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ED NOTE: Let THE PLANET be the first to report that Rick Scapin, who lost by 13 votes to Donna Todd Rivers in Ward 5, was at city hall today informing the clerk’s office that he will seek a recount. Recounts almost never overturn outcomes. Any votes in question tend to cancel out each other, since the winner and loser stand an equal chance of benefitting or not from changed ballots. Nonetheless, it is Scapin’s right to contest the outcome. Let THE PLANET be the first to report, though, that the effort will not change the outcome. How do we know this? By employing our rarely used X-ray vision (not to be confused with the X-Ray Specs advertised in the comic book of old).

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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4, 2015) — THE PLANET shall momentarily save the congratulations (for The Lovely Linda) and condolences (for Mayor Lockdown) to get one thing out. The most significant number from Election Day was 39%. That was the estimated percentage of the electorate who cast a vote for mayor. In other words, We The People spoke, and their verdict came with the distressingly usual asterisk — the total fell short of a 50% + 1 mandate.

Linda Tyer won 60% of the vote to Dan Bianchi‘s 40%. Unofficial totals added up to 6,664 for Tyer (59.63%) to 4,512 for Bianchi (40.37%). The victory will be Tyer’s to enjoy for a while, to the end of her term as city clerk until the January inauguration. Then, her six-month “honeymoon” period begins. The first six months usually reveal all. The new mayor operates until June 30 under the outgoing mayor’s budget. In the meantime, she prepares her own. With the FY17 budget hearings, we shall have the first substantive evidentiary aspects of the Tyer Administration. Higher taxes? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss? We shall see.

Giving the Mayor a Wood Shampoo

Tyer’s first problem shall be to (pick one) unite, placate, mollify, avoid or foil the 40% who did not want her to win (not including those who did not vote). These are the mayor’s “usual suspects.” They will be hiding behind trees, with the less honorable under rocks. Tyer will have to avoid being guaccionn’ed. (pronounced “gwa . key . owned“). That verb, of uncertain origin, is thought to be derived from the residue of the poisoned plant obnoxious politicus. The book Daniel’s Dictionary has this definition: “to harm by sacrificing one’s credibility for expected future considerations.”

At 60-40, Tyer took Bianchi out back and administered an old-fashioned wood shampoo.  THE PLANET‘s internal polling — a mysterious blend of precinct visits, direct observations, and reports from spies and Z-Agents — nailed the outcome to within 1 percentage point. We did not post the winner of this race Friday to avoid post-election claims from the losing side that THE PLANET “did us in.”

Keep Talking to Us — Or Lose

Fact is, Bianchi sealed his fate in in July 2012 when he stopped communication with THE PLANET after we revealed the inconvenient truth of how his city solicitor blew the court case against Spectrum — you know, the “Methadone R Us” company that Jimmy Ruberto successfully fought to keep off of North Street. THE PLANET went with the evidence, but the mayor took it personally and sealed a fate that came due yesterday with his landslide loss.

He failed to learn the hard lesson Sara Hathaway got down pat after she lost in Hathaway-Ruberto II. In her one and only term, she took our slings and arrows personally and cut the cord of communication. Bad move. At the time, THE PLANET was columnist for both The Boring Broadsheet and The Pittsfield Gazette, and we hosted a daily, drive-time talk show on WBRK. We had the Bully Pulpit, and we used it. Hathaway lost. Ed Reilly and Gerry Doyle before her did the same thing. Their thin skins took our reasoned criticisms personally. They both lost.

The only mayor who “manned up” when we lowered the boom was Ruberto. THE PLANET roasted him as well as anyone, but he accepted our invitation for continuous dialogue. He won four terms.

This brings us to Tyer. Today, our combined audience from cyberspace and television is more than it’s ever been locally. People look to THE PLANET for the unadorned truth. We are, without question, the most trusted and influential media source in the county. Our numbers prove it.

After the Debate, an Exchange and a Promise

After her debate on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION Thursday night, we asked Tyer a question in the presence of her kitchen cabinet.

THE PLANET: “After you win on Tuesday, what are you going to do the first time my coverage pisses you off? You gonna stop talking to me?” (GENERAL LAUGHTER).

TYER (in paraphrase): “No. Your criticism will make me better.”

THE PLANET: “Then you will always engage me and keep the dialogue going.”

TYER: “Yes. That is my pledge”

If she holds true to her word, Tyer will have the best chance to negotiate her way across the mine-strewn path of what is public office in Pittsfield.

Congratulations and godspeed, Linda Tyer.


