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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, NOV. 12, 2015) — One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again but expecting the outcome to change. Pittsfield voters just returned the same school committee to office. If they’re expecting different results, that’s insane.

The same six bureaucrats who negotiated record pay raises for teachers and administrators, continued to ignore the alarming signs of academic deterioration, grabbed $24,000 for themselves, and looked the other way on accountability have been returned to do it for two more years.

During the campaign, PSC candidates said the most irksome things. They skated because no one pays attention to this race. Why should they? The school committee is responsible for wasting 71 cents of every tax dollar the city pick-pockets from Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. It’s strictly Three C: Chumps for Chump Change.

PSC Chair Wants to Hire Dealers and Hookers  

PSC chairwoman Kathy (“These Boots Are Made For Walking”) Yon, for instance, pledge “meaningful, engaging opportunities for our students who are at risk of not graduating.” See? It’s not the young scholar’s fault he or she has skipped school, failed to pay attention, and refused to do homework. It’s your fault, taxpayers, for not providing “meaningful, engaging opportunities.” Yon, of course, never defined what those “opportunities” look like.

Oh yeah, and “These Boots” talked about “recruiting a staff that is more representative of the diversity of our population.” You know, and THE PLANET knows, she’s speaking in code. Good lord. A “more representative” staff would include drug dealers, addicts, gang members, pimp, hookers, and other assorted children of the night.

Off the Chartered Course

“These Boots,” a sworn enemy of charter schools, was joined in the campaign by another board member whose Slinky also is a tad kinked. Cindy Taylor, referring to Gov. Baker’s measure asking legislators to lift the cap on charter schools, said “for Pittsfield, the timing couldn’t be worse.” Charter schools, you see, consistently outperform the standard public school model and for less money. Charter schools free staff of bureaucratic red tape and the iron-fisted teachers’ union rule. No wonder the PSC doesn’t like them.

And what did the other PSC Profiles in Courage have to say? Here’s more sampling.

Pam Farron talked of her “commitment to collaborative leadership,” whatever that means. Farron did inform us that Pittsfield has “a fully functioning, highly productive school committee that knows how to build consensus on issues so that forward progress can be made.” As opposed to “reverse progress,” we suppose. And you thought dirt was dumb.

Josh Cutler, whose ambitions have proven taller than his aptness, spoke of “the great things we are accomplishing in the Pittsfield public schools. Over the past two years, we have passed critical policies, advanced important projects, and passed [GET THIS!!] responsible, balanced budgets.” Cutler failed to provide examples of the “great things.” He must have been speaking of loaded guns in middle school and the like. Young Josh: Two years later and still trying too hard for a place at the adult’s table.

Tony Riello, who collects a handsome pension courtesy for his many years feeding in the public trough, told us his wife is a retired elementary school teacher and his daughter teaches in the Pittsfield school system. Man, that’s what we call “focus.”

Only Dan Elias had the stones to admit to serious “areas of concern” that the PSC failed to address. Unlike the dreaded others, Elias gave examples. He mentioned bullying, loss of students to school choice, absentee parents, and other problems.

Despite a grade of “F,” the Same Sibilant Six got back in.

That, dear friends, is insanity.


“Not a word between us was spoken. No the silence never was broken.” — Frankie Laine, “The 3:10 to Yuma,” from the album Hell Bent for Leather, (1962).



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Each and every year, Pittsfield politics raises municipal taxes by about 5 percent, which is double the Proposition 2.5 limit. Once Pittsfield politics reaches it levy limit, Pittsfield politics will have to ask voters for an override to raise taxes by 5 percent yearly in the future. Pittsfield politics’ public school system takes about 4 percent of the yearly tax hike, while the city side takes about a one percent yearly increase. It has always been like this for at least 3 decades.
The sad part of Pittsfield politics 5 percent tax increases is that the average working stiff is losing his wages to lack of pay raises, diminished working hours, higher healthcare insurance costs, and other areas of inflation. The average wage earner in Pittsfield cannot afford Pittsfield politics 5 percent tax hikes!
The truth is that Pittsfield politics does not give a care about the plight of the working people, elderly, and have nots that make up a majority of Pittsfield’s population.
Pittsfield’s public school system is among the worst performing school districts in the state and nation. Over 650 students choice out of Pittsfield public schools each year.
When the financing for the new Taconic High School kicks in, Pittsfield politics’ municipal taxes will be at an all time record high. Municipal taxes will increase by way over 5 percent per year!
Pittsfield politics in on the road to financial insolvency and future bankruptcy! Pittsfield politics’ finances are unsustainable.
On top of it all, Sabic is moving out of Pittsfield, and over 300 living wage jobs will be lost in Pittsfield in 2016.
I feel bad for the lovely Linda Tyer because she will inherit all of this in less than 2 months from now.

