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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, JAN. 11, 2016) — You were out celebrating Christmas. Then you were nursing your New Year’s hangover. That’s why you missed it. You didn’t notice when the Community Development Board (CPB) approved the site plan for the (pick one) $121 million … $150 million … $200 million new Taconic High School. Of course, this being Pittsfield, where no discouraging words are allowed on projects Sacred to The Suits, the board gave its unanimous approval.

The CDB gave the needless project a unanimous green light despite two illegalities that would have curtailed most any other project without The Fix being “in.” Nice to see board members playing along as their masters commanded. And so it goes, one of the great scandals of municipal government: The lack of independence and quality on boards and commissions.

Variances: Another Word for Legal Law Breaking

Members include C.J. Hoss, city planner; Sheila Irvin, chair; Floriana Fitzgerald, clerk; Lou Costi, gum on your sneaker sole; David Hathaway; Craig Strassell; Carolyn Valli; and Gary LeVante — Well-intentioned “players,” good guys, hacks, losers, wanna-bes, never-weres, and never-shall-bes contributing mightily to the city’s inability to get out of its own way. They call it “public service.”

The board granted two variances allowing the city to violate zoning regs requiring buildings to be no taller than two stories. The second related to playing fields. THE PLANET won’t bore you with further details. The essential point here is if Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski tried the variance route, the board would likely shoot them down. Oh, and what about the environmental restrictions that would otherwise prohibit a project of this size? Ignored.

The THS architect, hardly an objective source, faily gushed: “It became apparent that for a lot of reasons new construction made the most sense for this project going forward.”

What reasons?

  1. Money
  2. Money
  3. Money
  4. Money and
  5. Money.
  6. For the SIGs, GOBs, and Suits.

Hurry, Hurry, Hurry (Suckers)

The architect uttered prose-poems about the need for the variances: It will keep “academic functions closer together. It helps the flow of the school every day … passing time is short.”

Ah, the old “hurry, hurry, hurry” scam. Whenever there’s a possibility one of The Suits’ Sacred Projects might face an obstacle, boards, commissions, and councils hear that “time is running out” and become complicit in the scam virtually every time. “Action must be taken now or else.” Stop THE PLANET if you’ve heard this one before.

The architect, Carl Franceschi, assured the CDB, “For a building of this size, three stories is perfectly reasonable.” Cachinga!

Easy for him to say since his company, Drummey Rosane Anderson, has vested interest in making this white elephant as white and as elphantine (and as big and expensive) as possible. This is where boards in honest communities step forward and cut overblown fantasies to down size, doing their fiduciary job of representing citizens and taxpayers.

In the end, the shills on the CDB loved Franceschi’s plan, granted all the requested zoning waivers, and went one further. The CDB said the plan did not need to be reviewed by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Next step in this disastrous project shall be bidding for the construction work.

Ca-chinga. Ca-chinga.

Color Us Green with Nausea

The biggest official concern at this point of a Done Deal comes from the — get this — Color Selection Subcommittee (CSS) of the School Building Needs Commission. Bet you didn’t know you had a CSS on the SBNC representing you on the crucial issue of color coordination of the school. More “barney fifes” from “Podunk” thinking they’re Rail Barons from the Gilded Age.

You’ll be able to sleep tonight knowing that the architect’s interior designer recommended “a neutral palette.” Naturally, the SBNC accepted the recommendation without debate. The SBNC’s Mary Beth Eldridge added a crucial insight, telling all who would listen that the “neutral palette” would “help in the navigation.”

“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, there you are. Stuck in the middle with Them.”

God help Pittsfield, since no one else with power wants to do it.

The Fix Remains In.

“I laugh at my enemies: Who shall then declare / The date of my deep-founded strength, or tell / How happy, in your lap, the sons of men shall dwell?”William Cullen Bryant, closing lines, “The Ages.”



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9 years ago

If this 120 million dollar school project does not hit 200 million dollars no one will be more surprised than I. Why? Because the actual cost for the rehab of the Colonial theater was over ten times the original estimate. Same for the airport renovation. How or why could anyone be so far off? My guess is either incompetence, which is being generous, or malfeasance. We should keep a ticker on this and watch as it climbs over the next couple of years. Perhaps create a contest with the winner getting an extra minute at the city council meeting podium to say, “I told ya so.”

