(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30, 2015) — In a few short days, the new mayor, The Lovely Linda Tyer, shall take over. Here are 10 recommendations for TLLT from THE PLANET.
1. Order Sue Carmel to dress more professionally for city council meetings. The council chamber is not a nightclub.
2. Suggest that Sue Carmel spend less time tanning and more time treasuring.
3. Require Sue Carmel to take Economics 101 at a nearby college.
4. Teach Sue Carmel that “treasurer” is not a noun but a dangling present participle, with a diphthong.
5. Tell Sue Carmel to treat citizens who visit her office at city hall with added respect and courtesy.
6. Inform Sue Carmel that new budgets are not procured by calling up the previous year’s spreadsheets and upping everything 10%.
7. Have Sue Carmel write 1,000 times on the blackboard, “I will be a better steward of taxpayer money.”
8. Check that Sue Carmel’s bonding is up to date.
9. Check Sue Carmel’s resume for accuracy.
10. Fire Sue Carmel. With revenues shrinking, expenses rising, and borrowing out of sight, the city requires a professional who can more adeptly handle the city’s economy, finances, financing, cash management, liquidity risk, securitization, and provide expert advice on pension investment, capital structure, and purchase of insurance.
These actions will not cost the taxpayers a cent and improve the chances that the city can somehow withstand the oncoming fiscal tsunami.
THE PLANET Challenges the PSC, PSD Brass
Just to be certain we allow our playmates access to equal time, earlier this month THE PLANET issued a blanket invitation to any Pittsfield School Committee or School Department administrative member to appear on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION.
Doubling down, we issue a standing challenge to debate, live and in real time, any current PSC member or any PSD administrative employee. The proposition shall be: Does the department produces a quality product with respect to the amount of public funding it receives. We will take on individuals or the whole bunch at one time. However they want it, THE PLANET will oblige.
Kathy Yon, Pam Farren, Cindy Taylor, Josh Cutler, Dan Elias, Tony Riello, Dan Bianchi, come on down. Same with Jake McCandless, Kristen Behnke, and the rest of the PSD administration. Here’s your chance to shut us up. Make us eat our words. Anyone big enough to grab it and risk going at it on the big stage, in public?
Details will be worked out upon public acceptance of this offer.
On Dec. 10 we sent the following e-mail to Lady Boots Yon, chairwoman of the PSC:
As you probably know, THE PLANET has been posting a series of articles on the current teachers’ contract, which you signed on Nov. 3, the day after the election. If you don’t know, I would recommend you read my claims about this ruinous deal and my criticisms of many aspects of it, including your signature, obtained the day AFTER the election[.] Coincidence? You tell me.
I’m inviting your comments on THE PLANET’s series. I am further inviting you on my TV show to take my questions and offer your defense. We air each Thursday night from 7 to 8 from PCTV studios. The show runs live. Please let me know. The welcome mat is out. Thanks,
When the phone didn’t ring, THE PLANET knew it was Lady Boots not getting back to us.
“My object in living is to unite / My avocation and my vocation / As my two eyes make one sight.” — Robert Frost, from “Two Tramps in Mud Time,” (1936).
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Dan I do not think these people are allowed to even choose what color socks to put on in the morning never mind speak unsupervised on where money from a multi million dollar budget goes.
and they probably don’t even know
or care
Sue Carmel in a diphthong? Ewwww. Doesn’t work for me.
She most likely knows enough to hang Ruberto and Bianchi. Yet she will remain silent.
Perhaps TLLT will fire her. Catfight.
One can only hope.
Why all is a sudden are you picking on Sue Carmel, your comments were un called for.
Dan, don’t hold your breath waiting for a response. The school department and the school committee have never been held accountable and have no plans to do so in the future.
Wish firing Sue Carmel would solve the problem. Until the City stop’s doing the same old same, nothing will change. Consolidation of service’s, tough negotiations with teacher’s, police and fireman’s union’s. Must get a handle on out of control overtime. Just tip of the iceberg.
Looks like Ms Tyer has forgotten her promise to the voters about keeping the budget tight. Already spending our tax dollars having new carpeting installed in the Mayor’s office. The one being replaced is only 4 years old. Also new curtains and has already purchased new furniture for the office. Also heard she offered everyone in City Hall a 4% pay increase prior t her election. Let’s see if this happens.
It only the beginning for L T & BC
True, joe, but I think the point of the satire here is that number 1, the job of treasurer is a crucial one. It sets much of the direction. DV’s list of the treasurer’s responsibilities lays it out clearly. Number 2, Ms. Carmel does not have the skill set needed.
