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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THURSDAY, JAN. 7, 2015) — The three baseball diamonds at The Common have gone the way of Crazy Annie and Red the Drunk. In their place, paved walkways, rolling grass, water sprays, and pavilions, a $5 million waste of taxpayer money. So if they’re not playing ball, what are today’s kids doing when not glued to a screen? If they’re young males, they mess about on skateboards and bikes.

You can see them on public ways, steps, rails, and anywhere there’s an obstacle that exceeds their abilities and a old person to buzz and terrorize. To get The Little Darlins’ out of harm’s and pedestrian’s way, city mothers created a skate park out of sight in a dark Common corner. Brilliant! Suddenly, The Common became uncommon, as people became afraid of going there.

The Common skate park quickly became a hot drug market attracting users, dealers, and riff-raff at what used to be the Flea League diamond. The city ignored the misdoings until the sheer volume of incidents and violence demanded that something be done.

Some additional taxpayer money later, the city destroyed the tennis courts on East and Appleton and installed a skate park. Brilliant II! The city does not staff the park, and the high school has no jurisdiction over what goes on there. Did you ever think the northeast corner of The Common would start looking good?

Emboldened by the city’s lack of resolve in cracking down on its young troublemakers, gradually, perps frequenting the East-Appleton park recaptured the old trade in drugs, weapons, violence, and other accoutrements of anarchy — you know, just kids having fun, Pittsfield style.

Trouble waiting to happen finally ran out of patience and hiding. Recently, five youngsters got into a confrontation at the skate park, leading to a near-fatal stabbing during school hours.The combatants were PHS students and kids from New York state. Drugs were involved. Your shocked. Shocked. The school over-reacted by ordering a “shelter in place.” That means that instead of not learning in their regular classes, the students practiced surfing their Smart phones for texts, games, and porn in a quarantine.

Later, instead of applying common sense, the Ship of Fools known as the Pittsfield School Committee engaged in cretinous hand-wringing, overlooking the most obvious solution: ending PHS’ “open campus” policy, rescinding off-site lunch privileges and going back to a closed campus. Too many kids are abusing the privilege. The daily lunch-bunch features hordes of kids, too many of whom assume that the “right” to leave the campus unescorted grants permission to litter, jaywalk, do drugs, and more.

The idiots on the PSC, led by Lady Boots, called the skate park a gathering place for scholars and adults. Translation: “We have lost control. The kids are in charge.”

Roll call, Madame Secretary.

Lady Boots Yon, 83 Vista Street, 499-1278, — The Woman from Densa. Present.

Josh Cutler, 16 Taconic St., 464-2541, —  Neutered and half-witted by fear. Past.

Tony Riello, 26 Shore Drive, 822-8931, — Badge-less and half-baked. Future.

Pam Farren, 101 Brighton Ave., 212-1337, — Venus Hums because she can’t remember the words. Pluperfect.

Cynthia Taylor, 200 Wendell Ave., 822-0901, — Cosmetic but cracked. Imperfect.

Dan Elias, 000 Anywhere St., 555-5555, — Nothing but net. (Full disclosure: We know his brother Tom). Future perfect.

The inability of the city to manage something as simple and straightforward as a skate park recedes when one looks at the larger picture. The more important aspect of the stabbing incident is one of control. Who controls students when they are in the classroom and otherwise on school time? Clearly, it’s no longer teachers or the administration. The former have had their hands tied by the latter, who fear to 1-in-100 quack parent who’s ready to sue at the first drop of a piece of chalk.

The answer here is easy, and it doesn’t involve giving the PSD more millions.

  1. Keep the park open.
  2. Keep the campus closed during school hours.
  3. Police the park, and crack a few skulls when the troublemakers decide to act up.
  4. Adopt uniforms for all city high school students.


“Tears of the flower man, fill the sea — give me a chance to fly away.”Uriah Heep, from “Simon the Bullet Freak” from the album Salisbury, (1972).



