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Fifth of Five Parts

(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, DEC. 11-13, 2015) — This is how stupid the “Profiles in Cabbage” Pittsfield School Committee is. After the fight at the skateboard park across from PHS on Appleton Avenue and East Street, the cabbages want to padlock the park during school hours. As you know, PHS has a daft “open campus” policy. They let the little scholars out for hours at lunchtime so that they may use and buy drugs, trash East Street with fast food wrappers, and swap porn on their Smart phones.

Like locking the skateboard park will solve the problems. It never occurred to one of these leaf heads to rescind the open campus policy. Require kids to stay in the building for their entire time at school, and the problem is solved. These varicose vegans say the cafeteria is too small. Funny, but back in the days of double sessions, which THE PLANET remembers well, twice the number of students ate in the cafeteria, which was then smaller than it is now.

But what do you expect from the clown show that signed off on pay raises topping 18% for city teachers in the agreement signed the day after the election? The three-year contract with the United Educators of Podunk bears the signature of Kathy “Lady Boots” Yon, PSC chair.

To wrap up THE PLANET’s series on this crippling, calamitous deal, we present five more aspects that will convince you, definitively, that Lady Boots, Pam “Venus Blue” Farron, and the rest of these deadbeats have dotted the crossed the “i”s and dotted the “t”s. They’ve done it on a pact that seals the fate of the fading remnants of middle-class life in the once-proud city we all so love.


The step raises that THE PLANET have detailed (see yesterday’s column) are granted automatically. They are not based on merit. A teacher could axe murder three students, hair lip the Kapanskis, and take a dump on those waxed floors, and you know what? Next year, his step raise kicks in by rote.


Actually, the contract steps that make for raises between 16.2 and 18.2%, are more like an escalator, like the ones they had at England Bros. and Adams Market-Zayre. Here’s another “actual.” The teachers’ contract does not require step raises. They can be negotiated out. After this deal expires in FY17, hardball negotiations by an entirely new school committee can eliminate the steps.


If you go back to the step chart THE PLANET published yesterday, you will see that the bulk of the teachers’ raises takes effect during the  last two of the three years. In rough figures, 3% of the raise will be on Mayor Dan Bianchi‘s final budget. The other 15% — well The Lovely Linda will have to figure out a way to pay it in addition to funding all of her campaign promises, and they were many. It’s going to make interesting political theater.


When Terry Kinnas led the rest of The Secret Squadron on the hunt for the missing salary schedules, the idiots in the school department bounced him among offices like Tommy’s So-Ho silver ball — from the superintendent’s office to the HR office to the business office. At his stop at HR, he ran into Harry Hayes, school side HR director. Check out this link about one Harry Hayes III: To induce vomiting, the city side HR director is none other than the Sheffield Shuffler, John DeAngelo, who landed on his feet in Pittsfield after the private school he led closed its doors, uh, “suddenly,” as they say. Someone asked THE PLANET: Where does Pittsfield find these galoots? Hayes came to the the school department after leaving the sinking ship at North Adams Regional Hospital. He “coincidentally” got out while the going was good — no inside information there! — leaving hundreds of nurses and staff to go down with the ship.


Prior to THE PLANET‘s expose’ of this pact, no other local media outlet had ever split open the contract to reveal the details. Because a private citizen dropped a dime to us, we got involved. We put The Secret Squadron to work, got bulldog Kinnas involved, and went with it — in this five-part series and on PLANET VALENTI TELEVISION. The Suits got compacent. They thought they had, again, committed the perfect murder, pulling another loaded contract past the taxpayers’ eyes. However, we nailed them. Justice for this murder may take as long as two years, but it will come.

——– 000 ——–

With that, THE PLANET opens The Comment Line. Say it. Back it up. Don’t bring any ignorance here.

Have a great weekend everybody.


“Dearest tree, I said, may I rest here? / A ripple made a soft reply. / I awaited, alert as a dog.”Theodore Roethke, from “The Visitant,” (1953).



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Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

You could very well see Harry the Hat clearly was a pawn.

9 years ago

Thanks for the headache, Terry.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

Tyler wants to be known as a Servant Leader.