Gene’s point is right. Dan Valenti is spot on.
Does anyone know when LT and BC will be sworn into the mayors office
Wondering if Barry will become the new Treasurer
Pays less than the current gig – he couldn’t afford the job!!
LT will most likely have the most financially literate “kitchen cabinet” in the City’s history though.
Southeast gets the gold star for intelligence.
p.s. She paid for her own curtains and desk, not the city. I’d remove the carpet too, it was wall to wall carpet in the bathroom! Who does that? Unsanitary in my book.
Let’s hope that”s not the only thing to change
Well Barry if you remove the carpeting in a city office building and you got hurt who is liable the city
Even critical of the Mayor’s carpet – where does the hatred end? I sure hope ur girl is as stunning a Mayor as you predict. I really do.
U Albany
Give it up.Your boy was as Piss poor as they come. Good riddance to Bianchi.
It’s not just the personnel at City hall that has to change it’s the mindset of the electorate. What type of vision and path did the Tyer campaign layout? Will this administration have any idea of who they represent and serve? Not the special interests but the everyday citizen?
Why would any sane person expect any more from an Administration that ran a popularity contest for a campaign? Simply they sought popularity and ran on the Fred’s sister who went to school with Jim who once dated sally says that Linda is a nice person so that’s who I’m voting for. Ask yourself was this about the future? Was there a vision? A direction and roadmap on how to get there? If there was please point it out to me I missed it. We need to start thinking about a Participatory Budget Process in the City. Its time has come to many have been overlooked for the financial betterment of to few.
Please take the time to find out about it all of us can have a seat at the table.
just sayin
I think Linda Tyer will be sworn in on January 4th. I don’t get the BC reference. I hope the council will be led by PM (Peter Marchetti) and TS (Tony Simonelli, if he wants it). HNY to all! Happy New a Year to all.
I don’t think you will see any immediate changes at City Hall. The first change might be in the city solicitor’s office.
THS is supposed to be n such bad shape. Tony S spent decades there as the VP. Didn’t he realize that the place was falling apart? And Chuck you now want Sgt. Schultz as council VP. He would have made a fine look out at Pearl Harbor.
The City solicitor needs to go.
2nd change might be the curtain’s.
And the carpeting and furniture!
Hope she keeps that couch, Mayor Dan has found a lot of money in that, through the years.
why would she change the carpet and furniture? from what I have read, it hardly was used….
can i check to see if he lost coins there?
Who is more lovely? The lovely Linda Tyer? or, The lovely Sue Carmel? I think Pittsfield City Hall should have as many lovely ladies working for the people as possible. I hope the lovely Linda keeps the lovely Suzy employed. It would be lovely!
Enough with the lovely thing. let’s just go with job performance.
Thanks Norm.
I find the LLT thing patronizing and annoying. Give the new mayor a chance before you just label her another pretty face.
I’ve found her to be ethical, smart, pragmatic, and caring. Yes, I supported her campaign. Yes I’m biased. I prefer to think that my bias comes from listening closely to what both candidates had to say and how they handle themselves. I like to think that my bias is based on a process of critical thinking not having know either candidate personally before this year.
At the very least let’s choose to start this new year with optimism and grace a group decision for the good of our city.
Happy New Year to you all. I am looking forward to lively intelligent and civil debate all year long. I love this stuff and this city!
I would say Sue C. given her recent boob job…looks lovely to me
Until she opens her mouth!
Speaking of boobs…is today Bianchis last day?
technically, he is Mayor until the moment LT is sworn in.
First political cherry handed out will be to….Greg Yon. He will take Pete Sondrini’s job. Next to go and righly so…Degnan. The safest person in City Hall is the executive secretary in the Solicitor’s office – couldn’t get her to move with a shoehorn.
We should sub out the solicitor – that would get rid of one extraneous person, the secretary to that inefficient office!!
Ain’t that truth! That secretary brings down everyone’s morale! If only it took a shoehorn!
Pittsfield’s turned into a rodeo. Where is Tyer going to come up with the funding for all her agenda? There is no money, tax base is shrunk, business is leaving, homes are for sale, senior are leaving, she’ll have increases promised to employees, more Police? Queen L’ Tifa. HOW? A Danny Dollar Factory?
Not sure who proposed it, isn’t something going to effect home care pre schoolers and private home school or daycare because of one of the Queens proposals.