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8 years ago

representative democracy? well, after telling a couple of City Councilors I was in favor of a referendum vote on the school, they evidently didn’t get my message…Jack! Why is City Hall all lit up at night? And right down the street, homeless, starving people near the
Church are freezing.

Reply to  amandaWell
8 years ago

Why is the common lit up all night with about 25 huge lights?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  amandaWell
8 years ago

Plenty of places they can go if they aren’t under influence.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

Is the Treasurers job still open? I can add.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
8 years ago

Juan, my order of allegiance is God, Family,Country,Planet, Geatani! God, always first, cuz I don’t want to go to Hell.

Linden Tyler
Linden Tyler
Reply to  Discreet Cat
8 years ago

Cat-your priorities are very right. The wizard agrees with you 100%. He was a religious instructor at ST.Marks under Father Mike Shersonovich for years. Mr. G. instilled this calling to his niece and she is a religious instructor to this day in N H.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Anyone going to the Wedding EXpo tomMorow?

Reply to  Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Not me. I’ve been married for a long time.

Reply to  Pat
8 years ago

I’m sorry about that.

8 years ago

Where is it?

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
8 years ago

We need more arts and more bump outs on North Street.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

Police are going non stop on calls,be careful out there!.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

I heard there is going to new economic growth in Pittsfield in 2016. But it is in more welfare caseloads, poor people, social services, not-for-profits, higher taxes, higher debts, job loss, population, school choice students, PCBs and cancer patients, political corruption and the Good Old Boys club, violent crimes, deadly shootings, murders, drugs, gangs, jail inmates, store closings, Sabic Plastics moving out, and suppression and intimidation of citizen participation.

8 years ago

Already have that, Jon.

8 years ago

If only the people of our Country could come together in unison to solve important issues, as they do to support Powerball. That would also be my dream!!

Linden Tyler
Linden Tyler
Reply to  spagirl
8 years ago

Spa Girl- I love your posts short and to the point. 250241 million more like you and I and we would be in Paradise. B

Reply to  Linden Tyler
8 years ago

Linden Tyler

Reply to  spagirl
8 years ago

Thankyou…. and wouldn’t it be a better place for all.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

And after all the violence and double talk
There’s just a song in all the trouble and strife
You do the walk, you do the walk of life……..Dire Straits’

eye in the sky
eye in the sky
Reply to  Dilly Dally
8 years ago

Because we can see the handwritting on the wall from the new city administration, it is time for all city residents and taxpayers to band together and build the Non Gob Network that Mr. Gaetani is proposing. We can not trust that the new administration will taxe on a renewed interest in the taxpayer because they are all the old failed administrations of the past which, have crippled this community. If you missed Gaetani’s Tv show yesterday you are behind the 8 ball already. He states that the city must adopt his mayoral proposal of reducing the city budget of at least 7% per year over the next 4 years. He states that this is an absolute nessecity. It has to be done because if the new school goes forward and the sewer project starts in the new fiscal year it will require tax increases of unprecedented proportions. Mr. G. will call for a halt to the school project at the CC meeting this coming tuesday. He states this project must be stopped. Secondly there is o one representing the city against Metcalf and Eddy Engineers who will bring in the most expensive project possible at the sewer plant as their fees are based on total project cost and change orders during the project. Look how much cheaper the wizard did the water projects for. Mand E=150mil. Gaetani=33mil. There is no one in city govt. to guide them against being fleeced by consultants whose only goal is profit margin. I spoke to the wizzard and this is what he wants everyone in pittsfield to know. tHE next major blow to the taxpayer will come when some of those Sabic owned homes come on the market and wont be able to bring 25%of what those employees paid for them. After that happens, it will be a free fall for pittsfield and where the carnage will stop is anyones idea. We are in a perilous situation and thank God Gaetani is thinking outside the box. HE will have much more for everyone to think about and he will educate us on his TV shows. It is time for everybodt to start doing something. Call your reps. write letters, speak at CCmeetings etc. etc. Time is short. The wizard sends regards to all his friends and supporters on the planet.

enough aleady
enough aleady
Reply to  eye in the sky
8 years ago


This Gaetani woship is getting downright sickening.
Please ban this guy.

