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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY, FEB. 8, 2016) — Kathy Yon must go.

Let THE PLANET keep this simple. Pittsfield finds itself in a financial pinch one or two missteps from a full-blown crisis. It resulted from a generation of administrations, city councils, and school committees taking care of The Suits and, as the city’s population declined from almost 60,000 to near 40,000, enriching the Pittsfield School Department. As the population dropped and the middle class disappeared, the pols kept adding positions to the schools to create the largest single political voting block in the city.

Do the math. To run all city departments, services, and operations, the city side employs 489 workers. Meanwhile, the PSD grew to its present unsustainable size of more than 1,200 employees. To each of these 1,200 you must add their family, friends, and loved ones of voting age. What’s the multiplier — 2.5? 3? 4? Let’s play if safe and say three. That gives you a PSB bloc of 3,600 people who have a vested interest in seeing the schools get more, much more, and ton$ more. Combine that with the apathy that has gripped the general public after having been shut out of the political process for those 30 years, and you have the formula for disaster.

While everyone has some blame for this situation — mayor, councilors, department heads, citizens — no one shares more culpability that the Pittsfield School Committee (PSC). They directly interface with the school administration come budget time. When they rubber stamp extravagant requests, they stand guilty of dereliction of duty.

Lady, Your Hoo Hahs Are Sagging

Unfortunately, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski have as their “representative” the worst chair in PSC history: Kathy Yon. She has made an art form of unaccountability, deception, and SIG-sagging. When the principals of the Pittsfield schools came before her with their requests for more, much more, and ton$ more, Lady Boots ignored the failure in the schools and wet herself thanking all of them for … for what, exactly, we don’t know.

To be sure, there are many teachers in the PSD doing their best, working wonders, in those mean corridors and classrooms. They have a thankless job trying to instill some learning in a majority of kids who have been brought up wild, neglected, spoiled, and abandoned by too many single moms and missing dads. The schools aren’t equipped for such social triage.

Let’s do more math.

Since 2006, Pittsfield has lost nearly $50 million from school choice — parents opting to remove their children from the PSD and into other country public schools, including the uber-performing BART in Adams. Here are the numbers indicating what percentage of Pittsfield school kids left the system for other county schools:

2006, 2.88%

2007, 3.11%

2008, 3.08%

2009, 3.39%

2010, 4.38%

2011, 4.76%

2012, 5.05%

2013, 5.60%

2014, 5.93

2015, 7.07%

Fraud: School Choice Loss Gets Billed to the General Fund

Does anyone detect a pattern? The kicker to all this lost money is that it’s billed to the city side of the budget. That’s right. The PSD’s incompetence loses $5 million, but the money comes out of the general fund, not the school department budget.

Congratulations, Lady Boots, Grandpa Munster Jr., Venus Hum, and the rest of the blundering PSC. You just presided over the greatest academic failure in city history.

For that, you rewarded not just full-time teachers and part-time teachers but also guidance counselors, department heads, team leaders, unit leaders, head teachers, supervisors of attendance, coaches, librarians, media specialists, teachers of students with special needs, speech therapists, caseworkers, clinical social workers, in-hour suspension teachers, peer mediation counselors, certified ESL teachers, supervisors of vocational education, instructional technology specialists, evening school teachers, ABE teachers, TPP instructors, mentor teachers, school nurses, school nurse leader, occupational therapists, physical therapists, academic coaches, and extra-curricular personnel with a new, three-year contract that provides pay raises of 16.2% to 18%.

We have challenged the PSC or administration to refute these figures after they did a lot of whining publicly about that Mean Mr. PLANET and his “detrimental” coverage ofthe PSD in the “blogosphere.” Not one of the runts accepted the challenge.

Pittsfield has a spending problem. If it wishes to solve it, it has two choices:

1. Raise more money.

2. Cut costs.

Option 1. has been the default action in the form of raising taxes, resulting in Pittsfield having the state’s most punishing tax situation when factoring in ability to pay. That will no longer suffice. That leaves option 2.

If the city cuts costs, it has no other choice but to his the PSD budget, hard. There are many ways to do this while at the same time driving up quality. Tomorrow we’ll present just how to do this. We hope Mayor Tyer will be taking notes.

Meanwhile, be thinking about Campaign ’17 and the ousting of Kathy Yon and her goons. The city can’t afford them.


“When I was young, I thought the most important thing in life was money. Now that I’m old, I know that it is.”Oscar Wilde



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Counting Pennies
Counting Pennies
9 years ago

The school department budget should be cut 7%, each year, for three years.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Counting Pennies
9 years ago

Hmmm…..where did I hear that before?

