(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 2015) — Allow THE PLANET to share these post-election thoughts, randomly captured at various moments of the day and night, flitting about the senses like the CGI moths from Crimson Peak:
- Voters returned all six incumbents in the Pittsfield School Committee race. This proves what we have suspected all along. Ballots for this race are rigged to allow only the brain dead, the undead, and, worse, the “Friends and Relatives” to vote. Relax, the Sibilant Six only control 71 cents of every dollar spent in the city.
- Which inspires these PSC epigrams:
- For Yon: “These heels compel me to say / these boots were made that way.”
- For Riello: Cop out.
- For Cutler: Ambition is a giant sucking up to a microbe.
- For the dreaded others: Four on the floor / makes taxpayers poor.
- Joe Nichols furnished the electoral low point with his ignorant ad bringing up personal matters that had no place in relevant public discourse.
- Does it surprise anyone other than Craig Gaetani and Tammy Ives that the formula of (a) spend no money (b) have no literature or lawn signs (c) take out no ads (d) avoid using a computer (e) engage in interminable diatribes, (f) ignore wise advice, and (g) do so as mean-spirited as possible does not work except on Bizarro World?
- Lisa Tully promises to be more vocal. Or is that a threat? The first makes us hopeful. The second makes us sweat.
- Question of the moment: How many write-in votes did Terry Kinnas get in 4?
- John Krol might want to begin strategizing for his Ward 6 race against Dan Bianchi two years from now.
- Peter Marchetti showed his mettle rebounding from his stinging mayoral loss in ’13 to garner the most votes at-large. And yes, the rumor is true. Marchetti is in line to be the next council president, if he wants the job. Does he?
- THE PLANET is still waiting for the legislation that will (1) put “None of the Above” on the ballot as a choice in every race and (2) require an election to be repeated if turnout fails to achieve 50% + 1 of the electorate. Those two measures would be the greatest reforms of government since Peter Arlos was knee-high to a vending machine.
- Tyer’s 60-40 win qualifies as a landslide. You could see it coming. Why else would a two-time incumbent mayor challenge the upstart to debates? Why else would that incumbent issue an Election Day press release accusing his opponent of robbing the identify of his Facebook friends?
- Melissa Mazzeo will revert to her role as sniper for the not-so-loyal opposition.
- One is always glad when a decent chap like Peter White wins. White is the Zelig of Pittsfield politics. He absorbs the tone and ambience of wherever he is.
- The best photograph THE PLANET saw in the campaign came out of Ward 7 on Election Day. It depicted Tony Simonelli and Kathy Lloyd together in a friendly pose. It had a Tip O’Neill–Ronald Reagan quality.
- Bianchi’s tipping point (for the worse) came when he decided to stop talking to THE PLANET. Tyer’s tipping point for the better came the moment she announced her plans on city hall steps. It says a lot about her that she gave up the security of the clerk’s job for the risk in taking on an incumbent. Tyer’s defining moment came when she did not melt after THE PLANET turned up the temperature on the hot seat during the debate on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION. Tyer didn’t slam it out of the park, but she didn’t need to. She held serve. That’s all she needed to do.
- Recounts notwithstanding, Donna Todd Rivers’ narrow win in five nicely book-ended her slim loss at-large in 2013.
- Tom Sakshaug and Barry Clairmont piloted a near-flawless campaign on Tyer’s behalf. They were methodical in their approach, relentless in their pursuit, and ignored the big lead. They had Linda playing as if she were in a tie game.
- Amuso-White-Marchetti-Mazzeo shall be an interesting at-large quartet. Amuso guest-stars as herself. White plays Church Cotton. Marchetti appears as Mazzeo. Mazzeo becomes the new Clairmont. Or something like that.
- Wait, we didn’t mention Chris Connell, Kevin Morandi, Nick Caccamo, or Jody Phillips.
- There, we just did.