Don’t let him hijack your site.

Linden Tyler
Linden Tyler
Reply to  eye in the sky
8 years ago

Eye I agree with everything Gaetani says. The major worry have is what will happen if the wizard decides to walk away and say to hell with Pittsfield? He is a business man who knows how and when to pull the plug. If I were him I would have told Pittsfield to go to hell, a long time ago but I guess that’s what makes him unique. I remember him stating once on the Planet, that if things don’t work out, one way or another, he can make it work out another way by buying all the houses in Pittsfield at fire sale costs. After, he will name the city Gaetaniville and become the town manager. Perhaps this is the best thing that could happen, as he would do everything with the taxpayers in mind. We all know he loves the taxpayer. Get well Mr. G.

Linden Tyler
Linden Tyler
Reply to  eye in the sky
8 years ago

Eye I agree with everything Gaetani says. The major worry have is what will happen if the wizard decides to walk away and say to hell with Pittsfield? He is a business man who knows how and when to pull the plug. If I were him I would have told Pittsfield to go to hell, a long time ago but I guess that’s what makes him unique. I remember him stating once on the Planet, that if things don’t work out, one way or another, he can make it work out another way by buying all the houses in Pittsfield at fire sale costs. After, he will name the city Gaetaniville and become the town manager. Perhaps this is the best thing that could happen, as he would do everything with the taxpayers in mind. We all know he loves the taxpayer. Get well Mr. G.//////.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  eye in the sky
8 years ago

Oceanfront property in Arizona…. Also water and sewer improvements should be funded through fees deposited in enterprise funds.

8 years ago

The Board of Health now wants to cap the number of smoking permits? You think that will work? Again, remember when Board Member Jim Wilusz said a few years ago, about the all you can eat restaurants, where he said we should eat in Moderatn for our own Health. A year or so ago he looked like he hadn’t taken his own advice, if you know what I’m saying. Walk the talk Jim.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

Speaking of the Board of Health, how many on that Board currently employed are not from Pittsfield. Don’t recognize any of the names as local, could be mistaken.

Reply to  Miss Vito
8 years ago

Are people who prepare and serve food supposed to wear gloves or not? I see people making sandwiches everywhere and touching money and everything else around them.. Yucky, but I guess it is OK with the health dept.

World's Foremost Authority
World's Foremost Authority
Reply to  Dusty
8 years ago

I remember the old days at the Hot Dog Ranch when the guy would line up the hot dogs on his hairy forearm and then put the fixins’ on

Reply to  Miss Vito
8 years ago

I call upon Linda Tyer to come clean with citizens. Give us a simple list with the name of each city employee, department, salary, and town or city where they live. DV please ask the mayor about thsi.

8 years ago

How about when they answer the phone order with the gloves on, that’s a kicker! It’s cig. It’s cig butts in the roads and smoking at a drive through that has to stop.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
8 years ago

Pittsfield politics is so very predictable!
The new administration under the lovely Linda Tyer will continue to failed policies of her mentor: Jimmy Ruberto.
The lovely Linda Tyer will raise municipal taxes by about 5% and lard up the city’s debt load. The Good Old Boys club will call in their political favors. City services will become even more substandard than ever before. Jobs will be lost. Local residents will continue to move away. Pittsfield politics will make things worse than ever!

8 years ago

Our health dept is pitiful. Look at how many times a year they visit restaurants. Lets not even talk about if it is announced or not. Look at the last report in the Berk Eagle, the list of violations was a joke. I can point out more violations sitting at the bar in these places.

