(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEEKEND EDITION, FEB. 5-7, 2016) — And now for something completely different!
– FEBRUARY 4TH 2016 – |
Dear Dan,
With just 5 days until the New Hampshire Primary we have some very exciting Donald J. Trump for President Events planned in New Hampshire!
We will be making multiple stops across the state and we want you to join us! Details about each of the events are below:
February 6th: Manchester, NH
Mr. Trump will be participating in the final Republican Debate before the New Hampshire Primary! Make sure to tune in to ABC at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday!
February 7th: Plymouth, NH
Campaign Rally
Plymouth State University
42 North River Street
Holderness, NH 03264
Rally Starts: 1:00 p.m.
Doors Open: 11:00 a.m.
Register for tickets at
February 8th: Pre-Election Rally with Donald J. Trump
Campaign Rally
Verizon Wireless Center
555 Elm Street, Manchester NH
Rally Starts: 7:00 p.m.
Doors Open: 5:00 p.m.
Register for tickets at
February 9th: Election Night Watch Party
Watch Party
The Executive Court Banquet Facility
1199 South Mammoth Road, Manchester, NH
Event Starts: 7:00 p.m.
Doors Open: 5:00 p.m.
Register for tickets at
We look forward to these special New Hampshire Primary events and hope you can join us!
Team Trump
Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. |
Have a great weekend, everybody. The Comment Line is open.
“Talk sense to a fool, and he will call you foolish.” — Euripides, from The Bacchae, (440 B.C.)
The views expressed in the comment section or opinions published within the text other than those of PLANET VALENTI are not those of PLANET VALENTI or endorsed in any way by PLANET VALENTI; this website reserves the right to remove any comment which violates its Rules of Conduct, and it is not liable for the consequences of any posted comment as provided in Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and PLANET VALENTI’s terms of service.
Republicans can’t be elected,2008 deregulated corporations, banks,banks,banks and you will get more of the same from trump..trump for president…if your a rich man he will make America great for you again…..him and putin 2 spoiled rich guys ….both are insecure rich guys who appeal to frustrated poor white men…..
Trump will make us great again just like all rich guys make American men great
Yeah because a Bernie Sanders socislism or a Hillary Clinton fascism dictatorship would be so much better right. Get real.
Donald Trump is the only hope we have against America being flushed down the toilet.
It may already be too late to save this country which Bush/Obama have ruined.
Trump for president, indeed! The idiot there now has done everything he can to screw business and the economy. Blocking the Keystone Pipeline and now proposing a ten dollar a barrel “FEE” on oil! The only reason why this economy is doing anything right now is in spite of ALL Obama has done to screw the oil industry… The Oil industry still has made monumental gains in domestic production of crude. Affordable energy is the only reason our economy is doing anything and this jerk is doing everything he can to screw it up. I’m certain there will be a few hippocritical tree huggers that believe we can go green…. But until the technologies are proven to work we are still in an oil economy.
The Stone Age didn’t end because of the lack of Stones…. And the Oil Age will not end for the lack of oil! Why on Earth this guy wouldn’t take advantage of our good fortune while its there for the taking is absolute criminal. Particularly, when the alternative is to buy oil from our enemies and supporting their interests!!!
Did you ever get a job from a poor man?
Adam Hinds, executive director of Pittsfield’s Community Coalition, has declared his candidacy for Benjamin Downing’s state senate seat.
Hinds’ entire career since law school seems to consist of various assignments feeding at the public trough via patronage positions provided by powerful Democrat Party apparatchiks, his primary associations being that he was campaign manager for Congressman John Olver and worked on John Kerry’s presidential campaign (where he served under Susan Rice who now serves as National Security Advisor to Barack Obama).
Nowhere in his lengthy resume is there any mention whatsoever of Hinds ever being employed in the private sector.
Hinds’ resume is chock-a-block full of associations with Democrat Party causes and Democrat Party-dominated entities: Pittsfield Community Coalition, Downtown Pittsfield Inc., Berkshire Chamber of Commerce, Berkshire Compact for Education, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts Foundation, Berkshire Health Systems (run by former Democrat National Committee honcho David E. Phelps), Robert F. Kennedy Children’s Action Corps, Truman National Security Fellow, Berkshire Youth Leadership Program, and on and on.