Reply to  Dilly Dally
9 years ago

That’s on her own time. The new charter says she can have work on the side.

Linden Tyler
Linden Tyler
9 years ago


Linden Tyler
Linden Tyler
9 years ago

I saw the Planet and Gaetani shows this morning…..both spoke to this issue and both shows are recommended viewing on chan 16 tonight.

Also Shaking
Also Shaking
9 years ago

Since it’s going to be built, make the new Taconic large enough for all the high school students. Turn PHS into combination city hall, police station, school administration building.

Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

How many holding cells should we build in the new THS?

Reply to  Also Shaking
9 years ago

Also Shaking, the reason to tear down a school with no structural problems, and to push for expensive small school is to jump the shark. Build it small, so we cannot consolidate. Don’t save any of the 6 garage’s at Taconic, even though the City wants to build them for DPW. Its only money, will tax more.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Maybe Johnny’s can get his license transferred to the Tac, he cold bring his metal wand with him for those kids.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Pittsfield politics is facing a perfect storm of bad news. Sabic Plastics is shedding 300 jobs when it moves out of Pittsfield over the next 2 years. The financing for the new Taconic High School will begin next year. The municipality will reach its Prop. 2.5 levy ceiling within the next 3 to 4 years. Teachers will receive big pay raises over the next 3 years.
The lovely Linda Tyer is inheriting all of these problematic issues when she becomes Mayor of Pittsfield next month. I feel sorry for her. I couldn’t handle it!

9 years ago

I saw your show today, Dan, and I thought it was the best in your series. You managed to convey a lot of information available nowhere else and do so in an entertaining way. Your mini-play featuring the school committee action figures brought out-loud laughter for my wife and me.

Keep up the good work on behalf of the forgotten little guy.

rick backer
rick backer
9 years ago

First and for most tax the non profits raising our tax levy increasing new income but most important retain the current tax rate no increase. Consolidate for greater effeciancy put firemen on a 56 hour week cut overtime change police relocate patrols institute 50 hour days add solar to Stanley park to offset business and city energy expenses. Change school structure for greater efficiency and develop needed life skills. Grades k and 1 2 and 3 4and 5 grade 6 and 7 grade 8 and 9,at Phs all 10 thru 12 at taconic, efficiency instruction quality and style will have many better options make some parks organic gardening centers develop activities like big E and Bright Lights

9 years ago

Charter Objection is the rule!

9 years ago

Does anyone know if Barry or J Lo will pursue the Chater Objection last night? Wasn’t last nights meeting supposed to end the year?

9 years ago

Don’t look now but the Girls are starting dominate the School Committee and City Council.

Reply to  Nota
9 years ago

If only they were nice intelligent girls who cared about the general public.

9 years ago

Unfortunately the steps will never go. But getting rid of the open campus is do able. With the threat of terrorists attacing schools, finally teachers might be willing to enforce who comes in and out of the school.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

We find a way to fund the new High school. This is going to be fun.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Reading from the minutes of the October 2014 City Council meeting, Cr@ig Gaetani requesting the salaries of all Pittsfield Municipal employees with overtime. Ahead of the bar again.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

The real Pittsfield/Berkshire County economy:
* Homelessness and hunger, Poverty, Welfare, Social Services, the Underclass, Joblessness, Inequality, Corrupt and Insider political hacks, a third-rate rag named The Berkshire Eagle aka The Boring Broadsheet, Poorly performing public schools, a dead Downtown full of violent crime, hundreds of not-for-profits, suppression and intimidation of citizen participation in government, low voter turnout numbers, toxic waste cancer causing PCBs, a dead PEDA campus, a dysfunctional transportation system, population loss, GE long gone, Sabic moving to Texas, KB Toys bankrupt, high taxes, a shrinking tax base, the Good Old Boys club, and the little guy under water on their personal finances.

9 years ago

Lovely Linda Tyer (LLT) has already been busy spending taxpayer’s money. LLT is making the corner office her lovely corner office with new carpet and drapes on the way. In the meanwhile; mucho posturing for profits is underway behind the scenes. Look for former mayor Jim Ruberto, et al to attempt to become a Trump like real estate magnate at taxpayers’ expense.