“When I announced my candidacy, I promised our city residents that I would restore their faith in municipal government and, as Pittsfield’s next mayor, that is exactly what I intend to do.”Linda Tyer, Nov. 3, 2015.




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Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Bianchi was a lazy incumbent. Dude is now out to pasture with JB3. And Tammy Ives learned a lesson.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

The only lesson I learned is that most of the ward is used to eating sh*t politely and enjoy the taste. The 189 know that she is an incompetent individual and she has the next two years and perhaps beyond to show what I have known for the last two. She may have won the battle but definitely not the war, and I am not going away. I have bigger fish to fry at this point.

Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

Tammy, it’s posts like this that helped you get creamed yesterday. These posts show a total lack of professionalism and class. Also, if you want to win an election, following the Gaetani formula for winning – spending no money. offending people, and using this blog to run your campaign HQ – is a sure fire way to lose and keep losing.
You ran a poor campaign, you deservedly lost, face it. My advice if you decide to lose, er I mean run again? Distance yourself from Gaetani, raise some money, and take some courses in interpersonal communication.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
Reply to  SOL
9 years ago

Creamed? I think not. It is people like you that make me glad I lost. Here is the deal I am Tammy Ives and you are? Oh yeah someone who talks crap under a fake name. First off don’t tell me what I spent. Just because I didn’t want to befriend old Jimmy Roberto or bow down to Bianchi that is why I lost because I chose not to sleep my way to the top. In true Gaetani fashion you should of done your research.
I will never run again and not because I lost it’s because I can do much better things without being attached to a sinking ship that is Pittsfield.
My campaign hq lol! Common sense isn’t your strong suit huh? Perhaps your thinking of someone else SOL. or should I call you sh*it out of Luck. Professionalism? Show me one elected official here that has that and I will show you gold at the end of the rainbow.

Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

Tammy, once again your childish, unprofessional posts show that you were never qualified to represent Ward 1, or anyone at all for that matter. I’d also recommend anger management classes too. BTW, you lost 1,155 to 189. That is being creamed by anyone’s definition, except yours I guess. You are just a sore loser.

Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

Tammy, very sorry that you lost the election. I hope Lisa will at the very least learn to speak up at council meetings instead of not uttering a word. Of course I forgot, this is why she was elected. She does the bidding of the rest of the councilors. She goes along to get along. I guess this is what the others here refer to as interpersonal communication.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

I wish I had time to banter Sh*t but I don’t. Any way thanks for your opinion even though no one asked.Your not qualified to even utter my name, but your just a washed up little person that wants to degrade people by making yourself feel better. You need help and your nothing but a bully and a scared one at that. Tough Guy

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

I don’t know Mrs. Ives past what I read in the paper or what I see on this website. She avoids articulating the issues facing her ward effectively and instead made very personal, and very negative statements about current elected officials. The issues that she offensively discusses matter to her individually and makes casual observers unsympathetic.

9 years ago

39% of registered voters is pretty good considering voters knew their fate was sealed either way.

But I would love to know what percentage of the voters were over 50 years of age. I did not see one youthful person while I was anywhere near my voting site. Any way to find out? It always seems this way.

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

I’ve always thought that going to the polls was like a trip to the nursing home to visit someone.

Downtown Dweller
Downtown Dweller
Reply to  Sean
9 years ago

At least they cared enough to actually get out and vote.

9 years ago

Congratulations to Linda Tyer. A Sweep confirms Mr. Bianchi ‘s job performance, as a need for change New Energy, hard work, perserverance, and inclusiveness is a beginning.

9 years ago

Congratulations Ms. Tyer, please don’t dissapoint..

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

Tea Leaves were pretty much glaring at us ! Congratulations

9 years ago

Time will tell if the right decision was made. 210 total write-ins between all unknown write in candidates.

Still Wondering
Still Wondering
9 years ago

4 years is a very long time. It will be great that we won’t have to listen to the nuts in a mayoral race debate and even better letting the courts deal with their crazy deeds.
But, in 4 years I’m sure that the 2d Street bridge will produce yet another Kook to run.

downtown dweller
downtown dweller
Reply to  Still Wondering
9 years ago

Ok, I’m lost. What does the 2nd St. bridge have to do with getting
someone to run for office?

Payroll Patriot
Payroll Patriot
9 years ago

Now that we have a new first lady in the corner office, will it have to be redecorated again?

Reply to  Payroll Patriot
9 years ago

Who is the city’s First Gentleman ? Barry ?

Reply to  Payroll Patriot
9 years ago

Fumigated at least.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
9 years ago

Payroll, that’s the only thing that’s likely to change.