- We’ll bet the house that THE PLANET received at least one write-in vote for mayor. That’s puts us “in line” for an ascendancy for the ages. We shall not accept if greatness, again, is thrust upon us.
“I’ve known a secret for a week or two. Nobody knows, just we two.” — The Beatles, “Do You Want to Know a Secret,” (1963).
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None of the above did win the election as about 60% of registered voters didn’t find the energy to get to the polls.
Let’s keep in mind that Tyer got 6,664 out of 28,000 votes. That means about 21,300 did not vote for her. Is this a mandate or a land slide? Doesn’t sound like it. Some 21,300 voted for someone else or didn’t vote.
You can look at it whichever way you want, the fact of the matter is that they did not come out and vote. Like we keep saying, you don’t vote then don’t complaint. Look at it this way Linda Tyer won and she will be the City of Pittsfield new Mayor for the next four year whether anyone likes it or not. It’s time to start working as a team and move forward for the better of our community.
Not everyone agrees what’s for the better of the community. I think that line has been used since the first election that Pittsfield had.
There is no denying who the new mayor will be, or the cc or the sc. I suspect that most of them, not all of them, will want to raise taxes for the good of the community. (the GOB/SIG community).
Every precinct voted for Linda Tyer. That is a Mandate on Dan Bianchi’s Job Performance.
The lovely Linda now has to deliver. Now the fun starts.
I don’t think there is such a thing as a mandate on job performance spagirl….maybe you meant referendum????
if you don’t cast a ballot, you still voted. your inaction basically says – whatever the others decide is fine with me. So to say 21,000+ didn’t vote for Tyer is only part right. it is not equivocal. if you don’t vote when you could have – you voted for the winner. because if that 17,000 or so voters who stayed home really wanted Dan – they would have come out and voted for him.
I could not have said it any better. You snooze, you lose. Regardless we all have to work together to move forward.
The lovely Linda Tyer ran on Jimmy Ruberto’s Good Old Boys organization. I just hope she doesn’t dust off Jimmy Ruberto’s notorious rolodex! If the lovely Linda’s record on economic development is similar to Jimmy Ruberto’s failed public record, then Pittsfield will continue on its 4 decade long downward spiral.
Dead horse, meet Jonathan….
Let’s pray that she doesn’t have his breath either.
Even Sabic knows enough to get out of Pittsfield while the gettin is good.
Huge taxes coming straight at ya, for those who stay. With all the houses for sale and those going on the market, opportunity knocks for the slum lords who can snap up these properties at fire sale prices.
Part-time minimum wage jobs for those lucky enough to get one as its full steam ahead to receivership.
The elderly can live on cat food at 3 cans for $1.00.
Pittsfield Massachusetts… the once great city… reduced to sack cloth and ashes.
Really?? Who has them 3 for a buck?
Big Y world class market.
Friskies Buffet.
Sort of tastes like dog food.
The is a legal settlement against Nancy Pelouseys Starkist tuna in the works.
They under filled their cans and you can get cash or tuna if you brought their tuna and apply for the fish
Mr. Gaetani and I had lunch today. The man does know how to treat a lady. Well anyway, he told me he’ll be going on an extended trip to the French Riviera and he’ll return when Pittsfield has declared bankruptcy and then he will be able to buy up Pittsfield homes for a song and a fire sale dance.
What is the streak for a downward spiral?
I searched on Google for ‘downward spiral’ and it came back with ‘did you mean Pittsfield?’
that is sadly very funny.
We did spend money just only what we could afford. Ok you say raise funds? We wanted to cut peoples expenses not ask for handouts wasting more senseless money. We took out radio ads on both wbrk stations on just the 3rd. We did hand out printouts to as many people as possible. Went to plenty of doors but we do have lives other than. Kids and family come first.Pittsfield city hall kept us busy with thir fair share of paperwork,courtdates and fines as well.