And can you even get on boards, committees or councils in Pittsfield without being connected?

9 years ago

When Construction starts they are going to hit ledge.Lots of it under that property. And the Cost Overrun will climb Dusty…..and Climb.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Excellent point . Anyone can see that by walking the land.

Reply to  Voltaire
9 years ago

Maybe they will strike oil and extracting the oil from the shale will become an the economic engine they are talking about.

Reply to  Dusty
9 years ago

Maybe not oil, but water is a possibility. The woodlands to the south southeast of the existing building are pretty swampy,

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Voltaire
9 years ago

really now?

Linden Tyler
Linden Tyler
Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

Not to mention the Radon in that section of town

Reply to  Linden Tyler
9 years ago

Then why not stop the process

Reply to  Painter
9 years ago

Well, who owns the land? How much are they paying this guy for the land? Uh,,,yah.

Reply to  Dusty
9 years ago

the City owns the entire parcel

9 years ago

By the time all the cost over runs are done and they add in the stuff they “forgot”, plus all the miscellaneous problems with land and pollution I predict at least $300,000.

economic engine
economic engine
Reply to  Paul
9 years ago

$300,000 would be a bargin. I think you meant $300 Million.

$300,000 barely covers one kickback.

Reply to  economic engine
9 years ago

Ya, oops

9 years ago

Terrible site for a school,stop this building….homeowners loosing their homes.linda please stop this project pittsfield is bankrupt

Deep Teacher
Deep Teacher
9 years ago

Wait a minute, I thought Sheila Irvin was a school district employee in the Pittsfield system. A quick lookup of email addresses shows her name there.

I hope she abstained from the vote due to conflict of interest. If not, super citizen Terry Kinnas, the bat signal is flashing.

Reply to  Deep Teacher
9 years ago

I think a conflict of interest is when you gain something financial. Like it or not, the project is on a trajectory to move ahead. Variances are common as well – we give them for everything from decks that are too close to a sideline on a corner lot to replacing something built before the zoning laws went into effect. if you lived on a small in town lot, you would not think your request was illegal.

LT was a supporter of the new school, so to expect her to suddenly change course is kind of ridiculous.

Deep Teacher
Deep Teacher
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

Then why did Councilor Caccamo always abstain when voting on school department issues when he was employed by theschool district?

Reply to  Deep Teacher
9 years ago

Becauser4 the only things that go before the CC that relate to the schools is money. And as an employee of the district, he would be voting on something he had a financial interest in. Voting on constructing something (regardless of whether you oppose ort support it) has no bearing on cash in your pocket.

Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago


Norm Fernordner
Norm Fernordner
Reply to  Deep Teacher
9 years ago

It would be good for the city if Councilor Caccamo abstained from serving on the council. When he speaks he sounds like a 14 year old boy.

economic engine
economic engine
9 years ago

Cash Cows are put in place to be milked. Thats just what they do.

The people were denied a vote because they knew the people would reject this project.

The monetary figures projected costs were bogus right from the start. They knew it and so did everyone else.

Now watch as TLLT’s budgets result in huge tax increases. “Free cash” dries up. Don’t be surprised if they use the remaining GE consent decree funds to cover the “unexpected” cost overruns.

This is the project that will bring Pittsfield down to its knees. The holy grail. The mother load.

Reply to  economic engine
9 years ago

The Big Dig of Pittsfield.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

They are living a lie …. running with it…and the Taxpayers are on the hook.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

A while ago I mentioned a Taconic High School Student who interviewed at a Mold Shop that my husband is employed in. He said they have a brand new CNC Machine in the School Shop, and the Teacher doesn’t know how to run it, so the Students haven’t had any hands on training. The Student hardly knew the very basics. This is what business is up against with no one to take over in the Trade business.

