and the pollutants need to be monitored on a daily basis. That is not being done!
People’s very lives are at risk due to the Consent Decree. The Eagle Editors do not care about human life, suffering, and death from PCBs. Instead, the Eagle Editors criticize the very people who care about this tragic situation that has impacted the people of Pittsfield for generations. I am not intimidated from standing up to the Eagle, GE, the EPA, or anyone else, in order to state the truth and stand up for the people of Pittsfield!
– Jonathan Melle
There is no substantive differences between the lovely Linda Tyer and Mayor Dan Bianchi. They are both progressive Democrats that will serve the vested interests and the politically connected suits that run Pittsfield politics.
All this municipal election is about is the two warring factions: The Wojtkowski camp (Dan Bianchi) versus the Del Gallo/Jimmy Ruberto camp (the lovely Linda Tyer)! Both political camps serve the Massachusetts Democratic Party in Boston.
Pittsfield politics is just like China because it is a one party political system.
I believe the Eagle will endorse the lovely Linda Tyer for Mayor because she is using the words “renaissance”, “culture and arts”, “tourist destination”, etc.
Neither Dan Bianchi nor the lovely Linda Tyer is using the words “jobs”, “financial management”, “economic growth”, “reform”.
Pittsfield is in a never-ending downward spiral with high taxes, out of control spending, municipal budgets that go up by a factor of 5 percent per year, debts/liabilities that exceed one-half billion dollars that will never be paid off in our lifetimes, a path towards fiscal insolvency and future bankruptcy, a shrinking tax base, poverty, welfare caseloads, crime, and political corruption!
All I have been hearing is about spending more millions of taxpayer dollars on cosmetic and frivolous things. Has anyone heard one word about cutting fat from the budget or even looking for it? Of course not. Because the main reason these two factions fight like hell to get control of city hall is to get their hands on all those excess taxpayer dollars. Neither one of them give a damn about running efficient city government. It is not in their game plan at all.
They both want your vote but they also both want your wallet even more.
Let’s see what the Debate brings tonight. He already is protecting his turf with his Big turnaround regarding preparation for Winter. Hell, this is normal in every other town and City.
Are we better off than 2 years ago? Across the Board the answer is No.
I agree. We should get all excited because we will have normal snow removal and road care this winter. This is basic stuff folks. The suits aren’t doing us a favor!!!
I too am worried about Tyer not mentioning the issues AT ALL that most on this board are concerned about. I believe that both candidates are so deeply beholden to the powers that be here in the city that the HAVE NOTS will be in the same boat as they have always been regardless of the winner of this mayoral race. In order to not look bad they continually give to the WANT NOTS, but it’s those in the middle that have the real needs. It’s the HAVE NOTS who want to work and not rely on handouts, but who also get the least concern in this city. The HAVES take the few jobs available in the city for themselves and their connected friends and relatives which leaves the HAVE NOTS without a steady income. The WANT NOTS could care less about the jobs so that issue is of no concern to them.
The so-called North Street cultural and arts renaissance has been mainly for THE HAVES as they are the only ones who can afford to attend these types of offerings in the city.
Dan Bianchi should be pressed publicly how he justifies keeping Collingwood. Letting him off the hook, and now paying a Commissioner also.
Big announcement as previous mentioned ?
The new Airport Manager is from Tennesee. And you thought I was kidding on having an out of town resume to get a job here.
Could be another political favor.
Spell check,Tennessee. PPS grad.
Bianchi has a plan with the Innovation center.. Tyer has said nothing and doesn’t seem to have any plan. Blight, walking down North street? I am more afraid of taxes going up with her as Mayor. It does seem like the City does have some monies in the coffers, Tes is a finance guy, isn’t he?Tes was given a sh.. Sandwich from the previous administration and Clairmont Krol and Lothrop didn’t help much, wonder why, he couldn’t have been wrong on everything? I don’t like Tyer in this scenario, we have been taxed to death, we are a poor community, Tes dropped the ball a few times, but, do we really want the opponent. Voting Bianchi.