May Hemm
May Hemm
8 years ago

The Code enforcement Officer is a real DuD. I think he’s another out of towner.

8 years ago

This tenure will hose us all. It will be status quo and increased taxes for the next four years.

8 years ago

City Wide income for employees goes up, even the Mayor hasn’t served a day and hers went way up.

8 years ago

The empty suit never lost it’s glitter,
and neither has the Planet!

8 years ago

Wish the new mayor the best. My challenge to her is to run the City with the same budget as last fiscal year. No increases

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

Residency requirements have been disputed forever. There is no constitutional right or protection to work for a City and not reside in said city. A city has many requirements such as fitness, etc.
There is much case law regarding this issue and there are some cases from Worchester and Lee. Enforcement would be a nightmare and defending it might be troublesome but sherardize some case law and you will see it is possible to have a requirement.
“The U S Supreme Court has addressed the constitutional issues of a residency requirement and decided that residency requirements do not violate the Due Process Clause or the Equal Protection Clause since they are not “irrational.” In McCarthy v. Philadelphia Civil Service Commission, 424 US 645 (1976), the Court specifically decided that a residency requirement for a public employee does not violate the constitutionally protected right of interstate travel. The Court stated that there is no constitutional right to be employed by the City of Philadelphia while living elsewhere.”

Full text with supporting case law available for your viewing pleasure at the link below.
No I am in no way interested in trying a case here on the planet. This is just fir informational purposes.

Just sayin

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

Great follow up. I was mistaken. If the city wants a residency requirement, enact one. I guarantee you won’t like the results.

World's Foremost Authority
World's Foremost Authority
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Perhaps we should allow non residents to run for office in Pittsfield. If there are no qualified people to work for the city what makes you think there are qualified people to hold office?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  World's Foremost Authority
8 years ago

Now, that I think would be unconstitutional, and unconscionable.

World's Foremost Authority
World's Foremost Authority
Reply to  Shakes His Head
8 years ago

Richmond has a Pittsfield resident as town manager

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
8 years ago

Excellent entry again J P. A couple of items that I read in here, bothers me. One is a worker out of town doesn’t pay property tax, and another for instance is Jim Wilusz on the Board of Health, telling people to not over indulge at the all you can eat, and he himself seemingly indulged a couple of years ago himself. my point is he’s an out of towner, who left Pittsfield to work out of town. he should mind his own business.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Local Yokel
8 years ago

He lives in Pittsfield.


Reply to  B. Clairmont
8 years ago

Barry I think you’re missing the whole aesthetic of the Planet. You’re SUPPOSED to pull stories out of your colon.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Tommy
8 years ago

Tommy that comment doesn’t speak to the Planet as much as it does to the failings of the elected officials and the “daily newspaper” whose job and duty it is to inform the public. At no time in history has so much information been available for distribution in so many ways and in no time in history had the Mayor ( now former ) “locked down” and the Daily ran from and out right neglected its duties to its customers, both subscribers and advertisers and the citizens of the City, County and wider.
Don’t poke the Planet for filling in the gaping holes of the establishment.

Just sayin

Reply to  Joe Pinhead
8 years ago

And I’m just saying Barry might want to reconsider the noble but Sisyphean task of fact checking Planet comments. From the delusional missives of the water wizard and his sycophants to the daily ignorant mumblings of posters like our good man Local Yokel here, to the intentionally injurious spewings of the legions of ax-grinders, there’s a lot more chaff than wheat in this space.

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Tommy
8 years ago

Tommy boy, you’re the one pulling things out of your colon. Can I suggest that you contact Collingwood for a colon cleansing?