Johnny Dingo
Johnny Dingo
9 years ago

Puppets and enablers. This school committee has no idea what their core mission is supposed to be. It is no wonder the schools they oversee are turning out such a high percentage of students who will forever wander through life clueless. It is immoral but I doubt if there is a one of them that loses any sleep over it. It is a me me me world out there.

As a show of good faith they should man up and answer your questions Mr Meany but they are cowards and cannot justify the spending they authorize. Any serious budget questions might trigger a serious stuttering episode.

9 years ago

Mayor tyer would have a public event if a company came to pittsfield with twenty jobs.This is not happening. Mayor you and Mrs yon and Mr mccandless need to publicly address why a new high school should be put on hold,let’see where we are going for the next 2 years,let’s talk about Allendale school, close crosby it’s a money pit,…..don’t add money to broken programs at phs and jrc..redirect the money …Hibbard school is a dump,crosby school is a dump,Allendale is built on a dump

9 years ago

The Herion hills can’t continue to pretend we are not the herion hills of western ma.The school committee in their defense does not see the underside of the programs a year later,they are lied to about success of programs. …amuso and yon blush when school programs are proposed,mazzeo wants school votes when she runs for mayor….just pray tyer does not become mazzeo. ..mazzeo had great potential but was seduced by school spending…tyer can make mccandless address school spending in this economy

9 years ago

Everyone in a position to do anything about it has been agreeing to outrageous school spending. Somebody has to wake up and pull in the reins because it is bringing this city to eventual bankruptcy. It’s a long time to the next election to get rid of Yon and her goon squad and they can continue to do a lot of damage in that time.

Barack Kelley
Barack Kelley
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

Pat, there are those who are trying to change things for the better in Pittsfield. There are those who speak to the city council at every meeting, some address the council at some meetings. A few have TV shows on channel 16, and we have this blog. I know that the TV shows put their email addresses on screen. Contact them! Speaking out on a blog lets us vent, but we really need action.

Yes, the next city election isn’t for a while. But we have to keep making noise and we have to look for good candidates. The citizens need to be told what is at stake here…and they need to be told often.

Reply to  Barack Kelley
9 years ago

I agree. The ones who should be listening are, unfortunately, the ones who say they tune out from reading what is said on this site. Talk about arrogance. As Dan V. has said, many of these are people on the school payroll who do not want the good times to end. They will not vote against their own interests. This will not be an easy fight.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

nor will you vote against your own interest twin

Barack Kelley
Barack Kelley
Reply to  Pat
9 years ago

I predict that a leader will be once again addressing the city council in the public session. Be sure to watch Pat.

Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

The School Committee must think under and improving the ratio of students leaving DIstrict is the formula for increased funding and pay raises. A gentleman spoke at one of the City Council meeting a couple of years ago and questioned why? the School Committee should be compensated? His theory was, why fix something that isn’t broken, that fellows comment stuck in my mind. The answer is, underachieving seems to be the answer to all the reasons to throw money into the pit including paying the fox to run the hen house. Lady Boots et al should have declined the stipend, especially after their’ poor performance. Tax payers need to revolt, let’s get behind Mr. Gaetani if he’s willing to do the leg work, we should help his cause to get the New School proposition back into the hands of the taxpayer….Let’s Do It !!!’

Reply to  Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Pittsfield rewards poor performance by the schools with more money. Worse schools are, more Lady Boots and the goons send their way.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
9 years ago

Pittsfield politics is totally corrupt. The Good Old Boys have power over the past couple of generations by serving the vested interests. The local taxpayers lose every fiscal year with annual 5% tax hikes. Pittsfield’s huge debts hover in the one-half billion dollar range, and they will never be paid off in our lifetime!
The reason why a majority of people in Pittsfield do NOT participate in their state and local government is because Pittsfield politics is a China-like one party political system that suppresses citizen participation. If you are not a Good Old Boy Massachusetts Democratic Party political hack, then you do not have a voice in your government in Pittsfield politics. If you try to participate in your government, they will retaliate against you until you “shut the front door”.
Per the Pittsfield public school department’s budget, it is all about the bureaucratic economic formula that rewards Pittsfield’s 70% poverty numbers where all K – 6 students receive free school lunches. Pittsfield receives tens of millions of dollars in federal and state administered public education funds. Pittsfield’s public schools are a big financial benefit for Pittsfield politics!
– Jonathan Melle

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
9 years ago

Everytime a candidate loses his-her luster, the powers to be bring out a retread-dud to take their place.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Miss Vito
9 years ago

very well put. its about time somebody made some sense, miss vito, you nailed it.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Eliminate public access TV in Pittsfield and pass the savings on to the consumer. We are subsidizing this mess and it costs us hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. If people believe it is important, than the tens of people that watch the crappy programming and can’t get their information anywhere else should pool their funds together to make up for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in franchise fees that the rest of us are charged. Talk about immediate tax relief.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Are you kidding SHH? Public access TV is what gives us the power to view the shenanigans!! 116-3 has a few goofy shows, but that is a tiny price to pay for the rest of it. That $1 on my cable bill is the most valuable part of the entire bill.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

I don’t care if you like it. You can subscribe to whatever service you like. Just don’t make me pay for it.

Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Don’t pay for it SHH – get Dish or one of the other alternatives. They don’t carry it and you don’t pay for it. If you subscribe to TWC you get it and you pay for it. I don’t watch most TV, yet I pay the $12.79 a month to get the first 25 or so channels. I only watch a few of them – but I pay for them all.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

It still costs the City money, and the school district. Get rid of all of it. stop wasting my money. Shut down BRTA too. I shouldn’t be taxed for things that lazy, useless bums benefit from and I don’t.

Barack Kelley
Barack Kelley
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

If you get any type of pay TV such as cable or satellite you are paying for some channels that you don’t want……buy a roof top antenna and get your 400 lbs on your roof and you can get free broadcast TV.

Keep the Change
Keep the Change
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Depending on the plan satellite TV can be much cheaper

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Keep the Change
9 years ago

I am too busy working to pay my taxes so all you freeloaders can squawk on blogs all day.

Barack Kelley
Barack Kelley
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

And where are you squawking from? Do you work?

Barack Kelley
Barack Kelley
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Shakes, even you can have your own TV show……start off helping on noclew’s show. I hear they have free pizza for the crew.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Barack Kelley
9 years ago

I don’t have a TV, why would I want to be on a show?

9 years ago

Not all citizens are fed up with the goings on here. Seen a gentleman with a sixties like outfit on, twirling and dancing in the streets yesterday.

Reply to  Nota
9 years ago

He is sooo happy!! Nice guy. I gave him an umbrella once in a rainstorm – now we’re buddies.

Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

I know who you mean, I call him the happy guy. He’s a sweet, lost soul but who knows maybe he’s more “found” than the rest of us.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Water and sewer are enterprise funds. While they need effective management, they are loss leaders that don’t impact the remainder of the budget, the fees and rates are set to cover expenses. If you don’t want to spend much on them, then conserve.

Barack Kelley
Barack Kelley
Reply to  Shakes His Head
9 years ago

Pittsfield has dihydrogen monoxide in all it’s reservoirs. 100% of all people who consume it will die and it causes oxidation of iron. It’s very dangerous.

Kathy Yawn
Kathy Yawn
Reply to  Barack Kelley
9 years ago


Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Barack Kelley
9 years ago

you’re on target there Barack. 100% of the people who drink Pittsfield water will die.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
9 years ago

Not in this City Shakes, the more you save the more they spend.

Reply to  Dilly Dally
9 years ago

I put in a meter several years ago, cut my water bill from $675 a year to $125 per year. I am a firm believer in conservation. I wish we’d get rid of municipal trash pick up too. I put out one can ever 3-4 weeks.

Trump will be next President
Trump will be next President
Reply to  Southeast
9 years ago

And what make people pay extra for trash pickup? It would not reduce taxes by one red cent. Who cares how little trash you put out.
The whole purpose of government is to provide decent roads, clean water, sanitary trash removal and basic necessities of life.
Only a GOB would speak the way you speak.

Distressed Cat
Distressed Cat
Reply to  Trump will be next President
9 years ago

We’re one of the few towns left with curbside garbage collection and we can least afford it. Why is it GOB to point that out? You must have a special interest in that lucrative contract.

Trump will be next President
Trump will be next President
Reply to  Distressed Cat
9 years ago

What are you talking about “we can least afford it”?
The taxpayers pay for this service. You want to take it away and make the people pay for it privately? That is the same as a huge tax increase.

How come we could always afford it before but not now? Why can we least afford it? Is the money given instead to Scarafoni for rented space on 100 North St. $150,000 to Monteroso. Millions to the school department and raises for all? Yet no money for basic services like trash pickup or road repairs.

You are GOB Praxis33.

Distressed Cat
Distressed Cat
Reply to  Distressed Cat
9 years ago

Garbage should be pay as you throw like other utilities. Next you’ll want us to pay your gas bill too.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Distressed Cat
9 years ago

Only because other towns have totally given in to the sigs

9 years ago

At least require that they have a dental plan on PCTV. It wasn’t to long ago shows we’re done in a bath tub down at the studio.

9 years ago

Souteast, I know that guy also, gave him some beads (gold) one time. I think he used to be some kind of Rock Star.

9 years ago

It might be the water, Mr. G. Should have him on the show.