His press release claims “three-and-a-half years in Iraq, including as team leader of a UN-led negotiation between the Kurdistan Region and Government of Iraq.” And also that Hinds was “based in Jerusalem for two years as chief regional advisor to the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, and worked with Kofi Annan to attempt to broker a ceasefire in Syria and was part of a team that worked to eliminate Syria’s chemical weapons program.”
Gee, and just how well did all those assignments work out?
Hinds isn’t even from Berkshire County; he’s a native of Franklin County.
Has Mr. Hinds ever held a real job?
GMHeller, Read yesterdays posts. Many of them were about Adam Hinds and his run for the Senate. Several think he is a Manchurian candidate since he is trying to rise so rapidly to positions of power.
Excellent post GMHeller!
Thanks for the info GH. This makes it clear why all the local Dems were with AH when he declared at the , get this, HON. That tells me all I need to know, Hinds is The Chosen One. No one else need apply. State Dem party bosses have given the order, and the local suck-ups must follow them.
All Hail Sen Hinds!
The Chosen One is an apt description of what is happening.
Notice how fast State Rep. ‘Smitty’ Pignatelli abandoned his own plan to seek this state senate seat.
Pignatelli’s test balloon was obviously shot down by
Olver, Kerry, and Democrat National Committee honchos who plainly have big plans for former Middle East negotiator Hinds.
Hinds must be licking some pretty big Democrat lollipops!
And it also shows how little regard Democrat Party honchos (Olver, Kerry, Phelps, et al.) have for local seasoned politicians like Smitty Pignatelli (who have a history of actually serving the local community) when the honchos want their preferred candidate in an open seat.
Apparently, Pignatelli’s ‘seniority’ is not enough to overcome whatever it is that Olver, Kerry and Co. think is owed to Hinds.
What else would explain the pressure to put Hinds in Downing’s senate seat?
To those who wonder whether Democrats still eat their own, there’s your answer.
Great post GMHeller. He is nothing more than a leach sucking off the tax dollars.
Hinds has never held a real job. He’s strictly a loyal water boy for the Demos. When the Bosses heard that Smitty was interested in running for Senate, they got to him quickly.
Hinds is their Boy. Literally. If he gets in once again Berkshire County citizens will no longer have a representative but the Bosses will have their loyal lap dog.
Perhaps you can give insight or know the answer to this question; and it might be politically incorrect to ask, but is Berkshire County’s newly coronated Democrat candidate for Massachusetts State Senate straight or gay?
When Mr. Hinds held his big presser at Hotel-on-North to announce his candidacy, photographs of the event showed his parents and a slew of comrades, everyone’s attention focused on the candidate.
Missing though was any evidence of an admiring companion or significant other arm-in-arm with the candidate ala Barack and Michelle (or Jack and Jackie, Mike and Kitty, Barney and Jim).
There wasn’t anyone even standing nearby.
So what gives with Berkshire County’s Democrat front-runner?
Heller What the hell does it matter if Hinds is gay or straight . Your a convicted stalker and tax fraud so I guess your opinion means crap.
Ahhh, a sensitive topic indeed for Adam Hinds and those trying to foist this inexperienced outsider on Berkshire County.
So sensitive that partisan ‘Victor Giovanni’ engages in a set of smears rather than provide straightforward answers to what indeed are simple questions.
(Smears are standard operating procedure for Democrat Party operatives, especially here in Berkshire County. Slime anyone who dares to ask probing questions of the Party’s coronated nominees.)
Probably best therefore not to probe too deeply into Mr. Hinds’ associations nor his qualifications for public office in Berkshire County — unless you want your motives questioned. (Shades of Alan Chartock!)
I would like to propose a new and different method of taxation for Pittsfield homeowners. One that is much more fair and equitable. It probably makes too much sense and would clash with the Special Interest folk way of doing things I am going to throw it out there for comment.
Instead of taxing home owners on the value of their homes would it not be more fair to tax them on their income, like the IRS? And I mean the gross income before write offs. That way fewer people trying to live on social security get booted out of their homes. It is really sad that elderly people get driven out of the homes they grew up in and into elderly housing.
Is this a bad idea? Would McCandles go for it?