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
8 years ago

You the same as I are not required or mandated to read all comments or even point your browser towards the planet. We all have free will and Choice. If Barry finds the task of fact checking and or contributing to the conversation to much work or it has no return on investment of his time I am certain he can decide to not continue.
Once again I stand by my assertions that the City its elected officials and the Daily have failed at understanding and building a community.
Had a community been built over the past 40- 50 years I believe we would be in much better shape than we currently are. Yes some posters I don’t agree with, however I read each comment to understand their unique perspective. Tommy might I suggest to you that I see frustration and a desire to have their thoughts ideas and positions heard at least and possibly validated. Each one of us on the Planet has not only the opportunity but I say an outright obligation to participate in this here experiment called Democracy it works best that way.

just sayin

Churchill Nylon
Churchill Nylon
Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
8 years ago

Pinhead–Well said. Everyone should be heard. It’s not always the policy on this site. Every Poster deserves to be heard and only when everyone is included, can we say we have heard it all. We all need to hear it all.Good post.

Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
8 years ago

Tommy is an LT sycophant. One of the one’s that can dish it out but won’t be able to take it. Going to be a long 4 years Tommy boy.

Reply to  Juan Pittsfeld
8 years ago

Did you recognize yourself in there, UAlbany? That’s right. You’re category 3.

Churchill Nylon
Churchill Nylon
8 years ago


As of the census[40] of 2000, there were 45,793 people, 19,704 households, and 11,822 families residing in the city. Pittsfield is the largest city by population in Berkshire County, and ranks 27th out of the 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts. The population density was 1,124.3 people per square mile (434.1/km²), making it the most densely populated community in county and 92nd overall in the Commonwealth. There were 21,366 housing units at an average density of 524.6 per square mile (202.5/km²). The racial makeup of the city in 2010 was 86.9% White, 4.99% African American, 0.14% Native American, 1.16% Asian, 0.04% Pacific Islander, 0.77% from other races, and 1.64% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 5.04% of the population. Major ancestry groups reported by Pittsfield residents include: Irish 20%, Italian 17%, French 11%, English 10%, German 8%, Polish 7%,Black/African American 5%, French Canadian 4%, Puerto Rican 3%, Scottish 2%, Dutch 2%, Scotch-Irish 1%, Russian 1%, Greek 1%, Ukrainian 1%, Lebanese 1%, Portuguese 1%, Asian Indian 1%, Swedish 1%.

There were 19,704 households out of which 27.3% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 42.9% were married couples living together, 13.1% had a female householder with no husband present, and 40.0% were non-families. 34.0% of all households were made up of individuals and 14.3% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.26 and the average family size was 2.89.

In the city the population was spread out with 23.2% under the age of 18, 6.9% from 18 to 24, 28.3% from 25 to 44, 23.0% from 45 to 64, and 18.6% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 40 years. For every 100 females there were 90.6 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 86.2 males.

The median income for a household in the city was $35,655, and the median income for a family was $46,228. Males had a median income of $35,538 versus $26,341 for females. The per capita income for the city was $20,549. About 8.9% of families and 11.4% of the population were below the poverty line, including 16.7% of those under age 18 and 7.1% of those age 65 or over.

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  Churchill Nylon
8 years ago

Interesting Statisics

Reply to  Churchill Nylon
8 years ago

And that info is 16 years out of date. Fewer people now, fewer jobs, more poverty, more welfare and “special needs” population, more crime….

8 years ago

A few years ago a man was killed on E Housatonic St. How can a pedestrian not be seen on the street, it’s narrow and pretty visible, di the pedestrian just jump in front of the vehicle?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  AlaskanBushClowns
8 years ago

Yes, and the director of the United Way ran him over.

Biff Q
Biff Q
8 years ago

Powerball Jackpot upwards of 900 m…There is Hope!

Phenix City
Phenix City
8 years ago

Barry, some people can be wrong 1percent of the time.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Is L T from Pittsfield?

Reply to  Shelly Liver
8 years ago

Mayor Tyer absolutely lives in Pittsfield.

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
8 years ago

Where is the Health Director from…Barry?Barry?

Local Yokel
Local Yokel
8 years ago

Where’sthe Code e enforcement Officer from, how about the Assessors?