So far I find the various political comments spot on and germane to Pittsfield’s mayoral election. Unfortunately, as the race progresses, I am losing interest as both candidates are morphing into a singular aberration, without definitively addressing the hard issues.
I am also concerned about the criminality and morality of some Ms. Tyer’s vocal supporters; Evan Dobelle, Angelo Stracuzzi, Carmen Massmiano, among others. Bianchi’s aren’t quite as high profile, if any.
Downtown renaissance? Did she really mean to say Dark Ages? Bianchi has been a total disaster. If Tyer is elected it will be total disaster – the sequel.
It is what it is. With Tyer, you’ll get the Architect building the good ol boy network back to where it belongs. look who is in her Camp? The who’s who of good ol boy’s. Hold on to your wallets.
If you grandma and grandpa’s want to pay for pre school, vote Tyer.
The mail person just delivered two Linda Tyer campaign post cards. It’s on!
Most posters on the Planet decry the Pittsfield GOB waring factions and how these actions have negatively affected Pittsfield, but some refuse to consider the candidacy of the only non-GOB candidate to surface in Pittsfield that I can remember. As many of you have stated there is little if any difference in the two candidates on the ballot. They will both continue to pave Pittsfield’s highway to hell. The only way for Pittsfield to change course is for Pittsfield’s voters to write in Cr@ig Gaet@ni……a long shot? Maybe, but it’s the only shot we have.
Neither candidate is addressing the problems facing our city (jobs) because they don’t know what to do. I suggest that they take a look at Albany, Burlington, VT and Syracuse. They will see that the solution is staring them in the face. What do they have that we don’t? An airport, a road and a port. What should be done first is extend a spur from the turnpike in Becket through Dalton and Lanesborough and reconnect it south of Albany. Two, extend the airport so that we can accommodate large aircraft and make it an international airport. Three. Extend the Erie Canal down the Hoosac River so the large barges can bring us goods. Problem solved. There will be little interest in Pittsfield as long as the 18 wheelers have to plow through Lee and up South St. and around the park.
Isn’t the Hoosic river at a much higher elevation? That would involve a whole lot of locks.
The ‘if you build it they will come’ economic model doesn’t work. And where do you plan on getting all the money to do all those things, as well as all the other towns’ permission to build right through them?? These are silly ideas not grounded in the real world. Hope you are joking.
eye..The Numb and Apathetic Voter is to lazy to write a Candidates name.
“It’s Happening!”……..oh wait, that was already used.
Maybe Linda Tyer meant that everybody on North Street, shop owners, shoppers, vagrants, drug dealers, you know, the usual North Street crowd, will be dressing up in Renaissance Arts Festival garb year round.
Finding “the town” vagrants won’t be hard to do, but legally employed, non-shoplifting crowd, might just be a struggle.
Hold on tight to ye’s wallet!!
Can’t wait for the debate tonight.
If it IS a “debate.”
This “debate” will be no more than a bullshit session of absolutely no value to the blue collar worker who supports the city.
tell me that you are going to have the city books audited
tell me that you are going to go over the school budget with a fine tooth comb and cut out the rampant waste
tell me that the city charter is going to be reviewed
tell me that the city council will not be stacked in favor of the special interests and that the peoples voice will be heard
tell me that the new mayor will be working one job and that is the job of mayor
wasting my breath here
Where is this debate tonight – time? I know you aren’t the moderator but you know the answer
Conte Community School, 6 pm
Thank you
SHELLY…What is th big announcement? When?
If you don’t make any campaign promises, then you don’t have to honor any. Cutting taxes is not on either camp’s list.
Remove blight, pretty up the city with a “renaissance” economic engine will result in a tax increase. Tax and spend liberalism requires no fiscal responsibility.
Tyer is counting on a vote Bianchi out platform. If you are looking for tax relief then get out of Pittsfield. There is no limit to this spending as they will just raise taxes to pay for anything and everything they damn well please.
Either way you go with these two candidates, you lose.
The suits win. The lesser of two evils is still evil. The suits own all the cards, own the casino and own all the horses in this race.
Have your wallet open, bend over and take it.
You have the illusion of choice. This will be Pittsfield’s first 4 year mayor. Imagine what your taxes will be by 2020 – the end of their term.