9 years ago

Perhaps a question to be asked of school committee members is why so many people who work for the Pittsfield school system send their own children OUT of the system? If the system is so wonderful why do the people with first hand knowledge of it, who see it in action every day, want their own kids as far away as possible?

What was that about the Lorax?

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

Dusty, Discreet Cat and Nota. Mr. Gaetani views this blog frequently and I heard him say you people were some of the few on this site who consistently supported his ideas and plans for the city. IF he could find out who you are, he would like to invite you for a world class fishing trip on lake Ontario aboard his charter boat. 3 days, lodging and meals in the airstream. King Salmon..Guaranteed ..25-40lb range. A trip you will never forget.

Reply to  Concerned
9 years ago

Sounds great but my health precludes me from going too far in any direction.

NO More Bianchi
NO More Bianchi
Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

Ward 2 Councillor Kevin Morandi sends his son to Lee schools. His wife is a city substitute teacher in Pittsfield. How’s that!!!

9 years ago

“If you like your school committee, you can keep it. Period!”.
– Ticktock Insane Omomma

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Probably the most apropos meaning to this piece was when Councilor and State Rep Farley Bouvier was sending her kids out of the District. The Numb And Apathetic Voter applys strongly here.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

She has needs for her children that she felt were better met somewhere else. I’m impressed that she made a decision not based on politics, but to be the best parent she could be.

9 years ago

Bunch of Police flew by my car, something’s going on?

Reply to  AlaskanBushClowns
9 years ago

Have they got them new jet packs?

Corey Ives
Corey Ives
Reply to  AlaskanBushClowns
9 years ago

seven cruisers on stoddard between pine and pleasure right now

9 years ago

I thought the recount was in Ward five?

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

Dan most of the voters believe we should give our children the best education possible even if it means “investing” more than the 71 cents per tax dollar that you mentioned. On the other hand, most taxpayers see the school budget for what it is: BLOATED and a drag on municipal progress.
Unfortunately voters and taxpayers are not the same people. Voters call the shots. Taxpayers pay the bills.

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
9 years ago

Sometimes the voters don’t have a say Cheshire voted for cuts to school budget. The teacher’s union would have none of that. They re- voted, and got there way. Pittsfield 125 million dollar school, no vote for you!

9 years ago

Hey Dan, studies of charter school performance vs. public schools tend to disprove your assertion of charter schools that “consistently outperform public schools.” Other than Rand Corp studies, and they have skin in the game, most other studies are at best luke warm on relative charter school performance. Stanford has probably the most definitive look and determined that 29% outperformed public schools in math, while 31% performed significantly worse. 40% showed no relevant differences.

Huge performance advantages by charter schools over their public counterparts are mostly a myth perpetrated by the (conservative) corporate entities looking to make a LOT of money from privatization. While I agree that Unions are in great part culpable for the mess of todays education system in many places, the insurance industry is ultimately what drives budget! Privatization is NOT the answer. Getting insurance costs under control and dialing back, or getting buy in from the unions on real collaboration is a start. Even that takes substantial political will, but it’s absolutely necessary for everyone’s survival and benefit.

Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

Does the Stanford study mention which of the schools, public or private, tend to have less gang bangers and discipline problems?

Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

U.S. news ranks high schools in Massachusetts. Here is the link.

The charter school in Adams is #7, Lenox Memorial High Is #47. Pittsfield High and Taconic were way down on the list. Both were below or near state averages in most categories even though they had smaller class size.