We have lost 1,000 jobs in 3 months the equivalent of all professional s in the school dept,mayor tyer needs to bring school board,school administrators together publicly to have a discussion of our economy. …..these are the low wage jobs that collectively finance the overly large school system…..there is no more money
I agree there should be some public acknowledgement of this situation of all of these jobs leaving the area. Many people are hurting and this “See no Evil, Hear no Evil attitude” on the part of local pols needs to come to an end. Stop the political correctness already of pretending that everything is wonderful here in Pittsfield. The local media only mentions each individual closing, but never comments on the overall situation with regard to the tremendous job losses here in the Berkshires.
Tricia Farley Bouvier was at Old Country Buffet yesterday during the closing and was heard to say, “I would like to think that a company would treat its employees in a better manner than this.”. I’m shocked that she didn’t say if only they had been paid $20.00 an hour this wouldn’t have happened. While I agree that the closing was abrupt and employees should have had more warning, this doesn’t change what is happening here in the Berkshires. Our area if financially depressed and this is a large reason why so many companies are packing up and leaving. It’s like a ripple effect. These pols need to take some action to stop the domino effect from continuing. Instead of simply berating companies she could do a lot in her position. Change the law so that companies need to give more warning to employees of closings, get more businesses into the area to help people struggling to stay afloat, make Massachusetts more business friendly.
Was TFB there to stand up for workers of looking to overload at the buffet. Looks as if she hasn’t missed many a mean lately. Connell should challenge here to the 50 yard dash!!
Maybe Tricia will buy it and call it the Bouvier Buffet
should be “or” looking to … and shae hasn’t missed many a “meal” sorry
Where was she for the announcement of SABIC closing? Must be an election year and now she has an opponent.
Great one, larry. TFB = Too Foney Baloney. She’s a fake and a fraud as shown with Sabic. Go Chris Connell.
Adding yet another law… One you say should require businesses to give more notice of closing their doors certainly doesn’t make Massachusetts more business friendly…. It does quite the opposite!!!
But according to Mayor Tyer there are 1600 job openings out there. So losing 1000 jobs should not be a concern at all.
1,000 jobs lost…no problem, Mayor Tyer has said that there are 1,600 jobs looking to be filled in Berkshire county. Just a minor readjustment of the workforce.
Johnny, if the city imposes a city income tax (like NYC) you can be sure that they will not eliminate a property tax. They will want both. I have never met a government entity that is ever “satisfied”.
They just hang out the FEED ME sign over and over again.
Looking back the sinking ship in the Allendale shopping center was truly prophetic. Man the lifeboats…women and children first!!!
True, once you get a tax put on here in liberal Massachusetts, you never get rid of it. Just look at the meals tax which continues to go up and was supposed to be temporary. If we get Bernie in office or even Hillary, we will be taxed into oblivion in order to grow the government machine.
If the local pols do comment publicly, which is doubtful, about the job losses here in the Berkshires, expect to hear a lot about those big bad mean companies and how growing government will improve the situation. There will be no mention of actual things they could do to improve the situation.
Let me get this right. An out of county resident (Springfield) gets arrested after coming to Pittsfiled to obtain drugs using a false and forged presciption in an incident that is similar to a rash fradulent presciption incidents at several Pittsfield pharmacies. The scripts appear to be stolen or fraudently duplicated from the BMC pain clinic.
However, a Central Berkshire judge releases this out of town suspect on his verbal promise to return to court, ie; His own recognizance, because he must be an honorable person.
What cracker jaxx box did this judge find his law degree in ? It is readily apparent why this judge didn’t cut it in private practice. This is a classic example of why judges need to be elected or otherwise accountable to the community.
Former Police Chief Joe Buffis is an honorable person as well. He was convicted on one charge of extortion in June 2015. He is free on his own recognizance…..
Allowed by the Judge to attend his daughters Wedding in October 2015. ..Now the Court will delay sentencing again after March 3, while they make their cozy deal that should take up to 6 weeks…..
Apparently 10 months isn’t enough time for them to get it right… for this honorable person.
Wait for it ….. Ask ourselves if we would receive this same b.s.
We would have been breaking rocks and fending off sexual predators in our cells by now Spa.
Complete BS is right! Great post
Dan, I did not realize you were in full shill mode for The Donald, and on his payroll. Sorta taints your journalistic integrity, no?