8 years ago

I saw the Revenant tonight. I believe that was the Best Performance by an Actor that I have seen in my lifetime. Leonardo DiCaprio is absolutely amazing in this film.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
8 years ago

Spa, that did look good on the preview, the bear seen was killer.

8 years ago

The story line reminds me of the movie Nevada Smith with Steve McQueen.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

Arkansas, Alabama,HAWAII,North Carolina,California, Texas to name a few of the Plates seen here recently. hat does that say?

Biff Q
Biff Q
8 years ago

Job interviewing, Missy?

8 years ago

Unlike North Street where you have the occasional Jay Walker going to a parked Car, East Housitonic has no cars parked on it, it is very narrow, one of the narrowest in the City, don’t know who hit what or how it happened, but cannot see how you cannot avoid someone croossing on that street or a lot of other streets if you’re looking in front of you? It’s like running someone over and the pedestrian lands in your windshield, you have to know what that is, don’t you?

8 years ago

Peaslee’s Package and Variety on Wahconah and Wilson Sts. was yet another armed robbery in Pittsfield, yesterday.. Gun shoved in clerk’s face. Video posted on Peaslee’s FB page, Anyone recognize anything ?

eye in the sky
eye in the sky
8 years ago

This becoming almost a daily ritual.

8 years ago

Looks to be an epidemic of crime in general. . Police should be able to question people especially at night,if they deem it suspicious, in general, the P P D are doing all they can and do a great job, but being shorthanded, maybe it is time to start recruiting those twenty new officers. Disagree with City Councilor lair on’t whose says iTMS safe apout there, says who? Places like the Big Y and Shopping Centers in general are always filled with troublemaker’s and street accosting, verbose assaulting, panhandling, drugs and homeless take up a lot of man hours where Police could be elsewhere.

8 years ago

That should be , who says its safe out there.

Biif Q
Biif Q
8 years ago

Don’t Places like Big Y have undercover security personnel?

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

Where was the fact checking on the School contracts and the taxpayer having a vote. Go Skins!

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
Reply to  Miss Vito
8 years ago

Ask Barry, he says it was only 1 %

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
8 years ago

You would think being an accountant, he would be so out of tune with the contract and so far off, is incredible. The outgoing Suzie Carmel had to correct the accountant on an item which he was way off on, yet she didn’t make a big deal out it. On another note? Shouldn’t the taxpayer been given the scenario in real numbers, how much the taxpayer increase will be once the funding is due? How much can we be taxed and at what cost, come tax season?

Biff Q
Biff Q
8 years ago

The biggest joke is the School Committee now gets a stipend and pretty much are in cahoots with the money grabbers themselves.

Juan Pittsfeld
Juan Pittsfeld
8 years ago

Folks let’s concentrate on electing a totally new school committee…..positive change in Pittsfeld starts with a new responsible school committee.

Biff Q
Biff Q
8 years ago

The current number and frequency of robberies is very disturbing, many are small business owners that work hard and provide jobs to employees, it is disheartening to say the least that these hoods and thugs are that desperate, reflects the direction society has resulted to. One thing that is apparent is this City is terribly lit up at night and escape from many of the incidents is pretty easy because it is so dark at night. We can be thankful, so far, no one has been physically injured. Friends of mine were telling me that in the last couple of years there were Steven break ins ( five house, two cars in their neighborhood ) I remember a City Councilor, believe it was Lew, wanted neighbors to be vigil of one another and call Police when you see something out of the ordinary, also, leave a porch light on at night. Just a couple of thoughts on this subject.

8 years ago

I went to Stockbridge 3 times last we and still have no reason to get out of my car,people are walking in circles in Stockbridge and I want to know what they see

8 years ago

Pittsfield has lost 300 more jobs after sabic announced,close 1 high school and close crosby and move on ….sears jcpenny to announce.

Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle
8 years ago

Dan, where are you?