9 years ago


Reply to  giacometti
9 years ago

“Serve” being the key word there. Even the Berkshire Eagle who wanted both Tyer and Alcombright to win has admitted that both Pittsfield and North Adams face “severe” problems. When the BB doesn’t put a “happy face” on issues, you know the problems are even ten times worse than they are admitting. So when they say the problems are “severe”, the reality is that the problems are so bad that serious steps need to be taken to keep Pittsfield and North Adams from going under. Lack of jobs, too many people living in poverty, too much money going where it shouldn’t be going (the schools), and crime. These are the serious issues facing these two cities.

9 years ago

Congratulations to the lovely Linda.

For her to beat and beat badly Mayor lockdown with 10 years experience on the city council, 4 years as Mayor, all that “executive” experience, is saying something.

Let’s hope she brings the struggling taxpayers of Pittsfield some relief.

Maybe now at least her former coworkers at city hall will get the new carpet Mayor lockdown failed to provide.

As city clerk, she ran that office like a well oiled machine. A better city clerk, there cannot be.

Pittsfield’s first 4 year mayor. The Nixonian tyranical rein of Mayor lockdown is over.

Make us proud Linda.

Billy Zorn
Billy Zorn
Reply to  poorboy
9 years ago

Property taxes will be the key for Tyer in the next 4 years. Of course the council will also be held accountable. I know many seniors who are financially strapped and can’t afford much higher property taxes. Factor in the water and sewer rates(which always seem to climb)and Tyer may not have much of a honeymoon.

9 years ago

All the same school committee people were elected back in especially the ones who are the biggest cheerleaders for getting more money for the salaries of school personnel. Hold onto your wallets taxpayers as it’s going to be a bumpy ride!

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Yes, a worse case scenario there. Since there was a gun found at Herberg maybe they would like to tear the school down and build another one in its place. A good a reason as any I’d say.

9 years ago

So one of the worst mayors in Pittsfield history has been shown the door. Congrats to Tyer, but I really don’t think much will change around here. Taxes and spending will keep going up, right to the extraordinary level.

Billy Zorn
Billy Zorn
Reply to  SOL
9 years ago

I think you’re right Sol. That’s why the people who can will move out of the area.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
9 years ago

Thank you so much. For all the kind words. I hope for your sake as well as others that she steps up to bat for ward 1. Perhaps playing the fence for her was a safe bet. I thank the people that voted for me and I sincerely mean that and I wish all of you luck and don’t forget keep putting pressure on this local city government for change.

Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

You’re very welcome. Maybe without Bianchi in charge, Lisa will be a more effective councilor and make better decisions.
I hope so for the sake of Ward 1 and for the city!!!

9 years ago

get your wallets out people – downtown will the most beautiful crack den in the northeast – 4 years form now, millions wasted, no new jobs and the promise of change shall be the mantra of a new moron.

9 years ago

Here’s what I learned:
…Bianchi blew this election as DV says after he hid from him
…Sure formula to lose; spend no money, attack people, show anger and lack of professionalism
…Try to use Planet as your campaign hq… be a hothead
..Listen to no one especially those giving you good advice
Now as for the real election please Linda Tyer do what you said but remember there are many good middle-class citiens who can’t afford another dime in taxes.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  Evian
9 years ago

Please remind us what Tyer said she would do?

9 years ago

“citizens” (sorry)

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
9 years ago

OK all you Linda Land Slide fans. Tell us how Pittsfield will be better off. How will life improve for the average tax payer?

Reply to  Juan Pittsfield
9 years ago

More simple accounting since you’ll just sign your paycheck over to city, and you won’t have to worry about property maintenance after the city takes your home

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

She’ll borrow Jimmy’s Rolodex.

Tammy Ives
Tammy Ives
9 years ago

Shakes your right you don’t know me and I have attacked people sitting on the council as they have attacked me and I don’t have regrets nor do I ask nor want anyone’s sympathy. I don’t talk about things I don’t know and I suggest people do the same. I know for a fact that some elected officials slept their way to where they are and you know if I had done that it would be the news at 10. As far as spending money. Look at Kathy Lloyd and Mike merriam they did now what. Stick to what you know and stop attacking me. The truth will come out eventually.If your offended don’t read it that is what free speech means.

Reply to  Tammy Ives
9 years ago

Jeez give it up already. You were trounced 10 to 1. The only ones who attacked you were the voters.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  Hackett
9 years ago

Pay attention and follow along there Hackett. There is a laundry list of wrongdoings bestowed upon us by the pittsfield govt which has made us bitter. It easy to side bully though isn’t it. But you all made your bed now lay in it. But i for one will not lay down.