DV supports Trump. So? The BB probably is in full Hillary mode. So?
As long as you report the facts of a story as you can – I have never seen a media outlet without a point of view. I would rather know the point of view than no know. Since DV reports mostly on Pittsfield politics – there will be very few stories where his support of a Presidential candidate will impact the story at hand is there?
If you have a different viewpoint MrG, you should start your own blog – and I am sure there are many who would read it. Some might even agree with what you write. I imagine everyone who reads or posts to this blog has a Presidential favorite – after all, this is a political blog.
America is the best Country.
I have heard that Mr. Valenti is funded by George Soros and the Koch brothers. I have also seen him at the Red Lion Inn dinning with Michael Moore and Rosie O’Donnell.
That is such B.S. and you know it. DV your call but I think this troll belongs in the garbage can. & by the way even if Dan is writing for Trump to me thats to be proud of. One of our own in the big time… the jealousy here is amazing!
FODB do you mean MRG1188?
So Dan is not supposed to have an opinion or endorse a candidate because why? You expose yourself as the real shill here Praxis33.
It’s one thing to have an opinion, and quite another to be on a candidate’s payroll. Journalists are, by definition, supposed to be neutral reporters. Sure, everyone’s report is going to be colored by their own, inherent biases, but when those biases include a pay check, the reporter has lost all claim to nutrality, or to journalistic integrity. And I believe Dan would likely agree.
Dan will give you back all the money you paid for your subscription to the Planet.
He might even get you some help moving out of the country when President Trump is sworn in. So long as you agree to never come back.
Seriously MrG?Now you have Dan on Trump’s payroll? Do you have the evidence? If so let’s see it.
I have no proof other than Dan’s article above SAYS Paid for by Trump for President!
Dan has to eat too. I have no problem with it. Just list your sponsors/clients.
“journalistic integrity”?
Perhaps you’d rather have Brian Williams giving you the news.
Maybe you’d rather have Megan Kelly.
Us, we’d rather have Dan. Not Dan Rather. Rather, Dan Valenti of A true American Patriot who tells it like it is.
Why don’t you go trolling other sites with your left wing (the party that constantly lies to us) tin foil hat conspiracy nutjob theories.
should be: as honestly as you can
The recent election held in Iowa was a big farce for both parties. Are we really going to elect anyone with integrity and honesty out of these people? There doesn’t appear to be any accountability or punishment going to occur for these actions, if not why not?
Wouldn’t this country receive tremendous benefit if all the funding of these candidates were to go to relieving the national debt! Just think, if might even reduce government by special interest.
Hillary belongs in prison.
Sanders socialism has no place in the USA.
Cruz is not a natural born citizen.
Where do they find these people?
Trump is the only one that is true blue. He is a genuine patriot.
The special interests have no hold on him. He is financing his campaign out of his own pocket.
Amen Bother…. Hillary is more of the same god awful goverernance we have now! This guy cannot be out of office soon enough. He crows about the low unemployment rate…. The unemployment rate is astronomical when you add in the “distressed” long term unemployed and all those with their hands out. Maybe they should stop taking an unemployment count and instead do a “gainfully employed count”!!!
Sears,jcpenny, bjs…here’s how bad things are….our entire delegation and mayor and police chief and news go to Boston for a check to police gangsters in pittsfield….I do not blame her for going,90 grand…..we need to cut school budget by 7 million and spend 3 million of that ushering gangsters out of town…Corp history in pittsfield ma has been a evIL nightmare,a city in denial. …..Allendale school is located on top of this corporations cancer causing swamp…yes we live the evils of corporations. ..maybe most here like what they have done…if a dog took a dump in your yard and the owner did not clean it up you would call the police…..the attorney general of ma should arrest the president of ge the day they move here….
Keep electing democrats.
In between the SOn of SaM assignment, heard The Planet was having dinner with Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain.
I support and like Adam Hinds. He is qualified to be the next Berkshire State Senator. His background is incredible. Plus, he wants to help all of the poor people who live in Western Massachusetts. He is a good man! I must say that I never met him personally. If I was the Governor or U.S. President, I would hire Adam Hinds to work for me because he shares my vision of government and politics. It is not his fault that the G.O.B. political hacks all support him!