Regardless of who is doing it, City Council should receive an investment plan followed by periodic reports. If there are legislative issues then they can accompany the reports. The sexist female shaming is off base for this argument.
Yeah freedom of speech has to be politically correct.
Its one of the declarations of independence. A few more executive orders and you will go to jail for what you say or what you believe.
You cannot criticize Sue Carmel or you are sexist but say anything you want about Gaetani. Right? Watch the Bill Cosby trial. They will definately play the race card.
The indoctrination of liberalism continues……………
Let’s focus on performance instead of appearance. And yes, anyone that fails to break 4% of votes in a city wide election had a lot more people than I as critics.
Sue Carmel’s boob job? Is that considered a professional expense?
If she paid for it herself it’s her business
Might as well be Hackett, with all the juggling going on.
Dan hit the arrow on the Bullseye regarding Ms. Carmel! She is the epitomy of a City Treasurer! In fact a nightmare from hell…she loves to take recognition from her colleagues when she bully’s them almost daily. There is no order, sequence, or professional way she handles her title. She creates more work & time to fix unnecessary mistakes because of her very own neglect & resistance to communicate. She should never have been appointed from the beginning. Her term must end! Has anyone ever taken the time to look into how many valuable & effective employees have left because of her. Management material is hardly an adjective used to describe her. She is demoralizing! She doesn’t understand the words ” team player”, and she loves to close her door and let her peers do all the work so she can glide by on a shoe string. I advise our new Mayor, Linda Tyer to take a long and serious look into her behavior or lack of. Most importantly her style of Managing. I agree that schooling would be a great idea to learn how to become an effective Manager and learn Finance 101. Her personal attire is that of woman looking for the wrong kind of attention. Shouldn’t she be reprimanded? Her colleagues would be fired if they dressed and behaved aggressively like her! She is a poor role model and the City of Pittsfields “MORALE” needs to be restored. So, In all due respect Linda Tyer, I advise you to do your homework and perhaps a good start might be in the Treasurers Office asking about her work ethics to those that work under her and also those from various other department heads that must deal with her!
You can always tell when a City employee comments on the blog 🙂
You can refer to the work place as a Nazi Barracks or a Hell Hole!
Dan, I always thought this site was for an exchange of ideas, regardless of whether you like or dislike the people posting. I am sure that you know, that I am a strong G@etani supporter and that I relay information from him to his many supporters on this site. Mr. G. is actively working for the taxpayers and he should be looked at as an important figure, as he supports the desires and hopes of many on the planet. He represents the taxpayers at all CC meetings, writes commentaries and letters to the editor and keeps city taxpayers up to date on his Tv show. He is the only pittsfield taxpayer, who is not afraid to confront the suits and speak his mind and has done so on many ocassions. Ironically, he is very similar to you and has many of the same goals as you do and frankly, I don’t understand your goal in redacting anyone who posts positively about him. In fact, some disparage him and you let there posts stand. I hardly see this as fair. I have been a contributor to this site for a long time but if I don’t see a more fair and open forum, on this site, I will discontinue reading and contributing to this site.
You are welcome to discontinue reading and to stop your contributions, as you wish. This site alone makes the editorial decisions, and we explain them to no one. Hint, though: We will not turn this site into an commissioned aggrandizement for anyone else’s hidden agendas.
Eye; Mr. G has stated several times during and after his mayoral bid, that he was starting his own blog. I can’t seem to find it. What is it called? I checked his facebook page and dosen’t seem to be active neither. Can you give us an update on these ?
Dowgerhat–I thought you went into hibernation by now. Always good to hear from someone like you. You haven’t changed one bit. You speak but say nothing but I cherish your right to post. If you need to hear from the wizard directly, watch his tv show on Fridays. Being the brain that you are, I am sure you will find out where to watch it.The wizard likes everyone, even you. When he returns from the French Riviera, I am sure he will be pleased that you were asking for him, Happy New Years to you and everyone on the planet.
Charter Objection!
The local shows on PCTV,two in particular have agendas of Political nature and are illegal to me. The Krol Show, self explanatory as it’s on a student radio station, and Consider This,a rather bland politcal show which for the last few weeks has show repeats of commercialized liquor and food, for which the guests are proprietor’s of, using PCTV as a commercial which advertises by name the business that they own. Of course the Host didn’t receive any gratuity, i’m sure, yeah?
I would like to add one more thing to your list of Sue Carmel.
Stop playing with your fake hair pieces when talking to the Council. Very annoying.