Reply to  Corey Ives
9 years ago

There’s no bullying going on here. When someone insults their ward because they lost, people are going to respond. And if you and your wife are bitter, it’s because you choose to be so. You and you alone are responsible for your emotional state. I know, nothing is ever your fault, it’s always someone else’s.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  SOL
9 years ago

We are no victim by any means. What we want people to at least give half the sh*t we do. Never did i claim the faceless names on here bully us. Its the corrupt city officials that have us irate with their misuse of their titles. The only grudge for the ward goes city-wide for not standing up for themselves. Some day I can only dream this town will wake up.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
9 years ago

As far as the City Council and School Committee go Pittsfield is by and large doomed. The only bright spots being Rivers and Marchetti. Marchetti has been around the CC for a while. I hope he can show sane leadership. I have great hopes for Rivers as well. She seems to be independent minded and honest.

Maybe if Mazzeo ceases to be Council President she’ll return to her former self. White and Amusso? Good luck to us with these two. They’ll tax Pittsfield back to the stone age.

The returning ward councilors are a poor group headed by Simonelli, who was vice principal of 20 years but never noticed or said anything about the poor way THS was being maintained.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
9 years ago

It is quite evident that city of Pittsfield is itself a flip flop. The voters complain of how poorly the city is being run yet you vote in incumbents and retreads(Todd Rivers the only smart choice). So why sit back and b*tch one might ask? Once again the voting population is made up primarily of hacks who just like to hear themselves b*tch. So Pittsfield get the grease out and bend over and prepare to be screwed just the way you all like it!!!

My wife tried to make a difference!!! Can any of you say the same for yourselves???

The Pragmatist
The Pragmatist
Reply to  Corey Ives
9 years ago

I love every minute of this. I said to someone last night lets watch the Ives meltdown begin. You guys showed up big time. (On the meltdown not the election)

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  The Pragmatist
9 years ago

I bet if the Ives had a testimonial from a neighbor about how they didn’t get along with them but worked together to find a solution that fit everyone’s concerns and their own needs, they may have gotten more than 15% of the vote.

You have to be able to connect with voters about what voters are concerned with: crime, jobs, and school performance.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

We tried the neighborly thing much prior… it was supposedly solved… once we let our guard down here came physical threats on my kids by grown adults and other such things.. tully ate up their lies and here we are… i dont know abou t you but i dont take my kids lives being threatened lightly.

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  The Pragmatist
9 years ago

Glad to make your day buddy… I find it as funny as you do. The worst has already come to us. Whats funny is whats in store for the rest of the city. I do hope i’m wrong but probably not.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

The lovely Linda Tyer was the Good Old Boys candidate. All her victory means is that the G.O.B.’s still rule Pittsfield politics. They have destroyed Pittsfield for the past 40 years, and now we are on the 5th decade of G.O.B. Pittsfield politics.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

This is the most stacked council since the Doyle debacle. Linda will need only wave her magic wand and they will vote her every wish. Marchetti will be the new overlord and will make sure any rouge comments are kept to a minimum.

Keep in mind that should Linda Tyer falter Marchetti as council president will step into the position of mayor. And maybe, just maybe, it was drawn up that way.

9 years ago

So sad that Kathy Lloyd lost in Ward 7. I thought she would win for sure.

Kathy Lloyd
Kathy Lloyd
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Thanks! I’m a little sad too, but proud of my work. I hold my head high and will continue to do what I have been doing. I love living here.
I’m so grateful for the experience and delighted at the support I’ve received.

Deb S
Deb S
Reply to  Kathy Lloyd
9 years ago

Come back and run for at large Kathy! I will vote for you if you decide to run again and I believe many others will too!

The Pragmatist
The Pragmatist
9 years ago

Lets think about the next fun election. Council President. Bianchi team is still stacked on the council so it looks like Mazzeo should retain her position.

Reply to  The Pragmatist
9 years ago

From what I heard Marchetti already accepted the presidency

9 years ago

Pittsfield your going to get what you deserve, more tax and spend. Any candidate that talked about change and tightening our belts lost.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
9 years ago

I rarely agree with Jonathon Melle but have to agree on his post. More days on the G.O.B. and now girls in Pittsfield

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
9 years ago

The write in count I got from city hall was 90 total. Arlos told me years ago when he lost it was just an election they have them ever year. Thanks to all it keeps the system oiled never stop being involved in some manner or fashion.