What wise advice? It seems to me you all thought a FU missing was the answer or would you prefer us to swallow our pride and take whatever and whoevers bs that comes along…. not us
Yeah sure that might of worked some but if it was meant to be it would of been. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to change what they believe to suit others. One should stand for their beliefs, popular or not.
The 1st amendment is the one thing the city cannot take from us… they will try i am sure.
So f— you is what you stand for?? It is not really stunning that your clique took an electoral shellacking.
Well kinda… if i didnt after what these people have done then i should stand for nothing. It may not be best way of dealing with it but when being cordial, the police and the courts dont work its surprisingly effective. It makes me laugh and pisses them off. Win Win for me
“The 1st amendment is coming under fire and because of that the community chose not to elect a great mind, there is definitely a more serious question here”
Its funny how some tend to forget
Bianchi spent a bundle and lost. Gaetani spent nothing and lost so what does that say? Probably that the printer, post office and the Bianconsultant are the ones who got the most out of the election. Of course LT spent big money too.
They both got their campaign money from other people. Isn’t it funny how easy it is to spend other peoples money?
Kind of like what Bianchi did and Tyer will do.
that phrase in quotes sound familiar to you? You said it to the Eagle didnt you? I did change one word. But it fits the bill huh? So quick to throw stones you are!!!
Sorry man, but one of the first rules in writing is not to botch quotes. My students get an F for any error in quoted material. Stones? Well, I got ’em. Might as well throw ’em when worthy targets come along. And you are right: Writing “FU” in the fence with the initials of your city councilor is not the “best way of dealing with it.” You will find the quote accurate.
Stand tall. You tried.
But it is not just money you need to get elected to political office. It really helps if you can lie through your teeth making promises you know you cannot possibly come through on. If you hire a campaign manager that will be his first piece of advice. Obviously it does not work every time.
Absolutely Dusty. I Will take honesty over deceit any day of the week.
If you buy a book on running a campaign on Amazon you can get the same advice that a consultant will give you for a whole lot less.
Well the voters just voted in a known homewrecker so why not someone who tags their own fence?
Time to move on.
This is why Bianchi lost. Mr. X, Joe Nichols. Brian Marquis. People are sick of it.
Marquis is THE BIGGEST clown on the east coast.
Thanks Mr. X for the guaccionn’ed
There is an excellent Commentary today written by David Allen President and CEO Sinicon Plastics, in the Berkshire Eagle. Berkshires Must Build From Within.
Well Written.
yes it was well written. A month ago. The Eagle ran the story after chosen candidate won – not saying the Eagle shenangigans decided the election but jounalists are supposed to be somewhat objective – gotta give Tyer a chance but her ring of supporters has sure aliented alot people, unfortunately not a good starting point – #wishtyerwell
Let’s start Lovely Linda Budgetary pool. If she raises taxes next year by 0% all split the pool. If you predict the amount of the increase, all who chose the correct percentage splits it. DV could referee and Evan Dobelle can hold the money.
If you live in Pittsfiekd, and have been paying attention to the run away debt that has formed, you are kidding yourself if you think there will be no increase. Doesn’t matter who’s name is on the door of the Corner Office.That’s a fact.
I’ll agree that it doesn’t make a difference if Tyer or Bianchi’s name is on the door. But it can make a difference if the right person’s name is on that door.
As a big Tyer supporter, weren’t you paying attention to her promise to “stabilize taxes”? That means “no significant change”.
I don’t know Linda Tyer at all, but I will tell you I am not a Bianchi supporter. He failed miserably.
Can’t we keep the money in a safe in City Hall or a drawer at PHS…..or maybe in a mayonnaise jar onFunk and Wagnalls’ back porch?????
Tyer’s first move: Rich Dohoney in as Solicitor – $9,000/month. contract basis Ruberto’s rumpswab for 8 years. Real change is in the air. you heard it here first. Yawn.
The first thing she should do is get rid of Degnan….so bad! Any replacement will be an improvement.