Like her or dislike her, why the petty disgusting comments. Think you should keep it to job performance, no more no less.
It has nothing to do with “liking” or “disliking.” In fact, on a personal level, we love everyone, including SC. It is ALL about her job performance, joe.
Then why all the rude personal comments from some of your readers. Her appearance has nothing to do with job performance or liking or disliking her. Makes some of your readers sound petty.
It is the nature of satire, joe, to use non-essentials as essentials. That is the essence of symbolism, and in this case, employed to that end.
I agree with you Joe. There’s no need to belittle anyone with childish comments and insults. What’s sadder is the individuals that feed into it.
I agree , Sue has done a very good job, some people do have a personality. I suppose you would like her to act and appear like the former First Lady of Groom, Deanna Rufer.
Explain, specifically if you will, how she “has done a very good job.” As for “acting” and “appearing,” more perspicaciously and more professionally, respectively, would work fine.
Are you for real? Please explain specifically using actual facts how Sue Carmel has done a good job? This should not be a personal attack regarding her appearance but about her performance! What she does with her personal life is and should be kept private! On a professional level as I stated some of the specific reasons why she should be fired. Read as stated above! Sue Carmel needs to learn many lessons as a Manager. She does not in any way do a good job representing the City of Pittsfield as a Treasurer. I have a 14 year old child that acts more professional than Ms. Carmel. She has tantrums and storms into her office. The list is lengthy of her mishaps. I give credit where credit is due. No credit it due for her! Just ask, listen and watch! The facts presented speak to Dan’s lists of why she should be fired. I hold Stern on my belief’s regarding oppressive work environments. It’s a proven statistic that happy employees that respect Manager’s, work harder & yield better performance. Intimidation, defiance and so many other adjectives come to mind regarding her. Let’s strive to make City Hall a better work place. Certainly there are many more qualified individuals to take over this critical position. It’s time to kick her to the curb and perhaps let her work for someone like herself and see how she copes? No personal offense, just simple truth!
OK Joe and Dilly Dally. If you want to keep it to job performance, do you think it’s respectful to our CC members the way she answers their questions with a snippy attitude and rolls her eyes as if in scorn? Especially to Barry C.
I don’t know why they take it and not reply to her with the same disrespect.
She leaves much to be desired!
Agreed! I’m disgusted by her and honestly belief that the majority of city employees see her demeanor. I have no tolerance for this behavior. She is the one that clearly lacks crucial skills, knowledge and inability to understand how easily she can be read by her behavior. We aren’t blind!
Perhaps she and Dan Bianchi could open their own consulting firm. Two peas in a pod.
A good job under extenuating circumstances, her boss is a numbers guy. The Treasure, especially since the Doyle Administration as you know Dan, is under constant scrutiny, by Law and accountants, and certainly by Mr. Clairmont,and don’t recall Sir Barry critical to the point that she wasn’t doing the job. Not saying she or anyone else may have made mistakes, not to the extent of the outgoing Mayor anyway.
Thanks, but your comments mention no specifics. “Doing the job” entails a lot more than having the arithmetic add up. It means being able to serve as the city’s financial expert, providing crucial guidance to the executive. For too long, the treasurer’s office has become political first and foremost. Ms. Carmel has taken it to absurd levels. She may be a great person … or not. But she sure is a lousy treasurer.
Couldn’t agree more Dan!
Sir Barry, Believe it or Not, made a 200 G misquote and it was Ms. Carmel who corrected him immediately on it. And on another occasion a couple of years ago, Lothrop was reading from a document and was millions off, he evidentially didn’t care what the figure was, as long as he vetted what the money was for. Then you have the infamous Peter Marchetti and Mr. Krol both stating on different occasions that they would give more than originally voted to certain funding items, is that responsible. Now from all indications, the Queen ( L T Ida ) will be expanding and increasing to the Max, adding on more progressive projects, where’s the money coming from?
A much better job here, DILLY, of specifics. We grant the points while we hold to the essence of the truth in our post.
What is Universal Day Care? Won’t that eliminate private Day Care and cost millions to taxpayers, guess we’ll have to wait and see?
The Planet asks very little to its viewers, this is the best site in Bershire County, why would you NOT want to read or contribute, where else can you do this without ramifications. Much
information we get for free, and humor. Next Year should be his best yet, and that’s saying a lot!
Thanks, NOTA.
There is a little resemblance of the Treasurer and the cute little Wednesday of the Adamms Family.