9 years ago

D Hat..why do you think everyone was looking the other way, even Barry’s going to have a hard time finding funding for her projects, it isn’t there.

9 years ago


You are sitting in a public place. Some maniac comes in and starts shooting people. Men, women and children. You realize that within seconds, your life will end. What would you rather have in your pocket… a cell phone or a loaded gun?

9 years ago

“Saving up your money for a rainy day
Giving all your clothes to charity
Last night the wife said
Oh boy when you’re dead
You don’t take nothing with you but your soul, think”

– John Lennon

“Christ you know it ain’t easy. You know how hard it can be. The way things are going………”

The comment line is open
The comment line is open
9 years ago

Lest anyone think that we enough to worry about. Both Turkey and the US are pushing for full scale war with Russia. However, before any nuclear exchange take place, take a look at this:

Officials have consistantly denied that Fukushima is in full blown meltdown. Report: “Red Alert! Sharp increase in radiation… at Fukushima” — Levels spike 400,000% under plant — Almost 1,000,000,000 becquerels per cubic meter.

Weather patterns, the jet stream are carrying that radiation. People eat fish from that ocean. That power plant was built by none other than our familiar GE.

9 years ago

Houston we have a problem.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Why is Peter Marchetti Pittsfield politics’ new golden boy?
Will he be the new City Council Prez next month?

9 years ago

Derrick Henry is the new Golden Boy, congratulations on winning the Heismann Trophy, expect Alabama to roll to the National Championship.

World's Foremost Authority
World's Foremost Authority
9 years ago

Who negotiated the teachers contract?

Was there a financial mind from the city on the team?

Did anyone from the city run the numbers to determine if the numbers were doable?

Did anyone from the city council have a clue?

Was Bianchi trying to buy school department votes?

Clairmont said he thought the contract was just a 1% raise. Isn’t he an accountant? Didn’t he think to run the numbers?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  World's Foremost Authority
9 years ago

A new Taconic High School plus a lucrative teachers’ contract = tens of millions of dollars in new spending for Pittsfield politics.

Reply to  World's Foremost Authority
9 years ago

School committee negotiates the contract. Steps have been in there for years, so, while individually, each year each teacher has made X% amount more each year due to going up a step, the amount of “new money ON each step is only about 1% each year. That’s what the union, and unfortunately SC members too, call the “raise.” Each teacher gets a much more substantial jump up each year thanks to the steps…but apparently that money is already fully expected. Gives the SC “deniability” on the actual amount of the raise; 1% vs. 6-15%.

Reply to  MrG1188
9 years ago

It’s like they don’t even consider the step increases “raises”. That is the scam that’s been going on finally revealed here.. Best piece of local reporting this year by anyone.

9 years ago

The Bigger question on the City Council was? Where was LOw?the foremost authority on vetted information before allowing such a contract for acceptance. LOw and Clairmont should be ashamed.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

A simple question, who was supposed to know? Sho’s job was it to know?

Mr. X
Mr. X
9 years ago

According to this am, since the Sandy Hook school massacre in 2012, the top 4 gun makers in America have cleared $632 million in profits…there are an estimated 270-300 million guns in America, about 1 per person. Where is all that steel being purchased from? In the USA or overseas?

9 years ago

City Council Final Grades: Krol D
Caccamo A
Cotton D
Amuso F
Simonelli A
Connell C
Lothrop C
Clairmont A
Tully F
Morandi C
Mazzeo A

Ashely Rivers
Ashely Rivers
Reply to  amandaWell
9 years ago

As a group, the overall grade is f——-.

Ashely Rivers
Ashely Rivers
Reply to  Ashely Rivers
9 years ago

Mr. Gaetani wants me to relay this to all of you. Do you know if your child or grand child is being taught by a certified teacher? He is working on this. He said, in his day as a teacher, a teacher could teach two classes a day outside of their area of certification. Translation: your student’s Biology teacher could be an individual certified in basket weaving.. Does this concern any of you posters? Be sure to watch Mr. Gaetan’s tv show next friday for more details.