300 more jobs leaving Pittsfield.
Wow, can’t say this is a complete surprise, but it still sad news indeed. Just what Pittsfield did NOT need is loss of 300 more good-paying jobs. Last one to go, please turn out the lights.
Is it 300 jobs, or is it Building 100 ? Plastics with about 40 jobs.
blah blah blah. To me it boils down to this – Pittsfield will be Pittsfield until we are lucky enough to get an outside compnay to beleive in us and bring jobs here and the Mayor has no power – it’s all a joke – Sabic will be gone is a year –
Anyone who votes for Bianchi, Mazzeo, Tully, or Amuso should have their head examined!!!
I agree.
This a very good column concerning Berkshire County’s underclass. Please take a few minutes to read about the “have nots” living in poverty in 21st Century Pittsfield and North Adams.
Adam Hinds and Sherwood Guernsey: “Income inequality a Berkshire problem”
By Adam Hinds and Sherwood Guernsey, Op-Ed, The Berkshire Eagle, October 8, 2015
NORTH ADAMS – Berkshire County can feel removed from the national discussion on income inequality. But related shifts in the local economy impact opportunities for working families and workers on the margins. Strong measures to counter these trends are critical for the region and our country.
The underlying problem is not simply that the super rich get richer. It’s that we are not addressing poverty and a changing economy that leaves people and communities behind.
In one local example, KB Toys was once amongst the country’s largest toy retailers. It employed up to 500 people in Pittsfield before Bain Capital bought it in 2000. Bain spent $18 million and borrowed nearly $300 million for the deal. Sixteen months later the toy company borrowed more money to pay Bain partners an $85 million dividend. The heavy debt burden meant store closures and 3,400 layoffs countrywide. KB Toys filed for bankruptcy protection in 2004.
This highlights the devastating shift from local companies invested in the community (the Kaufman brothers founded KB Toys in Pittsfield in 1922) towards consolidated companies participating in a global economy. The latter are more likely to transfer management or manufacturing elsewhere. Middle and upper class jobs leave while a diminished tax base and economy remain. And we all know the examples of GE and Sprague.
It also demonstrates the choice to shift unprecedented profits to the top while the rest of America experiences a decade of wage stagnation. As Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz says, that’s not the result of natural market forces, that’s a choice by CEOs and legislators.
The Berkshires have lost 78 percent of manufacturing jobs since 1970. Retail trade and hospitality jobs helped replace them, but often at one-third the wage. The result is close to the minimum wage, which unfortunately is a poverty wage. The Massachusetts minimum wage equals $19,000 a year while the federal poverty line for a family of four is $24,000. The Ma. Economic Independence Index indicates on adult living in Berkshire County with a pre-school and school aged child needs $53,544 to make ends meet.
The minimum wage simply has not kept pace with inflation or productivity. A full-time minimum wage worker still earns less than in 1968 (adjusted for inflation). If the minimum wage kept pace with productivity it would be over $18 per hour. You can see why the middle class is shrinking.
A bifurcated economy has resulted with more jobs created at the high and low ends of the job market with fewer in the middle. Those with the ability to leave to follow the jobs that left may have done so, while others closer to low tier jobs are more likely to stay. One result is an increase in neighborhoods with a concentration of poverty that passes to the next generation. And increased poverty brings more instability and more crime, a big concern in Pittsfield.
Children are particularly impacted by the negative impact of growing up in areas with a concentration of poverty; 62 percent of North Adams students and 59 percent in Pittsfield are considered low income. They can face increased levels of stress, may move frequently or change schools — each possibly leading to emotional and behavioral problems. As a result, kids from households with low-income have shown they are more likely to score lower on standardized tests, repeat a grade, drop out of school, experience violent crime or give birth as a teenager.
In short, a child who starts behind is likely to end up behind. Parental income has proven a predictor of a child’s income, and inter-generational economic mobility has decreased as inequality has increased. It is indefensible that a parent’s wealth determines a child’s opportunity in Berkshire County or America.