Thomas More
Thomas More
9 years ago

Time to apply Planet math that was used on Bianchi two years ago. 28000 registered voters. 16,000 did not vote. 4500 voted for Bianchi. Therefore, 21,500 registered voters did not vote for Tyre.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

I have often wondered how many of those “registered voters” are really here anymore or still alive. When some of my neighbors passed away, I saw there names on the rolls for several election cycles. Also, I think the snowbirds have already left, so unless they did an absentee ballot, they are probably not worried about counting them in. Just curious.

9 years ago

I’m curious why Douglas Bakers name was still on the school committee line up. He dropped out awhile ago, yet many low information voters still chose him. Those 1,000+ votes could have served Moiseff and especially Frieri well. Disgrace. More rubber stamping and yes men.

9 years ago

So now Linda can put her 5 year plan to fix the police department in motion during her 4 year term. I see the headline now…”City council votes unanimously to a charter change granting Linda Tyer a 5th year”.

9 years ago

Thomas Moore u r corrent – 24% support for Tyer – DV was all over this 4 years ago –

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Does anybody realize that this is exactly why Bianchi ran unopposed two years ago? The other camp let him take the heat for dealing with some crappy situations and do all the legwork for the new City Charter and the new high school. it was two sides of the same coin. Honestly, great political strategy by the Tyer camp. Now they have a Mayor with a 4 year term.

9 years ago

Takky er Tammy Ives,
The fact that you have used the word S*** several times in your tirades shows how lucky we are that you got smoked in the election.

Reply to  BES
9 years ago

Does anyone know why the word s*** is even considered vulgar when poop, crap, doo doo, stools and caca mean the same thing and are except able?

Seriously…..isn’t it about time this word was given a pardon?

Luthor Rex
Luthor Rex
9 years ago

The worst part of yesterday were the six incumbents on the school committee getting back in. This result was no endorsement from voters. It was a sign of “giving up” by all those too disgusted to vote these degenerates out of office.

Reply to  Luthor Rex
9 years ago

I totally agree.

Luthor Rex
Luthor Rex
9 years ago

When I say degenerates don’t get all over me. They have taken a bad school situation and over two years made it worse. Thats the degeneration Im talking about…

Reply to  Luthor Rex
9 years ago

What did anyone expect. Does anyone actually pay attention to the words out of Pam Farron’s mouth? I’d like to throw a dart at her just to watch her deflate. Riello has zero business on there and Cutler is on there because it’s a stepping stone into a higher office.

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

I think Peter Marchetti will be the next council president for three reasons: 1) he is at-large 2) he got more votes than anyone else and 3) most councillors will see Peter working more smoothly with the mayor which can only benefit the city. This assumes he wants the job.

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

As stated above, word is he was approached last night and accepted

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

2) You mean help rubber stamp the Mayor’s proposals.

Mr. X
Mr. X
9 years ago

Chucky…Mrs. Mazzeo will retain her throne…her votes will be herself, Tully, Morandi, Amuso, Connell, White and Simonelli

Reply to  Mr. X
9 years ago

Not a chance Lol

Reply to  Mr. X
9 years ago

Don’t think so, Mr. X. Mr. Marchetti’s outstanding numbers should automatically place him as the apparent CC president. And I can see those members that you mentioned falling right in line and supporting him.

But we shall see.

Rocky Creed
Rocky Creed
9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


Ed Check
Ed Check
9 years ago

I was chatting with a friend yesterday about the remodeling in the old Crane & Co warehouse on Dalton Ave across from Old Country Buffet. I was told this was being fixed up as a new methadone clinic. Did I miss the Berkshire Buzzard’s coverage on this? Does this mean the city will get a refund of the settlement? Or was that to a different vendor. Can anyone confirm this story? Thanks in advance.

Ed Shepardson
Ed Shepardson
Reply to  Ed Check
9 years ago

Clinic is on Columbus Ave.

Reply to  Ed Shepardson
9 years ago

Summer St, above Nautilus

Reply to  Ed Check
9 years ago

Medexpress is taking up most of the building. They will be a 12 hr 7 days a week medical walk in clinic. Not a bad thing, get some tax money and relieve some of the congestion in the ER.

Juan Pittsfield
Juan Pittsfield
Reply to  Ed Check
9 years ago

It’s a Preparation H® clinic for all the sore GOB @$$h0le$ in Pittsfield

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

I’m not certain of who will vote for who, however I do believe that at least six councillors will see that a Tyer/Mazzeo leadership team is unworkable.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

Great Job by the Planet!