Reply to  spagirl
9 years ago

The Voc-Tech Programs have been dumping grounds for years of students who don’t want to learn. Most of the instructors just show up and manage the chaos…

9 years ago

She will need guts to stop this building,I think she will stop a bad idea…I believe she’s different

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

No one is different after they get in office

Biff Q
Biff Q
9 years ago

If former N F L Coach Bud Grant at age 88 can wear a short sleeve shirt in – 6 degree weather at the Minnesota Football playoff game, then Super Citizen can and will find a loophole concerning anything to do with the Project. Terry is our Bud Grant here, a Gem indeed!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Pittsfield politics is totally corrupt! The G.O.B.’s push their agenda down everyone’s throats and make a mockery of democracy. The G.O.B.’s thrive on voter apathy, suppression and intimidation of citizen participation in state and local government, and Pittsfield’s third world local economy. The new Taconic High School is going to be a boondoggle for the special interests. There will be huge cost overruns, mismanagement, and, as always in Pittsfield politics, corruption. The money-grubbers will be wringing their hands, while the local taxpayers will be on the hook for huge tax hikes. Pittsfield politics will never change. It is the G.O.B.’s agenda for the vested interests, while nearly no one dares to make waves for fear of retaliation. If you speak out about Pittsfield politics’ corruption, you will lose your job and never work in Pittsfield again in your life. They will blacklist you. The lovely Linda Tyer is going to follow in the long line of G.O.B.’s, as her mentor was the corrupt Jimmy Ruberto. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. You have to be insane to believe Pittsfield politics will ever change. Resistance is futile in Pittsfield politics. It is a machine!

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

In order for everyone to understand what happens when the city takes advise from consultants on proposed projects, with no one from the city side having any idea how to assess the costs, projected by the consultants-The following is what happens.- In 1981. Mr. G. came to the city administration and told them that he had approached the city’s consulting engineers about having them look at his proposal for 16 million dollars, as opposed to what the consultants were proposing for 150 million dollars. The consultants Metcalf and Eddy engineers and Gerald Doyle sr. laughed at the Gaetani and completely ignored him. Being persistent as he is, he went directly to the client, the City of Pittsfield, and told them that he would educate them and show them conclusively, that they could build plants using Krofta’s Sandfloats and do it for indeed 16 million dollars. The only reason that the project jumped to 33 million dollars was because the fed and state govt. required 100% back up because the technology was so new. The plants were built and Gaetani saved the city well over 125 million dollars. Fact– Anyone who wants specifics go to Berkshire Eagle Files and read for yourself. Mr. G. is famous in the water/ wastewater industry for pioneering a new Marketing method of going directly to the client and eliminating the consultants, as the know all say all in all projects. Many manufacturers of technology are now going directly to the client (Municipalities) and it is catching on globally. The problem Mr. G. is having today, with the past admin but hopefully not this new admin, is the same problem he had in the 80’s. The difference then versus today, is that in the 80’s, he had city officials who would listen and by listening the city saved over 125 million. The past admin. was a pack of fools and the full city council was also. In the 80’s Mr. G. had to have Metcalf and Eddy fired and Gerald doyle Sr. also. Today Metcalf and Eddy has to be fired again and Bruce Collingwood can not be invoved in this project. Mr. G. will not work with these two and if the city doesn’t fire them, Mr. G. will walk away, and the city will be robbed big time. It is as simple as this. Lets look at the school project. Take a look at the people on the school buildings need com. Not one drop of technical expertise. Amusso would not know a slotted screw driver from a phillips head and would buy Pet rocks for a million dollars each, if the consultants recomended. The committee had their say a few weeks ago and they picked out colors for the school. Do you get the picture.? Let’s hope that the new councilors and new Mayor see the light before Pittsfield totally sinks. The time for everyone to act is at hand and it requires input from everyone. Everyone has to get on the Non Gob- Sig network. If you and everyone else doesn’t, it will be business as usual with you being driven out of town because you will not be able to afford to live here. These are the issues we must all start talking about yesterday. START POSTING WITH YOUR IDEAS AND CONCERNS.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

I’ve got it, we can stack sand floats to build the High School! That will save a gazillion dollars. It will also filter the torrent of uneducated ordure spewing forth from the mullet talented and multi personalitied Mr. 3%.

Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

welcome to Planet Gaelenti

Reply to  Major
9 years ago


Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

Request to all media, To all media–I am requesting that all media cover the Public session at each CC meeting. The most important part of any CC meeting is when the taxpayer is speaking in the Public session. The media should carry the requests and ideas of the taxpayer speaking and release the info, so that all city residents will know what is on the minds of the taxpayer speaking in the public session. The only media source that covers the taxpayer, is the Gazzette newspaper. The local media has done a good job of keeping the public in the dark and it is high time that they do their job which is to keep the taxpayer informed with what is going on with municipal government.

Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

True. They want to keep the public completely in the dark since local media is in bed with the GOBs. It seems that our state government should be able to step in to stop all the deception unless they are also in on this scheme to fool the public about the actual cost of this project.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

False, unbalanced ramblings that have no root in fact are not newsworthy.

Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

The State is the perpetuator of these projects. They make small scale renovations all but impossible – only reimbursing for taking care of every problem, every code deficiency, and every out of date building in one fell swoop. Hence more debt. it’s part of the plan to keep us indebted to bigger and bigger government for all time. New England thrift is dead. RIP.

9 years ago

Mi thinks the Wiz has burned to many bridges, even the esteemed boyfriend can’t help you, good project-savings, or not.

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  mi
9 years ago

If the council and mayor go with unnecessary expense I can hardly wait to hear their reasoning.

Norm Fernordner
Norm Fernordner
9 years ago

We have three new councilors and a new mayor. I can only pray they are good leaders guided by commonsense.

Reply to  Norm Fernordner
9 years ago

Don’t be foolish

9 years ago

Tell the Wiz the 1980’s ended many years ago. And go away.

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Felix
9 years ago

the issue at hand is not the decade or any one person. The issue is $ as opposed to $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. I don’t care if it’s Tyer, Bianchi or whoever. We need value for our tax dollars,

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

At least he got a new keyboard with a property functioning CAPS LOCK key. Although he’s admitted in past posts that he doesn’t really know how to use computers. He doesn’t need to, he’s just the idea man, he can produce unicorns and pots of gold, or at least tell other people to do it, and because he said it, it must be so.

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

A private citizen can’t raise your taxes or throw your money away the way the city leadership has over the last forty good ole years. I suggest that you reclaim the space in your head that you have given to a private citizen and start concentrating on those elected officials who have the power to screw you.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

A private citizen can run for office, campaign effectively, and win. A public citizen can too. Good luck Tinman.

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

SHH, there are none so blind as those who will not see

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Enjoy that tax bill that’s due early next month El Chumpo

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

Enjoy the bill across your face soplar mi Loro.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

Answer to Juan…..Met and Ed.

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Miss Vito
9 years ago

huge mistake

interesting news
interesting news
9 years ago


This story is probably not funny but made me laugh.

Vermont man flattens 8 Police cars and escapes on tractor after marijuana arrest.

Troy's Boy's
Troy's Boy's
9 years ago

When will our new Mayor respond to the robbery at gunpoint ? I would like to know how she plans on fixing this.

Reply to  Troy's Boy's
9 years ago

Don’t worry it won’t be long and she’ll be asking for more place

Reply to  Painter
9 years ago

Sorry Police

Norm Fernordner
Norm Fernordner
Reply to  Troy's Boy's
9 years ago

By a collaborative non fifties model with inclusiveness

Hype Pathetically
Hype Pathetically
9 years ago

If you win the $1.5 Billion dollar powerball jackpot would you……….

A) Pay for the new high school (it wouldn’t be enough).

B) Leave Pittsfield and your house there and stick-it-to-the-man.

C) Buy city hall and bulldoze it down.

D) Run for Mayor and tax everyone to the stoneage

E) Other

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Hype Pathetically
9 years ago

If I won the powerball jackpot, I would consider giving financial aid to my native hometown of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. The lovely Linda Tyer could tell me her vision for a Pittsfield that thrives for everyone. Maybe she should invite Bill Gates and Warren Buffett to lunch. Pittsfield needs a lot of financial aid!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Jon..before you donate anything to these money grubbers, remember what happened to Larry Bossidys donation.