Ashley Rivers
Ashley Rivers
Reply to  Ashely Rivers
9 years ago

To get the ball rolling, call your child’s principle and ask him or her to identify the certifications that your child’s teacher has obtained. You may be very unpleasantly surprised.

Reply to  Ashley Rivers
9 years ago

Ms. (or Mr.) Rivers

Your concerns are legitmate and admirable but I’m afraid the ship has already left the dock.
It would take more than a herculean effort to change the status quo as to how things are and have always been.
But as Sol (or someone here) once said: Planet Valenti is a place where we can rant.
Mr. Gaetani has a message for all of us but unfortunately the messenger does not have the visual or verbal personna to make it effective.
Not to say that David hasn’t slayed Goliath but David is not currently living in Pittsfield.

Reply to  Ashley Rivers
9 years ago

Hes living in Stockbridge!!

Ashley Rivers
Ashley Rivers
Reply to  Ashley Rivers
9 years ago

Sean, if you have ever seen Mr. Gaetani’s show, he is the master of presentation and reliable content. He convinced the entire city in the 80’s to purchase his technology. He is the best at what he does. No one comes even close. The messenger and genius lives at 1098 West St. Pittsfield.Go visit him and ask for a tour of one of his two yachts. Do you have any accomplishments of note? Mr. G. is as accomplished as they come.I know the man and I would suggest you get to know him too. He’s a one man dynamo. He’s waiting to hear from you.

Reply to  Ashley Rivers
9 years ago

That’s all we heard about and from Mr G during the campaign, how he saved the city millions of dollars in the 80s. Ashley you bring up the 80s again.

Let me inform you. The 80;s are a generation ago. And how well did he “convince the entire city” to vote for him not in the 80’s but now in 2015. Didn’t work out too well did it?

I like what hes trying to do but not how he goes about it. He reminds my of Valenti Lite.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Ashely Rivers
9 years ago

I thought Mr. Gaetani previously said certification was not needed, and that all a teacher needed was a high school diploma. Now he wants proof of certification. When he taught, was he certified? How long did he teach? Did he maintain his certification? Was he a licensed teacher?

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Ed Check
9 years ago

If I recall he said elementary school teachers did not need the degree.

9 years ago

Entertainment value was seventy percent of the final grade.

9 years ago

Gaetani needs to be more abrasive, like the last Silly Council meeting and his last show.

eye in the sky
eye in the sky
9 years ago

Good point Ashley.Folks should do that.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

What is the name of his Yacht?

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

the SS Minnow

eye in the sky
eye in the sky
Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Maybe he’ll put a picture of the Pittsfield yacht on his Facebook page and on his tv show

9 years ago

The Gaetanic

Free Bird
Free Bird
9 years ago

The department of Ed. collects certification information for all districts. To find Pittsfield’s go to the link

The percentage of teachers certified to teach what they are teaching is listed as 95.9 percent in Pittsfield.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Free Bird
9 years ago

Compare that to Berkshire Arts & Technology School (BArT) at 51%.

9 years ago

The hugging between Mazzeo and Lothrop really takes the Cake. At least Barry isn’t a wuss?

9 years ago

Mission Implausible: dn dn dn dn dn dn dn dn …….
Barry, your mission if you choose to accept, is to petition the right to choose who is wanted for vice president, remember, Lady Fingers will contend this as a last minute endeavor and be careful Barry, of the dangerous Charter Objection, remember Barry, Lady Fingers has vetted the Charter very carefully and will find it very disturbing, and it is your Mission to recommend a change to vote for the vice Presidency, make a motion Barry to amend it so it fixes certain rules. Also Barry, the 1 percent has made all of you look like fools, so Barry, try not to do everything in haste, good luck Barry. Dn dn dn dninnn.

9 years ago

Wasn’t it LOw the originator of complaining about late information and communications and not being confident on voting for certain items without the information in front of him at the last minute? And being fully vetted?? The Countdown to LOw’s farewell tour should not be extended, let the new City Council hash this meaningless change.