Reply to  acheshirecat
9 years ago

Sorry Acheshirecat, you mis-read, PHS and Taconic were unrate-able!

Reply to  acheshirecat
9 years ago

But there is good news for Pittsfield schools. And that is that not EVERY kid has left yet. Many of them are as yet unaware it is an option but if they ever find out there will be a mass exodus.

But no matter how many leave we will not be closing any schools or making any budget cuts. Them s the rules in Pittsfield. Porky Pig is not to be touched under any circumstances and the people who control it are there to make sure it continues to grow.

Reply to  dusty
9 years ago

Feed the Pig! Really think it’s time for the entire Pittsfield public school system to go under a microscope. They can not be trusted.

Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

You can talk number’s all you want. Not disputing them. All I know is BART school is providing a fantastic alternative for students that don’t fit in or are looking for a school that is not all about sports. Why would Pittsfield school committee vote against expanding charter school’s. I thought they were all about the children. What is wrong with giving choucesfamilies choices

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

The unions are EXTREMELY anti- charter because they are usually not unionized. As I said above, there are some, peobably many charters that exceed the success of public schools. The error comes in thinking they all perform better because they are charter. There are good and bad, exceptional and abominable, just as there are with public schools.

Reply to  MrG8811
9 years ago

What you say is true Mr.G, but we are talking about our schools in our area.

9 years ago

I made sure not to vote for any of the people on the ballot for school committee. I could see they were all the same people who got us into our current mess, but their buddies in the school department voted them all back in.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Did you not notice Frieri or Moiseff? Didn’t anyone actually pay attention to what people said? Note voting is just as bad as voting the imbeciles back

Reply to  LoneGunMan
9 years ago

Don’t blame me. I gave Moiseff a bullet vote!

Reply to  LoneGunMan
9 years ago

Yes they did pay attention. The teacher’s union, the #1 union in US got the word out, do not vote for either.

9 years ago

There were distinctly two candidates who tried to go against the grain, talked up the importance of collaboration with charter schools and wanted to hold more accountability over the teachers, administration, etc.

Those candidates were Salvatore Frieri, a former pittsfield educator, former substitute at BaRT and currently helping turn around the level 5 Holyoke School System as an elementary/middle school principal

The other was Irwin Moiseff who pretty much followed along those lines.

Both got screwed. This city and it’s crappy school system deserve everything that comes to them. Farron and Yon alone need seats on a one way train to La La Land.

Reply to  LoneGunMan
9 years ago

I voted for both.

Deb S
Deb S
Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

So did I spagirl, I didn’t case a vote for others….

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
Reply to  LoneGunMan
9 years ago

No one got screwed. They lost.

9 years ago

Both Moiseff and Frieri should have advertised themselves more because I was not aware of them being any different from the other school members who just want to keep throwing money at the Pittsfield school department. I doubt the BB did much on them since they went against the grain.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Pat, did you not listen to the debate, Moiseff and Frieri lost because of people like you, I bullet voted the two of them, I am shocked, the reason you did not vote for them because the Eagle did not advertised for them. Are you listening to yourself, Pat!

Reply to  Jerry
9 years ago

I accept responsibility for not doing more research on the school committee people. Sorry, but I do not have any faith at all in the BB to provide all the info on the candidates that they should, but obviously I’m the one at fault. I didn’t vote for any of them, but could have bullet voted for Moiseff and Frieri. I’ll know better next time if there is a next time and the city survives until the next election.

9 years ago

If local DPW reads this site, I am wondering how long the steel plate is going to remain on Newell St. Another issue that is unresolved way too long.
Plate Meet Plow!!

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Mr. Collingwood does read this site and he has asked me to invite you to join him deer hunting in the Catskills. Lol

Reply to  urinetown
9 years ago


Reply to  urinetown
9 years ago

Is that where he goes when it snows here?

9 years ago

Mr Valenti…Earlier today I submitted a post asking info from Clairmont. I posted it and shortly after you took it down. Is there something wrong I said? Please post it again and let your commenters decide. Something fishy here. The post had a lot of information Mr. Gaetani wanted to get out to your readers. Please respond.