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
Reply to  EddieP
9 years ago

EddieP, I find your reply interesting.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

if I win Powerball – you will never hear from me again, and my fat ass will be on a tropical beach somewhere off the shores of Venezuela.

Reply to  Hype Pathetically
9 years ago

I think I would donate some money to the animal shelter and get on the first bus heading towards the New York boundary.

Reply to  Dusty
9 years ago

I will use my PowerBall billions to turn Linden St, into the Jazz District, and the first club I open will be called Two Dollar Nate’s. I will turn Wahconah St. will become the Flower District, and give Wahconah Park glossy publicity in every possible market. Tyler St. does not need an initiative, imho, as the merchants on Tyler St. have already taken the initiative. Not sure what I’ll do with St. Mary’s, maybe something like Reading Terminal in Philly, or Thorne’s Market.I will definitely stage my dream, The Bernie Baran Memorial Gay Pride Parade—don’t worry, Pittsfield, it will just the six of us, and possibly a local or regional politician—but I will advertise the hell out of it across gay media in hopes of attracting GWM here. Read that as Guys With Money, as gay men often have money to invest, and I hope they will take over derelict properties and make them FABULOUS, and hey, Johnny’s Beach Club will become an entirely different animal once I get the GWM, and GBM, here. I will sell the hell out of the attractiveness of the Pitty, a place to play for all four seasons, two beautiful lakes, hiking, skiing, baseball, etc. I will ask the people that everyone hates—the ones who sit harmlessly in the parks on North St., the poor, the disenfranchised, what they would like to see happen in Pittsfield, and make that happen. If you invite one of our fellow citizens who you think you dislike to dinner once a week for a year, I will give a million dollars to everyone who does that. And I will fire the School Committee, re-evaluate our teachers, and do whatever it takes to fix that mess. Not sure about how I’ll approach North St. yet, but I will remove all those social services and courts off of the main drag, maybe centralize them all in anew building on the bus line, and then, of course, I’ll bring about world peace. Hey, what can I say? Dreamers dream.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
9 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow
9 years ago

At least they’re keeping the video gaming lounge on Kellogg street.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Joe Blow
9 years ago


“Nuclea Biotechnologies to cut jobs, close Pittsfield lab”
By Tony Dobrowolski, The Berkshire Eagle, January 11, 2016

PITTSFIELD – One month after naming a new CEO, Nuclea Biotechnologies is eliminating positions in both Pittsfield and Cambridge, and closing a Pittsfield laboratory.

Nuclea officially announced both moves on Monday, stating that the lab closure and layoffs are part of a “major internal reorganization” that is designed to allow the company to focus “more fully” on the commercialization of its products.

“As part of the re-organization plan, the company is de-emphasizing some of its research and development efforts, and closing its CLIA laboratory in Pittsfield,” Nuclea said in a statement. Nuclea’s CLIA lab is at 48 Elm St.

Nuclea did not say how many positions in either company facility were being eliminated. Company officials in both Cambridge and Pittsfield did not return telephone calls on Monday seeking comment.

CLIA is an abbreviation for Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments. The CLIA program was established by Congress in 1988 amid public concerns about the quality of laboratory testing. It provides oversight of all clinical laboratory procedures in the United States.

The company maintains CLIA labs in both Cambridge and Pittsfield, according to its website. Both labs offer a full range of fully validated and reimbursable CLIA tests for proteins associated with cancer and other chronic diseases.

As of Monday, the reorganization plan had not affected Nuclea’s computer laboratory at the Pittsfield Economic Development Authority’s administration building on Kellogg Street, PEDA’s executive director Corey Thurston said.

In December, Nuclea’s board of directors replaced company founder and CEO Patrick J. Muraca with biotechnology industry veteran Donald E. Porgozelski, a former president of Genzyme Diagnostics. Muraca was appointed president and CEO of NanoDx, a development stage company in Albany, N.Y.. that is a spin-off of Nuclea.