All of the hundreds of jobs being lost this year in Pittsfield is distressing. That means even more poverty and welfare caseloads in Pittsfield. I feel sorry for the about 70% of local residents in Pittsfield who live in poverty, depend on welfare assistance and social services programs, and are part of the underclass. This is NOT what are nation is about. Rather, we are about socioeconomic opportunities, compassion for the disadvantaged, and dignity for all citizens.
Pittsfield’s tax base is shrinking, while the lovely Linda Tyer will be presenting her FY2017 municipal budget soon. As was the case for the past couple of decades, Pittsfield politics will raise its annual municipal budget by about 5% again next fiscal year, which begins on July 1st, 2016 and ends on June 30, 2017. The lovely Linda Tyer is not going to change all of the sad and harsh realities Pittsfield is facing. She is Jimmy Ruberto 2.0! I truly believe that Pittsfield politics is making the difficult situation in Pittsfield worse!
On Dan Valenti’s support of Donald Trump, it is a free country and he has a right to voice his support for his favored candidate for the next U.S. President. Myself, I support Hillary Clinton for U.S. President. I share her practical goals of getting legislation past that will help the middle class get ahead again. She has the experience with foreign policy and will be a class act on the World’s diplomatic stage. NH votes in the primary next Tuesday, February 9th.
I want to close by stating that I also support the lovely Linda Tyer, despite my criticism of her about being closely associated with Jimmy Ruberto. Mayor Linda Tyer’s heart is in the right place and I believe she wants to help Pittsfield succeed again. I just don’t seeing it happening in the near future. I hope she proves me wrong!
– Jonathan Melle
Hinds is a hack who has never had a real job. The word on the street in Piittsfeld is that Gaetani will run for State Senate and bring his private sector experience with him.
There are many points I both agree/disagree with your post Jonathan, but Hillary Clinton has experience with foreign policy? Did you forget about that little incident in Benghazi? Hillary Clinton for the middle class? Let us know when you made six-figures speaking at a company gathering? Hillary Clinton, as you put about Linda Tyer, is Obama 2.0. No thanks!!
There is NO WAY I would ever vote for Hillary. She can’t be truthful now. Just imagine what she would be like as president. It would not be good for this country. She has even said she agrees with Obama’s policies. This country will not survive 4 more years with somebody like Obama in office.
As prez Hillary will be the NIG, Nag-in-Chief.
betcha it can twin
Adam Hinds announced his intention to run for the senate from the HON and the crowd there sure didn’t look like those in need. Those who he was hired to champion for,and paid to do so for by the taxpayers were nowhere to be found. I thing maybe he should have announced from The Shady Rest Hotel. I applaud him for his efforts to help the youth at risk and his service to our country. I just feel that we need less politicians from the community organization field representing the people versus someone with a proven record of success in business. Just look across the country in cities where these types are elected and see how life has really improved for the people they claim to represent. Some have been serving for years making more money than they ever have and making great connections to further themselves after political life,all the while the people who elected them are worse off. NY city council just voted themselves a $32 G pay raise and most of them are from inner cities where they were community organizers.
This has to be your worst post Jon. Hinds is a wanna be Kennedy.
Then why don’t you get off of your lazy bum and run for Berkshire State Senator? What is your plan to help the 70% of Pittsfield residents who live in poverty and depend on welfare caseloads, social service programs, and are members of the underclass? How would you stop all of the businesses from closing in Pittsfield? Who do you support in Pittsfield politics?
I believe that Adam Hinds wants to help a majority of Pittsfield residents who live in poverty! I stand by my support of Adam Hinds for Berkshire State Senator.
– Jonathan Melle
Hinds would be the last person in the world to get people off of welfare and working again.
Jonathan: What has Hinds said that makes you think that?
He knew enough to get the heck out of Pittsfield after the murder-shooting on July 4th. He was the Pittsfield Gang prevention Coordinator. What ever that is.
Donald Trump will NEVER be president of this country.
Repeat after me:
President Trump.
Say it:
President Trump
Not so hard is it?
It ain’t Andy, Jon. If tha’ll help ya!
I won’t vote for a hack andI won’t vote for someone from Franklin County.