The Very First thing she do is get rid of Degnan. Watching her and Bianchi snicker at the City Council Meeting showed how un Profesional they both are. The second move should be Collingwood.
if we pay $9K per month and don’t get mired in endless lawsuits and overpriced settlements – we will save money. A decent Lawyer gets about $110/year. we bought the budget model with Degnan and look what she REALLY cost us….
The second move should be Clairmont.
Thanks, Shelly. I feel the love.
Help me understand why you think that was an appropriate thing to say?
The BB writes in a recent editorial on the Tyer and Alcombright wins that both Pittsfield and North Adams have severe challenges. You know it’s even worse than that when the BB admits that much.
Speaking of moldy leftovers. I believe that Scapin will end up with egg on his GOB retread face. Give it up Rick.
From this point forward recounts will be know as Sca-pin the tail on the donkey.
On another subj
The usa is the largest Christian nation on earth and we can’t say Merry Christmas. Funny as heck.
While were at leftovers let me speak for the crowd when I say thatnk you to DV and the Planet for the best election coverage and day 2 day coverage of the city.
The Planet rocks.
Ms Tyer should know that all roads to political success or failure go through DV.
Thank you for the kind words.
DV…the irony is so thick you can cut it with a chainsaw…Bianchi is instrumental in getting HON deal done…Tierneys are losing money hand over fist because nobody wants to stay at a $300 a night place that has a hotel of looneys across the street and a meth lab in its backyard…but it can be used for a huge victory party for the gal who slapped Bianchi
Why is everyone so mean. If someone looses by a small amount why shouldn’t there be a recount? Whats the harm? Lord forbid we make sure the count is correct.
If Pittsfield was using paper ballots with a x next to a selection or if we were subject to hanging chads and all that, that would be one thing. But with optical scanners I will predict no votes will change and if by chance a vote changes it’s just a likely to go to either candidate. It’s Ricks right but you will see it an exercise in futility…a waste of time.
Hollywood Rick Scspin is an outstanding individual and great city councilor. Let’s hope he can uncover enough votes for victory. With that being said, anything is better than the previous bag of wind.
Speaking of Hollywood, maybe we will see Greg Yon replace Collingwood. It would be a great hire.
Greg Yon would be a good choice at DPW.
I agree.
You’ve got to be kidding, Dan? Do you know his background and qualifications besides running a packaging store? If you do, please share them with us.
I knew Greg from the Boys Club and he was a great kid.
Watching the Animal Control Commision, some dog bit a nice lady it seems and the owner isn’t at this meaning. I wouldn’t euthanize the dog but would fine the owners, and the owners are calling the victim names?
Only in Pittsfield!
Can’t help but notice that now-outgoing Mayor Daniel Bianchi is blaming everyone except Daniel Bianchi for a disastrous showing on Election night.
Here’s Bianchi quoted in next day’s Berkshire Eagle:
“‘We were up against it, obviously. There was a crew of people who were working for the last couple of years to make sure tonight ended the way it did.’ Bianchi said his opponent ‘had a crew of people who spent the last couple of years not being terribly truthful. We have a local newspaper, and I think they’ve been gunning for me for four years. And they succeeded.'”
Repeatedly, Bianchi blames everyone else for his failure to win re-election in what should have been a cake-walk if he’d even been half-good at his job.
Plainly, voters thought not.
Was it Mayor Bianchi’s imperious tone during televised debates?
Or maybe it was the way Bianchi kept rudely interrupting Tyer in the Planet Valenti debate.
Or maybe even Dan Valenti’s interruption where he told Tyer: “Let the mayor speak!”
Whatever it was, Bianchi really blew it.
Ah well, it’s back to his day job at Kinder-Morgan.
THere’s no question that Linda won the moment Dan Valenti interrupted her and said, “Let the mayor speak.” Thanks for sharing another profound insight, GMH.
“Ah well, it’s back to his day job at energy firm Global Montello, which works with pipeline builder Kinder Morgan, Inc..”