9 years ago

I’d like to go off topic for a moment if I may. Did anyone notice city crews sweeping North and South Streets around midnight on Wednesday? I was coming into town and saw several workers with the machinery sweeping the streets only to plow and sand them 4 hours after when the snow started. We tax payers must pay for not only the overtime for the crews but it is not cheap to operate the machinery. Wondering what the Mayor was thinking. Did she send out the order to do this or was this a department head who was responsible for the waste? Either way I am curious as to what the logic is for this.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Phyllis
9 years ago

If there is no snow to deal with and it’s winter they cant do warmer weather tasks so in order for them bot to be sitting around doing nothing they probably find stuff for them to do.

Harlan Rinklenutts
Harlan Rinklenutts
9 years ago

Must be a new system..February Clean up. Barry?

9 years ago

Yon want s to drug test cooks,bakers,clerks secretarial, paraproffesioals custodians ….but not administrators….I mean the way amuso,mazzeo,yon,Taylor have blushed and flirted with the 2 Jakes and now Mr bishop at phs….I’m thinking that Mr bishop has a future in pittsfield based on all the blushing when men in education talk about spending money… mazzeo and amuso grilled guys they don’t like…..yon wants to drug test cooks …wow….they can’t afford the custodians and clerks now that teacher contract is settled…..would yon please settle the kitchen contract for the ladies is 2 percent to much for clerks or secrataries……

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

Matt Bishop is a good administrator. He tries damn hard to work with the “cliquey” staff at PHS and communicate effectively. He is clearly being groomed for a position at Mercer and I hope he gets it. Him and Henry Duvall run a tough school with a staff that is for the most part useless and full of themselves. The departments are so divided amongst each other it’s disgusting.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  LoneGunMan
9 years ago

That simply means there is a lack of leadership at the top

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Change
9 years ago

McCandless tested positive for Beano

9 years ago

The principle at crosby never leaves her office…90,000 dollars….they think they are ceos….get these people walking their schools,,all day everyday…this is curtis job…get they have meeting at administration during the school day,that should never happen….kids go home at 3.1pm. That is mid afternoon in most jobs not the end of the day….walk your building all day

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

Isn’t she retiring after this year?

Reply to  Change
9 years ago

With the salaries they are making they could be CEO’s. It all goes to their heads and makes them think they are above everybody else.

9 years ago

Phyliss has something here , I believe what they are doing is using up money in the budget for snow removal, driving by demming park this morning there was a crew of guys on foot picking up paper and trash, ??? this job is always done for free in another month by the annual spring volunteer clean up at demming park.

Barack Kelley
Barack Kelley
9 years ago
Discreet Cat
Discreet Cat
9 years ago

Sorry to hear that.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
9 years ago

Did anyone catch that noise during the game yesterday?

Barack Kelley
Barack Kelley
Reply to  Shelly Liver
9 years ago

that was half time

9 years ago

Don’t forget to get car out of the roads and make sure you shovel or else the city health department clown Mark Lazydell will ticket you.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
9 years ago

Does anyone know of a job description for city councilors or school committee members? How do we know what they are expected to do if we don’t know?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Benigno Fiasconi
9 years ago

I believe they have to be 18 yo and residents of Pittsfield. your problems with the school committee started in the mid 70’s when the citizens opted for and voted for an at-large school committee. until that time the sc consisted if one person from each ward. if you were unhappy in those days you at least had someone to bitch to. the twins campaigned vigorously for an at large committee so now we have what we have. six people who are faceless to most and only have to keep a small constituency happy. once elected you’re there for life.

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Thomas More
9 years ago

Thanks for the information

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
Reply to  Benigno Fiasconi
9 years ago

You’ve lost me with the twins statement

Benigno Fiasconi
Benigno Fiasconi
9 years ago

The school committee shall have all powers which are conferred on school committees by the General Laws and the additional powers and duties provided by charter, ordinance or otherwise and not inconsistent with the General Laws. The powers and duties of the school committee shall include:
Selecting and removing a superintendent of the schools who shall be charged with the administration of the school system, subject only to policy guidelines and directives adopted by the school committee and, upon the recommendation of the superintendent, to establish and appoint assistant or associate superintendents as authorized by the General Laws;
Making all reasonable rules and regulations for the management of the public school system and for conducting the business of the school committee as deemed necessary or desirable; and
Adopting and overseeing the administration of an annual operating budget for the school department, subject to appropriation by the city council; provided, however, that the school committee shall have general charge and superintendence of all school buildings and grounds and shall furnish all school buildings with proper fixtures, furniture and equipment; provided further, that the school committee shall provide ordinary maintenance of all school buildings and grounds, unless a central municipal maintenance department, which may include maintenance of school buildings and grounds, is established; provided further, that whenever the school committee shall determine that additional classrooms are necessary to meet the educational needs of the community, at least one member of the school committee, or a designee of the school committee, shall serve on the agency, board or committee for the planning or construction of the new, remodeled or renovated school building.