A range of action is needed to help break the cycle of poverty and bring disconnected populations into the economy. At the structural level continued efforts to elevate the minimum wage are critical for lifting people out of poverty. State Sen. Ben Downing’s determination to increase the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit also boosts income while encouraging work.
Participation in labor unions is often critical since unions traditionally raise low middle class wages to the middle class. Yet the conversation must also go beyond funding existing programs or adjusting tax structure. In the next segment, we will explore in more detail local pockets of disconnected workers and what is one key element to reach them.
You can join a community conversation on this topic at the next Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Forum today (Oct. 9) at 10 a.m. at 131 Main Street in North Adams. For more information contact Adam at ahinds@nbccoalition.org.
This column is the first of a two-part series on the local impact of income inequality and residents disconnected from the economy. Adam Hinds is the executive director of the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition. Sherwood Guernsey is a local attorney and former state representative.
Again the Planet… The Little Engine that could is first in on the Sabic announcement. Planet Rules!
The Sabic workers can relocate to Houston. Guess it’s better than nothing.
SABIC’s downsizing its Pittsfield operations is major news for Berkshire County.
No doubt SABIC is leaving because state and local taxes are too low and there isn’t enough entertainment on Main Street on Thursdays.
No, G M….They couldn’t wait for the New School.
Sabic is a solid stock, if workers are able to relocate to Houston, go for it. There is nothing here. Sabic stock went up almost 5 today.
Does SABIC trade on any of the US exchanges?
Dan, you may not like the term renaissance but you have to admit that Ruberto’s tenure marked a period of significant development in downtown Pittsfield. And most people I know appreciated it. I also think your 3 Classes framework is both divisive and inaccurate. I was a Have Not once but I didn’t limit myself to attending tractor pulls. I was a big fan of Berkshire Public Theatre back in the day when I was young and broke.
The term “renaissance” is a hackneyed word misapplied in this case. A “downtown renaissance” must begin with a functioning economy. That didn’t happen. Because of that non-occurrence, the “significant development” in downtown Pittsfield describes enterprises getting tax breaks and public dollars, in the main, and an almost countless number of small businesses funded by private dollars that failed. The Three Classes is my label but not my creation. You’re right. It IS divisive but only because of the strata created beginning in the late 90s by failed politicians. By then, a decade had passed for the residual effect of the large GE presence to work its way through the belly of the python. The Consent Decree allowed the company to escape its responsibilities for pennies on the dollar. And there was still enough GE money around in the form of pensions, stock, and housing owned by retirees. Fifteen years later, and that GE wave is all but dried up. Sabic (nee GE Plastics) will be shutting down HQ on Plastics Avenue, taking 300 of the best jobs with it. So you see, it is not I who created the division. I am, however, the one to identify it clearly for everyone to see (those who have eyes, that is, and aren’t afraid to look). I applaud your interest in the theater, but when you were young and broke, Berkshire Public Theater would let you in for $5 or even free. What you fail to grasp (probably because it’s too painful and stressful to face for a young man having to support a family in Pittsfield) is that being a HAVE NOT back then was far different from being one today. There were virtually no Have Nots back in the day. Don’t confuse being young and broke then (a description that could apply to nearly all young people of student age back then) with being a Have Not today.
Very well said, Mr. Valenti.
For any of these Sabic employees who are fortunate to relocate, it will be the pot at the end of their rainbow. Their ticket out of Pittsfield. Unfortunately, it will be cause and effect for Pittsfield, with them taking significant others, and kids in school.
Precisely Dan. The young and broke are certainly not attending shows at BTG. To me, this so called renaissance looks an awful lot like gentrification. The Haves took advantage of low property values, tax breaks and public funding to ‘develop’ North Street into a place where only they can afford to shop, live and eat. They’ve pushed it all the way to the corners of Maplewood and Linden but they’re not finished. White Terrace is up for development into a high rent complex…and, my oh my, now that Tyler Street has been thoroughly depleted it is ripe for the picking. Errr…I mean revitalization and redevelopment. Pay no mind to the displaced.
and yet they all seem to have an iPhone
Right. And drive new cadillacs. And buy steak and lobster with their food stamps. Who’s the bigger stereotype Mr. Ward?