When Porgozelski replaced Muraca, Nuclea stated that it was moving from a focus on research and development to focus more on the commercialization stage.

On Monday, Nuclea stated that senior management is in the process of developing a new strategy aimed at rapidly expanding sales of its existing products, and introducing new products and services in 2016.

“The company’s commercial focus will remain on diagnostic and prognostic products for the management of cancer and metabolic disease, especially diabetes,” according to the statement.

Nuclea is assembling a new leadership team to implement the “aggressive strategy,’ the statement said. As part of the reorganization, Nuclea is “streamlining it operations,” a procedure that caused the layoffs in both Pittsfield and Cambridge.

Founded in 2005, Nuclea is one of Berkshire County’s few biotechnology firms. The company develops and commercializes unique Food and Drug Administration-approved diagnostic tests for prostate and breast cancer, diabetes and other metabolic syndromes.

Nuclea acquired its Cambridge facility in 2013 when it purchased a pharmaceutical company.

On Monday, Nuclea stated that its new plan will position the company to grow rapidly and to continue providing essential diagnostics kits and services for the management of patients in oncology and diabetes. @TonyDobrow on Twitter.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
9 years ago
PITTSFIELD — Nuclea Biotechnologies, a developer and maker of diagnostic tests for cancer and diabetes, has received a $510,000 state tax incentive to develop more manufacturing in Pittsfield and create 25 jobs.

“We’re exited about that it really gives us a boost,” said Patrick J. Muraca, president and chief executive officer and co-founder of Nuclea.

The jobs, he said, will involve making a new technology related to his company’s diagnostic tests. The jobs will begin at $50,000 or more a year. Muraca credited state Sen. Benjamin Downing, D-Springfield, for his help with the incentive.

Reply to  Joe Blow
9 years ago

Something pretty shifty about this for sure.

El Chapo
El Chapo
9 years ago

Buenas noches, amigos. it has come to my attention that I will be the guest of your Sheriff Bowler. I expect to bring several good paying construction jobs to your fine community. I you have experience in tunnel construction feel free to call my people at 555-555-5555. We offer excellent benefits and a great 401k. I am waiting for your call.

9 years ago

Murca is easy to investigate. Pittsfield is going to 30, was done in 2010 and that projection was with sabic and mall and baba Louis. …150 teacher are going to lose their job ….2 schools.close.
.1.high school and crosby

9 years ago

Juan said.something. what was. It

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Change
9 years ago

eres un payaso ignorante

9 years ago


9 years ago

A gree……..Alabama 37. Clemson 0

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

eres un payaso ignorante:)

9 years ago

Murca is a snake oil sales man, and very good at it. Do not look behind the green curtain.

9 years ago

hare UNO prediction…no plant for u!

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  mi
9 years ago

mucho dinaro down el toilet then

El Chapo
El Chapo
Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
9 years ago

Si Senoor

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Tes was a big big Muraco fan, another one was Peter (fingers) Larkin,and all three are big fans of the pipeline.

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

we do need energy

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Pittsfield: “Linda Tyer to appear on ‘Planet Valenti Television'”
The Berkshire Eagle, January 11, 2016

Mayor Linda Tyer will appear as a guest on “Planet Valenti Television,” a one-hour live, news, commentary and entertainment show hosted and written by Dan Valenti.

The show airs live beginning at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 14, on Time-Warner’s public access channel 16.

The full hour will be rebroadcast at 11:30 a.m., 3 p.m., 6:30 p.m., and 11 p.m. Friday, Jan. 15. It will also be available on the Pittsfield Community Television website.


Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

She should be honored.

Norm Fernordner
Norm Fernordner
9 years ago

Does anyone have an idea who “Shakes His Head” Is? It’s obvious that he or she is a self interested GOB/SIG…..I think I know wo it is but I would love to see your guesses?

chuck garivaltis
chuck garivaltis
9 years ago

Responding to Dan’s post of 8:38pm here’s the mind boggling part.

Larry said that he wanted his million dollar gift to be for “the improvement and preservation of playing fields”. Three city leaders wrote him asking what does he mean by improvement and preservation of playing fields?

Go figure.