Trump is for greatness doesn’t tell how. Sanders is a socialist. Clinton is a liar and not great at e mail. Rubio is the bubble boy. Bush sux. Paul is a fruit. Cruz is Haney from Green Acres. Kucinich thinks he’s Reagan. Carson is to smart. Christie bad at traffic pattern jam ups. Fiorina sounds like Purina. I like Huckabee!
Showing your age with that Green Acres reference.
Some good viewing tonight on channel 16. The Viewing starts at 4pm and continues right until 11p
What is the G Man’s dogs name? Bucky?
I believe it is. I was able to catch some of the show this morning. From what I saw it had some great information on the city budget. I’ll put it on tonight and then I’ll watch Dan’s show. I’m never home when it’s live.I might kick back with an adult beverage too.
There is only 1 way to get a business or corporation and that is the same way boston did,you have to have the state of ma buy you one,it’s called the state of boston…..bouvier is about boston,larkin was about boston, downing is about boston….he knows there’s not a day thing you can do for us except cut taxes and reduce spending……retail closings tell you what they already know…what I already know…I want tyer,mccandless amuso yon to know……and trump will not make America great again….this is America your in denial, this is america,this is pittsfield ….it’s depressing
I would take a casino in a heartbeat
If you have money to gamble with you must work fr the school department.
I’m just going to hold my nose and vote for the candidate that stinks the least.
The Berkshire Eagle is fishing in stories from all over the state to fill their shell of their news coverage. I guess it is much cheaper to pull in stories off the internet than pay a reporter to go out into the community and get stories or follow up on local stories.
Is this a sign that they are on the heels of the Country Buffet whose product got so bad, and patrons so few, that they had to board the place up?
Dingo, they have been doing that for the last 10 years. They are the shell of the newspaper they once were. As much as I like to bash the eagle, back in the day they were as good as anyone.Unfortunatly they don’t have the resources, or the integrity to continue. Drop that rag many years ago.
I’ve got a great idea,let’s build a new pittsfield high way out on valentine road on a big rock….amuso will love it
They did that once…..Alcatraz…. ( : ! : )
Follow along at home and as time goes on follow the money.
Crosby has 2 knuckleheads in charge,spends all day counting stock and cash at his school variety store,like the warden in the Shawshank redemtion
whch ones?
More social workers than administrators.. They are USELESS. Judy Williamson ring a bell anyone
February 5, 2016
Re: Note to Alan Chartock
Dear Alan,
While I respectfully disagree with your glowing review of Lenox State Representative William “Smitty” Pignatelli’s public record, I think you missed the point of the real reason why he declined to run for Berkshire State Senator. The answer is that he wasn’t enough of a Massachusetts Democratic Party political hack! The big guys wanted someone else to run. Therefore, you must have some legitimacy in praising Smitty Pignatelli. At least he is his own man and he doesn’t owe anyone any special favors.
Best regards,
– Jonathan Melle
To the owner of Lach’s, don’t think It’s a good idea to piss off a Lieutenant in the P P D..
Don’t the cops drink there?
Some Councilman and some well to do people. That’s what a License Board Member said concerning the Lach’s Lounge clientele? Before10:30 though, as the Board Member is also a patron and was at the Lounge the nightof the shooting in the Parking Lot. He ( the board memeber) left because of the element that enters the Bars after late hours. Unbelievable, this member needs to resign and stop being an advocate of these responsible Bar Owners. Dan Doyle and Diane Pero are exemplary Members of the Board and do a great job, the right way.
So they recognize that a negative element often frequent some bars in the later hours. And it is probably safe to say that these are the people getting shitfaced as the clock strikes midnight. But for whatever reason, these bars are allowed to stay open until what?? One or two in the morning? Seems to me this invites all kinds of trouble. But this licensing board is a bit like the school committee in that it seems to enable bad behavior. They often seem to actually be there to protect the bars from the police. Is that supposed to be their function?
Dana Doyle, exemplary!
Trump is saying what many Americans want to hear, but I’m not even sure he is tough enough to do what has to be done to save this country from the progressives. The progressives have been flushing this country down the toilet for far too long. The progressives want everybody taxed to the extreme in order to grow big government. The bigger government gets the more corrupt it becomes. We need only see locally what happens when government is out of touch with the people it was elected to serve.