BTG has volunteer opportunities. You get to see the show for free. Last time I checked Barrington Stage had “preview” shows for $15. It’s accessible if you have an interest is all I’m saying.
Oh sorry. I thought you were saying that there were *not* three classes. But then you said you were once a have not but went to theater while today’s have nots limit themselves to tractor pulls. I like to think I’m a smart girl but maybe I read that wrong?
15$ is a lot of money when you’re part of a family. Even a small family of three would be looking at a fifty dollar bill and that doesn’t include dinner: heck, that’s a significant part of a weeks grocery budget!
I’m pretty sure you misunderstood me and I have no reason to fight with you. I disagree with the commonly held belief that BTG and BS are “not for the poor” and I gave an example of how people could access them for free if they had an interest.
You seem to have lost sight of what *your* own argument began as but that’s okay. I don’t wanna fight either; we can be friends!
After my little family and I finish volunteering down on Linden Street, we’ll sashay on up to Eat on North. We’ll press our noses up against the glass and wave while you enjoy your 18$ hash and eggs. Yay renaissance!
Mike – you were never young and broke -you were never a Have Not – you grew up in a family that vacationed on the Cape – please be fair to your parents that afforded you every opportunity – you were never poor nor was your family and aren’t now – please be truthful and don’t throw the people who raised you under the bus
Dan understood my meaning. I’m not going to provide a special explanation for you.
Oh good, as long as Dan understands it and knows that you were once a Have Not.
300 jobs will be lost because of Sabic……yet with all these families possibly leaving Pittsfield, the new Taconic still goes on.
Where are they going to get kids to fill this school?
And what will this do to our housing market?
Hope these questions will be asked tonight…..but they won’t!
The debate does not seem to be on TV. Anyone know what channel, what time , what day?
My understanding is that the debate is being taped for later broadcast.
The Sabic announcement has just secured my vote for Tyer. At least she will be a full-time mayor. Let’s see, on Mayor Bianchi’s watch we’ve had increased crime, increased spending, decrease in road maintenance (until the last flurry of paving and now the fence in front of PHS – ever since our Mayor decided to run for re-election!)…..the list goes on and on. Time to also vote out Tricia F-B when she comes up for re-election for her huge role in this new school fiasco, and vote out any city council incumbents for their role in spending the city into a hole! The loss of Sabic will have a huge impact on our community with families moving out of the area, which means a big impact on our taxes and property values. Apparently the “new Taconic” couldn’t keep this company in business in Pittsfield – so much for the school being an “economic engine.” The train is pulling out of the station folks!
The last train left this station a very long time ago.
Some GOB even got the contract to demolish Union Station, Pittsfield’s brick and marble, Beaux Arts style railroad station, built 1914. The destruction of Union Station was a major architectural loss to the City, as this structure truly could have been the focal point for real Berkshire Renaissance.
SEE: Photo, Pittsfield Union Station
Why are we finding out about Sabic on this site through a link?
Was the Eagle asleep again? Did Lockdown know and was hoping we would not hear about it until after the election? Is that part of the Renaissance? So sad because they just fixed up the duck pond behind the building.
The Beagle had this one today, diversify yourself
Looks like Chuck won’t be going to the debate.
Be careful what you wish for Gigi. One thing is for certain, taxes are going to go up.
Couldn’t find the debate on tv tonight. Anyone know why?
Maybe if the new High School has Arts program where I could learn the acting trade, maybe I’ll go back to school, move over Liz Banks. Hey, I could get a job in between gigs at Barrington Stage and sell pop corn on the side. On another note, now that Sabic is leaving, isn’t or wasn’t this Plastic World Headquarters (Pittsfield). I think G E and anything related to G E has had it with it’s P C B legacy nightmare and are ready to fold all operations.
Is the debate Pay Per View Dan? Maz is probably charging 500 a head to get in.
I just came home from the debate…. I am absolutely disgusted with Mayor Bianchi’s lack of integrity and common sense. It is nothing but sheer stupidity and unethical on his part to discuss officer Linehan’s lawsuit in a public forum. But the moron goes ahead to degrade and belittle Linehan further. No wonder he is being sued!!!!