Reply to  danvalenti
9 years ago

Thanks, Dan.

Theze Boots R
Theze Boots R
9 years ago

We have a new school Whoo Hoo! Yippee Ki yay.

9 years ago

Sorry.. Gaetani and Wang will split 40 million dollars. quite a difference. Ibelieve that all would agree’

Reply to  Concerned
9 years ago

Where did Mr. Clairmont say this? Really, he said you were jealous of the lovely Linda!

Reply to  Jerry
9 years ago

All planet bloggers…Last night, I saw the Planet Valenti show and just now, I saw the Gaetani News hour. Wow..Two individuals who tell it like it is. Mr. Valenti talks about the critical need for involvement by the taxpayers and Mr. Gaetani takes a critical look at the city budget and gives a financial lesson to Ms.tyer. I wish these two could have a daily tv show. I have seen the Good Morning Pittsfield tv show and believe me, if Gaetani and Valenti could take over that show, all of Pittsfield taxpayers would have a show, to start out their day, by being fully informed,.. as to what they need to know. Can anyone picture these two together interviewing city councilors or school committee members? What a show that would be. I wish them well and I thank them for opening up my eyes to GOB’s and SIG’S, which I never knew, who or what that meant, until I heard these two gentlemen talk about them. Everyone on this site should see these two fine shows. You can get times and dates from Pctv .I have to leave now . Maybe somebody can post the times these shows are aired today.

9 years ago

Tell The Man’ thank you, but I don’t like Salmon and Most of all motion sickness runs wild. However if Mr. G would like to make out a check for the cost of the trip, I take cash. Lol…love Mr. G and support him and hope we can still be friends.

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
9 years ago

I only hope that when the talk of breaking ground on the Taconic High School happens, somebody asks Trisha Farley-O’Nasis-Kennedy-Clinton-Bouvier if the project is such an “ass”set to Pittsfield, why did she send her kids elsewhere?

Reply to  Kate Dempsey
9 years ago

Because the new school was not built yet. If she had to make that decision all over again after the shiny new school was built I am sure her kids would be the first ones on and off the bus each morning.

Or not.

Deb S
Deb S
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
9 years ago

Me to Kate, but don’t hold your breath.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Again, she has addressed this publicly in the past. your attacks are unproductive, ignorant, and honestly, pretty lazy.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

No she has not. All she would ever say was that “Families have to make choices regarding their children.” She would never say why she made that choice.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Concerned, after watching previews of Moby Dick I’m not sure I would like to go anywhere near the water. I would like to write a book about Mr. Gaetani, I think it would be fascinating. The Title would read ….”How to save a City Millions and get left at the Door.

9 years ago

Mrs Yon’s statement about at risk students is code for dumb it down and let them pass. I remember a few years back a teacher with integrity left PHS because of the adminstration lack of enforcement of basic rules to let kids pass. Must keep graduation rate up, must let kids skate by, don’t want them to drop out, they are money in the bank.

Reply to  joetaxpayer
9 years ago

The diplomas granted by the PPS are worthless. That’s why discerning parents are leaving the Pittsfield schools.

9 years ago

Albany NY Citizens Voted down $190 Million Dollar New High School Construction.

Pittsfield Government Corruption.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Hooray for Albany citizens. Wonderful that they were given the chance to decide on such a major decision for their city. They weren’t shut out like Pittsfield residents were on the Taconic project. That’s the way these decisions should be made. Anything else is a dictatorship which is what we have here in Pittsfield.

9 years ago

My wife and I did a bullet vote for Moiseff, lot of good it did. I can’t figure out what is wrong with Pittsfield voters.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Paul
9 years ago

I guess their big problem is that they don’t vote the same way that you do.

9 years ago

I really wish Concerned would give it a rest with the Gaetani crap. I also belive Concerned should stop bugging Clairmont. Mr Clairmont has no obligation to answer Concerned.

Carolyn Barry
Carolyn Barry
Reply to  Paul
9 years ago


9 years ago

I am very angry with myself for not bullet voting for Moiseff and Frieri. I am kicking myself and vowing to do my homework better next time. I didn’t vote for anybody on the school committee because I figured they were all the same. I am kicking myself now.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Planet,maybe it’s time for the Generalisimo and maybe a version of Tes and the empty suit, replaced by Kitten and the empty Boots.