Social Security and defense spending, take these to taxpayer cost away from your economy then tell me about your economy,if you put gay marriage back in the bottle please tell me how great a country we would be……these people want to believe,macys, country buffet,best buy,sabic,ge,……they all left probably because min wage is to high…..non of this,…the problem is denial and finger pointing…..every dollar earned on min wage goes back in the economy immediately. ….millionaire s put their money in a Roth Iraq and it is forever removed from the economy for 30 years never to be used to build a road or a water system,or school
Millionaires and billionaires donate lots of money to charity. Under the progressive system the government would be in charge of all of the money through extremely high taxation. Who is to say it would use it wisely and not abuse its power? There is no guarantee. Who would be the watchdog in that system? The people? No, because they are dependent on government taking care of them? Its an unequal relationship from the beginning with the government having all of the power.
Change may write like an idiot and spell like an idiot……but don’t let that fool you he/she really is an idiot.
Corporate brainwashing through conservative radio,repeating things over and over again until its a song in your head
Liberal brainwashing happens from listening to the media forever extolling green energy, climate change, and letting big daddy government take care of everyone. The only catch is that we will all be taxed into the stone age and the rich will still be with us only the playing field will be much more unequal as we will have only two classes the rich and the poor. The government will be extremely intrusive in all of our lives as it continues to expand under the progressives.
which radio what thing over and over?
How do you spin your loss of 75 percent of 401 KS understand bushes world financial collapse of 2007 and 8….yes dem s cleaned it up….where are the liberals….blame your lack of wealth on solar power and gay marriage. …you don’t really believe this or maybe you do
Lach’s is closed for a while. Change must have found out that Sim’s installed wi fi.
Fox news is the patriot chanel, remember when Shawn hannifty said he would fight in Iraq if we needed him and 3 week s later bush said we need more volunteers and hannifty did not go….15 year war and he never signed up to fight,you see he thought it would be over in 2…..that’s a liberal
Do you remember when Bill Clinton fought in Bosnia?
Yup, it’s called The Lewinsky War.
Conservative s blame their. Lack of wealth on higher min wage
OK Change,which conservative says this?
Conservative s blame deficit on social security
Oh my
Change,which conservative says this?
Conservative thinking says the poor are bringing down the middle class, it’s the middle class is just getting poor…that’s America now…you think pittsfield got polluted from solar power,wind power ok with real Americans or do only real Patriots use petro…..real men heat only with no.2 heating oil….real American kids study on a toxic Corp swamp …breathing clean air is for wimps…..
who said that?
Trump will make America great again,what year was that….only the ones Republicans were in charge….Trump is tough guy….
If you say so
Get use to pittsfield, dalton,lee,lenox,adams,north adams,great barrington….it a herion helllllll around here,no hope poor,violent angry berkshires…..most tourist areas in this world are dirt poor,that’s us….blame it on gay marriage, gun laws in new York city ….I’m a liberal and I want to own a gun,I’m a liberal and I want the deficit paid and a balanced budget….greed,money,rich,is the root of all evil…not poor people,not gay people,
Who the FLICK says poor people or gay people are the root of all evil? Seriously Change, sober up before you post.
Well they are
Pat,Allendale school kids are tough,toughest in new england… wimps in that school
Conservatives sing a song for the rich and powerful,they can’t do this on their own,that need you in their choir
Can you repeat that? This me try English.
Your spamming these boards looks like you are trying to turn this into Topix. You should keep this crap there.
You’re a liberal democrat. We got that. You are entitled to your opinion but stop with the spamming.
You are trying hard to instigate trouble here. Take it over to your home – Topix.
Looking at Tueday’s City Council agenda, The C. C. H20 man’s Rule 27 streak continues. It must be a record for Rule 27 filings. The present council president treats his petitions the same.
Kudos for his tenacity in attempting to evoke change.
Chances are that he will have a good effect of
city government. He ran for mayor, is a household name now and he didn’t have to spend a dime. Maybe others will build on his style and run for office. We need to follow his lead and break the GOB/SIG grip on this city
Agree-with the others posters that it is so idiotic of the LIcensing Board to cut back hours to the Bars with problems, yet reinstate the hours and it starts all over again.Good Posts Dingo and Beezerdo.
Where was Hillary when Monica was chomping on slick willies harmonica?
She and Janet Reno were at a clam dinner
say Carson Caucas three times fast.