Planet created a monster when he gave Mike the Orbit award. Personally I though Dave or joe tax should have won it. Anyway to Corey, who I respect as he and his wife Tammy put a real name on here. i believe Bianchi was answering a question. asn’t it Tyer who left her Council seat vacant? You say Ruberto had integrity along with Massimiano, Ange and all the rest, then vote for the Tyer. Didn’t Tammy say Tyer didn’t want to be associated with you guys?
If saying anything other than ‘no comment’ he should not of ridiculed that officer. Not the time or place for that. None of the above mentioned names have integrity! I have no arguement there what so ever. We endorse neither Bianchi or Tyer… we have no horse in this race period. We know that Ruberto is Tyer’s backer and I have zero respect for him.
Funny how he is now talking about Linehan, but when the Monterosso mess surfaced he was reluctant to talk about personnel issues.
I’m taking Mazzeo and Nichols bullet vote.
Point taken Corey. I have to laugh at Mike’s comment about Ruberto. Just one question, what did Jimmy Ruberto do for the average taxpayer. Just one please? Other than raise taxes.
Patrons entering 100 North have to be scared to death before entering that beautiful building. bet they Donmt come back.
There’s no overstating the negative impact of the Sabic announcement. Planet has it first.
Where was the Eagle and other media? Where was the mayor, councilors, state legislators? Did they know, did they try to mediate? Why didn’t they tell us?
I have to give it to the Planet, didn’t see anything in the press until mid afternoon. Planet had a post last night on a big announcement. Devastating news for a lot of people.
A lot of residents received a mailing from the Tyer campaign today. On it Mike Ward mentions Tyer’s accomplishments, but he failed to list any. I heard she once saved $73.06 from her grocery bill by clipping coupons and she has a weed free garden and lawn. Is that about it Mr. Ward?
She was the first to propose that the city save millions my switching to the GIC insurance. She uncovered a theft of money within city hall that others failed to prosecute. Did you really think I didn’t have answers?
Being the first to propose anything isn’t an accomplishment. Good for her on the missing money thing but isn’t that like finding that your car has been stolen and calling that an accomplishment and putting it on your resume?
It was actually quite a bit different than looking out your window and seeing that your car is missing. Re-read the story.
and bianchi got us off it and saved even more
Really? You better check that even deeper.
It didn’t save those on it,that’s why he did it like he did,instead of doing it above board
She’ll be a puppet just like all the other puppets. She has supporters that say ‘I’d like to give more..concerning the school budget. Another of her supporters said ‘ it was one of the easiest vote I’ve taking ever, on my tenure of the city council, concerning the affirmative vote on the new school. Other quotes, ‘ I’m a progressive (Tyer said that one)’ another supporter Former Mayor Ruberto ‘ I have a Rolodex and will use it…concerning jobs’ another supporter..tell em ANge sent you’ former councilor Stracuzzi, there are several more, many more, but I got distracted watching a U S C Cheerleader.
I received Tyler’s post card today. I just want to say: Linda there is a new invention called Tooth Paste. Man you got some chocolate chips!
Drop the ball a few times? Are you kidding me?basic maintenance of streets and building is non existent,just look at the streets.He put in department heads that showed they were clueless and no heads rolled.i have lived here my whole life’s do never seen the city roads look like a third world country.He works with nobody but those in his little click.He was usually the only no vote against revitalization,Colonial,Ballpark ect…. Must I go on.Dan thought it was more important to give himself a raise and spend six figures to put a floor you can’t walk on when it’s wet. I guess we need more of that fiscal management,Bianchi is always blaming it on everyone else,look at his whole career and read what he has said.He a finger pointer and the farthest thing from a leader.I never hear him own anything and he’s been in office 3 plus years.
He gone around cutting ribbons and appointing people to boards .It doesn’t take a leader to raise taxes it takes one to cut spending and on that Dan has been a failure.
I especially like your last paragraph. So true and their are NO true leaders in this political morass. Certainly not Bianchi or the Tyer machine. They want to be elected for all the wrong reasons, none of which involve making life better for the middle class.