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Si! Bring back the Generalissimo!! We need Law and Order and he’s the only man who can do it.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Albany has been ostracsized by the state as VOters and Taxpayers?? Chuck V The Voters and Taxpayers, shot down a new school. Let’s get this vote to the citizens of Pittsfield and retry this non vote.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Paul Babeu is discussing the Trump Plan to send illegal I migrants back to Mexico? Babeu is running for Congress also. easn’t he caught with another immigrant with his skivvies down? o eons must have that picture?

9 years ago

He might have had it in his pants and did it to himself, a quote from Johnny’s Beach Club owner at the Pittsdield Licensing Board Hearing. Thank Heavens Dana Doyle is on that board because the others don’t have a clue.

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
9 years ago

congrats to Pittsfield ma for being named drunkest city or town in mass, now this fact should explain a lot, this is how politicians get elected around here, get people drunk and buy there votes, get people drunk and give them a job, be a drunk and become one of are former mayors , own a bar become a councilor or not, own a bar call it the mayors office, own a bar and all the after election party’s are at my place , own a bar give all your politician friends free drinks and in return get a get out of jail card for free , I am starting to have fun here, might be getting drunk, I shall return for another shot and a beer, stay tuned in !!

May Hemm
May Hemm
9 years ago

How do you get to be a member at Johnny’s Beach Club?

Kernel Bernie Slanders
Kernel Bernie Slanders
Reply to  danvalenti
9 years ago

And remember to bring your own club

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

At May Hemm… You might want to get a lawyer, wear a flak jacket, make sure you know a couple of good ol boys, don’t enter a bar after 130 in the morning, bla bla bla. Show these License Board Members save Dana Doyle and the other lady on this Board? Shut this place down and get some new Board members. This particular hearing on this Bar, was a joke.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

I have a theory, and agree no one should be in the bar after twelve, especially this Bar. The theory is no one heard anything. Has anyone concluded that. the gun discharge had a muffle or silencer attached to it? Just a thought.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

Johnny said he has a list of 150 people that aren’t allowed in his place ( Johnny’s Beach Club) Maybe I’ll ask Cr@ig if he’ll front me the cash to buy his joint, we can call it the Waterfront Bar…’ heck, we can even recruit the 150 banned from the old Bar and have an immediate clientele.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

This goes out to Dana Doyle an Attorney who is on the Pittsfield License Board. Thank you for trying to bring some civility and common sense to the latest shooting at J B C. The person who was at the bar, that allegedly shot himself by accident, first of all was not supposed to be there as he was under drinking age and didn’t have a Johnny’s Beach Flub Membership, and supposedly was not known to the owner? The bar is currently listed for sale? and the investigation will take up to a year, how convenient. One of the members actually ends up voting against curtailing closing hours and he’s a former law enforcement officer. Planet, you have to see this particular show, it really is a comedy show.

9 years ago

53 days until “change” – I will be curious to see if it’s gonna be change or a regurgitation of past Ruberto employees and political payoffs for a well run election – we will know early on, based upon the early hirings by LT – early indications are that the Council and LT will be in alignment, so the honeymoon should be long and sweet, setting whatever agenda LT wishes –

Reply to  UAlbany
9 years ago

I would like to see a change to the City Charter. Nothing is more controversial to the Taxpayer, than what went down with the Taconic High School excluding them from a Democratic process that includes their money. I do believe Dan Bianchi was held accountable at the polls.

9 years ago

PLANET PLease, I’m BEGGING YOU open the COMMENT LINE for the WEEKEND, thank YOU. LOTHROP is,aking me Sick.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
9 years ago

I never wrote or implied what you are saying.


9 years ago

Did y’all see the MSN website article that our beloved City made ?? Were #1 Were #1 !!!!!! We have the honor of being the worst city in Massachusetts with an alcohol problem Bloody Marys on me at Portsmits !!!

9 years ago

Did Linda tire claim to have a five year plan for the plolice department